Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/29/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/29/10 -- Canada; Thursday 9/30/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9495 ~ Faith's Birthday Disaster

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Billy: Hey. Magazine's at the printers. What are you still doing here?

Phyllis: Uh, I just wanted to tweak a couple things before this went on the web.

Billy: No staff?

Phyllis: No, you gave 'em the day off... with pay.

Billy: I gave them the day off with pay? Really?

Phyllis: Yeah. At 2:00 in the morning, remember? They were angry.

Billy: Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy: Okay, well, from now on, all complaints go to the new editor in chief.

Phyllis: Oh, great. I'll send myself a memo.

Billy: Yeah. Okay.

Phyllis: Good.

Billy: You know, that, uh, that was really worth it redoing that cover story. It's good instincts, I mean, picking up on Jack's and Skye's affair. It was great.

Phyllis: Yeah, I think it was great, too. I never bought that "Skye/Adam hedge fund golden couple." I never bought it.

Billy: You know, I really wish I had more time to dig into the story. I wonder what else she's lying about.

Phyllis: I think she's lying about everything, yeah. And how long do you think it's gonna take her to come in here after she's read it?

Billy: Oh, given past experience, I'd say maybe an hour. Maybe two.

Phyllis: Oh, Jack.

Jack: Congratulations. How's it feel to be back at the magazine?

Phyllis: It feels really, really great.

Jack: You made the right move. This girl knows her stuff.

Phyllis: Yeah, plus, I'm really fun.

Jack: So what'd you call me for? What are you two cookin' up?

Billy: Well, Jack, I would like to give you the heads-up on the cover story.

Phyllis: Yeah. It's great. Nothin'--nothin' bad about you. It's all--all good about you.

Billy: You should really take a look at it before it hits the web.

Jack: O... kay.

Phyllis: Yeah, come-- come take a look. (Sighs) Hey.

Jack: You didn't waste any time getting up to speed, did you?

Phyllis: I think-- I think he's a little angry.

Billy: I told you he would be that way.

Jack: You're not waiting for my approval. You've already sent this to print.

Billy: (Stammers) Come on. Anything that affects Adam negatively is good, right?

Phyllis: Yeah, and this is gonna hurt the Newman fund's credibility. Don't you want to see Adam fall for once?

Jack: I just don't like kiss-and-tell.

Billy: (Laughs)

Jack: What? I don't.

Billy: "I don't like kiss-and-tell."

Phyllis: We--we told. You were the one who kissed, right?

Jack: I don't think Skye's gonna see it that way.

Skye: In this turbulent market, successful hedge funds are returning somewhere around 30%. Now as you can see, the Newman fund is considerably outperforming market benchmarks.

Woman: No one is getting close to this-- sounds like financial alchemy.

Skye: Well, I've invested a considerable amount of my own money into the fund. I'd be foolish not to be quality-conscious. Now if we continue to perform at this rate, and I assure you we will, the management fees will go up. You want in, now is the time. Once my "Restless Style" cover story hits the newsstands tomorrow, I expect a flurry of investors begging to get in.

Abby: I really never dreamed that you were gonna go in on this lawsuit against Dad with me.

Victoria: Well, I'm tired of making excuses for his disgusting behavior. You should have heard some of the things that he said about Billy after my miscarriage.

Abby: Was he always this brutal?

Victoria: (Sighs) Some people mellow with age.

Abby: (Scoffs) Not Dad.

Victoria: Okay, um, everything looks in order here.

Abby: (Sighs, clears throat)

Victoria: So I guess we can go ahead and make it official. Uh... (Sighs)

Abby: What, are you having second thoughts? You don't want to do it? You're gonna do this to me now? Please don't do this to me now.

Victoria: Abby! There's no ink.

Abby: Oh. Oh, um, there you go. Um...

Victoria: Thank you.

Abby: (Sighs) (Clears throat)

(Doorbell rings)

Abby: Are you expecting someone?

Victoria: Uh, no, I'm not.

Victoria: (Gasps) Noah! Hi!

