Y&R Transcript Monday 11/1/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 11/2/10 -- USA
Episode # 9518 ~ Nikki's Recovery Is In Danger
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Meggie: Well, you're not gonna be around much longer.
Deacon: Morning.
Nikki: (Gasps) Oh, hi.
Deacon: I-I want to apologize for--
Nikki: I-I wanted to say--
Deacon: Uh, sorry. You go first.
Nikki: Um, I-I just wanted to tell you again, I know how hard it was for you to get rid of that alcohol you snuck in here.
Deacon: You know, you're--you're pretty amazing. You just continue to cut me slack, even when I don't deserve it, especially after last night. I'm really sorry about that.
Nikki: I--look, I-it's okay. I-I-I think we both realized it was a mistake to go there, so let's just forget the whole thing happened and focus on getting sober.
Deacon: Doesn't mean we can't have breakfast together.
Nikki: Oh, I already ate. I got up early. I did not sleep.
Deacon: Because of last night.
Nikki: No, no. Uh...
Deacon: Are you-- are you upset because Victoria hasn't come to see you still?
Nikki: (Sighs) I never thought my daughter would desert me.
Victoria: Hi.
Victor: It might surprise you to know that my financial records have been sent to a higher court for review.
Billy: Oh, who says money can't buy everything?
Victoria: You know, eventually, Dad, you're gonna have to open your books.
Victor: Don't count on it.
Victoria: I can't believe that you're keeping me away from seeing my own mother when she's in rehab.
Victor: I have your mother's best interests at heart.
Victoria: No, as usual, you have your own best interests at heart. How can you do this? Not just to me, but to Mom. I know she wants to see me.
Victor: No, she does not want to see you.
Heather: Uh, yeah, A.D.A. Babcock is, uh, is handling that trial.
(Knock on door)
Heather: And it goes to trial-- (whispers) Yeah. (Normal voice) Um, next week. Okay, thanks. Hi.
Paul: Hi. No rest for the weary candidate, huh?
Heather: No. (Chuckles) Well, what about you? You've been going nonstop working on my campaign.
Paul: Well, you know me, your number one supporter.
Heather: How's the race look?
Paul: Well, uh, it's tight. That last TV ad got you a little breathing room.
Heather: I'd love to run another one before Election Day.
Paul: Amazing you have the funds in this economy. I'm impressed with the amount of, uh, money you've been able to raise.
Heather: Well, I've had some very generous donors.
Paul: I bet just one would make a big difference.
Heather: I think that running another spot will put us right over the top. What do you think?
Paul: Must be nice to be able to outspend your opponents.
Heather: Okay, now you sound more like a P.I. than my number one supporter.
Paul: Both of us want to know if Victor Newman is bankrolling your campaign.
Mac: Delivery for Hellstrom.
J.T.: Oh, hey. Where do I sign?
Mac: Here. Cane and Lily would like to come by and visit you.
J.T.: Well, I don't really think I'd be very good company right now.
Mac: I know you're upset about not being able to join the police force.
J.T.: Well, I have a heart condition. It's kind of hard to plan for the future, you know?
Mac: Well, there's one thing that you can plan on, and that's that Reed and me and the baby are all gonna be there.
(Door opens)
Dr. Shepherd: May I come in?
J.T.: Hey, Doc. Got more bad news?
Dr. Shepherd: Actually, good news. You can go home.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Lily: So I had to wake up every two hours last night with Charlie and Mattie.
Cane: They were tag-teaming you, huh?
Lily: Oh, yes.
Cane: (Chuckles)
Lily: And Dad told me to take a break. He didn't have to be in the office until later, so, you know...
Cane: You know, I'm really glad that Neil's letting you stay with him.
Lily: Are you kidding me? This is a dream come true for him... although, you know, he's not crazy about the circumstances, obviously.
Cane: Yeah, neither am I. You know what? The good thing is Neil's building has 24/7 security, and we've got Edward over there, so, uh, we know you're safe.
