Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/28/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 9/29/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9494 ~ Adam Turns to Sharon
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Jack: Hey, Red, was it a slow day in Wisconsin sin city ?
Phyllis: Oh... (Sighs) You know, when I started this blog, it practically wrote itself. Now... not so much. It's like everyone in this town has taken boring pills. Oh, my. Maybe I spoke too soon. Since when are you so friendly with Skye?
(Knock on door)
Sharon: You got past the guards again.
Adam: I really need to talk to you right now.
(Doorbell rings)
Ronan: Hi.
Nina: Ronan.
Ronan: I, um, I hope its cool, me showing up without calling like this.
Nina: (Laughs) Absolutely. You are welcome here anytime.
Jeff: (Laughs) On the house, Gentlemen.
Gloria: Hey.
Jeff: Huh?
Gloria: What are you doing? Are you trying to run us out of business?
Jeff: Relax, "Sweet Cheeks." This new venture of ours is makin' money hand over fist.
Billy: Okay, so here's what I'm thinking-- can I get two dozen roses? And sign the card, "To Wilma, from Barney. Here's hopin' that Fred never finds out about us." Okay, thank you. Bye. (Clears throat)
(Cell phone rings)
Billy: Billy Abbott. Uh, yeah, c-can you hold on for just a second? Thank you. Um... hello? Oh, hey, Andrew. Man, how are you? Can--can you hold for just a--just a second? Okay, thanks. Mr. Watson. (Stammers) (Sighs) Andrew? I'm sorry, Man. It's a new phone. It-- Andrew? Awesome. Lost 'em both.
Gloria: Just can't get enough of you, huh?
Billy: Yeah, well, there's just not enough to go around.
Gloria: Do what I do, Baby, delegate.
(Knocks on bar top)
Billy: (Mouthing words) (Clears throat) Chloe, answer your phone. Answer your phone. Answer your phone. And straight to voice mail. Great. So much for delegating. (Groans) (Sighs)
Chloe: Hey, I need a latte. Oh, my God. Why do you look like a carrot?
Kevin: I spent an hour in the shower this morning trying to tone this thing down. You didn't hear me?
Chloe: Oh, well, that explains why I didn't have any hot water. Thank you. (Gasps) Oh, my God. Spray tan girl.
Kevin: We hooked up last night.
Chloe: Why didn't you tell me?
Kevin: Well, it wasn't planned. I ran into her at Jimmy's. One shot turned into five. Next thing I know, I'm naked in a tent. No tan line. You want to see?
Chloe: Yeah, no, no, no. I'll take your word for it. So... did you...
Kevin: Yep.
Chloe: Yes! You finally got some. Yes! High five.
Kevin: Here, let me see if some of this rubs off on you.
Chloe: No... (Laughs) Stop it. I don't need a tan.
Kevin: Yes, you do.
Chloe: You are--no, you're actually right. I do need one.
Kevin: You can be a little orange like me.
Chloe: Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
Daniel: Hey, Jana, you okay?
Chloe: (Laughs)
Ronan: They, uh, they cleared out Chance's locker today. So I thought that you would, you know, you would want this stuff.
Nina: Yeah. Thank you for bringing it by.
Ronan: Yeah. It's no big deal.
Nina: Come on in.
Ronan: I, uh, I should probably actually get going, you know.
Nina: Oh.
Ronan: Yeah.
Nina: I was hoping maybe you'd keep me company while I went through the box, but if you're in a rush, it's cool.
Ronan: I mean, no, I mean, I could... yeah, I can st-- I can stay for a while. Sure.
Nina: Okay, good. You know, when I heard you were in town, I was hoping I'd see you.
Ronan: Uh, yeah. Just, uh, I've been really busy with work.
Nina: I dreamed of the day I would find my son and we could finally get to know one another.
Ronan: Maybe you shouldn't get your hopes up.
Daniel: This is gonna be fine. Trust me. Hey, Guys, look. Look who's here.
Jana: If you want me to leave, I can just--
Kevin: Its fine, Jana.
