Y&R Transcript Monday 11/29/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 11/30/10 -- USA
Episode # 9536 ~ Sharon Finds Herself at a Crossroads
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Michael: Excuse me. I'm looking for this woman. Have you by chance seen her? She's in the area. No? Okay, thank you.
Nick: Hi. I am, uh, looking for this woman. I know she's in the area. Have you happened to see her?
Woman: Yes, she's been here.
Nick: You saw this woman? When?
Woman: She came through here just today. I'm not sure what time, though.
Nick: Was she alone? Was she being followed? Anything like that?
Woman: Well, I don't recall noticing anyone.
Nick: Okay. Uh, how did she seem? Was she upset or distracted? Like, uh, distracted that maybe she might pick up one of your things without paying for it, something like that?
Woman: Oh, no, nothing like that, no. Uh, but I do remember...
Nick: What?
Woman: Well, she was such a beautiful girl, and I just felt it was a shame she didn't smile more.
Nick: Okay, do you happen to know which direction she went?
Woman: I'm sorry. But if she comes back, I--
Nick: Yes, yes. Here. Here, this is my card. Call me on this number if you see her again. There are many people who love her. She might be in danger. Please call me, okay? Thank you very much.
Woman: Oh, yes, of course.
Sharon: You followed me.
Adam: I had to.
Sharon: I'm with Nick now. I-I told you. You and I--there's no-- I mean, we never ev--
Jack: Do your mommy and daddy have any idea how good you are with your sister?
Summer: And Sharon, too. Are they gonna be home soon?
Jack: Are you tired of me already? I'm crushed. I'm crushed. You hear me? I'm crushed.
Faith: (Babbles)
Summer: (Giggles)
Jack: You gonna walk to her?
Faith: (Giggles)
Jack: There you go. Yay!
Summer: Oh! (Giggles)
Diane: Okay, now remember what I told you. Your dad had to skip Thanksgiving because a friend of his is missing.
Kyle: I'm not stupid, Mom. Did they find that lady Skye?
Diane: No. No, they didn't.
Skye: I could use another drink.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Being dead can do that to you.
Skye: The last time I was dead was amusing. This time...
Victor: You'll be fine. Don't worry about it.
Skye: My life dissolved in less than 24 hours, and I never saw it coming. You having money in the Newman fund-- taking it out and bankrupting us.
Victor: Always know your investors.
Skye: With the way you and Jack hate each other, why would I ever suspect you two had teamed up?
Victor: Hmm. You're talking about the N.A. partnership?
Skye: (Scoffs) Newman-Abbott.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Skye: (Scoffs) It was right in front of me.
Victor: You were too busy-- all of you were too busy with your own agenda.
Skye: Including Jack.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Skye: He thought it was a simple plan to ruin Adam, didn't he? And you pulled your end around and walked away better off than when you started. But I guess that's why you're you. Always one step ahead.
Victor: Remember all that. Better to be my ally than my enemy.
Deacon: You know, you really are gorgeous when you're sober.
Nikki: Oh, lovely. A.A. humor.
Deacon: Come on. Why don't you tell me about how, uh, Solidarity House was no fun without me, and I'll tell you about the place that I went afterwards, because I gotta tell you, it was no fun without you.
Nikki: Sobriety is very fragile. Hangin' out with an old drinking buddy is not a good idea.
Deacon: You're havin' tea. I'll have coffee.
Nikki: (Sighs) Just like that, huh?
Deacon: Nikki, it can be any way you want it.
Nikki: Now what is it the program says about the first six months of sobriety? (Gasps) No romantic entanglements.
Deacon: Well, now will you look at that? I think I just got a promotion. Now I'm a romantic entanglement.
Nikki: (Sighs) You look well, Deacon. Take care.
Deacon: (Sighs)
Michael: Yes, Detective, I'm still at the Cornstalk Hotel. Oh, well, if you-- if you find anything out-- yeah. Thank you. Bye.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Hey.
Michael: Phyllis?
Phyllis: Uh, no. No. Hi. Hi. Crazy that you're here. That's crazy. Yeah.
Michael: Yeah, crazy. What the hell are you doing here?
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Oh. Oh, your ex.
