Y&R Transcript Friday 10/29/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 10/29/10 -- Canada; Monday 11/1/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9517 ~ Victor Questions His Commitment to Nikki

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Daniel: (Gasps) What are you doin' in here? It's true, huh? You're back?

Abby: A-and you're...

Daisy: Pregnant. That's why we're here. Hi, Daddy.

Daniel: Oh, no. No, no, that--that-- (Chuckles) No.

Abby: Wait, you and Daisy--

Daniel: No. Never.

Daisy: Once, which is all it took.

Phyllis: So this is her, definitely, right there on the top. That's Daisy, unmistakably. She's in the nun costume.

Ronan: Okay, well, she's had a lot of time to get away.

Michael: Well, you have to make sure she doesn't. People toss the word "Psychopath" around a lot. This girl is one.

Lauren: She enjoyed everything that she put Jana and me through. If things had gone according to her plan, none of us would have survived.

Ronan: Okay, e-mail me this photo. We're gonna put out an A.P.B. so she's, uh, she's pregnant, right?

Phyllis: No, I-I think that's just a joke. It's the costume.

Ryder: Okay. Let's take a team down to Jimmy's bar, Guys, see what we can find.

Michael: I'm coming with you, and you're staying here.

Lauren: What? Why?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Michael: Because this is the safest possible place for you, okay? Phyllis will stay with you.

Phyllis: What? Oh.

Ronan: Ready? Let's go.

Phyllis: Yeah, I'll stay.

Michael: I'll let you know everything that happens.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Jana: Daisy was here?

Kevin: She's in the background of a photo that Phyllis took.

Jana: Oh, God.

Noah: Hey, look, the-- the whole town knows who she is and what she did. She'll get caught, okay? And finally have to answer to kidnapping you and Lauren.

Jana: (Sighs)

Kevin: Well, I'm just wondering if, uh, she came back by herself, or do you think she hooked back up with Ryder?

Jana: Look, I'm telling you, I have not had any contact with him.

Noah: Hey, we should get you home.

Jana: (Scoffs) Well, it's not as if I'm gonna be safe there or anywhere else.

Kevin: Well, you're not gonna be alone. You'll look after her, right?

Noah: Yeah. Yeah, no problem.

Jana: But now wait. Who is gonna look after you? They can come after you, too, you know.

Kevin: I'm gonna go after them. I'm joining the search.

Jana: (Sighs) Will you please check in with me? I'm really frightened, Kevin. Please?

Kevin: Yeah, of course. Look, the best thing I can do for you, for all of us, is to find my sister and get her put away, all right?

Meggie: Hello, Victor.

Victor: Hey, Meggie.

Meggie: Let me get you a drink.

Victor: That's very kind of you. Thank you.

Meggie: I hope you like Irish stew. That's what we're having.

Victor: Oh, sometimes I like that.

Meggie: (Chuckles) Yes, I know. I Googled you. (Chuckles)

Victor: Oh, did you now?

Meggie: (Chuckles) Yep. You mentioned it in an interview years ago.

Victor: Ahh.

Meggie: You are doing such a wonderful thing for Nikki...

Victor: Thank you.

Meggie: Getting her the help she needs for her drinking. I just--you know, I know she'd want the staff to take care of you, too. Have you talked to her?

Victor: Well, when I got there, visiting hours were over.

Meggie: Aw.

Victor: Yeah.

Meggie: What a shame. Well, I made up a little, uh, care package for her. I was gonna drop it off to her, but I think I'll drop it off now, leave it at the desk. It might cheer her up.

Victor: Oh, well, that's very nice of you. Can I help you with that?

Meggie: Oh, no, no. I've got it.

Victor: All right.

Meggie: See you later.

Victor: Thank you, Meggie. That's very nice of you.

Deacon: (Sighs)

Nikki: What's your problem? You lose something?

Deacon: Oh, I, uh, yeah, I misplaced my 30-day chip.

