Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/12/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 10/12/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 10/13/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9504 ~ Victor's Suspicions

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Victor: Call them back and tell them that I'll deal with it, okay? All right, thank you.

Meggie: I rounded up all the empties I could find.

Victor: When did you first notice that these bottles were disappearing?

Meggie: A couple of weeks ago.

Victor: Did you talk to someone about this?

Meggie: Well, when I first realized what was going on, I went to Nikki. But she said it wasn't a problem and not to worry, but she's been so distracted lately, that I decided to-- to go to you anyway.

Victor: All right, thank you. You can go now, Meggie.

Meggie: If I overstepped--

Victor: No, I have some business calls to make, all right? Kindly excuse yourself. Thank you.

Meggie: O-of course.

Victor: Where the hell are you, Nikki?

Nikki: (Sighs)

(Cell phone ringing)

(Faucet turns on and off)

Nikki: (Sighs)

Deacon: Was that your phone again? I thought I heard it from the bathroom. (Swallows liquid) Are you okay?

Gloria: You know, I like to valet-park the classiest cars right out in front so everyone can see them. That's why I'm putting you at table number one because you strike me as a classy kind of guy. (Chuckles)

Man: I'm just here to see Mr. Bardwell. He around?

Gloria: Mr. Bardwell, huh? What do you want with Jeffrey?

Man: Just some business.

Gloria: What kind of business?

Jeff: Um, Deacon's M.I.A. You mind refilling the olives?

Gloria: After you introduce me to your very charming friend.

Jeff: Maybe a little later.

Gloria: Why not now?

Jeff: (Sighs)

Gloria: Fine. But next time, you and I are having a drink together.

Man: I'll look forward to it.

Man: You're late with the drop this week. I've been texting Kevin, but he isn't answering.

Jeff: Yeah, that's my fault. I've been waiting to collect one more bet. Then we'll be in touch.

Man: You'll be in touch. That's cute. Have to remember that one.

Jeff: (Chuckles) Look, Hogan--

Hogan: Look, last week, you were a little short. I expect you to make that up with interest.

Jeff: Yeah, I-it'll all be there.

Hogan: It'll all be there tonight.

Jeff: Yeah, you got it. No worries.

Kevin: What?

Jeff: You gotta make that drop, or we're both in big trouble.

Kevin: I can’t. I'm on a date.

Jeff: Hmm, well, if you ever want to go on another one, you'll get Hogan his money. Leave your cell on. I'll text you the details.

Kevin: Later. You didn't have to pause the movie for me.

Alison: Oh, well, you were really into it, so...

Kevin: Well, I've also seen it, like, 50 times.


(Tires screeching)

Alison: (Gasps)

Kevin: (Laughs) Its okay.

Alison: (Chuckles) Oh. (Key turns in lock)

Chloe: Hi. Oh, hi. Sorry. Uh, I'll come back. I'll just come back.

Kevin: Uh, no, no, no. It's, uh, it's cool. You can, uh, stay. Watch the movie with us.

Alison: Yeah.

Chloe: Yeah. Okay.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Diane: Hi.

Tucker: Hey.

Diane: I'm sorry for running out on you like that. I just wanted to be sure everything's okay with my son and the sitter.

Tucker: Oh, I don't mind. I'm waitin' for someone anyway.

Diane: Okay. So... but before I left...

Tucker: Oh, you were tellin' me about your recent work.

Diane: Well, I helped start the firm that I'm with now in Toronto.

Tucker: Residential or commercial?

Diane: Mm, we specialize in skyscrapers, but I've been involved in all sorts of projects.

Tucker: Anything I'd recognize?

Diane: How about Ladderton Tower in New York?

Tucker: That was yours? I love that building.

Diane: (Chuckles)

Tucker: It's, uh, well, it's very Frank Gehry, isn't it?

Diane: Yeah. The team had a-a great energy. I'm very proud of what we were able to accomplish.

Tucker: You know, I'm just curious. How did you go from being a lipstick model to a successful architect?

Diane: (Laughs) Well, uh, I guess the short answer is, I grew up a lot. Having a child does that.

Tucker: Do you have a picture?

Diane: Of course. Let's see. Ah, there he is.

Tucker: Oh. Handsome boy.

Diane: (Laughs)

Tucker: What's his name?

Diane: Kyle. He's 11. It's really the reason I've come back-- so he can spend some time with his father.

Jack: Well, I'm very glad we could have this quality time after you dropped Summer off at Nick’s.

