Y&R Transcript Tuesday 11/9/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 11/10/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9524 ~ Phyllis Becomes Daisy's New Ally
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Diane: There's a bar full of empty tables, Victor. You don't have to sit here.
Victor: Some reason I shouldn't?
Diane: Oh... because you hate me?
Victor: Oh, that's a little harsh, don't you think?
Diane: Really?
Victor: Mm.
Diane: Even after all the hell we've put each other through over the years?
Victor: I just gave you a ride on my plane, didn't I?
Diane: (Laughs) Indeed, you did. I half expected you to push me out.
Victor: You're the least of my problems right now.
Diane: It's funny. I feel the same way about you.
Victor: Hmm.
Diane: So to, um...
Victor: Mm-hmm?
Diane: Strange bedfellows. (Glasses clink)
Lauren: Mm.
Michael: Uh-oh. Looks like, uh, somebody's playing hooky.
Fen: Mommy let me stay home.
Michael: Did she now? Well, I'm glad you had fun, Kiddo, but, uh, we need to get you to school.
Lauren: You know what, Honey? Will you put that in your room?
Lauren: Fen and I had a great morning. We did. We made cookies. We read books.
Michael: You want to tell me what's going on?
Lauren: I didn't feel like going into the store.
Michael: Meaning you're still afraid to leave the house.
Lauren: (Sighs) I went to the police station, didn't I?
Michael: Yeah, you know what? I know how difficult it was to see Daisy, and I'm proud of you. I am really proud of you.
Lauren: So then why are you making me feel guilty for spending the morning with our son?
Michael: The morning-- because you and I and our son need to keep living our lives. And there's really no room for a recluse in the picture, is there?
Lauren: (Scoffs) (Sighs)
Phyllis: Thank you.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Daisy: (Humming "Greensleeves")
Phyllis: (Clears throat) Thank you.
Daisy: (Continues humming)
Phyllis: Hi, Daisy.
Daisy: Baby's restless. I've been humming a lullaby to calm him. So if you're here to upset me--
Phyllis: No, definitely not. I'm not here to upset you. I just, uh, thought maybe we could work something out. My son needs to know if... that is his child.
Daisy: I already told you, no paternity test until I'm in a private hospital.
Phyllis: That's not likely, Daisy. So maybe we can work something out.
Daisy: If you can't get me out of this cell, we have nothing to say to each other.
Daniel: Thank you.
Abby: Hey.
Daniel: Oh, hey. Here. Look, thank you for agreeing to meet me. Um, it was a little uncomfortable the way we left things.
Abby: Yeah, I'm sorry. I-I just-- Daisy showing up with her stomach out to here saying that you're gonna be a dad... I just couldn't deal.
Daniel: I told you, I'm not the father.
Abby: You think that she's still scamming you?
Daniel: She has to be. Trust me, there's no way that kid's mine.
Jeff: We can't scrape together 10 grand to give to Hogan by tonight. It's impossible.
Kevin: Well, then you are gonna have the most expensive watch in the morgue.
Jeff: Hey, it's not my fault your mother found the money and then spent it on extravagant gifts.
Kevin: Keep your voice down.
Jeff: Oh, I sent Adam on an errand. The last thing we need is that opportunist stumbling upon our problem.
Kevin: Your problem. You're the one who got us into this mess. You're gonna get us out.
Jeff: (Sighs)
Gloria: So what are you two up to?
Together: Nothing.
Gloria: Well, you're acting very suspicious.
Chloe: You know, Gloria...
Gloria: Hmm?
Chloe: We haven't finished discussing your profile in "Restless Style."
Gloria: I'm all yours.
Kevin: Listen, Jeffrey. I know you. There is no way you don't have some money stashed away somewhere.
Jeff: I might have a little put aside for a rainy day.
Kevin: Uh, well, hello? This is about as rainy as it gets.
Jeff: (Sighs) I had plans for that money.
Kevin: Well, boohoo. Go get it so you can get us out of this mess. (Sighs)
Diane: Well, who'd have guessed having cocktails and making small talk with you would be the high point of my day?
