Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/26/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/26/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 10/27/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9514 ~ Victor Refuses to Comply With a Judge's Order

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Nick: Um, there's something your mother and I need to talk to you about.

Noah: Uh-oh. I had a feeling this wasn't just... lunch. (Sighs)

Nick: My mom had a relapse, so she checked herself into an addiction treatment center.

Noah: (Stammers) What happened?

Sharon: She started drinking again.

Noah: Wow. Uh, Grandpa must have freaked.

Nick: The good news is she's dealing with it, okay? We're all gonna get through this.

Noah: You know, it seems like we're always just "Getting through" something.

Skye: Oh, your lucky day.

Adam: Let's grab a seat.

Skye: What's the point? We won't stay. You'll pick a fight with Nick, and Sharon will ask you to leave. Maybe you could provoke him into punching you so she'll feel sympathy.

Adam: No, I made Sharon a promise that I'd stay away from her.

Skye: (Sighs) You've promised me a lot of things. We know how well you keep your word.

Noah: (Sighs) Every time I see that guy, I want to-- I want to pound his face in. He shouldn't even be here. He should be in jail. If he comes over here, I'm--

Nick: I talked to him. I told him to stay away from your mother.

Noah: Yeah, that's working well.

Chloe: So the kids are parading around in their costumes. They look so cute, and Delia, she's holding Reed's hand. Might be the cutest thing, but... (Sighs) She's gonna have her heart broken when she realizes that he's got his eye on Hannah.

Kevin: (Chuckles) Well, she may as well learn now. Can't avoid heartache.

Chloe: Look.

Kevin: Oh, pictures.

Chloe: Ah, look. (Giggles)

Kevin: That's cute.

Chloe: Uh, well, not as cute as the divine manifestation I have planned for us tonight.

Kevin: For Billy's party?

Chloe: Uh, yeah. Our costumes, they're gonna kill it.

Kevin: Mnh-mnh, I, uh, I don't do costumes.

Chloe: Why are you being such a poop? Come on. Okay, oh, invite Alison.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Chloe: You guys can dress up like oompa-loompas.

Kevin: That's funny. Um, no, I just, uh, you know, I'm not that into Alison.

Chloe: Why?

Kevin: Just, uh, because.

Chloe: Because she is nice? She's pretty? She's obviously a good kisser.

Kevin: She plays the tuba.

Chloe: So? Why do you-- why do you have a prejudice with tubas all of a sudden?

Kevin: Look, she's just not my type, okay?

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Kevin: I have to go.

Chloe: What? No. Where are you going?

Kevin: Uh, none of your business.

Chloe: Uh, wait.

Kevin: Hey, g--

Chloe: No, you are being fishy, so you better tell me what's going on, because you're being very mysterious lately.

Kevin: Okay. Okay. Okay. I've been working for a secret international conglomerate that has genetically mutated coffee beans in a plot to take over the world. If you tell anyone, I will have to kill you. See you later.

Chloe: (Scoffs) (Sighs) I don't believe you.

Victor: Your proposal is outrageous.

Vance: Not if you consider losing $3 billion if you don't settle. So what'll it be? Sign over Beauty of Nature, and Victoria and Abby will cease litigation.

Michael: My client and I need a moment.

Judge Phelps: We'll take a short break.

Victor: So this is what it was from the beginning, wasn't it? This is what you wanted.

Victoria: It wasn't, Dad. You pushed us into a corner.

Victor: Who talked you into this? Jack Abbott or Tucker McCall?

Victoria: Oh, I see. So I'm not your pawn anymore, so I must be theirs. I see. This is what I want.

Victor: I don't believe you.

Victoria: Of course you don't, because you've always underestimated me.

Victor: Is this what you want, too?

Vance: I would never have put this proposal on the table without my clients' prior approval.

Victor: You're both being used. (Sighs) I'm disappointed that my daughters don't see that they're being had.

Judge Phelps: Mr. Newman.

