Y&R Transcript Friday 10/22/10 -- Canada; Monday 10/25/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9512 ~ Victoria Ups the Ante in the Lawsuit Against Victor
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Jack: I specifically asked you not to go after Diane.
Phyllis: I'm a journalist. It's news.
Jack: This is old news. You wrote about things that happened years ago.
Phyllis: It doesn't make it any less relevant.
Jack: This is beneath you.
Phyllis: Oh, Jack, are you kidding me? You would have salivated at this story when you worked at the magazine.
Jack: It's also why I left.
Phyllis: Oh, get off of your self-righteous high horse. Stop acting like you took a-- the, um, high moral ground when it came to publishing.
Jack: Wow, you don't have any regret at all, do you? I don't know. Somehow, I-I-I thought maybe as a courtesy you'd show just the teeniest bit of remorse for what you've just done to my life.
Phyllis: Remorse? Remorse? Remorse about Diane? Are you kidding me? Remorse? No. I don't have remorse. I am happy.
Jack: Yeah.
Phyllis: I am happy I did this. I can't wait for the fallout to rain down all over Diane!
Diane: I hope you didn't waste too much time reading that garbage.
Tucker: I found it very informative.
Diane: This is tabloid journalism written by someone who has a-a personal vendetta against me.
Tucker: But to make all this up? Phyllis would be setting herself up for a nasty lawsuit, not to mention the magazine.
Diane: You obviously don't know Phyllis.
Tucker: You saying she's lying? That none of this is true?
Daniel: Abs, great news. When can I see you? Soon, I hope. I want to tell you all about what's going on in my life. And, of course, I want to hear about what's going on in your life, too. I know you have that mediation thing with the lawyer and your dad and the lawsuit. And, um... and I've been thinking about you. So... call me.
Vance: Ladies, busy day. Let's get started.
Abby: I don't know why we have to meet with this mediator. He's just gonna try to get us to take some lame settlement from Dad that we have already turned down.
Vance: Well, mediation is court ordered. We don't have a choice. It doesn't mean you can't get what you want from Victor.
Victoria: What we want is control.
Vance: What are you willing to settle for to get it?
Abby: Well, I want--
Victoria: Beauty of Nature. That's the bottom line. We want Beauty of Nature.
Abby: Um, we do?
Victoria: Yes, we do.
Nick: Hey, Dad, I guess you and Mom already took off for Vegas. I came by the ranch to say good-bye, but--
Victor: Son, the wedding has been postponed.
Nick: What? Why?
Victor: Because your mother had a relapse. She has started drinking again.
Nick: Any idea why she, uh...
Victor: I'll explain it to you when you get here, okay?
Nick: Where?
Victor: It's the Solidarity House. Um, she needs all the support she can get, so please get here, all right?
Nick: Yeah, I'm on my way.
Victor: Thanks, Son.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Yes?
Meggie: Yeah, I don't mean to bother you, but I was just wondering how Nikki is. Oh, to find her in that hotel room and in that condition...
Victor: I put her into a rehab facility.
Meggie: Well, I'm really glad that she's gonna get the help he needs. Uh, do you want me to go by the house and pick up some of her things?
Victor: Yeah, that would be nice. Thank you.
Meggie: Great. Glad to do it. Uh, Solidarity House? Okay, I'll be there as soon as I can.
Deacon: This is bad. This is, uh, you know, there's no way that I thought Victor would check Nikki into some high-end rehab after catchin' us. (Stammers) All right, look, you--you didn't think that he was just gonna kick her out on her butt?
Meggie: (Chuckles) That's why I'm running this show. I knew exactly what he would do.
Deacon: Oh. Oh, really? Well, since you're runnin' the show, why don't you tell me why we did this?
Meggie: (Sighs) No wedding. Okay, look, I gotta go get Nikki's things.
Deacon: (Sighs)
Meggie: When I get back, I'll explain phase two of the plan to you.
Deacon: Phase two? What the hell is phase two? (Sighs)
Nikki: You must hate me.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victor: I don't hate you.
Nikki: (Scoffs) You found me in Deacon Sharpe's bed drunk. I hate myself.
Victor: (Sighs) Tell me what happened.
