Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/6/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 10/6/10 -- Canada; Thursday 10/7/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9500 ~ New Arrivals, New Threats

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Jill: Are you dining alone tonight?

Tucker: What are you doing here?

Jill: What? I'm having a bite to eat. Why?

Tucker: Why aren't you at the hospital with everyone else?

Jill: Why? What's happened? Is somebody hurt?

Tucker: You didn't hear? Murphy had a heart attack.

Jill: (Gasps) Is it serious?

Tucker: It's pretty severe.

Jill: Oh, my God.

Tucker: It triggered a stroke. He's unconscious in intensive care.

Jill: Poor Katherine. I've gotta go to the hospital. I've gotta be with her.

Tucker: All right. Calm down. I'll drive you.

Jill: Okay.

Nikki: Katherine, can I get you some water? Or how about a nice hot cup of tea?

Kay: Oh, no, Darling. Thank you. I'll be fine. (Sighs) You've been here for hours. If you need to go home, I'll understand.

Nikki: Now listen. It was just a year ago that Victor had his heart transplant, and you were right there by my side, urging me not to give up hope.

Kay: Well, let's pray there's... there's hope for my... my Murphy.

Nikki: Everybody who knows Murphy loves him. They're all pulling for him. It took some time, but Victor recovered. We have to hope that Murphy will, too.

J.T.: So what time did Murphy call?

Victor: About 4:25. But then we were suddenly cut off. Maybe he was having the beginnings of a heart attack and dropped the phone?

J.T.: See, that's where it gets a little bit weird, because Murphy's keys were found in the ignition. Katherine found Murphy in the driver's seat.

Mac: So presumably, that would be when the heart attack started.

J.T.: Yeah, but why would his phone be on the opposite side of the car on the ground?

[Meggie remembering]

Murphy: Listen, there's something-- keep away.

Meggie: No way, Old man. You're not gonna warn anybody.

Murphy: I'm not gonna let it happen, not again. I'm gonna tell Victor and Nikki who their assistant really is.

Meggie: Oh, no, you aren't.

Murphy: Let go of me! Let go!

Meggie: The hell you are.

Murphy: Let go of me!

Meggie: No!

Murphy: (Grunts) (Groans) Oh! (Moans) (Breathing heavily) Oh, my pi--

Meggie: Oops.

(Pill bottle hits car floor)

J.T.: Something just doesn't feel right about this.

Victor: What do you think?

J.T.: Well, a couple of days ago, an older couple was--was mugged at the harvest festival, and they took the wife's purse, the husband's wallet.

Victor: So they might have been doing the same thing to Murphy?

J.T.: It's very possible, but Murphy's wallet was still there.

Victor: But knowing him, he wouldn't give up without a fight.

J.T.: Yeah, I called in a favor. The cops are checking out the car and the surrounding area.

Nina: I just heard. How's Murphy?

Victor: Uh, he was still unconscious. They're running some tests.

Nina: (Sighs) This is awful. He was fine at breakfast.

(Cell phone rings)

J.T.: Yeah, did you check out the car?

Ronan: Yeah. I'm down in the hospital café if you want to come meet me.

J.T.: Okay. Yeah, I'll be right there. That was the guy I called. Maybe he's got some answers.

Ashley: So where's Victoria?

Billy: Uh, she has Reed tonight. She said to let everybody know that she's thinking about us.

Abby: Have you been to the cemetery yet?

Billy: Yes, I have, and I should have known that the flowers with all the bling-bling were from you.

Abby: (Chuckles) It looks like Colleen had a lot of visitors today.

Billy: Yeah. Hard to believe it's been a year, right?

Ashley: Yeah. Traci mentioned that you called.

Billy: Yeah, well, she is the reason we are doing this.

Ashley: Oh?

Billy: Yeah.

Abby: Is that Chinese food?

Billy: This is Chinese food.

Abby: (Chuckles)

Billy: She said that instead of being sad that, uh, we should remember all the good things Colleen brought to our lives. So I stopped at that little hole-in-the-wall she turned us on to, and I got every one of her favorites, which, consequently, are all of Jack's favorites.