Victor: I was willing to go halfway, to meet you halfway. But no more. I built Beauty of Nature from the ground up, as I built everything I own.

Victoria: That is so true, and you're just-- you're gonna take credit for everything, just like you always do. I just love that so much, because you've conveniently forgotten how much I had to do with the success of that company, Dad. You may have founded Beauty of Nature. But you completely ignored it, and I am the one who turned it into a multibillion-dollar corporation.

Victor: You're deluding yourself. That happened under my guidance. Beauty of Nature is my company. It belongs to Newman Enterprises, and no one will get their hands on it!

Judge Phelps: Can we proceed? Mr. Baldwin?

Michael: (Sighs) Your honor, my client in good conscience cannot consider this offer. The company in question, Beauty of Nature, is worth far more than the already-inflated price the plaintiffs are seeking.

Vance: Are we supposed to take Mr. Newman's word for this? The only way to confirm the true value of Beauty of Nature and the two trust funds is to have access to the parent company's books.

Michael: Your honor--

Vance: I'm implore you, Your honor...

Michael: Your honor, this is ridiculous.

Vance: To compel Mr. Newman to turn over his financials...

Michael: This is ridiculous!

Vance: So we can see exactly what this man's been spending my clients' money on.

Michael: If this were a publically traded company, that would be a valid request. But Newman Enterprises is run and operated solely by Mr. Newman. His business practices are his providence and his providence alone.

Vance: Counselor, that doesn't exempt him from the rules and regulations regarding his daughters' trust funds.

Judge Phelps: Mr. Newman, are you making a counterproposal?

Victor: No, Sir. I'm not.

Michael: Not at this time.

Judge Phelps: Ladies and gentlemen, I am gonna take another look at your written statements, and I am going to consider Mr. Abram's request. We will reconvene shortly.

Michael: You can stop this.

Victor: What, by giving them Beauty of Nature? Under no circumstances.

Michael: I am advising you to make a counteroffer. Otherwise, you will end up in court, and the only people who will win are Vance and me with all the billable hours you and your daughters will be racking up.

Victor: Under no circumstances will I give them Beauty of Nature, okay?

Michael: Think about what this is doing to your family, to Nikki.

Victor: Her relapse has nothing to do with it whatsoever.

Michael: This is tearing everyone apart. Trust me. It's as hard on Abby and Victoria as it is on you.

Victor: (Sighs) It's very hard on Abby. I can see that. But Victoria-- I gotta be honest with you, I've never seen so much spitefulness in my daughter. And never have I been as angry as I am now.

Abby: He's giving us the death stare.

Victoria: Yes, that's because he's not getting his way.

Abby: What if we lose?

Vance: Well, you may not get everything you want, but you will get a nice chunk of change out of this.

Abby: Oh, you mean like the nice chunk of change that we've already turned down?

Victoria: Abby.

Vance: Potentially much, much more.

Victoria: (Sighs)

(Cell phone buzzes)

Vance: Excuse me. I have to check my messages.

Abby: (Sighs)

Victoria: Abby, you knew that Dad was gonna go ballistic when you didn't accept his offer.

Abby: (Sighs)

Victoria: Right? He thought that you were weak, and he thought that he could divide us, but now he's realizing that he can't manipulate us, and it's killing him. Now... (Sighs) You want him to treat you like a person. You don't want him to treat you like a little child that he can shove around and push in a corner. You want him to respect you, don't you?

Abby: Y-yes, yes, I do. Of course I do.

Victoria: Well, Dad will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. He will keep rolling over us unless we stop him. I am completely convinced that we're doing the right thing here. I told you what he tried to do to me before I went into this mediation. I told you that.

Abby: Yes, I know. I know, okay? I know that he completely clobbered you with that info about Nikki.

Victoria: Yes, he should have called me. He should have called me the second that Mom went into rehab. But instead, he tried to use it to gain the upper hand, and let me tell you something, that is completely loathsome. Do you understand that?

