Y&R Transcript Monday 11/8/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 11/8/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 11/9/10 -- USA


Episode # 9523 ~ Adam & Skye Do Battle

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Nick: That is a nice dress. You look really pretty.

Sharon: Thank you.

Nick: Are Faith and the nanny off to the kids' museum?

Sharon: Yes. I am binky-, blankie-, and bottle-free, at least for the next few hours.

Nick: Wow.

Sharon: Yeah.

Nick: All those free. Well, then I feel like we should do something more exciting than just breakfast.

Sharon: Well, actually, I-I was--I was really looking forward to breakfast because it just feels different somehow, you know?

Nick: You mean 'cause my divorce is final.

Sharon: Yeah, maybe that's what it is.

Nick: Mm-hmm.

Sharon: Yeah. So are you ready to go?

Nick: Uh, just give me a minute. I'm trying to get a hold of my dad. He sent me this text saying he was going out of town and I needed to take care of Newman Enterprises, but there's nothing in there about where he's going or why. I cannot get a hold of him. I mean, Connie doesn't even know he's gone.

Sharon: Oh, well, maybe you should try, uh, try Meggie.

Nick: You know, I went up there, and she's not anywhere around, and Mom's in therapy sessions all day.

Sharon: That's pretty strange that you can't get a hold of anyone.

Nick: Yeah.

Skye: (Scoffs) Finally got up the nerve to face me?

Adam: It's time I made a few things clear.

Skye: Past time. I was getting ready to press charges.

Adam: Oh, right. Right, right, right, 'cause now you're not concerned all of a sudden about bad publicity for the hedge fund?

Skye: Just tell me you returned my money.

Adam: It's not your money, and it's gone. So get over it, Skye.

Gloria: I have a surprise for you, Lover Man.

Jeff: Oh, yeah?

Gloria: It'll be here any minute.

Jeff: Can't wait.

Gloria: Glad to see you're feeling better. Missed out last night staying home tucked in bed.

Jeff: Oh, did I?

Gloria: Mm-hmm. Your friend Hogan showed up.

Jeff: What, here?

Gloria: (Laughs) Don't be jealous. I didn't flirt with him much. But I must say, he's very charming and very generous, throwing money around, buying drinks for everybody. I told him he had to come back real soon.

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Hogan: Don't look so shocked. Haven't I made it clear? If you've got my money, you've got my attention.

Kevin: Look, I gave you everything Jeff gave me. He said he was gonna take care of this.

Hogan: Well, he hasn't, which leaves you on the hook. Figure it out, Fisher, by tonight.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Chloe: You've had one hell of a week, huh? I mean, I don't know who's scarier-- the "Goodfella" or that "Fembot" baby sister of yours... although I'm gonna-- I'm gonna put my money on Daisy in a cage fight.

Kevin: Well, I'm glad you're so amused by this.

Chloe: Come on. We're gonna get you out of this.

Kevin: Uh, we aren't gonna do anything. I'm handling this on my own.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Victoria: I just feel like jumping on a plane and going to see Reed.

Billy: Well, do it. Why not?

Victoria: Well, that's what I would love to do. But I think that it might confuse him a little bit. I mean, he's a little boy, and it's, like, two very difficult good-byes within the same amount of days, and what if my mother needs me? She's definitely gonna need me at some point.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Hey, Boss.

Billy: Hey.

Phyllis: Hi, Victoria.

Victoria: Hi.

Phyllis: That was some party you threw.

Billy: Yeah, thank you. It kind of screws things up for next year. How you gonna top a homicidal lunatic popping up out of the blue?

Phyllis: Yeah, hey.

Victoria: How is Lauren?

Phyllis: She's, you know, all right.

Billy: Yeah, I heard on the news, uh, that Daisy's pregnant?

Phyllis: Yeah, I heard that, too.

Billy: Well, that is fantastic, because this cover story's gonna write itself.

Phyllis: Uh, no, no, we're-- we're--we're--we're not gonna do a cover story on Daisy.

Billy: Why not?

Phyllis: Uh... I-I can't get the details um, on--on that story, uh, before we go to press. I can't do it.