Daniel: (Clears throat) Why do you look like a carrot?
Chloe: (Giggles) That's what I said. Because he's dating a "Spray tan artist."
Kevin: Uh... (Clears throat) Can we change the subject, please?
Jana: So, Chloe, um, are you gonna be bringing in Delia into Tiny Tots?
Chloe: My mom is bringing her in. Uh, you're gonna be there today?
Jana: Yes. I've been officially hired there.
Kevin: You're working at Delia's preschool?
Jana: Yeah, that's right.
Kevin: Why am I just now finding out about this?
Chloe: Because, um, you know, everything was going on with Chance, and I just-- I forgot to tell you.
Jana: I'll be teaching the children art.
Daniel: Well, I think that's fantastic, 'cause that's exactly what I need is some competition from rug rats, right?
Kevin: Am I... (Scoffs) Am I the only one that finds this just a little bit bizarre?
Skye: (Sighs) Mind if I join you?
Phyllis: Well, yeah. Oh, hey, there you go.
Jack: Um--
Skye: You guys have to buy the new issue of "Restless Style" when it comes out.
Phyllis: Why is that, Skye?
Skye: So you can read the interview I gave Jack's brother. Billy's really excited about it.
Jack: It's all about the hedge fund?
Skye: Mm-hmm. I'm hoping it'll result in more investors... (Sighs) And the rich will get richer, right, Jack?
Jack: That's the plan.
Skye: Bye, Handsome.
Jack: What?
Phyllis: "Bye, handsome"? You're sleeping with her.
Jack: Oh, you have an active imagination. You really do.
Phyllis: Ohh, Jack, are you gonna deny this?
Jack: You know me too well, okay?
Phyllis: (Gasps) You're sleeping with her. What if Adam finds out?
Jack: He already knows. He walked in on us in his suite in his bed.
Phyllis: In his--what? In his bed? Jack, do I need to remind you that he's an ex-con and a psychopath? I mean, was she really worth having to watch your back 24/7?
Jack: Just to bug Junior? You bet. You're to blame for this. You're the one that talked me--
Phyllis: What? I'm to blame for this?
Billy: Jenny, hey, we are on a deadline. Think of something else. And--and--and--and just do it.
Phyllis: (Laughs)
Billy: Jonas. Jonas, you still there? (Clears throat) Simple. Tell him no. Do either of you want to buy a magazine?
Adam: Listen, I... I know that, uh, I brought this all on myself. Okay, I get it. But I have-- I have no one else to turn to, Sharon.
Sharon: (Sighs) Turn to about what?
Adam: About Skye. Marrying her was a monumental mistake.
Sharon: Why is that?
Adam: For starters, I don't love her.
Sharon: Then why did you marry her?
Adam: It was a business arrangement, Sharon. Uh, we run a hedge fund together. She's the brains, and she included me so that she could use the Newman name. I'm--but my priorities have changed. The thing is, hers haven't.
Sharon: What does that mean?
Adam: She's just as hungry for money and power as she was when we went to Harvard business school together.
Sharon: A-and you aren't?
Adam: Money's fine, but I'm not obsessed with it like I once was. This--listen, this woman gets me so angry, Sharon, that I actually find myself hating her. You want to know the weird thing? She knows. So she's actually punishing me for it.
Sharon: I really don't think that I'm the person that you need to be talking to about this.
Adam: You're exactly the person that I need to be talking to about this. You are the one thing that keeps me going.
Sharon: Please don't say that. Don't say things to me like that.
Adam: Sharon, just being near you is comforting to me. My life is a mess, okay? It is an utter mess. Please don't push me away.
(Cell phone buzzes)
Kevin: So this job at Delia's day care... how did that happen?
Jana: Um, could-- could I just have a minute in private with Kevin, please?
Chloe: Yeah. Let's go catch up.
Daniel: Sure. All right.
Kevin: You have something to say, Jana? Just say it. (Sighs)
Jana: I just feel awful about my behavior the past few months, and... well, I had no control over the aneurysm and not being able to feel any emotion for a long time. I... I really hate that I put you through all of that.
