Y&R Transcript Monday 10/25/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 10/26/10 -- USA
Episode # 9513 ~ Victor's Manipulations Backfire
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
(Music continues)
Sharon: Hi. (Chuckles) Oh, no, don't stop. Don't stop. It was good.
Noah: (Sighs) No. (Chuckles)
Sharon: Come on. I can tell Faith likes it. And I hear such good things about your performance at Daniel's.
Noah: Yeah, it's no big deal. Hey, um, uh, Devon's coming by. Is it--is it cool if we hang for a bit?
Sharon: Yeah. Devon's terrific. And maybe some of his drive will wear off on you.
Noah: Oh. (Chuckles)
Sharon: (Laughs)
Noah: Real subtle, Mom. I know I gotta--I gotta figure out a game plan soon.
Sharon: No, I mean, you will. I'm--I'm--I just-- I don't mean to nag.
Noah: No worries. I'm not Abby. I'm not gonna be suing you or anything... again. I'm kidding. I'm kidding.
Sharon: You better be.
Noah: Okay, I just hope Abby knows what she's doin' goin' up against Grandpa.
Victor: Well, have you seen your mother this morning?
Nick: Uh, I'm actually outside her room now. I just haven't gone in yet. It's not real easy seeing my mom in a place like this.
Victor: (Sighs) You haven't told anyone, have you?
Nick: No, you asked me not to, so I haven't told Victoria, Dad, but I'm not comfortable with it.
Victor: No, but wait a minute. I want to talk to her myself, all right? I want to break this to her in my own way.
Nick: How soon?
Victor: Today. I promise you, okay? Now you stick to your promise. Tell your mother I'll be by later, all right?
Meggie: Coffee for the road. What's your schedule look like?
Victor: (Sighs) I'm on the way to mediation.
Meggie: Oh, well, I'll look after everything around here, and I'll make sure there's a hot meal waiting for you when you get back. With so much going on, I-I don't want you to worry about anything around here.
Victor: Yeah, I appreciate that, Meggie.
Meggie: Well, how are you, Victor, really? Did you get any sleep last night?
Victor: No, not much.
Meggie: Me, either. I feel just sick about what's happened.
Victor: Nikki's been down this road before. She'll be all right. She'll be stronger than ever. And she's not alone.
Meggie: No, she isn't.
Nikki: I woke up this morning, and for a split second, I forgot where I was. And then it all came crashing down on me.
Nick: Mom, you just gotta hang in there, okay?
Nikki: Today is such an important day for our family. It's a chance for Victor and his two daughters to start to heal finally. At least, that's what I'm praying will happen, but... I won't be there. (Sighs) I am in a hell of my own making.
Nick: Oh, Mom, nobody blames you for anything. We just want you to get better.
Nikki: I can only imagine what Victoria must think of me right now.
Nick: Well, I'm sure she's gonna come by and see you as soon as the mediation is over. In the meantime, just know that we're all behind you, all right? Let us be the strong ones for a change.
Nikki: I just don't know why this is happening again. Why do I have to go through this again?
Nick: Look, you're in the perfect place to figure that out. I love you. We all love you, and we are here for you no matter what. Don't forget that, okay?
Nikki: I love you, too, so much. (Sighs)
Nick: You call me if you need anything?
Nikki: Oh, yeah, I-it's five till. I-I have to go to group therapy.
Nick: Okay, I'll walk you there.
Nikki: Okay.
Nick: Love you.
Woman: Your room will be right down the hall.
Nick: What the hell are you doing here? Haven't you caused enough trouble already?
Deacon: (Sighs)
Vance: Baldwin.
Michael: (Sighs)
Vance: I'm surprised you'd show.
Michael: Why, because your winning is such a foregone conclusion?
Vance: (Chuckles) Your words, Counselor.
Michael: As a father, I understand the pain this family's going through, something I know you don't care about. The only thing that concerns you is how big your cut will be.
Vance: I'm not the one who set this in motion. Victor's made a lot of enemies. It was only a matter of time before his own kids saw what everyone else in this town sees.
Michael: Excuse me.
Vance: (Clears throat)
Ashley: Compromise does not mean that you've lost, Abby. So don't let your ego get in the way of resolving this, okay?