Phyllis: Yeah, quality time is not you checking your stocks. Yeah.

Jack: Believe me, it will be worth it when I bring Adam down in flames.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Can you--can you put that down? Thanks. Speaking of which, how soon until you and Victor make your move?

Jack: It has to be timed perfectly.

Phyllis: You know I want to help in any way I can.

Jack: Well, that may not be necessary. See this? Don't ask me where I got this little puppy, but this is going to make Adam wish he was still dead.

Skye: Why aren't you ready?

Adam: You go out. I'm happy right here.

Skye: We have to be seen, Adam. Hopefully, someplace a bit ritzier than the hog pen at the harvest festival.

Adam: I stood up, made a speech, gave away some money, held your hand. What else am I supposed to do?

Skye: Please, Baby? For me? Just for a while. Then we can come back here, and I'll, uh, take good care of you...

Adam: What part...

Skye: Just like the other night.

Adam: Of "Not interested" don't you understand, Skye?

Skye: Wait, I-I thought we were over the whole noble "Wait for Sharon till the end of time" bit. You know, you're pathetic. Yeah, that's right. Get out. Go to Sharon. Get rejected. See how it feels.

Diane: So do-- do you have family here, too?

Tucker: Such as it is.

Diane: Yes. Yes. Because I read in-- in "Restless Style" that you are Katherine Chancellor's illegitimate s-- son. I'm so sorry. That's not how I meant that...

Tucker: No, it's all right.

Diane: To come out.

Tucker: Well, it's an accurate statement. We're not close. (Sighs) Her husband's in the hospital right now.

Diane: I'm so sorry to hear that.

Tucker: Yeah.

Ashley: Hi, Diane. I heard you were back in town.

Diane: And here I am. Hello, Ashley.

Tucker: You two know each other?

Ashley: Oh, yeah.

Diane: Quite well, in fact.

Phyllis: Once you connect that up with Skye's computer...

Jack: It will transmit to us in real time every trade made by the Newman fund. We will know exactly what stocks to bet against, and we will know the optimal time to pull the plug. We'll contact all the other investors, get them to follow suit...

Phyllis: This is great. This is great!

Jack: And the money will flood out of the fund.

Phyllis: It'll fall like dominoes, ultimately wiping them out.

Jack: Yeah, all I have to do is figure out how to get into their room, get this in their computer, and the fun begins.

Phyllis: Oh, look at this. No time like the present.

Jack: Shall we?

Phyllis: Let's go.

Jack: Junior, you're not drinkin' alone again, are you?

Phyllis: That's not a good sign.

Adam: Your concern is touching.

Jack: Gee, where's the little missus?

Adam: She's out of town. I'm surprised you didn't already know about that, considering how tight the two of you are.

Jack: Well, I guess I'll have to find another way to amuse myself.

Adam: You do that, Jack.

Jack: Come on.

Adam: (Sighs)

Jack: Hey, if she's out of town, he's here, I think we've got the beginnings of a plan.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Jack: What was that for?

Phyllis: Find a way to entertain myself? Are you kidding me, Jack? Are you kidding me?! Why don't you hook up with that little whore?

Jack: Come on, Phyllis.

Phyllis: You go to hell!

Jack: Look, if this is the way you talked to Nicholas--

Phyllis: Oh, if you finish that sentence-- if you finish that sentence, you will be sorry.

Jack: Oh, I'm already sorry-- sorry we ever got hooked up again.

Phyllis: Oh, I bet you are. That's right! That's right. (Sighs)

(Movie music playing)

Alison: (Chuckles) (Whispering) She won't leave.

Chloe: Okay, you guys want some hot chocolate? I think I could use some hot chocolate.

Kevin: Uh, no, I'm good.

Alison: I'm good.

(Cell phone buzzes)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Alison: Who keeps texting you?

Kevin: Uh, it's nobody. I'll take care of it later.

Alison: Okay.

(Music intensifies)

Chloe: Oh, this is the big one.

Kevin: It's so good! So good. That ending is amazing. What'd you think?

Chloe: (Sighs) I think it's kinda gory.

Kevin: Hey, you like gore. What do you say? You guys want to watch another one?

Alison: I wish I could, but I gotta work in the morning.

Kevin: Oh. That is a bummer.

Alison: Yeah.

Kevin: I'll walk you out.

Alison: So... okay.

Kevin: This is yours.

Alison: Thank you, Sir.

Kevin: Okay.