Noah: Bonjour, Tante Victoria.

Victoria: Oh, hello. You're back from Paris! Get in here. Tell us all about it.

Noah: It was amazing.

Abby: Hey.

Noah: Hey, Abbs.

Abby: Hey. (Clears throat)

Noah: What's that for?

Abby: I'm sorry. Are you too busy to stop by since you've been back? Nothing.

Noah: I texted you to come to Crimson Lights last night. You should have came.

Abby: With "Matt the Rat"? Ew. No, thank you.

Noah: (Sighs)

Nick: Hey, Vick.

Victoria: Hi.

Nick: You okay?

Victoria: Yeah, I'm okay. Yeah.

Nick: You sure?

Victoria: Really. I'm disappointed, but okay. Hello, Baby girl. How are you? Mwah. So sweet. So what are your plans?

Noah: Uh... (Sighs) Nothing definite.

Victoria: Nothing definite. So nothing interests you. You're just gonna...

Noah: Oh, you know. A little of this, a little of that.

Victoria: Ahh.

Nick: Narrows it down, huh?

Abby: (Chuckles)

Victoria: Yeah.

Noah: Yeah. Aunt Victoria-- Billy Abbott? Really?

Victoria: Uh, yeah, really.

Noah: (Chuckles) Heard Grandpa went berserk.

Abby: (Sighs) Yeah.

Victoria: Yeah.

Nick: Um, we're not gonna talk about that today. And I'm glad you're here-- saves me a phone call. Today is Faith's 1st birthday.

Abby: (Gasps)

Victoria: Yay!

Abby: Oh, my goodness! Happy birthday, Faithy. Happy birthday. (Laughs)

Nick: Sharon's gonna throw a party for her today at the house.

Abby: Oh. Is, um, is--is Dad going?

Nick: I want Faith's family to be around her on her day, okay? I already talked to Vick about this and Dad, so now I'm telling you. I really hope you'll put all your feelings aside and come to the party.

Abby: Are you going?

Victoria: Yes, of course.

Abby: (Clears throat)

Victoria: I am going. I wouldn't miss it for the world.

Abby: Okay, well, I will, um, I will definitely try to stop by.

Noah: Oh, not takin' no for an answer, are we, Faith? I'll drag auntie out there myself if I have to.

Abby: Okay. Okay.

Noah: Okay?

Abby: (Scoffs)

Nikki: Sharon called. Um, the rocking horse was delivered earlier this morning. Victor?

Victor: Yeah?

Nikki: And we-- we don't have to go if you don't want to.

Victor: Well, I don't want Nicholas and Sharon to feel that they have to apologize every time that Faith's birthday comes around.

Nikki: Look, you thought she was yours for six months. They would understand.

Victor: Well, but I said to Nicholas that I would be there, and I promised him I would not argue with his sisters.

Nikki: Well, then maybe this is fortuitous. Maybe you can use this as a chance to make peace with Victoria.

Victor: And you didn't think that could be fixed.

Nikki: Well, I was very upset when I said that. If there's one thing I've learned, it's that things can turn around when they are at their bleakest. I mean, just think about it. Last year, you were in the hospital fighting for your life.

Victor: And Adam stole Sharon's baby.

Adam: Can the D.A. reopen its case against me?

Vance: Can they? Yeah. Will they? The D.A.'s office is up to their kishkes trackin' Pomerantz's dope deals. My source claims there's no evidence against you, so no. They got no time for you.

Adam: I saw Victor and Jack together the other day. Last time they did that, they were conspiring against me to have me brought back from Brazil. I think they're up to something.

Vance: Nothin' I can't handle.

Adam: I have seen Heather putting the squeeze on Skye. It's a good thing a wife can't testify against a husband.

Vance: She can if she wants to. If I were you, Kid, I'd be extra good to the wife. Keep the missus happy, you'll both be happy.

Adam: What happens when Heather and Victor and Jack all get together?

Vance: I took care of the witnesses in your last case. I can do it again.

Adam: Well, they're gonna know what's comin' this time. They're gonna be ready.