Nikki: (Scoffs) Like its any good to you anymore.

Deacon: (Sighs) Well, God knows I don't-- I'm not entitled to it, but, uh, you know, it's force of habit. I always keep it in my pocket... except for when I keep it in my other pocket. Um, what about you? You can't sleep?

Nikki: I just, um... (Sighs) I'm dying for a drink.

Deacon: Yeah.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Kay: He's been, uh, sleeping for the last hour. He should be waking up pretty soon now. We've been, uh, trying to communicate. I ask him questions, and he blinks yes or no. But I've been asking him the wrong questions evidently because he gets so frustrated, and his blood pressure skyrockets, and I'm... (Sighs)

Victor: (Sighs) It must be a dreadful thing for a man as strong and sturdy and... as bright as he is to be trapped in his own body.

Kay: (Sighs) Mm.

Victor: Not to be able to communicate at all... must be very stressful for you.

Kay: No, no, Darling. I'm--I'm--I'm fine. Patience has just never been one of my strong suits, especially with watching someone I love suffer.

Victor: I'm very sorry. (Sighs) I have some news for you.

Kay: I don't like the sound of that.

Victor: Mm-hmm. Remember the last time we talked about whether Nikki was drinking again or not?

Kay: Oh, Victor, don't tell me she's...

Victor: I checked her in to the Solidarity House for a 30-day stay.

Kay: She admitted that she was...

Victor: Mnh-mnh. She vehemently denied it at first, until I found her totally passed out... just as we were about to leave for Las Vegas to get married.

Kay: N-now listen, you... no, my friend, you did the right thing, and she is gonna be very grateful to you in--in the end for all your support.

Victor: Well, she will always have that.

Kay: Victor, come on. You still want to marry her, don't you?

Victor: (Sighs) I'm not so sure.

Nikki: (Sighs) Just think of all the damage I've done in my life-- my relationships and... I haven't heard from Victoria.

Deacon: Is she upset with you?

Nikki: I don't know. I know I'm not gonna sleep at all tonight, though.

Deacon: Well, I'll let you in on a little secret. If, uh, we were anywhere but here, I'd offer you a drink to help you get through it.

Nikki: Oh, God, I would take it, too.

Deacon: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: Yeah, that's why I am here.

Deacon: Yeah.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Woman: Lights out soon.

Deacon: "Nurse Ratched." Um, Nikki, listen. Tomorrow is gonna be better.

Nikki: Yeah, well, it can't get any worse, can it?

Deacon: (Scoffs) Yeah.

Meggie: Well, hi.

Nikki: Meggie.

Meggie: (Chuckles)

Nikki: Oh, my God. What are you doing here?

Meggie: (Chuckles) Well, I was gonna drop this off at the desk, but I can give it to you personally now. It's a bunch of things from home--books, clothes.

Nikki: Oh, that is so sweet. That is so sweet of you. Thank you.

Meggie: Well, I'd like to stay, but I think it's against the rules.

Nikki: I'm afraid it is, but... (Sighs) It's nice to see a friendly face.

Meggie: (Chuckles) You take care.

Nikki: I will. Thanks again.

Deacon: (Whispers) Oh. (Bottles clink) (Bottles clink)

Jana: (Sighs)

Noah: Bedroom's clear.

Jana: I should not be freaking myself out like this. I mean, if she-- if she's back here, it might not even have anything to do with me, you know? (Sighs) Unless Kevin's right, and she is with Ryder, and if he's angry with me... oh, God. You know, she was always really, really weirdly protective over him. And she was horribly abusive to him.

Noah: Look...

Jana: (Shudders)

Noah: We're all alone. And if you'd like me to stay, I could if that helps.

Jana: How would you feel about spending the night?

Noah: (Sighs)

Kevin: Did they find anything yet?

Michael: Not yet.

Kevin: Where's Ronan?

Michael: Uh, he's searching the alley. That's--that's not--

Ronan: A nun's habit. Yep. There's a label from the costume store on the inside of it.