Kevin: If you're suggesting that we try again...
Jana: I'm not.
Kevin: Okay.
Jana: (Sighs) We had something really special, didn't we? And I've ruined it. (Chuckles) And don't worry. I'm not gonna humiliate myself and ask for reconciliation again.
Kevin: That's good.
Jana: But can we at least be civil?
Kevin: You know, Jana, the easiest thing for me would be not having to see you. Now you're working at Delia's day care.
Jana: Oh, well, that is-- that's a coincidence. I didn't know that Chloe's daughter went there when I applied for the job.
Kevin: If you say so.
Jana: (Sighs) Trust me, I've... I've moved on, okay?
Kevin: Well, then why won't you sign the divorce papers?
Jana: Uh, well, you see, um, that's actually why I'm here. (Sniffles) (Clears throat) I've filed it with the court. (Sighs) It’s official. (Sighs) I am no longer your wife. So... there. (Sighs)
Chloe: So where have you been? I haven't seen you around lately.
Daniel: I've been busy.
Chloe: Doing what?
Daniel: Mostly working on some new pieces for this, uh, little local art show.
Daniel: You know, I-I did want to tell you that I'm sorry about Chance. I know that you guys broke up and everything, but still...
Chloe: Yeah. Thank you. It's, uh, it's been hard. I wish that I tried harder to make it work. And he's the only good guy I've ever been with.
Daniel: Doesn't mean he has to be the last.
Chloe: Well, I've already fallen into old habits.
Daniel: What does that mean?
Chloe: (Laughs)
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Chloe: It means that I hooked up with a... with a bad guy.
Daniel: Kevin or...
Chloe: Not Kev. No. (Laughs) No, not Kevin. Kevin and--no. No, not like that at all. You know, we're just-- we're buddies. He's my pal.
Daniel: There's nothing romantic going on between the two of you?
Chloe: No. Definitely not. No. He broke up with Jana. I broke up with Chance. Misery loves company. You know, I-I like having a-a guy as a pal.
Daniel: Uh, that's-- yeah, no, that's good. I mean, just as long as the two of you can keep your feelings out of it.
Chloe: What's that supposed to mean?
Daniel: I suppose it means that I believe in the "Harry met Sally" theory where guys and girls can never just be friends.
Chloe: Oh.
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
Nina: You... if you don't... want a relationship with me, I can't force you to.
Ronan: No. It's, uh, it's my work. I'm, uh, I'm undercover a lot, and it just makes relationships really hard.
Nina: I know. You said that before. It's just, I don't... I mean... what's the real reason?
Ronan: I'm not ready. I'm sorry. I'm just--I need more, um, I need some time.
Nina: Okay.
Ronan: Okay.
Nina: I totally understand. I mean, you hardly know me.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Nina: So...
Ronan: Judging by the man that Chance... is, I know that you're a wonderful mother.
Nina: (Chuckles) Listen, I, um... (Sighs) I don't mean to push. I mean... but I most likely lost one son. And not being able to have contact with the other, especially when we live in the same city, for crying out loud, I mean... when you say you need time...
Ronan: (Sighs)
Nina: That's okay.
Ronan: Um, I can go.
Nina: You know, when Chance finally got back from Iraq and joined the force, he was so excited.
Ronan: Yeah. (Clears throat) (Sniffles) Yeah, he was, uh, he was--he was a good cop.
Nina: (Chuckles) I wonder what kind of work he's doing now? Probably helping people. That's what he did best. This is a copy of the book I wrote about my search for you. It looks like he's had this for years. All these notes in the margins...
Ronan: What are they?
Nina: "People search" web addresses. (Sighs) He was trying to find you.
Phyllis: Billy, do you really want to sell the magazine?
Billy: No, I don't want to sell the magazine. I'm just a little overworked right now. (Sighs) Before, I didn't notice, really, but now I have a wife, and I should really be home with her.
Jack: Well, surely Victoria understands that you have to make a living.
Billy: She had a miscarriage, Jack.
Jack: Oh, no. No, I didn't know that. I'm sorry.
