Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/23/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 11/24/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9534 ~ Nick Decides to Follow Sharon to New Orleans
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis: Things got a little delayed.
Daniel: Did you burn the turkey again?
Phyllis: No, I didn't burn the turkey. I... forgot to defrost it. Just... it's a disaster. Just...
Daniel: What else is new?
Phyllis: (Sighs) Do you want Chinese?
Daniel: Maybe we should just forget it.
Phyllis: No, we're not gonna forget it. It's Thanksgiving. I want to see my son. Summer is with Nick. (Sighs)
Daniel: Thought you were seeing Jack.
Phyllis: I'm gonna see Jack later on tonight. Listen, we're not gonna talk about Daisy. We're not gonna talk about the baby.
(Knock on door)
Phyllis: I-I'll call you right back. Someone's at the door. (Whispering) Who is that supposed to be?
Summer: Happy Thanksgiving!
Phyllis: (Normal voice) (Gasps) Oh, my gosh! Come in, Baby Girl! My goodness.
Nick: Ooh, uh, Sharon's out of town, so me and the girls are gonna meet Noah at Gloworm for dinner.
Phyllis: Wow. That sounds like fun.
Nick: Yeah, Summer's been talking a lot about us celebrating the holidays together. So I'm kind of hoping you'll join us for dinner tonight.
Summer: Come on, Mommy. Pretty please?
Phyllis: Um, I-I don't know about that. It's Baldwin/Fisher land, and there's this whole Daisy thing.
Nick: Um, Lauren and Michael are out of town, right?
Phyllis: Uh, yeah, that's right.
Summer: Come on, Mommy, pretty please?
Faith: (Babbles)
Phyllis: (Gasps) Oh, my gosh, you both want me to go? Okay, I'll go.
Summer: Yay!
Phyllis: Yay! (Claps hands)
Nick: Yay.
Phyllis: We're gonna celebrate together. My goodness, I thought you'd be spending Thanksgiving with your dad. You're basically the only kid he has who's still talking to him.
Nick: Well, I asked him to join us, but he was, uh, I don't know, busy or something. Must be something important.
Victor: Did you locate Adam?
Ronan: We're still looking for Adam.
Jack: What about Skye? Was that her blood you found in their hotel suite?
Ronan: It hasn't been determined whose blood that is yet, but I have some questions for the two of you about that hotel suite. So would you like to have your attorneys present?
Victor: No, that's not necessary.
Jack: Same here.
Ronan: Why were you in Skye and Adam's room when I arrived?
Jack: The two of them run a hedge fund. That fund collapsed last night. Skye lost millions. I knew she'd be a wreck. I checked in on her.
Ronan: And, you, Mr. Newman, were you just checking in on her, as well?
Victor: No, I had received a call from someone on the Athletic Club staff saying that there had been an incident.
Jack: An incident that you caused. You're looking for someone to blame? Here's your man.
Victor: Okay.
Lauren: There you go.
Fen: Thanks.
Lauren: Well, that trip was a total bust, huh?
Fen: (Chuckles)
Lauren: How is it possible that so many things could go wrong in one day?
Michael: All right, all right! I'm sorry. I should have had the car serviced.
Lauren: Yeah, yeah. Hmm. I'm actually amazed that there was a rental agency open on Thanksgiving.
Michael: Yeah, I'm real thankful for that.
Fen: Are we gonna have turkey?
Lauren: Oh, uh... w-w-well, I could call the Athletic Club and maybe they would work us in.
Michael: There are alternatives.
Lauren: Oh, God. I'm afraid to ask.
Michael: Oh, there's no reason we can't have Thanksgiving with my family. There.
Lauren: Honey... (Sighs)
Gloria: I am not happy that Michael took his family out of town. This is our very first Thanksgiving at Gloworm.
Jeff: Well... (Sighs) Look at the bright side, "Sugar Lips." There's a lot to be grateful for. Kevin and Chloe are coming, and, uh, we'll be makin' wads of cash stayin' open for the holiday.
Gloria: (Laughs) Yes, we will.