Vance: Nobody's ready for Vance Abrams. That's the beauty of being me.

Ashley: Hi. I'm sorry I'm late. There was an accident on Fourth. Could I get a tall nonfat latte? Thank you.

Sharon: I was beginning to think maybe you changed your mind about meeting me.

Ashley: I almost did. That's for Faith. Could you give this to her? A little birthday present.

Sharon: Oh, well, you know, I-I was kind of hoping you could give it to her yourself. You know, we're having a party today at the house later this afternoon, and it's just family, but you're welcome to come.

Ashley: Oh, Sharon, that's so sweet. I don't--I don't know.

Sharon: You know, Ashley, I've--I've been meaning to tell you how much I appreciate and--and just how grateful I am that you--you loved and cherished Faith as much as you did those first six months of her life. And when she's old enough, I want her to know about that. I want her to know about the special time that you guys spent together, and I know today is a tough day, but I'd like for you to join us.

Ashley: Thanks a lot. Keep the change.

Woman: Oh, thank you.

Ashley: Can I think about it?

Sharon: Of course.

Ashley: Okay. I'll give you a call.

Sharon: Okay.

Skye: Thank you very much.

Man: Thank you.

Skye: Yeah. Thank you so much.

Woman: Thank you.

Skye: Thank you for your time, Ms. Marx.

Ms. Marx: I'll speak to my partners and get back to you.

Skye: Wonderful.

Jack: I hope you closed the deal.

Skye: Mm, I will.

Jack: Well, don't be so sure. This just popped up on the internet.

Skye: Billy wrote about my gambling days-- old news.

Jack: Keep reading.

Skye: "But underneath this so-called 'Golden couple's' facade is a man obsessed with his ex-wife Sharon Newman, a man who doesn't give a damn that his current wife and hedge fund partner... is shagging Jack Abbott co-C.E.O. of Jabot." (Scoffs) "If these two are lying to the public about their personal life, what else could they be lying about?" Th-this isn't the article Billy and I talked about.

Jack: Gee, Billy lied about his cover story. Imagine that.

Skye: Do you know what this will do to the hedge fund?

Jack: I have some idea.

Skye: You did this. You gave him this story.

Jack: Phyllis saw the two of us in the coffeehouse. You weren't exactly subtle.

Skye: What does Phyllis have to do with "Restless Style"?

Jack: Oh, you haven't heard? She's their new editor in chief.

Skye: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Yeah, yeah. I am back, definitely. Oh, gosh, we should absolutely get together. Yeah, uh, you know, come in any--anytime. Okay, see you. (Sighs) Hi.

Billy: Word travels fast.

Phyllis: Yeah, it really does. (Sighs) It feels really great to be back in the game. You know what, Billy? Here is to a very kick-ass collaboration.

Billy: Yeah, selling Skye down the river.

Phyllis: Gives me joy, sheer joy. What about you?

Billy: Yeah... no. Really, I don't have anything against Skye except for maybe her taste in men.

Phyllis: (Chuckles)

Billy: (Chuckles) You know, the whole point was to take a whack at Adam.

Phyllis: So what? She stood in front of the target. Big deal.

Noah: Mom, we're home.

Victoria: Happy birthday! Look at this. It looks so great! It's all decorated up. Wow, this is gonna be some party.

Nick: Yeah.

Noah: Whoa.

Victoria: (Chuckles) Oh, look at all the presents.

Nick: Yep.

Victoria: Presents, presents, presents...

Jana: Knock, knock.

Victoria: Hi! Hi, Baby. Come here. How was your day at school today?

Reed: (Giggles) I made this for Faith.

Victoria: (Gasps) Oh! Wow! Is that--?

Nick: Wow, that is cool, Man.

Victoria: Is that your handprint?

Nick: Very cool, Reed.

Reed: (Laughs)

Nick: We can frame that and put it in Faith's room.

Victoria: You remember your cousin Noah, don't you?

Noah: Of course he does. Yeah, Buddy. Give me a high five. Bam!

Victoria: There you go. All right. Thank you so much for bringing him home from school.