Jack: Abby will do the right thing. She has the courage of her convictions, right, Kiddo?
Victoria: (Quietly) So, uh, are we on the same page?
Tucker: (Quietly) Beauty of Nature?
Victoria: Yeah.
Tucker: What'd I tell you? You deliver it, and we'll talk.
Victoria: Okay, sounds good.
Abby: Hey, we should head over to the mediator's office, right?
Victoria: (Normal voice) You know what? You're absolutely right. Mm.
Abby: Come on.
Victoria: Let's go.
Jack: Hey, do we need to go over anything before you leave?
Abby: No, Vicki and I can handle this on our own. Thanks, though.
Tucker: (Normal voice) Good luck, Ladies.
Victoria: Yeah, thanks. We're gonna need it.
Jack: What?
Ashley: You know what-- offering to help my daughter outfox her father.
Jack: That is going to happen whether you and I like it or not. Might as well help our side with every advantage.
Ashley: The whole point of mediation is to move beyond that kind of thinking, Jack.
Jack: You know what I'm curious about? What's with you and Victoria? Every time I see you two in the same room, you have your heads together. What's going on there?
Tucker: I was askin' the lady if she wanted cream in her coffee. Something else you want to say to me, Jack?
Jack: Yeah, actually, there is. You didn't hire Diane. What's--what's the problem there?
Tucker: I don't have to explain my staffing decisions to you.
Jack: Well, your decisions are now affecting my son.
Ashley: Oh, you are such a hypocrite. There you are accusing Tucker of trying to interfere with you and Kyle, and you're doing the same exact thing to Victor and his children. You're unbelievable.
Devon: What's goin' on, Man? How you doin'?
Noah: Not much, Man. How you doin'?
Devon: I'm doin' good. Doin' good. I can't complain.
Noah: That's good.
Devon: You know? Hey, Sharon.
Sharon: Hey, Devon. How are you?
Devon: Doin' good.
Sharon: How's it going working with Malcolm?
Devon: Oh, it's goin', uh, it's goin' really well. I'm learning a ton about the photography business.
Noah: Yeah, it's not music.
Devon: No, no, it's definitely not music, but, uh, a man's gotta eat, right?
Noah: True.
Sharon: Yeah, he does.
Devon: (Chuckles)
Noah: All right, well, we'll be on the porch.
Devon: All right, it's good to see you.
Sharon: You, too.
Devon: (Sighs)
Sharon: Who's that? That's your brother. Yeah. That's your brother Noah.
Jack: Okay, before you go calling me a hypocrite...
Tucker: Hey, uh, this is between the two of you. I'm gonna go make a call.
Ashley: Okay. (Sighs) I know better than anybody how pigheaded Victor is. But it is not your right to try to turn my daughter against her father.
Jack: But she didn't need my help at all. She got there by herself a long time ago.
Ashley: You're gonna stand there with a straight face and try to tell me that you did not fan the flames?
Jack: Ashley, listen. All I--
Ashley: What you're doing is destructive. You are hurting the very people that you claim to love. You don't see that? That family is already so divided that Victor and Nikki-- they had to elope. They couldn't even have a family wedding.
Jack: (Stammers) Victor and Nikki eloped?
Ashley: Yeah, last night. They went to Vegas, and they had to come right back for this mediation.
Jack: Wow, that had to kill Nikki. Getting married without her kids there?
Abby: You do not need to repeat yourself 300 times. I know that I can't just freak out in there, but how about no surprises, okay?
Victoria: Abby, I am not trying to railroad you. We both want the same thing. We want to be free of Dad.
Abby: Okay, well, that might be true, but that doesn't mean that we're not using each other.
Victoria: All right, well, this may be one of those times when that's not such a bad thing. Let's go.
Abby: (Sighs)
Victoria: Hello.
Vance: Judge Phelps, this is one of my clients Victoria Newman.
Victoria: Good to meet you.
Judge Phelps: Thank you. Likewise.
Victoria: Uh, this is my sister Abby Newman. Abby, this is Judge Phelps. He'll be our mediator.
Judge Phelps: Miss Newman.
