Y&R Transcript Wednesday 11/3/10 -- Canada; Thursday 11/4/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9520 ~ Meggie & Victor Elope
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
(Knock on door)
Paul: Hey.
J.T.: (Laughs) Hey.
Paul: (Laughs) Great to see my good buddy out of the hospital.
J.T.: Oh, Man.
Paul: How are you feelin'?
J.T.: Oh, I feel okay. I feel okay. Couldn't spend another day in there, though. Let me tell ya. And I-I appreciate you giving me those "Sports Greatest Hits." It was awesome.
Paul: (Laughs) No problem. Joe Namath, huh? What'd I say?
J.T.: Yeah. Oh, how about Wilt Chamberlain scoring 100 on the Knicks? I can't wait to show Reed that.
Paul: Yeah, no kidding. That was something, too, wasn't it?
J.T.: Yeah.
Mac: Oh, hey, Paul.
Paul: Hi, Mac. Hey, what's going on?
Mac: What's not going on?
J.T.: Uh, Mac got a job in D.C., so we're moving.
Paul: Wow. Congratulations.
Mac: Thank you. I'm really excited.
Paul: When do you leave?
Mac: Today.
Paul: Today? Well, so much for the farewell party, I guess.
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Mac: Yeah, I have to go break the news to Grandma actually right now.
Paul: Okay. I'll see you before you leave, right?
Mac: Yeah, absolutely.
J.T.: Okay. Uh, we need more boxes.
Mac: Right.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Paul: So, um, you're giving up on the police academy?
J.T.: Well, I-I kinda had to. There's, uh, heart damage from the accident.
Paul: I'm so sorry.
J.T.: Yeah, the, uh, doctor wants me to take it easy. Nothing too physical.
Paul: Well, it wasn't meant to be. But, um, you would have made a good cop.
J.T.: Yeah, yeah. Well, maybe someday. You know, I-I wanted to--to go into police work because I wanted to do something good with my life. But the--the director from Mac's nonprofit offered me a job, and I figure, what could be better than that?
Paul: That's awesome. That is awesome.
J.T.: Yeah.
Paul: Well, just promise me you won't let Reed become a Redskins fan.
J.T.: (Chuckles) Not on my life, Buddy. (Laughs)
Paul: (Chuckles)
J.T.: Well, look, I-I wish I had more time, but I got a list of things a mile long to do before--
Paul: No, I know you do. I just, uh, I gotta get goin' anyway. I'm--I'm helping Heather with her campaign.
J.T.: She's gonna be a great D.A., Paul. Tell her I said that. I wish her the best.
Paul: Yeah, me, too.
(Knock on door)
Heather: Come in.
Man: Seen the latest poll numbers?
Heather: No. Have the TV spots had an impact?
Man: Your lead increased from 2 to 4 points over your opponent.
Heather: That's fantastic.
Man: Start thinkin' about how you want to redecorate this office.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Hey. Hey. Who was on the phone?
Victoria: That was Vance. He said the same thing that Michael said.
Victoria: J.T. has the right to take Reed out of state.
Billy: Baby, I'm sorry.
Victoria: It's okay. (Sniffles) Maybe I could just stay like this forever.
Billy: (Chuckles) All right, sounds good. We might have to forgo driving and bathing, but I can do it if you can.
Victoria: (Sighs) (Sniffles) Is that the article on my dad and Heather?
Billy: Yeah. Yeah, I took another go at it before I posted it. Your father thinks he can buy his way out of a court order with a campaign contribution. I'm not gonna let him get away with it this time.
Billy: Hey. (Sighs) Why don't I make you some coffee?
Victoria: Huh? No.
Billy: Coffee.
Victoria: No, no, no. I'm--I'm okay.
Billy: You know, you didn't sleep very well last night.
Victoria: I'm sorry. Did I keep you up?
Billy: Oh, come on. No, you know me. I can sleep through anything.
Victoria: (Sighs) I just couldn't shut my mind off. I tried, but it was just racing. I just thought that maybe I was havin' a bad dream and I was gonna wake up, and then, I don't know, maybe everything would just be normal again... that J.T. wouldn’t be leaving with my little baby.
Billy: I'll tell you what.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Why don't I stay home today, stay with you? I'll clear my schedule, skip the gym.