Lily: (Chuckles) Yeah. So I know that you were gonna talk to Phillip to see what those cattle rustlers want. Did you have any luck, or what?
[Cane remembering]
Cane: How much is it gonna cost me to make you get out of my life for good?
Man: (Sighs) $5 million.
Lily: Cane? Did you find anything out?
Cane: You know, I don't want you to worry, 'cause I'm gonna take care of this, all right? I promise you, the babies will be home soon.
Lily: Okay.
Sofia: Hey, you two.
Lily: Hi.
Cane: Hey.
Lily: How you doin'?
Sofia: Good. Good. Um, Malcolm told me all about the storm damage at your house and you had to move in with Neil?
Lily: Uh, yeah. Uh, I mean, hopefully, we won't have to be there for, you know, much longer.
Sofia: Oh.
Lily: But, um, I'm gonna get a refill...
Sofia: Cool.
Lily: So I'll be right back. Sorry. Excuse me.
Sofia: (Sighs) Hey, Cane.
Cane: Hey, um, so, uh, I'm glad I ran into you, because I needed to talk to you about something.
Sofia: Sounds important.
Cane: Yeah, it's important.
Lily: Here you go--for you.
Sofia: Oh, thank you. Okay, before we get into business, I want a full report on my little niece and nephew.
Lily: Aw. (Chuckles)
Sofia: You, y-you don't mind if I call them that, do you?
Lily: No, of course not. Listen, I know that you and Malcolm aren't married yet, but we think of you as family, okay?
Sofia: Well, that is so nice to hear because I already feel like I'm a part of the Winters clan, you know?
Lily: Oh. (Chuckles)
Sofia: And I love those little munchkins.
Lily: I know. They're so cute.
Sofia: They are.
Lily: Ooh, ooh, ooh. Look at these Halloween pictures. They look adorable. Look.
Sofia: Let me see. Aw.
Cane: Yeah.
Sofia: Look at them--so cute.
Lily: Aren't they cute in their little outfits? (Laughs)
Sofia: (Laughs)
Cane: Lily's already working on their outfits for next year.
Lily: Oh, of course.
Sofia: Oh, I hear you, Girl. I would be dressing them up every day.
Lily: I know, right? (Laughs)
Sofia: Little matching outfits. (Laughs)
(Cell phone rings)
Lily: Hold on. It's Mac. Hold on. Sorry. Hey. What's going on?
Mac: J.T.'s just been released from the hospital, and I'm about to drive him home.
Lily: Oh, my gosh, that's great. J.T.'s out of the hospital.
Cane: Oh, that's great. That's good news.
Lily: Well, can we come by and see him later?
Mac: Cane and Lily would like to come by the apartment and visit you.
J.T.: Um, yeah, yeah. You know, I'm feeling better. I'd like to thank him personally for saving my life.
Mac: He'd love to see you.
Lily: Okay, well, we'll see you guys soon.
Mac: Okay, great. Bye.
Dr. Shepherd: And again, be sure to follow up with your regular physician. Good luck, both of you.
J.T.: Thank you.
Mac: Thanks.
J.T.: (Sighs heavily) Wow. Prescriptions to fill, diet and exercise regimen. (Sighs) Didn't think I'd have to worry about this for a few years.
Mac: It's just living a healthier life. It's stuff that we should be doing anyway.
J.T.: Yeah, but it's somebody telling you you have to do it, and that’s...
Mac: Reed and this little guy or girl and I would rather you have to do this than us not having you here at all.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Deacon: You know, maybe it's not you that Victoria's avoiding. It--it could be me. You can't blame her for not wanting to see the guy that broke up her marriage.
Nikki: She doesn't even know you're here.
Deacon: Nikki, it's very possible that Nick told her.
Nikki: I made him promise not to tell anybody.
Deacon: (Sighs)
Nikki: She's avoiding me. She's either angry or disappointed or both.
Deacon: Hey, have you stopped to think that maybe she's just confused? You know, she doesn't want to say the wrong thing, doesn't want to make things worse for you.
