Y&R Transcript Monday 9/27/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 9/27/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 9/28/10 -- USA


Episode # 9493 ~ Victoria & Abby Go to War With Victor

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Michael: Hey. Howdy, Stranger. Set a spell. Shoot the breeze.

Chris: (Chuckles)

Michael: What? Too hokey for you?

Chris: Uh, no, and-- and I'd like to. I-I would, but I am meeting someone. So maybe later?

Michael: Yeah, later works, too.

Chris: Okay. Oh, excuse me. Hi, I don't have long. I'm heading back to D.C. today, but there are still a lot of loose ends.

Ronan: I-I know. I'm dealing with the G.C.P.D. fallout best I can, all right? Finding the right kind of recruit for the department's not gonna be easy.

Chris: I-I'm talking about other loose ends, like Nina. Before you left, she reached out to you.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Chris: She asked if you guys would talk sometime, and you said you'd like that.

Ronan: Yes, I know. I was there.

Chris: Well, she doesn't know you're back. And when she does, she's gonna want to connect, and I need you to promise me you're gonna let that happen.

Nina: Why do people have to stop us on the street?

Phillip: They want to thank us for Chance's sacrifice. They--they mean well.

Nina: So I have to lie every second of every day to strangers and friends and family. I just wish I could make this all go away, get my sons back, both of my sons.

Chris: Christine Blair. Yeah. No, I-I'm coming back today. Yeah. Mm-hmm. Uh-huh.

Cane: Hello?

Lily: It is you!

Cane: (Sighs)

Lily: My baby!

Cane: Oh, I missed you.

Lily: Oh, my gosh.

Cane: I missed you, Baby.

Lily: Mwah. We missed you, too, so much.

Cane: How are the babies? Where are they?

Lily: Uh, they're good. They're crashed out.

Cane: You are gorgeous.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: You are just beautiful. You look tired.

Lily: Well, I am tired. Those two are a handful, okay? They're in the way all the time. They're fussing all the time.

Cane: (Grunts) Oh, I know you're talking about Neil and Malcolm. And I know you hate me for leaving you with them.

Lily: Oh, yes, I hate you. I hate you so much that I'm gonna make you some food while you go and dote over your little sleeping angels.

Cane: (Sighs) Food sounds good. I'm starving. What do we got?

Lily: Um, well, what else? We have steaks.

Cane: Steaks? When'd you get steaks?

Lily: Uh, didn't you send them?

Cane: N... no. Why, did they come with a note?

Lily: Yeah, the note said, "A taste from down under." I-I thought you sent 'em. Well, maybe it was from Tucker or a friend from back home. But whoever it was, s-send them a thank-you note, because they were delicious.

Cane: All right, wait. Wait. Y-you ate them?

Lily: Yeah, my dad and Malcolm and I. We all did. I mean, there's a lot left, though.

Cane: I want you to throw them out. We're going to throw them out right now.

J.T.: Hey, Baby. Come on. It's too soon to take a pregnancy test.

Mac: You don't think it worked, do you?

J.T.: What, the first time we tried for a baby? No. No. Nobody gets that lucky.

Mac: Well, as I recall, I think we both got pretty lucky.

J.T.: Yeah, well, look, I know you had a-a feeling, but craving pizza doesn't mean you're pregnant, all right?

Mac: Well, I drank a lot of orange juice, so I'm gonna excuse myself, and I'm gonna take this with me.

J.T.: (Chuckles) (Sighs)

Billy: You're sure you're all right? You sure I can't get you anything?

Victoria: Would you stop? I'm fine. I'm fine.

Billy: Come on. I mean, are--are you sore? Do you have, like, a fever?

Victoria: No. No.

Billy: Okay. Okay.

Victoria: D&Cs are standard after a miscarriage, all right?

Billy: All right, I get it.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: But, um, you know, if--if you're in pain, don't be tough. Just take the pain meds. It's not--yes, Ma'am. Okay. Well, how about in the meantime, some DVDs? I've got some nice black-and-white sitcoms to warm your cockles, and if you're nice, I'll even give you the smutty play-by-play. Oh, yeah.