Ashley: (Chuckles)

Billy: Where is Jack?

Abby: (Chuckles)

Phyllis: (Gasps) What are you doing here? I thought you had a family thing.

Jack: Yeah, that didn't exactly go as planned. I'm having a pretty rotten day.

Phyllis: Oh, all right. Well, come on in. I know just what you need.

Jack: I was hoping you were gonna say that.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) We could talk. I could open a bottle of wine.

Phyllis: I think you need one of these, right?

Jack: Yeah, I think that's it.

Lily: Cane, answer me. Where did this footage of the twins and I come from?

Cane: All right, listen. The last thing I want to do is have you worry, okay?

Lily: No, no, no. We promised each other, no more secrets and no more lies. Now tell me what is going on.

Cane: All right, listen. When--when--when-- when Phillip came back for the christening, he told me things in Australia were getting bad again.

Lily: What things?

Cane: Do you remember I told you about those cattle duffers? Well, apparently, they just got out of prison, but they haven't forgotten I'm the guy who put them there. Now Phillip is trying to smooth things over. But I go back to Australia for work, and while I'm gone, those steaks arrived, and I see it clearly as a warning.

Lily: Wait, when-- when you were out of town in Australia... so that's why you made the trip so fast?

Cane: Yes.

Lily: And why you insisted that my dad and Malcolm stay with the twins and me.

Cane: Yes, and then this DVD was delivered.

Lily: Okay, you told me all that stuff was finished. There was nothing for me to worry about.

Cane: I thought it was finished. I thought it was finished until recently.

Lily: Cane, whoever is doing this is here in the states, and they are watching our family and our babies. How could you not say anything? Those guys were after you again, you should have come to me right away. How could you hide something this serious? Oh, my gosh. This is why you wanted us to come here, because you weren't even sure if we were safe in our own home. And you didn't feel the need to tell me something like that? H-how do you know that we're even safe here?

Cane: I'm watching out for us every second. I'm watching out for us, okay? And I made sure the whole time we were driving here that no one was following us, and there was the cop, all right?

Lily: (Scoffs)

Cane: I asked him to keep an eye on the place.

Lily: Oh, great. I feel so much better now. (Sighs)

Cane: Well, listen, what can I say to you to make you believe me? How can I reassure you?

Lily: I don't know if you can, Cane. I mean, I'm Charlie and Mattie's mother. If their lives are in danger, I have a right to be told.

Cane: I didn't want to stress you out, 'cause I don't want to see you get sick again.

Lily: Okay, don't you know by now there is nothing in life that I can't handle? We are parents. We're supposed to be partners. How could you not trust me if it involves our children's safety?

Cane: Of course I trust you. I trust you. It's just, I'm being protective here. I'm trying to do the-- the wrong thing for the right reasons 'cause I love you.

Lily: Yeah, I know you do. That's--that's not the issue. Somebody is threatening our family. What do we do about that?

J.T.: All right, so after seeing the car, you agree with me. Something doesn't add up.

Ronan: I do. Murphy calls Victor, hangs up the phone, drops it on the ground, and leaves it there? Why would he do that?

J.T.: Chest pains?

Ronan: Chest pains. He walked around the car. He unlocked the door. He got in. He put the key in the ignition. If he was able to do all of that, then--

J.T.: Yeah, why wouldn't he just pick up the phone and call for help?

Ronan: Uh-huh. The assistant, uh, what-- what's her name?

J.T.: Meggie.

Ronan: Meggie. What time did, uh, Victor give Meggie the check?

J.T.: Uh, around 4:00, and, uh, it would have taken her about 15 minutes to get there. Murphy called Victor at 4:25.

Ronan: Okay, so she would have been there right before this happened.

J.T.: Mm-hmm. But she also said that he was fine when she handed him the check.

Ronan: Did she? Well, maybe she saw something that she's not remembering. Where can we find her at?

