Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/27/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/27/10 -- Canada; Thursday 10/28/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9515 ~ Victor Calls in a Favor

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Sharon: (Sighs) Skye told me that you were leaving town for good.

Adam: She was right.

Sharon: Well, then I guess I'm here to tell you... don't do it.

Daniel: Do you just want to meet up at Billy’s, uh, party?

Abby: No, let's go together. You drive.

Daniel: That's fine by me. Oh, and, uh, by the way, I came up with an unbelievable idea for a costume.

Abby: Yeah, me, too.

Daniel: Don't sound so enthusiastic about it.

Abby: Oh, trust me, Daniel, after the day I've had, a party sounds really good right now.

Daniel: Well, that's the whole point. We'll get your mind off of things. See you in a bit, okay?

Abby: (Sighs)

Billy: Hey.

Abby: Hey. What are you doing here? I thought you'd be getting ready for your big party.

Billy: Yeah, well, I'm here to pick up Delia and Reed. They're off trick-or-treating with their preschool.

Abby: That sounds fun.

Billy: Yeah. Anyway, this is the designated pickup spot. What?

Abby: (Scoffs) Oh, well, you have always been a pickup artist. This just kind of gives it a whole new meaning now. (Laughs)

Billy: Yeah, yeah. (Laughs sarcastically) Now I'm on dad patrol. Chloe's at a shoot, Mac’s with J.T., and Vicki’s stuck in mediation, so...

Abby: Hmm.

Billy: By the way, how is that going? Are you any closer to resolving things with Victor?

Victoria: Barred--barred from seeing my own mother. How could anybody be so cruel?

Nick: (Sighs)

Victoria: And poor Mom is probably sitting there wondering why I haven't been by to see her. Doesn't Dad know that he's hurting her? Or does he just not care because he hates me so much? Is that what it is?

Nick: All right, Dad does not hate you, Victoria.

Victoria: He doesn't hate me? So then why is he being so heartless? And you-- you trying to keep this from me makes me wonder if maybe you hate me, too.

Heather: Hey, I'm-- I'm Heather Stevens. I'm--I'm running for district attorney. Be sure and vote next week. It's your community. Help me make it a safe one.

Lauren: (Laughs)

Heather: Oh.

Lauren: Hey.

Heather: Fen, cool costume.

Fen: I'm a magician.

Heather: Yeah? Well, can you magically make votes appear?

Lauren: (Laughs)

Heather: I-I'm just teasing. (Laughs)

Lauren: How's your campaign going?

Heather: Oh, it's-- it's great. It's--it's exhilarating.

Fen: Mom, the lady at the counter's passing out treats.

Lauren: Ooh, okay. Take one and say thank you, all right? (Chuckles) This is--it's so great of Kevin and Mac. I mean, giving kids a safe place to trick-or-treat.

Heather: Mm-hmm. What about Mom and Dad? How are you guys planning to spend Halloween?

Lauren: After we drop off Fen at a sleepover, we're going to Billy’s annual bash. Are you going?

Heather: Mm, oh, uh, this-- this close to the election, probably not.

Lauren: Well, you certainly have our vote.

Heather: Thank you. Um, oh, excuse me for just a moment. I'm sorry.

Lauren: Sure. (Laughs) Hi. What'd you get? (Gasps) Ooh, a popcorn ball-- very yummy.

Fen: If Dad doesn't get here soon, he's gonna miss Halloween.

Lauren: Oh, Honey, daddy just has one of those jobs that keeps him really busy. But he'll be here soon. I promise.

Michael: Gentlemen, it's after business hours. How about we settle this tomorrow?

Man: The court-appointed mediator demanded that you turn over your books. If you don't cooperate, we'll come back with the police.

Victor: You bring the whole damn force, okay? No one will get near my books, got it? Show yourselves out, please.

Michael: The whole damn force? Victor, Vance Abrams has a court order. They could put you in prison.

Victor: I don't give a damn how many weasels he sends by here.

Michael: (Sighs)

Victor: It ain't gonna happen. I'm not gonna go to prison, all right? Some people owe me favors. Time to collect.

Lauren: Jill is coming?

Billy: Maybe you'll get lucky and she won't show up.

Lauren: (Scoffs)

Billy: Mm.