Victor: What's wrong?
Diane: If you must know, it's been a lousy day-- a disastrous interview topping off a hellacious week.
Victor: What happened?
Diane: Well... after reading Phyllis' trash article about me in "Restless Style," my son is barely speaking to me. Tucker rescinded his job offer.
Victor: Really?
Diane: Need I go on? (Chuckles)
Victor: (Chuckles) So you're feeling sorry for yourself because the universe dealt you a rotten hand?
Diane: The universe didn't do this to me. Phyllis did.
Phyllis: I'm not the bad guy here. I actually sympathize with you.
Daisy: You do?
Phyllis: Yeah. I do. I do. Why do you think I fought so hard to keep you out of here?
Daisy: So I'd agree to do the D.N.A. test.
Phyllis: No. No, no, no, no. There's more to it than that.
Phyllis: You know, I'll tell you a secret. I know how alone you feel. I got pregnant when I was very, very young, too.
Daisy: With Daniel.
Phyllis: Yeah, with Daniel. Nobody was there for me. Nobody cared about me. I want to be here for you.
Daisy: Even after all the terrible things my Aunt Sarah made me do?
Phyllis: Listen, you know what? You were a victim, Daisy. You're a victim, just like Lauren and Jana and Daniel. They're victims.
Daisy: You know, I don't care about me. But this baby never hurt anyone.
Phyllis: No. No.
Daisy: He doesn't deserve this.
Phyllis: No, he doesn’t. Absolutely not. Daisy, I'm gonna get you out of here, okay? I'm gonna see what I can do.
Daisy: (Sniffles)
Phyllis: And I'll be back, hopefully soon, with good news, okay?
Daisy: Okay.
Daisy: (Sighs) (Sighs) You better come through for us, Phyllis. (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Abby: God, you are so in denial.
Daniel: I am not.
Abby: Has it occurred to you that maybe Daisy is telling the truth?
Daniel: Okay, you know what? I know that you live for this kind of drama, but don't project it on me.
Abby: Oh, no, no. I like drama that I can control, not some nutcase claiming that you have knocked her up.
Daniel: Hey, you just admitted it. She's a total crazy person.
Abby: Yeah. Yeah. She is crazy, but she's not stupid. She knew that if she showed up at your house she would wind up in jail.
Daniel: So?
Abby: So why would she do that to herself?
Daniel: I don't know. Maybe because she and her family, they-- they get off on causing me grief.
Abby: Well, it's not like they're targeting you personally.
Daniel: (Laughs) What do you call setting me up for murder?
Abby: Okay, okay. But nobody gets pregnant just to ruin somebody's life.
Daniel: You know what, Abbs? I don't know what to tell you. I'm not in Daisy's head.
Abby: Well, it's just that none of this makes any sense.
Daniel: You know, if you're so desperate for answers, why don't you go ask Daisy yourself?
Abby: (Sighs)
Lauren: Hey. Still warm.
Michael: (Sighs)
Lauren: Want one?
Michael: All right. We need to address this.
Lauren: (Sighs) You know, it's not like I'm just being paranoid, Michael. Daisy's real. She is here.
Michael: Oh, and she's locked up.
Lauren: Yeah, but her brother isn’t. And Ryder... Ryder could be anywhere. He could be in a motel room. He could be outside our apartment, or--or Fen's school.
Michael: All right, you just listen to me. I have alerted the police. I have alerted the staff at the school. I have alerted his teachers. They all have their eyes on Fenmore.
Lauren: And it takes one second-- one second. Someone gets distracted--
Michael: All right, listen to me. You're talking about Ryder. There's not even any indication that Ryder is anywhere around here, and there's no reason our son shouldn't live a normal life. This is his education we're talking about.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Lauren: Fen?
Fen: What, Mommy?
Lauren: Hey, Baby. Um, why don't you put on your shoes? Daddy's gonna take you to school.
Fen: Aw, do I have to?
Lauren: (Chuckles) What do you think, Buddy?