Alison: Tonight was fun.

Kevin: Yeah, it sure was. Want to do it again soon?

Alison: Yeah.

Kevin: Good night.

Chloe: (Whispers) Okay.

Alison: Thanks.

Kevin: Good night.

Alison: See ya.

Kevin: Bye. (Sighs) (Clears throat) So what do you say, "Sparkles"? "Goodfellas" or "Heat"?

Nikki: Where are we? (Sighs) Why'd you bring me to this dump?

Deacon: First rule of bartending-- don't get loaded where you work. (Sighs)

Nikki: This is where you live?

Deacon: The plumbing works. There's heat. The neighbors mind their own business. What else could a drunk ask for?

Nikki: (Sighs) Oh, my God. How did I get to this place again? (Sighs) Oh, my life is a mess. I'm a mess.

Deacon: Hey.

Nikki: If Victor saw me like this, he would not marry me.

Deacon: Okay, uh, you-- you want to call your sponsor?

(Cell phone rings)

Deacon: Here, let me get that for you.

Nikki: (Sighs) (Ring)

Deacon: Here.

Nikki: Oh, God, it's him.


Nikki: I-I-I-I-- I can't talk to Victor right now. I can’t. I can’t.

Deacon: Just-- just turn it off.

Deacon: (Sighs) (Scoffs)

Nikki: What are you lookin' at?

Deacon: It's, um, it's my 30-day chip. (Scoffs) I have earned this thing and lost it so many times.

Nikki: What's the longest you've been sober?

Deacon: Three years, 8 months and 17 days.

Nikki: (Sighs) I was sober for 17 years. I was so proud of that. Why'd you relapse?

Deacon: (Scoffs) 'Cause my life is crap. Yeah. See, this--this is not how it was supposed to be. I was--I was gonna have money and a wife and kids. And, um, a job where people would actually look up to me. What have I got instead? I got a felony record. I got a crummy minimum-wage job where I'm surrounded by bottles of booze all day long. I can't see my kid, my son, because I'm on parole. I haven't seen him in a year. I got a daughter, too. I got a little girl. Only she's not little anymore. She's all grown up, and I doubt if she even thinks about me.

Nikki: I feel like I've failed my family so many times, especially my kids. And they don't hesitate to remind me when I've screwed up.

Deacon: Yeah, well, this just sure seems to take all the pain away, doesn't it?

Nikki: Yeah, it does, for a little while, anyway.

Deacon: Yeah.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Nikki: (Inhales deeply) (Sighs)

Tucker: Of course you and Diane know each other from Jabot back in the day.

Diane: Amongst other things. Hello.

Tucker: Hi.

Diane: Oh. Oh, y-you two are an item. How long have you been dating?

Tucker: Uh, I think it's been about--

Ashley: You know, a while. So how long you gonna be in town for, Diane?

Diane: You know, a while.

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Diane: But there are so many new, interesting people here now, I may prolong my stay.

Ashley: Lucky us.

Diane: I was just telling Tucker that I've come back to town so Kyle can spend some more time with his dad.

Ashley: Yeah, I spoke with Jack. He's thrilled.

Tucker: So Jack is Kyle's father.

Ashley: Yep.

Diane: Small world.

Ashley: Not really, not when you consider how little Jack has seen of his son ever since you took Kyle and moved away.

Tucker: You mean to Canada?

Diane: As you can see, Tucker and I have had a chance to get to know each other a little.

(Electronic lock beeps)

Phyllis: (Sighs) Don't close that out yet.

Adam: What are you, uh, suggesting? I buy a drink for someone who hates me?

Phyllis: We're two people in a bar, Adam. It doesn't have to be black-and-white.

Adam: (Sighs) Why don't you tell that to Jack? Oh, wait, you can’t. You're already on the outs with him. That was quick. (Snaps fingers)

Phyllis: Sort of like you and Skye. (Whispering) Listen, if you ask me, I think she's kind of a bitch.

Adam: But I didn't ask you. And I'm sure wherever Jack is, he thinks the very same thing about you, Phyllis.

Phyllis: (Normal voice) Adam, um, you know that little argument that you had with Skye at the harvest festival? What was that about?

Adam: I'm not interested in being your next cover story.

Phyllis: What if I let you tell your story like Jill did?

Adam: (Sets glass down) I don't know what your game is, Phyllis... (Lays down money) But I'm already bored with it. (Slams hand on bar top) Thanks. Good night.