Kevin: Well, that doesn't tell us much.

Ronan: Unless she could be staying near there. We're gonna start our search over here.

Kevin: (Sighs) How's Lauren doing?

Michael: It was a Halloween party with costumes and masks-- brings to mind the masquerade ball, where she was kidnapped. Well, I don't think that's a coincidence.

Kevin: You know, Daisy better hope that the cops find her before we do.

Daniel: Daisy drugged me so I couldn't get to my mom when Sarah attacked her, and then she made it look like we had hooked up so Amber would think that we hooked up.

Daisy: No, that wasn't part of the plan. But the drugs must have lowered your inhibitions. You were all over me.

Daniel: I was unconscious.

Daisy: The only man I've been with, and you don't even remember?

Abby: (Scoffs) Yeah, okay. Lying. Totally.

Daisy: Whether you believe it or not, this baby is your responsibility. I've been living on the run, eating junk, getting no sleep. We need someone to take care of us.

Abby: Oh, you know who would love to put a roof over your head and feed you? The cops.

Daniel: (Claps hands) Yes, that's a great idea. We should call the cops.

[Lauren remembering]

Sarah: Don't worry, Lauren. Mama Bear just wants to rip you from limb to limb.

Lauren: Okay, I... (Breathing rapidly) I can't stay here. I need to get to Fen!

Phyllis: Laur-Lauren, wait.

Lauren: No!

Phyllis: Lauren, we'll just call. Laur-Lauren! Lauren!

Michael: I'm texting Ronan to let him know that there was no sign of Daisy or Ryder at the old amusement park. He can save his men the trip.

Kevin: You want coffee?

Michael: Yes, please. It's gonna be a very long night.

Kevin: You know, they could just be living on the street. Ryder used to do that.

Michael: Well, maybe Daisy is on her own.

Kevin: I don't think so. They're a 2-for-1 deal. Well, it could just be my wishful thinking. I still want to get my hands on him so bad. Here.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Michael: Oh, oh, it's Ronan. He's got a lead.

Kevin: Where?

Michael: A motel clerk recognized Daisy from her picture.

Kevin: Has she checked out yet?

Michael: Doesn't say. But he describes her as sweet, innocent and... possibly pregnant.

Kevin: Is there an address?

Michael: Yeah. Yeah.

Kevin: All right, let's go.

Michael: All right.

Phyllis: Okay, well, now you know for a fact that Fen is okay.

Lauren: (Sighs) Right. (Sniffles) Right.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Lauren: He's, uh, at a friend's house...

Phyllis: Yeah.

Lauren: Asleep.

Phyllis: Right. And Daisy would have no idea where he was staying. So listen. You can relax.

Lauren: Easier said than done, right? (Sniffles)

Phyllis: (Whispering) It's all fine now. Lauren, you're safe. You're safe.

Lauren: Yeah, well, I thought I was safe tonight, and yet she was 2 inches away from me.

Phyllis: (Normal voice) Yeah, I know she was, but she's not violent.

Lauren: (Breathing deeply)

Phyllis: She didn't do anything. It--it was really Sarah who was the one who was violent.

Lauren: No, you don't understand. Daisy--Daisy the one-- was the one who was more evil than Sarah, if that's even possible. (Gasps) I can't get away from them. (Gasping) Oh, my God, it never ends.

Phyllis: Lauren.

Lauren: It never ends! (Sobs)

Phyllis: Lauren, okay, okay. Re-relax. Breathe.

Lauren: (Gasps) I--

Phyllis: No, no, no. Breathe. Breathe.

Lauren: (Gasping) No.

Phyllis: Breathe, Honey.

Lauren: (Sobs) No. No.

Phyllis: It's fine. It's fine. Just breathe, okay?

Kay: Well, Mackenzie, if you need anything, Darling, you know all you have to do is call me. Mm-hmm. All right. Now you get some rest, you and your baby. (Chuckles) All right, Sweetheart, bye-bye.