Jana: Oh, yeah, no problem. He's such a good little lad and quite the artist, aren't you?

Noah: Yeah, he takes after his mom.

Victoria: Oh, thanks.

Jana: Oh, welcome home. How was Paris?

Noah: It was fantastic.

Jana: Oh.

Nick: Hey, do you think we should invite Miss Jana to stay for the party?

Jana: Oh, no, no. I-I don't want to intrude.

Victoria: Oh, no, you should stay. The kids would love it. Wouldn't you, Kids?

Reed: Yeah!

Victoria: Yay!

Jana: Well, I can't say no to birthday cake. Um, can I do anything to help?

Nick: Um, not till Sharon gets home. She should, uh, she should be here any minute.

Sharon: We should go.

Ashley: Why? Why should we go? We're not the ones that have done anything wrong here.

Vance: I'd leave them alone. They're obviously upset about something.

Ashley: Something? You don't have any idea how this man has made us suffer, do you? It was a year ago today that he placed a baby girl in my arms and told her that I was-- I was her mother. And you made Sharon believe that her baby was dead. And you are the lowlife scum that helped him get away with it.

Adam: I never, ever meant to hurt either one of you.

Ashley: Oh, shut up.

Vance: Let's go. Let's go.

Adam: Please forgive me.

Vance: That's enough.

Sharon: (Sighs) Sorry I'm late.

Nick: Hey.

Sharon: (Chuckles)

Nick: That's all right.

Victoria: Yeah.

Nick: You okay?

Sharon: Yes, I just have to get these cupcakes into the kitchen.

Reed and Summer: Cupcakes! Cupcakes! Cupcakes!

Nick: Ooh.

Sharon: Oh.

Jana: Yes, I'll-- I'll take them.

Sharon: Oh, thank you, Jana.

Jana: No touching. Look with your eyes, not with your fingers.

Sharon: (Laughs) Hi, Baby. Did you miss your mommy?

Nick: She's havin' a great time with the kids.

Victoria: Sharon, uh, Noah is so grown-up now.

Sharon: Yeah. It's been wonderful having him home.

Nick: First time in a long time we've all been together as a family.

Sharon: Two things to celebrate.

Noah: Enjoy it while you can, 'cause you never know what's comin' next with this family.

Abby: (Sighs) Okay, it's show time. (Exhales)

Victor: I trust that gift is more thoughtful than the one you served me.

Abby: Um, hi, Dad.

Nikki: Hi, Abby. Let's all go in and enjoy the party, shall we?

Abby: Yeah. Yes.

Victor: You go ahead. Abby and I will have a minute.

Nikki: All right.

Victor: As a businesswoman, you'd better learn not to show your emotions too much. You have to control them. I hope you're aware of the implications of your lawsuit. You will not only lose my trust, but think of what this is doing to your family.

Abby: I'm sorry. What I'm doing to this family?

Victor: You bet.

Ashley: Excuse me. What lawsuit?

Abby: I have filed another lawsuit against Dad for mismanagement of my trust.

Ashley: Abby, you told me that you weren't going ahead with that.

Noah: Hey, Guys, party's in here, okay? Come on.

Abby: Thanks. (Clears throat) Hey.

Vance: You just said you were worried the D.A. was gonna come after you, so why would you say something out in public that could be used against you?

Adam: Because what happened to Sharon and Ashley was partially my fault. That's a fact.

Vance: Do not apologize for something you claim you didn't do. Let's just hope no one else was close enough to hear you say it.

Adam: So what do I do?

Vance: (Sighs) Lay low. Get your act together. And you and Skye keep your mouths shut. No unnecessary attention. You hear me? (Clears throat)

Billy: Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh. Duck and cover.

Phyllis: I hope she's not packin'.

Skye: You are not gonna get away with it. You better pull that article now.

Sharon: I'm so glad you could make it.

Ashley: Thanks for including me. Hi. Oh, what a special girl. Happy birthday, Faith.

Victor: Why are you upsetting your mother with this lawsuit nonsense? Hasn't she gone through enough already?