Lauren: I mean, I know she's your mother, but--

Billy: Look. Okay, look. If you want a brawl, go ahead. You brawl it out. I just ask you clean up after yourself, because Mac, she charges double if she has to clean up blood.

Lauren: Really?

Billy: Uh-huh.

Lauren: Last time I checked, no open graves at the bar.

Billy: Oh, you're such a bad girl.

Lauren: Ooh, I know.

Jana: Look who I have here.

Billy: Hey! Hello, Princess. What's up, Buddy?

Jana: Oh, no, he's recognized you through your disguise.

Billy: Of course. I would always recognize this cute little girl.

Lauren: Oh, so sweet.

Billy: You, too. You, too, Buddy.

Lauren: Hey, so how many merchants downtown were set up for trick-or-treating?

Liza: 15. That's three more than last year.

Lauren: That's so great.

Jana: Crimson Lights is our last stop.

Lauren: (Chuckles)

Fen: See all the candy I got, Jana?

Jana: Ooh.

Lauren: Oh, Honey. Honey, come show me. Ooh. Come here. Let's go outside and count it.

Billy: Want to see the other kids? Hey, Reed.

Jana: (Sighs)

Nick: Look... (Sighs) I wanted to tell you about Mom.

Victoria: Oh, really? Then why didn't you?

Nick: Because Dad wanted the news to come from him.

Victoria: Yeah, I know, so he could ambush me. Right before I went into the mediation, Dad called me outside. He deliberately waited and timed it so that he could knock me off my game, Nick. That's exactly what he did. (Sighs)

Nick: Well, did you think that maybe that was the only time Dad thought he could get you alone?

Victoria: I wish that you would stop defending him.

Nick: I'm just saying, there's two sides to every story.

Victoria: Yeah, there would be if Dad didn't use Mom to try to manipulate me, which he is doing again for the second time by not allowing me to see her. (Sighs) I mean, I-I-I-I really feel like this is in retaliation for me demanding Beauty of Nature. That's what it's gotta be.

Nick: Wait, that was your settlement offer?

Victoria: (Sighs) Yes, that was my settlement offer. Why are you acting so stunned? Beauty of Nature has always been my baby.

Nick: Okay, yeah, and it also happens to be one of the Newman’s most lucrative companies. Vick, Dad probably thought he made you a fair offer, and then you spit in his face. Do you really think that he wouldn't want to get back at you for that?

Victoria: Nothing Dad does surprises me anymore. I am a little shocked that he's using Mom, though. (Sighs) As far as I'm concerned, he's sunk to a new low. And you know what, Nick? If you're gonna be making excuses for Dad, then so have you.

Heather: I've been out all day talking to voters. (Sighs) I think I really have a shot at winning this thing.

Victor: I'm so glad to hear that. You'll make a fine district attorney. That's why I'm very glad that I financed your campaign.

Heather: And I will be eternally grateful.

Victor: Now it so happens that I found a way for you to return the favor.

Michael: Victor's daughters are suing him for mismanagement of their trusts. Their case is spurious at best. Victor offered an enormous settlement in hopes of keeping peace in the family. The girls made an outrageous counteroffer, so the mediator has demanded that Victor turn over his books to be examined.

Victor: By Vance Abrams, that weasel of an attorney.

Michael: Victor has refused. So now the forensic accountant is coming back with the police to enforce the court order.

Heather: Well, that sounds like quite a headache, but I'm not exactly sure what you expect me to do.

Victor: Well, now, Ms. Stevens, Newman Enterprises is a privately held company. I think it is grossly unfair for the law to come here and arrest me and then confiscate my books.

Michael: Perhaps if a higher judge were to review the decision--

Heather: Gentlemen, I am very sorry about the position you're in, but I'm afraid there's no way I can do what you're asking.

Adam: I'm confused. I'd think you'd want me as far away from Genoa City as possible.

Sharon: You're right. Logically, I shouldn't be here.

Adam: Why are you?

Sharon: (Sighs) Well, Skye said that if you run off with the fund's money, she's gonna have you thrown in jail. I guess you'd finally pay for your crimes. I should want that.

Adam: Then, Sharon, just let me go.

