Y&R Transcript Thursday 10/7/10 -- Canada; Friday 10/8/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9501 ~ Daniel's Art Show
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
(Footsteps approach)
Phyllis: Daniel. My gosh, this is so... you amaze me.
Daniel: Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
Phyllis: Like it? I love it.
Daniel: Just a little disappointing, you know, after the big showing in New York to come back and, you know, have this art walk show, just being another local artist, but...
Phyllis: Stop it. Stop it. The negativity--please. You'd be surprised. Good things could come of this.
Abby: Well, the showing is in Genoa City, but it's totally worth the trip. Daniel is insanely talented. W-well, if you don't come, you're gonna miss, um, "The Naked Heiress'," uh, next appearance. Mm-hmm. Yeah, I'm in the exhibit. Mm-hmm. Yeah, yeah, it's, uh, it's--its performance art mixed with other media stuff. It's so innovative. Really? Um... (Laughs) Okay, a-awesome. Yeah, great. I'll see you there. Did you guys just hear that? I got Mark Fletcher, the art consultant--
Billy: Yeah, "Naked Heiress"-- that's what I heard.
Victoria: Whatever you're planning, you forget it.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Nick: Hey, Bud, you, uh, got somewhere to be?
Noah: Uh, not right away. I'm going to Daniel's exhibit at the art walk.
Nick: (Sighs) I didn't know he was doing that. I'll have to swing by.
Noah: You guys still cool with each other after the divorce?
Nick: Um, I think so. You know, Daniel's sticking up for his mother, and he should. Now that she has moved on, I think--
Noah: She is? With who?
Victor: Well, I must say I'm not surprised to see you here again. Are you trying to make inroads with Katherine?
Jack: Katherine's a lifelong family friend. Her husband suffered a heart attack and a stroke, and he hasn't woken yet.
Victor: Her son owns Jabot. You live and breathe Jabot. It's the driving force behind everything you do. More important to you than friendship and loyalty, isn't it?
Jack: (Chuckles) I'm getting a speech from you about loyalty-- you, who just had your daughter thrown in jail. So, let's see, that makes three of your children you've alienated now. So I guess Nicholas is next.
Victor: That's a joke coming from you. You barely know of the existence of your children. No one will nominate you as "Father of the year," I assure you.
Kay: I can't think of anyone on the face of this earth that would want to hurt you, Murphy. Ronan and J.T. s-seemed... seemed very, very sure of their facts. It must have been some kind of mugging, some random act. My God, there's just no other explanation.
Meggie: Is anyone with Mr. Murphy now? No one else? Thank you.
Nikki: What are you doing?
Meggie: (Inhales sharply) (Sighs)
Meggie: Uh, I-I was just checking on Mr. Murphy. I keep thinking that if I had just stuck around a few minutes to chat, I might have been there to help. I couldn't get the nurse to give me an-- any kind of update, but I thought if you were still there...
Nikki: Well, I-I would be, but Katherine wanted to spend some time alone with Murphy.
Meggie: How is he?
Nikki: There's been no change. Is Victor here?
Meggie: Uh, I haven't seen him.
Nikki: He's not at the office, either. I wonder where he could be.
Jack: So what? Am I supposed to be wounded by your disapproval?
Victor: I'm sure you'll soon enough tune that out, as you have almost tuned out the existence of your own children.
Jack: It's not as if you had anything to do with raising Adam or Abby.
Victor: That is not for lack of trying. And one cannot say that about you, can one, Jack?
Jack: No, you're absolutely right.
Victor: Right.
Jack: You are the very model of parental rectitude.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Jack: That's why your children, both of your daughters, are suing you.
Victor: And you know why they're suing me. Because you have prompted them to do so.
Jack: You know, every time you make that accusation, you show me just how little you think of Abby. That's a smart girl, Victor, and she's got a solid case. Victoria obviously agrees, or she wouldn't have signed on. Maybe if you spent a little less time connecting me and a little more time working on your settlement offer, you'd be better off.
Victor: My daughters may be interested in your legal advice. I am not.
Jack: Suit yourself. You've got a lot to lose.
Victor: For your information, I'm not gonna lose a damn thing. I won't lose a dime. You got that? Nor am I gonna settle for a damn thing. If that's what you're hoping for, you'll be sorely disappointed.