Victoria: Yeah?

Billy: What Jim really means when he asks Margaret to iron his shirts.

Victoria: Really?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Hmm. You know, all I need is one day on the sofa resting, and then I'm gonna feel better, and I will continue to school you at skee-ball.

Billy: Hmm.

Victoria: And then I'll be able to do a lot of other things.

Billy: Yes, Ma'am.

Victoria: Yeah?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

(Doorbell rings)

Billy: (Growls) Do you mind getting that? You know, I'm just beat today.

Victoria: Oh, mwah.

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: Very funny.

Billy: Okay, don't go anywhere. (Sighs)

Victor: I'm here to see Victoria.

Abby: Good morning.

Michael: Oh, look at you all clothed. It's nice to see you without having to, uh, you know, shield my eyes.

Abby: Lay it on me. How psycho was Dad when he told you how I served him papers?

Michael: I'm sorry.

Abby: He didn't tell you? (Chuckles) (Clears throat) Well, uh, my lawsuit is back on, and it's stronger than ever. Dad paid that D.O.J. fine-- the one resulting from the Japan situation.

Michael: Yes, I know.

Abby: Well, he paid with Newman funds, and since I was not consulted with as a shareholder, I am suing him for breech of fiduciary duty.

Michael: That--that seemed to flow out of you so naturally.

Abby: Look, Michael, as a friend, not as an attorney, tell my dad to settle. Let me have access to my trust funds. Urge my dad to prevent any further public humiliation.

Michael: You are adorable. I would give you a TV show myself...

Abby: (Scoffs)

Michael: If I were an idiot. (Chuckles)

Abby: Right. Just-- just laugh at me. Laugh at silly old me...

Michael: (Laughs)

Abby: And then I want you to remember that I gave my dad an out.

Michael: (Sighs)

Abby: This case is solid gold, and I'm not gonna lose.

Billy: Victoria's resting.

Victor: I would like to see my daughter. I won't be long.

Victoria: Let him in. Please?

Victoria: Baby, um, do you want to go get some coffee?

Billy: What, you want me to leave you guys here alone?

Victoria: Yeah. I'm okay.

Billy: Okay, fine, but if you--

Victoria: No, I'm good. I'm good.

Billy: (Clears throat) All right. (Sighs)

Victor: (Sighs) I called you yesterday.

Victoria: I know. I got your message.

Victor: You know, your mom was very upset when she heard about this. So was I. I'm very sorry that...

Victoria: Yep. So am I.

Ronan: I'm outta here.

Chris: Where are you going?

Ronan: I just saw Nina and Phillip up on the patio, okay? I gotta go.

Chris: No, you can't go now. This is the perfect time for you to talk and start a relationship.

Ronan: It's the per-- see, Nina has to pretend to the world that one son is dead and that the other son shot-- shot him. Okay, this is not the time to talk. This is not the way for her to find out I'm in town.

Chris: What if I tell her you're here, and we meet in private?

Ronan: Would you leave-- would you leave it alone, Chris? All right?

Chris: (Sighs)

Nina: Cricket.

Chris: Hi.

Phillip: Hi.

Chris: Hi.

Phillip: Nice to see you.

Chris: Nice to see you, too.

Nina: Hi.

Paul: Morning.

Phillip: Hey, have a seat. I'm buying.

Paul: Well, actually, I'm just gonna get some to-go coffee. I've gotta head on over to, uh, Heather's office.

Phillip: You're leading the investigation into Pomerantz?

Paul: Yeah, I'm gonna make sure they've got enough evidence to convict him and his whole gang. Someone has to pay for what happened to Chance. Well, uh, I guess I'd better get going. I'll, um, see you later.

Chris: Yeah. What was that all about?

Nina: Another casualty of this case.

Chris: I'm--I'm so sorry. I wish I could help, but I'm heading back to D.C. today.