Jeff: (Laughs)
Gloria: How's the eye?
Jeff: Ooh.
Gloria: Ooh, unh, unh, unh.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Gloria: I can't understand for the life of me how a walk-in freezer door did that to you.
Jeff: (Laughs)
Gloria: Mm-hmm.
Kevin: Hi, Mom. Happy Thanksgiving. Mwah.
Gloria: Oh! Happy Thanksgiving, Angel, and Chloe and Miss Delia.
Kevin: Say hi. Nice shiner. How did you get th... (Inhales sharply) Uh, maybe I don't want to know.
Gloria: I hope you saved room for dinner after being at Katherine's.
Chloe: Oh, well, this is the one day that I get to pig out, so I'm taking full advantage of it.
Kevin: And what about you? Did you save some room in that tummy for more turkey?
Cordelia: Yeah. (Giggles)
Kevin: Did you save some room in that tummy?
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Gloria: Where's, uh... (quietly) Billy?
Chloe: Oh, it's mommy's day. We're gonna see daddy tomorrow, right?
Cordelia: Yeah.
Kevin: Yeah.
Chloe: Yeah.
Victoria: Looks good. Mm-hmm. Right there.
Billy: (Humming) Look at these potatoes. Yeah.
Victoria: Wow!
Billy: Yep, good potatoes.
Victoria: Look at you rockin' that apron. You look sexy.
Billy: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Mm-hmm! In fact, hold on for a nice pose.
Billy: Oh, no, no, no, no. No pictures. Come on. Come on.
Victoria: Come on!
Billy: Knock it off. Really. Stop it. I don't--
Victoria: No, it's for blackmail purposes.
Billy: I don't want blackmail. Give me the--
Victoria: No. (Giggles)
Billy: Just be care-- be careful of my potatoes. It took me a long time to get 'em this fluffy.
Victoria: I'm sure you must need a nap after all that work.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: You know, I was thinkin', we sure are makin' a lot of food for two people.
Billy: You want to take some to your mom in rehab?
Victoria: Solidarity House? Oh, please. That place is so chichi, she's gonna be eating a lot better than we are. Trust me. No offense, of course.
Billy: Yeah, uh-huh. (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: Isn't she gettin' out soon, anyway?
Victoria: Yeah, a couple of days.
Billy: Nice.
Victoria: Yeah, nice. (Sighs heavily) Well, D.C.'s about an hour ahead, so Reed's probably finished eating already. He's probably camped out in front of the TV watching cartoons or football or something. You know that he was just starting to get interested in football? (Sighs)
Billy: Tell you what, let's put this stuff in the fridge and we'll go over to your brother's or Jack's or something.
Victoria: No. No, no, no, no, no, no. Too much potential for drama. Let's just stick to the plan-- Thanksgiving for two, drama-free.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: I'm good with that.
Victoria: Good.
Billy: Have you tried my sweet taters? Have you tried it?
Victoria: I don't want to try your sweet--
Billy: You want to try it. Yes, you do. Come here.
Victoria: No, I don't want to try your sweet potatoes.
Billy: Give it a try. Yes, you do! Yes, you do!
Victoria: No, I don't. I've had them before.
Billy: Whoa, here you go. Have some. Uh-oh! Uh-oh. I'm so sorry. Let me get that for you.
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: Aah! (Sighs) Mm.
Victoria: Mnh-mnh.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Kevin: Or pumpkin?
Chloe: Ooh, pumpkin.
Nick: Here we go.
Gloria: Ooh! Oh, welcome, everyone. One and all, happy Thanksgiving, and welcome to Gloworm's first annual Thanksgiving dinner. Would you like to follow me, Miss Summer? Right this way, Beauty.
Daniel: I can't believe I let you talk me into this.
Phyllis: Oh.
Daniel: I don't want to see Michael and Lauren today.
Phyllis: Hey, they-- they're not gonna be here, so it's fine. Come on.
Gloria: Oh, thank you. I'll take that. (Sighs)
Jeff: Happy turkey day.