Abby: Hello.
Vance: Ladies, if you'd like to sit on either side of me.
Victoria: Okay, great.
Vance: (Quietly) Victoria, same strategy we discussed?
Victoria: (Quietly) Yeah, Abby's not thrilled, but she's on board.
Judge Phelps: Mr. Newman.
Victor: Judge Phelps. How do you do?
Judge Phelps: I do very well, thank you.
Victor: That's nice. Before we get started, would you mind if I talked to my daughter Victoria alone?
Vance: That's not acceptable.
Judge Phelps: It--
Victor: It's a very important matter. It's personal.
Judge Phelps: It's all right. Please.
Victor: Thank you.
Victoria: (Normal voice) All right, then. I will be back in a few minutes. Excuse me.
Victoria: What?
Victor: I hate to tell you this. Your mother has been drinking. She's in rehab.
Deacon: So, uh, is that all the paperwork?
Woman: Uh, yes. One of our intake counselors will be here shortly to get you acclimated.
Deacon: Okay, uh, I just-- I want--want to thank you for all your help.
Woman: No problem.
Deacon: All right. Now, Nick, I'm sure a busy guy like you has got better things to do than hang around waitin' to pick a fight.
Nick: I don't know what your game is, Dude, but you better stay the hell away from my family.
Deacon: (Sighs) Nick, I'm a guy with a disease. I'm just here to get better.
Nick: If I find out that you go anywhere near my mother, trust me--
Nikki: Nicholas, why are you still-- Deacon?
Nick: I thought you had group.
Nikki: I forgot something in my room. What the hell are you doing here? I'm not allowed visitors other than family.
Deacon: I'm not-- I'm not here as a visitor.
Nikki: What does that mean?
Nick: Apparently, he checked himself in. I'm just trying to figure out what his angle is.
Deacon: I was trying to explain--
Nick: Are you telling me I'm supposed to believe it's just a coincidence that you're in the exact same treatment center as my mother?
Nikki: Nicholas, come on. Come on. Come over here. Come over here. You don't have to interrogate him, all right? It's okay. I'll deal with him. I can handle it.
Nick: Mother, I'm not leaving you anywhere near this loser.
Nikki: I am safe here. You let me deal with him. And please keep it to yourself that he's here.
Nick: Why would I do that?
Nikki: Because it will just make things easier for me, all right? Please, Son. Promise me.
Nick: All right, but you tell me if he does anything to you, and I mean, anything.
Nikki: I will.
Nikki: Please tell me you didn't say anything about last night.
Deacon: Nikki, I would never say anything about that. No matter what Nick thinks, I-I swear to you, it's just a fluke that we both wound up here.
Nikki: Right.
Nikki: Hey.
Deacon: Nikki, if you'd just let me explain, please?
Nikki: No! No. No. We are not doing this now. I have to get back to group.
Noah: A basement party?
Devon: It was the safest place to be during a tornado, right?
Noah: (Chuckles)
Devon: Where were you?
Noah: I was in Chicago at the soft pack concert.
Devon: Oh, that's a good band.
Noah: Yeah.
Devon: Were you there by yourself?
Noah: No, I took this girl I met at Daniel's exhibit.
Devon: Okay. Yeah?
Noah: Dude, she... (Laughs) She went on all night about her ex. All night, yeah.
Devon: Oh, really? Sheesh. Talk about a waste of an extra ticket.
Noah: Hey, look, hey, uh, check this out.
(Playing "Fell for your Smile")
Singer: Fell for your smile fell for your touch don't like you talkin' about him all that much wanted a girl who saw only me but you're hung up on him my heart ain't free.
Devon: That's good. I like that.
Noah: Yeah.
Devon: Hey, if you don't mind me sayin' this, try it-- try it one more time, but, like, a little bit more edge. Feel it.
Noah: Fell for your smile.
Singer: Fell for your touch.
Devon: Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Like that. I like that.
Noah: Yeah? Yeah?
Devon: Yeah, that's good.
Noah: All right, what if-- I could put, like, a, uh, like a little riff at the end.
Tucker: Any word?
Ashley: No.
Tucker: Well, you look worried.
