Y&R Transcript Friday 11/26/10 -- Canada; Monday 11/29/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9535 ~ Nick Is Desperate to Find Sharon Before Adam Does
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Michael: Did you call the whole list? Who'd you speak to? The desk clerk? The manager? Who? Ju-- no, fine, fine. No. Thank you. Thank you. I will be in touch.
Nick: Excuse me. I am trying to find this woman. Have you seen her?
Michael: Yeah.
Woman: I haven't seen her.
Nick: Can you look more closely? It's important that I find her.
Woman: Nope, sorry.
Nick: (Sighs)
Michael: All right, Nick. Nick, let's grab some coffee.
Nick: No, this is stupid. I'm not stopping.
Michael: Just--let's get some coffee. We've been at this--
Nick: Michael, I want to keep moving. Sharon is out there somewhere. I have to find her before Adam does.
Michael: All right, I know. Relax. We have a plan, remember? We want a view of the square. This is the highest we need to be.
Nick: What'd your office say?
Michael: Sharon hasn't checked into any of the major hotels yet.
Nick: No, no, no, big hotels are not Sharon's thing. She came down here to get away, so we need to look in the smaller boutique hotels, B&Bs.
Michael: There must be hundreds of smaller boutique hotels and B&Bs.
Nick: Well, then we'd better get started. We are talking about Adam. He killed his wife.
Michael: We don't know that.
Nick: There's blood in her suite. We've heard Adam threaten Skye more than once. It's not too difficult to fill in the blanks here, Michael. Now he's stalking Sharon.
Michael: Listen to me. We don't even know if Adam's down here.
Nick: He's on a train headed south just like Sharon. Are you tellin' me that's a coincidence?
Michael: Look, I'm well aware that we can't take anything for granted where Adam's concerned.
Nick: (Sighs) Okay. Then what's our plan?
Michael: What's our plan? Uh, I think we should go door-to-door to some of the smaller boutique hotels, especially here in the French quarter. And I will have Chantal call the more out-of-the-way places.
Nick: Then let's go.
Woman: You're stayin' here, right?
Sharon: Um, sorry?
Woman: At the Cornstalk. My mama runs the place. I'm Lynda.
Sharon: Oh. Sharon. Nice to meet you, um...
Lynda: Uh, you care for a beignet? They're still warm. I just picked 'em up from café du monde.
Sharon: Uh, no, thank you. Um, they smell delicious.
Lynda: So Mama says this is your first time in New Orleans.
Sharon: Yeah. Yeah. It's beautiful. I'm looking forward to looking around.
Lynda: Oh, do you want me to grab you a map or something?
Sharon: No, no, that's fine. I think I'm-- I'm just gonna wander.
Lynda: Oh, that's the best way to see the city. So, uh, how was your room? Did you get a good night's sleep?
Sharon: Uh, not really. I-I mean, my room was-- it was fine. It's lovely, comfortable.
Lynda: Oh, uh...
Sharon: It's just, uh--
Lynda: You left your camera out, didn't you?
Sharon: Well, there were no ghosts that took pictures while I was tossing and turning, if that's what you mean.
Lynda: Well, my mama loves telling that story about how the hotel is haunted.
Sharon: Well, I think the only ghosts I saw last night are the ones that I brought with me from home. Um, that's what I'm doing here. I just need to figure some things out.
Lynda: Well, good luck with that. And, uh, have fun explorin'.
Sharon: Thank you.
(Telephone rings)
Jack: Abbott residence.
Phyllis: Guess what? I got the go-ahead to do the article on Adam.
Jack: "The Adam Chronicles" continue, huh?
Phyllis: Okay, well, I'm booked on the next flight to New Orleans.
Jack: Well, it probably goes without saying, but...
Phyllis: I know. I'll be careful. Adam's a snake, but that's gonna be one of the highlights of the story.
Jack: Who's taking care of Summer? I can look after her while you're gone.
Phyllis: Oh, wow, Jack, would you? That's so sweet. Thank you. Um, I have Faith, too. I-I was going to take care of her...
(Doorbell rings)
Phyllis: Since Nick is looking for Adam and Sharon.
Jack: You know what? The more, the merrier. Bring her on. (Stammers) Someone's at my door, okay?
Phyllis: Okay, I'll swing by.
Jack: Perfect. Coming. Diane.
Diane: You invite Kyle and me to Thanksgiving dinner. Then you flake on us? Kyle was so disappointed. What the hell was that?