Michael: Fenmore, shoes. Come on. Come with us.
Lauren: I can’t.
Michael: Please come with us.
Lauren: (Sighs) Daisy--Daisy kidnapped me and she tortured me. I thought I was going to die. Until I know why she is here and what she is doing, I can't go anywhere.
Michael: I need you to come with us.
Lauren: Thank you. Thank you for being so understanding.
[Phyllis remembering]
Phyllis: Oh, this has turned out to be such an incredible day, Honey. Looks like your daddy's finally coming around. I sure hope so. That would be the answer to all of mommy's prayers. (Sighs) Still, I can't take my chances. I have to deal with that nasty, nasty old Brian. (Sighs) I have to find that paternity test. (Sighs) (Scoffs) Where is it?
Phyllis: Don't worry, Sweetheart. We're going to be a family, a real family. Yes. Somehow, mommy will make that happen, Honey. Oh, I'm not giving up. I am not giving up. No. Your mommy and daddy are going to have a real marriage, in every sense of the word.
(Footsteps approach)
Michael: May I?
Phyllis: Sit.
Michael: Oh, really? Maybe you should switch to decaf, dial it back a little. You're sounding like Lauren.
Phyllis: I just saw Daisy.
Michael: Well, still trying to change her mind about the paternity test?
Phyllis: It's the hospital or nothing.
Michael: All right, look at.
Phyllis: Michael--
Michael: I know you're in a tough spot, but there's no way I'm going behind Lauren's back and filing a petition to get her rel--
Phyllis: Somebody--somebody-- somebody has to bend. Somebody has to bend.
Michael: No! No. What-- what does Jack think?
Phyllis: It doesn't matter what Jack thinks. It doesn't matter. We're on a break. It doesn't matter.
Michael: A break? Oh. How come?
Phyllis: He wants to spend more time with Kyle. (Sighs)
Michael: Oh, I get it. So you're focusing on Daisy so you don't have to think about your love life.
Phyllis: Michael, um, this child that she's carrying could be my...
Michael: Grand--grandchild. Say it--grandchild.
Phyllis: No, I don't want to say it.
Michael: All right, listen to me.
Phyllis: Grandchild, all right? I have to know.
Michael: Lauren is not gonna change her mind. It's all about the anxiety.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Michael: She's using Fenmore as a security blanket these days.
Phyllis: I understand, okay? Listen. Listen. Listen. I understand. I understand that she wants to--to keep her in jail. I get it. That Smithe clan--they did horrific things to her. There's an innocent child involved.
Michael: Oh.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Michael: Daisy's tuggin' at your heartstrings, is she?
Phyllis: No.
Michael: She's starting to sway you.
Phyllis: She's not. (Sighs) There are some similarities between Daisy and I. When I was younger, I was somewhat like her... which is all the more reason she gets no sympathy from me.
Daisy: Ow. You're not even born yet, and you're already a brat. God. (Grunts) (Sighs)
Daisy: (Sighs)
Daisy: (Sighs)
Woman: Ten minutes.
Abby: Thanks.
Daisy: (Chuckles) What are you doing here?
Abby: I came to see for myself how full of it you really are.
Chloe: Um, so a successful businesswoman running, well, the hottest club in town and, uh, selling real estate on the side.
Gloria: Oh, no, no, no. It didn't happen overnight. Believe me, I paid my dues.
Chloe: Mm-hmm. (Chuckles) Mm-hmm. Well, uh, what--what-- so what do you think, um, what would you like to tell young women, um, you know, who are trying to improve themselves like you did? What--what would you say to them?
Jeff: (Sighs) This is not fair.
Kevin: I don't want to hear it, Man.
Daniel: Oh, Kevin.
Kevin: Hey, uh--
Daniel: Um, I-I need to talk to you about your sister.
Kevin: Look, I can't. I can't deal with it right now. I gotta go.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Gloria: And last, but not least, you just have to keep believing in yourself.
Chloe: Oh, my goodness. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Uh, there's-- there's an emergency, um, at the magazine. But we will pick this up later. Thank you so much.
