Y&R Transcript Friday 11/19/10 -- Canada; Monday 11/22/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9532 ~ Victor's Actions Ruin Both Jack and Adam
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Victoria: I just want J.T. to call and say one word--"Yes." (Singsong voice) "Yes, Reed can come home for Thanksgiving."
Billy: I understand. I understand. This year, Chloe has Delia. I need at least one ankle biter around to pull the wishbone with.
Victoria: Maybe J.T. will give me a break. What do you think?
Billy: Oh, hello, Brother. Partner.
Jack: Hey.
Phyllis: Partner?
(Cell phone rings)
Victoria: (Normal voice) Oh. (Sighs)
Billy: It's mine. Sorry.
Victoria: Uh-huh.
Billy: Chloe, what's up?
Chloe: Billy, I am a stylist. I pick out bracelets for a living. Yeah, so dealing with yet another pissed-off advertiser because they hated the Skye issue is really not my problem.
Billy: Okay, I'll be there in a bit. (Groans)
Phyllis: Oh, wait. Are you going to the office?
Billy: Yes, I am.
Phyllis: Oh.
Billy: And so are you, because duty calls. Hi. Bye.
Victoria: Hi. Bye.
Billy: See you later.
Phyllis: Bye.
Jack: Mm. See you later.
Phyllis: Uh, are they still getting screaming calls about Skye?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Billy: Which means our next cover has to be one that knocks everything out of the park, so I'm thinking what would do that is Daisy and her belly.
Phyllis: (Laughs) Like hell we are.
Victoria: Well, still no word from the forensic accountants. I'm thinking there's gotta be something in all of those Newman files that they can use to--
Jack: It takes time to peruse every corner of your father's empire. They will search. They will find. We will set a court date, and it will be worth the wait.
Victoria: Yes, in the meantime, he sits and he stews, and I can only imagine how angry he was when they hauled those records away.
Jack: Oh, I'm sure he was shocked to find out he doesn't control the universe.
Victoria: Well, by now, he's gone ballistic. And believe me, he's gonna want payback, Jack.
Victor: So you and your team are ready to follow my instructions?
Man: We're on it.
Victor: I'll let you know the moment it's done, all right? It'll be a great pleasure to pull my money out of that Newman fund, a great pleasure, indeed.
Michael: You invested in Adam and Skye's hedge fund?
Victor: It had to be done secretly. I put a lot of my money into that fund so I can pull the plug.
Michael: And you're gonna pull those funds out without warning?
Victor: Which will destabilize the fund, and eventually, it'll collapse it. And then Skye and Adam and Jack Abbott will go down with it.
Victor: It's me. Wait for my signal.
Michael: (Quietly) Have you given any consideration to the legal ramifications at all? Anything?
Victor: Listen, the timing is crucial, all right? Just hang on.
Michael: You might have discussed this with me.
Victor: I will discuss this with you as soon as I have completed the transaction, all right? So here we go.
Michael: (Sighs)
Victor: There. I'll be damned.
Skye: I can already tell, today's numbers are gonna be insanely amazing. Why did we putz around with poker in college? The hedge fund high is just as good, and the money is much better.
Adam: The fund is all yours. I'm out, this time for good.
Skye: That's right, Baby. Walk away again. It's always so much fun when you come back.
Adam: That's a matter of opinion.
Skye: What's this?
Adam: Some papers that I had my lawyer draw up. That's, uh, my half of the hedge fund. I signed it away to you. You sign it, it's all yours. Then I'm outta here.
Nick: Sharon, you can't just take off by yourself.
Sharon: I'll be fine. And I need this.
Nick: You know, a year ago, our son was in Paris and we thought that Faith wa...we were gonna tell our kids about our engagement over Thanksgiving.
Sharon: Okay, well, when I get back, you know, we'll all-- we'll all do something together, something special.
Nick: You told me you wanted to take off that ring because you were worried that Summer and Noah would find out accidentally. Now you're tellin' me you want to forget an entire holiday, and you don't want to tell the kids anything. Sharon, are you sorry that you accepted my proposal?
Sharon: I have wanted this for so long-- you and me and our kids together.