Nikki: Victor, it's me. We need to talk. I didn't expect you to welcome me home with open arms, but this is ridiculous, you storming out of here last night without--
(Front door closes)
Victor: What the hell are you doing here?
Nikki: Everything that we've built together over the years-- I can't just... let it end without a word. Victor, I... I hate myself for hurting you. I regret it more than anything I've ever done.
Victor: That's supposed to make everything better, or what?
Nikki: I would give anything to go back and do it over, but, of course, I can't. When I couldn't stop myself from drinking--
Victor: Why the hell didn't you come to me then?
Nikki: Victor, I tried. I tried a few times, but you-- you were so busy. You were so distracted, and... and then I guess I lost my nerve. Please. Are you hearing my apology?
Victor: Unless you acknowledge the depth of your betrayal, you and I have nothing to discuss, okay?
Jack: I can see that you're upset. Believe me, I get it.
Diane: Kyle was upset, Jack. It was Thanksgiving. How could you let him down that way?
Jack: If you had any idea what I have been through in the last 24 hours... first the Newman fund goes down.
Diane: You were involved in that?
Jack: (Stammers) (Scoffs) Am I involved in that? I've got a lot invested in it, as well as bringing other investors in. They're all freaking out. I'm trying to calm them down, and then I find out that the Newman fund-- the woman behind it is missing.
Diane: Oh, right. Skye Newman. Right. I heard about that on the radio this morning.
Jack: Yeah, well, she's a friend of mine, and it's highly likely she's been murdered. That's where I was, at the police station, helping them get to the bottom of this.
Diane: Well, Jack, I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. I really am, but what was I supposed to tell Kyle? You keep talking about how committed you are to being his father. When are you gonna start acting like it?
Nick: Have you seen her? No?
Michael: This lady?
Nick: Something is wrong.
Nick: She's about 5'7", my age.
Man: Beautiful lady. If I'd seen her, I'd remember, you know?
Nick: Well, we think she got here sometime around last night.
Michael: Excuse me, Sir, what about this man? Do you recognize him?
Man: Can't say that I do.
Michael: Oh. Thank you. If we just find one person--one person who's seen Adam...
Nick: It might lead us to Sharon. Let's go.
Michael: What'd you find out?
Nick: Hi. Uh, my name's Nick Newman. I'm looking for a woman. She's a tourist. She may have checked in last night or this morning. Have you seen her?
Michael: All right, Chantal. Keep calling. Let me know the minute you hear anything.
Nick: Hey, Bud. We are looking for this woman. She is my fiancée. Have you seen her?
Man: Didn't leave you at the altar, did she?
Nick: No, no, it's nothing like that. Uh, she--she came down here to get away. She lost her cell phone, and I can't get a hold of her.
Man: Don't look familiar.
Michael: All right, there's a man. He's extremely dangerous. He's a convicted criminal. We suspect him of stalking this woman.
Man: You got a picture of him?
Nick: Yeah, this is him.
Michael: Fiancée?
Nick: We were gonna tell everybody at Thanksgiving.
Man: He don't look familiar, either. Wish I could help you gents.
Nick: Thanks.
("You are my Sunshine" playing)
Sharon: Hello?
Woman: Hi. Would you like a readin'?
Sharon: I, um, yeah.
Woman: Hmm?
Sharon: I think I would. Um, how does this work?
Woman: Follow me.
Woman: Here. Sit. Make yourself comfortable. We'll see what the cards have to tell us. You have questions about love, yes?
Sharon: Doesn't everyone?
Woman: (Chuckles) Only if they're wise. Here. Cut the deck, please.
Woman: Now... choose a card.
Woman: (Sighs) The high priestess. You're at a crossroads, wondering which way to turn.
Nikki: We both made mistakes.
Victor: What the hell is that supposed to mean?
Nikki: Victor, I am trying to apologize to you. But we can't even begin to talk about Deacon until I accept responsibility for what I did, and that includes my drinking.
Victor: It's not the drinking you have to apologize for. Do you understand that? It is my finding you in a sleazy motel with a sleazy guy doing who knows what! You probably had been carrying on with that guy for a long time.
Nikki: No, I had not! That is absolutely not true!
Victor: Oh, really?
Nikki: My life was out of control. All I could think about was booze.
Victor: Then I take you to a rehab center. And what do I find? I walk into your room. You're in bed with the same guy!
Nikki: Excuse me, but I thought you had married Meggie, and I explained that!
Victor: What the hell difference does that make?! What difference does that make?
Nikki: Who wouldn't think that seeing it online?