Billy: Its o--it's okay. It happens, you know? Things happen.
Phyllis: Yeah, it happens, but it doesn't make it less painful.
Billy: Yeah, that's right. I forgot you two, uh--
Phyllis: Um, I was told I couldn't conceive, and then I had Summer, so there's hope.
Billy: Okay. Um, well, as far as "Restless Style" is concerned, I'm just a little overwhelmed right now. That's--that's all.
Phyllis: You should hire me back.
Adam: You were the only woman who ever loved me unconditionally.
Sharon: And look what that got me.
Adam: Yes, I hurt you, Sharon. I know, and I will regret that the rest of my life, but my feelings have not changed for you.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Adam: Sharon, I miss you.
Sharon: Adam, listen. This is over. Y-you're married, okay? We're never gonna be back together now. This whole fantasy you have going on in your head-- you gotta let it go. And if Skye bothers you that much, divorce her.
Adam: You don't think I haven't thought about that? She threatened to get me into legal trouble if I even tried.
Sharon: She has something over your head?
Adam: No, but she is one hell of a liar. And so now I'm stuck. I am married to a woman that I don't care about, and I am in love with a woman that I cannot have.
Kevin: We really have been through a lot of ups and downs, haven't we?
Jana: (Sighs) But when they were good... it was really fantastic, wasn't it?
Kevin: I really hope you have a great life.
Jana: Well, I should get back to work. (Sighs)
Kevin: Okay.
Jana: (Sighs)
Kevin: (Sighs)
Jana: God, I...
Kevin: I am officially a free man.
Daniel: It sucks, huh?
Kevin: I just keep reminding myself that this is for the best.
Chloe: (Sighs) Speaking of which, I see Billy eyeing me. I should probably go figure out what he wants now. (Sighs) Look, as for you, Buddy, we will hang out later on the couch, all right? We're gonna eat a lot of junk food, and we're gonna drink beer, and we're gonna forget about what's-her-face. Mwah.
Kevin: No more spray tan jokes.
Daniel: Hey, you know, I was, um, thinking about you and Chloe, and I was wondering if the name "Duckie" meant anything to you.
Kevin: (Scoffs) Yeah, Duckie was a loser. I'm not pining for Chloe. We're friends. Period.
Daniel: Yeah, but she's hot. (Laughs)
Kevin: So?
Daniel: So come on, Man. There's no interest there?
(Cell phone rings)
Kevin: (Sighs) Mom, what is it? All ri--okay. All right. All right. I'll be right there. My mom needs me at Gloworm.
Daniel: Uh, yeah, how's that going? You know, being their little computer boy over there?
Kevin: Well, money's money.
Daniel: Hey, Kevin?
Kevin: Yeah?
Daniel: Uh, didn't mean to make you feel bad by calling you Duckie.
Kevin: (Scoffs) Well, thanks, but, um, maybe you're right. Maybe I have lost my edge.
Chloe: First of all, don't yell at me like that, and don't worry. I'm gonna run some errands. I'm on it.
Billy: I need you to work. (Clears throat)
Phyllis: Wow. Um, Billy, you know, when Chloe worked for me, she was amazing.
Billy: Yeah, well, she still is. Just going through a lot. (Clears throat) Besides, she doesn't have the background in publishing like you do.
Phyllis: Oh, no, that is true.
Billy: So you'd really work for me, huh?
Jack: Uh, listen, Kids. Uh, I got a meeting, okay? Hey, I'm sorry what happened, huh? Give Victoria my best.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Billy: When you sold me the magazine... (Clears throat) You said you were done with the publishing business.
Phyllis: Uh, well, I was... then. But now I'm single, and my daughter is in school, and I have a lot of free time on my hands.
Billy: What about your blog?
Phyllis: Well, it proves that I'm good at sniffing out a good story, doesn't it? And if you hired me, you would be free to do whatever you wanted, and I'm not afraid to take on the Newmans.
Billy: That's funny. I just married a Newman.
Phyllis: And I just divorced one.