Nina: Already?

Phillip: Well, Heather is going to handle the case from now on.

Chris: Yeah, but I'm leaving someone else to deal with the G.C.P.D. -- Ronan. Nina, he's back in Genoa City.

J.T.: Hey. Look, nobody would expect it to take on the first try. Come on. We got nothin' but time. We're gonna make this hap-- no.

Mac: Yes. (Chuckles)

J.T.: What? We did it?

Mac: Yes, we're pregnant!

J.T.: Oh, my God. (Sighs) Wait. Wait. Reed's gonna-- gonna have a brother? I'm gonna be a dad again?

Mac: Yes. Someone's gonna call me mommy.

J.T.: Oh, my God.

Mac: Um, wow. Everyone's had such awful news, and finally...

J.T.: Yeah.

Mac: Something good happens.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Mac: But we should wait to tell people, right?

J.T.: Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's the right thing to do. But look, if it comes up in casual conversation, then it's not a crime, right?

Mac: Right.

J.T.: But, you know, th-there's a reason people, you know, keep that stuff to theirselves, and we-- you and I both know that. (Sighs)

Mac: Right. Right. Because, of course we're gonna worry about miscarriage because we've been through it before, but here's the thing-- I've had a successful birth since then, and just like the night that I knew the I.V.F. worked... (Sighs) I know that this pregnancy's gonna be okay, which means before we know it, we're gonna have a baby.

J.T.: (Sighs) Oh, my God. (Sighs) I love you.

Lily: Wait, are you serious? I mean, it would be a sin to waste all this food. You know, someone went through the trouble to actually get us a gift, and I--

Cane: When I was in Canberra, you know, I heard a rumor that maybe there's a breakout of B.S.E., so...

Lily: What, mad cow? Wait, my dad and Malcolm and I ate a lot of that.

Cane: Yeah, well, all right, listen, it was just a rumor, but let's be safe. Let's just throw it out, okay?

Lily: Okay.

Cane: Okay?

Lily: I mean, nice of your friend to send us potentially poison meat.

Cane: (Sighs)

Lily: Either they didn't know about the rumor, or they're not much of a friend.

Cane: Well, uh, I feel like lasagna anyway, so I'm gonna run into the club. I'll throw this in the recycler, okay? And I will get some takeout, and I will get you that salmon salad you like, okay?

Lily: Okay, but you just got back. Are you sure you want to go and run some errands?

Cane: Well, uh, maybe you should give me a kiss and make it worth my while. Mm.

Lily: Okay.

Cane: Mm.

Lily: Hurry back, okay? Because the babies and I, we missed you.

Cane: Okay.

Lily: Okay.

Chris: I'm glad I got to say good-bye to Phillip and tell you the news about Ronan in person.

Nina: Yeah, Ronan's here, huh? Well, the idea of getting to see one of my sons is just... it's been so hard with Chance gone.

Chris: Well, Ronan is his own person. I... he can't make up for losing Chance to the witness protection program.

Nina: I know that. It's got nothing to do with Chance. I want to know Ronan for himself. So where can I find him?

Chris: He's in briefings today, but if you give him some time, he'll be in touch.

Nina: That sounds like a stall. Why?

Chris: No, no, no. It's just that Ronan is very self-contained. He doesn't let people in easily, and... he'll--he'll come to you, all right? He'll reach out to you when he's ready.

Nina: Well, maybe he's ready now.

Chris: He's not, and, Nina, if you push him too hard...

Nina: What? You think I'm gonna drive him away?

Ronan: Hey.

Paul: Yeah, Heather told me that the FBI sent you back here. So you're supposed to coordinate the, uh, cleanup of the police department, huh?

Ronan: I am. Heather's in court. She said I could use her office. Obviously, she told you the same. I'm assuming that this room is big enough for the two of us.

Paul: Yeah, I'll be, um, I'll be in and out.

Ronan: Okay, good. Me, too.