Victor: And you didn't check that out with me? What the hell are you talking about? Does that give you an excuse to jump in bed with that guy?
Nikki: (Sighs)
Nikki: It is over. Good riddance. I couldn't care less what happens to him. I will never see him again. You have to understand that.
Victor: I don't give a damn whether you do or don't see that scum again. The point is, you didn't believe enough in what we had. That I will not forgive!
Woman: The, uh, card that sits at the center of the readin' represents you in the present moment. The high priestess sits between two pillars. They represent the duality of the universe. Um, light and dark, good and evil, the conscious and unconscious parts of the mind, conflicting desires, things we reveal and those we keep hidden. You feel torn about something, pulled in two entirely different directions.
Sharon: Um, yeah. I-I do kind of have a dark side. It kind of freaked me out, you know? I was really happy, and then suddenly, it came back.
Woman: (Sighs) The priestess forces us to pay attention to what's goin' on in our subconscious. Now... ahh. 2 of hearts. Your main problem in life is finding true love.
Michael: I think we should head back to the square after this.
Nick: All right.
Michael: And then maybe at the hotel that--uhh! I wish the weather would decide what it wants to be.
Nick: Excuse me, Gentlemen. You guys, I'm looking for this woman. Have you seen her? She might be in danger. Anyone like her?
Man: No.
Nick: No?
Man: I'm sorry.
Nick: Thank you for your time.
Michael: Excuse me.
Man: Mr. Baldwin?
Michael: Yes. Yes. Officer Leblanc?
Leblanc: Yes.
Michael: Thank you. As I explained to the detective, we're trying to locate a woman who we think is missing.
Nick: Yeah, her name's Sharon Newman. She is my fiancée. She could be in some serious danger. We have to--
Michael: Nick, Nick, please. Let me do my job. And this--this is Adam Newman. He's a convicted felon.
Nick: That's Sharon's ex. He's a very dangerous man. He probably killed his first wife.
Michael: Nick. Nick. Please!
Nick: Okay, fine.
Leblanc: He's wanted for murder?
Michael: Officially, he's a person of interest in the investigation, but his wife is missing. We suspect she's a victim of foul play. We also suspect that he's down here in New Orleans, and we're also afraid what might happen if we're right about him being here.
Leblanc: Text me his photo and his pertinent information, and I'll make sure that I get it to the appropriate channels.
Nick: What about Sharon?
Leblanc: We'll keep an eye out for her, but that's the best we can do.
Michael: This is my card. If you see or hear anything, get in touch with us immediately.
Leblanc: Will do.
Michael: Thank you.
Nick: Thank you, Sir.
Leblanc: You're welcome.
Nick: (Sighs) Where could Sharon be?
Michael: I just got a text from Chantal. There's still no hits on her credit card.
Nick: How about any A.T.M. transactions?
Michael: Nothing.
Nick: All right, well, we gotta get movin', Man. We got a ton of ground to cover.
Michael: I want to go back to the square. There's a row of fortune-tellers.
Nick: Fortune-tellers, Dude? Seriously?
Michael: Look, they're on the square all day. They might have seen something. Come on.
Nick: Oh, yeah, sure.
Woman: Two of pentacles. Oh, you're copin' with a lot of demands right now.
Sharon: (Sighs) Yeah.
Woman: Mm.
Sharon: Always. You know, when you-- you have kids...
Woman: Oh, this isn't about kids or meetin' obligations. It's about love-- pickin' the right person to go through life with. 2 pillars, 2 of hearts, two of pentacles, either/or, bein' forced to make a choice.
Sharon: Between two men?
Woman: Yeah. That sense of duality-- it--it's all through the readin', as if you were in a tug-of-war. (Scoffs) Wouldn't surprise me if you were feeling a little bit overwhelmed right now.
Sharon: (Sighs) How do I choose?
Woman: We've looked at where you are in the here and now and what happened in the past that brought you to this point. Now... the final card, what the future holds.
Woman: (Gasps)
Sharon: (Gasps) Oh, my gosh. Isn't that--that's--
Woman: Death. The 13th card. No, it's not to be taken literally. Although... surrounding you, there's something...
Sharon: What?
Woman: I can only be sure of the cards. And in the tarot, death is about puttin' the past behind you, movin' on. It's a mournin' and a celebration-- a dance. While you're in transition, there may be times that you feel adrift, afraid of what's comin'.
Sharon: And how do I deal with that?
Woman: Accept the inevitable. Embrace the journey. See where life takes you.
