Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/4/10

Y&R Transcript Thursday 11/4/10 -- Canada; Friday 11/5/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9521 ~ The New Mrs. Newman

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Nikki: Meggie's voice mail says that she and Victor were going out of town together, I...

Deacon: Yeah, I know, but maybe it was just business.

Nikki: Yeah, maybe. But... (Sighs) Maybe I was right all along. Maybe she's after him.

Deacon: Okay, even if she was, I-- do you honestly believe that he would do that to you?

Nikki: (Sighs) I don't think so. I mean, he wouldn't get involved with Meggie... would he?

Meggie: It's still hard to believe that we're husband and wife.

Victor: (Slurring) Yeah, Baby.

Meggie: Well, I've got the marriage license right here to prove it. Hey, Captain, what's up?

Man: I just wanted to let you and Mr. Newman know that we'll be arriving in Genoa City on schedule.

Meggie: Would you take a picture of us on my cell phone so that, uh, I don't have to wait for the minister's husband's pictures to be sent, and I can upload to my social network and let everybody see the new bride? Say, "I do," Darling.

Victor: I do. I do.

Meggie: Let me see. (Sighs) Oh, that ought to do just fine.

Victor: That's beautiful.

Man: Anything else, Mrs. Newman?

Meggie: "Mrs. Newman"-- I love it. No, we're good.

Victor: (Sighs)

Meggie: Well, Mr. Newman, I have quite a night in store for us. I'm really excited about it.

Victor: Oh, Boy.

Meggie: And I know you will be, too. Hope you're ready for it.

Victor: (Chuckles) Oh, Boy.

Chloe: Okay, the dresses, the suits, makeup, curling irons...

Kay: The suits, right. Right. Right. Right.

Chloe: Um, cake and flowers are on its way.

Kay: Uh-huh, um...

Chloe: And I don't know how "Mrs. Houdini" did it, but she pulled a marriage license out of her hat.

Kay: I just pulled in a favor. That's all I did-- a favor.

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Chloe: So I'm gonna take these upstairs. Then we will talk plan of attack for the day, and, uh, ooh, please say thank you to Kevin, because he volunteered to help.

J.T.: Well, I can only imagine her definition of "Volunteer."

Kevin: Dude, you have no idea.

Kay: (Chuckles)

(Doorbell rings)

Chloe: Okay, be quiet. Let's bring these-- don't mash the dresses.

Mac: Thank you, Kevin.

Kay: Watch it, Kevin. You're gonna step on that. (Chuckles)

Victoria: What's going on?

Reed: I'm going to be in daddy and Mac’s wedding.

Michael: Great. Good. No. I'm on my way. Thanks.

Michael: I'm on my way to Heather Stevens. I'm gonna make sure Daisy doesn't get bail. I was hoping you would come with me.

Lauren: What do you need me for?

Michael: (Chuckles) As brilliant as I am at what I do, there's something you offer I can’t.

Lauren: A real-life representation of Daisy's crimes? No, thank you. No, thank you. (Sighs) I am through playing victim.

Michael: Not as long as you stay locked away in this apartment.

Daisy: (Sighs) Am I getting arraigned today?

Woman: Are you prepared to post bail if the judge grants it?

Daisy: No. But, uh, I'm hoping my baby's father will come through for us.

Phyllis: Hey, Daniel. What are you doin'?

Daniel: Hey.

Phyllis: Come have a cup of coffee.

Daniel: I didn't even see you sittin' there.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Daniel: I've actually been meaning to call you.

Phyllis: Oh, great. Hey, hey, did you hear that they arrested Daisy?

Daniel: Yeah, I-I was there.

Phyllis: What?

Daniel: She broke into my apartment.

Phyllis: Oh, my gosh. Did she do anything? Did she try anything with you?

Daniel: Does claiming that I'm the father of her baby count?

Reed: Will you stay, Mommy?

Victoria: Yes, I would-- I would love to stay and see you all dressed up and handsome and walking down the aisle.

Esther: You know, Chloe has an awesome suit for someone to try on. Want to see it?

Reed: Come on, Mom.

Esther: Yeah.

Victoria: Okay.

J.T.: Hey, Victoria? Look, I know this isn't easy. I appreciate what you're doing for Reed.