Kay: Are you really reconsidering that marriage?

Victor: (Sighs) I'm not gonna abandon Nikki. I never will. I'll be there for every step of her recovery.

Kay: And then? Darling, only a few days ago, we were talking about how good you were for one another.

Victor: Mm-hmm. I know. She has been lying.

Kay: But, Victor, you have to understand-- surely you do that that is all part of the denial and shame of this--of--of-- of this disease.

Victor: And I'm not sitting in judgment on the disease. When I found her totally passed out, it was in a cheap motel room. And who was in bed with her but that sleazeball of a bartender at Gloworm-- Deacon or whatever his name is.

Kay: Oh, dear God in heaven.

Victor: I don't think anything happened between them.

Kay: Well, that had to be a shock to you.

Victor: You know... (Sighs) I just don't know... her sinking to that level again, what that portends for our marriage.

Kay: Oh, Victor. She's had a hell of a lot to deal with.

Victor: Well, maybe it's the constant bickering between me and my daughter Victoria. Maybe I'm pushing her over the edge.

(Knock on door)

Nikki: Deacon.

Deacon: I know you said to keep my distance, but, um, I was just thinkin' on a night like tonight, maybe bad company's better than none. I could distract you.

Nikki: Well, okay. Come on in.

Kevin: Daisy's scrapbook. Jana told me about it.

Michael: Kevin.

Kevin: Is that a sonogram?

Michael: And prenatal vitamins.

Ronan: (Chuckles) Well, she may really be pregnant after all.

Kevin: And the Fisher family dysfunction continues into yet another generation.

Ronan: All right, put everything back right where it was. We're gonna stake the room out. We're gonna grab her when she comes back.

Michael: Well, if she comes back.

Kevin: You know, Jana is staying near here.

Michael: Do you want to check on her?

Kevin: I suppose I should. (Sniffs)

Noah: Oh!

Jana: Um... uh...

Noah: I'm sorry.

Jana: (Chuckles) Sorry, I didn't mean to, um... here.

Noah: Yeah, uh, I-I thought you were asleep.

Jana: (Sighs) Yeah, and I thought you were uncomfortable, but I see I needn't have worried. Made yourself right at home now, haven't you?

Noah: This better?

Jana: You know, I'm not a prude, you know.

Noah: Okay, well, uh, tell me about your wild and crazy past.

Jana: That doesn't matter now. That's, uh... that's all done. (Sighs) God. Look at me now. I'm just... this timid little mouse in hiding.

Noah: (Sighs)

Jana: There's nothing left of my old life, my old self.

Noah: If you'd feel better if I went outside and went in my car, kept an eye from there, I-I-I'd understand.

Jana: No, no. A-actually, I-I feel a lot safer with you here now.

Jana: (Sighs) You should go.

Noah: What?

Jana: Um, I just don't think this was really a good idea.

Noah: Uh, did I... (Sighs) I mean, I can--

Jana: Just go, please.

Noah: But I thought you didn't feel safe--

Jana: You know, I-- I-I-I feel fine.

Noah: Jan--

Jana: I just--just look, when a woman asks you to leave, you should just leave.

Noah: Okay.

Noah: (Sighs)

Daisy: Think about what you're doing. Do you want your baby born in prison?

Daniel: Whoever's kid that is, it's gonna be better if they take it away from you.

Abby: Yeah, did you think we were gonna believe this stupid story?

Daisy: I knew you needed proof, and I have it.

Daniel: What are you talkin' about?

Daisy: The baby's D.N.A. We'll get it tested.

Abby: (Scoffs) And wait, just-- just let me guess. Let me guess. It will cost a few thousand dollars to make it happen. You know, she pulls this scam on, like, 20 or 30 guys, she'd make a lot of money.

Daisy: It's not a scam.

Daniel: Look, Daisy, I don't know why you came back here, but you ain't leavin' without a police escort.

