Y&R Transcript Monday 10/4/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 10/4/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 10/5/10 -- USA


Episode # 9498 ~ Meggie's Secret Past

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Nikki: (Exhales slowly) (Whispers) Oh, my God.

Meggie: It's a killer, isn't it? Food poisoning? How you feeling?

Nikki: Um, I-I'm a little better, thank you.

Meggie: Was it shellfish? I had a friend once who ate one bad oyster. That's all it took.

Nikki: Mm.

Meggie: Oh, we should call the restaurant.

Nikki: No, no. We don't need to do that. That's not necessary. I just really need some tea.

Meggie: Hey, hey, it's okay. I-it's no shame in getting sick, if that's what's got you down. Is it?

Victor: So the horses are used to Summer and Reed, okay?

Kay: Ah.

Victor: The handlers are saddling them right now.

Kay: Well, the kids can't wait.

Murphy: Oh, yeah, pony rides really rake in the dough for the veterans' association.

Victor: By the way, talking about dough--I've got something for you, okay? But my assistant will bring it to you. I did not bring anything with me I don't think. (Laughs)

Kay: What? Oh, sure. (Laughs) Very convenient. Very convenient.

Murphy: Oh, listen, I love-- I love all checks, big and small. Don't worry. Uh, uh, oh, got somebody else on the line.

Victor: You rake it in, Murphy.

Murphy: I will.

Kay: Okay. (Laughs)

Victor: All right. Nice to see you.

Kay: I'm glad I, uh, have a few seconds with you. Um, I truly am worried about you and Nikki.

Victor: I don't want you to worry about it. Everything is fine.

Kay: Oh, I'm sure it is. I mean, all the family chaos with Abby and Victoria-- it's not at all unsettling, is it?

Victor: You know everything, don't you? Hmm?

Kay: (Chuckles) Sort of.

Victor: The lawsuit was not Abby's idea. I promise you. I bet you anything Jack Abbott is behind it.

Summer: Daddy, we got cotton candy!

Nick: Hey, all right.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh, it's the best, isn't it?

Jack: You okay?

Phyllis: Uh, what? Nick and Sharon? I'm fine. Please. As long as they don't steal all the caramel apples, I am good.

Jack: You are good.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Jack: Mm.

Adam: Ooh, ouch. That's gotta hurt. Your bed buddy sleeping with his bed buddy?

Skye: Yeah, the only thing that hurts is the damage those two did to the Newman fund with that "Restless Style" article.

Nick: Hey, what do you say we go do some face painting?

Phyllis: Hey, fun, fun, fun. Right, Honey?

Jack: Good day for throwin' darts.

Skye: Ahh, rigged games are always such fun. I just want to bottle this day and save it always.

Phyllis: Please get that out of my face.

Skye: You don't like that? You don't like that?

Adam: Whoa. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Whoa. Hey, hey, hey.

Nick: Adam, get your hands off her.

Cane: All right, listen. The--the label said "Aussie prime pride," okay? So y-you have to have some form of record who--who paid for the shipment. I'll call you back. Hey, where are you guys going?

Lily: Uh, to the harvest festival. You want to win your babies a prize?

Cane: Uh... I don't know. Maybe you should stay in. It looks a little cold outside, you know?

Lily: (Scoffs) It's gorgeous out. Listen, they need fresh air, okay? And so do you, unless there's a reason that you don't want us to go out.

Mac: Are you sure about this?

J.T.: What? I thought you were up for me working for the G.C.P.D.

Mac: I am, but it is a big step, so if you're having second thoughts...

J.T.: Not a one.

Mac: Okay, then have at it. I'll be waiting.

J.T.: Okay.

J.T.: Hey, Tucker. You got a second?

Tucker: Well, um, actually, I have a lunch meeting. Can we do it after?

J.T.: Actually, this will only take a second. Um, I sent an update to your assistant on the, uh, the piracy issue. I also sent some suggestions for a new information protection facility.