Victoria: No. Just go. Just go do your day, all right? I'm fine. I'm just gonna go visit my mom for a while. (Sniffles) I just want to get out of the house.
(Cell phone rings) (Ring)
Deacon: (Quietly) Hello?
Meggie: I just called to say so long. (Chuckles) Victor and I are off to Vegas. By this afternoon, he'll be my husband. By tonight, I'll be his widow.
Deacon: Um, that soon? I-I doubt it.
Meggie: Well, you obviously don't know me well. By this time tomorrow, the Newman fortune will be mine, and you will be handsomely rewarded for distracting Nikki away from him.
Deacon: Yeah, you know, that's not really my priority right now.
Meggie: Is anyone there?
Deacon: Yeah.
Meggie: Nikki?
Deacon: Okay. We'll talk in a few days.
Nikki: What was that about?
Deacon: Um, work. They just want to know when I want to come back, but, uh, I've gotta make my sobriety come--come first.
Victor: Hello, Meggie.
Meggie: Good morning. How was the rest of your evening? I hope you didn't stay up too late reading.
Victor: Made an early night of it.
Meggie: Then you'll be nice and refreshed for the trip. Coffee?
Victor: Yeah, thank you.
Meggie: Everything's all set. The driver is waiting to take us to the jet. Now have you got everything packed? Or would you like me to take care of that for you?
Victor: You know, I don't think right now is the right time to be taking a trip.
Meggie: Last night, you thought it was a good idea.
Victor: Yeah, but... (Sighs) I've reconsidered. Maybe... maybe in a few weeks from now when things have calmed down, you know?
Meggie: (Chuckles) Excuse me, but when is anything ever calm around here? Every day, there's a crisis. You need to start thinking of yourself for a change.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Excuse me for a minute. Yeah? Um, my file is in my computer in my study, okay? Uh, yeah. Hold on one second. Excuse me for a minute.
Heather: I-I'm not trying to give her a hard time. If she e-mails anything to do with the campaign to my work account, it's gonna be automatically deleted. I'm a public official.
Paul: Knock, knock.
Heather: Come in.
Paul: Oh, am I interrupting?
Heather: No.
Man: I'll see you at the victory party.
Heather: (Laughs)
Paul: It's going well?
Heather: My poll numbers are up.
Paul: That's great.
Heather: Gee, you sound so enthusiastic.
Paul: And you know why.
Heather: I made it perfectly clear to Victor that I would only accept his money if there were no strings attached.
Paul: Well, his definition of "No strings" might differ from your definition.
Heather: Trust me. I have this under control.
Paul: (Sighs)
Woman: Is that article about Victor Newman and Heather Stevens true?
Billy: How long have you known me? I know I'm not a prize-winning journalist, but I don't make stuff up. Look, look, look. I can document Newman's campaign contributions to the acting D.A., and I know for a fact that she interfered with a court order that was served upon him. You add it up.
Woman: Let's see what Mr. Newman has to say about it.
Billy: Yeah, well, good luck.
J.T.: Yeah, just send the final bill to my e-mail address. Nope, that's it. Thank you. Hey.
Mac: Hi.
J.T.: Let me help you. How'd it go with your grandma?
Mac: It didn't. I couldn't find her.
J.T.: Did you try the hospital?
Mac: Yeah, Murphy's room was empty.
J.T.: Uh, what about Esther?
Mac: Uh, she wasn't home, and her cell phone went right to voice mail.
J.T.: Just call Jill. I'm sure she knows what's going on.
(Knock on door)
J.T.: Hey, Katherine.
Kay: Oh, Jeffrey Todd. Oh, I hear Mackenzie's been looking for me.
Mac: Grandma, I went to the hospital.
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Mac: Where's Murphy?
Kay: Oh, well, Darling, he's, um, been moved to a, uh, hands-on care facility.
Mac: Why didn't you tell me?
Kay: Well, I was too busy getting him settled.
Mac: I'm--I'm surprised that you didn't take him back to the house.
Kay: Well, not that I didn't want to, but, um, they can give him the kind of care I couldn't. I mean, physical therapy, speech therapy, cognitive therapy, not to mention 24/7 medical attention. (Chuckles) It's all right. He is in the best place for his recovery.
Mac: But what if--
Kay: It was the hardest thing that I ever had to do in my life. But it was the right thing. I'm sure of that. What in the hell is going on here?