Paul: You know, the G.C.P.D. is in pretty bad shape right now. And the cops that did play by the book are gonna want to know that the force is going to be rebuilt in a way they can be proud of. They need someone they respect to lead the way.

Ronan: There's a file I need. I'm gonna go get that.

Paul: (Picks up cell phone)

(Door closes)

Paul: (Dials phone number)

Paul: Hey, it's me. Hey, do you have some time? Can you meet me?

Billy: Yeah, well, I think she'd like to see it. Okay. All right. Thanks, Abb. Bye.

Mac: Um, hi.

Billy: Hi.

Mac: You totally cut me off back there. Like, I'm smiling and waving like an idiot, and you totally cut me off.

Billy: Okay. Nice to see you, Miss Perky. Are we mainlining caffeine?

Mac: No! This is decaf.

Billy: All right. Sure. Since when does "Miss Turbocharged" go to decaf? What's goin' on, hmm?

Mac: Um, nothing. No. I just, uh, when I have too much caffeine...

Billy: Yeah.

Mac: I get--I get jittery.

Billy: Right. Yeah.

Mac: So...

Billy: Yeah, you're pregnant, huh? Are you pregnant?

Mac: That would be crazy.

Billy: Would it?

Mac: Wouldn't it?

Billy: You're pregnant. You--

Lily: Wha-- did I just hear what I think I heard?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Mac: Um, yes. No. No. I mean--I mean, yeah, but I'm not supposed--I'm not supposed to say anything.

Lily: Oh, my gosh. Mac, you're gonna be a mom! Oh, my gosh. Congratulations.


Victor: I know this will take time. But when you're over this, then we should discuss your options.

Victoria: My options?

Victor: Sweetheart, when you got married to this... this man, there were certain facts that have changed now.

Victoria: I was pregnant, Dad, and now I'm not.

Victor: (Sighs) I can get you out of this marriage. this... this man. But I assure you, as soon as you gain some distance, you will realize that he does not deserve you.

(Cell phone rings)

Victoria: Hello?

Billy: Hey, you okay? Is Victor still there? Is he being a jerk?

Victoria: Uh, actually, he was just leaving.

Billy: Okay, well, you know, I could be home in a couple of minutes.

Victoria: No, no. Take your time. It's fine. I'll just-- I'll see you when you get here, okay? Bye.

Victor: You don't have to make a decision now. You know I'll always be there to help you.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Victor: All right?

Victoria: Please leave.

Victor: I don't want to leave you, not after what you've been through now.

Victoria: Dad, I'm begging you, you leave right now.

Victor: Okay. Um, your mother will call you, and my offer stands, okay?

Abby: Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Abby: (Sighs)

Victoria: Abby. Oh. Billy told you, huh?

Abby: I am so, so, so, so sorry.

Victoria: No. Shh. It's okay. I'm okay. I'm gonna be just fine, all right?

Mac: I can't believe I told you.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Mac: I really-- I meant to come over here to visit and share in some baby joy with you.

Lily: Oh. (Laughs) Well--well, thank you. Thank you for coming over. I know that it was hard for you after Charlie and Mattie were born.

Mac: I just--I felt, I guess, like something was missing, and in a way, it was the twins, but really, it was a baby of my own. And I just--I couldn't-- I couldn't tell the difference, and now I can. (Chuckles)

Lily: Well, I'm excited. I am.

Billy: Thanks. Uh, F.Y.I., two lightweights are passed out in your guest room. Apparently, they can't hold their booze.

Lily: You, Guys, can you believe it? The twins are gonna have your two babies to play with. Yay!

Mac: And Reed's gonna have two new siblings to boss around.

Lily: Yes. (Laughs)

Billy: Actually, this is, uh, the awkward part where I ruin the mood. Victoria's pregnancy, it, um, well, it didn't work out.

Chris: I know I'm not saying what you want to hear, but as your friend, I want you and Ronan to have the best chance possible.

Nina: Oh, right. Is that why you didn't tell me he was my son?

Chris: I explained that was Ronan's choice. I did.