Nikki: I-I don't even know. Um... I was in his room. Then I had a drink. And he had a drink. And then... you were there. E-everything in between is--is a blank. I don't know.
Victor: When did you start drinking again?
Nikki: Oh, a month ago or so. I don't--I don't know.
Victor: I didn't know any of that.
Nikki: I know. And you asked me outright if I was drinking, and I lied to you because I just-- I couldn't even admit the truth to myself.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victor: So all the time you were drowning, I didn't do a damn thing.
Nikki: Victor, it's not your fault. I convinced myself that if I could just get to the wedding, if I could just get there, I would be fine. I would stop.
Victor: You will stop.
Nikki: I really want to.
Victor: Baby, I believe in you. You've got to believe in yourself.
Victoria: These are the figures I put together on Beauty of Nature. At the top is a breakdown of last year's earnings by quarter, and below that is operating cost, profit loss margin, and net income.
Vance: Mm-hmm. How'd you get this?
Victoria: Well, let's just say I had a few files left on my laptop from when I worked at Newman.
Vance: Mm-hmm.
Abby: This is it? This--this is it? This is all you wanna ask for?
Vance: Believe me. It's a lot.
Abby: Well, I'm sorry. I-I may not be Warren Buffett, but giving up my shares of Newman to be a co-owner of--of--of a cosmetics company? I mean, that seems ill-advised.
Victoria: Abby, that is because you are not looking at the big picture.
Abby: (Stammers) You want to know my picture? Okay, in my big picture-- me, with a big, fat check which I use to start my own company by myself.
Victoria: Do you know how much half of a major international corporation is worth?
Abby: A lot. (Scoffs)
Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, a lot. Enough to do whatever you want, all right? If we can get Dad to give us Beauty of Nature, you can do whatever you want. Now maybe you won't be getting that money exactly the way you thought you would be getting it, but does that really matter, Abby? No.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Jack: Wow, I guess I forgot how selfish and self-absorbed you could be.
Phyllis: Oh, that's too bad. I actually did this for you.
Jack: For--for me?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: Gee, thanks. No, I asked you to stay away from Diane. You did whatever you damn well pleased.
Phyllis: Well, I'm sorry. I have a brain. And you, Jack, are a very intelligent man. It shocks me that you can't see when a woman is actually taking advantage of you.
Jack: Look, all Diane has done is shown up in this town with my son.
Phyllis: She has a plan.
Jack: Come on, Phyllis.
Phyllis: She shows up to your house, Kyle in tow. "Jack, do you know-- do you happen to know where the best schools are?"
Jack: Okay, yeah, yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jack: Some--oh, some dark, deep, evil plot to get me close to my son.
Phyllis: She is using-- she is using your son again. Again. I know it. She knows it. And deep down inside, you know it.
Diane: I'm no longer the woman described in that article. Since I had Kyle, I've--I've tried to be somebody that he could be proud of. Someone that he can look up to.
Tucker: Someone who lies about her work experience?
Diane: No. No, I may have exaggerated, but I worked on every single project I said I did.
Tucker: You weren't the lead architect.
Diane: I didn't claim to be.
Tucker: You led me to believe that you were and that you founded the company where you worked in Toronto. You're not even a partner, are you?
Diane: I was about to become one.
Tucker: I need to trust the people who work for me. I don't trust you. That's too bad. I would have enjoyed working with you.
Diane: You can't do this.
Tucker: Can't I?
Diane: I just uprooted my son from his home, from his school, because of the offer you made to me.
Tucker: You're a resourceful woman. I'm sure you'll find something else.
Diane: (Sighs) If you would just give me a chance to prove myself to you--
Tucker: My mind's made up.
Diane: I see. So you got what you wanted from me, and we're done doing business.
Tucker: I was ready to sign you to a contract until I found out you're not the person you claimed to be.
Diane: And how would Ashley feel if she found out you're not the person you claim to be?
Tucker: Are you threatening me?
Diane: Change your mind about hiring me, and what happened in Tucker's bed stays in Tucker's bed.
Tucker: Tell Ashley whatever you'd like.
Diane: You're willing to risk your relationship with her?
Tucker: I would wager a bundle that if you tell Ashley we slept together, and I say you made it up because I fired you, she's gonna believe me.
