Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/13/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/13/10 -- Canada; Thursday 10/14/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9505 ~ Cane's Secret is Revealed

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Victor: You making progress in your attempt to destroy the Newman fund?

Jack: I don't appreciate being made to wait this long. I'm a busy man. And given the lengths I went to to gain access to Skye and Adam’s computer...

Victor: The world knows the extensive lengths you went to with Adam’s wife. The question is, what have you got to show for it?

Jack: A list of the companies they've invested in, the amount they've invested, and the percentage of the fund that each stock represents. You're welcome.

Victor: I'm sure you didn't suffer too much in the process.

Jack: I will do whatever it takes to bring Adam down.

Victor: That, my friend, is one thing you and I agree on.

Adam: So you think Jack will actually show up this time?

Skye: Why wouldn't he? Just 'cause he snooped around the computer last night? He's not the type to be embarrassed.

Adam: But he's also the type to just breeze in, glad-hand everybody, and then try and screw things up for us with the investors.

Skye: How? We're not pulling a Ponzi scheme. W-we're completely legit, which makes us untouchable.

Adam: So that's why we have to go downstairs and hand-hold with some of the investors, because of that article that came out with you in it.

Skye: Oh, you were in there, too, my love.

Adam: Phyllis and Jack-- they double-teamed us for a reason, Skye.

Skye: Oh, okay, that is unfortunate, but we have investors to thank for sticking with us, so put away the drama and focus on being the kick-ass couple with the kick-ass hedge fund.

Adam: You know all this means squat if Phyllis figures out an angle to do us in?

Phyllis: Ahh, hello, Mr. McCall.

Tucker: Hello, there.

Phyllis: You don't have to bring in your, uh, ad checks personally.

Tucker: Well, yeah, you do have a lot of my ad money.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Tucker: And, uh, you see, Billy offered to sweeten the pot with a feature on a new line from the McCall clothing division.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: Since that hasn't run yet--

Phyllis: Oh, listen. Listen. I'll take care of that personally. Don't worry about it. And since you are Tucker McCall, I'll make sure that there are a couple extra pages in that feature, okay?

Tucker: Oh, I appreciate that.

Phyllis: Absolutely.

Tucker: You know, I'm glad I ran into you. I, uh, I met Diane Jenkins last night.

Phyllis: My condolences.

Tucker: Well, she's, uh, designed some pretty spectacular buildings.

Phyllis: (Clears throat)

Tucker: And you worked for her at Newman Enterprises back in '04, right?

Phyllis: Uh, I worked-- no, I worked with Diane.

Tucker: That's all you're gonna say?

Phyllis: (Sighs) I'm gonna keep my comments to myself.

Tucker: Well, I was thinking about offering her a job.

Phyllis: Oh, God, no.

Diane: The sitter should be here soon. I left cash for lunch.

Kyle: When you said that we were gonna stay in Genoa City for a while, did you mean a while a while? Or a really long while?

Diane: (Sighs) Are you asking if we're gonna stay here for good?

Kyle: Are we? 'Cause all my friends are back in Toronto, a-and my hockey team and the rec center.

Diane: Well, they have hockey in Wisconsin. But they don't have your dad in Toronto.

Kyle: But they have planes so we can visit more, and Dad and I can talk online.

Diane: Hey. I'm sorry, Bud. This is one of those times where I make the call. And Genoa City is where we need to be right now.

J.T.: Zoom! Incoming!

Mac: Hi, Guys.

J.T.: (Chuckles) Hey.

Mac: Did you scooter while daddy walked? I bet he had to run to keep up.

J.T.: Oh, right. I didn't even break a sweat.

Reed: Hey, you should give the old man a break.

J.T.: "Give the old man a break"? Dude, you're killin' me. Look, we thought we would come and escort you home when you're done...

Mac: Mm-hmm.

J.T.: And on the way home, I might just have some surprises for you two.

Mac: (Gasps) Surprises? I think you should tell us right now.

J.T.: Nope. Work, walk, then surprises.

Mac: All right, the faster we get these tables wiped down, the sooner the good stuff happens.

(Thunder rumbles)

Cane: Wow, you should see that sky. That storm is really rolling in.