Mac: Well, that's why I was trying to find you. I accepted a job at a small nonprofit in D.C.
Kay: You're taking my-- you're taking my great-grandchild away from me?
Mac: Well, that was the original plan. But maybe we should reconsider, at least until--
Kay: (Stammers)
Mac: Until Murphy's out of the facility.
Kay: No, no, no, no. That's nonsense. You have found a job, and you love it. You take it, my dear.
Mac: You're not just saying this to make me feel better?
Kay: Well, I'm going to miss you terribly, yes. But at least you're not going back to that what-- Darfur thing again.
Mac: (Laughs)
Kay: At least I-I can make myself a nuisance, uh, jump on a plane, come and see you anytime.
J.T.: Well, we will expect that. Not the nuisance part, but...
Kay: Thank you, Jeffrey Todd. And you-- I'm so proud of you. I really am. Were Murphy here, he would say the exact same thing. (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Deacon: Did you get it all cried out last night? You feelin' better this morning?
Nikki: (Sighs) I'm numb. I don't know how I feel.
Deacon: Hey, that's okay. Listen, um, I've got my, uh, my counselor now, so...
Nikki: Oh, well, you better go before somebody comes lookin' for you.
Deacon: (Chuckles) Yeah, we definitely don't want anyone telling Victor that I was here. So, um, I'll check back on you.
Nikki: Okay.
Nikki: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Nikki: Come in.
Nikki: Oh, Honey. Baby, come here. Come here.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: What is wrong?
Victoria: (Sighs) I just wanted to see my mom.
Nikki: Oh.
Victor: Sorry about that.
Meggie: Did you find what you needed?
Victor: Well, you know... (Sighs) A business deal fell through. I've been too damned distracted with Nikki's situation and the lawsuit by the girls and...
Meggie: Mm. Well, I think that just proves that you need time away.
Victor: Yeah.
Meggie: A beautiful hotel, clean, fresh desert air will clear your head, recharge your batteries. I'll bet it'll give you a brand-new perspective.
Victor: Yeah. Tempting.
Meggie: Do something for Victor for a change. Hey, in the long run, it's the best thing for your company and your family.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Meggie: You know? I mean, if--if anything really important comes up, you're only a phone call away.
Victor: You're right. That's true.
Meggie: Well, I know it's none of my business, but when's the last time you had fun?
Victor: You're right. You talked me into it. I'll do it.
Paul: Thank you. So breakfast is on me. We'll be celebrating your lead in the polls.
Heather: Mm. We're taping my new commercial this afternoon.
Paul: So... (Sighs) You know, the omelet special looks good. What are you gonna have?
Heather: I-is this your way of avoiding talking about my ad campaign?
Paul: Um... you know how I feel about the way you're financing it. Or maybe I should say who's financing it.
Heather: You're still gonna vote for me, right?
Paul: You are a terrific prosecutor, and you're going to make an even better D.A. Really, I mean, look what you've done as interim D.A. you've cleaned up this whole mess, and you have increased the conviction rate. So you know what? Here's to my daughter on the way to becoming the next district attorney, a well-deserved victory. We may have our disagreements, but I am really very, very proud of you.
(Cell phone rings)
Paul: (Sighs)
Heather: Heather Stevens. Uh, no, I haven't read it. What?! Uh, no comment. I'm sorry, that's all I have for you.
Paul: What is it?
Heather: (Sighs)
Paul: "Victor Newman in D.A. payoff scandal"?
Mac: I know my taking the job seems impulsive.
Kay: Well, Darling, you know when something is right. And this is right for the two of you.
J.T.: Yep, new city, new job...
Kay: Yeah.
J.T.: New baby on the way.
Mac: (Sighs) I just wish we had time to get married in front of our family and friends before we left.
Kay: So what's stopping you?
Mac: (Chuckles) Um, packing, a thousand phone calls, saying good-bye to everyone we love.
J.T.: Oh, that's all doable.
Mac: (Chuckles)
Kay: Mm-hmm, it is... if your name is Katherine Chancellor.
Mac: (Chuckles) No, not even you could pull this off.
Kay: (Scoffs)
Mac: (Laughs)
Kay: (Laughs) Nothing is impossible. Now, my darling, if you want to get married today-- look at me. Do you want to get married today?
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Kay: Then I'm going to do everything I possible can to make it happen.
Mac: What do you think?
J.T.: I'm game if you're game.