Ashley: I just hope that Abby doesn't let anybody influence her into doing something she doesn't really want to do. I mean, she's so unpredictable these days. Like the way she accused you of messing around with Diane. I mean, that came out of nowhere.
Tucker: Let's forget about that. Abby already apologized. No harm, no foul. So how'd you leave things with Jack?
Ashley: Well, he can deny it all he wants. I know that he had a hand in this. Do you know anything about that? I mean, has he said anything to you?
Tucker: Now Jack may work for me, but he doesn't trust me. If he's involved, I'm the last person he'd tell.
Ashley: Okay, well, thanks. I appreciate your honesty. (Sighs) Oh, I'm sorry. And your company.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Ashley: Oh, this waiting is making me crazy. Thanks for being here for me.
Victoria: Rehab?
Victor: Yeah.
Victoria: When did this happen? While you two were on your trip?
Victor: No, we never made it to the airport.
Victoria: Wait a minute. When did all of this start?
Victor: (Sighs)
Victoria: Did she start drinking... she lied about where she was the other night, and I don't unders--
Victor: I'll explain-- I'll explain--no, let me explain the whole thing later on, all right?
Victoria: I need to know where she is. I want to see her.
Victor: Sweetheart, you can't see her now. The rehab center has very strict visiting hours. But I want you to come to your senses. Let us drop all this nonsense now...
Victoria: Hold on a second.
Victor: For the sake of the family, okay?
Victoria: Okay, wait a minute.
Victor: We need to stick together.
Victoria: If you never made it to Vegas, then when did she go into rehab, Dad?
Victor: Last night.
Victoria: Last night?
Victor: Yes.
Victoria: And you're telling me this now?
Victor: So?
Victoria: Minutes before we go into this mediation, you're telling me this. Do you think I'm stupid?
Victor: What are you saying?
Victoria: How could you use my mother's pain to try to gain some sort of strategic advantage over me? This is reprehensible!
Victor: How dare you suggest that? Do you not suggest that?
Victoria: I'm ashamed to be your daughter right now. (Clears throat)
Vance: (Quietly) What did he say to you?
Victoria: (Sighs) (Quietly) I don't want to discuss it. You stay strong, and don't cave. Do you hear me?
Victor: Thank you for your indulgence, your honor.
Judge Phelps: Not at all. Well, if everyone's ready, why don't we begin?
Victor: (Sighs)
Meggie: Oh, Jack. What can I do for you?
Jack: I'm here to see Nikki. I understand she became "Mrs. Mumbles" again last night.
Meggie: You don't know?
Jack: Know what?
Meggie: Well, she's not here. She checked into rehab last night.
Jack: Rehab?
Meggie: Yeah, at Solidarity House. Turns out she was drinking. None of us knew.
(Timer dings)
Meggie: Uh, that's my timer. Excuse me just a second. I have something in the oven.
Jack: (Sighs) Oh, God.
Devon: That was good. I've always wanted to learn.
Noah: Yeah.
Nick: Hey, Guys.
Devon: Hey. How you doin'?
Noah: Hey.
Devon: Play that one thing.
Nick: Hey.
Sharon: Hey, yourself. How's your mom?
Nick: She has a long road back.
Sharon: Yeah, I'm sure.
Nick: Where's Faith?
Sharon: Well, I finally got her down for a nap, so she's upstairs.
Nick: (Sighs)
Sharon: Can you hand me those spiders over there on the arm of the chair near the cobwebs?
Nick: Spiders.
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Nick: It's a heck of a request.
Sharon: (Chuckles) There we go.
Nick: What's with all the, uh, Halloween stuff?
Sharon: Well, you know what? I've just--I've never had both my kids under the same roof, so I'm just feeling kind of festive this year.
Nick: (Chuckles) Hey, how about Noah with all that guitar and stuff?
Sharon: Oh, my gosh, Nick, I'm so proud of him. I mean, I know our son is an adult now, and it's just... seeing him come into his own and experiencing new things, I... its powerful stuff. Everything's falling into place.
Nick: What, the, uh, decorations, or Noah?
Sharon: Everything.
Vance: Victor Newman violated his duty as trustee helping himself to his daughters' funds, at one point, paying his fine to the D.O.J. for questionable business practices.