Tucker: Well, that's good to know. I get the feeling that's not why you're here, though.

J.T.: No. No. This is my resignation. I'm leaving McCall, Unlimited.

Tucker: Does this have something to do with me, uh, asking you to look into Newman's dealings in Japan?

J.T.: Honestly, yeah, it does. Look, this is your company, Tucker. You can ask people to do whatever the hell you want them to do, but--

Tucker: But you have the right to say no and walk away. And go where?

J.T.: Genoa City police department as a consultant.

Tucker: Really? Well, they got a bad rap right now, don't they?

J.T.: Yeah, well, I'm gonna see what I can do to fix that.

Tucker: Glad to hear it. They could use good people like you-- brains, heart. You know, J.T., you made McCall's relocation here a lot easier than anticipated. I won't forget that.

J.T.: I appreciate that. We could talk about how much notice you'd like.

Tucker: Oh, no, no. Don't sweat it. I'll put Cane on some of your projects until I can find someone to fill your shoes. Anyway, the sooner you're working with the force, the safer Genoa City'll be. It's a win-win all around.

Cane: It's, uh, it's-- it's not that I don't want us to go out.

Lily: Well, then what is it?

Cane: I don't know. Maybe it's "New dad" paranoia. You know, in here, I can keep an eye on them, but out there, I, uh, I just can't do that.

Lily: Okay, well, we can't stay in the house until they're 30.

Cane: How about till they're 18?

Lily: Oh, okay.

Cane: (Chuckles) You know what we need? We need family time. Why don't we, uh, load the kids up in the car and go rent a cottage or something?

Lily: (Sighs) Honey, I would-- I would love to, but I just-- I can't, you know? Not today. You know, I have to call Traci. I have to check in with Billy.

Cane: Oh, Colleen. I-I'm--I forgot about it.

Lily: I know. It seems so much longer than a year, and then so much shorter.

Cane: It does, doesn't it? Well, listen, the kids are asleep, right?

Lily: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Make your calls. I'll go get some food.

Lily: Okay. I know it isn't the same as a vacation.

Cane: It doesn't matter. As long as the four of us are together, that's all that matters, okay?

Lily: Okay.

Cane: I love you, Baby.

Lily: I love you.

Cane: I'll be back.

Lily: Okay.

Cane: (Sighs) Hey, J.T., It's, uh, it's Cane. I really need your help.

Meggie: You're probably dehydrated.

Nikki: Oh, that's not gonna fix anything.

Meggie: What do you mean?

Nikki: This just, you know... everything that's goin' on. All the stress, you know... (Sighs) Kind of makes me second-guess myself. I don't know if I... (Sighs) I wonder if I'm looking at things right, you know? Am I... am I putting too much significance on something? Or not putting enough? I don't know.

Meggie: Abby and Victoria are pretty tough cookies butting heads with their dad. And you're the mama bear, so it drives you nuts.

Nikki: Yeah. No, it's just... it's more.

Meggie: (Laughs) Honey, there's always more. But I've seen enough to know that you are the glue that holds this family together. You need to take a break, look after yourself for a change. Really, you're no good to Victor or the kids if you're not in one piece.

Victor: Here we go, Sweetheart.

Kay: Ah, thank you. Uh, you know what? (Sighs)

Victor: What?

Kay: I still think you're wrong about Jack.

Victor: Ha.

Kay: No, no, after-- well, now come on. After what happened to Colleen, I just can't believe that he would use another one of his nieces just to get to you.

Victor: He will do that until he runs out of relatives...

Kay: Oh, come on, Victor.

Victor: I promise you. Jack Abbott? Are you kidding me?

Kay: Mm.

Victor: And after Tucker offered him that co-C.E.O. job at Jabot...

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Victor: He became even more arrogant. And right afterwards, Abby filed her lawsuit. And coincidentally, Victoria joined in after she married Billy Abbott. Is that coincidence? I don't think so.