Abby: Yes.

Victoria: Okay. (Sighs)

Vance: Talking about your father?

Abby: What happens if we do get access to my dad's books?

Vance: A forensic accountant will have to go over everything. No telling what secrets Victor's been keeping.

Victoria: Our trusts could be extremely, extremely undervalued.

Vance: Mm-hmm. And with that knowledge, I have a hunch you could win big. Big.

Nick: Thank you very much.

Sharon: Mmm, that was really good.

Nick: Yeah.

Sharon: So...

Chloe: (Sighs) (Thinking) "I think you have a gift for me. Let's get together." (Sighs) (Whispers) Who are you buying presents for?

Sharon: Hey, did you see those new lofts on the way over here?

Noah: Uh, yeah, I looked at them. They're--they're cool, but the--the rent is, uh, kind of steep.

Nick: We'd be more than happy to help.

Noah: I want to do this solo.

Nick: Okay, so you don't want to work at Newman Enterprises, which I get. But you gotta tell me what you're interested in so I can make some phone calls for you.

Noah: Um, music, playing guitar, uh...

Sharon: Oh. Well, I mean, I-I thought that-- I mean, I didn't know you were interested in that as a career.

Noah: Well, we talked about this earlier.

Sharon: No, I just thought that you looked at it as more of a hobby, not-- not a way to make a living.

Noah: I mean, Devon says he could hook me up with some places that hire musicians. You know, we might even cut a demo.

Nick: So then you're talking about a recording contract, not just playing some local clubs.

Noah: Yeah, I figure I'd, I don't know, put it out there, see what happens.

Sharon: Well, I'm all for you going after what you want. I-I'm just thinking, you know, you should be realistic about it. And, you know, from what I know, musicians don't really make a lot of money.

Noah: (Chuckles) Mom, do you know how much ramen you can buy with $10? Look, I-I'll cook at home.

Sharon: Where did you learn how to cook?

Noah: I learned in Paris.

Sharon: Oh.

Nick: (Chuckles)

Sharon: (French accent) Paris.

Nick: Wow, okay, well, uh, just know that, uh, you got a safety net here if you need it, okay?

Noah: Thanks. (Sighs)

Skye: Well, I'd love to stay and chat, but I'm off to meet an investor. Don't worry. I won't ask you to come. You might have to save Sharon from a speeding bus or something.

Adam: You finally get it. I'm not interested in you or the fund.

Skye: Just the money you make from it.

Adam: Not anymore, Skye.

Skye: Like you'd ever walk away from millions.

Adam: It's not what I want.

Skye: What you want has a big sign that says, "Unavailable. Property of Nick Newman." She'll never be yours.

Noah: Can't Grandpa get Adam kicked out of town or something?

Nick: Just ignore him.

Noah: You know, he should be in jail. It's so wrong that he's walkin' around free. How can you even sit in the same room as him?

Nick: Noah, sit--hey. Hey. Calm down, all right?

Noah: (Sighs)

Nick: Listen to me. I want you to stay away from him.

Sharon: There's something you should know about Adam. That night of the storm, he saved Faith's life.

Noah: What?

Chloe: (Sighs) (Whispers) Think you can keep a secret from me, huh? Do you?

Sharon: If Adam hadn't shielded Faith with his body, then that roof would have crushed her when the tornado hit. Adam's lucky he didn't break his back. And he had to go to the hospital, but Faith didn't have a scratch on her, and she wouldn't have even survived if Adam hadn't done that.

Noah: Look, I'm glad Faith is okay, but it does not undo everything Adam did.

Sharon: Adam saved your life once, too. He pulled you out of a burning house.

Noah: Yeah, to impress you. Look, the guy's always got an ulterior motive and it's never good. Am I right? Dad, tell her.

Nick: Your mother knows how I feel.

Sharon: Okay, can we just change the subject, please?