Lily: Well, maybe we should wait it out here and then head home.

Cane: I got the van almost packed. If we get on the road now, we'll beat the rain. (Thunder crashes)

Lily: Oh, gosh. I hate this. I hate that there are criminals after you and stalking our house. And who knows what we're gonna find when we get home or who's gonna be watching?

Cane: Listen, um, I need to talk to you about that.

Lily: Why? What happened?

Cane: Nothing. Nothing's happened. I'm just thinking that maybe when we go back, you should stay with your dad and the babies for a little while.

Lily: And where are you gonna be?

Cane: I’m gonna go back to Australia and deal with these bastards once and for all.

Lily: (Sighs)

Lily: No, we are not splitting up this family, not even for a second. And there's no way in hell that you are going to Australia to find those men.

Cane: All right, listen. I know you're scared, but I can handle this, all right? If Phillip and I work together--

Lily: Phillip? What? Cane they're watching us. They have video to prove it. They're not gonna back off because you and Phillip say so. We have to call the police.

Cane: J.T.'s already working with the department.

Lily: Okay, it's not an official case, so there's no real investigation and no manpower.

Cane: Which is why the only way I can deal with this and keep you and the babies safe is go back and talk to the guys at the top.

Lily: (Sighs) Oh, gosh. I mean, listen to us. Like, paranoia and maneuvering, and for what? Because you turned in some cattle rustlers and stopped them from committing a crime?

(Thunder crashes)

Lily: (Sighs) Oh, gosh.

Cane: All right, listen. Let's um...

Lily: (Sighs heavily)

Cane: Let's get in the van and get out here, all right? We need to get back to town.

Lily: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Um, uh, you know, I-I'm sure Diane’s buildings are great. I'm sure they're--they're super, but, um... and I'm sure that she was charming and slick and intriguing.

Tucker: And talented. Her designs speak for themselves.

Phyllis: Yes, I'm sure they do. You're--you're hiring a person, not a building. And, uh, to be honest, Diane has shortcomings as an employee.

Tucker: Well, I'm glad you can be so objective.

Phyllis: I can. I can. Yeah. So you should just let her go back to Toronto. Just let her go and hire somebody else who's not gonna bring McCall, Unlimited, to its knees... figuratively speaking, of course.

Tucker: Well, thanks.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: This was a very productive conversation. I appreciate your honesty.

Phyllis: Yes. Absolutely. Does that mean that you're not gon--I--

Phyllis: (Whispers) Oh, my God. (Sighs)

Phyllis: (Normal voice) Hmm. Hey, Jack. It's Phyllis. Uh, can you please give me a call? Um, has Diane mentioned anything to you about sticking around town? Please call me back. Tell me the answer is no. (Slams down receiver)

Jack: So I guess we'll all put the clubs away for the season.

Skye: So glad you could all make it. What good is success if you you can't celebrate it together?

Adam: Consider this a thank-you from us for having faith in both us and the fund. Clearly, we are doing something right if there are so many of those out there trying to take us down.

Skye: We certainly are, and that is crystal clear, considering the status of our portfolio right now.

Adam: I don't know what you and Phyllis were up to last night, but if you try and tank this meeting...

Jack: Relax, Junior. Relax.

Adam: All you'll be doing is taking money out of your pocket, Jack.

Jack: I am just here to help you. No, I don't like you, but epic poems have been written about my hate for Victor. And right now, Victor is watching me make money with you, and that's a good thing. And you're gonna make me more money--or Skye is. She's the one with the touch.

Adam: You would know, Jack.

Jack: That's a very gifted lady you have there. You keep her around, you keep your own nose clean, you're gonna be passing daddy on the finance 100 list. And the day that happens, I'm gonna have a picture of Victor's face that I will cherish forever.

Skye: Gentlemen, Ladies, shall we?

Jack: Hey, Hayden, I got that invitation from your wife for the fund-raiser. I said yes. You owe me.

Skye: I thought I told you to lay off the drama. (Sighs)

Tucker: Hey, Victor. Have you heard any, uh, word on Murphy?

Victor: Why don't you ask your mother? Or have you so alienated her that you are afraid to ask after your stepfather?

Diane: So sorry to be late.