Victoria: Yeah, well, I'm a good mom. I always have been. I wish you'd stop acting so surprised about that.

Kay: Uh, Billy. Billy.

J.T.: Well, she is really upset with me for taking Reed to D.C.

Kay: You both love Reed, and you're going to make him a great life in Washington. But Victoria’s entitled to be angry, you know? Surely you both understand that.

(Doorbell rings)

Mac: I'll get that.

Kay: Thank you, Sweetie.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Lily: You're getting married today!

Mac: I know! Can you believe it?

Lily: (Laughs)

Mac: Where's Cane?

Lily: Uh, actually, he flew to, uh, Chicago for a meeting, so he's gonna be really upset that he missed this.

Mac: Well, I am glad that you're here because I have a favor to ask you.

Lily: Yes?

Mac: Would you be my matron of honor?

Lily: (Laughs) Listen, after everything that you have done for me, of course I will. I would love to. (Laughs)

J.T.: Hey, thanks again, Buddy. I appreciate it.

Kevin: Yeah, no problem.

Kay: Well, I'm rather surprised to see you here, young man. I thought you'd be preoccupied with Daisy coming back to town.

Kevin: No, that's got nothing to do with me.

Kay: No? Well, she nearly, um, killed Jana, destroyed your marriage, and the fact that she is your sister... and you are telling me that you have no feelings about her coming back to Genoa City?

Kevin: I'm-- I'm just gonna let Michael handle Daisy.

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: He'll make sure that she gets locked away for a long time, and that's good enough for me.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Michael: Hey. I appreciate your being able to meet with me. I know how busy you are, what with work and the campaign and...

Heather: (Sighs) I guess you hadn't heard then.

Michael: (Sighs)

Heather: I dropped out of the race. I thought I could, uh, do a balancing act with Victor, take his money and not let him use me, but, um...

Michael: I'm so sorry.

Heather: Mm. You and me both. (Sighs) All right, um, Daisy Carter's arraignment is today. I plan to ask for remand.

Michael: Well, we can't let some incompetent judge grant her bail just because she's pregnant.

Heather: Oh. (Scoffs) Plenty of pregnant inmates.

Michael: None as dangerous as this one. Listen to me. Daisy has to stay behind bars, not just for my family's safety, but for Lauren’s sanity.

[Lauren remembering]

Daisy: Sheila didn't raise her twins. Doesn't mean she didn't give birth to them and then pawn them off to someone else. Our mother was too busy with her vendetta against you to give us a thought. If it weren't for you, my brother and I would have had a mother, our real mother. And for that, we are gonna make you suffer, like we did.

Phyllis: Okay, this was just gonna be an ordinary day. I was just gonna go to work. Summer was gonna go to school. Maybe get a massage, a manicure. But finding out that I might become a... g-- a g-- a grandmother was not on the agenda.

Daniel: I'm telling you...

Phyllis: Daniel--

Daniel: I did not have sex with Daisy.

Phyllis: You don't know if you did or you didn't have sex with Daisy. You don't remember. We need to get a court order. We need to find out if that kid is yours.

Daniel: She already offered to take a paternity test.

Phyllis: Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go! (Sighs) Let's go.

Victor: (Slurring) Where the hell is everybody?

Meggie: Oh, I called ahead and told the staff they could go home so we could have the house to ourselves.

Victor: Oh, I like the sound of that.

Meggie: (Chuckles)

Victor: I love the sound of that, Baby.

Meggie: (Laughs) Victor.

Victor: Mm. Mm.

Meggie: It's our-- it's our wedding night. I want everything to be perfect.

Victor: (Laughs) Ooh! Oh, Man. (Sighs) Don't make me wait too long, okay?

Meggie: No, I'll just... post our wedding photo on Faceplace so everybody can see how happy we are, and then we'll get on with the rest of the night.

J.T.: Hey, Paul. Thanks for coming. Come on in.

Paul: Yeah, it sounded urgent. What's up?

J.T.: Yeah, it is. Uh, let's--let's go in here. Well, my friend... (Sighs) I am gettin' married.

Paul: You and Mac, I know.

J.T.: No, today. Now.

Paul: Great. Uh, shoot. What--what can I do to help?

J.T.: You can be my best man.

Paul: (Sighs) I would be honored.

J.T.: Good.