Gloria: (Chuckles) Hello, Phyllis.
Nick: Apparently not for everyone, Jeff. Nice shiner.
Jeff: I knew I should have worn shades.
Nick: (Chuckles)
Summer: Can I go see Delia?
Phyllis: Oh, yeah.
Gloria: Yes, and I would be very happy to take you.
Phyllis: Oh, thank you. Thank you. Go ahead. Go ahead.
Noah: Hey, have you, uh, have you talked to Mom?
Nick: No. I'm sure she'll call later to check in on Faith.
Daniel: Heard you just got back from New York.
Noah: Yeah, Man. Just, uh, just got back in. My friend had a gig. It was pretty awesome. So is--is it true? Are you the father of Daisy's baby?
Daniel: Apparently, unfortunately.
Phyllis: Hey, um, I thought we weren't gonna talk about that tonight.
Nick: Yes, let's enjoy ourselves. No more talk about Daisy.
Michael: Oh, Boss, you've gotta give "Super Fenmore" a rest. You get down here. Right here. (Chuckles)
Daniel: Well, so much for that.
Michael: It's all right.
Billy: This is Traci's recipe. They're not as good as Traci's, but nobody makes sweet potatoes like Traci.
Victoria: Oh.
Billy: I tried. (Cracks knuckles)
Victoria: (Chuckles) Well... oh, just a-a warning on these green beans. It's Phyl--Phyllis' recipe, so I--yeah. Oh.
Billy: Here. Thanks. Phyllis cooks?
Victoria: Um, well, she made Thanksgiving dinner last year.
Billy: Wow.
Victoria: Summer stuffed the turkey with crayons. (Chuckles)
Billy: Well, that's tasty.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: It was colorful. It was definitely an interesting Thanksgiving with all the kids running around.
Billy: Well... (Clears throat) We're starting our own tradition. Maybe next year, we'll have our own little "Princess" or "Bud" or "Tricycle Motor" to chase around. What do you think?
Victoria: That would be very nice, "Jim."
Billy: Well, "Margaret," we're gonna have to plan for it.
Victoria: (Chuckles) Okay. (Sighs) Here's to me.
Billy: Oh, that's right. Excuse me. I apologize. Here's to the cutest little turkey stuffer in Genoa City.
(Glasses clink)
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: You okay?
Victoria: Well, you know, I don't mind not having my dad and Nick here, and my mom. But Thanksgiving just isn't the same without Reed.
Ronan: Wait, the two of you invested in this together?
Jack: Yeah, with the idea we would withdraw our investment together, only my partner here acted unilaterally.
Victor: For your information, there's nothing illegal about withdrawing my funds.
Jack: Half that money should be mine.
Victor: I took out the exact amount that I'd put in, not a penny more. That would have been stealing.
Ronan: And after you made the move...
Victor: The fund had to sell off some stocks in order to cover the capital that was due me.
Ronan: Then the fund tanked?
Jack: And Skye and Adam lose millions, thanks to Victor, and Adam takes it out on his wife, or vice versa.
Victor: So... better find Adam. He got away with murder once. I was sure he'd try it again.
(Knock on door)
Ronan: So the blood that was found in the hotel suite was compared against Adam's that we had on file. It's not his.
Jack: Then it has to be Skye's blood. I heard them arguing yesterday. Adam said if she opened her mouth about the 100 grand he took out of the fund, that he would kill her.
Ronan: Whoa, where was this?
Jack: At Gloworm.
Ronan: So there's a very, very high chance that Skye's the victim in this situation.
Victor: Even higher that Adam caused those injuries. So you better find him, Detective.
Michael: Good to see you, Noah.
Noah: Hey, you, too. Happy Thanksgiving.
Lauren: Yeah, happy Thanksgiving.
Michael: Hey, you.
Nick: Hi. Thought you guys were out of town.
Lauren: Yeah, there was a plumbing problem at the lodge, so we had to come back, and, uh, Fen wanted turkey.
Phyllis: Ahh. Hey, Summer's with Delia. You want to go over and say hi?