Kay: Well, all--all right. All right, the timing is suspect, but still, it's no proof of a conspiracy, for God sake.

Victor: Well...

Kay: I've gotta be honest with you.

Victor: Mm.

Kay: I think your two daughters may simply want their independence.

Victor: For Abby, it's a tantrum. For Victoria, it's revenge. And this plays right into the hands of Jack Abbott. Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.

Nick: The kids are here to have a good time.

Jack: Summer, let's go find another game to play. Come on.

Nick: I suggest you and your wife go in the opposite direction.

Skye: Oh, what a good idea. We can see what they line the chicken coop with. Issues of "Restless Style," I assume. You know, that article you wrote is libelous.

Phyllis: Mm, I'm only libel if it's untrue. And it was true. Listen, you tried to use my issue of "Restless Style" to hype your little freak show hedge fund. You got played. Sorry. That's how it goes. Move on. Suck it up. Have a good day.

Sharon: Um, listen, it's a big enough fair. I think that we could probably work it out so we don't run into each other.

Nick: That's a good idea. We're gonna go this direction. Maybe you could go check out the 4-h section.

Skye: Oh, with all the manure. Lovely.

Adam: Yeah, why don't you just go scamper off then, Nick?

Nick: (Chuckles) You think I'm running from you? Dude, you're a joke. Thanks to that little article in "Restless Style," it won't be long before you hit rock bottom with your wife and get run out of town, so I don't need to run from you, 'cause you're nothing. You don't exist. Enjoy the hogs.

Skye: You really are pathetic.

Adam: Yeah? What was that little stunt you pulled with the camera in Phyllis' face?

Skye: I got a picture of Jack and Phyllis looking all cuddly. I can post it online and site an anonymous source saying they're a couple. It'll discredit that article linking Jack and me, and make it very clear "Restless Style" was doing a smear job on our marriage.

Adam: Who's gonna care, Skye?

Skye: Oh, people who want to invest with us and are suddenly having second thoughts. Look at us. We're the happy couple with the successful hedge fund. Is that why you dragged me to this cow-patty party? Or was it to moon over Sharon?

Adam: You know what? You want to polish up our image? Why don't you let me take care of that?

Skye: (Sighs)

J.T.: So that's it? A surveillance DVD and a shipment of steaks?

Cane: Yeah, I dealt with these guys back in Australia, but I thought they would have lost interest once I moved to G.C.

J.T.: Well, they wanted you to know they could get to your family. It's an aggressive move.

Cane: Which is why I need your help.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Cane: Just the thought of these guys getting close to Lily makes me want to--

J.T.: I know. It makes you want to go for their throats, but, look, they haven't done anything illegal yet.

Cane: Listen, clearly this is a threat.

J.T.: No, I agree, but the system's not gonna see it like that.

Cane: So the system wants to wait till they get hurt. Is that what it wants to do?

J.T.: No, nobody wants that, Cane. Nobody wants that. This is where private security comes in, and I happen to know some of the best guys.

Cane: (Sighs) So what do you want me to do? Just say, "Hey, Lily, I hired some armed male nannies for you"? Is that what I should do?

J.T.: Wait, you-- you haven't told Lily yet?

Cane: No.

J.T.: Cane, come on, Man. You gotta tell her everything now.

Mac: And then I take these naps that are, like, two hours long, longer than I did with the twins, and I'm thinking, shouldn't I be half as tired with one baby?

Lily: (Laughs) Well, you are glowing just as much.

Mac: (Chuckles) Now you're just being nice.

Lily: No.

Mac: So tell me what's going on with you.

Lily: Uh, you know... (Sighs) Just dealing with an overprotective dad. It's like Cane can hardly even stand to have us walk outside. But the weird thing is...

Mac: What?

Lily: Well, I don't know. It's just one minute, you know, he's saying that we shouldn't leave the house, and the next minute, he's saying that we should go rent a cottage. I don't know. I just get the feeling there's something else going on.