Jack: Um, what-- what is the story with Meggie McClaine, anyway?
Victor: What story?
Jack: Why she's in town. Why she's staying at your place. I can't imagine Nikki's too thrilled with that.
Victor: Gonna turn her against me now, as well?
Jack: I just find it all a little curious.
Kay: All right, what are you two arguing about now?
Victor: Katherine, uh, Jack was just about to leave.
Jack: Yeah, the air has gotten a little thick in here, Katherine.
Victor: You bet it has.
Jack: I'll check in with you tomorrow, Dear.
Kay: What?
Victor: Um, want me to stay, or do you--
Kay: No, no, uh, yeah, I do.
Victor: Huh? You do?
Kay: I-I want you to stay. Yeah.
Victor: Okay.
Kay: (Sighs)
Victor: (Chuckles) What?
Kay: I've been thinking about you.
Victor: You have?
Kay: Yeah.
Victor: Yeah? (Chuckles)
Nick: So you haven't mentioned your plans as far as work goes.
Noah: Yeah, I guess I can't put that off much longer, can I?
Nick: Want me to find you something at Newman?
Noah: Thanks, but, um...
Nick: Not interested. All right.
Noah: Hey, just-- I just want to find something on my own.
Nick: I respect that, Son.
Noah: Yeah, you did your own thing more than once, so...
Nick: Well, hopefully, you will follow my lead and not your Aunt Abby's.
Noah: (Chuckles)
Abby: You guys seriously need to chillax.
Victoria: Uh, and you need to start taking this lawsuit seriously, because the last time you took Dad to court, it was thrown out because the judge didn't appreciate your obnoxious behavior.
Abby: She was a prude.
Victoria: Oh.
Billy: Oh, yeah, there's not a whole lot of wild, rebellious types on the bench. Go figure that.
Abby: (Scoffs) I have no intention of getting naked at Daniel's art show.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Mm, Daniel's having a showing?
Abby: Yes, at art walk. And like I just said, I got Mark Fletcher to come. He is, like what--
Victoria: No, I know who Mark Fletcher is. He has obtained a-a million brilliant pieces for the Newman foundation, and I hope that he will still work for us after he finds out that you've lied to him.
Abby: I haven't lied to him.
Billy: You said the Naked Heiress is making an appearance at the art walk.
Abby: And I will. I will just be wearing more clothing than usual. Besides, he is gonna love Daniel's art so much, he's gonna be thanking me for turning him on to it.
Victoria: Well, let's hope so.
Abby: You guys should totally come. I know that Daniel would appreciate the support. And it would be good publicity for the lawsuit-- two future billionairesses supporting the arts and culture. So... (Sighs) Sophisticated and mature of us. Okay, I have to dash.
Billy: Mm-hmm. (Groans)
Victoria: Hey, you know what?
Billy: (Clears throat)
Victoria: I kind of want to go. Do you want to go?
Billy: Yeah, sure, it could be fun, if you're up to it.
Victoria: (Sighs) I gotta tell you, I am desperately and most definitely in the need of some fun.
Billy: Oh, you need some fun? You need some fun? Well, then I am your man.
Victoria: Yes. You are my man.
Billy: (Chuckles) (Growls)
Daniel: Hey, Guys. (Sighs)
Kevin: Dude, who knew that all of this was inside this?
Chloe: I know. I'm, like, totally homesick for New York. You captured the vibe so well. Good job.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Daniel: Yeah, sometimes that doesn't go over so well in the G.C.
Phyllis: Huh. Yeah, that, uh, broad up there was just dissing his work.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Chloe: What? Which one? Oh, the one with the sweater with the Jack-o'-lantern on it?
Phyllis: Yeah. Yeah. She's dressed like a pumpkin. What the hell does she know?
Chloe: Yeah.
Devon: Hey, how you doin'?
Daniel: Hey, thank you so much for comin'.
Devon: Absolutely. Congratulations. Now this is amazing. It's wild.
Daniel: (Sighs) Thank you.
Devon: Roxanne is gonna be upset she had to miss it, though.
Daniel: Mm.
Chloe: Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Look who's here. Oh, my God. Jeremy? Hi.
Jeremy: Chloe, my darling, it's been ages.
Chloe: Ages, I know. Hey, come on over. I want-- I want you to meet some friends. Come on over.