Sharon: No, Adam. I can't let you do this to yourself.

Adam: Sharon, I took Faith away from you. I lied to you.

Sharon: And then you saved her life, and I'm never gonna forget that.

Adam: I don't belong in Genoa City. I've accepted that. I'll never be happy as long as I'm here.

Sharon: Well, you're miserable in your marriage, and that I can understand. But to run off with Skye’s cash?

Adam: No. No. I didn't steal that money, Sharon. That money is mine, too. It wouldn't even be a fund if it weren't for me. Uh, we used my name to attract investors.

Sharon: Okay, well, that's not the way Skye sees it.

Adam: Of course that's not the way Skye sees it. The woman wants to control me. Every move that I make, I have to do a song and dance just to keep her happy. All she wants is money. That's all she thinks about. We don't want the same things.

Sharon: Well, did you ever?

Adam: A long time ago, maybe. Not anymore. Look, Sharon, I would have left this place. I would have left this godforsaken place a long time ago, but I thought there was something worth sticking around for. Apparently, there isn’t.

Sharon: If you leave like this right now, you're just gonna-- you're just gonna make the same mistake over and over again. I mean, here you are with a bag of cash in the middle of the night running away like a fugitive. I mean, you're not facing your problems.

Adam: No, Sharon. You're wrong. Look at my ticket.

Sharon: To Minnea-- Minneapolis?

Adam: Yeah. I don't know where I'm going after that, but I'm gonna go see Justin Hightower, and I'm gonna tell that kid how sorry I am that his dad died. I'm gonna give him this money that I took from the fund. I've made a disaster of my life. I have no one to blame but me. But this is one thing I can do right.

Sharon: Adam, that’s... wow. For you to want to do that for little Justin...

Adam: Well, I didn't kill Hightower. I didn't do it. But I'm not totally innocent over what happened to him, either. And so I just want the kid to have the money, maybe make his life a little easier.

Sharon: I-I didn't expect that you would be so generous. I...

Adam: You see, I hate that. You're surprised.

Sharon: No, I mean-- I didn't mean that--

Adam: Sharon, do you remember where we were a year ago? Do you remember? We were opening the door to kids in costumes, handing out candy and drinking wine and talking. And... we were together, you and me. Now I know we'll never have that again. I know. And I plan on... respecting your wishes and keeping my distance. I mean, when I saw you at Gloworm with your family, I realized I... I can't compete. I can't compete with that. And what you and Nicholas have, it's so... it's just so simple. And I want that. I want it. But I'm not gonna get it here.

Sharon: Is that-- is that what you think that Nick and I have? Simple? Adam, you couldn't be more wrong.

Jana: (Chuckles) Hey, Fen. Oh, look at that. So, uh, did you go to that house? You know, on Hillside? Kevin and I used to take you there all the time. Remember the one with all those crazy decorations?

Lauren: You know, hey, uh, your friend Petey is waving to you. There you go.

Jana: (Sighs) Okay. I know that everyone hates me because of the way that I've hurt Kevin. (Sighs) But after all the things that we have been through together, Lauren, this is just so sad that it has come to this. (Sighs) It's like you can't even stand to look at me.

Lauren: Can you blame me?

Jana: No. No, I can’t. (Sighs) I cannot take back what I've done. And I would just really like it if... if you could maybe just try to be my friend again.

Lauren: (Sighs)

Billy: Hey, Reed, do me a favor and go say good-bye to Miss Liza for us. And, Sir, please stay where I can see you.

Abby: (Sighs) Jeez, you are so domesticated. I swear, one of these days, you're gonna show up in a dad-mobile.

Billy: Yeah, well, settling down isn't as bad as I thought it would be. I mean, it turns out you still can do it and have a lot of fun, right? (Sniffs) You havin' fun?

Abby: Oh, well, I am gonna take your word for it, because I am never gonna do it.

Billy: I don't know. Never's a long time.

Abby: Well, I have never had a boyfriend, and I've never wanted one.

Billy: What about Daniel?

Abby: Daniel is not my boyfriend. We're just hanging. The last thing I want is to be like Mom, having my whole world revolve around some man.

Billy: Well, I bet if you meet the right man, you might change your mind.

Abby: No, I won’t.