Nikki: You really think so?
Deacon: I don't think you need me to tell you how much your daughter loves you.
Nikki: Oh, and I love her, too, so much. And she's been through so much lately with her father and losing the baby, and I hate the additional stress I'm giving her. But I sure would love to see her.
Victoria: Mom actually said that she didn't want to see me?
Victor: The lawsuit you have filed against me is a constant source of anxiety for her. She realizes you're the reason this family is falling apart. When she looks at you, she sees the reason she is where she is.
Victoria: All right, well, if you really believe that, then why don't you just let me make it up to her?
Victor: You end this lawsuit, Girl. You show her how much you care about this family. And then you can see your mother again.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: I... just... mm.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Heather: 9:00 A.M. tomorrow. Then the offer's off the table.
Paul: At some point, I want to talk to you about Victor's involvement in your campaign.
Heather: He's a contributor. I have a lot of those. (Sighs) Okay, maybe he's given more than most.
Paul: You know, when you were made interim D.A., you said you were going to hold yourself to the highest standards.
Heather: I haven't done anything illegal.
Paul: Something doesn't have to be illegal to be unethical.
Heather: Are you accusing me of something?
Paul: People are watching you. They are waiting for you to make a mistake. And your association with Victor Newman is gonna be trouble. Mark my words.
Heather: (Sighs) Give me a little credit. I know what kind of person he is.
Paul: I thought I did, too. I thought I was a friend. But that didn't stop him from using Patty to get back at Jack now, did it?
Heather: I've prosecuted worse people than Victor.
Paul: He's fighting his daughters in court. If he can turn on his own children, just imagine what he might do to you if you cross him. Look, I-I don't know what deal you made with Victor, but get out of it.
Lily: So I have to run just a couple errands before we go to J.T.'s.
Cane: Listen, why don't you go ahead? I gotta discuss some business with Sofia.
Lily: Um, okay. I'll meet you there.
Cane: Uh, it might take a little while. And I-I just don't want to also crowd J.T., so...
Lily: I-I know. I get it. I'll give him your best, okay?
Cane: All right, bye, Baby. Mm.
Lily: Bye. Nice seeing you.
Sofia: You, too. Kiss those babies for me now.
Lily: I will, definitely. (Chuckles)
Cane: Me, too.
Sofia: So what is this important business you wanted to talk with me about?
(Front door closes)
Meggie: Victor, I thought you were gone for the day.
Victor: Uh, I had a change of plans.
Meggie: Oh, well, I was just about to go to the market. I can stay here if you need me.
Victor: No, that's all right. I have a meeting here a little later. I'll do some work in my study. By the way, there were some files here. Do you know where they are?
Meggie: You put them here.
Victor: Oh. Thank you. (Sighs)
Meggie: You okay? You seem kind of tense.
Victor: (Sighs) Uh, I, um... I ran into my daughter Victoria and that useless husband of hers.
Meggie: Well, you finally got a little relaxed last night, and you're all stressed out again today.
Victor: (Sighs) If you have to go somewhere, please do, okay?
Meggie: Okay, I'll see you later.
Victor: Thank you.
Victor: (Sighs) I would like to see you immediately.
Heather: I can't get away right now.
Victor: Well, I'll make it worth your while. When can you be here?
Heather: 30 minutes.
Victor: All right, I'll be seeing you.
(Knock on door)
Nikki: Come in.
Nikki: Billy.
Billy: Surprise. So...
Nikki: Oh, my goodness. It--it certainly is.
Billy: Nice place. It's almost like home, except for your family's not here. That must be tough.
Nikki: Yeah. Well, Victor's been here and Nicholas. But I miss Victoria.
Billy: Yeah, well, about her not coming to see you, it's, um--
Nikki: She must be so disappointed.
Billy: She is. She is.
Nikki: Is that why she doesn't want to see me?
Billy: The reason why Victoria's disappointed is she thinks that you don't want to see her.
Nikki: What?
Billy: That's what Victor told her.