Adam: I was sincere, Vance.

Vance: Pull it together. I've got 50 other cases that need my attention. I don't get paid to be your babysitter.

Adam: I really screwed things up. I was just... if I could just go back in time and change everything, fix it all, you know?

Vance: The day we figure out how to do that is the day I'm unemployed.

Adam: Do you know that Ashley was the only person in that house that was kind to me? And Sharon, Man, she... she faced down her friends, her family, everybody for me. I never meant to hurt those girls. I didn't intend to. It just... it just happened. I was trapped. I had no choice.

Vance: Well, you've got a choice now. So keep your apologies to yourself, because believe me, given the opportunity, those two women would hang your family jewels around their necks.

Phyllis: The magazine is going to the newsstands as we speak.

Skye: That wasn't the article we agreed to.

Billy: Okay, hold on. I told you when you pitched it to me anything that I found was fair game.

Skye: You and your brother set me up.

Billy: Ahh, no, no, no. Jack didn't know anything about this till I showed him this morning.

Skye: (Sighs) If you don't take it off-line and halt distribution, I will sue your ass off.

Billy: You're gonna sue my ass? She'll sue my ass. Tell you what, why don't you go ahead and call your attorney, okay? Make my day, please, because freedom of press cases, they get a lot of publicity. I mean, last time I went to jail for not naming my source, my readership--it doubled. Go ahead.

Skye: Every word of that article is a lie.

Phyllis: Excuse me, Billy. May-- um, Sweetie, uh, can I call you sweet-- actually, it doesn't matter. Um, Jack confirmed your affair. Adam walking in-- priceless.

Billy: Looks like you're screwed.

Sharon: Make a wish and blow out the candle. Ready?

Nikki: (Gasps) Ooh. Yay! (Cheers and applause)

Sharon: Your first birthday candle. Oh, wow. Are you enjoying your cake? (Laughs)

Nick: Daddy can have a bite. Daddy have a bite? No?

All: (Laugh)

Sharon: Say, "Cheese!"

Nick: All right, say, "Cheese."

Sharon: Say, "Frosting." (Laughs) Good one.

Nick: Daddy doesn't get any, right?

Sharon: Now put your hand right in, Faith.

Abby: It's good, huh?

Noah: That was my cupcake.

Summer: You ate yours.

Noah: Huh? Oh, you little brat.

Summer: (Giggles)

Noah: (Laughs)

Jana: Here, you need help with the paper? Let me start that for you. There you go. Hang on. Let's take it off. (Growls) Just joking. There you go.

Sharon: Jana, you're so great with kids. Would you mind babysitting Faith sometime?

Jana: Yeah, absolutely. I'd love that.

Nick: Okay, so no card?

Sharon: We're gonna open your presents.

Victoria: Ooh.

Sharon: Yeah, oh, that is from Ashley.

Victoria: Aw.

Sharon: Let's see here. (Gasps) What is it, Faith? (Gasps) Wow.

Nick: Ooh.

Sharon: It's a guardian angel.

Nikki: Oh, that is lovely, Ashley.

Ashley: Yeah, it-- there's also a photo album in there, um, with pictures of the first six months of Faith's life.

Sharon: Oh, my gosh.

Nick: Wow.

Sharon: Wow. Ashley...

Nikki: Precious.

Sharon: Thank you so much.

Nick: Thank you.

Ashley: Sure. You're welcome.

Sharon: It's almost as good as a cupcake.

Nikki: Are you the princess?

Sharon: Yeah, the princess.

Nikki: Uh-oh. Uh-oh.

Sharon: Where's your balloon?

Nick: Here you go. Daddy got it.

Abby: You know, the only person that you should be angry at is Adam. He is the one that is responsible for all the bad stuff that happened to Mom. I kept telling you he's a creep. You should get him out of the house.

Victor: That's a separate issue, My dear.

Abby: But I didn't do anything wrong. I deserve my money.

Victor: It's my money. I put it in your trust fund to give to you when you're old enough to handle it and mature enough. Sadly, you have proven that you're not ready.