Mac: Let's do it.
Kay: (Laughs) Okay. Crazy kids.
Victoria: And they're leaving today, and there's nothing that I can do about it, Mom.
Nikki: Have you called Michael?
Victoria: Yes, I've called Michael. I've called Michael. I've called Vance Abrams, and they both said the same thing. J.T. has full custody. There's nothing I can do. He can go. He can do whatever he wants. I've got no recourse. I can do nothing.
Nikki: Oh, my God. All right. Okay.
Victoria: Wait.
Nikki: All right.
Victoria: Where are you going? What are you doing?
Nikki: I-I'm checking out.
Victoria: No!
Nikki: J.T. needs a good talking to.
Victoria: No, Mom, I am not gonna let you jeopardize your sobriety!
Nikki: Honey--
Victoria: I'm sorry, but if you slipped, I would feel too guilty. Don't do that.
Nikki: I need to help you. You cannot do this on your own.
Victoria: Its okay, Mom. I've got Billy, okay? I've got Billy.
Nikki: Sweetheart, no disrespect to Billy, but you really need somebody who can advise you.
Victoria: (Stammers)
Nikki: I have to say, I think your father could help out in this.
Victoria: What? Dad? Are you joking? No!
Nikki: Honey. Honey, listen to me. I really think you should call him.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Meggie: Here's a list of the Vegas shows. Let me know if you want any tickets.
Victor: Thank you.
Meggie: You know what you need? A Bloody Caesar.
Victor: Oh, yeah? What the hell is a Bloody Caesar?
Meggie: Oh, it's--its vodka and tomato and clam juice.
Victor: Isn't it a little bit too early in the day?
Meggie: You're on vacation.
Victor: Anything special you want to see?
Meggie: All of it. I've never been.
Victor: Really? Well, then you're in for a treat. (Sighs)
Meggie: I am looking forward to laying in the sun by the pool, unless you need me, of course.
Victor: I hate to disappoint you, but it's pretty damn cold for lying out in the sun.
Meggie: (Chuckles)
Victor: But we'll find something interesting to do.
Meggie: Oh, I don't want you to worry about me. In fact, I don't want you to worry about anything. Just relax and let me take care of you.
Victor: Thank you for accompanying me.
Meggie: Are you kidding? Thank you, Victor, for-- for taking me in when I had nothing and being so wonderful. I hope I can repay the favor someday.
Victor: You already have. You've been great.
Meggie: (Chuckles) (Glasses clink)
Billy: (Clears throat) What, post the truth?
Heather: Your version of the truth. We had this conversation. I thought you understood. This is a nonissue. You went digging into my campaign finances for your own agenda, and you twisted things around to make it look like I had done something wrong.
Billy: Really? I-I mean, you're kidding yourself if you think you didn't. You know I'm right, okay?
Heather: (Sighs)
Billy: But it's okay. You know how it is dealing with Victor. He's--you want to take a shower afterwards, he's so nasty.
Heather: This is your own personal war against your father-in-law. You did not have to involve me. Do you have any idea what you've done to my career?
Paul: Come on, Heather. Let's just walk away.
Heather: Oh, God, I would love to wipe that smirk off your face.
Paul: You know what? We--we both know why you want to take Victor Newman down.
Billy: Yeah.
Paul: But did you really have to ruin my daughter's reputation?
Heather: (Scoffs)
Paul: Especially just before the election?
Billy: Hey, look, she shouldn't have taken the man's money and then got him out of jail. You know it. I know it. She knows it.
Heather: (Sighs)
Man: Is it true? Did you get Victor Newman out of a court order because he's financing your campaign?
Heather: My decision involving the court order had absolutely nothing to do with Mr. Newman's campaign contribution. (Sighs)
J.T.: I packed up a bunch of Reed's toys. (Sighs)
Mac: Favorite pillow?
J.T.: Packed. Any word from your grandma?
Mac: No. It would be a miracle if she could pull this off. No one can put together a wedding in a couple hours.
J.T.: Well, it would have helped if we would have gotten our marriage license.
Mac: I didn't even know I wanted to get married until a couple days ago.
J.T.: But you do now, right? I mean, you're not just saying yes to me 'cause you feel sorry for me after my accident?
Mac: (Chuckles) Really, J.T.? A pity marriage?
J.T.: As much as I love you and want to marry you, if you're not ready for this, I understand.