Tucker: That's all right. I just got here myself.

Victor: Oh, you two know each other?

Tucker: Yeah, a little.

Victor: Hmm.

Tucker: I understand you two used to work together, huh?

Victor: (Chuckles) I had the misfortune of being married to her.

Victor: Hmm.

Mac: Did he drop any hints yet?

J.T.: Yeah, Reed's already guessed puppy, bike, fish tank.

Reed: Saltwater?

J.T.: Saltwater fish tank, that's right.

Mac: Wow. Come here. I'm gonna go with camping trip, breakfast in bed, or...

J.T.: Mm.

Mac: Saltwater fish tank.

J.T.: See, if you guys keep guessing, we're gonna be here all night.

Mac: Didn't they say that there's gonna be a storm?

J.T.: Yeah. Yeah, I think they said it's gonna skirt us. They also predicted a, uh, warm front with a chance of... surprises!

Mac: (Gasps) Get him!

Reed: (Giggles)

(Wind howling)

Lily: (Sighs) (Whispers) Bundle Mattie in. Okay. (Sighs) Okay.

Cane: (Sighs) You ready?

Lily: (Normal voice) Um, yeah, almost. (Zipper sticking)

Lily: (Sighs) I can't get this stupid thing to zip.

Cane: Hey.

Lily: (Sighs) Oh, gosh.

Cane: I'm sorry.

Lily: (Sighs) No, its fine. I--you didn't do this. They did, those duffers or mobsters or whatever you want to call them. It's like they want to punish you for being a brave and decent person. (Sighs) You--you didn't ask for this. (Sighs)

(Door rattling)

Lily: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Cane: I'm gonna get everything packed in there.

Lily: (Sighs) Okay. (Zipper sticking)

(Wind howling)

Man: Sir, if you're headed out, you might want to wait a few hours. We had some twisters touch down west of here along with some flash flooding.

Cane: Thank you for checking in. Uh, the other officer, are you his replacement?

Man: I'm not sure what you mean. This is my circuit.

Cane: He's a tall guy, dark hair.

Man: It may be a new guy trying to help out. I'll ask around. Your best bet is to stay inside and off the road.

Cane: All right, thank you for the advice.

Man: All right.

(Wind howling)

Skye: We need to stay aggressive for the fund to flourish. Now right now, we're looking at a number of distressed securities in Europe.

Man: Why would we want a piece of that? That's like buying risk.

Skye: Of course, we'd only invest a tiny portion of the fund's capital. If we lose, we'd never feel it. But if we win--

Adam: A 300% return on our investment in this case.

Jack: Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but that's why I'm sitting at this table-- to hear numbers like that. And my suspicion is they'll only get better with you two in charge.

Man: Is that your business sense speaking, or are those rumors in "Restless Style" about you and Skye true?

Jack: Wouldn't that be nice? No. No, none of them are true. I can find women, but someone who can offer me 300% on my investment? You know what? (Sighs) I'm prepared to up the ante.

Jack: Take that. Put your Midas touch on it.

Adam: We'll do that.

Diane: I was surprised to hear from you. What exactly is this meeting about?

Tucker: It's about you. You're a damn fine architect. I love your work. I have some projects coming up that need a fresh take. Come to work for me.

Diane: Y-you want to hire me?

Tucker: I realize you have some commitments in Toronto, and you probably don't want to uproot your son, but I don't skimp on budgets, and I know when to sit back and let creative people do what they do best.

Diane: Well, that's quite a sell job.

Tucker: Does that mean you're interested?

Diane: Well, architects, they love free rein and unlimited budgets. How could I not be interested?

Tucker: Well, how can we get from "Interested" to "I accept"?

Diane: Uh... I have more than a job back in Toronto. I have a life. My son, his hockey team is there. He's practically the mayor of the rec center. (Chuckles)

Tucker: Your son's father is here.

Diane: True. And I do want that relationship to grow. Mnh, it's just coming back to Genoa City... feels like a step backwards.

Tucker: Well, you'd be working for me-- brand-new world.

Diane: (Chuckles) Turns out the hype about you was right. Can I--can I get back to you on this?

Tucker: Sure.

(Cell phone buzzes)

Diane: Oh.