Phyllis: No, d-don't. Don't, don't. Please don't tell him I'm here.
Michael: How can I not tell him this?
Phyllis: It's for a good cause. Trust me. It's for a good cause. (Ring)
Michael: Yeah, any sign of Sharon?
Nick: I actually found a shop that Sharon was in, but that's it so far. Has she come back to the hotel?
Michael: No. Nothing new here.
Nick: Okay. Sharon, where the hell are you?
Sharon: No. No, no, no. No. (Sighs)
Adam: You ran, and I followed. There's nothing for me in Genoa City, not if you're not there. Skye, the money, none of it matters. I sleep and I dream of you. I wake, and every thought has you in it. All I am now is this man who loves you.
Adam: Come with me.
Sharon: I can't.
Adam: You can. I know you can. I know because of that kiss. You came here for a reason. You're at a crossroads.
Sharon: Crossroads.
Adam: You have decisions to make, decisions that scare you. The answers are-- they're all around you. And they're here. You just have to listen.
Sharon: To what?
Adam: I don't know. I don't know. Fate? The gods? The angels? They're trying to tell you something. They're trying to tell us something. All we have to do, Sharon, is listen.
Nikki: (Sighs) Oh, please.
Deacon: What? Come on. Now you've got your tea, and I've got my coffee.
Nikki: I have already made it very clear. I'm not interested.
Deacon: Nikki, you and I, we went to the dark side, and we came out the same way. Now I don't care what the "Big book" says about romantic entanglements. It doesn't say a damn thing about kindred spirits.
Nikki: (Scoffs) We got loaded together, okay? When a drunk is on a bender, they can find a kindred spirit in every bar.
Deacon: We weren't loaded when we made love.
Nikki: One time only. No grand romance. No meshing of souls, and by the way, there will not be a repeat performance.
Deacon: Why? 'Cause Victor says so?
Victor: Don't worry. You'll get used to being dead again.
Skye: You've known for a while I was gonna end up like this, haven't you? Since before that damn elevator went on the fritz.
[Skye remembering]
Victor: Mm. At some point, I have a feeling you'll want out of your situation with Adam. If that is the case, or when that becomes the case, then I'll be there for you, okay?
Skye: (Sniffles)
Skye: (Sniffles) It's me. (Sniffles) You said if things went wrong, I could call you.
Skye: It's all gone-- the money, the fund, Adam.
Victor: You do exactly as I say. You'll be fine. You need this-- passport, new identification, bank account. You'll be taken care of for the rest of your life.
Skye: What will this cost me?
Victor: You do exactly as I'm telling you.
Michael: Go home.
Phyllis: Oh, why are you camped out here? It must mean that Sharon is staying here.
Michael: All right, see? Look, dialing Nick's number. Dialing his number.
Phyllis: No, no, no, no, no, you are not. You are not. I am a journalist. This is the story of a lifetime. Adam kills Skye then follows Sharon to New Orleans, the most romantic city in the United States. Give me a break. Have you seen Adam yet?
Michael: All right, you listen to me. We are dealing with real people here, not one of your stories. Adam has snapped. That makes him more dangerous than ever.
Phyllis: Oh, that's great.
Michael: You're not going anywhere near him.
Phyllis: Oh, please. You and Nick aren't hiding under the covers. I'd be an idiot to walk away, Michael. I'm staying. Adam is here. Sharon is here. It's a great story. Potential blood bath. Illicit rendezvous. (Giggles)
Michael: There's no evidence that's the case.
Phyllis: There's no evidence it isn't.
Sharon: Wow. How did you know about this place?
Adam: Angels. Angels all the way.
Man: Welcome to Oak Alley.
Adam: Hi. Thank you. Um, this place is lovely. We were hoping to just walk around and talk a bit, find a good place that's nice and quiet.
Sharon: There's such an aura of peace here. The trees are majestic.
Man: Oak Alley is all that and more.
Adam: You mind if, uh, we walk around?
Man: Please, take your time. Explore. There's much to be learned here about beauty and hardship and redemption.
Adam: Thank you.
Deacon: So are you and Victor back together?
Nikki: And why would I tell you about my personal life?