Mac: If you try to pull out of this now, I will sue you for breach of contract.
J.T.: Come here.
Mac: I'm such an idiot.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Mac: It took almost losing you for me to listen to my heart.
J.T.: You hear that, little baby? Your mom and I are gonna get married today. And if we don't do it today, it's gonna be really soon. I promise.
Victoria: Dad is the last person I would ask for help.
Nikki: Believe me, I'm furious with him, too. But if he can stop J.T. from leaving with Reed, I-it's worth it. He has connections.
Victoria: No! No, okay? I know all about his connections. Trust me. I would still have custody of Reed if he hadn't had pulled that stupid stunt with J.T.
Victoria: If I ever want to have a chance of getting joint custody of Reed, Mom, I need to keep Dad as far away from this as possible.
Victor: (Groggily) How long before we land?
Meggie: We should be in Vegas soon.
Victor: Tell... tell the pilot turn the jet around.
Meggie: Well, I thought you said that it would be a good idea to get out of town for a while.
Victor: I know what I said. I don't want to go to Vegas, okay?
Meggie: But--
Victor: 'Cause Nikki and I were gonna get married in Vegas, so just tell him to turn the damn thing around.
Meggie: But you said that--
Victor: Didn't you hear what I said?
Meggie: Yes, of course. But why go home when there are so many other places we could go? Like what about Tahoe, or--or Reno? I mean, I hear they're even prettier than Las Vegas, and a lot less crowded.
Victor: Well, this is... (Sighs) All right, go to Reno. Reno?
Meggie: Yeah. Oh, poor Victor. This whole thing with Nikki is--has just upset you terribly, hasn't it? You don't deserve to be treated that way.
Victor: No, I certainly don't.
Meggie: Nikki didn't appreciate you.
Victor: Damn right. She never did.
Meggie: (Sighs) (Chuckles) You need a woman like me.
Victor: Yeah, maybe I do.
Meggie: Victor, I do, too.
Victor: Oh, yeah? You do what?
Meggie: Well, you just proposed.
Victor: Oh, did I? (Chuckles)
Meggie: (Sighs) And I'm saying yes. Yes, I-I'm saying yes. I-I've lo--I've loved you from the beginning. The moment I saw you in my bar.
Victor: Oh, Baby. I've loved you, too.
Meggie: (Sighs)
Victor: (Sighs) How's my baby? I've loved you, too. Hmm.
Man: My copilot has changed course to Reno as you requested.
Meggie: Mr. Newman and I would like to get married as soon as we land.
Man: A-are you sure about this, Sir?
Victor: Make the arrangements.
Man: Yes, Mr. Newman.
Meggie: You won't regret this.
Victor: (Moans)
Meggie: I'm gonna make you the happiest man in the world.
Victor: Yeah.
Meggie: I'm gonna make you happier than anybody's ever made you before. And I know you'll take care of me, too.
Victor: Oh, you bet, Baby. You bet I will.
Man: I have a chapel in Reno on the line.
Victor: Oh. Oh, that was fast.
Victor: Oh.
Meggie: I'd like to speak with somebody about arranging a wedding ceremony. Well, yes, I think it's-- mm-hmm, yeah, I think it would be better if you came to us. And, uh...
Victor: Oh, yeah.
Meggie: Price is absolutely no object.
Victor: Hell, no. Bring 'em on the plane.
Meggie: And--and I think we--we'd like the full package, and I'd like to know also if that includes wedding pictures.
Victor: Wow.
Meggie: Oh, that sounds perfect.
Victoria: I'm sorry. I'm just really sorry for dumping this on you. I know you have your own problems right now.
Nikki: Don't be ridiculous. You can always come to me. That's what mothers are for, even mothers of grown-up children. I just wish I had the power to make this not happen.
Victoria: So do I, Mom. So do I. You know, it's weird, because I thought that J.T. and I were in a better place after his accident, you know? We were... we were getting along really well. And... and... (Blows raspberry) I was spending more time with Reed. And... (Sighs) I just didn't expect this from him at all. I just want to get in bed and just pull the covers over my head.
Nikki: We will get through this together. I promise.
Mac: So it turns out our temporary housing is for two months instead of one.
J.T.: Well, that's good. It'll give us plenty of time to find something else.
Mac: How's the preschool search going?