Diane: You son of a--
Tucker: Ooh, careful. Language. You want to be someone your son can look up to, remember? I think you better get along home now. (Clears throat) You know, you need to fix up your résumé and check out those job web sites.
Diane: (Sighs) You're missing out.
Tucker: You better think twice before threatening me again. It might come back to bite you.
Diane: (Sighs)
Jack: This is exactly what I didn't want.
Phyllis: Jack, you didn't think that she was gonna start something first?
Jack: Oh, so-- so that's what you were doing? Getting the ball rolling?
Phyllis: Yes. Yes. Now she knows not to mess with us.
Jack: Oh, I'm sure she got that message loud and clear.
Phyllis: Well, if she didn't, I'll be ready next time.
Jack: And where will that-- and where will that put us? Do have any idea why I didn't want this?
Phyllis: Yes, I know. Kyle. Kyle.
Jack: No, not Kyle. Us.
Phyllis: (Groans)
Jack: Us, Phyllis.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Jack: We have another shot here, one I didn't think we'd ever get again. I don't want Diane in the middle of it!
Phyllis: But she would have come in the middle of it. That's why I did this.
Jack: Why couldn't you just trust me to keep Diane away?
Phyllis: Oh, because I know how she works. I know this woman. She uses your son to wedge in between us, and then she goes in for the kill.
Jack: Oh, God, this is-- this is so like you. You always go for the worst possible conclusion.
Phyllis: Well, I'm sorry. I had to go on the offensive this time. I'm sorry.
Jack: Okay, listen to me.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Jack: Clearly I'm not going anywhere.
Phyllis: Yeah, you say that now, but you don't know what's gonna happen.
Jack: Could I just have the last word once?
Phyllis: No, no, you can't.
Jack: Please!
Phyllis: No! (Sighs)
Jack: Damn you!
Phyllis: Damn you!
Phyllis: (Giggles)
Phyllis: (Gasps) It's in the back.
Victor: Well, I must say it's a very impressive facility. I'm sure that Nikki will feel comfortable here, won't you, my darling?
Nikki: It's very nice.
Victor: What can she expect? What kind of treatment can she expect?
Doctor: Well, she'll be working with a qualified and caring staff headed by me. We'll design a program tailored to your specific needs. I'd like for us to talk a little if you're up to it.
Victor: Sure. I'll wait outside, okay?
Nikki: Yeah, that's fine.
Doctor: Thank you.
Victor: We'll get through this, okay?
Nikki: Thank you.
Nick: Dad.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nick: Where's Mom?
Victor: (Purses lips) She's in there with her psychiatrist.
Nick: How did this happen?
Victor: I don't know. I don't know the details. (Sighs) All I know is that we all need to... be supportive of her now, okay?
Nick: Yeah, of course.
Victor: Yeah. You know, when she is finished with the psychiatrist, then why don't you go in and see her? I'm sure she would love that.
Nick: Is Vick on the way?
Victor: I didn't call your sister. And I don't want you to call her either.
Abby: Look, this whole lawsuit, which, b-t-dub, was my idea to start with, has suddenly become all about you.
Victoria: Abby, listen. You're just gonna have to trust me.
Abby: Yeah, yeah, that-- that's kind of tough right now.
Victoria: Okay, look. I have shown you the numbers, all right? You know that I know the cosmetics industry. I know Dad. We're not gonna get a better deal.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Vance: I agree. Beauty of Nature has quadrupled in the past three years. The stock's gone up 30 bucks a share in the past 12 months. This company could make you ladies very, very rich.
Abby: Great. So if this is such a gold mine, then why is Dad just gonna hand it over to us?
Victoria: Because if he doesn't, we'll take him to court where he could lose really big.
Vance: Look, your father's stubborn, but he's not stupid, which means at some point, he'll realize giving you Beauty of Nature is better than a lot of other options he's facing.
Victoria: All right.
Abby: (Sighs)
Victoria: So what do you say? Will you settle for Beauty of Nature?
Abby: Fine. Fine. But I don't like it.
Victoria: It's gonna be great. You'll see.
Abby: (Sighs)
Victoria: Great. Ok, see you tomorrow. 10:00 A.M. don’t be late.
Abby: You don't have to remind me of that, because I'm not an airhead, you know.
Victoria: Listen to me. Getting Beauty of Nature is gonna be good for both of us. All right? Just remember that.