Abby: (Sighs)

Nick: Uh, can you, uh, take the kids outside?

Sharon: Yeah. Noah, why don't you take Faith? Come on.

Noah: Hey, come one, "Summy." We're gonna go outside and play with Faith.

Sharon: Why don't you guys go play ball? All right.

Victoria: You dangled that money in front of Abby, and then you took it back, just like you've done to all of us, Dad.

Victor: This is none of your business.

Victoria: Actually, it is my business. I'm joining Abby in her lawsuit.

Nikki: Victoria, you can't be serious.

Victoria: Actually, Mom, I couldn't be more serious. Nick, you ought to get in on this. Did you know that Dad paid his D.O.J. fine using Newman funds without consulting us?

Nick: Vick, come on.

Victoria: What? He was ready to throw me in jail when it suited his needs, so I'm just returning the favor.

Ashley: Abby, why are you doing this? It's not gonna get you what you want.

Abby: My lawyer thinks it will.

Victor: Your lawyer does not know what he's up against.

Sharon: Okay, everyone, look. This is why Nick and I almost didn't even throw a party for Faith. I don't care who's arguing with whom. This is our daughter's birthday.

Nick: You told me you weren't gonna get into anything with Dad.

Victoria: I didn't. But you can't expect me to keep my mouth shut.

Victor: You'd be very wise to consider that.

Nikki: Sweetheart, this isn't the time or the place.

Victoria: Mother, the other day, you were just as angry at Dad as I am.

Nikki: Well, I had hoped that today would be different. It was a chance for the two of you to put aside your differences.

Victoria: Tell that to him. I'm very sorry, you guys. I apologize.

Nick: I'm sorry, too.

Victoria: (Sighs) I think we should leave, Abby. Let's go.

Abby: Yeah, I'm-- I am really sorry, Sharon.

Victoria: Just--

Abby: Yeah.

Victoria: Let's go.

Victor: I'm very sorry about what just happened.

Nick: (Sighs) You know, a year ago today, Sharon and I thought we lost our baby. Faith was brought back into our lives at tremendous sacrifice. We all have so much to be grateful for. I really thought my family wanted to share this day with her. I guess I was wrong.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Um, hello. Who was that? Oh, that was the financial channel. They are running with the story.

Billy: Nice.

Phyllis: Yeah.

Billy: Look at the hits that we're getting on this article. That's it. That's it.

Phyllis: Nice.

Billy: (Singsong voice) It is time to celebrate. Time to celebrate.

Phyllis: Oh, wait, celebrate? It's kind of early, right?

Billy: Don't moralize with me. (Normal voice) We are celebrating. We are just going to have some mimosas, sans O.J.

Phyllis: Oh! Oh, that's fine. I'll get the glasses.

Billy: Do that. (Singsong voice) You do that. We are killing it.

Skye: You son of a bitch. You told Phyllis we were having an affair.

Jack: Phyllis was not editor in chief at the time.

Skye: (Sighs)

Jack: I thought I was just telling a friend the information.

Skye: Oh, oh, right. Right. Okay, well, that friend and Billy used it to hurt my credibility. See, my big pitch to investors is that Adam and I are the perfect couple with the magic touch. And now I'm gonna be wasting my time doing damage control because of you.

Victor: (Sighs) I had hoped Victoria would set a better example for Abby.

Nikki: Well, you pushed her too far.

Victor: (Sighs) I don't even recognize her anymore. Ever since she's been associating with this obnoxious Billy Abbott, she's a different person. I bet you that he convinced her to join Abby's lawsuit.

Nikki: I'll talk to her when things calm down.

Victor: There's no reasoning with her. There's no reasoning with either of them.

Nikki: Well, it's just a shame that your problems with your girls ruined Faith's party.

Victor: Don't look at me, all right? I didn't start it. Abby started it. Victoria joined in. I was gonna honor Nicholas' request.

(Front door opens)

Ashley: I'm so sorry about what happened with Abby.