J.T.: Um, I saw her takin' off when Mac and I were talkin' to Victor, so she's probably at the ranch by now.

(Cell phone rings)

Ronan: This is Ronan. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay. Yeah, I got it. Good work, all right? Let me know if you find anything else. Yeah. So officers canvassing the fair found a few people that saw Murphy rushing through the crowd. Said it looked like he was chasing someone.

J.T.: Who?

Ronan: No one knew, but maybe someone tried to steal something from the booth?

J.T.: You know, according to Katherine, that big check Victor wrote was sitting there in an envelope unattended.

Ronan: No. Murphy never struck me as the careless type. He lit after someone in a hurry for a reason.

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Ronan: Well, that's interesting.

J.T.: What's that?

Ronan: So forensics found a partial muddy boot print on the passenger side floor mat.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Meggie: Damn you, Murphy. If you mess this up for me, I swear to God

Phyllis: Wow, when you said you had a bad day, you weren't kidding.

Jack: Yeah, I think just being in the hospital again brought up all kinds of memories-- not exactly the best ones.

Phyllis: (Sighs) Talking about your dad.

Jack: Yeah, my dad and... Colleen and... oh, God, the look on Abby's face... what was I thinking, today of all days, to go after Victor like that? I... (Sighs) She's Colleen's sister. She has every right to be mad as hell at both of us.

Abby: The two of them made me want to scream. They were arguing and snipping at each other there where Colleen died.

Ashley: I know, but I did get a text from Jack saying how sorry he was, and that he's gonna pass on dinner because he doesn't want to upset you anymore.

Abby: Good! Good. Honestly, if he walked in here right now, I couldn't deal with it.

Billy: Okay, you can't lay it all at Jack's feet. It might have been insensitive for him to get into it with Victor in the I.C.U., but come on. I'm speaking from experience here. Your father brings out the worst in everybody.

Ashley: Okay, look, maybe we should eat, huh?

Billy: Don't change the subject.

Ashley: What?

Billy: Don't change the subject, okay? When--when Colleen died, and everybody was so insistent that we give him Colleen's heart, you told me that, "Oh, come on, it's the right thing to do. It might change him." And I said, "No, there's no possible way. You don't change Victor Newman." And you know what? I was wrong. I was wrong. He has changed. He really has. He's changed for the worse. He's worse now than he was last year. Just look what he did to Victoria.

Abby: It's true.

Billy: See?

Abby: Yeah.

Billy: Don't expect him to do you any favors, either, okay? You know, Jack might not be perfect, but I do believe that he has your best interests at heart, unlike Victor.

Ashley: Can we not spend the whole evening tearing people down? Okay?

Billy: Yes, Ma'am. (Clears throat)

Ashley: I mean, if we're gonna talk about anybody besides Colleen, then maybe it should be about Katherine and her husband.

Billy: Okay. Yeah. You're right. Murphy's a really great guy, and I hope he pulls through.

Abby: Me, too.

Billy: You know who else I'm worried about? My mom. This is probably really tough on her.

Ashley: I bet it is.

Billy: Maybe I should go check on everybody.

Jill: Victor. How's Murphy?

Victor: Unfortunately, no change.

Nikki: You just heard now what happened?

Jill: Yeah, I treated myself to a spa day. I had my phone turned off. Why? How long have you known?

Nikki: Well, Katherine called me, uh, as soon as they arrived at the hospital.

Tucker: It's just good she's had people here with her.

Jill: Yeah.

Victor: Now that they have so much company, let's go and eat something, okay? Nice to see you.

Nikki: Yeah, if Katherine asks for us, we're in the café.

Nina: Esther has Delia, or she would be here. She was in tears, she was so upset.

Kay: Bless her heart.

Jill: Katherine, I came as soon as I heard. Is there anything I can do? Is there anything you need?

Kay: Yes. I need my husband to wake up. Can you do that?

Jill: (Scoffs) I understand you're upset. I'm just here to offer a little support. Why are you being so nasty?

Mac: Jill, I'm sure my grandmother didn't mean anything by it.