Abby: Yeah, I guess.
Victoria: Don't be late.
Abby: (Groans) (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Daniel: Someone got my message.
Abby: Oh, actually no. I-I haven't checked my voice mail yet.
Daniel: What's up?
Abby: I just really need to see you.
Nick: Dad, if you don't tell Victoria about this, then I will.
Victor: I will tell her, all right? I want to look her in the eye. I want to say to her how important it is for all of us to stick together for her mother's sake.
Nick: You know Mom's not in here because of Vick, right?
Victor: I will deal with it, Son.
(Door opens)
Nick: Tell her soon, Dad, or I will.
Victor: (Stammers) You don't worry about that, all right? Dr. Carey, this is my son Nicholas.
Dr. Carey: Nice to meet you.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nick: Nice to meet you.
Dr. Carey: If you'll excuse me, I have another patient. You can go in the room now.
Victor: Thank you.
Nick: Thank you.
Victor: Go ahead, Son.
Meggie: Victor, I have Nikki's things.
Victor: (Sighs) Well, that's nice.
Meggie: I checked the web site, uh, to see what they recommend for 30 days.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Meggie: I assumed she'd be staying for 30 days.
Victor: Yeah, I think so. Yeah.
Meggie: Okay, well, then she's got everything she needs here.
Victor: All right, well, that's very nice of you. Thank you.
Meggie: Give Nikki my best, okay?
Victor: I will do that.
Meggie: I'm so sorry, Victor. I know how much you and Nikki were looking forward to this wedding.
Victor: That's all right, Meggie. Thank you.
Meggie: Okay.
Nikki: You have no idea how it feels having you see me here.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Nick: Mom, what happened? Why'd you start drinking again? I mean, was-- was it all this stuff with Dad and Victoria?
Nikki: It was awful seeing the family fall apart. But God knows, we've gone through worse crises than this, and I've stayed sober.
Nick: Then what?
Nikki: I don't know. I honestly don't know why I had this sudden craving for alcohol, but I did, and I gave in.
Nick: Why didn't you come to me? Why didn't you go to Dad? Anyone?
Nikki: I did go to someone. (Sighs) I was with him when your father found me.
Nick: Him?
Nikki: (Sighs) I had--I have to tell you. It was Deacon Sharpe.
Nick: (Scoffs) Mom, Deacon Sharpe?
Nikki: I know. I know. Look... (Stammers) I ran into him at an A.A. meeting. And I initially hated him, of course. But we got to know each other, and he--I really thought he was trying to help me. I thought he knew what I was going through, and he was gonna help.
Nick: Oh, clearly, he was a big help, Mom.
Nikki: (Sighs) It's not his fault. I should have gone to somebody I trusted.
Nick: Then why didn't you?
Nikki: Your father had so much on his plate. And Katherine had just lost Chance. And then Murphy was hospitalized. And I certainly didn't want you or Victoria to know. I thought I could handle it by myself... but I was so wrong.
Jack: That was...
Phyllis: That was great is what that was. And that is what I'm fighting for.
Jack: You're going about it the wrong way.
Phyllis: I don't know how else to go about it. (Chuckles)
Diane: You! Do you know what she's done?!
Jack: Yes.
Diane: This a reward?
Jack: Diane, listen, I--
Diane: You disgust me, both of you.
Jack: Diane, calm down.
Diane: Go to hell!
Jack: Whoa.
Phyllis: Oh, my, she's-- she's a little-- I think she's a little nuts.
Diane: You are a liar! You are a lying, vindictive--
Jack: Diane, don't. Don't. Don't.
Phyllis: Are you kidding me? Everything I said is true, Diane. Everything I said is true.
Diane: My son could see that trash. You know that?!
Phyllis: You should have thought about that before you decided to sleep with every man you've ever met, or steal his sperm, or burn down the pool house.
Diane: You gonna let her get away with this? He's your son, too.
Phyllis: Your son--you've hurt your son by coming back to this city. Don't you think that everybody's gonna talk about what a backstabbing, lying, vindictive woman you are? But you came back anyway, didn't you?
Diane: So he could be near his father!
Phyllis: Oh, don't pull this devoted mother thing. Do you see that? No one believes it, Diane.