Chloe: (Sighs) Well, thanks for ditching me.
Kevin: No, get out, Chloe.
Chloe: No.
Kevin: Yes. This isn't some sort of Andie and Duckie sequel. Hogan means business.
Chloe: You think I don't know that?
Kevin: Look, I will not risk you getting hurt or worse.
Chloe: Okay, if he is actually that dangerous, I'm not gonna let you go alone with that creep, so let's go.
Kevin: No. I'm not going any--
(Siren wails)
Kevin: (Sighs) Great, the cops.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Kevin: (Sighs) Do not say a single word. I mean it.
Chloe: (Sighs) Okay.
Man: Do you know your registration's expired?
Kevin: Uh, sorry, Officer. I-I have the new sticker at home. I guess I just forgot to put it on.
Man: Hmm.
Chloe: Uh, do we-- do we really need to get a citation? 'Cause we're actually-- we're kind of in a hurry.
Man: Where you headed?
Chloe: A movie.
Kevin: We're going to see the new action film with what's-his-name.
Chloe: You two were in a pretty heated argument. What was that about?
Kevin: Politics.
Chloe: Justin Bieber.
Man: Stay put. I'll be back.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Kevin: Did I not just say that I would do the talking?
Chloe: I'm sorry. I was nervous.
Kevin: Justine Bieber?!
Chloe: Well, we have to hide the cash, okay? Oh.
Man: Must be an expensive movie.
Kevin: Oh, that? That's, um, that's the deposit, uh, deposit from the club I work at. We were gonna-- we were gonna stop by the bank first.
Man: Would you both step out of the vehicle, please?
Lauren: Sorry for the mess. Fen stayed home from school this morning.
Phyllis: Oh, was he sick?
Lauren: (Scoffs) Why can't I just enjoy a morning with my son without everyone making a big deal about it?
Phyllis: Lauren, it was just a question. I didn't mean anything.
Lauren: Yeah, I'm--I'm sorry. I'm--I'm on edge.
Phyllis: Because of Daisy?
Lauren: Everyone expects me to be strong, you know? But, um, they didn't know what it was like to be in that cage.
Phyllis: I can't imagine.
Lauren: But, you know, it, uh, it was my fault. It's my fault.
Phyllis: Why is it your fault?
Lauren: Because once I got rid of Sheila, you know, I let my guard down. I-I started to relax, and--and then the nightmare started again, and instead of one psychopath, I was facing three.
Phyllis: Lauren. Lauren. Sarah's dead.
Lauren: Yeah, but Sheila's kids aren't, which means I will never, ever have any peace.
Phyllis: Yes, you will. Yes, you will. As soon as this is over, you will have peace.
Lauren: You really think this is ever gonna be over?
Phyllis: I will--absolutely.
Lauren: You do?
Phyllis: I do. Of course I do. Ryder and Daisy will get theirs, and we'll be done with this. We'll move on. We will. But first... first, we have to get Daisy out of jail.
Abby: Just tell me the truth, okay? No games, no bull.
Daisy: After all the lies I've told, why would you ever believe me? Okay, I-I used you as a cover when I came to town. Nothing personal. I just needed an in at Walnut Grove.
Abby: And Ryder?
Daisy: He took advantage of your crush on him to get supplies for the hostages.
Abby: And Daniel?
Daisy: It's not like I slept with him to hurt you. Last I heard, he was with Amber. How could I ever know that my only friend in Genoa City fell in love with the father of my baby? But you did, and he is the father.
Abby: Why should I believe you?
Daisy: Why on earth would I come back here? I knew they had a warrant out for my arrest.
Abby: Look, you're trying to manipulate me.
Daisy: Look, Abby, can't you see? I'm telling you the truth.
Diane: Phyllis didn't waste any time making my life hell.
Victor: So she still has a lot of anger toward you?
Diane: (Chuckles) Her article made me out to be some kind of monster. And if it was just me, I could handle it, but poor Kyle. And I wasn't even there to soften the blow. I had to try to explain things to him over the phone.