Paul: (Chuckles)

(Doorbell rings)

Mac: I'll get that.

Kay: Oh, could you, Darling?

Mac: Yeah.

Kay: Please. Could be the minister.

Brock: Hi.

Mac: Hi!

Brock: I hear there's a wedding here today.

Mac: (Laughs) Dad!

Brock: (Laughs) Oh, congratulations, Sweetheart.

Mac: Thank you.

Brock: (Chuckles)

(Key rattles in lock)

Michael: Hey, hey.

Lauren: Hi.

Michael: Uh, interesting news-- Heather Stevens has decided not to run for district attorney.

Lauren: Really?

Michael: Apparently, she will handle the arraignment, and the new D.A. will take over the prosecution.

Lauren: All right, good. Hopefully, between the three of you, you can keep Daisy in jail for a very long period of time.

Michael: Oh, well, the odds of that happening would improve considerably if you spoke at the arraignment today.

Lauren: No. I-I-I don't want to see her.

Michael: All right, wait. Hey. Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me. Daisy cannot hurt you if we make sure she stays locked up.

Lauren: But Ryder is still out there. He--he could be waiting for me to leave the apartment.

Michael: All right, Sweetheart. Sweetheart, that's not gonna happen.

Lauren: Daisy said that she would make me pay for taking Sheila away from her and her brother. She wants to hurt me, and she wants to hurt you, and she wants to hurt Fen.

Michael: All right, Lauren, she's already tried to hurt you. But you defeated her with your strength and your courage.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Michael: You go to that arraignment today. You show her she still can't beat you.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Heather: Fax it to my office, all right? Thank you.

Michael: (Clears throat) Look who came to speak at Daisy's arraignment.

Heather: Lauren, you have no idea how important it is that you're here.

Lauren: Well, if it keeps Daisy in jail, then I'm glad I came.

Daisy: So am I, Lauren. I'm glad you came today.

Lauren: Why?

Daisy: (Sighs)

Lauren: So you could scare me? So you could hurt me?

Daisy: I was a victim of Aunt Sarah’s, just like you. I feel terrible about what happened.

Lauren: You know what? You enjoyed every second that you tortured Jana and me. You caged us like animals. You told us that we would never see our families again. Oh, no. Now you are behind bars, and I'm gonna make sure you stay that way.

Daisy: Daniel.

Phyllis: We are here to talk to you and Heather, um, regarding something about Miss Carter.

Michael: What about her?

Phyllis: (Sighs) It's not about her, actually. It's about, um, the-- the ba-baby.

Daniel: She claims it's mine.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Michael: Yours?

Lauren: What?!

Phyllis: No, no, no, no. Listen. Listen. This is not for sure. We're-- we're gonna make sure that-- that--that it's his... or not.

Michael: Are you willing to do a paternity test?

Daniel: Absolutely I'm willing to do it.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Daniel: All right, I want to do it before the arraignment, though...

Phyllis: Right.

Daniel: So we can prove that this kid is not mine.

Victoria: Hey. (Sighs) Have I told you how much I love you? I'm gonna call you every day, all right? I'm gonna send you lots of hugs and lots of kisses over the phone.

Reed: It won't be the same as real kisses.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. But... well, I'm gonna come to Washington, D.C., to give you those kisses, okay? And you know what? You're gonna come back here, and you're gonna visit a lot. You'll see me a lot.

Reed: I'm gonna miss you, Mommy.

Victoria: Come here. (Sighs) I'm gonna miss you, too, Baby. But you're always gonna be my number... my number one guy, okay?

Reed: You're always gonna be my number one mommy.

Victoria: Okay. (Chuckles)

Victoria: Mm... (Chuckles)

Billy: Hey, Guys, you want to go, uh, stretch your legs a little bit before the ceremony?

Victoria: Yeah, that's a good idea. (Sighs)

(Knock on door)

Deacon: I, uh, brought you some tea.

Nikki: Oh, thanks.

Deacon: What are you doing?

Nikki: Oh, I'm just loggin' on to Faceplace. Maybe I'll find somebody whose life is more miserable than mine, cheer myself up.

Deacon: Any luck?

Nikki: What?

Deacon: What's the matter? What'd you find? Somebody put an unflattering picture up or something?

Nikki: Meggie has changed her status from single to married.