Diane: I love my son.
Phyllis: You know what? I've seen firsthand your love...
Jack: Phyllis.
Phyllis: For your son. I've seen what it's done. I've seen what it's done. You know what? I am glad that I've told everybody every true thing about you. I am glad. I should get an award. I should be canonized. In fact, Jack, he just thanked me--
Diane: Aah!
Jack: Phyllis, don't-- don't do it!
Diane: You will not run me out of this town!
Phyllis: You watch me.
Jack: Both of you, stop it now!
Nikki: I've let all of you down. The whole family. Especially...
Nick: Dad.
Nikki: I gotta tell ya, I am scared to think about what is underneath all that calm.
Nick: It must be truly awful for him to watch you suffer like this.
Nikki: (Sighs, sniffles) Finding me... in Deacon's room drunk... the look on his face. He says he doesn't hate me, but how could he not? (Sighs)
Nick: Mom, Dad loves you. (Sighs)
Nikki: (Sobs quietly)
Nick: We all love you.
Nikki: (Sniffles)
Nick: We just want you to get better, okay?
(Door opens)
Nikki: (Sobs)
Victor: Meggie brought your things for you, okay?
Nikki: Oh.
Victor: She wanted me to make sure that I wish you well.
Nikki: She's a good friend. That was sweet of her.
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: I think I'm going to, um, take a shower and then rest, okay?
Nick: Okay. I'll be back.
Nikki: I love you.
Nick: I love you, too.
Victor: All right, Son. Thank you.
Deacon: You know, you wasted a trip down here. I'm not interested in your phase two. Help yourself, by the way.
Meggie: We had a deal.
Deacon: No, our deal was that I get Nikki drunk and Victor finds us in bed together. All done.
Meggie: (Chuckles) Not even close.
Deacon: Meggie, I was willing to take a tongue lashing from the old boy. But that silent routine he pulled out? That was frickin' scary. That guy is a time bomb waitin' to go off, and I, for one, do not plan on being around when he does.
Meggie: You want your cut, don't you? So you can have your reunion with your little brat?
Deacon: Oh, you're a real charmer, aren't you, Honey? Yeah, I do.
Meggie: Then shut up and listen. I just left Solidarity House, Nikki's home for the next month.
Deacon: I mean--I mean, not only does he not kick her out on her ass, he checks her into the Cadillac of rehabs. I mean, it costs mucho dinero to get sober there.
Meggie: Well, just get ready to plunk down some pesos. You're checking in.
Daniel: (Clears throat) Hello.
Abby: Hello.
Daniel: Welcome to Gloworm. My name is Daniel. I'll be buying you lunch this afternoon.
Abby: Oh, well, uh, how...
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Abby: Do I tip the man who's buying me lunch?
Daniel: Well, that is, uh, negotiable.
Abby: Oh, God, you're in a good mood.
Daniel: You know what? I am in a... I am in a fantastic mood.
Abby: (Laughs) Why? Did you win the lottery? No, you bought a Picasso at a garage sale.
Daniel: It does have to do with art, but, uh, mine, not Pablo's.
Abby: You sold something.
Daniel: Oh, I sold a lot of things.
Abby: (Gasps) I knew it.
Daniel: That Mark Fletcher, he hooked me up with this gallery owner in Chicago, Michel St. John du Manoir.
Abby: Ooh. Ooh, yeah.
Daniel: Mm.
Abby: She sounds French.
Daniel: He.
Abby: Oh. Oh.
Daniel: He is an extremely important person in the art world, and he has commissioned moi to do six--
Abby: (Gasps)
Daniel: Count them-- six new pieces.
Abby: "I would like to make a shout out to my bestie Abby for bringing the world-famous art consultant to my little art thingy. How could I ever repay her? Thank her?"
Daniel: You forgot modest bestie.
Abby: (Laughs) Okay. Modest is a huge waste of time. Admit it! You owe me everything.
Daniel: Fine. I owe you everything.
Abby: (Laughs)
Daniel: How can I ever repay you, huh? I feel like buying you lunch right now is just so inadequate.
Abby: (Chuckles) Well, at--at least it's Gloworm and not some nasty burger joint. (Chuckles)
Daniel: Seriously. What else do you need, huh?