Murphy: Oh, well, thank you. Why don't you check out the horses and give 'em some apples? They love 'em. (Chuckles) (Sighs)

Kay: (Laughs)

Murphy: (Laughs) Oh, well, there you are.

Kay: (Sighs) Here I am.

Murphy: Um, listen, uh, you want me to wrestle Victor, just say the word, because I think that guy's got his eye on you.

Kay: Oh, poor Victor. He's got so much on his plate. Mm. You really dig all of this, don't you? The mingling and, um, all the fish stories and... taking donations.

Murphy: Well, yeah. I mean, here, in my--my wading boots, uh, our bedroom-- my happy places. Oh, oh, oh, oh, you gotta take off, right?

Kay: Well, I'm just, uh, you know, concerned about, uh, Victor and Nikki. It just...

Murphy: Yeah, yeah. I know. I know. But you come back.

Kay: Why?

Murphy: My happy place.

Kay: And your wading boots?

Murphy: Mm-hmm. Our bedroom. Will you pencil me in?

Kay: (Chuckles) I will ink it in.

Murphy: Mm.

Kay: Be right back, okay? Bye!

Jack: Okay, Kiddo. We're 2 for 2. There you are.

Summer: (Giggles)

Nick: Hey, Supergirl!

Jack: Hey.

Nick: Oh. Hey, uh, thanks a lot for gettin' this one away from the drama with Adam.

Jack: Well, grown-ups can be awfully boring sometimes.

Nick: Well, that article in "Restless Style" certainly wasn't boring. You've been a busy guy, Jack, very busy.

Jack: What can I say? We all love cotton candy.

Nick: It might be a little more than a sweet tooth.

Jack: Hey.

Phyllis: Hi. Um, so unless you guys are talkin' about Ferris wheels and tractor pulls, stop.

Jack: Tractor pu-- I didn't know there was a tractor pull here.

Phyllis: Yes.

Jack: Where do we get tickets?

Summer: (Giggles)

Sharon: I've got someone who can't chew a funnel cake, but who's hungry.

Nick: You need some, uh, applesauce or a bottle?

Adam: May I have your attention, folks? My name is Adam Newman, and I have an announcement to make. I love Genoa City as if it were my own hometown. The kindness, the warmth, the sense of solid values-- Mr. Patrick Murphy, Sir, could I have a moment? I'm very proud of your work, my wife and I, and so, uh, the Newman Fund would like to present this to the Veterans' Fund.

Murphy: (Chuckles) Whoa! Holy mackerel. Boy, this is gonna buy yourself one heck of a pony ride.

Phyllis: Okay, Baby girl, let's go. Let's go get some kettle corn.

Skye: Open your wallets, people. Best feeling in the world-- to make a difference.

Sharon: Oh, I know you're hungry, Sweetie. This'll be over with soon, okay?

Skye: You cut a check, wave to the crowd, but still can't stop staring at your ex. We're leaving.

Adam: Mm, as I recall, I told you, Skye, not to give me orders anymore.

Skye: (Sighs) That article was as much about Jack and me as it was about you and Sharon. Now the public sees you making cow eyes at her. You look like a moron who can't handle his life, never mind people's money.

Adam: (Sighs) You like this? Playing this game? Pushing me? Remember, I said if you push me too hard, I might just snap, Skye. And then you would never be able to push anybody ever again.

Mac: They back to sleep?

Lily: Yep, not a care in the world. Of course, they don't have to deal with a husband who says one thing one minute and then something else the next. (Chuckles)

Mac: Well, you said that he said that he wanted to leave today, right? So... maybe the idea popped in his head because he was thinking about Colleen and he thought that you would handle the anniversary better if you were in nice calm surroundings.

Lily: Yeah, I... maybe.

Mac: He's your husband, and you know him better than anybody else. So if you feel like something's wrong, you're probably right. And if you go away with no distractions, no interruptions...

Lily: Well, of course, other than the twins.