Billy: Okay. Do you have anything else on Diane? Your online tell-all got lots of hits. Interest is piqued.

Victoria: Oh, I bet Diane was furious.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. You know, "I-I'm gonna kill you, blah, blah, blah."

Billy: Yeah, you got no joy out of pushing her buttons, did you?

Phyllis: No, I did not, Billy. You know, that story that I wrote had some repercussions that I did not anticipate.

Jack: Look, I know you're starting a new life at a new school with new friends, and it just makes it harder when your family's in the spotlight like this. I get it. I really do.

Kyle: I'm not upset for myself. It's for my mom.

Jack: Well, once your mom has had a chance to sit and explain to you the real history of--

Kyle: No, when are you going to explain what you're doing with someone like Phyllis? Its okay with you that she wrote that article?

(Cell phone rings)

Jack: Let me just check this, okay? Hi.

Diane: It's me, um, I-I only have a minute because I-I overslept and my interview is s-starting in, like-- oh, God-- now. But I-I-I wanted to check on Kyle.

Jack: He's doin' okay.

Diane: He read that awful article, Jack. I know he's not okay. And Phyllis is lucky that I'm not there, 'cause I really want to wring her neck.

Kyle: Is that my mom? I want to talk to her.

Jack: Here's Kyle.

Kyle: Hi.

Diane: Hey, Baby. I haven't thought about anything else since your dad told me what's going on. And I really want to talk to you, but I'm--I'm about to go into this interview. And I know you have to get to school.

Kyle: Mom, just tell me. Is it true what she wrote? Did you do all those things?

Diane: Sweetheart, I have explained to you that there were unusual circumstances when you were born.

Kyle: I know that. I'm talkin' about the rest of it-- Jack's first wife Patty, and her baby dying, and you starting a fire.

Diane: Honey, I-I really can't discuss this with you right now. Could you hold on, please? Okay?

Man: Ms. Jenkins?

Diane: Yes, hi. I'm so sorry. But would you just excuse me for one moment, please?

Kyle: Mom!

Diane: It-it's a minor family emergency. (Chuckles) (Clears throat) Kyle, this may be difficult for you to understand, but there was a time in my life when I was very young and very immature. And I-I-I did do things that I'm not proud of.

Kyle: So it's true?

Diane: No. There are elements of truth that Phyllis used to--to try to paint me as... Honey, you know I'm not that person. People learn from their mistakes, you know? They change. They grow up.

Kyle: I gotta go.

Diane: Kyle, please--   

(Phone hangs up)

Jack: What did she say?

Kyle: Just take me to school.

Jack: (Sighs)

Victoria: You can't really have been that surprised by Jack's reaction.

Phyllis: Well, Victoria, Jack gets me. He understands that I was trying to protect myself, protect our relationship, protect--

Billy: The good people of this fair metropolis. Yes, he's very noble.

Phyllis: That's true. I just wish Kyle saw it that way.

Victoria: Well, hopefully, Kyle won't see it at all.

Phyllis: Too late. He saw it last night.

Billy: Oh, Man.

Phyllis: Yeah, it's just mildly devastating. That's all.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: Oh, excuse me.

Billy: Did you talk to Kyle?

Phyllis: I tried.

Billy: He didn't want to hear it, huh?

Phyllis: (Sighs) What can I say? He's gonna learn the truth about his mom. I mean, Diane guaranteed that when she moved back here.

Billy: I see. I'm sure that went well with Jack.

Phyllis: Yeah, well, we'll get through it. Kids are resilient, right?

Billy: Yeah, some kids are.

Victoria: I'm gonna take off. I'm gonna go see Nick.

Phyllis: Anything wrong?

Victoria: Nothing that you and your keyboard need to know about, though.

Sharon: So Victoria knows what's going on?

Nick: Yeah, I guess so, but she wants to tell me in person.

Sharon: Hmm. Sounds ominous. So, okay, I'll just, um, meet you at the restaurant.

Nick: No, no, no, no. Don't go anywhere. It's gonna be a little while before Victoria gets here.

Sharon: Well, in that case, you know, I was gonna show you these when we got there.

Nick: Ohh, you got new pictures.