Diane: Oh, I'm sorry. It’s work. I'm sure they want to move the elevator bank for the sixth time this week.

Tucker: Well, we'll move ours only five times. How about that?

Diane: (Laughs)

Victor: Diane. I see you wasted no time meeting that fellow.

Diane: Oh, that-- that fellow is the one that didn't waste any time.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Diane: Tucker offered me a job.

Victor: Really?

Diane: (Chuckles)

Victor: Did you accept?

Diane: Come on, Victor, you know I'm not that easy.

Victor: Good. Then perhaps you can work for me.

(Wind howling)

Lily: Hey, what's wrong?

Cane: An officer came by with a tornado warning, advised us to stay put.

Lily: If a tornado's coming, we have to get out of here.

Cane: He also mentioned flash flooding, so we should stay off the road. Are the babies still asleep?

Lily: Yeah, I'm gonna get some, uh, flashlights and a blanket in case the power goes out.

(Wind howling) (Thunder rumbles)

J.T.: Wow. All right, let's take a break, guys, huh? I'm tired.

Mac: 'Cause it's important to rest.

J.T.: Yes, it is.

Reed: (Gasps)

Mac: What?

Reed: (Whispering indistinctly)

Mac: (Gasps) Good choices. Robot or moon bounce?

J.T.: Oh, you guys are still on the surprises? 'Cause, pfft! I think I already forgot about those. Oh, what just happened there?

Reed: Oh!

Mac: Whoa! (Laughs)

J.T.: What is that, huh?

Mac: Fast hands. You better open it.

J.T.: Wow. Wow, that looks pretty cool. Want some help? You got it?

Reed: (Gasps)

J.T.: Uh-oh. Is that what I think it is?

Mac: (Gasps)

J.T.: Lakers/Bucks tickets?

Reed: (Gasping)

J.T.: Wow, I bet you could make a whole day out of that in Milwaukee, man.

Reed: (Chuckles, gasps)

J.T.: What do you say you take me with you?

Mac: That is so cool. So... if Reed's taking you to the basketball game...

J.T.: Mm-hmm.

Mac: Does that mean I get the robot?

Reed: (Gasps) Look!

J.T.: No. No, no robot for you.

Skye: Ahh, such pretty zeros.

Adam: (Purses lips) It's a con, Skye. Jack has something up his sleeve.

Skye: Yeah, but his checks don't bounce, and they increase our bottom line.

Adam: Well, we know how you get so steamy off of risk. I think this one is more trouble than it's worth.

Skye: Where are you going?

Adam: I'm gonna protect what we've built.

Jack: So... that went well, huh?

Adam: That remains to be seen.

Jack: Hey! I was about to come up and see you. Hi, I'm Jack Abbott. I'm Kyle’s father. Uh, you must be his date for the day.

Kyle: (Chuckles)

Jamie: Yes. Jamie. Nice to meet you. (Laughs)

Jack: How do you do?

Kyle: So we're gonna hang out more?

Jack: Well, yeah, we want to take full advantage of your visit, right?

Kyle: It's not a visit. Mom says we're moving here now.

Diane: Absolutely. I'll take care of it.

Victor: So what do you think?

Diane: About you offering me a job?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Diane: (Chuckles) Well, I assume you're gonna propose to me next just to heighten the unreality?

Victor: I'm planning an office building in Tokyo. You'd be perfect for the project.

Diane: Oh. (Chuckles) Here I thought you were making a wry jest based on our colorful past. But you really do want to give me a job and stick me on the other side of the planet.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Diane: Is it really that scary, Victor, to be in the same city with me?

Victor: It would serve you well to accept the job

Diane: But Japan can be so cold and sterile...

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Diane: And Genoa City is so warm and comfortable, the way a home should be.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Diane: And, of course, it's the obvious choice for Kyle.

Victor: You don't give a damn about your son nor his father. You're interested in Diane Jenkins.

Diane: Happy mommy, happy child.

Victor: (Chuckles)

Diane: How could I resist Tucker's offer?

Victor: Mm-hmm. You accept that offer, and you will regret that decision.