Victor: But he knew none of these stories?
Diane: Very little.
Victor: Huh.
Diane: You have no idea how sickening it is to tell your child that you have done unforgiveable things. But what happened between Phyllis and me happened a long time ago. I'm a completely different person now. And she clearly hasn't changed a bit. I was in town, what? All of ten minutes? And she was dreaming up ways to ruin my life. It's like the last seven years hadn't even happened.
Victor: Was it that long ago?
Diane: And I had created a new life for myself, you know? A good one, a peaceful one, free of all the old ghosts.
Victor: Why'd you come back to Genoa City?
Diane: Well, because I-I'd hoped that enough time had gone by that my son could finally get to know his father. But I'd barely unpacked when it all hit the fan.
Victor: My, oh, my, oh, my. Things are that bad, huh?
Diane: Well, what does it tell you when the one person I can confide in is an ex-husband...?
Victor: (Chuckles)
Diane: Who once upon a time wished I would drop dead?
Victor: (Laughs) Mm, ironic, isn't it? What'd you expect?
Victor: What did you think would happen when you showed up in Genoa City again?
Diane: I thought that people might have mellowed.
Victor: You haven’t.
Diane: Excuse me?
Victor: You're incorrigible, aren't you? I mean, from day one, you have snooped around me. Then you taunted Nikki. And you've traded insults with Phyllis.
Diane: (Clicks tongue) Victor, that's an exaggeration, don't you think?
Victor: I don't think so. Not really.
Diane: When I was in Genoa City in February...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Diane: Things were tense, but everybody was civil, and that gave me hope, you know? That people could be more forgiving, especially because children are involved.
Victor: Yep. I know whereof you speak, when those closest to you turn against you. That's very disappointing, isn't it?
Diane: You do understand.
Victor: Yeah.
Diane: What happened, Victor? Why are you in New York?
Victor: (Chuckles)
Lauren: I actually thought you were my friend.
Phyllis: What are you talking about? I am.
Lauren: Then why are you doing this to me?
Phyllis: Have you forgotten? Sarah tried to kill me, too, Lauren. She tried to kill me, too.
Lauren: Well, if Daisy is in the hospital, then Ryder could be free to help her escape.
Phyllis: Oh, come on. You give them too much credit.
Lauren: And maybe you're not giving them enough credit.
Phyllis: Sarah is dead. She was the brains. They are nothing without her. They're just little children without her, vindictive and angry. They're running blind. They don't have a plan.
Lauren: (Scoffs) I don't--I don't know.
Phyllis: Okay, listen. Listen. It's--it's so easy...
Lauren: (Sighs)
Phyllis: It's so easy. Just let Michael petition the court. That's it. And--and once those test results are back in, I-I don't care if that girl rots in jail.
Lauren: (Sighs) Hand--hand me the telephone.
Phyllis: Thank you.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Gloria: Where'd Kevin disappear to?
Jeff: I don't know, Peaches. Hey, Michael.
Michael: Where is Kevin?
Gloria: Mikey, I've been meaning to call you. How's Lauren?
Michael: Uh, not good.
Gloria: You want me to take Fen for a few days?
Michael: Mm, I can ask her, but--
(Cell phone rings)
Michael: Oh, sorry. Hold on. Yes, Lauren? How's it going? Everything okay?
Lauren: Uh, yeah. Go ahead and file the petition to have Daisy moved to the hospital.
Michael: Are you sure?
Lauren: Yeah.
Michael: All right. I will go see the judge right now, and then I will come straight home.
Lauren: All right. Hurry.
Lauren: I hope to hell you know what you're doing.
Kevin: What's that?
Man: Book making tickets. Point spreads and upcoming games and races.
Man: Evidence of a gambling operation.
Man: Mr. Fisher, care to amend your story regarding this deposit?
Kevin: That's-- that's not mine.
Man: How original.
Chloe: Officers, um, I'm-- I'm a mom, and my daughter, she's in preschool. Can I please--?