Sharon: Yeah, look. (Chuckles)

Nick: (Laughs)

Sharon: Okay, Faith has discovered the doggy door.

Nick: Yeah, yeah. She's trying to make a break for it, isn't she?

Sharon: (Laughs) Look at her in this one--so busted.

Nick: (Laughs)

Sharon: And then wait. There's one in here where she's smiling. Oh.

Nick: Oh, look at that.

Sharon: Ohh. (Chuckles)

Nick: She is so beautiful, just like you.

Skye: Even you can't get away with stealing thousands from our hedge fund.

Adam: The money's gone. I sent it to Justin Hightower.

Skye: Why would you do that?

Adam: A random act of kindness.

Skye: You're never kind, and when you are, it's not random. This is about Sharon, right? You're trying to impress her.

Adam: How would Sharon know what I was up to? That is, of course, unless she tracked me down at the bus station and I poured my heart out to her.

Skye: You set me up. (Scoffs) Laid out just enough clues so I'd figure out where you were and send Sharon to stop you.

Adam: That's an interesting theory. It's completely unprovable.

Skye: Well, what did you even accomplish? Was it worth 100 grand to have Sharon come stroke your ego? I mean, the whole stupid hoax was for nothing.

Adam: No, Skye, it wasn't a hoax. Everything that I told Sharon was true, and I really did have a ticket out of town, and I really did give the money to Justin Hightower, and I really am divorcing you.

Jeff: Make sure next time you--you get all the checks before--   

Kevin: (Sighs) Did I not just tell you I wanted to handle this on my own?

Chloe: Oh, did you say that? Oh, I must have heard wrong. Besides, what kind of wingman would I be if I stayed behind?

Kevin: You are not my wingman. I don't need a wingman.

Chloe: Uh, yeah, you do need a wingman. Stop arguing with me. Besides, I am very, very useful.

Jeff: Table for two?

Kevin: No, we're not staying. I need to talk to you.

Gloria: Angel, thank God you're all right. You were at that party last night, weren't you? Where Daisy showed up?

Kevin: Yeah, I was. I did--I didn't see her.

Gloria: Mm-hmm. Imagine the gall, not to mention the stupidity. What did she think was gonna happen?

Kevin: I don't know.

Gloria: You know, I don't know why anybody goes to that dive bar, all right? I mean, the criminal element's taking over. Next year, when Billy has a party, it should be someplace respectable.

Kevin: Oh, gee, like here?

Gloria: Precisely. Suggest it to him, huh?

Chloe: You know what I'm gonna suggest to Billy? Doing a profile on you.

Gloria: On me?

Chloe: Mm-hmm. "The Phoenix of Genoa City." You've risen from the ashes to a real prominent place in society. I mean, it's inspiring, really. And I bet you that I probably don't even know half of the obstacles that you've overcome. Do you think that you could fill me in on it?

Gloria: I think I can spare you a few minutes.

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Gloria: Excuse me, Gentlemen.

Chloe: See? Totally useful. (Clicks tongue)

Kevin: Why won't you give Hogan the money you owe him? He's taking it out on me. Now you gotta stop screwing around and pay up.

Skye: Okay, you're gonna file for divorce just like you bought that ticket out of town-- with no real intention?

Adam: Mnh-mnh. I'm not bluffing here, Skye.

Skye: Neither am I when I say the money stays with me. So unless you're prepared to walk away from all of it...

Adam: Want ads. I will get a job cleaning toilets if I have to. That's right, Skye. That's how desperate I am to be rid of you.

Skye: I saved your ass. You would be rotting in prison if it weren't for me.

Adam: I traded one prison for another.

Skye: I can send you back. Do I have to remind you how much dirt I have on you?

Adam: Oh, you're not gonna do anything to jeopardize this hedge fund. Skye, I'm gonna let you have everything that you wanted from this marriage, unless, of course, you back me into a corner. But I think you're a smart enough woman to know that's a very bad idea.

Nick: I wish I would have been there to see Faith this morning.

Sharon: I think she would have liked that. What?

Nick: Um, I was wondering how you would, uh, feel about... coffee? Would you like some coffee?