Sharon: Thank you.
Woman: Yeah.
Sharon: Thank you very much.
Woman: Yeah.
Sharon: Hey, are you okay? What's happening?
Woman: (Chuckles) I'm sorry, but I just had a vision. It--it was so vivid.
Sharon: About me?
Woman: Keep this card. Look at it often. Learn to grow more comfortable with change.
Sharon: So... things are gonna be different for me now, not what I expected.
Woman: You'll find your answers at the feet of angels.
Jack: I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am I ever got you involved in this mess. (Stammers, sighs) I'm doing everything I can to rebuild the fund. Yeah, it's just gonna take some time. Of course you are. And tha-thank you for your patience. I'll be in touch, all right? That is what I have been dealing with since yesterday. If you hadn't cut me off, maybe I could have shared some of that with Kyle.
Diane: Well, he still would have been hurt. But at least your conscience would have been clear.
Jack: Oh, come on. Knock it off, will you?
Phyllis: (Clears throat) Bad timing?
(Cell phone rings)
Diane: Oh, it's Kyle. I'm gonna take it. Hi, Sweetheart. How are you?
Jack: Well, if you ask me, your timing was just perfect.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Happy to assist. Thank you for taking care of the kids. Thank you very much. You're a lifesaver, you know that?
Jack: Let's talk logistics.
Phyllis: All right, so, um, everything both Summer and Faith will need is in that bag. Um, the babysitter is with Faith right now. She'll pick up Summer from school, and she'll bring her here. Now if Nick calls, please...
Jack: No, no, no, no, no. I'll--I'll be discreet.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Thank you.
Jack: I hope this is wonderful for "Restless Style" and awful for Adam.
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. Win-win.
Jack: Yeah, win-win.
Diane: Bad time?
Phyllis: Um, no, actually. Hey, you'll be happy to know that I'm going out of town, Diane.
Diane: Well, that is good news, 'cause then maybe Jack and I can actually have a private conversation.
Phyllis: Well, go for it. Do your worst. Go for it. It's not gonna work. Do you want to walk me to the door?
Jack: Yeah.
Phyllis: Her? Do not let her play stepmommy to my kid or to Faith, either, for that matter.
Jack: No part of my plans includes letting her horn in on all of our fun.
Phyllis: It's not your plans I'm worried about.
Jack: Travel safely.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Nikki: If we're going to reach any kind of understanding, you need to acknowledge what a disaster it was bringing Meggie into this house, and can we please not shout? Let's just discuss it.
Victor: As you damn well know, she followed me here.
Nikki: And you allowed it, even when I told you that I wasn't okay with it. I always thought there was something off about her.
Victor: I had her checked out twice.
Nikki: Well, apparently, that wasn't enough, because she was giving me alcohol without my permission. She was railroading my sobriety.
Victor: Have you forgotten that she wanted to murder me?
Nikki: We were both innocent victims.
Victor: The difference is, I stayed true to you. You jumped in bed with a scum at the first sign of trouble. That's the difference! Now in case you haven't noticed, our relationship is over.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Yeah? Gas up the jet. I'll be right there. Thank you.
Nikki: (Sighs) That is so typical of you. We hurt each other, and then you just refuse to deal with it. You run away like a little child.
Victor: I'm packing. (Sighs)
Diane: Housekeeper get the girls' room all set?
Jack: Not a word of that to anyone.
Diane: Right. Of course not. We wouldn't want Nick to find out that his ex has pawned his daughters off on someone else.
Jack: Gee, thanks.
Diane: You are good with them, you know. Kids, I mean.
Jack: I'm good with Kyle, too, whether you're willing to admit that right now or not. If I hadn't run into that crisis yesterday, I-I would have been here carving turkey and watching football games with my son. I promise you, I'm going to make it up to him.
Diane: I know you will. And I'm--I'm--I'm sorry for coming down on you that way. I had no idea what you were dealing with, Jack. Do you forgive me? You--you're a good man. You don't deserve anybody dumping on you that way.
Jack: Thanks. Apology accepted. S-so listen, since I have both girls now, I-I was thinking maybe I could, uh, go by Walnut Grove and pick up Kyle, and maybe the three of them and I could go for some ice cream or something.
Diane: I have a better idea-- how about we all have supper together? I'll go pick up some steaks. You can give your cook the night off.
Jack: Wait, Diane--
Diane: Won't that be fun?
Jack: I'm not sure that's a good--Diane--
Diane: Be back soon!
Nick: (Sighs) Still no sign of Sharon or Adam.