Nikki: Why would he do that? What--how could he do that to her? I--to me?
Billy: (Purses lips) Because Victoria didn't accept his settlement offer.
Nikki: Oh, my God. Billy, you have to know I would never refuse to see my daughter.
Billy: Well, Victoria's pretty messed up about all of this.
Nikki: You call her and tell her what's going on. I'm gonna talk to the administrator. I will decide who gets to visit me.
Billy: (Clears throat)
(Cell phone rings)
Victoria: Hey. Did you solve that emergency at work?
Billy: I'm at Solidarity House. Victor lied. Your mom wants to see you.
Victoria: (Sighs) (Whispers) That bastard.
Cane: I think it's important that we hire an outside consultant for this project. Um, you need someone who has some experience in alternate fuel production as well as international business.
Sofia: You have someone in mind?
Cane: James Collier.
Sofia: Collier. Impressive résumé. I'm surprised I haven't heard of him.
[Cane remembering]
Cane: James Collier, August 17, 1973. Is this the Madison County hall of records? Yeah, m-my name is, uh, James Collier, and, uh, I need to order a, uh, replacement birth certificate.
Sofia: Well, he looks great on paper, but I'd like to meet him in person, ask him some questions, see what kind of vibe I get from him.
Cane: Yeah, um, you know, I generally would agree with you on that, but I think that if we don't jump on this, we might lose this guy.
Sofia: You feel that strongly about this?
Cane: Yeah, I feel that strongly about this.
Mac: Hey.
Lily: Hi.
Mac: Where's Cane?
Lily: Um, he had some business to take care of, but he, uh, sends his love. He's gonna call you and see when he can stop by, so...
J.T.: Well, the schedule's wide-open. The doctors ordered me to take it easy for a while.
Mac: Or else he has to answer to me.
J.T.: Yeah. I'm gonna go crazy sittin' around here.
Lily: Well, that is why I brought you this. It has, uh, books and DVDs, magazines, and some of that caramel corn from that gourmet store on Linden.
J.T.: How about that?
Lily: So share with me, okay?
J.T.: Share? Well, I will. I appreciate that. That's very nice of you.
Lily: (Chuckles) Yeah. Well, you know, it's the least I could do. I just, you know, I feel really bad that you were hurt on your way to help our family, so...
J.T.: Lily, you and Cane should be the last people to feel guilty. If you hadn't have come along when you did, you know, I might not be here.
Lily: Well, now you're home from the hospital, on the road to recovery, so it's gonna be good from here on out.
Meggie: Hey.
Deacon: What the hell are you doin' here?
Meggie: I've come to check on Nikki. Did you give her the booze I snuck in?
Deacon: We had a little change in plans. I, uh, turned that over to a staff member.
Meggie: Well, uh, how are you gonna make it look like Nikki's trashing her second chance that Victor's giving her if you don't get her to drink?
Deacon: You worry about winning over Newman, and I'll handle Nikki my way.
Meggie: (Chuckles)
(Knock on door)
Nikki: Come in. Oh. (Sighs) Oh, Sweetheart.
Victoria: Mom. (Sighs)
Nikki: Ohh.
Victoria: Mom, I've been so worried about you.
Nikki: Oh, I'm so glad you're here.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: Parents are supposed to worry about their children, not the other way around.
Victoria: Yeah, well, children are supposed to stop giving their parents grief at a certain point, too. Mom, I'm so sorry. This is all my fault. I'm so sorry.
Nikki: Well, don't be ridiculous. This is not your fault.
Victoria: (Sighs) I had no idea that you were struggling with alcohol again. I-I've just been so wrapped up in my own world, Mom. (Groans)
Nikki: I don't--I don't want to hear any of this now.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: The important thing is you are here. And I'm so glad you came, because I thought you were upset with me.
Victoria: Mom... (Sighs) You have been the one person in my life that has never let me down. You fought for Reed when I was in the hospital. You stood up for Billy and me. You have never, ever abandoned me.
