Y&R Transcript Friday 10/8/10 -- Canada; Monday 10/11/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9502 ~ Diane Returns to Genoa City
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Kay: I’m so glad the two of you dropped by. I really am, but, you know, things are quiet, so if you have anything you plan to do tonight--
(Monitor alarm beeping)
Kay: What? What? What? What? What happened? What's wrong?
Dr. Ananda: Give me an amp of Lidocaine stat.
Kay: (Stammers) Murphy, I'm-- I'm here. I'm here, Murphy.
Woman: Ma'am, you need to leave the room.
Kay: No, I don't need to do anything. That's my husband. I'm not going anywhere. Now what happened to him?
Dr. Ananda: We gotta stabilize him first. Then we can figure out what caused this.
Kay: Uh, Murphy, I-I'm here.
Dr. Ananda: Please, get her outside.
Woman: Let's go.
Kay: Billy, Victoria, please. I-I just want to stay.
Dr. Ananda: Get respiratory come on. Let's go, people. Let's go.
Meggie: One hassle down, one to go.
Victor: You don't really want to elope.
Nikki: Well, in a perfect world, we would have everybody around us that we love, but with Abby and Victoria refusing your settlement offer, there'll just be a lot of hurt feelings and having to choose sides, and...
Victor: Well, then I suggest we just postpone until things are calmer.
Nikki: (Sighs) Victor, who knows when that will be? I mean, I want to be your wife now.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: Maybe our wedding could be the beginning of rebuilding this family.
Victor: Well, Baby, if you want to elope, we will elope, the sooner, the better.
(Front door closes)
Victor: Okay?
Nikki: Okay.
Meggie: Oops. (Chuckles) Sorry. Meggie's bad timing strikes again.
Victor: Hello, Meggie.
Diane: Hello, Jack. Phyllis.
Phyllis: Diane.
Jack: Is Kyle okay?
Diane: He's perfect. I'm--I'm so sorry if I startled you.
Jack: Why are you here?
Diane: I-I just thought I'd say hello.
Jack: From Toronto?
Phyllis: Yeah, um, excuse me. Diane, they have phones in Toronto, so why don't you just go back there and--and call us instead?
Diane: It's surreal seeing the two of you together again. Like going back in time.
Phyllis: Yeah, and here you are in the way again. Some things never change. (Gags) Pardon me. My gag reflex is coming on me.
Diane: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Jack: Look, maybe this isn't the best time. Uh, why don't you give me a call in the morning, and we can talk about Kyle?
Diane: Ever since our visit, he's been talking about you. I thought I was doing pretty well at being both mom and dad. But you're his father. I am a poor substitute. So here I am for his sake.
Jack: Come on in.
Phyllis: Oh, whoa, whoa. Jack, what are you doing? Do you not watch TV? When the vampire comes to your door, you shut the door in their face. You don't invite them in. You get out your wooden stake.
Meggie: Sorry, I was trying to sneak by and not break up the moment. (Chuckles)
Victor: We appreciate that, Meggie.
Nikki: Actually, I was just gonna go find you. Victor and I have decided to elope right away, so we have a lot of work to do.
Meggie: That's so... romantic. But what about the whole fairy-tale thing you wanted?
Nikki: Oh, I know, but this'll be intimate. It'll be even more romantic. So we have a lot of planning to do, and I must go to the hospital and see Murphy later.
Meggie: Sure. Sure.
Victor: All right, you two better get going.
Nikki: Okay. All right.
Nikki: Mwah. I'll see you later.
Victor: Drive carefully.
Meggie: I'll drive.
(Door closes)
Victor: (Sighs)
(Cell phone buzzes)
Victor: Um, Darling, this is your father. Uh, this is not a call about the suit or the settlement offer. This is, um, about how all of that has affected your mother. I think we need to talk about that, all right?
Billy: (Quietly) Daddy in a snit 'cause you told him what's what?
Victoria: (Quietly) He's not the one that matters right now.
Billy: That's true. (Clears throat) Hey, you. Now look, they know what they're doing in there. You and Murphy are gonna be fishin' in no time.
Kay: I don't want to go fishing. God, that's so wet, smelly. Don't even get me started on baiting a hook.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Kay: But I-I-I would go every day, even twice, if Murphy would just open his eyes.
Billy: It'll be okay. It's gonna be okay. (Clears throat)
Kay: Uh, how--how-- how is he?
Dr. Ananda: Well, he's stable, but still unconscious. Um, you can see him now if you'd like.