Nick: Okay, then help me understand this. Why go, and why go now?
Sharon: (Sighs) Because you and I are lurching into our future at a hundred miles an hour.
Nick: Okay, so instead of just slowing down, you want to actually jump out of the car.
Sharon: All right, well, you make it sound so violent.
Nick: Sharon, you invited me to move back in with you, and things have been great. They've been great. And now that we're engaged, it's like you can't get away from me fast enough. Look, I-I don't-- I don't want to chase you. So I tell you what, I'll take the kids. I'll move back to the tack house. You stay here.
Sharon: No.
Nick: You can have all the space you need.
Sharon: No, because this isn't about needing space. This is a lot more complicated than that. I-I just-- everything seems so perfect. But I realize now that things are not that simple. I just don't understand why. And it's just-- it's gonna take distance, real distance, in order for me to understand it.
Nick: You're running. The question is, from what?
Adam: I'm walking out that door, one way or the other. I could take half the hedge fund with me, or I could sign it over to you. You love this stuff. I don't. Take it.
Skye: Don't you turn your back on me.
Adam: Skye, listen to me. One of your best qualities was knowing when to cut your losses. Pick up the pen. Sign the paper. Take it. Have a nice life.
Skye: You think you can dismiss me? Buy me off? I have done everything for you-- everything! You don't get to walk away! Not from me!
(Glass shatters)
Michael: You've been planning this for months. You're going to take down the Newman fund for revenge.
Victor: No, not for revenge. It's justice. Every minute that Adam spends outside a jail cell is an egregious affront to those he has hurt so badly. Jack and I set up this corporation.
Michael: Whoa. You and Jack are working together?
Victor: To destabilize the fund.
Michael: So you figured out which ones they're gonna sell, and you bet those particular stocks are gonna fail. Why, you're gonna make a killing off of this collapse, aren't you?
Victor: What do you think?
Michael: And yet, you and Jack are partners.
Victor: Jack... put millions into the corporation and into the fund. So did I, but he put in some more. What good old Jack doesn't know is that I'm gonna pull out my funds... today.
Jack: So I'm guessing the Newman family won't be doing a big Thanksgiving, what with you and Abby and the lawsuit and your mother in rehab.
Victoria: Eh... (Sighs) Yeah. I think that everyone's just gonna stick in their own corner this year for basic safety and sanity reasons. However, Billy and I are excited to be spending our first Thanksgiving together.
Jack: So why don't we do an Abbott thing? You can come out to the house. We can all do it together.
Victoria: Uh, thanks, but, um...
Jack: But, um, no, thanks?
Victoria: Well, you know, it's just that we are excited to be making our own turkey in our new home. Hopefully, Reed will be there. I'm just waiting for J.T. to call and say yes already.
Jack: Yeah, I know how that works. Boy, I'm on the other side of it this year. Kyle's in town.
Victoria: I bet you're excited about that.
Jack: I'm really excited. I am thrilled.
Victoria: I hope you have a great holiday, Jack.
Jack: Thanks.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Hey, what's up, Pete? You're my broker. You can always interrupt me. The Newman fund? Is down how many points? No, the only way that can happen is-- that son of a bitch. Victor.
Nick: Look, if the idea of marriage is too much or it's too soon... if you want to just forget it now or... or even forever, then just-- then just tell me, all right? So we can try and get through this.
Sharon: It's just... I don't know, like a pressure or a weight, like a hovering.
Nick: The engagement?
Sharon: No, us. Who we are, who we used to be. And all the love, I mean... and the heartbreak.
Nick: Losing Cassíe.
Sharon: Yeah. And everything we lost, and then to get it back only to lose it again, and then Faith, who was born in a psychiatric hospital because along the way, I lost myself.
Nick: Is that what you're feeling right now? That you're losing yourself again?
Sharon: I--you know, when you and I got back together this time, it just felt so natural and so inevitable. But it's still a really huge step. And I need to know that we're doing this for the right reasons, and I need to know that it's absolutely forever this time.
Nick: I can't lose you.