Nikki: Baby, I never would.
Victoria: And I would never abandon you. I would have been here sooner, but Dad was--
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs heavily) God, just never mind. Forget it. I just...
Nikki: I know. I-I-I know you're upset with your father. You don't have to hide that from me.
Victoria: He never should have tried to keep me from you. He never should have done that. And to tell me that you didn't want to see me, that was wrong.
Nikki: That was-- that was despicable, horrible.
Victoria: Mom, did you know that he waited right before my meeting to tell me that this was going on? He was trying to use what you were going through to try to get me to settle. He lied and told me that you didn't want to see me, and he tried to convince me that I was the reason you started drinking.
Nikki: Oh, my God.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: Honey, that is not true. That is so untrue.
Victoria: I know. I know.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victoria: But this is why I'm filing the lawsuit, all right? It's not about money. It's not about... I just can't let him control me anymore like this. I just want to get as far away from him as possible. I know you love him. I know that, but, Mom, you need to get away from him, too.
Heather: Why did you want to see me?
Victor: To thank you for preventing my arrest.
Heather: Judge Phelps' order forcing you to open the Newman records was overly broad. There was just cause to send it to a higher court.
Victor: To have such a hardworking, conscientious district attorney-- that's reassuring.
Heather: (Sighs) You have an amazing ability to see things the way you want to.
Victor: I have an ability to see things the way they are.
Heather: I helped a major campaign contributor avoid arrest.
Victor: You proved to be a good friend. That's another reason that I asked you to come here.
Heather: What's that?
Victor: Your ticket to win this election.
Lily: When--when Mac told me that you were being released from the hospital, I just assumed that everything was okay.
J.T.: I'm just gonna have to take some medication, stay on a diet, follow an exercise program.
Mac: Which are all things that he should be doing anyway.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Lily: And y-you can't join the police force like you wanted.
J.T.: Yeah, well, look. This isn't a pity party. I don't want you to feel sorry for me. I just wanted you to know what's going on.
Lily: J.T., you don't have to put on a front. I've been there.
J.T.: Compared to what you went through, this is nothing.
Lily: No, that's not true. I mean, you know, you've had a life-changing experience. You're entitled to feel however you want. I mean, you can feel frustrated or depressed, even angry.
J.T.: Well, then what?
Lily: You know, you go on, because you have no other choice.
J.T.: Yeah. I just wish I knew what to expect, you know?
Lily: Well, I'll tell you what to expect. You expect good things, and hopefully, they'll come.
Sofia: So you're asking me to hire someone sight unseen?
Cane: I'm asking you to trust me.
Sofia: I've never hired someone I haven't met.
Cane: Sofia, when you assigned me to this biodiesel technology project, you saved my life. I mean, literally, you saved my life. And there is no one-- there is no one that wants this to succeed more than I do. Now I guarantee you that James Collier is the man that will do that.
Sofia: Is this personal for you?
Cane: This is very personal for me.
Sofia: Okay, Cane. Your man Collier is hired. Have him fill out the necessary paperwork, send it over to human resources, and we'll start depositing paychecks in his account.
Cane: You're not gonna regret this.
Sofia: (Laughs) Honey, I'm not gonna regret this, because if this guy doesn't work out, you're gonna be the one who's sorry. You'll have to answer to Tucker and me.
Cane: It's gonna work out. It's gonna work out.
Sofia: Good. I love a confident man. Lily is very lucky. See you soon?
Cane: Sure.
Cane: We need to meet.
Meggie: I don't care how you handle Nikki. Just don't screw things up.
Deacon: You know what, Meggie? Don't worry about me, all right? You got your hands full trying to become the next Mrs. Newman.
Meggie: Right on schedule there.
Deacon: Oh, yeah, right. I see that every time Victor comes by to visit Nikki.
Meggie: Once I get him to Vegas, he won't even remember Nikki.
Deacon: What are you planning?
Meggie: Well, I'm gonna make him one of my special cocktails for the big guy, and then once he drinks it, he'll agree to anything.