Kay: Thank you.
Kay: Murphy.
Billy: What happened?
Dr. Ananda: Another heart attack, quite severe. And we think it probably caused another stroke.
Kay: Murphy. Dear, dear, Murphy.
Jack: I think a lot about Kyle, too. So how long are you two in town?
Diane: Probably not very long. But this trip is all about dad time, so you can see Kyle as much as you'd like.
Phyllis: Uh--
Diane: I know the two of you have a lot to catch up on.
Phyllis: There it is, right there. The S.
Diane: What's that?
Phyllis: You act all sad and wistful and hurt. Meanwhile, you're still using your son to yank Jack around.
Diane: I guess I can't get too indignant. I have made mistakes with Kyle and you. I'm hoping to make up for that.
Phyllis: Uh, I'm sorry. Diane, a mistake is, "Oh, shoot, I used salt instead of the sugar." That's a mistake. No, what you did is you hijacked your son to make Jack suffer. What you did. Maybe you forgot, but we haven’t.
Diane: Like I said, I've made a mistake and I am not great at mea culpa, so the best I can do is get out of the way and let Jack and Kyle find their way to one another.
Jack: I'd like that... a lot.
Deacon: Look who's feeling better.
Nikki: I want to thank you for helping me get home the other night. I'm afraid it was a terrible case of food poisoning.
Deacon: Food poi-- is--is that what the kids are callin' it these days? 'Cause we used to call it getting hammered or lit, plastered.
Nikki: You helped me. You did me a favor.
Deacon: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: So thank you again.
Deacon: Oh, uh, I forgot . Uh, what was--what was his name? Bre--Brett? Bill. Bill. He called. He said somethin um, a tenth step. When you're wrong, admit it.
Nikki: All right, it wasn't food poisoning. I was drunk.
Deacon: Saying it out loud sucks. But keeping it locked inside sucks worse. How'd you fall back in?
Nikki: (Sighs) I don't know why I'm talking to you. It...
Deacon: (Chuckles)
Nikki: It... it happened before that night. The urge just came out of the blue. I...
Deacon: Yeah.
Nikki: I... followed the program practices. I talked to a friend who's in the program. I went to A.A. meetings. I prayed.
Deacon: Yeah, that's—that’s the drill. It usually works for me.
Nikki: Yeah, me, too, usually. But this time, it was different. The urge was relentless. I mean, I-it was like I had already had a drink and I was waiting for more. I've been sober a long time, okay? I-I've, you know, had a few hiccups here and there, but nothing like this. I mean, this is completely different, and I have no idea why.
Deacon: Nikki, you're scared.
Nikki: I, uh, I am terrified. I mean, my life isn't perfect, but I am not about to watch it slip through my fingers for a shot of vodka.
Deacon: Okay, that's it. That’s it. You hang you fight. You pray. You talk to a friend. What about that friend of yours?
Nikki: She has other things to deal with.
Deacon: Um, well, maybe you're just gonna have to find somebody else to talk to. Obviously, you seem to know where to find me.
Nikki: Well, this was a one-shot deal.
Deacon: I don't think you and me ever took one shot in our entire lives. Look, Nikki, uh, tell Victor. I mean, I get it. The s an S.O.B., but I gotta believe he'd want to help you.
Nikki: Oh, yes. Yes, he would want to help. But the real question is, would he want to marry me?
(Cell phone buzzes)
Victoria: (Sighs) Unbelievable.
Billy: Victor's not gonna give up. Might as well get it over with.
Victoria: Hello.
Victor: Sweetheart, I left a message with you already, but I need to speak to you in person, okay?
Victoria: Okay, well, that's not an option, because things aren't going very well right now.
Victor: We need to talk about this, all right? Because this is doing enormous damage to your mother. She does not deal with this very well. Nor do I. I'll meet you anywhere you want us to meet. Will you do that?
Victoria: (Sighs) All right. The club. I'll see you shortly.
Billy: Really? Okay, well, if he gets pushy, you just back away. You turn around.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Okay?
Victoria: I promise.
Billy: All right.
Victoria: All right.
Billy: I gotta go.
Kay: What did the tests say?
Dr. Ananda: Well, as suspected, Murphy has had a massive heart attack, and as far as we can tell, the diminished blood flow has caused extensive massive damage to his major organs.
Kay: Are you saying he's dying?
Dr. Ananda: Well, we've given him steroids, but he is on the edge of systemic failure. One option we have if his blood pressure drops is to put him on life support.