Phyllis: Okay, good night.

Phyllis: "Adam is on his way. Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up."

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Jack: Oh, believe me, I'm trying. I just gotta figure the access code here. "Poker." "Access denied." "Gamble." (Sighs) "Access denied." Let's try--

Skye: "ripsy," all lowercase. That's the salon where I get my nails done.

Meggie: I’ll be out for the rest of the evening.

Victor: All right.

Meggie: Uh, I'm sorry about bringing the issue of the liquor bottles to you. I just, um...

Victor: That's all right. Um, just you being here and helping Nikki take some load off her shoulders, that's a big help, all right?

Meggie: Well, you've been so great letting me stay here and get back on my feet. I owe ya, Victor.

Victor: Um, Meggie, before you go, you said that Nikki was doing some errands. Where did she go? Do you have any idea?

Meggie: No, but...

Victor: But what?

Meggie: Well, sometimes when she's in town, she stops by Gloworm to visit friends.

Victor: Gloworm? What friends?

Meggie: Well, she's asked me to stop by there a couple of times with papers, but that's all I really know. I-I'll see you in the morning.

Victor: All right.

Victor: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: (Sighs) God, not now, not right now. What the hell am I gonna do? (Sighs)

Deacon: All right, look, I'll call you a cab. You know, once-- once you're home, you'll be fine. Nikki, you can do this.

Nikki: (Sighs) I cannot believe that I am here again. The--the lying and the sneaking around. I swore I would never put myself through this again.

Deacon: Okay. All right. All right, listen. You know what we're gonna do? We're gonna make a pact, all right? Tonight, that's it. We pour the booze out. No more slipups. Come on. Come on. Let's pour it out.

Nikki: (Sets down glass and bottle)

Deacon: Good. Now we gotta promise that we'll be there for each other, 'cause nobody else understands but us.

Jack: Several of the investors that I've brought on board were having second thoughts after the "Restless Style" article came out. I promised them I'd find out all I could about how and where the fund was invested.

Skye: Then why didn't you just ask me to show you our positions? Voilà. Here they are. See? You want to hire an accountant to audit our books?

Jack: No.

Skye: Then why sneak in here and try and break into my computer?

Jack: You're right. I'm sorry. I-I-I was over the line.

Skye: Now come on, Jack. Why are you really here? Don't tell me you're tired of Phyllis already.

Jack: Phyllis and I have a few things to work out still.

Skye: Ah. Well, that is the beautiful thing about us. We don't have to work out anything. It's just red... hot... sex.

Phyllis: Adam, wait. Wait, wait, wait, wait. (Sighs)

Adam: So you're following me now, Phyllis?

Phyllis: (Sighs) No. No, I'm not. When you first came to town, you made it very clear-- very clear that you were attracted to me. Remember? But I was your sister-in-law, and I'm not your sister-in-law anymore.

Adam: Hmm. You spent the last year, Phyllis, trying to bury me.

Phyllis: Mm-hmm.

Adam: And now I'm supposed to believe you want to get in my pants?

Phyllis: Oh, yeah.

Diane: I need to be going. Thanks again for the drink.

Tucker: Sure.

Phyllis: I know what gets to you--Sharon. And I know what Sharon-- and I know what gets to her-- Nick. And you know what would get to Nick? You and me having a really good time in my penthouse.

Diane: Phyllis. You've been holding out on me. Who's your attractive friend? I-I'm Diane Jenkins.

Adam: Adam Newman.

Diane: Well, of course you are. I-I should have recognized you from all the press.

Adam: I've heard, uh, a lot about you, as well.

Diane: I'm sure you have. Hmm, we're both notorious, aren't we? Victor's black sheep. We should get together someday and compare notes.

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. You should do that. You should definitely do it. Now run along.

Diane: I'm thrilled to see that you and Jack are not exclusive.

Phyllis: No, absolutely not. Never said we were.

Diane: Well, if you see him, tell him that Kyle had a wonderful time, and that he can't wait to see his daddy again.

Adam: Where were we? Let's talk about...

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Adam: This fun we're proposing.

Phyllis: Oh, talk? You are out of practice.

Adam: Well, I have a very big, very nice bed upstairs.

Phyllis: Mm, I have a very nice penthouse. It's across town. There are no reminders of Skye. Come on. Let's go.

Adam: Oh, no, no, no, no.

Phyllis: Oh.

Adam: If that's all it is, let's just get a room upstairs, a different one. Why go clear across town, Phyllis?