Deacon: And, uh, what do you plan on doing once Elvis pronounces you man and wife?
Meggie: Well, we'll go to the honeymoon suite to seal the deal. But that'll never happen, because he will have had one too many performance pills.
Deacon: Are you mental? That stuff is dangerous for heart patients.
Meggie: Poor Victor. He was only trying to satisfy me. If I'd just known that he was taking that medication, he'd still be with us. And, you know, I'll just cry all the way to the bank.
Victor: Sorry. I had to take that call. So...
Victor: (Sighs) You haven't taken the check.
Heather: No.
Victor: Have you seen your recent poll numbers? You're 2 points ahead of the competition. This will put you over the top.
Heather: Yeah, I could, uh, use it to buy a final TV ad.
Victor: What's stopping you?
Heather: I can't accept your money if it means you can call in a favor whenever you want.
Victor: (Sighs) How do you think your opponent finances his campaign? Because of help from generous donors like me. Politics is a rough game. This is how it's being played.
Heather: (Sighs)
Heather: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Victor: You'll make an excellent district attorney.
Nikki: Victoria, I know you're upset with your father.
Victoria: (Sighs) I'm so--
Nikki: But I don't want you to confront him.
Victoria: (Sighs) Mom, I can't just let him get away with this.
Nikki: Let me deal with it, okay? I don't want him any more angry with you than he is.
Victoria: Well, I am not gonna stay quiet just because I'm afraid of how he's gonna react.
Nikki: Sweetheart, can you please just do it then for me? Please?
(Door opens)
Billy: Hey, uh, one of the counselors keeps trying to come in here and check on you. I told her to beat it, but I'm pretty sure she's comin' back, so... okay.
Nikki: Okay, um...
Victoria: I don't want to leave you.
Nikki: Honey, it's all right. Um, you can come back tomorrow. And I have my cell phone back. You can call me anytime. (Sighs) I'll be here.
Victoria: I love you.
Nikki: Oh, Baby, I love you.
Victoria: Okay.
Nikki: Thank you.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Yes, Sweetheart?
Nikki: I need to see you, Victor.
Victor: Everything all right?
Nikki: Just come.
Victor: I'll be right there.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Mac: Thinking about what Lily said?
J.T.: Well, she's right. You know, I-I gotta start focusing on the things that are possible, not the things that aren’t. When I was layin' around the hospital, I started thinking about all the things I haven't done in my life.
Mac: Like what?
J.T.: I-I always wanted to travel, see the world. I never did. You know, now-- now this sounds kind of funny, 'cause the loft was pretty damn cool, but I've never really had a-a real home.
Mac: Well, we can start looking for a house, but I don't think that's gonna solve your problem.
J.T.: And before the accident, I didn't even realize I had a problem. But now it feels like something's missing. I'm not sure what it is.
Mac: Purpose?
J.T.: That's what the police academy was gonna give me. And now I'm gonna have to find something else to give my life meaning.
Victoria: I wouldn't have gotten to see my mom if it weren't for you. Thank you.
Billy: Well, I couldn't let Victor get away with the crap he was pulling on you and Nikki.
Victoria: (Sighs) Think about it. A year ago, I was praying that he would get a new heart, and now I'm so angry with him. (Sighs) How can one person hate their own father so much?
Billy: Well, Honey, when your father is Victor Newman, I imagine it's pretty easy.
Victoria: Well, I would love to give him a piece of my mind, but I promised my mom I would let her deal with it.
Victor: Everything all right?
Nikki: Victoria was here. You kept her away.
Victor: I was trying to do what was best.
Nikki: For you, not for me. It really scares me to think that the same person can be so loving and caring and then turn around and be so cruel. Victor, you know how important my family is to me right now, and you kept my daughter away from me.
Victor: My darling, for your information, it is Victoria who cut herself off from us, all right? She allied herself with that obnoxious Billy Abbott and then tried to sue me.
Nikki: Perhaps if you had reached out to her, none of that would have happened.