Phyllis: Uh, you don't-- no, I-I want the old paper to stay far, far away. I--becau-- I don't know why. Because-- because it gave me a paper cut, because I think that it should be shredded and recycled and turned into diapers so I don't have to deal with Diane Jenkins ever again. (Sighs) What? Uh, no, I just-- I got distracted. I was just reading something right here. I just, um, um... um, you know what? Forget about the paper sample. (Slams down receiver) (Whispering) Losing my mind. Losing my mind. Losing my mind.

Adam: They're staring, aren't they? Well, I've become, like, the "Restless Style" mascot by now, so I'm looking for Phyllis. I think she's doing a piece on a hedge fund.

Phyllis: Um, Adam? Hey, listen, if you're interested to know if we're doing a story on you, just you don't have to ask her. Just ask me to my face.

Adam: Okay, Phyllis, are you doing a story on me?

Phyllis: Silly! (Laughs) You're so silly! You know I can't tell you that.

Jack: So what exactly did your mother say?

Kyle: That I'd make new friends and you and I would hang out.

Jack: And we'd have more time together?

Kyle: That would be good.

Jack: No, that would be... awesome.... for me. How about you? I mean, you wouldn't hurt my feelings if you told me you're not too crazy about this. I mean, it--moving is rough.

Kyle: Yeah, kind of.

(Footsteps approach)

Jack: Well--

Skye: Sorry to interrupt.

Jack: Oh, um, Kyle, this is Mrs. Newman. Skye, this is my son Kyle.

Skye: Oh, nice to meet you, Kyle. Do you mind if I borrow your dad?

Jack: Uh, I'll be right back. There's Jamie right now.

Skye: A son... you never mentioned.

Jack: Yeah, his mother and I have never exactly seen eye to eye. I suck it up for his sake.

Skye: Oh, which is the mature thing to do. Meanwhile, Adam doesn't want me to take your check because he doesn't trust you.

Jack: He, what? He’s an egomaniac. He's mood... (Sighs) I am not in the habit of asking people to take my money twice.

Skye: (Chuckles)

Jack: Now what is going on here?

Skye: (Sighs)

Jack: Adam says this is about trust? You can bet the farm this is about jealousy, because that check represents my faith in you, not in him, and he doesn't like that. What you have can't be taught. I like watching you work. I like making money with you. Yes, I have snooped around your computer a couple times to make sure the fund is okay. It's more than okay. I'm doing great by the fund. So are you. And if Adam can just get out of his own way, we can do even better.

Skye: Don't worry. I'll make him see the light.

Jack: Victor, its Jack. Uh, listen, I think I just got through to Skye, but I think we're running out of time with Adam.

Adam: Last night, you, uh... (Snaps fingers) Suddenly had the hots for me, and Jack was snooping around my computer. So you wee obviously stalling me so that he could dig something up on me for another article, is that it?

Phyllis: No. Maybe I find you irresistible. (Shudders) I can't even make that work. (Laughs) I'll try again.

Adam: (Pops lips) Phyllis...

Phyllis: Hmm?

Adam: What are you after?

Phyllis: What are you hiding?

Adam: What's your newest plan to take me down, Phyllis?

Victor: How did the other investors react?

Jack: Well, none of them offered any additional capital, but I think I managed to squash a few jitters.

Victor: Look, I understand Phyllis' desire to destroy Adam. I really do. But she has got to stop this, okay? She has got to stop interfering, because otherwise, she'll muck it up. We want to destroy that fund.

Jack: I don't think Phyllis has any more articles in mind.

Victor: Phyllis has got to stay away from Adam. You tell her, or I will.

Tucker: Welcome aboard. We're lucky to have you.

Diane: Thank you. I have a feeling that McCall, Unlimited, and I will suit each other very well.

Tucker: Good. I hope your, uh, son takes the news in stride.

Diane: Yes, well, he'll make some noise about leaving his friends and leaving his school. But then he'll realize this is a wonderful opportunity for both of us.

Tucker: You know, uh, would like to tie this up today. Could you come back to the office, and, uh, we could talk hard numbers? I'll show you the specs on the first project you'll be heading.

Diane: Perfect. I'll just swing by the club and get my briefcase. I took a cab here.

Tucker: I'll be happy to drive you.

Diane: Great. Well, thank you so much. I'll take you up on that.