Abby: (Sighs)
Daniel: I heard you on the phone earlier. You sounded a little down.
Abby: Yeah.
Daniel: Is it the way McCall's treatin' your mom?
Abby: Um, yes, but, uh, that wasn't what was getting me down. It's m--it's about my sister. I'm not sure if I can trust her.
Victoria: I have a proposition for you.
Abby: It's like Victoria is just taking over. She and Vance both. I-it's like I'm being steamrolled or something.
Daniel: You? Impossible.
Abby: Yeah, I know. But they were using all this legalese, and business talk, and for one thing, it's--it's so boring.
Daniel: So you don't like the plan they're pushing.
Abby: No, I don't. But they think it's a slam dunk. I don't want to look stupid in front of the "Experts."
Daniel: Well, if I was in your place, I'd probably feel the same way.
Abby: I am-- I am so pissed.
Daniel: Who are you pissed at? Are you pissed at Abrams or your sister or pissed at yourself for caving?
Abby: (Sighs)
Tucker: I assume this is a business proposition.
Victoria: Yes.
Tucker: I only ask because, uh, you were so adamant when you turned down my offer to work at Jabot. You change your mind?
Victoria: I am not interested in working for you. But I might be interested in working with you.
Tucker: You certainly have your father's, uh, chutzpah.
Victoria: Yeah, and that is where our similarities end. (Clears throat) I'm my own person, and I am about to be in control of my own company.
Tucker: Oh, let me guess. You and Daddy settled your lawsuit and he, uh, gave you a consolation prize.
Victoria: Oh, hardly. The case goes into mediation tomorrow, and I'm asking for Beauty of Nature.
Tucker: What does this have to do with me?
Victoria: Well, I know that you have shown somewhat of an interest in Beauty of Nature, and I have to say I respect what you've done with Jabot. And I think that together, the two companies could do great things for us.
Tucker: You're proposing a merger?
Victoria: Are you interested?
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) That would be one hell of a cosmetics empire.
Victoria: Yes, it would be, especially with me at the helm.
Tucker: You?
Victoria: It's a deal breaker. I'm gonna sit in the C.E.O. chair.
Jack: Don't. Don't. Don't.
Phyllis: Oh, let her off her leash. I'd like to see what she has. Come on.
Diane: More than enough to wipe that smug look off your face!
Phyllis: Bring it on. Bring it on. Bring it on.
Jack: Stop it, both of you! Stop it now! Now you go pick up Kyle. And I will meet you later, and we will discuss this with him.
Diane: (Breathing heavily) I will take care of my son.
Jack: Look, I realize this article could do a lot of damage.
Diane: It cost me my job with Tucker. Now I've gotta find another one. It might not be in Genoa City.
Jack: I can help with a job.
Diane: I don't want your help. I don't want you in my life. I don't want you in Kyle's life.
Jack: I am as upset with what Phyllis has done as you are.
Diane: I warned you. She's toxic. You want that in your life? That's fine. I don't want my kid anywhere near it.
Jack: You can't keep me away from Kyle.
Diane: You picked your side. You live with it!
Jack: Don't use Kyle this way, Diane.
Diane: Hey, I didn't start this. You want to blame somebody? I think you know where to look.
Jack: (Sighs)
Tucker: That's an intriguing offer, but I've already made promises to Jack and to Ashley.
Victoria: Hmm. And you expect me to believe that you have never broken a promise? Well, you want Beauty of Nature. I want to be C.E.O.
Tucker: You bring me Beauty of Nature, and then we'll see.
Victoria: All right. I'll see you soon.
Abby: I did not cave. I made the decision to follow what Victoria and Vance suggested.
Daniel: Whoa. Whoa. Since when do you follow anybody?
Abby: (Sighs)
Daniel: You're the Naked Heiress. You do what you want. A-actually, it's one of your more annoying qualities, which I have come to admire, though.
Abby: Oh, well, gee. Thank you.
Daniel: I admire it, and I appreciate it. I wouldn't have a commission for six new pieces if you hadn't done exactly what you wanted to do.
Abby: Yeah, you bet. I did make Mark Fletcher come, when you told me not to.
Daniel: And that's you, for better or for worse. You've always done what you wanted to do, so why change it now, you know? You don't like what your sister's doing, you don't like what your lawyer's doing, say something.