Deacon: Your assistant?

Nikki: (Gasps) Oh, my God!

Nikki: There's a wedding picture of her and Victor.

Deacon: Let me see that.

Meggie: Sorry it took me so-- is that any way to act on your honeymoon? You know what you need? (Chuckles) A drink. And I happen to know the perfect pick-me-up.

Meggie: Poor Victor... so tanked.

Meggie: He felt he had to take a few pills...

Meggie: Just to perform.

Meggie: That ought to put you right out of this world... literally.

Woman: She'll do the paternity test if she can check into a hospital and get adequate prenatal care.

Daisy: And I stay there until the results come back.

Lauren: There's no way. Michael. Michael. You cannot let this happen.

Michael: (Stammers) She's already proven she's a flight risk and a threat to Lauren.

Lauren: And her brother's still out there.

Phyllis: Lauren, Lauren, I-I understand. I-I totally support you-- totally. But, um, we--we have to find out if that baby is my son’s.

Lauren: Then fine. Do the test in jail. You've got doctors and hospitals.

Daisy: Forget it. I'm not letting a prison doctor jab me in the n-- stomach with a needle while I'm handcuffed to a bed.

Heather: W-we can't force Miss Carter to submit to a paternity test. It is up to her.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Daisy: You know my conditions. I go to a real hospital, or "Baby Romalotti" stays behind bars with me.

Phyllis: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Nikki: Married? (Sighs) (Stammers) That's unbelievable. When--when they were up in Canada, I know that Meggie came on to him, and when she came down here, I-I-I thought that she might be after him, but he said that he had no interest in her. Oh, my God. I need a drink.

Deacon: Okay, you know what? That's the last thing you need.

Nikki: Oh, my God. I know. I know. You're right.

Deacon: (Sighs)

Nikki: I-I-I-I just don't understand how something like this could happen. I mean, what, is it because of the-- the fight that we had here the other night? Because I threw him out of here?

Deacon: I mean, do you really think that he was so upset that he rushed into the arms of another woman? I--

Nikki: Are you kidding? He does it all the time. Every time something goes wrong between the two of us, there's a whole list of them-- Diane, Sabrina, Ashley. Now we have Meggie. How could he do this? How could he just give up on me?

Meggie: Wake up, Sleepyhead. I made you a special drink. It's gonna help finish the honeymoon with a bang.

Victor: (Slurring) I've had too much to drink already.

Meggie: Oh, I went to so much trouble. Don't you want to make your bride happy? She'd do anything to make you happy.

Victor: Oh, Baby. Oh, Baby. (Groans) (Sighs) (Sighs) (Exhales) (Groans) Oh, Meggie, you're a good wife. (Sighs) You're such a good wife. (Sighs)

Meggie: Oh, Victor, I can't wait for what comes next.

Victor: (Sighs)

Brock: You be happy.

Mac: I will.

Brock: All right.

Mac: (Chuckles)

Brock: I've been asked to, uh, cut this short. Um... well, I mean, these last couple of weeks have been, uh, difficult, you know? Pretty tough for the family. So when Mother called and asked if I'd marry you two, uh, I was thrilled. (Chuckles) You know, finally, something to celebrate! What a... what a joyous and hopeful celebration for you two. The love that you have for one another, the life that you plan to... to build together-- simply fantastic. All right, now I believe, Mackenzie, J.T., You have something you want to say to each other.

Mac: (Sighs) I have traveled the world helping other people, trying to give meaning to my life. I always felt good about what I was doing, but something was missing. It wasn't until I got home that I realized that what was missing had been in my own backyard the whole time... since high school. (Chuckles)

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Mac: We have crossed in and out of each other's lives so many times, I've lost track. But I think somewhere deep inside, I always knew that we would end up here one day. I could have clicked my heels three times and maybe made it happen sooner...

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Mac: But we're here now. We're home. And as long as we're together, we always will be.

J.T.: (Sighs) That's right. Timing hasn't always been our thing. But we're destined to be a family. And just so I got the message loud and clear, somebody upstairs sent us a little reminder-- the baby you're carrying, our baby.

Reed: Yeah! I'm gonna be a big brother!

Esther: (Laughs)

Brock: (Laughs)

Brock: Well, let's make this official, huh? Jeffrey Todd, do you take Mackenzie to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?