Sharon: Well, my going away for a few days isn't losing me. That's you understanding that I would never leave if this weren't absolutely important. So please try to understand this. Maybe you should go get a coffee or--or get some air or something and think about what I've said. I think I should... well, I'd like to get going pretty soon.
Nick: Okay, I'll go. But when I get back, I'm still gonna want you to stay.
Chloe: Well, it's funny. It's really funny. Advertisers seem to think that poker-playing wives of psychos do not reflect well upon their products. And the readers? Well, the readers think that we have possibly crowned a murderer "King of Hedge funds."
Billy: I know. I know. I know. I know. I know. We're losing dollars. We're losing eyes, and that's why our next story--
Phyllis: Nope.
Chloe: What?
Billy: Daisy.
Chloe: (Scoffs) Oh, that's a great idea. The wife of a psycho, that was a crappy seller, but now let's actually go for a real psycho. That's a great idea.
Phyllis: Thank you, Chloe.
Billy: The story's not gonna be about Daisy. It's gonna be about what she's done and who she's done it to.
Phyllis: What, her victims, like my son?
Billy: He's not a kid, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Okay, Billy, he's my kid. We're not writing a story about Daisy. We're not exploiting my son or this baby.
Billy: This is my magazine. It's not yours, not anymore. And I will print that story unless...
Phyllis: Unless what?
Billy: Unless you go out and just find a better one, okay? One that puts us on the right side of right and wrong and on non-psychos everywhere, okay?
Phyllis: Done. Done. Done.
Billy: Okay, good. Do it. Do it.
Phyllis: Done.
Skye: I saved your ass! You would be rotting in prison if it weren't for me, and you say you want out? You don't get a vote!
Man: Ma'am, I need you to calm down.
Skye: Oh, go to hell. Honestly.
Man: Please, I need you to come with me.
Adam: Could you just take her outside, please while I pack? Thanks.
Skye: Get your hands off me! You son of a--
Woman: Skye Newman?
Skye: Yes.
Woman: This is for you.
Skye: (Sighs) (scoffs) A divorce? Have you lost your mind? (Scoffs) This is all about Sharon, isn't it? You idiot! She is with Nick, her codependent soul mate. She doesn't want you. She will never want you. She testified against you. But I saved you. I made you. I bought you, and I own you!
Adam: The company is yours, Skye. Consider us even.
Skye: You are never getting rid of me, not ever!
Adam: (Sighs)
Michael: Congratulations.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Michael: You're in a profit surge. That is what you had in mind.
Victor: That's right. Skye and Adam's brokers are selling their largest positions right now. They have to.
Michael: Which means a large number of investors are also losing right now, Jack included.
Victor: That's the chance you take when you invest.
Michael: Funny how you somehow knew what companies Adam and Skye were invested in.
Victor: (Chuckles) Yeah. Funny, isn't it? It's an educated guess. Thank you.
Michael: Victor...
Victor: Uh-huh.
Michael: They're losing. You're gaining. The S.E.C. will notice.
Victor: That's why I have you on retainer.
Michael: Huh. Indeed. The S.E.C. is one thing. But investors will blame you for their losses--
(Door opens)
Jack: What the hell is going on? Why would you do this?
Victor: There's no reason to wait.
Jack: No-- my money is still in that fund.
Victor: The point was to inflict pain on Adam, not to worry about your damn wallet.
Jack: I assume you signed off on this. Oh, you can't admit that, though, can you? And Victor can't crow about how he did this all on his own with no one the wiser. Where's the feed to Skye's computer? Let's see what kind of a mess you've made.
Jack: I've been locked out?
Victor: Well, I'll be damned. Huh.
Jack: We would not have access to Skye's computer if I hadn't tapped into it. Now you have the gall to block me?
Michael: I think it's time for me to make my excuses.
Victor: I'll take you to the door, Michael. I'll call you when I need you.
Michael: Hopefully after the holiday.
Victor: That's right.
Michael: Gentlemen.
Victor: Thank you.
Jack: Yeah, it's Abbott. This whole thing is turning into a disaster. Yeah, right now, I just want to salvage my own investment in this. Millions. I am losing millions.