Victor: So am I. They certainly should have been more thoughtful with you, considering this is a very, very tough day for you.

Ashley: Well, it's not just me. You lost a daughter, as well. And you know what? I'm afraid if this does go to court and you don't stop this with Abby, you're gonna lose her, as well.

Nikki: And Victoria.

Victor: All right, enough of this. Let's go.

Ashley: (Sighs)

Billy: Um, I'm sorry, Miss. I have to warn you that my wife gets crazy jealous.

Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, who cares?

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: Today totally sucks.

Billy: Uh-oh. What happened? Let me guess--your daddy...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: The party.

Victoria: No, Nick is never gonna talk to me again.

Billy: Okay, I doubt it's that bad.

Victoria: Yeah, it's that bad. I ruined Faith's birthday.

Billy: What did you do?

Victoria: I decided to announce to everyone that I was joining Abby in her lawsuit.

Billy: Ooh, I bet that went over well.

Victoria: No, it didn't really go over very well.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: But I couldn't help it. Dad was just making me so mad, and I just... I don't know. I just kinda blurted it out.

Billy: Oh, well, I know how you feel. You are talking to a serial blurter-outer. Oh, yeah, I have singlehandedly ruined more parties and family gatherings than I can remember.

Victoria: (Laughs) (Gasps) Oh, God! What am I thinking? Why am I telling you this?

Billy: I'm your husband?

Victoria: You are my husband, but you are also at work, and you are the publisher of "Restless Style." I am not here to gossip to the publisher of "Restless Style." Please promise me that you are not going to publish this. Please promise me.

Phyllis: Hey, Victoria.

Victoria: Hi, Phyllis.

Phyllis: Hi, we're celebrating. There's, uh, champagne. Do you want some?

Victoria: Congratulations on the job and, um, what are we celebrating?

Billy: Cover story.

Victoria: Oh, the cover story on Skye.

Billy: On Skye, Adam, and the Newman fund. Come here. Come here. You are going to like this. Sit right down.

Victoria: I'm gonna like it?

Billy: You're gonna like it.

Sharon: Hey, where's "Supergirl"?

Nick: She is upstairs showin' Noah her new karate moves.

Sharon: Oh, well, that was kind of a bust.

Nick: Yeah, I should have known better than to trust Dad that he wouldn't get into it with anyone. (Sighs)

Sharon: Well, it wasn't just Victor. I mean, Victoria could have kept quiet.

Nick: It's pretty shocking that she's joining Abby's suit against Dad.

Sharon: Well, I should have known that the day was gonna end up this way. It started out bad. I ran into Adam at the coffeehouse when I was picking up the cupcakes.

Nick: Okay. So that's why you seemed upset when you walked in the door. I mean, today of all days. Can you imagine what our lives would have been like if Adam was never around and didn't take Faith and make us think that she was... dead?

Faith: (Babbles)

Nick: Yeah, I know.

Sharon: Well, I just... I wish that Victor and I had never brought him back from Brazil. You know, and it's worse knowing that Adam is never gonna pay for his crimes. You know, today he had the nerve to apologize to Ashley and me?

Nick: He'll do anything to get your attention.

Sharon: Well, it's hard to ignore him. I mean, he's everywhere.

Nick: (Sighs) You just--you gotta move on, okay? We both do.

Sharon: Yeah, I know. I shouldn't let him get to me like that.

Nick: He's finally out of your life and Faith's. Just keep it that way, okay? Don't encourage him.

Sharon: I won't. I promise.

Skye: (Sighs) This day keeps getting worse and worse. We have a problem.

Ashley: Hi.

Jack: Hey. Hey.

Ashley: (Sniffles)

Jack: (Sighs)

Ashley: How did you know I needed to meet my big brother for a drink?

Jack: Oh, I had a feeling it was one of those days. Have a seat. I got you a drink already.

Ashley: Thanks. I just came from Sharon's. She had a birthday party for Faith.

Jack: How did it go?

Ashley: It was pretty tough. You should see Faith. She's so gorgeous. She's so big. I know she was only in my life for a short time, but I love that little girl.