Billy: You do know the ropes. And I need the help, so what do you think about editor in chief? Does that work for you?
Phyllis: Yes, it works for me.
Billy: Okay, well, then... (Clears throat) (Pops lips) Welcome to crazy town.
Nina: It's so strange. I mean, Chance is still alive, and we're...
Ronan: No, he's not. Don't you ever say that out loud. To the rest of the world, as far as they're concerned, Chance is dead and buried.
Nina: He might as well be. I can't talk to him. I can't see him. Maybe forever.
Ronan: Listen. Hey. This is just the way that witness protection works. But at least you know that he's safe.
Nina: I remember the first time he asked me about death. He was only little. He just couldn't understand why his hamster went to heaven.
Ronan: And? What'd you tell him?
Nina: Life is a gift. We shouldn't take it for granted, because no one knows how long we have, and then I talked about how love never dies, and memories last forever, and how we'd see each other in the next life. I was just, you know, preparing him for when I was gone. But I...
Ronan: Yeah.
Nina: It never crossed my mind I'd be losing him first.
Chloe: Hi. What the hell are you doing back?
Nina: Ronan has been assigned to clean up the police department.
Chloe: It's bad enough that you're back, but the fact that you are in Chance's house, it makes me sick.
Ronan: I should go.
Chloe: Yeah.
Nina: No, please.
Chloe: I think that you should, because I think that you've put her through enough.
Nina: Look, Chloe, I appreciate you defending me, but Ronan is my son.
Chloe: He killed Chance.
Nina: I won't turn my back on him.
Chloe: Okay, fine. I-if you can forgive him for pulling that trigger, that is great. I cannot do that. I don't want to have anything to do with you now or ever, so if you see me, you better walk away.
Billy: Listen up, everybody. You are looking at your new editor in chief, and we're damn lucky to have her back.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Oh, please, come on. Thanks.
Billy: All right. All right. We're gonna give her a proper welcome when we have time after this issue is put to bed.
Phyllis: (Clears throat)
Billy: So chop-chop. You get back to work. We need to finish this. Go. You.
Phyllis: Yeah?
Billy: Check this out. (Clears throat) This is our new cover.
Phyllis: Oh, um, hmm. Nice. Just--
Billy: Yeah. Yeah. Well, the cover story is not as juicy as I'd like it to be. Besides being a gambling addict and, uh--thank you-- being married to a psychopath, there's not a lot of skeletons in her closet. You know what I mean?
Phyllis: Oh, yeah, we should mention how she's sleeping with your brother.
Billy: (Coughs) What?
Jeff: Everything okay?
Man: Great.
Man: Great.
Gloria: Jeffrey?
Jeff: Hmm?
Gloria: I'd like to take a look at the books.
Jeff: (Chuckles) Just because I picked up that tab earlier?
Gloria: I want to look at the books.
Jeff: Okay. All right. I got nothing to hide. (Exhales) Oh, hey, how's the hedge fund?
Skye: Great. You can still get in on the ground floor.
Jeff: Eh, I'm doing my own investing these days.
Skye: Mm, your loss.
Jeff: Ah.
Jack: All by your lonesome?
Skye: No, not anymore.
Jack: So the Newman fund numbers continuing to go upward?
Skye: Mm-hmm. Check it out.
Jack: The fund is up 250%? Wow, Lady.
Skye: I told you I have the Midas touch.
Jack: To make profits like this, you have to take some pretty gargantuan risks.
Skye: That's what successful gamblers do.
Jack: So that's your drug of choice, huh? Risk?
Skye: (Chuckles) Lucky for you, I'm a genius at playing the market. Don't fret. Your money's safe with me. Once that "Restless Style" piece about me comes out, Adam and I will look like the golden couple of the century. Probably shouldn't be flirting with another man in public.
Jack: Are you suggesting we take this somewhere more private?
Skye: Twist my arm.
Jack: Happily.
Gloria: Love the tan, Baby. You needed the color.
Kevin: (Sighs) Why did you call me?
Gloria: I want you to look at the club's books.