Michael: I got a hold of the marshals. He stayed on the train all the way to New Orleans. A camera caught him getting off at the station here. They're on their way down to take him back for questioning.
Nick: Which means I was right about him following her down here. We don't have any time to waste, Michael.
Jazz band: (Playing slowly and mournfully)
Woman: It's a mournin' and a celebration-- a dance.
Jazz band: (Playing "When the saints go marching in")
Nick: The problem is, Adam is so unpredictable.
Michael: There's no use trying to anticipate what his next move will be.
Nick: If he lays a hand on her, I will kill him.
Michael: All right, Nick, we're just gonna keep lookin', and we're gonna find her, all right?
Nikki: I have seen this behavior so many times. Victor, it's your pattern.
Victor: Are you a shrink now, or what? (Sighs)
Nikki: You alienate everybody closest to you, and then you act surprised when nobody wants to have anything to do with you. You pack up all your hurt and disappointment, and off you go to parts unknown.
Victor: For your information, I'm not leaving because of you, not because of Abby, not because of Victoria, all right?
Nikki: Well, then why?
Victor: Because I've had it. I'm numb.
Nikki: Well, if you think I'm gonna chase after you this time like I have, I'm not.
Victor: I don't give a damn whether you chase after me or not, all right? And what we have spent a lifetime building, you have torn apart in no time at all. I'll be gone for a month. That gives you enough time to get the hell out of here.
Nikki: (Whispers) I will always love you, Victor...
Nikki: Always, no matter what. Someday, that will be important to you... someday.
Woman: You'll find your answers at the feet of angels.
Michael: All right, Nick. Nick, just calm down. We'll find her. We'll--
Nick: Excuse me.
Woman: Oh, may I help you?
Nick: Yes, my fiancée is missing. I have been looking all over for her. Have you seen this woman?
Woman: Yes, Ms. Newman is staying with us.
Nick: Oh, thank God.
Diane: Hey.
Jack: Hi.
Diane: I bought all your favorites-- Kyle's, too--and I got the fixings for Mac and cheese in case Summer isn't a meat eater.
Jack: Uh, l-listen, I-I don't want to appear ungrateful--
Diane: And you know what? Walnut Grove is about to let out, so I should go and pick up Kyle. Well, what?
Jack: Look, with everything I've just been through, the idea of a family dinner sounds like heaven, but my relationship with Kyle is mine alone. This dinner will be for Kyle a-and the girls.
Diane: Well, that's why I-I'm so glad you're letting me cook. I know how much that Kyle wants to spend time with you. This evening is going to be perfect.
Jack: Well, Diane, I just--
Diane: Hey, Jack, why don't you put those steaks in to marinate, okay? I'll be back in a flash.
Nikki: Hot tea, please.
Deacon: Nikki.
Nikki: Deacon.
Deacon: How you been?
Nikki: Uh, fine. How are you?
Deacon: Good. Good. You know, I'm going to meetings, staying sober, you know, workin' the steps.
Nikki: Good. I'm glad to hear that.
Deacon: I can't stop thinkin' about you.
Phyllis: Excuse me, Sir.
Man: Mm-hmm?
Phyllis: Um, have you happened to see this guy?
Man: No, but it's not the first time I've seen that.
Phyllis: Oh, um, did somebody else show you this picture?
Man: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Today?
Man: Yes, Ma'am.
Phyllis: Um, was it this guy?
Man: Yes, Ma'am.
Phyllis: Ahh, okay. Um, hey, can you do me a favor? Okay, can you do this for me? If, uh, you happen to see the first guy again...
Man: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: Can you call me, and only me?
Man: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: All right, uh, I'll make it worth your while.
Man: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Yeah. There you go.
Man: Aha, you can count on it.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Man: Mm-hmm.
Nick: (Sighs)
Michael: Well, Sharon has to come back here sometime.
Nick: Yeah, if Adam hasn't gotten to her first.
Michael: Look, if you want to keep searching, I will wait here. That way, we'll be sure not to miss her when she does come back.
Nick: That's a good call. Just pray it's not too late.
Sharon: At the feet of angels...
Victor: This is the manifest. It stays as it is-- just one passenger, all right?
Man: Got it. As soon as I file a flight plan, we'll be taking off.
Victor: Thank you. Excellent. (Sighs)
Victor: (Sighs) Would you like a drink?
Skye: A drink would be fabulous.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: I've bested you two times. Three times, and you're out.
Nick: What are you doing here?
Adam: Come with me.
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