Sharon: Um, sure. You know what? I-I love your coffee.

Nick: Coming right up.

(Knock on door)

Sharon: (Sighs)

Victoria: Hi.

Nick: Hey, come on in.

Victoria: Thanks. Oh. Hi, Sharon. I didn't realize you were here.

Sharon: Oh, it's okay. I was--I was just leaving. Um, so, I'll just head over there, and if I see you, I see you. If not, I-I'll just have my breakfast.

Nick: You are definitely going to see me.

Victoria: (Clears throat)

Sharon: Okay.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nick: Bye.

Sharon: Bye.

Victoria: See you.

Nick: (Sighs) All right, what's the deal?

Victoria: Okay, I need you to brace yourself, because this is, uh, really hard. (Sighs) Um, it turns out that Mom's friend, her assistant Meggie, is wanted in several states for murder.

Nick: Murder? Are you kidding me?

Victoria: Yeah, apparently she marries wealthy men and then she collects after they mysteriously die. And last night, she tried to kill Dad.

Nick: Oh, my God.

Victoria: It's okay. He's fine. You know our dad. He figured it out...

Nick: (Sighs)

Victoria: And he--he set a trap for her with the police, and she's been arrested.

Nick: I mean, I-I can't believe Dad didn't tell us what was going on.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. Unfortunately, he also did not tell our mother what's going on, so when she heard that he went to Vegas with Meggie to marry her, which was part of the plan that he didn't tell her, she completely lost it, Nick.

Nick: What'd she do?

Victoria: Don't judge her. Don't judge her.

Nick: Vick, just--

Victoria: Promise me, because she's been through a lot.

Nick: Just tell me. What'd she do?

Victoria: Well, Dad went to fill her in... finally, and he found her in bed with Deacon Sharpe.

Nick: (Groans)

Victoria: I know. (Sighs) I know. I mean, he was at Solidarity House, too. And they threw him out after this, thank God.

Nick: (Sighs) Oh, I am such an idiot. I knew I should have gotten him kicked out when I ran into him before.

Victoria: Hold on a second. You knew he was there?

Nick: (Stammers) I ran into him, all right? When I was waiting for Mom at the Solidarity House.

Victoria: Well, if-- what is wr... (Scoffs) Dad--

Nick: Mom asked me not to say anything.

Victoria: (Scoffs) Dad tells you not to tell me about Mom. Mom says not to say anything about Deacon. What is--what is wrong with you? Why are you keeping so many secrets from me, Nick?

Nick: I just didn't want things to be harder for Mom. That's it.

Victoria: Great. Great. Good job. Good job. It's... (Scoffs) It's a huge screaming mess now.

Kevin: I knew I couldn't trust you. I never thought you would sell me up the river for a lousy 10 grand.

Jeff: No, you got-- got it all wrong.

Adam: Jeff, um, sorry. Excuse me. Um, yeah, I'm here to talk to somebody about the bartending job.

Jeff: Are you serious?

Adam: Completely.

Jeff: Follow me.

Gloria: I love the cover you shot with Kevin. I mean, we could do something like that-- heavy on the glamour, me as Gloria Swanson, turbans... (Chuckles)

Chloe: Oh, I love it. I love it.

Jeff: Sugar buns? Uh, there's somebody here for the bartending job.

Chloe and Gloria: (Laugh)

Chloe: Get out, really? Really?

Jeff: I'll leave you to it.

Chloe: (Chuckles) Okay. We-we'll wrap this up later.

Gloria: Yeah, right. So what's this really about?

Adam: Uh, I've gotten out of the hedge fund business. I just need to pay a few bills, uh, make ends meet, you know? Uh, I was a bartender in college, so...

Gloria: Good enough.

Adam: Wh--I'm hired?

Gloria: Why not? You got the looks, a little experience, and, um, you got the name. Bring a lot of curiosity seekers in. Can you start right now?

Adam: Sure.

Gloria: Let's go fill out some forms.

Jeff: I thought I just miscounted and left out the 10 grand, but I looked. I can't find it anywhere. I'm telling you. It's like the money just vanished.

Kevin: Well, I hope you're lying, because if you're not, we are both screwed.