Deacon: I'm gonna take that as a no.
Nikki: He's out of town.
Deacon: You know, if he's out of town, I mean, we could spend a little time together. We could go for a walk or, um, I don't know, maybe go see a movie. I mean, that's platonic, right?
Nikki: My children despise you. Most of this town detests you, and I think the program would frown upon that.
Deacon: You know, not one of those things actually has anything to do with us.
Nikki: I just need some peace and quiet, time to figure out what comes next.
Deacon: I-I could help you with that, Nikki.
Nikki: No, we're done.
Deacon: Okay, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please. I'll stop. All right? Just--I'm-- uh, your tea is cold. Let me get you another one. Just give me five minutes, please?
Nikki: (Sighs) Fine.
Deacon: Really?
Nikki: Fine.
Deacon: All right. Uh, the--
Nikki: Five minutes.
Deacon: Okay, but the clock does not start until I get back with the tea, right?
Nikki: Okay. Go. Go.
Deacon: Okay, okay, cool.
Deacon: Hey, do you want any, uh, do you want any bis--
Victor: I remember when you called me to your suite. You were ruined. No money in the bank account, very angry investors, and the possibility of spending a lot of time in prison.
Skye: I know all that. I was the one sobbing on the bed.
Victor: Now all that is taken care of.
Skye: When you showed up in my doorway, I-I couldn't be sure if you were there to save me or send me straight to hell.
Victor: It wasn't all that bad, now was it?
Skye: Except now I have to live by your rules.
Victor: I'll set you up financially. You will live a life of indulgence. You will not play high-stakes poker with high rollers who you steal from, and you will not divulge who you are, okay?
Skye: Killjoy.
Victor: This won't be the first time that you're presumed dead and killed by a sociopath. But this time, you'll stay dead, murdered by that... Adam Newman. Murdered in cold blood.
Adam: (Sighs)
Sharon: It's almost like it's ours, like we're the only two people in the world.
Adam: We are the only two, Sharon. No one but us.
Michael: Do you really want to splash Nick's business all over the cover of your magazine? The father of your child. The father of Summer.
Phyllis: Oh, father of Summer? Please, this is about Adam. It's not about Nick. It's not even about Sharon. I don't care. She's a sidebar. And Nick may not even make it into the article if I write it. Of course, if somebody else writes it, it's fair game. (Sighs) Do you want to work on an exclusive together?
Michael: Oh, do I have to stick you on a plane myself? 'Cause I will.
Nick: Phyllis? What are you doing here? Did you know she was coming?
Michael: Oh, don't blame this on me. I was just telling her she needs to go home now. Now!
Phyllis: Don't--don't-- don't point at me. I'm not here sightseeing. I'm here for a story.
Nick: You were supposed to be watching Summer and Faith. Who's watching my kids?
Jack: You know, Kyle, as much as I hated missing Thanksgiving, I would take a nice juicy steak over a turkey any day of the week.
Kyle: Me, too.
Diane: I bet you forgot I could function in a kitchen, huh?
Kyle: I can make grilled cheese.
Diane: (Chuckles)
Jack: Well, you might want to expand your repertoire. If you do, when you get to college, girls will swoon.
Diane: Oh, no, that's-- thank you very much. That's what every mother wants to hear.
Kyle: Seriously? Girls like that?
Jack: Seriously.
Diane: (Laughs)
Jack: (Chuckles)
Diane: Summer, would you help Kyle get that big cake out of the fridge?
Summer: Cake!
Jack: Cake. Cake.
Kyle: (Chuckles)
Summer: Come on!
Kyle: I'm comin'. I'm comin'.
Jack: Was it my imagination, or did Kyle just forget how angry he is at both of us for that "Restless Style" exposé?
Diane: Well, let's pretend we didn't notice, or he might remember.
Jack: I tell you what. It's nice to have this dining room full again. And you-- you can cook now?
Diane: Yes. High priestess of the cook top.
Jack: (Laughs)
Diane: (Chuckles) And you--oh, thank you. Faith, my little friend, for one so little, you make a big mess, don't you? Yes, you do. Thank you.
Jack: Well, I would certainly rather clean that up...
Diane: Thank you.