Noah: You know, did you forget what you were like when you thought Faith was dead? I mean, I was so worried about you. Dad and I used to talk about it every night. Adam stole her. He knew you were suffering. Did he care? No. He used it to worm his way into your life. How can you even stand to be anywhere near that bastard?

[Adam remembering]

Adam: No, hear-- hear me out, Sharon. I don't want to complicate your life, especially when I know you're just startin' to put your family back together again.

Sharon: Thank you. You mean it?

Adam: Of course. Look, I'm gonna respect your wishes. I'm gonna keep my distance. I just want you to be happy.

Noah: (Sighs)

Sharon: You see? He said he would stay away.

Nick: Well, how long do you think that's gonna last? If Noah and I weren't here, do you really think he would have left?

Sharon: I do.

Abby: Oh, thanks.

Victoria: Is Dad in there?

Abby: Yeah. Yeah, I-I didn't want to go in. He's really scary right now.

Victoria: Yeah... (Sighs) I know. Angry glares are his specialty.

Abby: Well, you grew up in the house with him, so you're used to it. I'm not.

Victoria: (Sighs) Abby, I know this is very difficult. But it's gonna be for the best, okay? I promise you.

Abby: See, you're the oldest, okay? You've had to stand up to Dad. You had to blaze a trail for me and Nick. I'm the baby. Dad has pretty much given me whatever I've wanted up until now.

Victoria: Yes, I know. That's because you haven't gone up against him before.

Abby: What if he never forgives us?

Victoria: You see that right there? That's how he wants you to think. That's exactly the problem. It's his ultimate weapon. "Do whatever I say, or else I'm gonna withhold my love." It's ridiculous.

Abby: Look, I'm just afraid that we're gonna push him too far.

Victoria: (Sighs) We have each other, right?

Vance: Judge Phelps is on his way, Ladies.

Victoria: Let's go.

Victor: Kindly send my regrets, and tell them this took longer than expected. Re-reschedule next week, all right? Okay, uh, we're back in session, so I'll call you when I'm finished.

Judge Phelps: Well, I reread the briefs. I heard statements from both parties. I wish we had made more progress here today. However, neither side seemed willing to compromise. I agree with Mr. Abrams. Without a complete accounting, it's impossible to establish the full merits of this dispute. Therefore, I am issuing a court order compelling Mr. Newman to turn over the financials of Newman Enterprises forthwith.

Michael: Victor.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Chloe: (Quietly) Oh, two of them. Pretty adventurous.

Chloe: Or not.

Chloe: Oh. She's kinda pretty.

Chloe: So who is "Miss Right"? I'm so confused.

Kevin: Hey.

Hogan: Is that mine?

Chloe: No way.

Vance: You stayed solid. You didn't give in. Nice work, Ladies. (Clears throat)

Abby: God, you know what? It was not supposed to go down this way. The whole point of my suit was to get my trust so that I could do whatever. Now I-it's turned into some battle over Beauty of Nature, a stupid company I don't even care about.

Victoria: No, no, no. Stop it. If we get it, we win.

Abby: You win.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Abby: You turned this into your own personal battle with Dad. I started this lawsuit on my own, and I should have finished it that way. God. Oh. I wish I would have taken him up on his offer. Excuse me.

Victoria: Oh, Abby. (Scoffs)

Noah: I can't believe you gave Adam a ride the night of the storm.

Sharon: He was stranded.

Noah: So what? Why would you even talk to him, much less let him in the car with Faith? What is wrong with you? Are you crazy?

Nick: Okay, that's enough.

Noah: What, so you're cool with this, too? I thought--I thought you hated him just as much as I do.

Nick: I do. But you're not gonna talk to your mother that way.

Noah: Look, I swear if Adam comes near you again--

Nick: It is not your place to deal with him.

Noah: (Sighs) I'm outta here.

Nick: Wait, Noah, come on.

Sharon: Oh, great. Nice. (Sighs) Well, so much for a happy family lunch.