Jeff: (Sighs)

Nick: You know, Vick, I wasn't trying to exclude you from either situation. Dad wanted to be the one to tell you about Mom being in rehab, so that situation seemed to be under control.

Victoria: With Deacon right next door?

Nick: Okay, what was I supposed to do? Just somehow know that Dad was gonna go to Las Vegas and fake-marry this psychopath and that Mom was gonna react by--

Victoria: No.

Nick: I mean, I can't even say it out loud.

Victoria: You know what you were supposed to know? You were supposed to know that you can trust me, and that I have Mom's best interest at heart, and that she needs me, especially now that Dad's taken off on her again like he always does when things get ugly.

Nick: You know, just yesterday, Sharon and I were talking about how Mom finally seems to be getting her act together, and Dad was standing by her this once, and it blows up again.

Victoria: Well, I guess it's inevitable. No matter how much they love each other, which I believe they do, they just can't seem to make it work.

Diane: What else can I tell you about myself?

Man: Why are you the right person for this position?

Diane: Uh, that's a fair question. (Laughs) (Sighs) Um, well, I'm--I'm very dynamic. Um, I'm--I'm very outgoing. I get along with just about everybody. I'm a hard worker, and I'm-- of course, I love New York.

Man: Well, I think we've covered just about everything.

Diane: I'd like to, um, meet the other partners. I hope I have that chance as long as I'm in town.

Man: We'll have to see.

Diane: I could extend my stay if that would be helpful.

Man: We'll be in touch. Okay.

Phyllis: You know what? Let's make a deal. No more lunatics on the cover.

Billy: That kinda limits our options.

Phyllis: It's just a temporary moratorium, just temporary. I mean, there's gotta be a nice small-town, all-American...

Billy: Sex scandal.

Phyllis: Exactly. Wouldn't that be refreshing?

Billy: Like an ice-cold beer.

Phyllis: Somebody's gotta be hiking the Appalachian Trail about now, don't you think?

Billy: Probably.

Phyllis: Hey, Kyle. Are you with your dad?

Kyle: No.

Phyllis: Uh, what are you doing here?

Kyle: I didn't come to talk to you. I want to talk to my uncle.

Phyllis: Okay. I'll make myself scarce.

Billy: Yeah. Thank you.

Phyllis: Sure.

Billy: What's up, Buddy?

Kyle: You're her boss, right? You own the magazine.

Billy: Yes, I do.

Kyle: Okay, promise me you'll make her stop writing things like that about my mom.

Phyllis: (Quietly) Um, hey, Jack, uh, we have a situation here.

Jack: I can't talk right now. Kyle's school just called. He's missing.

Phyllis: Um, well, he's actually here at the office. Um, he's kind of upset.

Jack: Don't let him go anywhere. I'm on my way.

Nick: Vick, I hate...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nick: Keeping secrets from you.

Victoria: Okay. Is there anything else I should know?

Nick: Well, my divorce is final.

Victoria: Okay. Are you all right?

Nick: I'm okay. You know, I-I hate not being able to see Summer every day. I'm--I'm sorry. I know, uh, that was insensitive. I know you don't get to see Reed as much as you'd like to.

Victoria: Even less now, actually.

Nick: Why?

Victoria: J.T. and Mac, um, they moved to Washington, actually.

Nick: Permanently?

Victoria: Yeah.

Nick: How can he do that to you?

Victoria: I gotta go. (Sighs)

Nick: Wait, Vick. Please. Just...

Victoria: I... (Sighs) I can't talk about it. I'm sorry.

Nick: You know, we've always been best friends. Now I feel like I can't even talk to you anymore. I don't--I don't know. I mean... (Sighs) It was just the other day I was walking you down the aisle.

Victoria: Yeah, you...

Nick: How did this happen?

Victoria: Yeah, y-you were walking me down the aisle. (Sighs) You didn't approve of my wedding. You didn't approve of my lawsuit against Dad, either.

Nick: Look, I want to be there for you. And I know I haven't been lately, and I'm... I'm sorry.

Victoria: Mm, me, too.

Nick: Okay. Then can we just, you know, take a few minutes and catch up?

Victoria: Sharon's waiting for you.