Mac: You will be able to talk, and you can figure out if something's wrong.

Lily: I don't know. It was just a feeling. You know, I mean, it's probably nothing.

Mac: Then you will enjoy peace and quiet and calm and nature, and it will mean great things for your little family unit.

Lily: (Chuckles)

J.T.: You can't keep this from Lily, not after lying about who you are and who your family is.

Cane: What do I do? I say, "Hey, you're being watched. You're being recorded"?

J.T.: If you want her protected, I can do that.

Cane: I can protect her.

J.T.: What about when you're at work?

Cane: She's my only priority, her and the kids.

J.T.: What about when she finds out that you've been keeping this from her?

Cane: I'll deal with that then. Just--just-- just don't say anything.

J.T.: Well, you better tell her soon. She deserves to know everything you're dealing with right now.

Cane: I already said it. I'll handle it, all right? Please just don't say anything. I just--I just want her to enjoy some of the health that she's having and the babies, just for a little while.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Victor: Meggie, would you kindly take this to Katherine at the harvest festival? She is in the veterans' booth, all right?

Meggie: Anything for the troops.

Victor: All right.

Meggie: Remember, broth and crackers.

Victor: How can I forget?

Meggie: See you later.

Victor: Bye-bye.

Nikki: Bye.

Victor: How are you feeling?

Nikki: (Sighs) I'm better, thanks. I'm sorry if I worried you.

Victor: You did, you know. (Sighs) Especially when you asked me to sleep alone.

Nikki: I'm so sorry. (Groans)

Victor: What?

Nikki: Oh, I-I shouldn't have come downstairs. I'm a little more light-headed than I thought. I better go back--

Victor: Sweetheart, you and I need to talk about this. There's been no peace in our family lately, no peace in our house. It worries me. But what really worries me is that I feel you're pulling away from me.

Nikki: Victor, I'm just... I'm just lost. I fe-- I feel like everything is falling apart, and I can't stop it.

Victor: What's the matter, Baby?

Nikki: (Sobs)

Victor: Baby, what's the matter?

Nikki: (Sobs)

Meggie: I have a check for Mrs. Chancellor from Victor Newman.

Murphy: Oh, hey, that's great. Uh, I'm her husband. Just leave it with me.

Meggie: Sure I can trust you?

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Murphy: Hey! Come back here!

Sharon: Mmm, I know that bottle you just had doesn't even compare to these pies. But don't worry, 'cause next year, you're gonna have pie. Just a bite.

Jack: I was always an apple crumble man myself.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Jack: How you holdin' up?

Sharon: Uh, well, I'll tell you one thing-- I sure am glad that Faith is too young to understand much, because some of the things said-- speaking of which, you and Phyllis?

Jack: Yep.

Sharon: Okay. So what was all of that with Skye?

Jack: Things happen. And you and Nick?

Sharon: Oh, well-- well, we're here with Faith.

Jack: It's like a time warp-- you and Nick, me and Phyllis. It's like somebody woke up in a shower, and the last few years never happened.

Sharon: (Sighs) Oh, believe me, the last few years happened all right. (Chuckles)

Jack: (Chuckles)

Faith: (Babbles)

Sharon: But I know what you mean. It is a little strange.

Jack: You know what the four of us ought to do? We should buy a magazine.

Faith: (Babbles)

Sharon: Ahh, good idea.

Jack: (Laughs)

Sharon: (Laughs)

Nick: You posting Adam's generosity on the "Restless Style" web site?

Phyllis: No. I'm not giving that weasel press. I'm just texting Billy that he just threatened Skye that he might snap.

Nick: Yeah, well, it's not the first time he's talked tough.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: He basically said the exact same thing to her the other day.

Phyllis: She's a con artist, but he's crazy. It's not like he isn't capable of... who knows what?

Nick: If he loses control...

Phyllis: Yeah, there's gonna be collateral damage, definitely. The question is, who?

Nick: And how bad. What?

Phyllis: Nothing.