Victor: Oh, wait a minute now. We really need to talk about this, okay? I made her a more-than-generous offer. She doesn't give a damn about you. You need me now more than ever, for heaven's sake. She tried to put me behind bars.
Nikki: How dare you say that? How dare you? I hate... (Stomps foot) This lawsuit. I hate... (Stomps foot) What it's doing to all of us.
Victor: And I'm trying to resolve it.
Nikki: By using me, by using our daughter's feelings for me.
Victor: I am trying to hold our family together.
Nikki: Don't pretend that you're doing anything kind for me, because you're only doing everything for Newman Enterprises. That is the only thing that you have ever been devoted to.
Cane: James Collier has a bank account set up in Miami. The first checks will be deposited in a day or so. Here's what you need to get the funds.
Man: Well, Collier doesn't exist. So how's his work gonna get done?
Cane: I'll do his job.
Man: You better, Mate. It is a lovely home you got here. Just--just--just lovely. Bet the wife and kids love it.
Cane: You'll get your damn money. You stay away from my family.
Lily: Cane, guess-- hi. Um...
Cane: Hey.
Lily: What's going on?
Mac: You thinking what I'm thinking?
J.T.: (Exhales) Well, I don't know. You thinking that I got a really hot fiancée?
Mac: (Chuckles)
J.T.: (Chuckles)
Mac: I'm thinking about the job in D.C. I know you weren't interested in moving before. But things have changed.
J.T.: Well, they'd change a hell of a lot more if we moved out of Genoa City.
Mac: Maybe for the better.
J.T.: (Sighs) Well, I guess there is a lot of opportunity in D.C.
Mac: Mm-hmm. I bet the nonprofit could use you, probably be exactly what you need.
J.T.: What we both need.
Victoria: Thank you. So I'm thinking, maybe my dad keeping me from seeing my mom is a good sign.
Billy: Honey, I can put a positive spin on just about anything, but I think you have me beat here.
Victoria: Well, maybe it's because he thinks that he's losing the lawsuit. I mean, why else would he resort to such low tactics?
Billy: Because he's a dirty, rotten S.O.B...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Who doesn't care who he hurts as long as he gets what he wants. He's Victor.
Victoria: I think my dad's desperate.
Billy: (Clears throat) He's showing you who's boss. He got out of being arrested. He got the court order kicked up to an even higher court. These aren't signs of weakness. These are signs of strength.
Victoria: They're also moves that someone else made.
Billy: Yeah, the district attorney.
Victoria: Yeah. You know, Heather's never been a fan of my father's, so why would she start doing him any favors now?
Billy: I don't know. But I'd like to find out.
Heather: I'm Heather Stevens, and I approve this message. How soon can they set up the shoot? Oh, um, can you see if they can do it sooner? I-I really want to get this on the air as soon as possible. Uh, yeah. Let me know.
Paul: So you're doing a new TV spot.
Heather: Yes.
Paul: Where did you get the money?
Heather: A donor.
Paul: You didn't hear a word I said, did you?
Heather: If I want to help people, I need to get elected.
Paul: No matter the cost? So you would do anything to win this election?
Heather: (Sighs)
Victor: Is this really what you think? That nothing matters more to me than my company?
Nikki: That's what it feels like sometimes.
Victor: Why? Because I wouldn't let Victoria see you?
Nikki: You used both of us as leverage for your lawsuit.
Victor: (Sighs) You know damn well that I didn't mean to hurt you.
Nikki: I know. You never do.
Victor: (Sighs) All right. (Sighs heavily) All right, Baby, I'm gonna go.
Nikki: I think that's good, a good idea. (Sobs)
Victor: What are you doing here?
Deacon: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ronan: Murphy, is that Morse code?
Kay: Is Ronan right? I mean, is it Morse code?
Billy: So you're telling me Victor didn't buy his way out of getting arrested? Because that's what it sounds like to me.
Victoria: There is no way I'm gonna let you take my little boy across state lines--no way.
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