Phyllis: Yes, Mr. Jeremy Scott. Very nice to meet you. I would-- I would know you anywhere. I want you to know that we've been intimately acquainted. (Chuckles) I've worn your designs many times.
Jeremy: Oh.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Jeremy: It's a pleasure.
Phyllis: It's my pleasure.
Daniel: (Clears throat) Hi. Daniel Romalotti. (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Oh, my son.
Jeremy: Oh, I'm so happy I got to meet you. I love your work. Actually, I think it might be inspiring my next collection.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: (Whispering) Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Devon: Do you need an agent? Huh? No? (Laughs)
Daniel: (Groans)
Kevin: Same as before? What do I look for? No, no, I-I can be there on time.
Chloe: Was that your mother again? This is really becoming a problem.
Kevin: Uh, no.
Chloe: Who-- (Gasps) Ooh. (Whispers) Was it spray tan girl?
Kevin: Yeah, among others.
Chloe: (Normal voice) What do you mean, "Among others"? You mean that there are others?
Kevin: Well, suddenly, I guess I'm just irresistible.
Chloe: (Gasps) Oh.
Kevin: It turns out getting divorced is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
Chloe: (Chuckles) (Clears throat)
Jana: (Sighs)
Chloe: Mm, so... are there any, uh, little mini-Monets at Tiny Tots?
Jana: Oh, well, it's too soon to tell yet. Hello.
Daniel: Thank you so much for being here.
Jana: Well, I've just arrived. What I see so far is fantastic.
Daniel: Oh, um, thank you. That means a lot coming from you. You know that.
Kevin: What, our opinions are meaningless?
Devon: (Chuckles) Well, you gotta get that feedback, right? Otherwise, it's not art-- just talkin' to yourself.
Chloe: Hey, how is your music thing going?
Devon: It's going good. I'm more inspired now than ever to get something finished and out there now that I've seen what this guy's done.
Kevin: Well, they have something like this for musicians, right?
Jana: (Clears throat) Yes, actually. There are several groups playing here tonight.
Abby: Hey, Guys.
Chloe: Hello.
Abby: (Chuckles) Come here. (Clears throat)
Daniel: Excuse us.
Abby: Is, um, he here yet?
Daniel: Is who here?
Abby: Mark Fletcher.
Daniel: Uh... (Chuckles) Yes, the man who advises some of the top art collectors in the world. He is not coming to my showing-- strange.
Abby: He told me he was.
Daniel: How the hell did you do that? He doesn't know me.
Abby: He knows me, and I gave you my endorsement-- the Naked Heiress seal of approval. He's coming.
Daniel: What--you didn't-- he's not expecting a show, is he?
Abby: Possibly. Probably. I kind of told him that I'm in your show.
Daniel: Please say you didn't.
Abby: Okay, listen, it was the only way to get him here, but--
Daniel: No, no, no, no "Buts." This is my work. This is important to me.
Abby: I know. I'm trying to help you.
Daniel: How are you trying to help me? What, do you want to highjack the spotlight...
Abby: No.
Daniel: And make all my work look stupid? No. Thank you, but no, thank you.
Abby: What?
Daniel: No. No.
Victoria: Let's go find Daniel.
Billy: Okay. But I have something I'd like to show you first.
Victoria: Oh, yeah?
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Would you have a seat, please?
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Okay.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: (Clears throat)
Victoria: (Clears throat)
Billy: How are you feeling about our tattoo rings?
Victoria: I love them. I love them. I think that they are so us.
Billy: Okay. Well, hypothetically, say we passed a street vendor selling vintage jewelry.
Victoria: But we didn't pass a street...
Billy: Well, I did. You were putting money in the meter. Let's just say this guy had a platinum-diamond combo from the 1950s that was just screaming your name. Would you be interested in that?
Victoria: Well... hypothetically, it wouldn't really hurt to look.
Billy: You know, I thought you'd say that. I did, so I walked over there. And, um, I found that.
Victoria: Oh. (Sighs)
Billy: Yeah, see what I'm saying? (Singsongy) It's just screaming.
Victoria: I-I love it.
Billy: (Normal voice) Yeah?
Victoria: Yeah. (Sighs) Look at that. Wow, that's perfect.
Billy: Yeah, it really is.