Victor: (Chuckles)
(Cell phone rings)
Skye: Yes? How much activity? N-no. No, that's--that's impossible. We can't lose capital. I have to get upstairs now.
Man: Mr. Newman? Your wife wants to go back to the suite. Go ahead.
Phyllis: (Clears throat) Hi. Hey. Hello.
Nick: (Sighs) How's it goin'?
Phyllis: Oh, great. Okay. (Chuckles) You?
Nick: I'm all right. Hey, uh, how about those, uh, cute little Thanksgiving cutouts Summer did? Yeah? Pretty good, huh?
Phyllis: Yeah. They're really cute, really cute. So, um... Summer is looking forward to spending Thanksgiving with you and Sharon and Noah. And--and since that's the day that you're go-- going to announce, uh, your--your marriage, uh, just... tell me how it goes, you know? She might be confused, and I want to answer any questions that Summer has, you know?
Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, well, uh, turns out Thanksgiving might not actually be announcement day.
Phyllis: Oh. Okay.
Nick: I guess Sharon's gonna go out of town for a few days.
Phyllis: She's gonna miss your first big holiday as a couple?
Nick: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Wow, Nick. As if you didn't have enough reason to hate Adam. (Sighs)
Nick: What does Adam have to do with it?
Chloe: I have to go kidnap Delia from my mom.
Billy: Okay. (Clears throat) If you run into Phyllis, could you try to employ some female logic or some chick bonding or something? Just get her to realize that this Daisy cover is a good idea.
Chloe: Oh, yeah, yeah. Sure. Sure. So then when, uh, Daniel's daughter grows up and she sets up her first Faceplace page, and someone comments about how her mother was this psychotic killer... yeah, that's not a big deal at all, because I know that we're gonna want Delia to find out about, you know, the whole Mommy/Cane fiasco and how her daddy was shipped off to Hong Kong and how he slept with half the town.
Billy: Okay. Okay. I got it. I hear you. I said if she found a new story, I'd run it.
Chloe: It's kind of weird how almost-human Victoria has made you.
(Door opens)
Victoria: J.T., you told me that you would send Reed for the holidays. (Sighs) I get it. I-I get that he needs to acclimate to D.C. I understand that. (Sighs) Well, that's great that Mac has a friend with a kid Reed's age. That's--that's--that's great. J.T., listen, please. I miss him so much. All right, fine. (Stammers) Don't think I won't forget this, all right? (Sighs)
Billy: Hey, uh, Chloe?
Chloe: Hmm?
Billy: I know it's your Thanksgiving this year with Delia, but, um, can she spend it with Victoria and me at the new house? Please?
Chloe: (Sighs)
Nick: Are you gonna tell me why you think Adam's the reason Sharon's leaving town?
Phyllis: Hey, if she's having cold feet--
Nick: I didn't say she's having cold feet.
Phyllis: Okay.
Nick: Sharon and I have years of history. Adam's been around for, like, a minute. Trust me, this is not about him.
Phyllis: And, you know, what's really cool, is it's not about me anymore, either.
Nick: I'll call you later and let you know what I'm gonna do for Thanksgiving.
Phyllis: I appreciate that.
Michael: Oh, Nicholas.
Nick: What's up?
Michael: Dare I ask?
Phyllis: Um, blah, blah, blah, blah, Sharon, blah, blah, blah, blah, angst. Blah, blah, blah, blah. Why did I put up with that as long as I did? You know what's so great about Jack is he doesn't play games.
Michael: Maybe not with you. But Jack does play games. And right now, he's losing... big.
Skye: What the hell happened? No, we don't have that kind of liquidity to cover the loss. I can fix this. (Sighs) The more we sell off, the lower prices dive, the less capital. It is a complete meltdown.
Adam: Sounds bad.
Skye: Do something! Call around, get investors, a loan, something!
Adam: It was a great ride, Skye. You gotta know when to get off.
Skye: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Skye: Tell them I need more time to-- yeah. Yeah, okay.
Adam: Margin call?
Skye: We don't have the cash to cover our trades. The fund is dead. It's over. Trading was high. It was going to be a great day. And then sabotage-- you. You knew the only thing I cared about was the Newman fund, so you killed it.