Nick: Well, I won't have him being disrespectful to you. But I agree with everything he's saying. You are not Adam's caretaker. If you hadn't given him a ride that night, I'm sure he would have been able to get wherever he needed to be by himself.

Sharon: Nick, how? The cabs were not taking any--

Nick: I don't want to hear another word about the cabs. It's always something with him. Don't you see it?

Adam: This is Adam Newman from the Newman fund. Yes. Uh, I'm gonna be making a cash withdrawal. Yes, $100,000. Yeah, I'll be picking it up personally within about an hour. Okay, I will send you an authorization form by fax. Perfect. Thank you.

Michael: Victoria?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Michael: I assume Victor told you your mother's in treatment?

Victoria: Yes. Yes, he did, although he failed to mention where she is. I had to call Meggie at the ranch and find out that she's at the Solidarity House.

Michael: I'm sorry this is happening, especially now.

Victoria: My mother or the lawsuit, Michael?

Michael: All of it. I mean...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Michael: Nikki's health should be the most important thing right now. She needs your support, but this dispute between you, Abby, Victor-- it's a lot of pressure on the family. It's a shame.

Victoria: Michael, are you blaming me for this?

Michael: You know your father's pride. You confront him in public, he's not gonna back down. There are other ways of dealing with this.

Victoria: Oh, right. Right. So I should just surrender? Is that what I should do?

Michael: I was hoping that I would not have to see you destroy each other.

Victoria: Michael, how many times have you seen my dad take down the opposition? And here you are representing my father against me in this lawsuit. And you're trying to use my mother's relapse to manipulate me just like he is. You're better than that, Michael.

Nick: Sharon, I know you're sick of hearing it, but our son feels the same way about Adam as I do.

Sharon: You're right. I am sick of hearing it. Drop it.

Nick: I should go. I want to swing by and see my mom at the treatment center.

Sharon: Okay. Give her my regards.

Nick: I will.

Sharon: So are you still coming over later for Halloween, or are we...

Nick: (Sighs) Uh, of course I am. Um, Summer's really looking forward to it. She really wants you to see her in her costume. I'll see you.

Sharon: Bye.

Sharon: (Sighs)

(Duffel bag zipper sliding)

Skye: Going somewhere?

Adam: Looks that way, doesn't it?

Skye: Vacation?

Adam: A permanent one from you.

Skye: You're gonna walk away from all this success? Millions of dollars? The man who spent his life chasing the cheese? (Laughs) Please. I know you too well.

Adam: People change, Skye.

Skye: Oh, right. Yeah, you've seen the light? Money doesn't buy happiness, blah, blah, blah.

Adam: You don't know me anymore, Skye. We're not even friends. There's nothing for me here.

Skye: Whatever. (Sighs) You'll be back.

Skye: (Sighs) (Scoffs) Very convincing-- like you'd ever take the bus.

Skye: You son of a...

Noah: Hey.

Jana: Hi. Um, when you got your coffee, did you see Kevin here? Is he here?

Noah: Uh, no. I don't think so. Why?

Jana: (Sighs) Uh, why? Um, I just needed a jolt of caffeine. See, I'm taking a posse of, uh, preschoolers out trick-or-treating later, and tiny tots on sugar high... aah. (Laughs)

Noah: (Chuckles) Sounds hectic.

Jana: (Sighs) Yeah. I don't usually like to come in when Kevin's here. He's always really... polite, but his body language... well, you know, actually, I'd rather not talk about it. Anyway, I'm glad to see a friendly face.

Noah: Yeah, me, too. It's been a... a day. (Sighs)

Jana: Yeah. Well, that is because the moon is in Gemini. And it's going to be moving into cancer later tonight. (Purses lips) (Sighs) So, have you, um, played any new gigs lately? Or...

Noah: No, uh, not since the art walk. No one's dared me.

Jana: (Laughs)

Noah: (Chuckles)

Jana: Well, you're lucky that you don't have your guitar with you now.

Noah: Yeah, it's, uh, a shame.