J.T.: I do.

Brock: Mackenzie, do you take Jeffery Todd to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live?

Mac: I do.

Brock: Ring time, Kiddo.

J.T.: Thanks, Buddy.

Mac: Oh, the ring.

J.T.: Okay.

Brock: By the power vested in me by the state of Wisconsin, I do hereby proclaim you husband and wife.

J.T.: (Chuckles) Yeah. Yeah, go ahead.

Kay: (Laughs)

Brock: (Laughs)

Esther: (Laughs)

Chloe: Whoo!

Brock: All right.

Lily: Aw. (Laughs)

Mac: Thank you so much. This was amazing.

Chloe: Wait till you see what we did to the car.

Reed: Can I see it?

J.T.: Yeah, hey, Buddy, why don't you, uh, help me pack up the rest of your stuff?

Billy: Thank you.

Kay: Oh, just what Billy needed.

Victoria: Um, can I come with you?

J.T.: Sure. Here.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Billy: Well, hope this wedding goes better than the last one you had here.

Mac: Yeah, it's destiny-- Victoria’s yours, J.T.'s mine.

Billy: I wish you all the best. I'll always love you.

Mac: You, too.

Billy: Mm.

Kay: My turn.

Billy: Yes, Ma'am.

Kay: (Chuckles) All right, now you listen. You promise to come and visit, or I'm gonna be knocking on your door in Washington every time I turn around, especially when this child is born.

Mac: I promise.

Kay: I love you, Mac...

Mac: I love you.

Kay: So much. Mm. Happiness.

Lily: My turn.

Mac: (Laughs)

Lily: Now listen here, Missy. I planned on spending every day telling you thank you for giving me Charlie and Mattie. Now how am I supposed to do that with you so far away?

Mac: Well, we're gonna stay in touch, always.

Lily: (Sighs) Okay.

Victoria: Did you pack the "Bumpy" book that I gave you?

Reed: Uh-huh.

Victoria: Uh-huh.

J.T.: Hey, Buddy, where's that stuffed cow you won at the harvest festival?

Reed: I left it upstairs.

J.T.: Okay, go get it. Hey, uh, look, I'm sorry if it sounded like I was insinuating you're not a good mother, 'cause you are a good mother.

Victoria: Okay. Then why are you taking my little boy away from me?

J.T.: You'll always be a part of his life.

Victoria: What? Through phone calls and e-mails? Is that how? That--that's not good enough. I'm his mother, okay? I need to be there for him. I need to be there for him every day, and I need to tell him how much I love him. You have no right to take that away from me. How would you like it if--if somebody took Mac’s baby away from her? You wouldn't like that very much, would you? You would hate the person that did that to her. You would never forgive that person. And you know what, J.T.? I'm never, ever gonna forgive you--ever.

Nikki: Oh, my God.

Deacon: Okay, okay. Hey.

Nikki: (Sobs)

Deacon: What Victor did to you is awful, and I-- I get why you want to have a drink, but please don't let him do this to you.

Nikki: That is easier said than done.

Deacon: Yeah, well, nothing's easy when you're in recovery...

Nikki: (Sobs)

Deacon: Which is why we made a pact, right? You remember? You and me, we're gonna get through this together.

Nikki: I know. (Sighs) Whoever would have thought...? (Sniffles)

Deacon: (Chuckles)

Nikki: Us?

Deacon: Yeah, not me. But I'm glad it happened, because, Nikki, I'm better when I'm with you.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Deacon: I just wish that there was something I could do for you.

Nikki: (Sighs) Well, you could... (Sighs) Wake me up and tell me this is all a dream.

Deacon: Yeah, right, so you can go running back to that guy and he can hurt you all over again? No way.

Nikki: (Sniffles) Oh, my God, I am so predictable. (Scoffs) So is he. I mean, he can just be so cruel and so selfish to me and his children and his grandchildren.

Deacon: I mean, how does he get away treating the people that he cares about like this?

Nikki: Are you kidding? He doesn't care. He do--he doesn't bother rationalizing any of it, you know? It--it's--it's his way, however it is. If he wants to be with Meggie, well, then we will just accept that or go to hell.

Deacon: I think he's lucky you even give a damn about him.