Nick: Things almost seemed normal between us. Maybe it's a sign we're through the bad stuff.

Phyllis: Are we that enlightened?

Nick: That's us.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Nick: Um, so you're okay with me having Summer tonight?

Phyllis: Did you think I was gonna keep her from you to punish you for being here with Sharon?

Nick: I know it is awkward.

Phyllis: Awkward, yeah, but not shocking to me. So, uh, I'm gonna get your daughter and win her a prize.

Nick: She's all yours.

Phyllis: This harvest festival is really big this year. Last year, it was tiny.

Sharon: I know it's awkward.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Faith: Blankie.

Phyllis: You and Nick share a brain. Wow.

Sharon: You know, you and I are actually on the same side in one way. We have a common enemy.

Phyllis: Adam? Really? (Quietly) Listen, a word to the wise-- if Adam is really your enemy, you should stop staring at him every time you see him.

Sharon: You know, how is it that if you hate me so much, you spend so much time obsessing about my every move? But you know what? You've-- you've actually changed some, I have to admit. You--you've learned to share. Yeah, I mean, here you are with Jack who's sleeping with Adam's wife. I mean, I guess that's-- that's some sort of emotional growth.

Faith: (Fusses)

Sharon: Right? Sort of?

Jack: Oh, oh, great idea.

Phyllis: What?

Jack: Let's buy some pies.

Phyllis: Oh, I wasn't gonna throw the pie at her. She's carrying a baby. My gosh.

Jack: We'd like to take one of these home with us, please.

Phyllis: You're just trying to distract me.

Jack: A pie is a terrible, terrible thing to waste.

Phyllis: I know.

Jack: Thank you very much.

Phyllis: Hey, Summer, come here, Baby girl. Listen. Do you want to do a sleepover at daddy's house tonight?

Summer: Yes.

Phyllis: Yes! Okay. Let's go. He's gonna be excited. We're all gonna have fun tonight. Let's go, Baby girl.

Jack: Here we go.

Phyllis: My goodness, look at all of your prizes. Look at your prizes.

Nikki: Victor, I love you.

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: You are the greatest love of my life. I don't want to shut you out... especially after everything we've gone through to get where we are. That's why I went with you to that clinic in Belgium to hold your hand, watch you get stronger, watch your new heart beating in you and...

Victor: Mm.

Nikki: Making you strong and happy. Your heart was open to us then, to me and the children, but...

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: Victor...

Victor: What?

Nikki: It seems like now you're just back to your old grudges and vendettas...

Victor: Oh.

Nikki: And... where does that leave me? I mean, does that mean that-- that I lose ground, too?

Victor: Sweetheart--

Nikki: I mean, I don't know what to do to stop this.

Victor: Sweetheart.

Nikki: I mean, how--

Victor: Baby.

Nikki: How--how do I get--

Victor: We have each other, okay? We have each other. Stop it now.

Nikki: No. (Sobs) Everything is different. Everything is gone.

Victor: I promise you, whatever happened, I can fix it, and I will fix it.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victor: But I don't want to lose you, okay?

Nikki: I don't want to lose you, either.

Tucker: (Sighs) Oh.

Kay: No, sit down. (Sighs) Well, Victor's daughters threatened to decimate his company in court.

Tucker: So I heard. (Sighs)

Kay: Are you behind it?

Tucker: I have my own company and half of yours.

Kay: Still doesn't answer my question.

Tucker: (Sighs) Well, it's no secret that I want Beauty of Nature. But Victoria and Abby are adults. They make their own decisions. They don't come to me for advice.

Kay: Mm-hmm. I see. Well, you see, Victor suspects Jack is pulling the strings, and since Jack is back at Jabot and Jack is part of your company, your team--

Tucker: I'm my own team.

Kay: (Sighs) Don't be a smartass, Tucker. You enjoy all of this far too much not to have a finger in it. And if you do, you are pitting child against parent, and that's a rotten way to do business-- breaking hearts for a few dollars.