Tucker: So... how's it feel coming back to your old stomping grounds?

Diane: Well, I'm sure my return will piss a lot of people off. So to answer your question, it feels fantastic. (Chuckles)

J.T.: All right, show me what you got, Pal. Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Mac: Nice move!

J.T.: Yeah, stay on the sidewalk, all right? (Sighs)

Mac: Reed is so psyched about those tickets.

J.T.: (Chuckles) Are you psyched about your engagement ring?

Mac: It's beautiful.

J.T.: Well, I knew I couldn't go the, uh, "Dinner, flowers, violin" route with you. You know, this is us. We're...

Mac: (Sighs)

J.T.: We're already a growing family.

Mac: Shh.

J.T.: No, -I know. H-he's too young to hear this.

Mac: (Sighs)

J.T.: But look, we got a new mister or a miss on the way. I just want to make it official. You know, but look, if you, uh, you want me to put this in the tiramisu, I can probably still arrange that.

Mac: (Laughs) No, you're right. This is perfect, just us being us. I've been engaged and married, sort of, and both times, I felt like I was chasing something or running away from something, and I don't feel that way with you. And--and maybe it's because of the baby, or because we've known each other since high school, or I just-- I know that I can count on you. (Sighs) But I don't want to be anywhere other than where I am right now with you. I love you more than a wedding and a marriage license.

J.T.: Okay... (Sighs) Uh, I, uh, I'm not sure, but I-I think you just turned me down.

Mac: Are you mad?

J.T.: Do you love me?

Mac: I do.

J.T.: Gonna be with me forever?

Mac: Longer if I can figure out how.

J.T.: Well, that's pretty much all I'm looking for.

(Wind howling, thunder crashing)

Lily: How can they sleep through this? I'm a wreck.

Cane: The cottage is built well. We'll be fine.

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: (Clicks flashlight)

Lily: What's wrong? (Gasps) (Sighs) Oh, God. (Sighs)

Cane: It's all right. The lanterns work, and the flashlight works. We'll be okay.

Lily: (Screams)

Cane: What? What? What?

Lily: Oh, my God! (Breathing heavily) Oh! There's a man looking at me through the window! Okay, call the police. Oh, my gosh. And I barely have a signal. Damn it! Oh, God.

Cane: You keep trying. I'm gonna go outside.

Lily: No, Cane. Do not go out there.

Cane: Stay with the kids. I'll be back.

Lily: No. (Breathing heavily) (Wind howling)

Cane: (Grunts) (Grunts)

Man: I'm here to collect your debt, Mate.

Cane: (Grunts)

Man: (Grunts)

Lily: Oh, my gosh. Cane, where are you? (Wind roaring)

Lily: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Okay. Okay. (Breathing heavily) All right, we're gonna get under the table, okay? And it's gonna be all right, okay? Okay. Oh, my gosh. Okay, come here. It's all right. Okay. Okay. Okay. (Sniffles) Oh.

Man: (Grunts)

Cane: (Grunts)

Man: (Grunting) (Breathing heavily)

Cane: (Grunts)

Man: (Grunting)

Cane: Get up!

Man: (Moaning) (Grunts) (Breathing heavily, moaning) (Groaning) (Grunts) (Breathing heavily) (Moans) (Thud)

Man: (Breathing heavily) (Wind roaring)

Cane: (Grunts)

Cane: (Grunting)

Cane: (Grunts) (Breathing heavily) (Sniffs) (Breathing heavily)

Cane: (Breathing heavily)

Man: (Laughs)

Cane: (Sniffs)

Man: (Laughing) (Groans) (Moaning)

Cane: You know what?

Man: Hmm?

Cane: My wife is alone...

Man: (Moaning)

Cane: With two babies right now, and nothing's gonna happen to them.

Man: (Gasping)

Cane: So this, my friend...

Man: (Moaning)

Cane: Is gonna end right now...

Man: (Breathing heavily)

Cane: All right?

Man: (Scoffs) (Moans) (Breathing heavily)

Man: (Moans)

Phyllis: Ooh. Wow, you're still here. You really don't know when to go away. It's like I'm Sharon. Ugh! Really, I feel like Sharon. Now I know how she feels.