Man: Should have thought about that before you got involved with a bookie.
Chloe: (Scoffs) Seriously?
Abby: I looked for you at Crimson Lights.
Daniel: Yeah, well, I came here to talk to Kevin about Daisy, and he blew me off, so what does that tell you?
Abby: I have no idea.
Daniel: The girl's his half sister. Even he doesn't think she's worth talkin' about.
Abby: (Sighs) You know, I don't think you'd be so cocky if you actually spoke to her yourself.
Daniel: Did you go and talk to her?
Abby: Hello? You told me to.
Daniel: Look, I was being sarcastic. I didn't think that you'd actually go and do it.
Abby: God, why are you so pissy?
Daniel: I'm pissy because you're supposed to be taking my side. Why are you humoring this lunatic?
Abby: Honestly, it's because after my visit, I believe she's telling the truth.
Chloe: (Sighs) You know--you know, you're making a mistake. I want to see Ronan Malloy.
Man: He's out on assignment.
Chloe: (Sighs) I--you know, I-I know people. I know the Chancellors. I-I know the Abbotts. I... (Groans) (Sighs)
Daisy: Why are you in here?
Chloe: (Scoffs) Will you just--will you leave him alone, please?
Daisy: I don't blame you for wanting nothing to do with me. But you're still the baby's uncle. I just... I just felt a little kick. I think the little one knows you're family.
Chloe: (Scoffs) Okay, well, that-- that's just stupid.
Kevin: Let me see.
Daisy: Feel it.
Kevin: We may have the same father, Daisy, but we're not family. I'm nothing like you and your brother.
Daisy: Maybe this is where all Tom Fisher's kids eventually end up.
Woman: Got your wish.
Daisy: What?
Woman: You're being transferred to Genoa City Memorial.
Daisy: Good luck, Kevin. I mean, that.
Chloe: Hey. Hey. Don't let her get to you.
Victor: (Sighs)
Diane: You really won't tell me the reason you're in New York?
Victor: (Sighs) I'm not baring my soul over tequila so that you can feel better about yourself.
Diane: Don't you trust me?
Victor: (Laughs) Mm, I've learned the hard way whatever I tell you, whatever I say to you will be held against me eventually.
Diane: Come on. Just a little hint?
Victor: (Laughs) No.
Diane: Is it Adam?
Victor: Mnh-mnh. Don't waste your breath.
Diane: (Clicks tongue) Is it the lawsuit that I've been reading about? The ones your daughters filed against you?
Victor: Mnh-mnh.
Diane: Hmm. Okay, then how about-- how about Nikki? Maybe a little spat with her about the floral arrangements for the big day?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Diane: I'm just trying to help.
Victor: Hmm. I don't need your help, Diane. Self-pity is for the weak, you know.
Diane: You are so right.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Diane: We're better than this.
Victor: If anyone controls their own destinies, it's you and me.
Diane: Damn straight. (Chuckles) Well, it's sure nice to know we can spend an hour together without killing each other.
Victor: (Chuckles)
Diane: What room are you in?
Victor: (Laughs)
Diane: (Laughs)
Victor: (Sighs) Do you think I'm gonna invite you up for a nightcap? Mnh-mnh.
Diane: No, I don't think so.
Victor: Mnh-mnh. Why press our luck, right?
Diane: Right.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Diane: Anyway, I... (sighs) Have to catch the, um, the return flight back to Genoa City, so...
Victor: All right.
Diane: Thank you... for everything.
Victor: You're welcome.
Daisy: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Hi. You're looking more comfortable than the last time I saw you.
Daisy: I don't know how you pulled this off.
Phyllis: Your amniocentesis is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.
Daisy: So soon?
Phyllis: Yeah. That was our deal.
Daisy: No, I-I know. I'm not gonna back out. I just--it's really nice to be on a real bed and have doctors and nurses that care about us.
Phyllis: Get some rest. I'll see you tomorrow.
Daisy: Phyllis?
Phyllis: Yes?
Daisy: One more thing.