Fen: Cool, can I?
Michael: All right, Boy. I have my eye on you, right?
Phyllis: (Chuckles)
Faith: (Fusses)
Nick: Oh, Boy. Let's do this.
Phyllis: Um, any-- any word from the judge?
Nick: Word about what?
Michael: Oh, really? Oh. Well, about whether or not Daisy should be examined in order to be released into Phyllis' custody.
Nick: Why is this the first I've heard of that?
Phyllis: It's just until the baby is born. That's it.
Nick: So you want to move Daisy into your home?
Phyllis: No, I just, um, uh, Summer won't live there, obviously. She'll be with you.
Lauren: What if you can't control her, huh? What happens then?
Noah: Hey, we said we're not talkin' about Daisy tonight.
Phyllis: Right. Right.
Nick: Yeah, we're not.
(Cell phone rings)
Phyllis: Hey, Jack. What? Well, what are you doing there?
Jeff: Here you go. For the small fry.
Nick: Oh, thank you, Jeff.
Jeff: Uh, I'll be back with the rest of your drinks.
Phyllis: Wait a second. Do you--do you want to-- do you want Vance Abrams to come? All right, I'll talk to you later. Oh, my God.
Michael: Hmm?
Phyllis: Um, Adam and Skye are missing. Their hotel room is trashed, and there was blood.
Lauren: Oh, my God.
Nick: What?
Phyllis: Yeah, um, Jack is at the station. Listen, um, I'm go-- I'm gonna go down there. Do you mind? I don't want to be a flake.
Nick: I'm-- I'm coming with you.
Phyllis: Well, what about the girls?
Daniel: We can take care of 'em, right, Noah?
Noah: Yeah, yeah, sure.
Nick: Yeah? Okay. Here you go. Thanks, Guys.
Lauren: Honey...
Phyllis: Sorry.
Lauren: Victor may need an attorney.
Michael: No, no, I'm not bailing on my family. It's Thanksgiving. No, I'm not.
Lauren: Sweetheart. Sweetheart, this might be important. I-I think you should go.
Michael: All right. All ri--I'll make it up to you. Sorry. Sorry.
Lauren: It's okay. It's okay.
Noah: (Chuckles)
Kevin: All right, I'm gonna have a lager, and, uh, the little lady...
Chloe: Uh, I'm gonna have a diet ginger ale, because I'm the designated driver. Yay.
Gloria: Okay, I set up a table for the little ones so they can color to their heart's content, and not break my good crystal, not that Fen or Delia would do that.
Chloe: Oh, I didn't know that Fen was here. Hi!
Gloria: Yeah, I guess Michael and, uh, Lauren, decided to stay in town. I've been so busy, I haven't had a chance to talk to them. Isn't it nice? The whole family together for Thanksgiving.
Kevin: Yeah, perfect. (Sighs)
Chloe: Oh, Mr. Cranky pants. (Chuckles)
Kevin: Mm.
Daniel: Hey, Guys.
Kevin: Hey, um, I've been meaning to call you. I've thought a lot about your wanting to give the baby up for adoption, and, um, I think it's a really bad idea.
Daisy: What's that?
Man: Turkey.
Daisy: It's gray.
Man: Life's tough all over.
Daisy: (Sighs) (Groans)
Daisy: (Sighs) I guess I need to feed you. You don't care how bad it tastes.
Daisy: (Sniffles)
Daisy: (Sighs)
Michael: Victor, why didn't you call me? You know better than to talk to the authorities without a lawyer.
Victor: I'd hoped to find out and, you know, cooperate.
Jack: He's the one that collapsed the Newman fund.
Nick: What?
Jack: Oh, yeah, he took millions of dollars out of the fund, and when it collapsed, Adam had a meltdown and took it out on his wife. Whatever happens to her, I'm gonna take it out on you.
Phyllis: Okay. All right.
Victor: What you think doesn't interest me in the least.
Phyllis: Oh, okay, come on. Jack. Jack. Right over here.