Judge Phelps: But according to your brief, your clients are asking that they be given control over their own trusts.
Vance: We want the principal in full, interest on monies withdrawn by Mr. Newman, as well as punitive damages commensurate with the psychological toll this case has taken on my clients.
Judge Phelps: The sum total in your estimate being in the neighborhood of $3 billion.
Michael: (Sighs) That's some neighborhood.
Judge Phelps: Would either of your clients like to make a statement?
Victoria: I am comfortable with what my attorney just said.
Judge Phelps: Miss Newman?
Abby: Uh, me, too.
Judge Phelps: Very well. Mr. Baldwin?
Michael: (Sighs) I'll dispense with the verbiage. You have our brief. What's in these envelopes will speak for itself. It's Mr. Newman's final offer.
Victor: It's a far better offer than the last one I made. Time for you to come to your senses, okay?
Abby: (Clears throat) (Gasps) Whoa. Uh, I'm gonna need, um, I'm gonna need, uh, to take a break.
Vance: I think a moment to go over this offer with my clients might be beneficial.
Abby: Actually, I meant by myself.
Judge Phelps: All right. All right. We can take five minutes.
Abby: Okay, thank you.
Meggie: Well, I see you're making yourself right at home.
Jack: Yeah, I noticed you've done the same thing. So where is Victor's chef?
Meggie: Oh, family emergency. I told her she could take the day off.
Jack: You told her?
Meggie: Yeah. Part of my responsibilities as Nikki's assistant is to make sure the house runs smoothly. And Victor's got his hands full with all--all his children, so I-I just don't think he should be bothered with the staff.
Jack: So why not just call the service, have them send someone else? Or is making soufflés part of your job description?
Meggie: Me making a soufflé? (Chuckles) That would be something. No, I just made myself some stew. I'm assuming Victor will eat in town or maybe at the rehab center. He hasn't filled me in on his plans.
Jack: Well, you appear to be very busy. I'll be on my way.
Meggie: Nice seeing you, Jack. You take care.
Meggie: Mm, mm, mm.
Vance: Well, let's keep talking while Abby composes herself.
Michael: She might prefer to be here.
Vance: I know what my client wants.
Victor: I wouldn't be so sure, Mr. Abrams.
Judge Phelps: We are here to come to an agreement that will keep this dispute out of court. Miss Newman is well within her rights to take a few minutes to consider the acceptability of the offer.
Victor: You gonna open the envelope?
Victoria: (Sighs) You really don't get it, do you? When I said this wasn't about money, that wasn't your cue to double the offer. It just confirms that I was right in joining Abby in this lawsuit.
Victor: You're taking it for granted that she'll continue. You might be surprised. You might find yourself all on your own.
(Cell phone rings)
Ashley: Oh. Abby, is it over?
Abby: Dad raised the offer, and you are not going to believe this number.
Ashley: What are you going to do?
Abby: I don't know. That's why I'm calling you.
Ashley: Well, I've known your father a very long time, and despite what people say, he never throws that kind of money around, Honey, ever.
Abby: Okay, you know, all I wanted was enough to start a career. This would be, like, ten times what I would need.
Ashley: Kind of sounds like you've made up your mind.
Abby: No, if I go against Victoria--
Ashley: Abby, this is your fight. It's not Victoria's. It's not Vance's. It's yours.
(Door opens)
Abby: I gotta go. I'll call you back.
Victoria: (Sighs) Okay, listen. I need to know. Are you gonna accept Dad's offer?
Devon: Dude, come on. (Chuckles) We have definitely gotta lay down some tracks, Man. What do you say to that?
Noah: No, Man, that's-- that's your studio time. Neil gave it to you for graduation.
Devon: You're exactly right, which means I can do with it whatever I want, okay? We have to do this. Come on.
Noah: I mean... (Sighs) Don't you think we're going a little overboard?
Devon: Not at all. Noah, listen to me. You could really do something with your music, okay? You're more talented than you realize, and I've been dying to produce something that's for real, you know? Besides, what do you have to lose? You know?
Noah: Yeah.