Jana: Are you going to Victoria and Billy's Halloween party?

Noah: At Jimmy's? I was thinking about it. You?

Jana: Yeah, Victoria's invited me. But it's just that I-I'm not really sure that I want to go by myself.

Noah: I mean, we could meet there if you're up for it.

Jana: Okay.

Noah: Okay.

Jana: Yeah. It's a plan.

Noah: Okay.

Jana: (Chuckles)

Noah: (Chuckles)

Jana: And who knows what I'll dare you to do tonight?

Kevin: Dude, that hurts.

Hogan: It's gonna hurt a lot more if you don't cough up 10 G's.

Kevin: Why would I give you $10,000? For what? I'm just the delivery guy.

Hogan: That last drop you made was 10 g's short.

Kevin: Don't look at me. I don't know anything about it. Ow. (Inhales sharply)

Chloe: Wow, really? That guy? Oh, that's weird.

Skye: Sharon. We need to talk.

Sharon: No, we don't. Would you--let go of me!

Skye: You better listen up if you want to keep your boyfriend out of prison.

Sharon: Whatever sick games you have going on with Adam, leave me out of it.

Skye: When I leave here, I'm going straight to the cops. "Lover boy" stole money from our hedge fund. That's a big no-no. I have a responsibility to our investors to report him.

Sharon: And you're telling me this, why?

Skye: He's about to get on a bus and leave town. Once he does, there is no turning back. Adam will go directly to jail, do not pass go.

Sharon: And what do you want me to do about it?

Skye: As much as I hate you, you're the only one he'll listen to. I need him to stay in town. Convince him. Otherwise, Adam will be doing 10 to 20. You remember what happened last time he was in prison. He saved your baby. Not that I expect you to return the favor, but you owe him that much. Your call.

Victor: I'm worried sick about Nikki. I should be focusing on her instead of the attack by my daughters.

Michael: Well, I spoke to Victoria afterwards. Suffice it to say, she's her father's daughter.

Victor: (Chuckles) I observed Abby during the mediation. I don't think she's too concerned about the future of Beauty of Nature.

Michael: (Scoffs) So let her stew a few days.

Victor: I haven't got a few days. Except when I've been required by the I.R.S. to divulge, I've never allowed an outsider to take a look at the Newman ledgers-- never. And I'll be damned if that weasel Vance Abrams is gonna be the first one to force me.

Michael: All right, listen to me, Victor. I'm going to find a judge willing to overturn the court order. My office is checking on who's available.

Victor: I appreciate that. Uh, just let me know, okay? Because I have some friends on the bench.

Michael: I'll have them e-mail you the list.

(Intercom buzzes)

Victor: Yes, Connie? All right, send them in. Well, too late. The forensic accountants.

Michael: That was fast.

Man: Mr. Newman, the court has ordered an examination of all financial records pertaining to Beauty of Nature as well as Victoria and Abby Newman's trusts.

Michael: Vance doesn't waste any time, does he?

Kevin: (Gasps) You can let go now. My fingers are starting to fuse together. Please. (Sighs) Look, whatever you have goin' on with Bardwell, it's none of my business.

Hogan: Ladies, excuse us. We're trying to have a private conversation.

Chloe: Oh, my God.

Kevin: (Sighs) Look, I'm just the messenger. I don't know what's in those bags. I don't want to know.

Hogan: That better be true.

Kevin: Look, you have a problem with Bardwell? Just talk to him.

Hogan: Tell Bardwell I want my 10 g's, or else.

Hogan: (Makes kissing sound)

Chloe: Oh, my God. Kevin's gay.

Abby: Hey. Can you meet me at Crimson Lights? I really need to talk to you.

Noah: Turn around.

Abby: Hey.

Noah: What's up?

Abby: I just made a huge mistake.

Noah: (Sighs) What happened?

Abby: Okay, so we met with Dad...

Noah: Mm-hmm.

Abby: And he--

Noah: The mediation?