Nick: What happened? I thought the plan was for you and Jack to take down the Newman fund together.
Victor: My plan was to ruin Adam, okay? In the process, I had an opportunity to stick it to Jack Abbott for all the damage he has done to our family.
Michael: Is Jack right? Did Adam take it out on Skye?
Victor: Most likely, yeah. Mm-hmm.
Nick: Where's Adam now?
Victor: They're looking for him.
Nick: Well, thank God Sharon's out of town. The last thing we need is Adam playing on her feelings.
Victor: She's out of town? And no one knows where Adam is? They better find him soon before he hurts someone else.
Lauren: This isn't strong enough.
Jeff: (Chuckles)
Chloe: Well, all the kids are having a blast, especially little Faith. She's just in the middle of all the chaos.
Gloria: Okay, here's a little something to keep you going until dinner arrives. Where are Kevin and Daniel?
Chloe: Oh, they're talking about Daisy's baby.
Gloria: I certainly hope he doesn't marry her just 'cause he knocked her up. That'd be a nightmare, huh?
Chloe: (Laughs) Yeah, don't--no, he won't.
Lauren: Is he still pursuing the idea of raising that baby alone?
Gloria: What?
Lauren: Yes.
Jeff: I always thought that boy was a little touched in the head.
Chloe: It's his niece, okay? I think he just wants it raised in a loving home.
Gloria: Not if I have anything to say about it.
Kevin: Look, we both want the same thing-- a good home for the baby. So why give her up for adoption when she has family right here?
Daniel: Because you know how I feel about being a dad. You know, I don't know if I'm ever gonna be ready for it, a-and it's not fair to me or it's not fair to the kid to have me raise it.
Kevin: Well, I was talking about me.
Daniel: You? Really?
Kevin: She's my family, too, and I think I am in a place where I can handle it.
Daniel: Mm. Okay, that is a very cool offer, but I can't let you do that. I mean, come on. Don't take any offense to this, but you're not exactly the best candidate to be raising a baby all by yourself. And what happens when she figures out who I am? No, it'd just be weird. I--no, it can't happen.
Kevin: Well, you realize that it's not just your decision, right?
Daniel: Wait, you're serious?
Kevin: Yeah. She's my flesh and blood. Why wouldn't I be?
Victoria: Hey, you better get out here. Stop me from eatin' all this food. I'm gonna pop a button. (Quietly) How long does it take to get a pie out of the oven, anyway?
Billy: Hey, close your eyes.
Victoria: (Normal voice) Hmm?
Billy: Close your eyes. I have a surprise.
Victoria: You do?
Billy: Yep. Close 'em.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Are they closed?
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: All right. All right.
Victoria: What did you do? (Chuckles) What did you do?
Billy: It's a surprise. Just wait a second. I'm just...
Victoria: I can't wait. I'm--
Billy: Just a second. And...
Victoria: I'm--what's that?
Reed: Hi, Mommy.
Victoria: (Gasps)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Reed: Happy Thanksgiving.
Victoria: Hi! Happy Thanksgiving, Baby!
Reed: Look, I lost a tooth.
Victoria: Yeah, I see that. You lost a tooth! That's... that's amazing. Did the tooth fairy come?
Reed: She gave me 10 bucks.
Billy: She gave you $10?
Victoria: Wow! $10?
Billy: I only got a quarter back in the day. Rea--
Victoria: Shh.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Chuckles) Well, the Washington tooth fairy must be pretty generous, huh?
Billy: Uh-huh.
Reed: Mac made smashed potatoes. They were awesome, but not as great as yours. Yours are always the best.
Victoria: This is amazing talking to him like this. Thank you so much. (Chuckles)
Reed: We saw dinosaur bones, and I touched real crocodile skin.
Victoria: You did? Well, that is so cool. Have you been to the space museum yet?
Reed: No.
Victoria: Oh, well, I will take you when I visit. Are you happy, Baby?
Reed: Yes, but I miss you, Mommy.
Victoria: I know. I know. I miss you.
Reed: Can you sing me the "Good Night" song?