J.T.: Uh, pretty good. (Sighs) Um, I checked out two for us to look at with Reed when we get there.
(Knock on door)
Mac: Grandma?
J.T.: No, it can't be. It hasn't been that long. Billy.
Mac: Hi, Billy.
Billy: Hey, Guys. Wow. You're really gonna do this, huh?
J.T.: Yep, we're doin' it.
Mac: It happened really fast. The job opportunity came out of nowhere. And it was... it was too good to turn down.
J.T.: We wouldn't be making this move if we thought it was bad for Reed.
Billy: Yeah, I get it. You're doing what you think is best for your family. Well, I've gotta protect mine. Do you have any idea what this is doing to Victoria? What it's gonna do to Reed? I mean, Buddy, don't kid yourself. Your son's gonna be miserable without his mom. He loves her to pieces, and she loves him, and you are ripping her heart out.
Heather: (Sighs) I need to address this before it explodes. Oh, my God.
(Cell phone rings)
Heather: (Sighs) The party chairman. Hello. Yes, I read it. I-I-it was a personal attack against Victor Newman by his son-in-law. I-I've done nothing wrong. I accepted a legal campaign contribution. What? You can't be serious. (Scoffs) Um, well, I'm gonna have to get back to you. (Sighs)
Paul: What did he say?
Heather: Um, my poll numbers are already plummeting. There's no time to turn this around before the election. Uh, the chairman would like me to renounce my candidacy. The party will no longer stand behind me. (Sighs) What am I gonna do to fight this?
Paul: Sometimes you can't. Sometimes you just have to know when to give up.
Heather: (Sighs)
J.T.: I'm not doing this to punish Victoria. We'll arrange for Reed to come back as often as possible.
Mac: And you guys can come visit any time.
J.T.: Yeah, look, D.C.'s only 800 miles away. That's less than a 2-hour plane ride, okay? We'll work it out. We all want what's best for Reed.
Billy: What's best for Reed is for him to be close to his mom.
J.T.: I'm gonna finish packing.
Mac: (Sighs) He's really not trying to take Reed away from his mother.
Billy: This is killing Vicki.
Mac: And I can't imagine how difficult it is for her, but once we get settled in and we get a routine, he can come back. She can come visit.
Billy: Hey, look. I-I really want to be happy for you. I really do. But right now, all I see is the pain this is causing my wife.
Nikki: Now you give Reed my love, and tell him I'm very sorry that I couldn't see him before he left, but he can call me anytime. Okay?
Victoria: Okay, Mom. I will. Thank you.
Nikki: And you... you call me day or night.
Victoria: Okay. Thanks, Mom.
Victoria: I love you.
Nikki: We're gonna fix this.
Deacon: Is she all right?
Nikki: (Gasps) (Sighs) J.T. is leaving town with their son.
Deacon: Oh. I'm sorry about that, Nikki.
Nikki: That little boy should not be taken away from his mother.
Deacon: Well, I mean, can't she stop it?
Nikki: She doesn't have custody. (Sighs) I told her to call Victor, but she won't do it.
Deacon: Are-- are you calling him?
Nikki: Yes. If anybody can stop this, he can. (Sighs) Voice mail.
Man: Sign here.
Victor: Oh, my goodness.
Man: Do you need a place in town to stay?
Meggie: No. Actually, we've decided to spend our first night as husband and wife in our own home.
Victor: (Slurring) Oh, Baby, I love that.
Meggie: Well, you suggested it, Darling.
Victor: Oh, I did? (Chuckles)
Meggie: Mm-hmm. Just before our guests arrived. A little too much celebrating. You'll file this today?
Man: It's all official. You'll be husband and wife.
Meggie: Okay. Here you go, Sweetheart.
Victor: Oh, Boy.
Meggie: Sign right here.
Victor: One second here. One second. I gotta be able to see the damn thing.
Meggie: There you go. Right here.
Victor: All right. (Chuckles)
Heather: Oh, my God. I have to get out of here. I-I-I have to figure this out.
Paul: All right. Are you quitting the race?
Heather: (Sighs) I-I have no idea. I need time to think.
(Cell phone rings)
Heather: Oh, God, it's another reporter. (Sighs) Go ahead. Say, "I told you so."
Paul: I would never say that. Listen to me. I love you. So whatever you decide, I will support you, okay? All right.