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Adam: Hmm? (Whispers) I knew you were full of it.

Phyllis: (Whispering) Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack. (Sighs)

(Cell phone buzzes)

Jack: Um, my phone's ringing.

Skye: Mm, too bad for them.

Jack: This could be important.

Skye: Mnh-mnh.

Jeff: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. You just now getting back? What do you think this is? A freelance gig? Come and go whenever you please?

Deacon: Look, I didn't mean to be gone so long. I was--I was helping a friend.

Jeff: I set the hours around here. You got that?

Deacon: You're the boss.

Gloria: It's been slow tonight, Jeffrey. No harm done.

Victor: Hello, hello.

Gloria: Oh, Victor. How nice to see you.

Victor: How do you do?

Gloria: How do you do? Table for one, or are you meeting someone this evening?

Victor: No, I'm looking for Nikki. Have any of you seen her?

Gloria: Uh, no, but Jeffrey and I just got here. Deacon's been around.

Victor: Did you see her?

Deacon: Um, yeah, but she left some time ago.

Victor: Oh. Was she with anyone?

Deacon: No one that I saw.

Victor: Did you serve her?

Deacon: I did, yes. Uh, club soda and lime. It's what she always drinks.

Victor: All right. If you happen to see her, kindly give me a call, okay?

Gloria: Of course. Hope you find her.

Diane: Victor. Ah, twice in one night.

Victor: Ain't that something?

Diane: What's Victor's problem?

Deacon: Well, apparently, his fiancée is missing.

Phyllis: Adam! Adam, Adam, Adam,

Skye: Aah!

Jack: Oh, my--

Phyllis: No, I--

Skye: (Laughs)

Deacon: There you go.

Diane: Thank you.

Deacon: You know, I couldn't help but notice a little earlier that you and Nikki had quite a conversation.

Diane: You think I'm going to sit here and gossip with a stranger who pours drinks for a living?

Deacon: I'm sorry. You're--you're right. Um, my name's Deacon Sharpe. Now we're not strangers. I-I just noticed that the two of you don't like each other very much.

Diane: What's your angle, Deacon Sharpe?

Deacon: (Laughs)

Diane: Why are you so interested in Nikki Newman?

Deacon: I-I'm not. I just noticed that she's been here a lot lately.

Jeff: (Groans)

Gloria: Jeffery.

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Gloria: You shouldn't have.

Jeff: I shouldn't have what, "Buttercup"?

Gloria: (Chuckles) Spent the profits buying me more fabulous gifts.

Jeff: (Scoffs) Man, I just can't get anything by you, can I?

Gloria: Yeah, yeah. So what is it this time? Hmm? More jewelry?

Jeff: Oh, it's-- it's for later, much later. Um... (Chuckles) A very special surprise.

Gloria: Mm... you're a very naughty boy.

Jeff: (Sighs)

Gloria: Two gifts in one week.

Jeff: (Chuckles)

Gloria: I guess you love me a lot, huh?

Jeff: Mm.

Gloria: Can't wait to see it.

Jeff: (Quietly) I gotta stop usin' Fenmore’s bags.

Chloe: So you and Alison are really, really cute together.

Kevin: Yeah, things with Alison are goin' pretty well.

(Cell phone buzzes)

Chloe: What is going on with you and your phone lately?

Kevin: Huh?

Chloe: Oh, I don't know. It's going off every five seconds for, uh, at Daniel’s art show, and now. It's like your phone is like a bumblebee in heat.

Kevin: I told you, it's just texts from girls. (Clears throat)

Chloe: (Clears throat)

Kevin: You want to watch that movie, or what?

Chloe: I just don't understand why you're acting like this. 'Cause, you know, you're not, like, a little man whore. It's not like you.

Kevin: All right, no movie. Whatever.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chloe: (Thinking) Numbers are all blocked. What's that about? "Package is all wrapped up for Christmas. Need you bad." (Giggles) She probably wants to show off her little thong. (Thinking) "Where are you? And I need one of those fancy nighties from Fenmore’s A.S.A.P." Whoa, pretty greedy, Lady. (Thinking) "I think you have a gift for me. Let's get together. 555-1212." What? (Whispers) That's weird. (Puts cell phone down) (Normal voice) Are you leaving? Where are you going?

Kevin: I'm going out.

Hogan: Hello? Who's there? Kevin, is that you?

Chloe: No. Weird.

Chloe: (Clears throat) Hi.