Tucker: This is more than a few dollars, and it's not my family.

Kay: Oh, so who gives a damn? Is that it? Trust me. This involves your family very, very much. And if I find out you really are involved, I will back Victor, not you. And, Son, I can tell you, it's going to get very, very ugly for our family and our company.

Murphy: She got away. Damn it. I-I gotta warn Victor.

Victor: Hello?

Murphy: Hey, Victor, it's Murphy. I gotta talk to you. Listen, there's something--

Murphy: Keep away.

Meggie: No way, Old man. You're not gonna warn anybody.

Murphy: I'm not gonna let it happen... not again.

Meggie: (Scoffs)

Mac: So how was it-- cop work instead of blocking corporate espionage?

J.T.: (Sighs) Frustrating, you know? I wish I could do more. But still, it's--it's better than not having a job. You know, when I think back to where I was a year ago, working for Tucker...

Mac: You lost Colleen.

J.T.: (Scoffs) Yeah. Things were fallin' apart with Victoria. You know, that--that job with Tucker was supposed to-- was supposed to make me a new man, you know? Give me my sense of independence. What a waste of time.

Mac: It wasn't a waste of time. It's always a journey. One step leads to another, and those steps led you here.

J.T.: To you.

Mac: To us. And we're glad that you're here.

Cane: What are you doing?

Lily: I am packing... (Sighs) So you can take us to that cottage.

Cane: Oh, so you changed your mind, huh?

Lily: Well, you know, you're right. We need time. Just us, no distractions.

Cane: Well, you're gonna love it, all right? We'll get out of here. We'll just get away from everything. So I will go and pack the babies' things.

Lily: Well, for that, we're gonna need a cargo truck.

Cane: Hey, don't worry about that. I'll haul it up on my back if I have to, all right? All right? Yeah.

Lily: Oh, okay.

Cane: Whatever it takes.

Lily: All right.

Nikki: What? Did Murphy hang up on you?

Victor: Mm, got disconnected. It's probably about the check. (Sighs) I don't want to talk about that, though. I want you to know that it breaks my heart when I fight with our children. But I'll fix it, okay? You and I have been to hell and back. We really have. We've always come back, and we will again. You believe me, don't you?

Nikki: Yes.

Victor: (Sighs)

Phyllis: I know you bought that pie to mock me.

Jack: You were pretty worked up.

Phyllis: (Sighs) I'm still worked up.

Jack: Lucky for me.

Jack: (Sighs)

Skye: Oh, it's insipid the way Nick and Sharon play the perfect family. That's what you want? Puppies and unicorns? Or power and wealth and people kissing your feet no matter what you've done? Because that's what we can have.

Sharon: Yay!

Summer: Daddy!

Sharon: He's the best, isn't he?

Nick: Oh, yeah. All right, that's two prizes for two ladies. Let's go with the dog and the frog.

Sharon: Frog.

Nick: Here we go.

Sharon: The puppy?

Nick: There you go, beautiful.

Sharon: (Laughs) Ribbit.

Nick: Ribbit. Faith loves frogs.

Sharon: Yeah, I'll keep it for her.

Kay: Has anyone seen Murphy? I cannot find that man anywhere.

Murphy: I'm gonna tell Victor and Nikki who their assistant really is.

Meggie: Oh, no, you aren't.

Murphy: Let go of me! Let go!

Meggie: The hell you are.

Murphy: Let go of me!

Meggie: No!

Murphy: (Grunts) Oh! (Moans) (Groans) (Breathing heavily) (Groans) Oh. Oh, my pi-- (Breathing heavily) Oh, my--

Meggie: (Laughs)

Murphy: My pills. Give me my... (Moans) Please. My pills. (Groans) (Breathing heavily)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lily: What is this? Where did this come from?

Mac: What?

J.T.: Something doesn't seem right about this.

Abby: You obviously don't give a damn about what happened a year ago. You can both go to hell.

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