Victoria: Uh... yeah, of course I can. Um... (Clears throat) (Sighs) Hush-a-bye don't you cry go to sleep my little baby when you wake you will have all the pretty little horses dapples, grays pintos, bays all the pretty little horses all right, Baby. I love you. I miss you.
Reed: I love you, too, Mommy.
Victoria: Bye, Baby. (Chuckles)
Billy: Very cute.
Victoria: So cute.
Billy: I'm glad I could make you happy.
Victoria: I wish I could find a way to return the favor.
Billy: Mm. Well, we're going to have plenty of Thanksgivings with our two kids, so...
Victoria: Two kids? Maybe three.
Billy: Oh, maybe three?
Victoria: You never know.
Billy: Yeah. (Laughs) You ready for some pie?
Victoria: Pie? Oh, yeah.
Billy: Want some pie?
Victoria: Yeah, bring it on. I'm ready for some pie.
Billy: All right. Let's get some pie. Excuse me.
Victoria: Get me some pumpkin pie.
Billy: Mm.
Victoria: Uh, Chloe, uh, hello. This is Victoria.
Chloe: Hi. What's going on?
Victoria: Listen, I know that it's your day to have Delia. And, um, that's great, but Billy is really missing her very much, and I was just hoping that maybe you would change your mind and bring her by for a little while.
Chloe: Delia's having fun with Fen and Summer right now. I would just hate to take her away.
Victoria: Don't you think that maybe she might want to see her daddy?
Chloe: You know, it's the holidays, and it's... it's hard for everyone. I'm sorry.
Victoria: Yeah. (Sighs) Me, too.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Kevin: Hey, you okay?
Chloe: Yeah, it's... Victoria. Thanksgiving, and, you know, Billy's having a hard time not having Delia around, like he can't even stomach his big turkey or something. (Sighs) How is Daniel?
Kevin: He's not into the idea of me raising the baby.
Chloe: Oh, that's too bad.
Kevin: I feel bad for Daisy's baby.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Michael: Well, that's something.
Ronan: (Laughs) Oh, okay. Welcome to the party. Thank you. It keeps me from calling you in.
Victor: Any news?
Ronan: Yes, it's been confirmed the blood in the hotel suite belongs to Skye. We're gonna start treating this as a homicide.
Nick: You know, I overheard Adam tell Skye he wished she had stayed dead.
Phyllis: I overheard Adam threaten Skye, as well. It was pretty scary. He said something like, "If you double-cross me again, you know what I'm capable of." Blah, blah, blah. "There's not a jungle deep enough in south America that you can hide in."
Michael: All right, is there any lead on their whereabouts?
Ronan: Yes. Uh, we got a hit on Adam's credit card. He left town last night. He took a train heading south. No telling where he is.
Nick: I really hate the idea of Sharon out there by herself with Adam roaming around. I need to warn her.
Victor: You tell her to come home, all right? That man is dangerous, very dangerous.
Gloria: Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you're asking for if you raise Daisy's baby?
Kevin: Mom--
Chloe: I-I'm gonna go check on Delia.
Kevin: I'm gonna go with you.
Lauren: (Scoffs)
Gloria: Laur--
Jeff: Chef's going diva on us. Customers are getting restless.
Gloria: Great. Excuse me, everyone.
Lauren: Look, I know we're not supposed to be talking about Daisy, but--
Daniel: You know what? I'm gonna tell you the same thing that I've told everybody else. I want that baby given up for adoption.
Lauren: Okay, but so where do you stand on Daisy being released until after the birth?
Daniel: She should stay in jail.
Lauren: (Sighs) I am so glad that we agree.
Gloria: (Sighs)
(Glasses clink)
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Gloria: All right, everything's fine. Food'll be up in a moment.
Jeff: Yep, food should be out pretty soon.
Gloria: (Sighs) Okay.
Kevin: Mom, Chloe and I are leaving.
Chloe: Yeah, Delia's tired.
Gloria: You have a very understanding mother, but we are going to talk about this. Chloe. Sweet dreams, Miss Delia.