Nina: You know, you have held all the cards. You've had all the information. You've been his friend and his mentor. I'm just some stranger you've kept away from him. You've cost me time with both of my sons. You're the one that has me lying to strangers and to people I love. I can't even be in the same room with Paul. As much as I'd like to lean on him right now, I feel like a fake and a liar.

Chris: Okay, you're not a fake or a liar. You're the best possible mom I know, and you've proved that every second by keeping the secret that Chance is alive.

Nina: (Sighs)

Chris: Go to Paul. Tell him you want him back. You guys need each other.

Nina: (Chuckles) You know what? You have been telling me what to do since I was 17 years old. And the truth is, most of your advice is pretty crappy.

Chris: My flight is soon, and I-I just don't want to leave things like this.

Nina: Well, then you shouldn't have come between me and my son.

Chris: (Sighs)

Paul: Hey.

J.T.: So what is this? "Bring your father to work" day?

Paul: (Laughs) Well, actually, there is-- there is some truth in that. Heather wanted me to head the investigation into, uh, Pomerantz and his drug ring. Thanks for coming by.

J.T.: Yeah, sure. You, uh, you need some help with the case? 'Cause if you do, I'm in, Man. You know.

Paul: Well, um, do you think you can swing that with your--your current job? Have a seat.

J.T.: Well, Tucker's just gonna have to understand.

Paul: So things aren't, uh, working out the way you'd hoped over at McCall's, huh?

J.T.: (Laughs) You didn't bring me here to talk to me about my career, did you?

Paul: You know what? Actually, I did. 'Cause I know that you-- you left Newman because you were sick and tired of the corporate B.S., and you didn't want to be the personal property of Victor Newman. So how's that workin' out for you? Got a new company. Same B.S.?

J.T.: Is this supposed to be a-a pep talk or something?

Paul: The G.C.P.D. is upside down right now. The bad cops are either arrested or they're fired, and the good cops feel like they were tarred by the same brush. They really could use you over there.

J.T.: You think I should join the force?

Paul: Well, you tell me how much you want to hold on to your integrity.

J.T.: (Sighs)

Paul: And that's what being a police officer used to be about. It can be that way again. And God knows you are a better example than Ronan Malloy. Wouldn't you rather serve and protect Genoa City than Tucker's bank account?

J.T.: Well, it's gonna be a long time before I'm serving anything, you know? It's a long road from being a rookie to having influence on the vets.

Paul: Well, you know, I thought about that, too, and if we were to bring you in as a civilian consultant... so what do you say?

J.T.: (Chuckles) What do I say? Better give me a second to think about it, Paul. I mean, come on.

Ronan: He on your team?

Paul: No. But, um, if you play your cards right, he could be on yours.

Ronan: So, uh, what, are you looking to make a career change?

J.T.: (Sighs) Well, I've had about two seconds to think about it, but was it my life's dream to help corporate raiders line their pockets? Not so much.

Ronan: (Chuckles) Hmm. This is a good force. Your friend Paul there doesn't think I know that, but I do. And I owe it to them-- personally owe it to them to make it the strongest department possible, which means I need the best. I need the smartest. I need the toughest. Is that you? Eh, maybe it is, maybe it isn't? I don't know? (Chuckles) Well, there's only one way to find out, right?

J.T.: Let's talk.

Cane: (Sighs) Well, we got a delivery. That was attached to the cooler.

Phillip: From Desmond?

Cane: Look, it is obvious that this guy is not gonna stop until I pay for turning over his cattle rustlers to the authorities.

Phillip: What was in the cooler?

Cane: Steaks, which Lily ate.

Phillip: What?

Cane: She thought they were from me. Phillip, she could have been poisoned.

Phillip: You gotta go to the cops.

Cane: And how do I do that without terrifying Lily?

Phillip: Okay, then, uh, just sit tight, and I'm gonna go back to Australia just like I said, and I-I'll--I'll--I'll try to smooth things over there.