Victoria: Yeah. B--you--you need a ring. I--
Billy: You know, I got that covered. I got it covered.
Victoria: (Chuckles) You do?
Billy: I do, somewhere in here.
Victoria: (Laughs) Well, you just think of everything.
Billy: Look. Oh. Ta-da
Victoria: Oh, wow.
Billy: Yep. Please.
Victoria: Let me.
Billy: (Grunts) There it is.
Victoria: (Giggles)
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: Pretty nice.
Billy: They are. It doesn't make us too conventional, does it?
Victoria: Well, you know, we'll always have the tattoos underneath.
Billy: That's true.
Victoria: Yeah, that's true.
Billy: It's true. You know, I have to say, I am relieved that you have this shiny rock on your finger to tell all those other guys to back off. You're mine.
Phyllis: Chloe, why don't we use Daniel's art as a backdrop in that story you're working on?
Chloe: Done.
Phyllis: Done. (Door opens) Isn’t my son amazing?
Jack: The whole thing is incredible.
Phyllis: Oh, it's so incredible. Hey, I didn't know you were coming here.
Nick: Yeah, Noah told me about it.
Phyllis: Oh, is he here?
Nick: He's right behind me.
Jack: Well, I can't wait to see him.
Phyllis: Oh, you're not even gonna recognize him. He's so big. (Gasps) There he is.
Jack: Hey, there he is. Hey, Mister.
Noah: Hey, Jack. (Chuckles)
Jack: Good to see you. Come on in. Look at this.
Noah: Oh, Man.
Phyllis: Yeah, isn't he incredible?
Noah: He's amazing. Wow. Hey, where's Daniel?
Phyllis: Yeah. Oh, he went that way.
Noah: That way?
Phyllis: Yeah, he's right over there.
Noah: Okay.
Jack: Wow, you're right, he has changed.
Phyllis: Yeah. Change is good.
Jana: Captivating, isn't it?
Noah: I didn't know you'd be here.
Jana: Yeah, well, Daniel's been really kind to me. I-I'm very appreciative of that. Um, I've been meaning to phone you.
Noah: For what?
Jana: The harvest festival. (Sighs) The way I took off the way I did-- it had nothing to do with you, okay? I hope you understand that, because, um, I really enjoyed spending time with you.
Noah: Me, too.
Daniel: Hey, I am so glad you made it, Man.
Noah: Dude, this is so cool. Way to make it happen.
Daniel: Yeah, thank you. Thank you.
Abby: Hi, you need to stop being mad, because he is here.
Noah: Who?
Abby: Um, Mark Fletcher.
Jana: Mark Fletcher? Well, I haven't seen him since... we closed Sabrina's gallery. He could really open some doors for you.
Daniel: (Chuckles) Well, he's not here for me. (Clears throat)
Kay: How do things stand between you and your daughters?
Victor: Unfortunately, much the same as last time we spoke. But let's not talk about my problems. You have Murphy to worry about, okay?
Kay: Well, that's exactly why we're discussing it. It came home to me with some great force just, uh, how fleeting life is.
Victor: Yeah.
Kay: No, it's quite serious. Do you realize just a year ago, you were in this very hospital fighting for your life?
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Kay: And where was your focus? It was on your family. And let me tell you something, you're one of the lucky ones. You had a second chance to do that, and I'm begging you.
Victor: Mm.
Kay: I am begging you, Victor. Don't waste time with your daughters.
Victor: I understand what you're saying, Katherine. I appreciate it. But one can love one's daughters but not give in to their excessive demands.
Kay: Darling, why are you hanging on to all of that money? For God sake, what-- what do you think you want to do with all of it?
Victor: Katherine, it's not a question of money. It's a question of a lack of respect. These girls are so demanding. They were--they were raised with a silver spoon in their mouth.
Kay: Well, Darling, but you have to understand. All of their troubles-- they're reaching out to you for approval and respect. And if you think withholding that from them until you have all the time in the world to make things right-- you don't. Let me tell you something. You just... you just never know when the people you love are taken from you.
Victor: I promise you, I will solve this problem, okay?
Kay: You have to be the one to decide what you want. Do you want to be right? Do you want control? Or do you want to make peace?
Victor: (Sighs)
(Front door closes)
Nikki: There you are. I've been trying to call you.