Abby: Really?
Daniel: Yeah, really. Abby, it's your lawsuit. I-it's your life. You take it back, you take control of it, I guarantee you'll like what's gonna happen.
Nikki: Hey.
Victor: Do you feel better?
Nikki: (Sighs) No. I feel terrible, actually. We should be in Las Vegas right now getting married.
Victor: (Sighs) You are where you're supposed to be. So am I.
Nikki: You were right-- what you said before. I have to be strong.
Victor: The next 30 days are gonna be tough, but you won't be alone. I'll be with you every step of the way. Life will be good again.
Nikki: You promise?
Victor: Yeah.
Deacon: So you want me to sneak booze into rehab for Nikki? What--what, do you think I got a death wish? Victor'd kill me.
Meggie: Well, the idea is he doesn't find out.
Deacon: Oh, okay, um, so while you're cozying up with Vic, uh, I'm risking my life trying to get Nikki tanked? Yeah, I'm gonna go with phase two sucks.
Meggie: (Chuckles) A couple of drinks is all it's gonna take. Once Victor finds out that she's trashing her second chance that he's given her, he'll be done with her.
Deacon: Mm, and you'll be right there to--to pick up the little pieces of his broken heart, right?
Meggie: Mm-hmm. I won't be making the appointments for Mrs. Newman. I'll be keeping them. I'll live on the ranch. I'll wear expensive clothes. I'll attend charity luncheons. And I'll write big checks for those in need.
Deacon: Wow. Uh, okay, yeah. Sure, that--that sounds like a nice life.
Meggie: For both of us. You in?
Deacon: (Sighs) Yeah, I'm in.
Meggie: Good boy.
Victoria: Oh, hi.
Nick: Hey. (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nick: How's J.T.?
Victoria: He's the same.
Nick: You okay?
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah. It's been rough, though, trying to comfort Reed and make sure that he's not too scared about what J.T.'s going through. And, of course, there's the mediation with Dad tomorrow. (Sighs) Oh, gosh, I guess they're probably on their way to Vegas by now. I can't believe that Mom's going through with this.
Nick: All right, well, I gotta go. I'll talk to you later.
Kyle: I totally aced the entrance test.
Diane: I'm sure you did.
Kyle: But it could have been an epic fail if it wasn't for Dad's help. He--I want to call him to thank him and see if he maybe wants to celebrate with some "Alien Death Ship 4" or something like that. That'll be fun.
Diane: (Chuckles) You know, I-I, um, I spoke to your dad just a little bit ago. And he--he's gonna be tied up all afternoon.
Kyle: Oh. Well, we can celebrate. You had a big day, too.
Diane: I did?
Kyle: You--you signed your contract with Mr. McCall.
Diane: Yeah, um, Honey, about that. It's not gonna happen.
Kyle: Oh. Well, why?
Diane: Well, I-I gave it a lot of thought, and it's just not a match. But don't you worry. I'm gonna find something else, something even better.
Kyle: I know you will. You're awesome, Mom.
Diane: Thanks. (Chuckles)
Kyle: So you want to buy me a brownie?
Diane: (Laughs) Smooth.
Kyle: (Chuckles) Come on, we'll both have one.
Diane: How could I say no to that face?
Kyle: Two brownies, comin' up.
Diane: No job, no money, no prospects. Could things get any worse?
Phyllis: Oh, Jack, wait, wait, wait a second.
Jack: I gotta go.
Phyllis: I just--listen. (Sighs) She's not gonna keep Kyle from you. I-I--
Jack: You sound awfully sure.
Phyllis: I-I am sure. I-I--listen, as a mother, I'm sure of that. Diane never did anything... Kyle's a great kid. He's a great kid. And he wouldn't be that way if Diane didn't love him. And she brought him here to be close to you, so just wait. Just stay cool and--and wait.
Jack: Just wait?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah, because he's gonna start missing you, and she'll bring him to you. And then it's your responsibility to keep your son in your life this time... and keep Diane out.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ashley: There you are accusing Tucker of trying to interfere with you and Kyle, and you're doing the same exact thing to Victor and his children.
Victoria: I'm ashamed to be your daughter right now.
Nick: He checked himself in. I'm just trying to figure out what his angle is.
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