Kay: I have had plenty of support, and I have had ever since this man was admitted to the hospital... hours ago.

(Doorbell rings)

Ronan: Hi. Meggie McClaine?

Meggie: Yes.

Ronan: Ronan Malloy, FBI. This is J.T. Hellstrom, and we're both working with the Genoa City police department.

Meggie: What can I do for you gentlemen?

J.T.: Well, we'd like to ask you a few questions. You mind if we come in?

Meggie: Can I get you anything? Coffee?

J.T.: No, actually, we're trying to, uh, figure something out. We understand you delivered a check from Victor Newman to Patrick Murphy earlier today over at the harvest festival grounds.

Meggie: That's right.

Ronan: Well, Mr. Murphy suffered a serious heart attack shortly afterward.

Meggie: I know. I just came from the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Newman are very upset, and I'm happy to help however I can, but I'm a little confused. Why are the police involved in a heart attack?

Ronan: Well, there were a few things found at the scene where Mr. Murphy collapsed that, well, they don't make sense.

J.T.: We're just trying to understand what happened between the time you saw him and Katherine found him.

Ronan: We're trying to act on this quickly.

Meggie: Mm, of course. And then when Mr. Murphy wakes up, he can fill in the rest of the blanks.

Ronan: Well, unfortunately, we're not sure when or if Mr. Murphy will regain consciousness and be able to speak for himself.

Meggie: (Sighs)

Jill: Maybe it was a mistake that I come here in the first place.

Tucker: No.

Billy: Hey, Mom, I just heard about Murphy. Why didn't you call me?

Jill: I just found out about it myself.

Billy: Okay.

Tucker: That's his room right there. Katherine's in with him.

Billy: Okay. Uh, is she okay? Is he okay? What's going on?

Jill: She's just a little overwhelmed. I don't think she's up for a lot of company.

Billy: Okay, I get that. I'm just gonna go say hi, let her know I'm here. I'm not gonna get in the way, okay?

Jill: I-I should call Cane...

Tucker: That's a good idea.

Jill: Although he-- he left me a message earlier that he was taking Lily and the twins on a little vacation. You know, cottage by the lake.

Tucker: Right.

Jill: So maybe I shouldn't bother. Maybe I shouldn't dist--

Tucker: What is it?

Jill: Cane's message. It's the last one I received. Nobody called me about Murphy. Here I've been feeling all guilty that my phone was off, and it took me so long to get here, and nobody even thought that I rated a call about it.

Tucker: Hey.

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: What do you say we get out of here?

Jill: Yeah. Yeah.

Tucker: Come on.

Cane: (Sighs) (Window lock clicks) (Click)

Lily: I think Charlie and Mattie could tell that I was tense. (Sighs) Cane, there is nothing that I wouldn't do to protect those two.

Cane: Come here.

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: I feel the same way.

Lily: Okay, well, then let's go to the police. Let's tell them everything.

Cane: All right, Sweetheart--

Lily: No, maybe they can work with the Australian authorities, find those guys, and lock them up again. If they're here threatening our family, then they're breaking their parole, right?

Cane: I've already spoken to J.T., and he's working with the police.

Lily: (Sighs) Great. What did he say?

Cane: There's not much they can do. They did video, and they-- they sent some steaks or something. There's nothing illegal. They haven't committed a crime yet.

Lily: Nothing illegal? They're videotaping us at our house. That's an obvious threat. And there's nothing that we can do until after they attack? (Sighs)

Cane: Trust me, I'm not taking this lightly, okay? Phillip is back there, and he's working on things.

Lily: Working on them, how?

Cane: He knows people. He knows people who have connections, and he's calling them to see if they can make these people back off.

Lily: Well, I wish that made me feel more secure.

Cane: Listen, we're up here, okay? And it's gonna give us the time and the space we need to figure things out, and I am doing everything I can to find out how I can track these people down, okay? The people making the threats. And I swear to you-- hey, I swear to you, I will never let anything happen to you or those babies. You have to believe me.