Victor: Hi, Sweetheart, well, I turned off my phone at the hospital, you know?
Nikki: Oh. Oh, you went to see Murphy.
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: Oh, you must have gotten there right after I left.
Victor: Uh--
Nikki: Any changes?
Victor: No, unfortunately, not where Murphy is concerned. But I had a long conversation with Katherine.
Nikki: About what?
Victor: Well, she's very upset about my turning my back on my children, and I think she's right. Nothing is worth losing my family.
Nikki: I'm so happy to hear you say that.
Victor: It's gonna end tonight. I'm gonna call the girls, and we'll talk about a settlement.
Daniel: I didn't tell you about the show because I didn't want to put you on the spot. You know, I wasn't sure that-- sure you'd be okay with, uh...
Nick: Listen, Daniel, she's happy. That makes me happy.
Daniel: So you're sure you're cool with this?
Nick: I genuinely... (Sighs) I wish them the best.
Mark: I'm so glad you're back at "Restless Style."
Phyllis: Oh.
Mark: I missed your voice.
Phyllis: Oh, well, thank you. It feels so good to be back there.
Mark: We've gotta get this guy back on board, too.
Phyllis: Yeah. (Laughs)
Jack: Oh, yeah, if anyone can talk me into it, it's Red here.
Mark: Oh, excuse me.
Phyllis: Okay, sure, have fun. (Whispering) Oh, my God. That's Mark Fletcher. If Mark Fletcher is interested in Daniel's work, this is huge, huge for him.
Jack: I love seeing you like this.
Phyllis: (Normal voice) What, like happy? (Laughs)
Jack: No. No. Radiant.
Phyllis: (Gasps)
Jack: From the moment I walked in that door, I... it was everything in me not to just throw you over my shoulder and drag you out of here.
Phyllis: You could have. What is this?
Jack: I don't know, but it sure feels good, doesn't it?
Phyllis: You know, if anyone asked me what it would take to get over Nick even two weeks ago, I wouldn't have had an answer. I was so confused. I was miserable with him. I was miserable without him. I just... but now... it's different.
Jack: Well, if I had anything to do with that, I--
Phyllis: You had everything to do with that.
Abby: Okay, so I was getting ready to have my little wardrobe malfunction, but then looking at these pieces, I don't know, you know? I felt like-- like it would be overkill. His art makes such a powerful statement on its own. Do--do you have a favorite yet?
Mark: I haven't had a chance to look at them yet.
Abby: Oh, oh, my goodness. Okay, around the corner in the back--amazing. You have to check it out. It really draws you in.
Mark: Thanks.
Abby: Yeah.
Noah: I'm surprised you're still here.
Abby: Mm, I just want to make it easier for Daniel to find me when he is ready to grovel and apologize.
Noah: You're the one who should apologize-- threatening to ruin his show with your nudist crap.
Abby: First of all, not crap.
Noah: What is it? Art? Come on. This is art, okay? Daniel put his thought, his effort, and his talent into this. You run around town showing off your body and making sex tapes.
Abby: (Scoffs) I'm sorry. What do you know about art? What exactly is it that you've done?
Noah: (Scoffs) (Sighs)
Abby: (Scoffs) Ahem, hi. Look at me. I'm still clothed. And I told Mark I was going to stay that way.
Daniel: (Clears throat) Was he pissed?
Abby: I don't think so. And he didn't leave. And you were right, there were probably a million better ways to try to get him here than using "The Naked Heiress" thing. I'm sorry. I'm just so proud of you. I want everyone to see how great you are. Mwah. (Giggles)
Daniel: (Laughs)
Victoria: This is nice.
Billy: Yeah, you know, nothing's gonna top the sketches he did of Colleen for Traci, but, uh, I gotta say these are pretty good.
Kevin: I have an idea. (Claps hands) Maybe you can buy some more nudes of Amber.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Nudes of Amber?
Billy: Yeah. Um, I got rid of 'em. So...
Victoria: That's okay.
Billy: I've got an idea. Maybe you should buy 'em. I mean, there's no woman in your life to offend, right?
Chloe: Well, I think that would be great for your-- your daughter to see-- all of those--those pictures of all those women up on the wall, so why don't we dedicate an entire wall of pictures? And then we can title them... hmm, we'll title that-- it "Women who learned their lesson about daddy." Yeah, that's a good one.