Devon: Um, well, look, I gotta meet Roxanne in town, but just, um, think about it. Think about what I said and get back to me.
Noah: All right, I will.
Devon: Okay?
Noah: All right, man.
Devon: Take it easy.
Noah: You, too. (Sighs)
Sharon: Put it right here on the side.
Nick: Do you have any more cats?
Sharon: Yeah, I have some more.
Nick: Just make, like, a whole group of 'em?
Noah: Ooh, the place looks haunted.
Sharon: Yeah, that's the idea.
Nick: Hey, you and Devon were having a pretty intense discussion.
Noah: Yeah, he likes my music. He thinks I should play around with it some more. But I really--I can't do that on account of Faith.
Nick: Hmm, yeah. Well, why don't you just move into the tack house?
Noah: Sure. Yeah. And you-- and you want me hangin' around with a bunch of musicians, noisy, jammin' at night?
Nick: Yeah, you're right. I don't want that. So why don't you move in there by yourself? Then you can keep your own hours, come and go as you please. Do whatever you want.
Noah: You're offering me your place? What would you do? Move out? Where--where would you go?
Nick: I could, uh--
Sharon: Well, Nick could move into the guestroom here. I mean, just so that he could-- he could visit Faith full-time.
Nick: Yeah.
[Nikki remembering]
Nikki: I-I don't-- I don't know how I got here. I don't remember anything. I'm sorry.
Deacon: I'm sorry. This is all my fault. I--
Victor: You shut up.
Deacon: Okay.
Nikki: (Moans)
Victor: You've been drinking. That's how this happened. So come with me now. Let's go.
Nikki: (Sighs) (Moans)
Meggie: It's all right. I'll get it. You go.
Nikki: Excuse me, um, I-I need to speak to Mr. Sharpe privately, if you don't mind. Thank you.
Nikki: Why are you really here? The truth this time.
Deacon: (Sighs) The same reason you are. I mean, I saw myself goin' down a path I swore I would never go down again. And when Victor busted in on the two of us, I was as freaked out as you were.
Nikki: I seriously doubt that. What are you doing? No, you can't be in here.
Deacon: No, Nikki, listen to me. I know. I know.
Nikki: Get out.
Deacon: I know. Shh. I know. Listen, I just-- I just want you to know that I know how you feel.
Nikki: No, you don't. You couldn't possibly.
Deacon: Nikki, I hate myself. I have pushed away everyone who has ever given a damn about me. I feel people's eyes on me, judging me, pitying me.
Nikki: Enough. Enough!
Deacon: Okay. All right. Look, maybe it's-- it's not a bad thing that we're both in here, right? I mean, you know, maybe-- maybe it's good, you know? You'll have a friend to lean on.
Nikki: You're not my friend. You never were.
Abby: Have you seen how much money Dad is offering? I mean, aren't you sick of all this fighting?
Victoria: Okay. Let me just tell you about the trip that Dad just laid on me. Turns out that my mom's been drinking again, and she's in rehab.
Abby: What?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Abby: Oh, my God, I'm sorry. Are--are you--is Nikki okay?
Victoria: No, actually. No. No, she's not okay. But she has some people helping her right now.
Abby: I'm sorry. When did this all happen?
Victoria: It happened last night. But Dad deliberately didn't tell me so he could use it as a bombshell to drop right before I went into that meeting. He knew how much it would upset me, Abby, so he used it as a weapon to get his way.
Abby: That is terrible.
Victoria: Yeah, it's terrible. So just imagine how my mom must feel if she knew. (Sighs) Our dad can be such an ass sometimes. (Sighs) So no, I'm not gonna be seduced by a bunch of zeros. His strategy is so obvious. He wants to divide and conquer.
Abby: Wait, so you think...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Abby: He's trying to manipulate me, too?
Victoria: All right, listen, Abby. If money is all that you want out of this, that's fine. You were the one with the guts to get the ball rolling in the first place, and I gotta give you a lot of credit for that. No matter what you decide, I'm gonna support you. But listen to me. We're finally united. We're finally sisters. Don't let Dad split us up now, okay?
Victor: I am confident that Abby will take the settlement that I'm offering.
Vance: If it's $3 billion. Anything less is unacceptable.