Kevin: I thought you said Jeffrey was handling that himself.
Gloria: Jeffrey has given away a few too many freebies. I just want to make sure I'm not going bankrupt.
Kevin: (Sighs) Well, I'm putting this on my time card. I had to leave my shift at Crimson Lights.
Gloria: Fine. Look at them.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Jeff: Hey, Kevin. How you doin'? (Laughs) You look like a walking slab of cheddar. (Laughs)
Kevin: I know what you've been up to.
Jeff: Beg your pardon?
Kevin: Laundering money out of Gloworm.
Sharon: You said that you can't leave Skye. But maybe we can figure out a way.
Adam: That would be nice. I appreciate you even considering helping me.
(Cell phone rings)
Sharon: Hey, Noah. Um, you're driver's license? Um, hang on. I will check.
Ronan: Good-bye, Chloe.
Nina: Hey, um, listen, I want you to have this.
Ronan: No, I-I-- I couldn't take that.
Nina: No, it's a reminder that Chance wanted you in his life just as much as I do.
Ronan: Okay. Um, thank you. Um, you take care.
Nina: Take care.
Ronan: Okay.
Nina: Chance loved that little girl of yours.
Chloe: Yeah. She loved him, too. I know I'll never find a guy who is as good with her as he was.
Nina: Hey, uh, where is Delia? I haven't heard a peep out of her this morning.
Chloe: Oh, um, my mom took her to day care.
Liza: Tommy, let Delia have the toy. We need to learn to share.
Jana: Hello, Liza.
Liza: Don't you look pretty today?
Jana: Thanks.
Liza: (Gasps) And your hair.
Jana: Yeah, I just, uh, thought I'd try something... new. (Sighs) Well, hello, little angels. Miss Jana is very happy to be here today. Shall we get our crayons out over there at the table? Go on. Over there.
Billy: (Choking)
Phyllis: Yeah, okay. You okay?
Billy: That's--wrong pipe.
Phyllis: Yeah, you surprised by this?
Billy: Well, that Jack's having sex with Skye? A little.
Phyllis: Well, he's not-- listen, your brother, he likes to spread the love. That's your brother, okay?
Billy: Yeah. (Clears throat)
Phyllis: And I think that if we mention it in your cover story, it's gonna add some spice.
Billy: Are you crazy? He would kill us both. Both. Dead.
Phyllis: No, no, no. This is a chance for him to stick it to Adam. Believe me. He's gonna love it.
Billy: I don't-- I don't know if that's--
Phyllis: Oh, just-- just--please.
Billy: (Sighs) First day. Here we go.
Jack: When do you expect Adam back?
Skye: Does it matter? It's not like he doesn't know what's going on.
Jack: Spoken like a devoted wife.
Skye: I told you, it's investors I don't want finding out. They have to believe Adam and I are solid.
Jack: Well, isn't this kind of dangerous inviting me back to your suite?
Skye: Be right back.
Kevin: That's wrong. That's wro-- you underestimate me, Jeffrey.
Jeff: Really?
Kevin: I've cooked a book or two in my day.
Jeff: What do you want from me?
Kevin: Uh, the truth, or I tell the old lady everything.
Jeff: No! (Chuckles) (Quietly) No, look, I'm just trying to get this little gambling thing out of the back room to try and bring in some extra cash.
Kevin: (Quietly) And screwing my mom out of the profits?
Jeff: (Sighs) Your mother would dice me into little pieces if she finds out.
Kevin: (Sighs) Mm, that's not my problem.
Jeff: I'll pay you to keep quiet.
Chloe: Hi. Excuse me. Can I borrow you for a second? Okay, I need to get to the magazine, but I just had the biggest shock ever. (Sighs) Ronan is back.
Kevin: What? Why?
Chloe: I don't know. Some job thing.
Kevin: You must be freaking out.
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah. So I think I'm gonna need some cheering up tonight, too.
Kevin: Junk food, beer, and whatever else.
Chloe: Okay. Oh, actually, can we watch "Pretty in Pink"? Because that always takes my mind off of everything. Thank you.