Kevin: That'd be a big wall. It'd be a great--great wall.
Chloe: Yeah, we'll save you a spot. We can save it.
(Cell phone rings)
Kevin: That's not me.
Victoria: Oh, actually, I think that that is me. Uh, yeah, the ranch. It must be my mother. Excuse me. Hello?
Victor: Sweetheart, it's your father.
Victoria: (Sighs) Dad.
Victor: I'd like you and your sister to join me at home as soon as possible. I think you'll be very interested to hear what I have to say.
Jeremy: Doesn't she look gorgeous?
Phyllis: Oh, she does. Is this one of your designs?
Jeremy: No, but next time. I promise.
Phyllis: Oh, all right.
Daniel: Hey, uh, Delia, you know, you didn't have to come all the way out here from New York. I--that's where we met, at my show.
Phyllis: Mm.
Delia: You support my work, I support yours.
Jack: You know, I actually have an original Delia brown in my home?
Phyllis: Yes, this is true. This is true. The--the painting of the woman draped over the pool boy at Eden Rock, it's--it's given me a lot of fantasies. Thanks. Good job.
Jack: (Grumbles) Yeah, yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah, good job.
Daniel: Huh?
Phyllis: Huh? Uh, anyway...
Delia: I see we have a big shot here.
Jeremy: What'd he say about your work?
Daniel: I haven't actually spoken to him yet.
Jack: Wait, uh, you're not concerned what his reaction is gonna be, are you?
Phyllis: Are you? Oh. Oh. Do not doubt yourself. Do not doubt yourself. You're brilliant. You're brilliant. You're my son. You're incredible. (Chuckles)
Jack: You got lots to be proud of. Great job.
Daniel: Thanks. Thanks.
Phyllis: Group hug.
Jack: Good night. Nice to meet you.
Jeremy: Yeah, you, as well.
Phyllis: Ahh, great to meet you.
Jeremy: You, too.
Delia: You--you, too.
Phyllis: We'll talk soon.
Jeremy: Absolutely.
Phyllis: Okay, good.
Noah: Hey, you thirsty?
Jana: Oh, thank you.
Noah: There you go. Okay. (Sighs)
Jana: So, did you go to showings like this in Paris?
Noah: Sometimes. Um, music's more my thing.
Jana: Music?
Noah: Mm-hmm.
Jana: You play an instrument?
Noah: A little guitar.
Jana: Well, you'll have to play for me sometime then.
Noah: Yeah, sure.
Jana: Yeah?
Noah: Yeah.
Jana: Well, how about now?
Noah: Now?
Jana: Yeah, why not?
Noah: (Sighs) Okay.
Noah: All righty. (Sighs)
Noah: (Clears throat)
(Playing introduction to "Wake Me When It's Through")
Noah: Smiles and frowns fools and clowns wasted points of view hopeless dreams lies and schemes wake me when it's through just tryin' to keep from tryin' no perfect life I'm buyin' ditch the walk fake the talk then give me a call what's dead ahead is never said it's bright before the fall just tryin' to keep from tryin' no screwed-up life I'm buyin' it makes no sense denyin' no one's got a clue.
Devon: How long has he been doin' this?
Nick: I have no idea.
Noah: No one's got a clue.
Devon: He's good.
Nick: He is good, isn't he?
Noah: Wake me when it's through.
Abby: (Sighs)
Victoria: So what's going on?
Victor: I've had a change of heart. I want to settle the lawsuit.
Noah: Wake me when it's through. (Clears throat)
Jana: (Chuckles)
Audience: (Whistles)
Jana: Wow. (Chuckles)
Nick: Dude... (Chuckles) Where did that come from?
Daniel: You been holdin' out on us, Man?
Noah: No, I wouldn't normally do that, but, uh, can't put down a dare.
Devon: Have you ever thought about recording at all?
Noah: No, I-I've never thought about it.
Devon: Really? Well, hey, give me a call next week and maybe we can set something up.
Nick: What?
Noah: Okay. (Laughs)
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Chloe: Really? Again with the text messages?
Kevin: Are you jealous?
Chloe: No, I-- look, okay, fine. Maybe you have a little bit more dating opportunities, but I'm not jealous jealous.
Kevin: I'm just makin' sure.