Billy: I don't know what to tell you, but, uh, there's something incredible about knowing you belong to somebody, and they belong to you. And I'm sorry you're missin' out.

Daniel: Hmm. Well, it looks like you're finally single.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Victor: Tell them I'll be right there.

Heather: Everyone knows you're underwriting my campaign. How would it look if I abused my power to help you less than a week before the election?

Victor: I hate to pull the plug just because you refuse to right an obvious wrong.

Heather: And if I tell you I can't?

Victor: You might lose everything, just because of appearances.

Victor: I hope you make the right decision, okay?

Heather: (Sighs) This puts me in a terrible position. Surely you see that.

Michael: I do. I have also observed that it is not particularly beneficial to people when they say no to Victor Newman.

Lauren: No matter how rough it was and how Ryder helped your aneurysm and what it did to you. But damn it, Jana, I would have been patient with you for as long as it would have taken.

Jana: Okay, I screwed up. (Sighs) I know. (Sighs) Getting involved with Ryder and... (Sighs, sniffles) (Inhales deeply) (Exhales) I have really made a terrible mess of things, and believe me... (Sighs) I will regret it until my dying day.

Lauren: We were so close during that time. You were... you were like my sister, and I look at you now, and I don't know who you are. That Jana is gone.

Jana: You're wrong. I'm--I'm--I'm here. I'm... (Sighs) This is me. (Sniffles) I'm still here, okay? And I would really, really appreciate a second chance.

Lauren: I don't think I can give it to you.

Abby: (Chuckles) So you're going as Vincent van Gogh?

Daniel: Yes, I got the costume. I'm gonna make it look like I cut my ear off. And the best part... ta-da

Abby: Ew. Ew.

Daniel: (Laughs) So all night long, when people are trying to talk to me, I'm gonna be like, "What'd you say? Huh?"

Abby: That's disgusting, but brilliant, and I love it.

Daniel: Mm. What are you going as?

Abby: Uh, I am going as Lady Gaga. I was Amy Winehouse last year, so I thought I'd keep the theme going.

Daniel: Mm, very cool.

Abby: You know, it's, uh, it's a shame we didn't think of it earlier, 'cause, you know, we could have gone as, like, a-a couple's costume or something.

Daniel: Mm, yeah. (Stammers) You know, I did a lot of that with Amber. I think I'm gonna be fine just doing my own thing this year goin' solo.

Abby: Oh, I mean, that's cool.

Daniel: (Clears throat) As a matter of fact, speaking of which, look what came in the mail today.

Abby: Your divorce decree.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Abby: I thought that was final months ago.

Daniel: So did I. Guess now this is just a souvenir that's suitable to frame and put up on the wall, huh?

Abby: Kinda sucks, huh?

Daniel: Yeah, it sucks. But you know what? I-I guess it's, uh, it's kind of nice to be single and not have to worry about anyone else.

Heather: My entire campaign has been about cleaning up the D.A.'s office. I'm supposed to be someone who can't be bought. If I help Victor and my opponent finds out, I'm toast.

Michael: This is politics, Baby. This is the way it works. This isn't the first time you'll be asked to compromise your values for the greater good.

Heather: This isn't for the greater good. This is for Victor's good.

Michael: Nobody backs any candidate for public office without expecting something in return, and the bigger the check, my friend...

Heather: Well, I can't make this decision now. I need time to think.

Michael: You better make your decision soon before they put your benefactor behind bars.

Michael: Yes, hello. This is Michael Baldwin, Victor Newman’s attorney. Is Mr. Baker in? (Stammers) Listen, tell him to get back to me right away. Tell him it's urgent.

Victor: We're you able to convince her to come through for us?

Michael: (Sighs) I just put in a call to your banker in case we need cash to post your bond.

Victor: That's not the answer I want.

Michael: Look, I gave it a good college try. Whether or not I made an impression--

Victor: Listen, I don't pay you for you to equivocate. I pay you to get results. Now if she can't come through for us, then you find something equally brilliant.

Victoria: Do you think it's fair? Dad keeping me away from Mom?

Nick: I really wish things could be different.

Victoria: Okay, good. So then why don't you talk to him and make him understand that it's not right?

Billy: Oh, look at all that loot. Hey, Guys.