Kay: Breathe for him? That's not a cure.
Dr. Ananda: No. No, it's not, but it gives us time.
Kay: Time for what? To heal? (Stammers) To bring his blood pressure back up? (Stammers) To--to try some miracle drug? What?! What are you talking about?
Dr. Ananda: Well, frankly, Ma'am, those were better possibilities when your husband was first brought in. The ventilator will sustain his life, but his condition may never change. Mr. Murphy doesn't have any medical directives, no D.N.R., so the decision falls to you.
Billy: How long does she have to decide?
Dr. Ananda: A few hours at best.
Kay: My, my, uh, I have to have some time to think.
Billy: (Sighs)
Kay: You know, we've talked, you and I, over the years, right here many times. And you have taken people from me, and others, you've let me have a little longer. But Murphy? Dear God, Murphy? You cannot have me make this choice. Life and death-- I-I can’t. I really can’t. Take this choice from me. Fix it! Make him better. He's a good man, and you need a good man walking the face of your earth, so you make him--make him-- make him well, and you give him back to me! (Sighs) Please.
Kay: Oh, I thought you were, uh, still with Murphy.
Billy: Yeah, well, he's got this really cute nurse holding his hand, and you just have me.
Kay: Bill…could you make this decision for me?
Billy: You know... (Clears throat) We've been through this before, haven't we? With Dad. The pros and cons. It's, uh... (Scoffs)
Kay: I remember. I remember telling John good-bye... all--all too soon. But Murphy... to say good-bye and know...
Kay: Live with the fact that it's my choice...
Nikki: Okay, so... we need to cancel the caterer. Oh, the cake.
Meggie: And the liquor suppliers. Speaking of which, we have a little problem at home.
Nikki: What?
Meggie: The booze situation. You know I stock water and I-- and I check the bottles. You know... (Chuckles) A barkeep at heart, and the good stuff is going fast. Now you don't drink, and this is way more damage than Victor ever does. So I think I need to talk to the staff.
Nikki: I'm sure there's an explanation. There's nothing for you to worry about. Now I am still going to need a bouquet.
Meggie: No, no, what if somebody drives off loaded or--or worse, gets in an accident? I think I need to ask around now.
Nikki: I'm telling you not to bother.
Meggie: Victor has instincts about people. I'll ask Victor when we get home, and we'll figure out who’s tossing back.
Nikki: Meggie, listen to me. I'm sure there is a reasonable explanation for where that liquor went. And I can assure you, it is not going to be an issue again, which means you do not ever need to bring that subject up again with anyone.
Meggie: I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have asked. I understand. I won't tell on-- I-I-it won't come up again.
Nikki: Where is that waiter with our iced teas?
Meggie: I'll go check. Yes, I think these are for my friend and I. Listen, would you give me a little lift-me-up from the top shelf, please? Just a little splash.
Man: Sure. Vodka work?
Meggie: Yeah. Yeah. That's great. Thanks. Thanks. Here we go.
Nikki: Oh, thank you.
Deacon: Uh, oh, Ladies, I'm so sorry.
Nikki: Uh, excuse me.
Deacon: I apologize, uh, you guys actually got a bad batch of iced teas. Um, I’ll bring a new batch. Right out to you, okay?
Victor: I gotta tell you that your mother's very upset about the prospect of our family falling apart. I'm very, very sad about perhaps losing you and Abby. So why don't we put an end to all this and not talk about money anymore?
Victoria: Well, first of all, I would like to thank you for discussing this calmly. But like I said before, this isn't about money. It's about freedom and respect and family.
Victor: Well, then why can't we work it out for your mother's sake?
Victoria: Dad, you know how much I adore Mom, okay? But we both know that you don't trust my judgment.
Victor: But that's not true, Sweetheart.
Victoria: Maybe in business, but not in my personal life.
Victor: (Sighs)
Victor: You know, um, I know that our family is happier and stronger when we are together. I know I am much happier when you're all part of the family. I hate all this discord. I hate it. Let's work it out. What do you think.
Victoria: It's hard.
Victor: (Sighs)
Victoria: It's very hard. I know how much you love me, just like you know how much I love you. But you've had to be very... (Sighs) Stubborn and decisive to make the life that you've made, the company and the family. But you treat us both the same. You're always in control. You always have the final word. And we've always gone along with that, because it's a privilege to be a Newman. The only thing that you expect from us in return is complete submission. But I'm not gonna do that anymore. I'm happy. I'm starting my life fresh with Billy. And I love him. I really love him. And instead of being happy for me, you want me to stay miserable. You want me to stay under your thumb. You want to control me. So, no, I cannot accept your settlement, and I cannot drop the suit, because if I have learned one thing in my life, one constant thing, it's that every time I try to trust you, you always, always let me down.