Daniel: Oh, my gosh. Did you guys just see that? He just blew me away.
Chloe: Yeah, I think he blew Jana away, too.
Daniel: Yeah, did you notice? The kid's pretty smooth, huh?
Chloe: (Clears throat)
Kevin: Do you guys think that he's interested in Jana?
Chloe: Eh, no.
Daniel: Eh...
Mark: Daniel, Mark Fletcher.
Daniel: Oh, my gosh, Mr. Fletcher. It is such an honor to meet you.
Mark: It's Mark, and the feeling's so mutual. What you do is great. You're a real talent. From what I can see here, a modern-day Lichtenstein.
Daniel: Thank you. (Chuckles)
Mark: Listen, to be perfectly honest, I-I came here mainly out of curiosity for seeing "The Naked Heiress" person, but after this discovery... wow. It's much more exciting.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Chloe: Hi, I-I would like to introduce myself. I'm Chloe Mitchell from "Restless--"
Mark: "Restless Style," of course.
Chloe: Wow. (Chuckles)
Mark: It's nice to see you again.
Chloe: You, too.
Mark: Listen, Daniel, here's my card. I would love it if we could speak next week about your career. I'd love to introduce you to some collectors in New York if you have a chance.
Daniel: Yes, Mr. Fletcher. Um, Mark--Sir--M-Mark. (Laughs) Yes.
Mark: It's great to meet you. You'll be a star.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Kevin: (Clears throat)
Chloe: Thanks. Bye.
Daniel: Thank you.
Chloe: (Giggles)
Kevin: Dude.
Chloe: That's awesome.
Daniel: Are you kidding me with this?
All: (Laugh)
Victor: I don't want to waste any more time fighting with you, okay? It's a waste of time. I want to make peace. I want you to come back to Newman Enterprises. I need you there, and I miss you. And you, God bless you, can open your entertainment division now that you've won that-- all that fame, hopefully without embarrassing yourself.
Victoria: Thank you very much for your offer. But I'm sorry. We can't accept it.
Nikki: Victoria.
Victoria: Did you hear the way that he just spoke to us? Assuming that we're just going to fall in line once we've been paid off. I'm sorry, but we can't be bought.
Victor: I'm not talking about buying you. I want to make peace. You are the one who brings money into this.
Victoria: Oh, no, Dad. This is not about money. This about freedom, and without that, we can't have peace.
Victor: So you want freedom from your father. Is that it?
Victoria: We don't want you to control our lives.
Nikki: Darling, your father is reaching out to you. How can you be so hateful, so hurtful?
Victoria: Listen, I'm sorry. I don't mean to be, but I have to look out for myself, and I have to look out for my sister.
Victor: You feel the same way?
Abby: I--
Victoria: Abby knows the lengths that you'll go to to try to control us. Let's just put it that way. You do understand, don't you? That we have to have our independence? We have to have that.
Abby: Yes. Yeah.
Victoria: We can't accept anything less. I'm sorry, but this just isn't good enough. Let's go. Come on.
Abby: Okay.
Nikki: My God.
Victor: I can't believe this.
Nikki: What has happened to our family?
Victor: And Abby follows in her footsteps, as if that were independence.
Nikki: You know what? I don't even feel like going ahead with this wedding now. The whole idea was it was supposed to be a celebration of the family coming together.
Victor: What, are you gonna call that off now?
Nikki: Let's elope.
Billy: Come on. Let's get some food in you.
Kay: Oh, you're right. I can't let myself get run-down again, can I?
Billy: Hey, Murph, I'm gonna borrow your wife for a moment. We'll be right back.
Kay: Okay. Oh, Dear.
Billy: A little sore right there?
Kay: (Chuckles) I've been sitting for hours.
Billy: Sitting down too long? Here we go.
Kay: (Sighs)
Meggie: (Sighs)
Jack: Am I still leading?
Phyllis: (Laughs) Yes.
Jack: (Chuckles) Oh, thanks. I got another foot. That's all right.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Jack: (Chuckles) Here we go. Okay. Well...
Phyllis: Aah!
(Footsteps approach)
Jack: Diane?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phyllis: You're still using your son to yank Jack around.
Woman: You need to leave the room.
Kay: No, I don't need to do anything. That's my husband, and I'm not going anywhere.
Diane: Hello, Victor.
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