Chloe: Say bye.
Cordelia: Bye.
Gloria: Bye.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Nick: So I left a message for Sharon. She didn't pick up her phone.
Jack: Well, good night, Folks. I've spent as much time in certain company as any man should have to. I hope the police find Adam, and that Skye's alive. I guess you better hope that, too, huh?
Victor: I'm not responsible for Adam.
Jack: You've been saying that his whole life.
Phyllis: Okay, all right. Um... uh, give Summer a kiss for me.
Nick: Sure.
Victor: Son, um, I want you to take over Newman while I'm gone, okay?
Nick: Where are you going?
Victor: I'm gonna visit all of the satellite offices of our company all over the world. It's about time I do that. And I want to do that before your mother comes back from rehab.
(Cell phone rings)
Nick: Yeah, sure. It's Sharon. Hello? Who is this? How'd you get this phone?
Nick: (Sighs) Okay, uh, I'm gonna need you to mail that phone to my address. I'm gonna text it to you right now. Do you happen to know when Sharon got off that train? Okay, if she happens to call the phone, have her call home immediately. It's very important, okay? Thank you. Someone found Sharon's phone on a train called "The City of New Orleans."
Michael: Yeah, "The City of New Orleans." It runs between Chicago and New Orleans.
Nick: Adam's on a train going south. You think he followed her down there?
Victor: Oh, my goodness.
Nick: (Sighs) I really need to get a hold of Sharon. Where the hell could she be?
Sharon: Hi, I'm Sharon Newman. I called earlier about a room.
Woman: Oh, welcome to the cornstalk, Ms. Newman. Uh, credit card and photo I.D.
Sharon: Oh, yes, of course. Can I pay you cash? I'll give you a deposit.
Woman: Oh, cash is fine.
Sharon: Great. The hotel is beautiful.
Woman: Oh, it was originally a private home, um, built in the early 1800s. It's famous for the cornstalk fence out front.
Sharon: Oh, yeah, that's spectacular. Very different.
Woman: Oh. The story goes, uh, the owner brought his young bride here from Iowa. Thank you. She was lonely and homesick. He commissioned the cast-iron fence so when she'd sit in the front gallery and look out the windows, she'd see the wavin' corn fields to remind her of home.
Sharon: Well, he must have really loved her.
Woman: (Chuckles)
Sharon: Yeah, I'll take some pictures, show my kids.
Woman: Oh, well, don't be surprised if you find pictures on your camera you didn't take yourself. (Chuckles) They say the hotel is haunted. Occasionally a guest finds a picture of themselves asleep... (Chuckles) In their bed.
Sharon: Well, the stories and the hotel are very charming. I think this is exactly what I needed.
Victoria: Well, we could go to Gloworm, and we could have a drink. And then maybe you could see Delia.
Billy: Yeah, not exactly the quality time I was looking for.
Victoria: All right. Well, then maybe we could... practice making a baby. Could be fun.
Billy: It wouldn't suck. (Singsongy) It wouldn't suck. (Laughs)
(Doorbell rings)
Billy: (Normal voice) Oh, really? Now? Okay, hold on. Wait a minute. (Groans) This better be good. Hey-- oh!
Chloe: Happy Thanksgiving!
Billy: Hey, come here! What are you doin' here? What are you doin' here?
Chloe: Well, you know, she was asking for you, and, uh, I just couldn't keep you guys apart.
Victoria: (Mouthing words)
Billy: Hi. Hi. Hey. Hey. Do you know why we eat turkey on Thanksgiving? Do you know why? 'Cause the turkey goes, "Gobble, gobble, gobble, gobble."
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Billy: (Laughs)
Chloe: Okay, well, um, you guys enjoy each other. I'm gonna go.
Billy: Okay. When are you gonna pick her up?
Chloe: Oh, no, she-- she can stay. Is that okay?
Victoria: Oh, yeah. It's more than okay.
Billy: Really?
Chloe: Yeah.
Billy: You gonna spend the night? Thank you.