Heather: All right. Th-thank you. That means a lot to me. (Exhales)
Woman: Miss Stevens, how do you explain Victor Newman receiving special treatment?
Heather: Uh, no, there was no special treatment. My office treated his case as it would any other.
Woman: Are you aware Mr. Newman left town shortly after this story hit the wires?
Heather: No, I am not awa-- we have not--we have not spoken.
Man: The latest polls show you've dropped almost 7 points.
Paul: It's all right.
Woman: Well, what-- what would you like to say to the voters?
Heather: (Sighs) I-I have never used the office of the district attorney for personal gain. I have nothing but the utmost respect for our hardworking staff. They are fearless in the pursuit of justice. Although I have done nothing wrong, I believe it is no longer in the best interest of the citizens of Genoa City for me to continue my campaign. Nothing should distract from the importance of electing a district attorney who can restore honesty and integrity to the office. Therefore, I am respectfully withdrawing my candidacy. I would like to offer a congratulations to my opponent.
Man: Will you continue working for the district attorney's office?
Woman: And how would you feel about the new D.A. looking into--into accusations against you and Mr. Newman?
Paul: Look, Miss Stevens has made her statement. That's fine. Thank you.
Man: Miss Stevens--
Paul: There are no more questions, please. Thank you.
(Knock on door)
Kay: Aha.
J.T.: Hey.
Kay: (Chuckles) Mwah.
J.T.: Mac, your grandmother's here.
Mac: Coming.
J.T.: So we were just saying we understand if you couldn't pull all this off in time.
Kay: Oh, no, no, no. That's very generous of you, Jeffrey Todd. Very generous.
Mac: Impossible, right?
Kay: There's going to be a wedding this afternoon. (Laughs)
J.T.: Are you kidding me?
Mac: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! We're getting married!
J.T.: Oh, that's unbelievable. Thank you. God. You're next. Come here.
Kay: No, no, a hug will do.
J.T.: Okay. A hug.
Kay: (Laughs)
J.T.: Oh, I can't believe you did this.
Kay: Mm. You ever doubted me.
J.T.: Never again.
Kay: Dear--
Mac: A dress. I packed all my dresses.
Kay: No, you don't need a thing. All the two of you have to do is just show up.
Mac: (Chuckles) We're getting married.
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Mac: We're getting married!
Kay: You're getting married. (Chuckles) There you go.
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: We'll figure this out. Okay?
Victoria: I know that J.T. is convinced that taking Reed to D.C. is the best thing. That's obvious. It's obvious that he's not gonna change his mind about it.
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: I'm not gonna be there for him when he's s-sick, you know? And I'm not gonna be able to bring him here for coffee and hot chocolate after school. I was supposed to take him to the children's museum in Chicago at the holidays.
Billy: You can still do that.
Victoria: No. I don't even know where Reed's gonna be at Christmastime.
Billy: Look, J.T. doesn’t want to keep him from you. So we're gonna work all these little things out.
Victoria: Okay, well, I'm gonna try to make this as smooth for Reed as possible. I'm not gonna let him see how upset I am. But I am never... (Sighs heavily) I am never gonna forgive J.T., ever.
Nikki: The house phone is going to voice mail, too.
Deacon: Well, what about the office?
Nikki: He's not in. His assistant is gone for the day. Nobody knows where victor Newman is. You know what it is? He's shutting me out because of the argument last night.
Deacon: Is there anyone else that you can call?
Nikki: I don't know. I guess I could call Meggie. Let's see.
Meggie: This is Meggie McClaine. I'm accompanying Mr. Newman to Nevada for a few days. I will return your call when I can.
Woman: In sickness and in health, as long as you both shall live.
Meggie: I do.
Woman: And do you, Victor, take Meggie--
Victor: (Slurring) Oh, yeah, I do. I do. I do. (Chuckles)
Meggie: He does. (Chuckles)
Victor: (Muttering)
Woman: Okay, um, then without further ado...
Victor: (Sighs)
Woman: I pronounce you husband...
Victor: Oh.
Woman: And wife.
Victor: Baby, come here. (Laughs)
Meggie: (Grunts)
Victor: Oh, my darling. Oh, Baby.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Daisy: I go to a real hospital or baby Romalotti stays behind bars with me.
Reed: I'm going to be in daddy and Mac's wedding.
Nikki: Oh, my God. I need a drink.
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