Gloria: Cute. Chloe's sidekick.
Kevin: I am not her sidekick!
Gloria: Oh, stop it. Don't be embarrassed. I'm just glad you've grown up to be such a good guy.
Kevin: (Clears throat)
Gloria: Oh, excuse me. (Chuckles)
Kevin: Books look fine to me.
Gloria: Really? (Sighs) Well, then shame on me for doubting Jeffrey.
Kevin: Yeah, poor misunderstood Jeffrey.
Jeff: So we got a deal?
Kevin: One condition-- I do the money laundering.
Jeff: You?
Kevin: Yeah, me. I know how to keep things lookin' legit. You don't have a clue. Besides, I need money. Lots of it.
Jeff: Okay, but Gloria can never find out.
Kevin: Fine. All I care about is getting back Crimson Lights anyway.
Jeff: You know, I used to think you were kind of a loser. Might be a kick getting rich together.
Jana: Did you know that I used to be married to your mum's friend?
Cordelia: Yeah.
Jana: Kevin?
Cordelia: Yeah.
Jana: We're not married anymore. But I'm going to get him back.
Cordelia: Yeah.
Jana: Yes. You know, maybe you could help me. Yeah? Yeah.
Cordelia: I need this one.
Skye: Didn't your mother teach you not to touch other people's things?
Jack: You know, I just couldn't help myself. I wanted to see if the numbers you were giving me were legit.
Skye: And?
Jack: And you, Lady, have picked some pretty amazing companies that are performing awfully well.
Skye: (Chuckles) Once my "Restless Style" article comes out...
Jack: The sky is the limit... pun intended.
Skye: Oh, you know it, Baby.
Jack: You bet I do.
Phyllis: Yeah.
Billy: Yeah, that's a nice touch. Yep, putting Skye and Adam in the bottom corner. That's good stuff.
Phyllis: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.
Daniel: Hello, mother. (Sighs) You wanted to see me?
Phyllis: Ooh, yes. Yes. I'm back working at "Restless Style." Hey.
Daniel: Yes. Yes. I see that. That explains why you're here. What am I doing here, though?
Phyllis: Okay, well, um, our next issue goes to print tomorrow morning, and I'm gonna be up all night reworking the lead article.
Daniel: What do you want from me? Do you want me to go get you coffee or something?
Phyllis: No, I want you to work your magic!
Daniel: My magic?
Phyllis: Come here.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Phyllis: Okay. See?
Daniel: What, the little inset picture?
Phyllis: Yeah, but I want you to work it that there's-- there's a crack going between Skye and "Creep boy."
Daniel: Yeah, not a problem at all.
Phyllis: Not a problem. Good. Good. All right.
Billy: Good.
Phyllis: So Skye wants the world to believe that, um, she and Adam are this power couple, and I'm gonna have a really fun time blowing that image to smithereens.
(Computer keys clicking)
Sharon: Well, are you sure you left it in the living room? Because I-I don't see it. I-I will look around again.
Faith: (Fusses)
Sharon: Okay, well, I'm gonna have to get back to you, though. Okay, Noah. Bye. I think you should leave.
Adam: Sharon--
Sharon: Now.
Adam: The baby was starting to cry. I was trying to help.
Sharon: Do you even know what tomorrow is?
Adam: Tomorrow?
Sharon: It's Faith's 1st birthday. It's been a year since... you stole her from me.
Adam: I didn't realize.
Sharon: And when you came to the door, I thought maybe you were here to apologize, but no. As usual, it was all about you and your problems.
Adam: Sharon. Sharon.
Sharon: Just shut up! How dare you come near my daughter? I want you to get out of my house right now.
Adam: Sharon, I--listen--
Sharon: I don't want-- just stay the hell away from us. Adam, please!
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Adam: It's a good thing a wife can't testify against a husband.
Vance: She can if she wants to.
Phyllis: I hope she's not packin'.
Skye: You are not gonna get away with this.
Abby: (Sighs, clears throat)
Victoria: Everything looks in order here, so I guess we can go ahead and make it official.
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