Michael: Oh, come on. This is outrageous. The--the trust was structured to give my client access to capital when he saw fit. Now Mr. Abrams keeps speaking of flagrant misuse of funds. Where is your proof?
Vance: Hmm, I agree with you, Counselor. We need more evidence. I ask that you compel Mr. Newman to turn over his books to me...
Michael: (Scoffs)
Vance: So--so they can be analyzed by a forensic accountant.
Victor: Hell will freeze over before that happens.
Judge Phelps: Gentlemen, until Mr. Newman's daughters respond to his offer--
Victoria: We've made our decision.
Noah: What did I tell you? Just a matter of time before you two are back together.
Sharon: No, no. I didn't mean that I--
Noah: (Chuckles) Yeah, sure.
Nick: You know, there would be some things we would need to work out, but it would be really great if I could see Faith all the time.
Noah: All right. Well, you guys can figure that out yourselves, but, I mean, the tack house, it--it really doesn't work for me. Thank you for the offer, but if I'm gonna move, it's gonna be somewhere in town.
Nick: I get it, Dude. That's where your friends are. That's where you should be.
Faith: (Cries)
Sharon: Oh.
Noah: I'll get her.
Sharon: Oh, thank you.
Nick: Good boy.
Nick: It's, uh, it's definitely a little soon for us to be talking about moving in together.
Sharon: Yeah, right. (Chuckles)
Nick: You know, when I walked in today, I was kind of bummed about all the stuff going on with Mom and Dad. But seeing you-- it reminded me what family really means.
Sharon: Well, I'm glad you stopped by. You know, if you're hungry--
Nick: I should go.
Sharon: Oh, well, I mean in that case--
Nick: Well, I-I am-- I am hungry. I co--
Sharon: Okay, well, I-- we'll have lunch. (Chuckles)
Nick: Lunch. Yeah, lunch. Lunch sounds good.
Deacon: I don't know how you can say that, Nikki.
Nikki: We were never friends. We were drinking buddies. We gave each other a reason to be selfish.
Deacon: So what are you saying? You don't want me to stay here?
Nikki: I'm saying I don't want your distraction. I need to be left alone.
Deacon: Okay. If you, um, if you change your mind, if you... I'll be around the corner.
Nikki: I won't change my mind. But... it's nice to know that you'll be there.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Meggie: Go get 'em, Tiger.
Ashley: What did Nikki have to say?
Jack: I didn't see Nikki. She's in rehab.
Ashley: What? Is she drinking again?
Jack: Needless to say, she and Victor never made it to Vegas. I guess that's the only part of this that isn't tragic.
Ashley: Oh, my God.
Tucker: Oh. I'm sorry to hear she and her family are going through that.
Ashley: On top of everything else. You know, why is it that every woman Victor loves, they--they always end up in some kind of horrible tragedy?
Jack: You actually want an answer to that question?
Ashley: No, I actually don't. (Sighs) Sorry. I think I just need to be alone for a minute. And I hope Abby just accepts the settlement, and this whole thing will be behind us. Excuse me.
Jack: (Quietly) What settlement?
Tucker: (Quietly) Well, Abby called her mother all upset. (Sighs) Victor made the girls some huge offer, and she was worried about what to do. I guess I don't have to tell you what advice Ashley gave her.
Jack: So the whole thing is unraveling.
Tucker: If Abby goes the peace-and-harmony route, there's no need for Daddy to start splittin' off divisions to shore up his finances.
Jack: And there goes our bid for Beauty of Nature.
Victoria: I can't accept this.
Michael: (Sighs)
Victor: What about you? Are you gonna let this shark you hired continue to brainwash you?
Abby: No deal. I'm so sorry, Dad.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Vance: We do, however, have a counterproposal.
Michael: We're listening.
Vance: Victoria and Abby will drop their suit, ask for nothing more from either of their trust funds, in return for one thing-- Beauty of Nature.
Victor: How dare you?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victor: Beauty of Nature is my company, and no one will get their hands on it!
Hogan: That last drop you made was 10 g's short.
Kevin: Ow! (Inhales sharply)
Adam: You don't know me anymore. There's nothing for me here.
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