Abby: (Groans)

Ashley: I think we were hungry.

Abby: Wow, you know, Colleen loved their moo shu.

Ashley: I know.

Abby: I remember being so grossed out by all those little chopped-up freaky things in it.

Ashley: (Laughs)

Abby: (Laughs) (Sighs) God, she was right. It's really good.

Ashley: You don't have to hold it in.

Abby: (Sighs) (Shudders) (Sighs) I didn't think today was gonna be this hard. Wow. (Sighs)

Ashley: What does that tell you, huh? Family is really the most important thing, huh? It's about the people that you love and the people that love you. And all the money in the world can't buy you that. Just ask Katherine.

Abby: Oh, my God. I meant it when I said that the lawsuit is not about money. It's not, okay?

Ashley: Really? Then why sue? You're of age. Go out there and tell the world that you're independent. Go find a college and go back to school. Move to New York and live with your Aunt Traci for a while, Honey. I mean, you could work in the Jabot office in New York.

Abby: And you mean to tell me that you really think Dad won't still be pulling the strings? Come on. You know him. You've been married to him twice.

Ashley: Gosh, I think that's one of the things I find so refreshing about Tucker.

Abby: (Scoffs) That he's not a raging control freak like Dad?

Ashley: No, he's not. You know, he doesn't try to tell me how to live my life and doesn't try to manipulate me. I guess he wasn't always 100% straightforward with Katherine, but I feel like he is with me, and I just... I don't know. I feel like I can trust him, and I can count on him.

Jill: I mean, it's not as if... we live in the same house, for God sake.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Jill: Am I that invisible?

Tucker: Hmm.

Jill: Or did Katherine just decide that she doesn't want me around when she's going through a crisis?

Tucker: Well, I know how you feel. I got frozen out after Chance's funeral. (Sighs) you know, when Katherine was hospitalized. At least no one told you to your face to go home.

Jill: You're kidding me.

Tucker: No, I'm not kidding.

Jill: I had no idea. I am so sorry you went through that.

Tucker: Jill, you can't control how other people react.

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: You can only control your own behavior, right?

Jill: Mm-hmm.

Tucker: You went. You offered your support.

Jill: (Sighs)

Tucker: You can't force Katherine to take you up on it.

Jill: I know. I know.

Tucker: If it helps, she didn't call me, either. I'm her son. She didn't appreciate it when I showed up.

Jill: (Sighs) I don't even know why I care.

Tucker: But you do.

Jill: I do. (Sighs)

Jack: I cannot remember the last time I had a grilled cheese sandwich.

Phyllis: I know. It's comfort food. Now if it were me, it would be more like rocky road ice cream, 'cause I'm a "Sweet" girl. But I remember you're more like a salty, crispy, savory...

Jack: (Scoffs)

Phyllis: Sort of--what?

Jack: I'm cut to the quick.

Phyllis: What?

Jack: You don't remember my classic, famous fireplace s'mores?

Phyllis: Of course, I do. Of course, I do. What are you talking about? But that was for me.

Jack: Oh.

Phyllis: Right?

Jack: Yeah.

Phyllis: I'm talking about you. That was one of my fondest memoires of when we were last together.

Jack: Are you saying we're together again?

Phyllis: I don't know. It feels like that.

Jack: Yeah, it does, doesn't it?

Phyllis: (Laughs) Yeah, it does.

Victor: You better wake up, Old boy. We have a conversation to finish.

Kay: (Chuckles) You both have been wonderful. I swear I could not have made it through this day without you, but I want you to go home. You've been here all day long.

Nikki: So have you.

Kay: Well, "In sickness, and in health."

Victor: We're happy to keep you company, Katherine, okay?

Kay: Yes, I know you are. But I-I really would like, uh, some time alone with Murphy.

Nikki: Now, Katherine, it wasn't that long ago that you were in the hospital yourself. I don't want you overdoing it.

Kay: I won't. I won't.

Nikki: You need to get some rest.

Kay: Well, I'm planning on sleeping in that chair right over there, but I-it's not going to happen if the two of you keep hovering.