Nick: Vick.

Victoria: No, you know what? We'll talk, but... uh, we'll just talk later.

Nick: Sure. (Sighs)

Gloria: Sharon, looking lovely as always.

Sharon: Oh, th-thank you. Thank you. Uh, I'll take a table for two, please.

Gloria: Right this way.

Gloria: Oh. Our new hire. Hope it won't be too awkward for you.

Sharon: Not at all.

Gloria: Great. Your server will be right over. May I?

Adam: (Sighs) Hello.

Sharon: So you work here now?

Adam: Yeah, I'm makin' a lot of changes. Um, I quit the hedge fund. I left Skye. But, you know, it feels good-- clean slate.

Sharon: Wow. Well, that, um, that couldn't have been easy.

Adam: No. But it was well worth it. Really, the last time I felt this optimistic about the future was, um, well, when you and I were married.

Adam: You here alone?

Sharon: Um, I'm meeting Nick. I mean, I-if he makes it, which didn't look good.

Adam: Well, if you need some company, I'm--I'm right here.

Sharon: I should tell you so that you hear it from me, um, Nick's divorce is final. So he and I are...

Adam: No need to explain. Sounds like we're all just getting a fresh start.

Billy: Your mom must be very proud. You've got her back. You're a brave kid.

Kyle: So you're gonna leave her alone?

Billy: (Clears throat) We're not planning on writing anything.

Kyle: (Scoffs) But you can change your mind.

Billy: You are a smart kid. I'll tell you what, I can make you a deal. If anything comes down the pipe that you ought to know about, I'll give you a call, but that's the best that I can do.

Phyllis: Okay, hey. Kyle, let's have a conversation. Let's have a conversation. Okay. (Sighs) I don't blame you for being mad at me.

Kyle: But you don't care.

Phyllis: Kyle, that's not true.

Kyle: If you did, you never would have written it.

Phyllis: Okay, so you read the article. You shouldn't have read it, but you read it. I'm sorry. So now you know there's a lot of history between your mom and I, and it's, uh, very intense, and that's what the article was about. It wasn't about you.

(Door closes)

Phyllis: (Gasps)

Jack: Kyle!

Phyllis: Oh, my God! Oh! (Gasps) (Sighs) (Wiping up keyboard) (Sighs) It's all right.

Jack: No, it is not. That is totally unacceptable behavior. So is ditching school. Do you have any idea how worried I was?

Billy: Hey, Jack, you got this? I've gotta be somewhere.

Jack: Yeah, yeah, yeah. We're fine. Thanks.

Billy: All right.

Jack: Look, I'm sure this protective tendency comes from me, which is not a bad thing all the time. Just sometimes, we have a tendency to go overboard. This situation with your mother and Phyllis is something they have to handle. You can't fix it. Neither can I. Besides, you've got too much on your plate. You're starting a new school. You're making new friends. And ditching class is no way to start that job.

Kyle: I don't care.

Jack: I do. Kyle, don't let our mistakes become yours. It's only gonna make things harder.

Jeff: It's not in the safe or any of my usual hiding places.

Kevin: Well, who else has access to the safe? Could Deacon have gotten his hands on it?

Jeff: Kevin, I'm not a moron.

Kevin: Actually, you know what? I'm a moron for putting myself in this position.

Gloria: Here's your surprise, Jeffrey. Well, go ahead. Come on. Open it.

Jeff: Um... (Chuckles)

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Jeff: What is it, Darling?

Gloria: You'll see.

Jeff: Yeah? You wrapped it really well.

Gloria: (Laughs)

Jeff: Ahh, look--a box. Holy moly. Um... you--you already got me a watch, Honey.

Gloria: I know, but that's just gold. This one's white gold. It won't clash with your cuff links.

Jeff: Seems a little extravagant.

Gloria: And we earned it-- something to show for all our hard work. Come on, we got money comin' out our ears, sitting around in shopping bags.

Chloe: (Gags)

Gloria: Put it to good use.

Chloe: (Coughing) Wrong pipe. Sorry. Excuse me. (Sighs)

Jeff: You took the money?