Nick: Wow, look at that costume.

Victoria: Hi. Hey. Did you have fun trick-or-treating?

Reed: Fun.

Victoria: Yeah?

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Laughs)

Nick: Fun? Look at that haul, Man. You gonna give me some of that? All right.

Victoria: Where's Delia?

Billy: Oh, I dropped her off on our way over here. And Mac is on her way over here to pick up Reed, so I don't mean to rush you, but, you know, we got the party and... (Clears throat) You coming?

Nick: Uh, no. I have, uh, some other plans.

Victoria: (Clears throat)

Nick: Have a good evening.

Billy: Everything okay?

Victoria: Y-- its Halloween! (Sighs) Everything is fantastic! Right? Let me see all this stuff. Wow. Oh, my gosh.

Adam: I don't know. From the outside looking in, maybe--

Sharon: Well, you know, things always look different than we imagine them with every relationship. Even--remember when you and I were together? Nobody understood. It's that way with every relationship.

Adam: I guess I was just naive thinking that maybe what you and Nicholas had was different. I--

Sharon: Me and Nick have been to hell and back, even when we're getting along. Even on the good days, it's challenging. And--and I've had my own struggles on top of that.

Adam: Well, and that's what I respect about you. That--that's what I admire about you. You've always come out of those things stronger.

Sharon: Well, you know what? My kids really help to keep me grounded. And you need something positive to focus on.

Adam: I did that. But I can't have her.

Sharon: Adam--

Adam: Sharon, how can I stay here in Genoa City? How can I stay here knowing that we won't be together? Isn't that reason enough for me to go get on that bus?

Nick: Where'd you leave things with Heather?

Michael: We're hoping that she realizes everything your father's done for her and steps up to the plate.

Victor: If she doesn't, then I go to jail. Turning over my books is not an option.

Nick: Uh, you know, Dad, I just ran into Vick at Solidarity House. How can you ban her from seeing Mom?

Michael: Ban her? Victor, you think that's wise? Victoria and Nikki are so close.

Nick: Yeah, Mom needs her right now.

Victor: Your mother has a lot to deal with, more than she can handle right now, okay?

Nick: Well, doesn't she get a say?

Victor: (Sighs) I'm the one who supplies her with the money, with everything else, to make sure that she recovers, okay? So being around Victoria’s only going to add to her stress. Unless Victoria becomes a member of our family again, she can lie on the bed she made for herself.

Victoria: So then I went to the center to visit my mom, and I was told that I wasn’t... (Sighs heavily) Authorized to visit her.

Billy: Wait, what?

Victoria: Yes. Can you believe that? Can you believe that? My dad's orders. Before that, he tried to guilt me into dropping the lawsuit. (Sighs) Yeah, so that we could all rally around my mother in support. When she needs all of our love-- she needs all the love and support that she can get from us right now, and she's being used as a weapon without her knowledge.

Billy: Where's Victor right now?

Victoria: Why?

Billy: Oh, I'd like to talk to him.

Victoria: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Let's just... let's not. Let's just let it be, okay? I don't want any more drama today.

Billy: Okay. I'll leave it alone. Look, I'm gonna--I'm gonna call off the party, all right?

Victoria: What?!

Billy: (Stammers) You don't need to host--

Victoria: No! No, you can't call off your party. It's your annual party, your--your shindig. I want to see what it's all about. I've never been. You can't call it off. You know, I know we didn't have a chance to discuss the costumes yet, but I kind of took the liberty of picking something out for us. I hope you don't mind.

Billy: Really? That's--that's a coincidence. I-I did the same thing. (Clears throat)

Victoria: Oh, you did?

Billy: Yeah, I did. What'd you get?

Victoria: Oh, well, Jim and Margaret, of course, from "Father knows Best."

Billy: Mm. Well, you know, it's predictable. I mean--

Victoria: What? Well, it's not-- okay, well, what did you pick?

Billy: Hef and a bunny, circa 1970.

Victoria: Mnh.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: (Laughs) Oh. You're serious, aren't you?

Billy: Mm-hmm. You would make one hot little bunny.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Mm...

Victoria: Um... no. Okay, let me just rephrase that. Hell, no.