Jack: Than the other messes in my life right now.
Skye: You came up with the perfect scenario, didn't you? A husband who's made it known he can't stand his wife starts a hedge fund with her, and when it collapses, he takes it out on the poor missus.
Victor: And Adam played right into it every time he threatened you.
Skye: You finally get your payback on a grand scale. It's almost operatic. Only how can you count on Adam being convicted? I mean, he didn't even go to trial last time.
Victor: Mm-hmm. This time is different, because I'm in control. He hurt a lot of people very close to me. He was responsible for the death of a child that I had with Ashley. He took away Justin Hightower's father.
Skye: But I'm not even dead.
Victor: Skye Newman is dead, killed by her sociopathic husband Adam. He will spend time behind bars. I promise you.
Sharon: It's true. Even the food tastes better here.
Adam: Am I cliché for ordering crawfish étouffé?
Sharon: (Chuckles) Well, I ordered the gumbo, which makes me a serious cliché, and I want bananas foster for dessert. How many thousands of people do you think have ordered that exact same thing?
Adam: No one, 'cause there is nobody else. Not now. Not ever. It's just you and me. As a matter of fact, I created crawfish étouffé. And, as I understand it...
Sharon: I created bananas foster. It's true.
Adam: I built this house.
Sharon: I planted the trees.
Adam: It's ours. And no one can take that away from us.
Sharon: Are you sure about that? Because I don't want this to end.
Man: Yes, of course. I'll see to it right now.
Sharon: What was that about?
Adam: Well, as long as you're creating dessert, the very least I can do is make sure it's to your liking.
Diane: Summer adores you. You're wonderful with her.
Jack: Yeah, Summer and I have always had something special. It's a fact. But you and Faith-- that was some lullaby you managed up there.
Diane: It's not polite to be so shocked.
Jack: (Chuckles) I guess Kyle has, uh, had his fill of small talk. He's escaped to the media room.
Diane: Mm, he's a preteen boy. If he doesn't get in enough hours of video gaming, he'll spontaneously combust. You look like you could use this.
Jack: Thanks.
Diane: Is it being overrun by children? Or is it Skye?
Jack: That ex-husband of yours is a real S.O.B. I am convinced he has something to do with Skye missing.
Diane: Do you think Adam...
Jack: Murdered her? Well, he's certainly capable. I don't think he acted alone, though. I know Victor had something to do with this. He spreads pain and misery everywhere he goes, and there are no repercussions ever. Just once, just once...
Diane: You don't have to stop, you know. I realize that I'm probably not the person you want to be talking to, but I'm here. I'm happy to listen.
Michael: All right, I'm out. Makin' a phone call.
Phyllis: Michael.
Nick: You're unbelievable. I told you I needed to come down here and find Sharon and make sure Adam didn't get to her. I needed you to stay home and watch Summer and Faith.
Phyllis: And I told you that I went back--
Nick: Yeah, you dumped them off on Jack so you could come down here and write an article. That is your priority.
Phyllis: Jack adores those little girls.
Nick: I did not leave my children with Jack. I left them with you in Genoa City where they are safe. But you just couldn't be bothered to stay home and care for them.
Phyllis: Are you kidding me? Are you kidding me? So it's okay for you and Sharon to just leave the girls, but it's not okay for me to leave them with Jack? It's not okay? I have a legitimate reason for being here.
Nick: What reason could be more important than making sure those two girls are safe, that they are not touched by this at all?
Phyllis: I don't have a reason. They're safe. They're with Jack.
Nick: Richard Hightower is dead. Skye is probably dead. Dad and Ashley's baby... Adam is a killer. He is a murderer. Now maybe that's the appeal for you. Maybe you didn't come down here to write a story. You just wanted to see if Adam could get his hands on Sharon and hurt her. You would get a front row seat for it.
Phyllis: I can't believe you're saying that to me. I wasn't even thinking about Sharon. This is about Adam.
Nick: Everything about Adam is about Sharon. Him following her down here just proves how obsessed he is with her. He has never in his life wanted something more than he wants Sharon, and God only knows what it'll make him do.
Adam: You said you didn't want it to end.
Sharon: I don't.