Adam: (Laughs) You want to get rid of me, Phyllis? Tell me what you're gonna throw at me and the fund?

Phyllis: (Sighs) Look at you. You know, I really want to know what you're hiding. I really do.

Adam: Why don't you try it, Phyllis? Try it, please. I've had just about enough of overbearing women in my life, trying to run it or ruin it. So please, pretty, petty please, Phyllis, try it. I will take you down so hard and so fast, that I will reduce your pathetic excuse of a life to nothing.

Victor: Did you just threaten her?

Adam: (Sighs)

Jack: I didn't even know my phone played this game.

Kyle: Yeah, it's a cool phone. It can, like, do tons of stuff.

Diane: Kyle?

Kyle: Hi, Mom.

Diane: Hello. Uh, wh-where's the sitter?

Jack: Jamie's finishing a phone call. Kyle was just telling me about the news you neglected to mention-- your decision to stay in Genoa City?

Diane: Oh, well, it was just a fleeting thought when I mentioned it to Kyle. But then kismet kicked in. Kyle, I would like for you to meet Mr. Tucker McCall, my new boss.

Tucker: Good to meet you, Kyle.

Adam: Whatever I said, or didn't say, that's between Phyllis and me.

Victor: I'll take you down hard and fast.

Adam: The woman is feral, Dad. So I defend myself, and that's a threat?

Phyllis: Listen, it sounded like a threat to me. I'm the potential victim.

Adam: You insist on feeling threatened? Fine. Be threatened. Be threatened by the fact that I hit the jackpot with no signs of stopping. Be threatened by the fact that you've all thrown punches, lawsuits, slash-and-burn articles, and I'm still here. Hell, I'm better than here. I'm huge. And you, um, nice magazine. Kudos, Phyllis, really.

Adam: (Inhales deeply) (Sighs heavily) And, Dad, there's not enough time in my day to say everything I want to say to you. But you did come up in the investors' meeting today. It seems as though I might be passing you on the finance 100 list. I'll be sure and wave to you on my way up.

Victor: That's really very grand of you. I guess we have to wait and see, won't we?

J.T.: Hey, no video games at the dinner table, missy.

Mac: I am just checking the weather report 'cause it seemed iffy, and I'm wondering if we shouldn't get takeout instead. Wait. There's a tornado warning. (Gasps) A tornado touched down where Cane and Lily are staying. The babies.

J.T.: You know what? Hey, look, hold on. Just relax. Let me see if I can get a hold of 'em, okay?

(Tornado roaring)

Lily: (Screams)

Charlie and Matilda: (Crying)

Lily: (Whimpering) Oh, God. (Breathing heavily) Oh, my God. Everything's gonna be okay, okay? Mommy's gonna get help, all right? (Breathing rapidly) Oh, God. Oh, my God.

(Cell phone rings)

Lily: Hello?

Charlie and Matilda: (Crying)

Lily: J.T., I cannot find Cane. The tornado's right on us, and he's out there in the middle of it. I don't know where he is.

Charlie and Matilda: (Crying)

Cane: (Grunts) (Sighs) (Sniffs) (Breathing rapidly)

Man: (Laughs)

Cane: Now after this is over, I'm gonna haul your ass off to jail.

Man: (Laughs) Actually, no, Mate. You'll untie me and let me go.

Cane: Oh, really? Is that what I'm gonna do?

Man: Yeah.

Cane: No.

Man: Yeah.

Cane: I don't think so.

Man: (Grunts, groans)

Cane: 'Cause you stalked and you terrified my wife, okay?

Man: (Laughs)

Cane: (Sighs)

Man: She'll find out about you, Ashby. You hand me in to the cops, it won't be long until she knows the truth about her husband, the hero. That crime ring you ratted out? They were your mates, your crew. And you squealed on them to save your own skin. (Wheezes) But the truth is about to huff and puff and blow your house down. (Breathing heavily)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Tucker: I guess it's just the two of us.

Diane: I guess it is.

Nick: I need to know that Sharon and Faith are okay.

Phyllis: Of course you do.

Adam: We've gotta get out of the car right now.

Sharon: No, not in this wind!

Adam: We have to get out of the car now!

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