Phyllis: What's that?
Daisy: I want to see Daniel.
Daniel: Believe whatever you want, Abby. You're gonna anyway.
Abby: You know, if you looked her in the eye--
Daniel: Mm, mnh-mnh. You know, I'm done talking about Daisy, all right? Why don't we just go get some Chinese food? We'll go back to my place and--
Abby: Are you serious?
Daniel: What? Do you want to get pizza? We'll get pizza instead.
Abby: No, we--we can't-- we can't go back to the way things were.
Daniel: Why not? You did a strip tease in the middle of Gloworm.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Daniel: You rode a horse in the Athletic Club. And I got over that.
Abby: I'm sorry, what does that have to do with--?
Daniel: You also--you also starred me in your little fake sex tape, and you didn't tell me about it. And was I pissed off? Yeah, I was pissed off, but I got over that, too.
Abby: What is your point?
Daniel: I guess my point is, I expect a little loyalty from my girlfriend.
Abby: You know, I don't want to argue with you.
Daniel: You are taking the word of a crazy person that locks people in cages over mine.
Abby: I think we should stop seeing each other.
Daniel: What are you talking about?
Abby: You have to deal with this Daisy thing, and I have my lawsuit.
Daniel: Wait a minute. Wh--are you breaking up with me?
Abby: Oh, come on, Daniel. We were never a couple. Not really.
Gloria: Okay. I'm gonna go change for my open house, and if you hear from Kevin--
Jeff: Mm.
Gloria: What are you doing?
Jeff: Oh, just seeing how long to the dinner rush.
Gloria: Uh-huh. Try to stay out of trouble, okay?
Jeff: Oh, Man, where are you, Kevin? You should have been back by now.
Hogan: Where the hell is that kid with my 10 grand?
Kevin: Hogan must have been furious when I didn't show up.
Chloe: This is so ridiculous. I mean, we shouldn't be in here. It's not like we're trafficking guns or anything like that. (Sighs) What kind of role model am I for my daughter?
Kevin: Hey.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Kevin: I'm gonna get us out of here. I promise. I am not going back to prison. I would rather die.
Chloe: What happened to you in there?
Kevin: You don't want to know.
Chloe: Hey, "Duckie," you still got me.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Man: Fisher, time for your phone call.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
(Doorknob rattles)
(Knock on door)
Michael: Lauren, the deadbolt-- the deadbolt is thrown. (Knock)
Lauren: Oh, thank God. Okay. Oh, thank God it's you. Thank God.
Michael: What? Did something happen since we spoke?
Lauren: No. Oh, it's just I'm jumping every time I hear a noise.
Michael: All right. Um, well, here. I know how hard it was for you to agree to let Daisy out of jail, but once that test is over, I promise you, I'm gonna lock her away somewhere she can never hurt you again. I-I don't know what else I can do. Um, do you want me to cancel all my appointments? You want me to reschedule my court dates? I can just sit here with you until all this is over if that's what you want.
Lauren: (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Michael: Hello?
Kevin: It's Kevin.
Michael: Yeah?
Kevin: Chloe and I are in jail.
Michael: Well, of course you are.
Kevin: Can you come down to the station?
Michael: This is a really bad, bad time.
Kevin: You gotta get us out of here.
Michael: All right, you know, Kevin, just take a-- take a deep breath and...
Kevin: (Sighs)
Michael: Kevin and Chloe are in jail.
Lauren: You're-- you're not leaving.
Michael: Listen, I'll straighten things out. I'll be right back.
Lauren: (Whimpers) You just promised.
Michael: I know I did. I feel horrible. (Sighs) Do you want me to see if a neighbor will sit with you?
Lauren: No. I want my husband.
Michael: Yeah. I'm sorry. I'll be right back. I'm sorry.
Lauren: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Lauren: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Man: Tell us what you know about Mark Hogan.
Lauren: If I have to drag myself to the courthouse, and it means that that bitch stays behind bars for the rest of her life, then I'm gonna do it.
Jana: Hello, Daisy.
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