Sharon: (Giggles) Mm.
Skye: What's this?
Victor: (Sighs) It's a flight manifest. According to that, I'm the only passenger on board. The next few weeks, I'm gonna fly all over the world.
Skye: If they think I'm alive and you spirited me away...
Victor: They'll never know where I dropped you off.
Skye: Speaking of that...
Victor: You'll know soon enough.
Skye: (Chuckles) I thought you were good in Brazil. Then you beat me again with the hedge fund. Now this?
Victor: You're very shrewd, and you're very talented. You've led a lot of people by the nose. But now you've come up against the champion. Don't ever forget that. That's why I know you will do exactly as I say.
Skye: How can you be so sure?
Victor: I've bested you two times. Three times and you're out.
Skye: (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: I'm gonna make some phone calls, and then you get her a cab.
Phyllis: Wait, where am I going?
Nick: You're going home.
Phyllis: Oh, absolutely not.
Michael: I'm on it.
Phyllis: Hey, we need to look for Sharon. We need to find her. I have two good feet right here.
Nick: Faith's mother's in danger.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Nick: I can't have Summer's mom in danger either.
Phyllis: I'm not gonna be reckless.
Nick: You already are just by being here. Adam may have killed Skye. He clearly came down here to claim Sharon in some way. I don't know what's gonna happen. What if-- what if Sharon rejects him, and he gets more out of his mind than he already is? I need do know that you are home safe and sound with my daughters. Please tell me you understand this and go home, Phyllis. Every second we spend here talking about this, Adam could get one step closer to her.
Jack: (Sighs)
Diane: Ouch.
Jack: What?
Diane: Well, I'm just picturing you trying to get two little girls up and ready in the morning. If you want, I'll bunk in the spare room. I'd be happy to help you out.
Jack: I think I can manage.
Diane: Well, call me if you need me.
Jack: I'll get Kyle.
Diane: He will be back.
Victor: All right. Pull straight into the hangar, okay? Thank you. (Sighs) This is where you get off.
Skye: The first stop? I thought maybe I could learn at the feet of the master for at least a little while.
Victor: Mm-hmm. A car will be waiting for you and a very talented artist will transform you.
Skye: No scalpels.
Victor: No. Just make you look different. Okay?
Skye: And the new me lives where?
Victor: (Chuckles)
Victor: You'll be dropped off in the middle of a Hawaiian jungle on some island.
Skye: I was hoping for a five-star hotel.
Victor: Ready? Neither I nor anyone you've ever known will ever see you again.
(Knock on door)
Nikki: Oh, now this is ridiculous.
Deacon: All right, you want to be alone, that's fine. But I don't. And I'm gonna sit right out here until you let me in.
Nikki: (Sighs) Five minutes.
Deacon: Okay.
Phyllis: I can't just leave. All my stuff is at the hotel.
Nick: I'll bring it all home with me. You're going.
Phyllis: (Sighs) You're really that worried?
Nick: Yes, I am. I need to know you're safe.
Phyllis: Okay. I got it.
Nick: Really?
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. I'm sorry I stressed you out.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: This is Nick. Yeah, hi. Mr. Baldwin told you straight to the airport, right? No stops. Okay, thanks. Your cab's here. You heard what I said. Straight to the airport, nothing funny.
Phyllis: Who, me? Good luck. I really mean that.
Michael: Look. I found the good part.
Nick: All right, now I marked all these locations already, so we don't double up on anything.
Michael: Yeah.
Nick: Any of this?
Michael: Look how close that was. Literally, she's blocks away. That A.T.M.
Man: Mr. Newman?
Nick: Yes, officer. Any news on Sharon?
Man: The N.O.P.D. has been in touch with your force back home and the U.S. Marshals service.
Michael: And you got a hit?
Man: A.T.M. security camera. It shows Adam Newman walkin' by. No one in the shot with him. We put an A.P.B. out.
Nick: Where was this?
Man: Just up the street.
Michael: He was that close.
Nick: And no one's seen him for hours? Adam could have already gotten to her.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Deacon: Hi.
Lauren: And now you're locked up. You will never get out of here!
Nick: Sharon?
Sharon: Nick?
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