Victor: We will leave on one condition-- that you call us whenever you need us. I don't care what time it is, okay?

Kay: You have my solemn vow.

Nikki: All right.

Kay: Thank you, Sweetheart.

Mac: Hey, you're back.

Nina: Hi. It's good to see you. It's nice of you to stop by.

Ronan: Yeah, it's, uh, no problem.

Nikki: Well... (Sighs) Katherine is kicking us all out for the evening.

Nina: (Chuckles)

Nikki: We are under strict orders to go home.

Mac: Will she be okay?

Victor: She just wants to rest a little, all right?

Nina: Well, after the day she's had, I'm not surprised.

Mac: Yeah.

Victor: Okay, we'll see you later.

Nikki: So good night, everybody.

Nina: Good night.

Mac: Bye.

J.T.: Good night.

Ronan: Hey. I actually need to see Katherine. Do you think that you can maybe talk her into talking to me for a few minutes?

Nina: Right now? Wh-why?

Ronan: J.T. had me come down and take a look at Murphy's car, and we--we found a few things that--that look a little suspicious.

Nina: What do you mean?

Ronan: We're not sure, but we feel like that maybe somebody might have been trying to rob Murphy right before he collapsed.

Nina: Oh, my God.

Ronan: Okay, listen, please don't say anything to Katherine, okay? I need to question her without her having any preconceived notions about this.

Nina: A-all right. I'll, uh, I'll see if she's up for a visitor.

Ronan: Okay. Thank you.

Nina: Sure.

J.T.: Yeah.

Ronan: Hey. Your instincts were real good on this one.

J.T.: Thanks.

Ronan: You're welcome. So listen, there's a new class starting at the police academy next week, and I'd-- I'd like to have you in it.

J.T.: Really?

Ronan: Yeah. With the force in the shape that it's in right now, we need watchdogs in positions of authority, and I think that'd be a really good job for you, but you're gonna have to earn your creds with the guys from the department, which means you're gonna have to walk in their shoes for a bit.

Mac: A cop? After what happened to Chance?

Ronan: Listen, most officers go their entire career without ever firing their weapon. Just sleep on it. How about that? Let me know how you feel.

J.T.: Yeah. Yeah. Sounds fair.

Ronan: All right. All right. So why don't you guys take off? I'm gonna stick around for a bit and see if I can talk to Katherine since, you know, we didn't get anything out of the McClaine woman.

J.T.: All right.

Ronan: All right.

Meggie: (Sighs)

Cane: The windows and doors are locked. I-I checked them.

Lily: Okay, well, now they've been double-checked.

Cane: You, um, hungry? I, uh, the doctor said you should keep your strength up. Would you like me to make you something to eat?

Lily: (Sighs) Fine.

Cane: All right, listen. I know you're upset with me, all right? I know I shouldn't have kept this from you. I know you're upset at what's happening, and I'm sorry, all right? I never should have--    

(Footsteps approach)

Lily: Did you hear that?

Cane: There's someone out there. (Sighs) Officer Whitcomb.

Whitcomb: Is everything okay?

Cane: Yeah. Yeah. Everything's fine. We just, uh, weren't expecting anybody. Uh, this is my wife Lily.

Lily: Hi. Nice to meet you.

Whitcomb: Hi.

Cane: This is the officer I told you about.

Lily: Oh.

Cane: So, uh, what can we do for you?

Whitcomb: Oh, in case you haven't heard, there's a bad storm brewin'. Now that lake wind can knock out the power pretty easily. Just want to make sure you folks are prepared.

Cane: Okay, uh, thank you for that. We'll be prepared.

Whitcomb: Yeah.

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: Well, it looks like we're gonna have dinner by candlelight, huh? Listen, we're gonna get through this, okay? And now you have to feel better we have Officer Whitcomb out there checking on the house.

Whitcomb: Yeah, they're all settled in, Mate. What do you want me to do?

Phyllis: Do you feel better?

Jack: Immeasurably.