Victor: Of all my children, I thought you'd be the one who'd end up by my side.
Victoria: I thought so, too.
Kay: You know, we had this conversation a couple of weeks ago, only it was about me, and I said absolutely no heroic measures.
Billy: Did Murphy say what he might want?
Kay: To stay alive, whatever it takes.
Billy: It sounds like you have an answer.
Kay: Well, you saw him lying there in bed. Is that gonna be the rest of his life?
Billy: You know, with Dad, uh, it came down to if we should hold on to hopes for a miracle or if we should honor his comfort and his dignity.
Kay: I don't know. Murphy was just always so busy-- fishing and his charities, burgers on the grill, taking care of me. (Sighs) Now he's just lying there in bed, people standing around waiting for something to happen. It’s... its life. There's no denying it, but what kind of life? I mean, does... does he deserve that kind of... Billy?
Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Just... maybe you should take the pressure off, okay? You guys had that conversation already.
Kay: What, do you think that I'm taking the choice away from him?
Billy: No. That's not what I'm saying.
Kay: I know what he was, and I know who he is. I just have to see the doctors once again and just... make sure I'm making the right choice.
Deacon: A little mix-up with your drink order, huh? 'Cause it seems to me like you asked for just enough booze in that tea that someone drinking it, they wouldn't even know what they were drinking. And then you passed it off to a lady who's been off the sauce, so I gotta ask, what's your game, huh? Give her an accidental taste, drive her back into the bottle?
Meggie: (Scoffs) I mixed up the glasses.
Deacon: Oh. Oh, really? (Stammers) Why don't we go ask your friend and see if she buys that because, uh, it looks to me like maybe you've done this before.
Meggie: Leave Nikki alone. She's been through enough without you causing trouble.
Deacon: You know, I-I gotta tell you, the other night when I brought her back to the ranch, I got--I got this gut feeling that something was just... I don't know, off about you. Then I see you spiking her drinks, and it just all starts adding up.
Meggie: Listen, I need this job, okay? So if I've done anything wrong, it won't happen again.
Deacon: Mm. You know, you got me curious what's your angle? Uh, you, uh, blackmail the boss so nobody knows she's drinking? Or maybe it's that the next Mrs. Newman winds up and maybe you take her place.
Meggie: You don't know anything about me. And if you go around spreading lies and tank this job for me, I will kick--
Deacon: Relax. Come on now, Pussycat. I'm not gonna blow it for you. I want in.
Jack: So, uh, where will you and Kyle be staying?
Diane: I'm really not sure yet. I know he wants to be with you, but he's my guy. (Chuckles) So... I thought the pool house might be a nice compromise.
Phyllis: Oh, my-- the pool house? Are you deranged?
Diane: That way he could be with me, but you two would have access to one another.
Jack: Ashley's staying in the pool house right now.
Phyllis: Yeah, otherwise, stay there, and blame it on me when it goes up in smoke again, right?
Jack: Please tell Kyle that I've thought a lot about our last visit, too, and I look forward to seeing him.
Diane: And that is my cue to leave.
Phyllis: So soon?
Jack: Let us know where, uh, you check in. Then we can talk in the morning about visitation.
Diane: This is a good thing, Jack, for you and Kyle both.
Phyllis: Let me tell you something. If you buy any of her cramp. I swear to you I’ll torch this house myself.
Victor: Sweetheart, when you get this message, please meet me at the hospital, all right? Murphy's condition apparently has deteriorated. So I'll see you soon.
Diane: Hello, Victor.
Deacon: Listen, you, uh, want to cause some damage in the Newman household. (Scoffs) It’s fine by me.
Meggie: Sounds like you have a grudge against the Newmans.
Deacon: Yeah, which makes it all the more fun that, uh, the missus likes to confide in me about just how thirsty she's been. She doesn't know it, but, um, I'm about to become her best friend-- a shoulder to lean on and, well, so much more that is as long as you and I can come to an understanding.
Meggie: Hmm, that's your type, huh? Big blue eyes, the Marilyn hair?
Deacon: What about you? You like 'em tall, dark, and gloomy?