Kevin: Forgot my phone.

Chloe: Oh, yeah.

(Front door closes)

Nikki: Hey.

Victor: Where the hell have you been? Didn't you get my messages?

Nikki: Oh, no, I-I di-- I've been having such trouble with my phone. I was just gonna call you.

Victor: What were you doing?

Nikki: Just running errands.

Victor: What errands?

Nikki: (Chuckles) Victor, for heaven's sake.

Victor: No, just answer my question. What errands?

Nikki: Why are you interrogating me? What is it that you think I've done?

Victor: Were you drinking?

Skye: (Sighs)

Adam: So much for being a power couple. Were you carrying on like that downstairs, as well?

Skye: Oh, don't be ridiculous. I caught Jack up here snooping, trying to log on to my computer.

Adam: What?

Skye: Yeah, he claimed he was checking on his investments.

Adam: So I can't imagine it's just a disgusting coincidence that Phyllis was all over me, too.

Skye: Oh, she'd rather have bubonic plague.

Adam: Wouldn't that be nice? No, they're up to something, both of them. I just wonder what it could be.

Phyllis: Hey, selfless of you throwing yourself on that particular grenade.

Jack: Well, and what about you? That was one hell of a kiss you gave junior.

Phyllis: Oh, God, I have to wash my mouth out with lye. I'm a team player. Anything to get Adam not to find you. (Chuckles)

Jack: Mm. Wow, the things we do for love.

Phyllis: That's right. So tell me, did you get the dongle installed?

Jack: Yes, I did.

Phyllis: Oh, good.

Jack: And now Victor and I have to wait for the right moment to strike.

Nikki: You did not just ask me that.

Victor: Just answer my question. Have you been drinking?

Nikki: No, I have not. Where would you get that idea?

Victor: Just... you've had a lot on--on your mind lately. I thought that turning to the bottle is sort of a natural thing to do.

Nikki: Well, no. No. I have not done that. You believe me, don't you?

Victor: It hasn't even crossed your mind once?

Nikki: What, crawling inside a liquor bottle to just blot out all of my problems? Yes, of course it's crossed my mind. I'd be a liar to say that it hasn’t. But I'm not about to throw my sobriety out the window every time I have a craving.

Victor: So you admit that you had cravings?

Nikki: Victor, I am an alcoholic. One day at a time-- it's always gonna be that way. That's why I still go to the meetings. Now do you care to tell me why you think I've been out on a bender? Or shall we change the subject to something more pleasant?

Victor: To what?

Nikki: Well, I've been thinking about our plans to elope. I can't wait to be your wife again. How soon can we go?

Victor: (Sighs) Let's hold off on that for a while, okay?

Nikki: Why?

Victor: Just too many things going on, you know. I mean, too many things... I mean, Victoria's marriage, and, you know, Murphy in the hospital, and then the damn lawsuit--

Nikki: Oh, but, Victor, we'd only be gone a day or two, and with all this chaos that's been swirling around us, we really need this.

Victor: Now let's just not dis--let's not discuss this right now, Sweetheart. Let's talk about it later, okay? Anyway, I'm glad you're home sound and safe.

Nikki: (Whispers) Oh, my God.

(Cell phone rings) (Ring) (Ring)

Nikki: I can't talk now.

Deacon: I just wanted to make sure that you got home okay. Nikki?

Nikki: My life is falling apart, okay? I can't talk right now.

Deacon: Well, look, tonight definitely was not a great night, but, hey, you know, we-- we poured the booze out. We made a pact, right? From here on out, you and I, we're there for each other. You can trust me, Nikki. You can lean on me as much as you want.

Nikki: Okay. Thanks. (Sighs)

Meggie: (Chuckles)

Deacon: I'd say we're makin' progress.

Meggie: Yep.

Diane: Thanks again for watching Kyle.

Diane: So now that you've seen a little more of Genoa City, what do you think?

Kyle: It's great. Dad's got a cool house.

Diane: I'm glad, because I think it's time to find you a new school.

Kyle: What about my old school?

Diane: We're not going back to Toronto, Sweetie. Not right now. There are too many opportunities here for me to pass up. You and I are staying put.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lily: (Gasps) Aah!

Cane: What? What? What?

Lily: Oh, my God! There's a man looking at me through the window!

Tucker: Come to work for me.

Diane: Y-you want to hire me?

Jack: We want to take full advantage of your visit.

Kyle: It's not a visit. Mom says we're moving here now.

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