Phyllis: I make a mean grilled cheese, don't I?

Jack: (Chuckles) Yeah, that was a great sandwich. You know what, though? I have a feeling there's something else at work here.

Billy: Murphy's stable, but he's still unconscious, and the doc's not sure when that might change.

Ashley: How's Katherine doing?

Billy: She's hanging in. I'm sure it helped having people around.

Ashley: Oh, good. Well, then maybe I'll stop by the hospital tomorrow. Maybe Tucker and I can go together.

Billy: So... speaking of me being starving...

Ashley: Oh, that's right.

Billy: Not to change the subject or anything.

Ashley: You left without eating, didn't you?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Ashley: Uh-oh.

Billy: You guys, uh, save an eggroll or anything?

Ashley: Um...

Billy: You know, 'cause CeeCee and I, we used to fight over the last eggroll. It was kind of our ritual.

Ashley: I miss her, too.

Billy: Yeah.

Ashley: And there's plenty of leftovers in the kitchen.

Billy: Awesome. Where's Abby?

Ashley: She went to the gym. She wanted to catch the last kickboxing class.

Billy: Ah, workin' out. Good. Probably put her in a better mood.

Abby: (Sighs) Hey, can I get a bottle of water? Thanks.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victor: I guess Meggie is not here.

Nikki: (Sighs) What a day.

Victor: You seem exhausted, My baby.

Nikki: Well, it's just so upsetting watching Murphy fighting for his life.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: Just last year, you were in the I.C.U., and I was so worried of losing you. I...

Victor: I'm much too stubborn for that, My baby.

Nikki: (Chuckles) I know you are. (Sighs) Let's hope that Murphy is, too, and Katherine is as lucky as we were.

Victor: Yep. I love you, My baby.

Kay: (Sighs) Well, if you have to ask questions, ask them, please, because I have to get back upstairs.

Ronan: I understand. Um, so, are those the clothes that you had on when you found Murphy?

Kay: Are these-- this is the first moment I've left my husband's side since--since he was brought in here in the ambulance.

Ronan: Okay, um, and, uh, your shoes-- are those the shoes that you had on?

Kay: My husband is fighting for his life, and you really care what I was wearing?

Nina: Katherine, take it easy. Ronan wouldn't be asking if it weren't important, okay?

Kay: Uh, yes, I was wearing them all day long.

Ronan: So you got into the car. Now did you get in on the passenger side?

Kay: To get to my husband, yes. Yes.

Ronan: Okay, now when you got into the car, did you happen to notice if there was any mud on the passenger side when you got in?

Kay: I was looking at my husband. I wasn't looking at any mud. Oh, come-- what is this all about? Uh, why--why all these ridiculous questions? What?

Ronan: (Sighs) When J.T. and Mackenzie went back to get your purse, J.T. noticed that some things, uh, they weren't quite right. So he called me in just to have me take a look at it.

Kay: Mm-hmm. Go on.

Ronan: I've found some evidence that may have indicated that Murphy wasn't alone when he collapsed, and I'm just saying that given the--there was a mugging in the same vicinity the other night...

Kay: Wait. Wait just a minute. Are you saying this wasn't a heart attack?

Ronan: No. No, I'm not saying that. The doctors are sure that it was. But I'm--I'm saying that someone may have upset him.

Kay: Well, Young man, you're upsetting me, and you don't see me having a heart attack.

Nina: If--if someone caused this to happen to your husband, don't you want to find out who?

Kay: There is no one on the face of this earth would hurt Murphy. No. I can't even-- I can't even imagine such a thing.

Meggie: You're not gonna mess it up this time, Murphy. I've waited my whole life for a score this big. The cops are right. You're never gonna wake up. I'm gonna make sure of it.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Victoria: What's going on?

Victor: I want to settle the lawsuit.

Kevin: It turns out getting divorced is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Abby: I'm trying to help you.

Daniel: You want to hijack the spotlight...

Abby: No. What?

Daniel: And make all my work look stupid? No. Thank you, but no, thank you.

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