Meggie: Eh, get her out of the way, and, yeah, I can handle tall and stiff with a side of billionaire. But if you want the kewpie doll...
Deacon: (Chuckles)
Meggie: You better snatch her before she lands in rehab.
Deacon: Well, then I guess we both have a vested interest in making sure that Nikki keeps wettin' her whistle, and, uh, I'll be there to comfort her, well and often. And even if I don't, I don't know, it sure could look that way if Victor were to walk in the room at, say, just the right moment.
Meggie: Then I'd comfort the big lug.
Deacon: Sister, you play your cards right you could wind up being "Mrs. Gloomy." As long as you don't forget that I'm to be well-compensated.
Nikki: Meggie, we have to go to the hospital. Murphy may be dying. (Sighs)
Kay: Well, I'm afraid I don't have the right answer here, whether to put my husband on a ventilator or not.
Dr. Ananda: If I were certain that we could get Murphy through this critical time on the ventilator and that he'd go back to breathing on his own, I wouldn't have asked. It would have been the medically sound decision. But your husband's in a gray area. I don't know that he'll make it through this episode. It's a personal choice now, and I'm afraid the choice is yours.
Kay: I'd like some time alone with my husband, if you don't mind.
Dr. Ananda: Absolutely.
Victoria: Hi. What's the latest?
Billy: Well, Katherine has to decide on, uh, if she has to take heroic measures.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh. I'm so sorry, sorry for everyone. I remember when I was in a coma and pregnant with Reed, my family had to make some pretty tough choices. It tore 'em apart.
Billy: How'd it go with your father?
Victoria: He was sweet. It sort of made me want to make up with him. But then I remembered he's never gonna change. (Sighs) It's hard, though. I know I have to let go. I don't want to, but it's the only choice I have.
Victoria: You promise me you're never gonna die, right?
Billy: (Sighs)
Phyllis: Please tell me. Please tell me what she was saying she did not get to you. Please. "My mistakes... mea culpa..."
Jack: History is not going to repeat itself. I am not the naive young man once--.
Phyllis: Jack. Were you ever naive?
Jack: Well, I was young. I was younger.
Phyllis: I'm serious. That is evil. That is evil. That is an evil among us.
Jack: I know you're serious, and I hear you. I'm also noticing that I find...
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Jack: Find you incredibly sexy when you detest someone that much.
Phyllis: I do. I detest her. I really detest her. You, I'm okay with.
Jack: Diane is not gonna be a problem. If she gets out of line, between the two of us, we can handle it.
Phyllis: Good. Because if she continues to play games, I will take the bitch out.
Jack: Yeah, that is sexy. (Chuckles)
Diane: This is where you say, "What a nice surprise." 'Cause it is, isn't it?
Victor: What brings you back to town?
Diane: I just thought it was time.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Just a visit, or you're planning something long term?
Diane: (Chuckles) You know what they say-- "Man plans, God laughs."
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Diane: I just follow my heart. Of course, if my heart found out that you're available...
Victor: (Laughs) Diane Jenkins, I'll be damned. I'm not available. I'm very much tied to Nikki. In fact, we're about to get married again.
Kay: Um, you see, I know what you said and what you want. But I'm stubborn, and unless you can give me some sort of signal, I just-- I've gotta go with my gut. Live until you die. But you're not doing that, are you? I'm losing you bit by bit, day by day. My God, just... slipping away. It’s...
Nikki: Katherine, I-I'm sorry. Do you want us to wait outside?
Kay: Uh, no, no, Sweetheart. Come in. Come in. A-all of--all of you come in. (Clears throat) You're looking at what is commonly known as "One hell of a man." (Chuckles) And he is, isn't he? No flash, no ego. Brave enough to just reach out to people, support them, and even smack 'em down if they needed it. I love you, Murphy. I-I didn't expect this for us, I mean, not so soon, but... by God, here we are. (Stammers) And there is only one choice that I can make. Uh, uh, he--he--he--he--he blinked! Did--did--did you see that? He blinked!
Nikki: (Gasps)
Kay: He's--he's back! Oh, dear God, Murphy, you're back! Oh, my God. My.
Nikki: Oh, my God.
Kay: Oh, Murphy.
Nikki: Murphy.
Kay: (Sobs)
Nikki: Oh, Katherine.
Kay: (Sobs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Ashley: You know, I've never seen this side of you before. I don't think I like it.
Nikki: You never did say what you're doing in town. Looking for your next vic-- husband?
Meggie: I've been hiding something from you, something important.
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