Abby: He offered us a pile of cash.

Noah: Isn't that what you wanted?

Abby: Yeah. Yeah, but I turned it down to--to hold out for some stupid company I don't even care about. This has gotten so out of control. What do I do?

Noah: Uh... (Sighs) Be true to yourself.

Abby: Uh, wow. Thank you. I-if I wanted that kind of advice, I would have read Shakespeare.

Noah: All right, look at me, all right? I'm serious. I didn't know who I was or what I wanted till I left the family. Going to Europe was the best thing I ever did. Look, people didn't hang around me because I was Victor Newman's grandson. They liked me for me. And I got to figure out who that is and what's really important.

Abby: So who are you?

Noah: Someone that doesn't care about money or fancy cars. You don't need stuff to be happy.

Abby: (Scoffs) That is really easy to say when you have always had money.

Noah: Name one person in our family who's really happy. Yeah, it seems...

Abby: (Sighs)

Noah: Like the more people have, it's just the more messed up they are.

Abby: So, what? You just want to be poor?

Noah: I don't want it to control me.

Abby: Neither do I. I just want my own life without Dad or anyone bossing me around.

Noah: Look, I'm gonna make it on my own, without the Newman name and without the Newman money. You could, too.

Abby: You are so naive. This trust fund would give me my freedom.

Noah: Are you sure?

Abby: (Scoffs) You don't get it. (Chuckles)

Noah: Maybe you don't get it.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Victoria: Hi.

Woman: Hi.

Victoria: Uh, my name is Victoria Newman. I was told to wait here to speak with you. Is everything okay? I'd like to see my mother now.

Woman: I'm afraid that's not possible.

Victoria: Well, if she's in a therapy session, then I'll just wait until she's done. It's not a big deal.

Woman: You're not permitted to visit.

Victoria: What? What are you talking about? That's ridiculous. What--what do you mean I'm--

Nick: What's going on?

Victoria: She says that we're not allowed to see Mom. I don't--

Woman: Just--just you. You're listed as unauthorized to visit Mrs. Newman.

Nick: No, no, no. That's gotta be a mistake. This is her daughter.

Victoria: Oh, you know what?

Woman: The call came in a short while ago barring Victoria.

Victoria: Okay, I get it. Yeah. This is Dad. This is his doing. He's trying to punish me because I wouldn't knuckle under. That's--that's just great.

Nick: Okay, that should be up to our mother, and she will definitely want to see Victoria.

Victoria: Yeah.

Woman: I'm very sorry.

Victoria: Yeah, I'll bet you are.

Woman: (Sighs)

Victoria: (Sighs) I cannot believe that Dad would let Mom stay in here all night without word from either one of us. She must think that we're angry with her. You have to go in there and tell her that Dad didn't tell us about this until today.

Nick: (Sighs) Well, actually, I, uh, I talked to Dad yesterday when he checked Mom in.

Victoria: He called you?

Nick: Yeah, I called him on his cell. I thought they would be on their way to Vegas. Then he told me what happened. So I came in to check on Mom.

Victoria: Wait a second. Was this before or after we ran into each other at Crimson Lights?

Nick: It was before.

Victoria: (Scoffs) Why didn't you say anything, Nick?

Nick: Dad asked me not to. He told me he wanted to be the one to tell you. And I just assumed that he would tell you right away.

Victoria: Oh, God. We were talking about their elopement. You let me go on thinking that they were married and that everything was okay. What is wrong with you? (Sighs) You and Dad can both go to hell for all I care.

Nick: (Sighs)

Michael: Everything looks to be in order.

Man: If Mr. Newman will escort us to the accounting department, we can get under way.

Victor: Not a chance in hell. How's that?

Sharon: Adam.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Daniel: You just want to have fun, just like me.

Michael: They could put you in prison.

Victor: Some people owe me favors. Time to collect.

Jana: And I would really, really appreciate a second chance.

Lauren: I don't think I can give it to you.

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