Sharon: You need to accept responsibility for everything you've done that's gotten you up to this point now.

Adam: So, what? I reach nirvana, get to some point of enlightenment or something?

Sharon: Well, you're the one that brought up last Halloween, you know? That was the first time I saw a different side of you, a side of you that... really moved me.

Adam: The kinder, gentler Adam, right?

Sharon: You know, even if there were just a trace of that Adam left...

Sharon: I want you to ask yourself if it's worth running away, if it's really worth risking your freedom just to escape your problems. If you get on that bus tonight, Adam, you're making a terrible mistake.

Man: Your attention, please. The bus to Minneapolis is now boarding. Ticketed passengers, please proceed directly to gate 14.

Liza: I can't thank you enough for all your help today, Jana.

Jana: Well, it was, uh, my pleasure.

Liza: Your costume, the way you got into the spirit of everything-- you energized the kids.

Jana: Oh. (Sighs) Well, Halloween is actually my favorite holiday.

Liza: I-it showed. Well, it looks like everybody got picked up, so...

Jana: Mm. So I-I'll see you tomorrow. Okay.

Jana: Lauren? About our conversation earlier, um--

Lauren: You know what? Are you gonna be at Billy’s later? Why don't we pick it up then?

Jana: I would really love that. Do you know that--do you, um, is Kevin gonna be there?

Lauren: I have no clue. I'll see you later.

Jana: Um, yeah. Bye, Fen. Okay, have fun at Jacob’s, yeah? (Chuckles) Bye.

Victoria: Okay. I am a respected businesswoman. I cannot be parading around as a sex object. (Laughs)

Billy: Come on. How is that any more degrading than dressing up as a 1950s hausfrau? Hmm? Come on. It'll be great. It'll be great. I will go as a young, dashing Hef, and you will be a bunny.

Victoria: I don't think so.

Billy: And we will give Barbi Benton a run for her money. It's gonna be fun. Come on.

Victoria: I don't know. I don't think so.

Billy: Come on. You-- you know, you used to be fun.

Victoria: What?

Billy: I tell you what we're gonna do. You--you did. Watch. Wait, wait, wait. We're gonna flip a coin. Okay? We're gonna flip a coin, and we're gonna see. Winner picks the costume, okay? Deal?

Victoria: (Sighs) "Used to be fun." Deal.

Billy: Hey. You don't trust me?

Victoria: No, I'm gonna flip it.

Billy: Fine. Go ahead. Flip it.

Daniel: Hey, "Gaga," how's it goin' in there?

(Door opens)

Abby: (Giggles)

Daniel: Wow, look at you.

Abby: Can you zip me up?

Daniel: I thought maybe that was part of the look, you know? Being half-dressed.

Abby: I'm sorry. Are you saying that I am too clothed for you?

Daniel: Any time you're wearing clothes, yes.

Abby: Oh, well, I if I wear any less, Uncle Billy is gonna kill me.

Daniel: Uh-huh.

Abby: Uh, speaking of Uncle Billy, you know what he said to me the other day? (Chuckles) He thought that we were a couple, like boyfriend and girlfriend. Isn't that hilarious? (Laughs)

Daniel: Well, we do spend a lot of time together, and we're not seeing anyone else. But you know what I really actually appreciate about you is you're not always trying to pressure me into some kind of big commitment. You just want to have fun, just like me.

Abby: Yeah, no strings attached. It’s... that's the best way to be.

Daniel: Plus, you are the hottest damn rocker chick I have ever seen.

Abby: Oh, yeah.

Daniel: Mm. Mm. Mm!

Abby: Mm, yeah, I am.

Daniel: (Laughs) Mm. Mm-hmm.

Abby: (Giggles)

Daniel: Yeah, you are. (Chuckles)

Nick: I'm going to pick up Summer. Let me know what happens, okay?

Victor: All right, Son. If Ms. Stevens wants to win her election, she'll find a way around this court order.

Michael: Well, I hope we hear from her soon. Those accountants could show up anytime with a cop as backup.

Victor: I'll bet you she'll come through.

Abby: (Sighs) I can't wait to put this horrible day behind me.

Daniel: Hey, you know, uh, what I said before about us both just wanting to have fun? I'm not just using you. You know that, right?