Daisy: Turn me in, and I'll hurt the baby.

Daniel: (Scoffs) What?

Daisy: You heard me.

Daniel: What the hell is the matter with you? Even you wouldn't do something like that.

Daisy: You already told me that they're gonna take the kid away. I've got nothing to lose, but you do. You know that this baby could be yours... (Sighs) Which is why you're not calling.

Daniel: I just don't want you to do anything crazy.

Nikki: Three of a kind. (Sighs)

Deacon: Oh, Man, I got three of a kind, too. But there's also these. (Clicks tongue)

Nikki: Oh, my God. Are you kidding me?

Deacon: Full house. (Laughs)

Nikki: I'm really startin' to think you stacked this deck.

Deacon: Oh, come on now. Would I do that?

Nikki: Eagle Scout here.

Deacon: What do you say we, um, raise the stakes a little bit?

Nikki: Where did that come from?

Deacon: Well, the bag, I found. Somebody had thrown it out. But what's inside-- that's a surprise for you, but you're gonna have to win it.

Nikki: All right, deal.

Nikki: You know, I have to say time is passing faster now. Thanks.

Deacon: Well, don't thank me. I did this for my own sake. I was climbin' the walls in my room. How many you want?

Nikki: One.

Deacon: (Chuckles) You know, Nikki, I realize that you would rather be getting your support from probably anybody in the world but me.

Nikki: I... I really think you're a good listener, and... you're easy to talk to. And there's no judgment.

Deacon: People in glass rehab centers don't throw a lot of stones.

Nikki: You could very well be blaming me for relapsing...

Deacon: No.

Nikki: And ending up here, not being able to see your son. I know that. But instead, here you are trying to help me through this terrible, agonizing night, and I think that shows a lot of character.

Deacon: You don't drag me down, Nikki. I do that all by myself.

Nikki: So do I. But I am going to take your example and not blame anybody else but myself, especially not to the lovely man who gave me this straight.

Deacon: (Chuckles)

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Deacon: Well, now look at that. Good things come to those who wait.

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Deacon: Let's see what the lady has won.

Nikki: Wait. We need to make a pact and stick to it this time, okay? We got here on our own, but we're gonna get out together. We're gonna lean on each other, and no one will get left behind. Deal?

Deacon: Yeah.

Nikki: Okay. Now I want to see my present.

Deacon: (Chuckles) (Whispers) Yeah. (Sighs)

Victor: You know I love Nikki, and I want to believe that I'm a positive influence on her life.

Kay: Well, you are.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Kay: Of course you are. My God, look what you've just done for her.

Victor: Yet she made sure that the wedding would not take place. What does that say?

Kay: Oh, come on now.

Victor: Maybe it's best for her. I don't know.

Kay: Aw, you know better than that. I mean, my--my God, you're still in shock from finding her in bed with that bartender.

Victor: Possibly.

Kay: And--and she wasn't trying to make some dramatic point by doing what she did. I mean, were she sober, she would have never done anything like that. You know it, and I know it. As far as, uh, all of this, you know, um, arguing... (Chuckles) Two strong-willed people? Well, you're-- it's not unusual that you're going to clash.

Victor: But do you know how difficult it is to get over that image...

Kay: (Sighs)

Victor: Of "Sleazeball" in bed with my future wife? Are you kidding me?

Kay: Oh, come on. Come on. Come on.

Victor: (Sighs)

Kay: You have gone through far better and far worse things than this.

Victor: I know.

Kay: You have to have faith, a lot of faith, in what you share. You belong together. The two of you are good together.

Victor: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Hey, Phyllis. Everything all right?

Phyllis: You need to come home.

Michael: Why? What's wrong? Daisy?

Phyllis: No, but Lauren's really overwhelmed. Uh, she needs you, Michael.

Michael: Okay. All right. I'm on my way. I gotta get back.

Michael: Oh, my God. They found her.