Adam: Honey, the last thing on my mind was this fund.
Skye: You liar!
Adam: Skye, I wanted out long before today. I was more than happy to give you everything.
Skye: Oh, so I'd be left holding the bag? I have nothing now except investors who will want their money back! I meant it before. I own you.
Adam: Hey, you need to shut it.
Skye: If I go down in flames, I will drag you down with me!
Adam: Skye, you need to calm down and shut it! Listen to me! Listen, carefully, Skye.
Skye: I will destroy you!
Adam: I told you before that if you push me too far, I would snap! You are pushing me now!
Jack: So it was your intention to stick it to me from the very beginning.
Victor: The timing presented itself to pull my monies out of Adam Newman's fund. Why wait?
Jack: People, human beings, for all we know, just lost their life savings. What is wrong with you? These are our friends and colleagues.
Victor: These are your friends, your colleagues. You solicited them for funds.
Jack: So this was always about me losing money and credibility? Punishing Adam was just a smokescreen. To hell with what he did to Ashley? To hell with what he did to Sharon?
Victor: Adam deserved a beating. I delivered it. You turned both of my daughters against me. Now both you and Adam will realize that actions have consequences, Jack.
Phyllis: (Sighs) Oh, no. So Jack lost what he put in because "Somebody" pulled their money out, somebody who has cash like that and who would like to see Adam... (Sighs) Adam have severe punishment, right?
Michael: It is a question.
Phyllis: (Groans) And somebody who would love to see Jack swing in the breeze.
Michael: Have I mentioned that Lauren and I are headed out of town for Thanksgiving?
Phyllis: Um, there's a lot of that goin' around. (Chuckles)
Michael: Yeah, well, I wasn't sure of the timing, but now it seems perfect.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) I'm sure it does.
Michael: Yeah.
Phyllis: Um, tell Lauren... happy Thanksgiving.
Phyllis: Hey, Jack, it's me. So I heard that, uh, "The Mustache" twirled again. Uh, if you need me, call me.
Phyllis: Adam? My condolences on the Newman hedge fund. May it rest in peace.
Adam: I'm touched.
Phyllis: You're numb, right? Such gut-wrenching emotion leaves you feeling.... empty, doesn't it? Sort of like... sort of like having a baby and have it-- having it ripped out of your arms and then being told it was dead... isn't it? No, actually, it's not like that. It's not like that. (Sighs) What is it like? What is it like? Well, it's too bad that you've become a financial liability, because you actually may have a shot with Sharon. Mm-hmm. It seems that, uh, Sharon's announcement to marry Nick has been put on hold.
Nick: So you're still going?
Sharon: Nick, the last thing I want to do is hurt you.
Nick: Are you leaving because of Adam? Because you still have feelings for him?
Sharon: No. No, this has nothing to do with Adam.
Nick: So then it's me.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Nick: Okay. I have hurt you so many times in the past. One time was too many. And you're worried that I'm gonna do it again. Sharon, let me tell you, it's--
Sharon: No, Nick, it's-- it's not you. It's me. I'm leaving for me. I'm leaving so that I can just slow this down, give myself a little more time to work things out, and then I'm gonna come home to you and our life.
Nick: If you're so sure that everything's gonna be fine, then stay with me. I love you. And I want to marry you. And I really think that we can make it this time.
Sharon: You're so certain.
Nick: You're not? You're not. Well, if we're gonna make it, you need to be. And if leaving is what it takes, then go.
Sharon: Thank you.
Nick: But when you get back, you are gonna see how amazing everything's gonna be.
Victor: What did you think would happen when you toyed with my family? When you used my daughters and their lawsuit against me to try to steal Beauty of Nature from me?
Jack: Your problems with Victoria and Abby are legion, and they're on your head. You push. You demand. You punish. You manipulate. You bully. And somehow, you're surprised that Victoria and Abby don't want to be Newman clones and crawl at your feet. They reject everything you stand for, and you can't take it.
Victor: Why don't you have the guts to confront me directly? Why do you always go through my family--my wife, my son, my two daughters to get at me?