Abby: Of course.

Daniel: Good. I just like that you're not always trying to pin me down.

Abby: I get it, Daniel. I get it. Yeah. Let's go.

Daniel: Okay.

Abby: (Chuckles)

Billy: (Humming)

Billy: You're upset you lost the coin toss, aren't you?

Victoria: (Sighs) Yes, I'm upset. But if I have to be a bunny, I guess at least I'm happy you're in charge of the bunny hut.

Billy: Aw, Baby, that's so sweet.

Victoria: (Chuckles) Mm, well, seriously. It's really nice having you to come home to, especially after a day like today.

Billy: All right. All right. Tonight's all about forgetting our troubles and having a good time, right, Mrs. Abbott?

Victoria: You can call me "Barbi."

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: (Chuckles) (Laughs)

Billy: (Laughs)

Lauren: Fen was really bummed that you didn't spend any time with us on Halloween. And, quite frankly, I wasn't so happy, either. (Sighs) All right, I'm about to go in to the party, so could you just try and get here as fast as possible? Bye, Honey.

Nick: Oh, hey.

Sharon: Hi. I-I didn't expect I would run into you here.

Nick: (Sighs) Yeah, just gettin' some coffee. Then I'm gonna go pick up Summer, and then we're gonna head over to your house for a party with Faith. What time did you want us to come?

Sharon: Um, anytime's fine. I-I shouldn't be long.

Nick: Okay. You all right? You seem a bit down.

Sharon: Oh, well, it's just-- it's turned out to be a long day. I'm just kind of tired. It's fine.

Nick: Okay, well... thank you. There's my coffee. I'll, uh, see you soon. Feel better.

Sharon: Okay. (Sighs) You know, I'm such a sucker for Halloween. I really used to love this time with Cassíe and Noah.

Adam: Yeah, yeah. My, uh, my mom loved it, too. Well, maybe she was just pretending for my sake, but, uh, thank you.

Sharon: Yeah.

Adam: She, uh, you know, we didn't really get to trick-or-treat because of all the land, but my mom and some of her church friends would decorate, and she'd do that thing with the grapes, uh, making the eyeballs, peel the--the grapes.

Sharon: Oh, yeah. And spaghetti for guts-- I loved that.

Adam: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah. And--and she would-- she would, uh, have me put a blindfold on and stick my hands in there, and, you know, as an 8 year old, it was a riot, but I realized that she was, um, she was teaching me to work with my other senses, you know? Not just sight.

Sharon: You miss her?

Adam: She was the best.

Man: Attention all passengers, this is the final boarding call for Minneapolis at gate 14.

Man: Didn't you buy a ticket to Minneapolis? The bus is leaving.

Adam: Oh, yeah, thanks.

Victor: I know Lauren is waiting, so why don't you go home and enjoy the rest of the evening, all right?

Michael: And let you face this alone? I wouldn't be much of a lawyer if I did that.

Victor: And I wouldn't be much of a friend if I didn't let you.

(Knock on door)

Victor: Come in.

Man: Victor Newman?

Victor: Yes.

Man: Sir, this gentleman has a court order. Obey it, or I'm gonna have to arrest you for contempt.

Victor: Why don't you do that? Because I will not hand over my company's books to anyone.

Michael: Officer, due to budget cuts, my client won't even be arraigned till after the weekend. All those days sitting in jail, uh...

Man: Your client just stated he isn't complying.

Victor: Do me a favor-- put on the cuffs. Get it over with, all right? Let's go.

Heather: Stop. The order you have is going to be reviewed by a higher court. Until then, Mr. Newman's records are off-limits.

Man: Who are you?

Heather: District attorney Heather Stevens. Any questions, concerns can be directed to my office tomorrow. Until then, good night.

Victor: Good night, Gentlemen, and lady.

Victor: That was a very wise decision.

Heather: Well, let's just hope it doesn't come back to bite me.

Victor: I promise you, it won’t.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

J.T.: You want to move out of Genoa City? Both of us?

Mac: Yeah.

Michael: Jana put you in mind of Ryder. Ryder--

Lauren: No, I don't need anything reminding me of Sarah or Daisy.

Nick: Okay, we'll see you next year.

Sharon: All right, same time, same place.

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