Nikki: I worry about that myself sometimes. What am I doing? But I have to say, he's given me two beautiful children who I adore. And--and we have had... we have had some happy years. (Sighs) (Chuckles) (Sighs) And, you know, he thinks that we're the lucky ones to be in his world. He will die believing that.

Meggie: Something wrong, Sweetheart?

Victor: (Sighs)

Meggie: Does your chest hurt?

Victor: (Groans)

Meggie: Are you feeling a little light-headed, nauseous?

Victor: (Sighs)

Meggie: Don't worry. It'll be over soon.

Victor: (Sighs)

Meggie: Very soon.

Victor: (Sighs)

Phyllis: (Sighs) Lauren, you know I would never, ever, ever do anything to hurt you.

Daniel: Yeah, we just want to make sure that this baby she's carrying isn't mine.

Phyllis: Right.

Lauren: Yeah, and-- and what if it is? Then what? She--she stays out of jail until the baby's born? Come on.

Heather: We could put, uh, 24-hour surveillance on her. We could handcuff her to the bed.

Phyllis: Right. Right.

Lauren: No. No. No.

Heather: Whatever would make you feel comfortable.

Michael: Look, the only thing that would make Lauren more comfortable is if Daisy stays in jail.

Phyllis: Michael. Michael. Michael.

Michael: Look, I understand your predicament...

Phyllis: (Groans)

Michael: But there is too much at risk here. This is a dangerous, conniving woman, and she is trying to use this baby as a "Get out of jail" pass. Now if you let her do this, I will fight you.

Heather: That won't be necessary.

Lauren: I'm sorry, Phyllis.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Michael: No deal. You can still have a paternity test done in a county facility.

Daisy: No, thanks. No private hospital, no test. Looks like junior stays behind bars. Bye, Daddy.

Brock: (Sighs) Okay, remember, Thanksgiving, I'll be there to visit you. All right.

Mac: Okay, we will set you a place at the table.

Brock: All right, Dear.

Mac: Ready?

J.T.: Yeah. Yeah. Let's do it.

Mac: Okay.

Victoria: Hey. Come here for a second. (Sighs) Okay, listen. (Clears throat) You need to button up here. It's a little bit cold out. It's gonna be cold in Washington, too. I wanted to talk to you about, uh, everything we discussed. Do you remember? I need you to brush your teeth every day and every night. And don't forget the back teeth, 'cause they're really important, too. (Sighs) And would you please do me a favor and don't jump on the bed, because you know it makes me so nervous? Right? When you go over to your friend's house, be sure to be polite, and say please and thank you.

Reed: 'Cause you want to make a good impression.

Victoria: Yes, that's right. And most importantly, though, just remember that if you ever miss me, you just close your eyes really tight. That's right. And wherever I am, I'll be thinking about you. And I'll be giving you a big hug, all right?

Victoria: I love you so much.

Reed: I love you, too, Mommy.

J.T.: Let's go, Bud. Come on.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Victoria: (Whispers) You gotta go.

Reed: (Whispers) I love you.

Victoria: I love you, too. Now go.

J.T.: All right. (Sighs)

All: (Cheering)

Brock: It's gonna be fine.

Chloe: Whoo!

Brock: All right, good.

Mac: We love you!

Victoria: (Sobs)

Deacon: Hey, they're showing "Airplane" in the media room in ten minutes. Come on, what do you say? We could both use a laugh, right?

Nikki: No, I-I-I don't feel like it. You go ahead.

Deacon: I'm not bailing on you.

Nikki: (Sighs) No, you're not.

Deacon: No, I'm not.

Nikki: Thank you... somehow doesn't seem... enough.

Victor: (Gasps)

Meggie: What's the matter, tough guy?

Victor: (Groans)

Meggie: Not feeling well?

Victor: (Groans, coughs)

Meggie: To call an ambulance, or not to call an ambulance?

Victor: (Wheezes)

Meggie: Well, really, I mean, why waste the money? And it is my money...

Victor: (Groans, coughs)

Meggie: Or it will be if you could just hurry up and die.

Victor: (Groans) (Sighs) (Growls)

Meggie: Aah!

Victor: What's the rush?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nick: It's our final divorce decree.

Kay: Murphy, uh, wh-- Darling, what is it?

Nikki: Tell me all about your wedding and your new wife.

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