Jack: I know you do.

Ashley: God. You know, giving her up was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, Jackie.

Jack: But you know what? You did it. You got through it, and now you're getting on with the rest of your life.

Ashley: It makes it easier seeing how much Nick and Sharon love her. And they are wonderful parents.

Jack: Yeah. Yeah, they are.

Ashley: (Sniffles) Anyway, I guess I don't have to worry about Faith, right? I still have to worry about Abby, though.

Jack: Oh, what's the latest with "The Naked Heiress"?

Ashley: Oh, please don't even joke around about it, Jackie. She has actually refiled her suit against Victor.

Jack: Well, you know Abby. She changes her mind every five minutes. Another project's gonna come along to take her focus, and she'll change her mind again.

Ashley: Mnh-mnh, not this time. There's another plaintiff involved.

Jack: Who?

Ashley: Victoria. She's joined Abby's suit against Victor.

Abby: Signed, sealed, and delivered-- Victoria's in.

Vance: How did you convince her?

Abby: Oh, Dad did it all himself. (Sighs) Something happened to Victoria this week, something sad.

Vance: I'm sorry to hear that.

Abby: All she really needed was her family's support. Instead of showing up for Vicki, Dad thought he'd seize the moment, try to use it as leverage.

Vance: Mm-hmm. "Mr. Sensitivity."

Abby: Victoria was bitter. When I told her that Dad used our money to pay that D.O.J. fine, she wanted in.

Vance: Mm. Victoria worked for your father for years, didn't she?

Abby: Uh, until recently, yes.

Vance: Mm. I bet she knows a few things he'd rather keep private. Bringing Victoria on board just upped your chances of winning big.

Abby: How big?

Victor: They're not gonna see a dime of that money. I expect that kind of behavior from Abby. She's defiant and obstinate. But now Victoria, too?

Nikki: Victor, you have said things to her that you can't take back, and your words hurt more than you'll know. They wound her. Your opinion matters a lot more than she lets on.

Victor: We made a mistake. We made things too easy for them. We gave them too much too early. They're acting like two spoiled brats. I earned every dime I have. Let's see how they'll do without their father's money, and their father's help. Good luck to them.

Victoria: Wow. Well, I think I'll have that champagne now.

Billy: What'd you think?

Victoria: You know, I've always liked Jack. I really have. I mean, he--he does have some strange taste in women sometimes.

Phyllis: Yeah, he does sometimes, yeah.

Victoria: Yeah, but I think that, uh--

Phyllis: Present company excluded, right?

Victoria: Yeah, well, of course. (Chuckles) He came off fine, though, and Adam and Skye look bad. They look really, really bad. I can't wait for this to be on the stands.

Phyllis: To our success.

Victoria: Yeah, bravo.

Billy: Success.

Phyllis: (Chuckles) (Glasses clink)

Adam: I told you not to do this "Restless Style" article.

Skye: (Scoffs) That's helpful. What do we do now?

Adam: Well, you said you could handle it. So handle it.

Skye: (Sighs)

Nick: Where are you two off to?

Summer: Gonna show Noah the new foals.

Noah: (Gasps) Race you to the stables.

Nick: Oh. My money's on Summer, Son.

Sharon: (Laughs) He just... loves being a big brother.

Nick: Ah, she idolizes him.

Sharon: So does this one. Wow, she's wiped out.

Nick: Turning 1 is hard work.

Sharon: You know, sometimes I-I wake up in the middle of the night, and I just stare at her. I can't believe she's ours.

Nick: We mourned the loss of our daughter. That doesn't just go away.

Sharon: Still, it's really painful to think about.

Nick: You know, by the time she turns 2, she's gonna have so many new memories. It's gonna get less and less painful every year. Faith is home with us, exactly where she's supposed to be.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Deacon: I sure hope that's plain tonic.

Nikki: Oh, mind your own business.

Victoria: There's plenty of room on that lawsuit for one more plaintiff, Nick.

Michael: If we go to court and we lose, Newman Enterprises as we know it may cease to exist.

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