Ronan: What, Daisy? Where?

Michael: Phyllis' son's apartment.

Noah: (Sighs)


(Pottery shatters)

(Table crashes)

Victor: I wonder how he is doing.

Kay: (Sighs) Victor, I'm going to give back to you some of your advice you've been giving to me. (Sighs) Don't let yourself get run-down. All this stress you've been under...

Victor: I won't, Sweetheart. No need to worry. Meggie is taking care of me.

Kay: Meggie?

Victor: Yeah.

Kay: I mean, Nikki's assistant?

Victor: Yeah, she has been very helpful with both of us.

Kay: Oh.

Victor: I mean, and very helpful with Nikki. It's wonderful.

Kay: Oh, Murphy. (Chuckles) Murphy. Pardon me for a minute. Hi, Darling. You're awake. I thought you were going to miss Victor's visit.

Victor: Murphy, I heard that you've--you regained control of your movement in your hands.

Kay: Wait. Wait. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. That--your hand--is that-- that is controlled, isn't it? He blinked "Yes." Murphy, I... (Sighs) I-I don't-- I-I don't know what you're trying to tell me. I mean, Darling, I'm not going to give up until I find out what you are trying to tell me. Oh, God. I, uh, I don't know. That--but that was for you. Victor, don't you dare give up.

Victor: (Sighs) No chance for that, is there, Murphy? You're a good man.

Kay: (Chuckles)

Nikki: Hey, I won fair and square. Let's go.

Deacon: Um, yeah, you know what? Uh, there's-- there's actually someone else that this should go to.

Deacon: Excuse me. Uh, could you come here for a second?

Nikki: What are you doing?

Woman: (Sighs) You're not supposed to be in each other's rooms.

Deacon: I know. I'm sorry. I'll leave. I just, uh, I-I-I brought this in. Could you get rid of it for me, please? (Sighs)

(Glass bottles clinking)

Woman: Good for you.

Deacon: Yeah.

Deacon: Nikki, I've made some rotten choices in my life. But it's not who I am. It's not all that I am.

Kevin: Hey--

Jana: Oh, God, she was here.

Kevin: Daisy?

Jana: Mm-hmm.

Kevin: What happened?

Jana: Uh, she just--she was--she was waiting for me, and look. She just went absolutely ballistic.

Kevin: Where's Noah?

Jana: Um, well, I had him drop me off. I screamed when I saw her, and she--I think she thinks that the neighbors heard me, and so she just ran out really quickly. Who are you phoning?

Kevin: I'm calling Ronan. (Sighs) Damn. Voice mail.

Jana: Listen, I'm really scared. Would you stay with me?

Kevin: Yeah, yeah. I'll stay with you.

Jana: Okay.

Kevin: Um, I just--I need to call Chloe and--and--and tell her I'm gonna be out for the night.

Jana: Right. Okay. Well, you can have privacy in the bedroom if you want.

Kevin: Hi. No, I'm at Jana's, uh, motel, and...   

(Knock on door)

Jana: Noah? What--what are you doing here?

Noah: Look, I-I drove halfway home, and I turned around. I need to know what's going on with you.

Jana: Oh, I'm, uh... (Yawns) I'm really exhausted. That's all.

Noah: Well, yeah, I mean, I guess you would be after turning the room upside down. What was that about?

Daisy: It's obvious you won't believe me until you get proof, so look into getting the tests, and I'll be in touch.

Daniel: Oh, no. No, no, no. I can't let you leave here, Daisy.

Daisy: (Scoffs) How are you gonna stop me, Daniel? You gonna wrestle a pregnant woman to the floor?

Abby: Why does he have to look into getting the test?

Daisy: Because if I get it, you'll think it's fixed. And besides, I can't afford it.

Abby: Well, where's Ryder?

Daisy: (Chuckles) Ryder.

Abby: Yeah. Why isn't he taking care of you?