Gloria: Well, don't get angry, Lover Man. I bought you a nice present and this outfit. I knew you'd love it.

Jeff: Honey Bunny, um, I'm sorry, but, um, that money wasn't ours. It was for taxes. This is all gonna have to be returned.

Gloria: Little late for that. I'm wearing the dress and the shoes. And that watch is engraved. Go on.

Nick: Hey.

Sharon: Oh... hello. You made it.

Nick: Wow. (Sighs) Have I really let you down that often?

Sharon: No. No, I just... you know, you had a lot to do, and I just didn't think you'd make it. What? Oh, yeah. Um, he's turning over a new leaf.

Nick: (Sighs) Whatever.

Sharon: Okay, we can go somewhere else.

Nick: No. Nope. I am not gonna worry about it. (Sighs)

Sharon: That's a first.

Nick: I'm not gonna get distracted from what really matters. I do that too much in life. I get so wrapped up in whatever crisis my family is going through, and work so hard to prevent it, and it doesn't do any good, especially with my family.

Sharon: So there is something going on with your family.

Nick: Yeah, and the worst part is... (Sighs) You know, we can't all lean on each other because we're so far apart, and we all let that happen. So right now, the thing I need to focus on is letting the people know that I care about that I'm there for them and that they can count on it. And everything else is gonna fall into place.

Sharon: It's not that simple, Nick.

Nick: Actually, Sharon, it really is. It is that simple. I love you, and I love our family, and I don't want anything to separate us.

Nick: So... if you think you can handle putting off breakfast for the time being, what I really want to do right now is to take you home and make love to you.

Billy: Hey.

Victoria: Hey. Thanks for coming.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: (Sighs) I really wasn't in the mood to have a meltdown in front of Phyllis today.

Billy: What happened? Did Nick give you a hard time?

Victoria: No. It's just that we used to be close. We don't really talk anymore. (Sighs) What if Reed... what if... I don't know. What if we grow apart? What if he stops feeling the same way about me?

Billy: No, no, no, no, no. That's not gonna happen. Come on. You're gonna call him. You're gonna visit. He's gonna come stay with us.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. (Sighs) It's just not the same. I mean, he's so little. How's he supposed to understand all this?

Billy: Maybe that's a blessing. Look at Kyle. He's old enough to understand every sordid little detail about what happened to his parents. I just saw him right now at the office. He's 100 pounds of solid disillusion. I hope Delia never sees me like that. I don't want to let her down.

Victoria: Let's go get her.

Billy: From preschool?

Victoria: Yeah. We'll just--we'll go grab her, and we'll play hooky, do something fun.

Billy: I love that idea. And I love you. Let's do it.

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: Come on. (Growls)

Victoria: Come on.

Billy: After you, my dear.

Gloria: Well, call whoever you need to call at the I.R.S. and get an extension.

Kevin: We tried that. It didn't work.

Gloria: Then pay the penalty. A few hundred bucks ain't gonna break us. I'm goin' to check on our new hire.

Chloe: I'm gonna go to the ladies' room.

Jeff: We have our answer.

Kevin: Well, Hogan doesn't want answers. He wants cash. (Sighs) So how are we gonna come up with $10,000 by tonight?

Jeff: (Sighs)

Gloria: Settling in all right?

Adam: Just fine.

Gloria: You let me know if anybody gives you any trouble, huh?

Adam: (Grunts) I, uh, I don't expect any problems.

Jack: We will finish this conversation later. We've gotta get you back to school.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Kyle: Fine.

Phyllis: Um, listen I'll meet you at your office. We'll talk about how we're gonna deal with--

Jack: Let's take a break.

Phyllis: (Sighs) What? A break?

Jack: My son needs my full attention right now.

Phyllis: Wait, Jack, I know, but--

Jack: Adding you to the mix at this point is only gonna fan the flames. Maybe a little distance would be good for all of us.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Diane: (Sniffles)

Victor: So we meet again.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Daisy: If you can't get me out of this cell, we have nothing to say to each other.

Lauren: So then why are you making me feel guilty for spending the morning with our son?

Michael: There's really no room for a recluse in the picture, is there?

Man: Would you both step out of the vehicle, please?

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