Chloe: You're welcome. You have fun with Daddy and Victoria. Hey, kiss me. Bye. Mwah!
Billy: (Chuckles) Bye.
Chloe: Happy Thanksgiving.
Victoria: Happy Thanksgiving.
Billy: You did this, didn't you? Didn't you?
Victoria: (Mouthing words)
Billy: You know what? Daddy's awesome night just got a whole lot more "Awesomer." (Makes kissing sounds)
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: (Makes silly noises)
Daniel: Everybody wants me to save this kid.
Noah: Yeah. But, I mean, you gotta do what you think is right.
Daniel: (Scoffs) Well, I know I sure as hell don't want to be tied to that freak Daisy. You know, nobody would be safe-- not my mom, not Lauren. Best thing for that kid would be to get her to a family that lives far away from here. That way she could have a chance at a normal life at least, you know? Never knowing that Daisy's her birth mother. I think I gotta do whatever I have to do to make sure that happens.
(Footsteps approach)
Kevin: I've been thinking a lot about you, about the baby, about our lives.
Daisy: What about them?
Kevin: (Sighs) Well, we sure hit the dad lottery with "Terrible Tom," didn't we? It took me years to get over what he did to me. And I don't ever want your daughter to know that kind of fear.
Daisy: (Sighs) I agree.
Kevin: Well, you're probably gonna spend a long time in prison. It's no place to raise a baby.
Daisy: So, uh, you want me to give her up for adoption, too?
Kevin: Um... I would like to be the baby's legal guardian.
Daisy: (Chuckles) Is this a trick?
Kevin: No. Look, Daisy, we have both made some terrible mistakes in our lives, and this is a chance for us to do something good. I hope you'll consider.
Nikki: Hello, Victor.
Victor: I thought you were-- were not being released from rehab for a few days.
Nikki: They pushed it up. You and I have some unfinished business to discuss.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Nikki: We can't ignore it.
Victor: Watch me.
Nikki: Victor.
(Front door slams)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Jack: I hated missing Thanksgiving with Kyle. I talked to him on the phone. He said he understood. You could hear the tone in his voice. What a rotten day.
Phyllis: Are you worried about Skye?
Jack: I hope the D.A. puts Adam away for a long, long time.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Not if the police bungle it first.
Jack: No, the people won't give them another chance. No, not after what Adam has done, and the word will get out.
Phyllis: Yeah, I know. Absolutely, it'll get out. Won't it? And the press will crucify him.
Jack: You got that look in your eye again.
Phyllis: Oh. No, I was just thinking when we did that story on Skye, people were upset because they felt that we were giving Adam a free pass.
Jack: And you have a plan?
Phyllis: I mean, it's a good story. Someone has to cover it.
Jack: Gee, I wonder who.
Nick: So we can't get a hold of Sharon because she left her phone on the train.
Michael: The damn thing made so many stops.
Lauren: You know what? You-- you know, I'm pretty sure that she went to the end of the line to New Orleans.
Nick: How do you know that?
Lauren: Because she came over the other day and, uh, we were talking about how good it is to get away, and I mentioned New Orleans.
Nick: Well, I gotta go after her.
Lauren: You know what? You should go with him, 'cause you really know the city.
Michael: No. I'm not leaving you. No.
Lauren: Honey, I am fine as long as Daisy is locked up. I-it's okay. But there is something else that you should know. (Sighs) When she came to see me, the reason she came to see me is she was returning a bracelet that she took from my store.
Nick: She's stealing again?
Lauren: It looks that way.
Nick: (Sighs) I knew something was off before she left.
Michael: All right, I'm booking us on the next flight.
Nick: We gotta find her before Adam does.
Sharon: (Sighs) Ghosts. Don't be silly. (Sighs)
Sharon: There's nothing to be afraid of.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Diane: You keep talking about how committed you are to being his father. When are you gonna start acting like it?
Woman: I just had a vision.
Sharon: About me?
Victor: Unless you acknowledge the depth of your betrayal, you and I have nothing to discuss.
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