Daisy: Well, I would love to tell you where my brother is so you could chase after him some more, but I haven't a clue. You know, if I do hear from him, I'll be sure to tell him that you haven't forgotten your first love.

(Door opens)

Ronan: And there she is. All right. Daisy Carter, hands behind your back. You're under arrest. Thank you for the tip.

Abby: You are welcome.

Ronan: Easy. Do you understand these rights? Yes? Yes. Okay, yes. Let's go. Come on.

Daniel: Hey, um, watch out for her. She was threatening to hurt the baby.

Ronan: All right.

Daisy: He's worried because he's the father.

Ronan: Okay. Uh, good night then, Folks. Let's go.

Abby: Thank you. Thank you.

Ronan: Didn't mean to interrupt.

Abby: (Clears throat)

Daniel: Hey, stay.

Abby: (Sighs) No, it's just late, and that was beyond bizarre.

Daniel: I'll grab us a couple beers. We'll sit down, and we'll decompress.

Abby: I just should go home.

Daniel: Hey, that kid's not mine.

Abby: I know. I'm just tired.

Abby: Bye.

Daniel: Bye.

(Door opens)

Michael: Hey! They found her! They found her! Daisy's being arrested as we speak!

Phyllis: Oh, good. Good. Hallelujah. Hallelujah.

Lauren: No, no, no. She could escape. Ryder's still out there. This could be part of their plan.

Michael: No, no, no. Listen, Sweetheart--

Lauren: No, listen to me! Listen to me. We are not safe. We--we will never-- never be safe. (Sighs)

Jana: Are you spying on me?

Noah: I heard, like, a crash, so I checked to make sure.

Jana: Well, that is absolutely creepy, Noah.

Noah: I was just worried about you.

Jana: (Stammers) Don't. The way that I deal with my post-traumatic stress is none of your business, okay? Now I think you should go.

Noah: Okay.

Kevin: Were you just outside?

Jana: Yes, I just thought-- I thought I heard a noise, but it was just the neighbor.

Jana: So do you want to sleep in...

Kevin: Uh, no. Here's--here is fine. Uh, but I'm-- I'm pretty beat.

Jana: Yeah. I'm sure.

Kevin: Good night.

Jana: Good night.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Nikki: I don't know that I could have done what you just did.

Deacon: Well, you get points for convincing me.

Nikki: (Sighs) What, my little pep talk?

Deacon: No, no, I-- it--it reminded me of a time, a b-brief time, when I had my life together. I mean, I-I had someone who really cared about me, and, um, it was a long time ago. I mean, she probably wouldn't even recognize me now.

Nikki: She would have been proud of you tonight. I know I am.

Deacon: I think I better go.

Meggie: I'm going to make sure you get something in your stomach this time.

Victor: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Meggie: Where'd you disappear to?

Victor: I just saw Katherine and Murphy in the hospital.

Meggie: Oh.

Victor: (Sighs)

Meggie: Is--is he better?

Victor: Can't communicate yet worth a damn.

Meggie: Mm, it's so sad. I really do wish the day I'd gone to the fair that I'd gone a minute earlier or a minute later. If I'd been there when he collapsed, I could have done something.

Victor: Yeah.

Meggie: I'm feeling so powerless these days, like with Nikki. She's been so kind to me, and there's hardly anything I can do for her.

Victor: (Sighs) You know, you've been very generous and very kind. I first recognized that when we met in Canada. And you have been more than helpful to Nikki, and I am really appreciative of that, okay?

Meggie: Thank you for saying that.

Victor: Okay.

Meggie: Listen, I'll leave you alone now. Enjoy your dinner.

Victor: Thank you, Meggie.

Meggie: (Quietly) Oh, Victor, I'll almost miss you when you're gone.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Nikki: You're only doing everything for Newman Enterprises. That is the only thing that you have ever been devoted to.

Paul: I don't know what deal you made with Victor, but get out of it.

Lily: What's, uh, what's going on?

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