Jack: Did it ever occur to you that maybe your daughters are using me to get away from you? We're gonna nail you to the wall with this trust fund suit, and walk away with far more than Beauty of Nature.
Victor: You're not gonna get a dime of my money. Now you get out of my office. Now.
Jack: (Sighs) Pete, it's me again. I want to buy up the rest of the Newman fund. I-I know that. I want to buy all of it. Can't be too costly right now. Because I want to save the day for the rest of these investors. I'm gonna play "Dr. Frankenstein" and bring this monster fund back to life.
Billy: Would you do me a favor? Could you hand this to my assistant? Yeah, thanks. Appreciate it.
Victoria: Mm.
Billy: Hey, come on. Come on. If you want to change dates or times, that's great. And if you want Thanksgiving from 2012 to 2015, I will make that happen.
Chloe: Billy, have you even thought about Katherine, my mom, Nina? It's our first Thanksgiving without Chance. And Murphy, yeah, he's doing better, but it's been really touch-and-go. We just want to have a nice Thanksgiving, okay? They want to hear Delia sing "Gobble, gobble" songs, and they deserve it. So do I.
Billy: Okay, Chloe, wait, wait, wait. How about--maybe just two hours? Okay? All right, one hour. Help me out here. Victoria, she misses her son. We're a family. We have a good time. I mean, we can share.
Chloe: Okay, look. Delia is not Reed. You can't just exchange one kid for the other.
Billy: That's not what I'm trying to--you know what? You have a good Thanksgiving.
Chloe: Yeah, you, too.
Billy: Yeah, thank you.
Victoria: It's okay.
Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey, look. We're nonconformists, all right? We can just push Thanksgiving back one week. Delia'll be around. Maybe J.T. will let Reed come in.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: I could spend a long weekend trying to think of a new cover story. You could, I don't know, think of 20 different ways to say "In your face" to Victor when the report comes back from the forensics accountants.
Victoria: No.
Billy: No, to which part?
Victoria: No, we are not moving a national holiday. No, I'm not thinking about my dad, and no, you are not working on Thanksgiving. "Jim and Margaret" will be just fine on their own.
Billy: Yes, Ma'am.
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Phyllis: Excuse me. So pensive. So pensive. Is it because of the Newman fund's humpty-dumpty splat? Or is it because Sharon?
Adam: I'm sorry. Were you speaking to me?
Phyllis: (Gasps) My vote is Sharon. That's my vote. It's very odd that she doesn't want to spend Thanksgiving with Nick.
Adam: Mm-hmm. That's her business.
Phyllis: Hmm, it is her business. Shame... it's a shame that she's taking off to parts unknown while we all give thanks to hearth and home. (Laughs) I rhymed. That's great. I feel bad for her sitting all alone on Thanksgiving with a dried-up piece of sliced turkey and cranberry. Some gallant fellow should swoop in and rescue her again.
Adam: (Sighs)
Phyllis: But not you. Definitely not you, because you're spending Thanksgiving with the missus, aren't you? Your wife. And you're spending it hiding from investors who want to truss and gut you. (Chuckles) How is Skye?
Adam: Skye's not an issue anymore.
Phyllis: Well, my goodness. Then happy Thanksgiving to one and all. (Chuckles)
Nick: Where are you gonna go?
Sharon: Um, I don't know. Someplace warm or... I kind of like the idea of just going.
Nick: Will I be able to get a hold of you?
Sharon: Yeah, I'm gonna have my cell on me, and as soon as I get settled someplace, I'm gonna be in touch.
Nick: And as far as the kids go?
Sharon: (Sighs) Just tell them the truth. Tell them that mom needed to take a vacation. Tell them I'm thinking about them all the time, and that I'll be home soon.
Nick: Okay, when you're thinking of them and us, I want you to think about what Cassíe said about Faith and the family we were gonna have. It's forever. And I love you.
Sharon: I love you. (Sighs)
Nick: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Blake: Happy Thanksgiving, Mate.
Jack: You're saying someone may have been killed in this room?
Ashley: You keep thinking that Victor is gonna change, but you know what? He is who he is, and you just can't trust him.
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