Cane: (Sighs) All right, listen. Listen, okay? Listen, this is not a guarantee, but I do appreciate anything you can do.

Phillip: Okay, you just keep an eye on Lily.

Cane: She's not gonna be hurt. And the kids will not be hurt. I promise you that.

Lily: It's a package for Cane. Sorry for the interruption.

Mattie: (Cries)

Lily: Oh, that is Matilda. I'll be right back.

Billy: You can tell the difference?

Lily: Uh, yeah, I better go before I start a chain reaction.

Mac: Do you need help?

Lily: Uh, no, I'm good. Just stay here. It's fine.

Mac: (Sighs) So how's Victoria doing? 'Cause, you know, whatever she's feeling, whatever you're feeling, Lily and I can understand.

Billy: Yeah. You know, well, it's, um... (Clears throat) Things happen, you know? We know that. Victoria's fine. I'm fine. We're--we're fine. How's J.T.? Is he over the moon? You notice how everybody's always over the moon? Okay, uh, maybe I was, uh, over the moon, too. And, hypothetically, I might have been very excited in a way that I wasn't able to be with Delia. And maybe, uh, just maybe I am... I'm upset. But I can't be upset for Victoria's sake because she has been through a lot lately. I mean, she got arrested at her own wedding, and she's fighting with her father, and now there's gonna be doctors, and there's gonna be machines. And it's just not fair, because just the other day, she was... she was really happy. We were both really happy.

Mac: (Sighs)

Billy: Hmm.

Abby: Look, I know that this is completely different than what my mom went through, and you don't have psycho Adam living here, but if you feel like you are getting even the slightest bit depressed--

Victoria: You know, Abby, its fine. I'm okay, all right?

Abby: (Sighs) All right. Okay.

Victoria: You don't have to worry about me. Everything's good. All right. So what did Dad say to you outside?

Abby: Um, nothing.

Victoria: What, he ignored you?

Abby: Kind of. Okay, I kind of hid on the side of the house praying that he wouldn't see me.

Victoria: (Scoffs) God, I wish I'd thought of that.

Abby: (Chuckles) Yeah, I-I was so cocky before because he hadn't told Michael, and then it hit me-- what if he didn't tell Michael because he is so mad? And Dad is freakin' scary when he's mad.

Victoria: Wait a second. Hold on. Tell Michael what?

Abby: I served him new papers. I am suing Dad for breech of fiduciary duty...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Abby: Because he paid that D.O.J. fine with Newman funds.

Victoria: Abby, Newman is his company. He can use the funds however he wants to use them.

Abby: Actually, Newman is our company. We're shareholders, and technically, he was supposed to consult with us. Look, I'm not trying to just be a pain. I just want control of my own life, and if I don't fight him now, I will be under his thumb for the rest of my life. Who can possibly live like that?

Victoria: Okay, hold on. Hold on. Hold on. You don't have to convince me, okay? You're actually right. But your case needs a little tweaking. I think I can help you.

Michael: Victor, I can't really get into it right now. Sorry. Look, you know, I-I-- I left all those messages. I just need a moment of your time. You gonna be at the house today? All right. Good. I will see you then. All right, thank you. Bye. Sorry. Business.

Chris: I've been out of touch since I've been back. It's only fair that you get to make a phone call.

Michael: I'm just curious about how it got so strange between us. Hmm? No, you know, that's not true. I am curious, and my feelings are hurt. Uh, I just find it odd that you come back into town and we haven't spent any time together. Former partners at least? Friends, I thought.

Chris: Yeah, of course we're friends.

Michael: Well, then, yeah?

Chris: (Sighs) Look, it's because we're friends. It's because you know me too well. I came here with so many secrets, so many lies I couldn't risk exposing. I-I don't know if I'm ever gonna be able to make this up to Nina, all the damage I've caused. I...

Michael: Nina will come around.

Chris: And I didn't want to risk alienating you, either, or having you figure out all the information I was trying to protect.

Michael: Yeah. So what about now? Can we talk? I mean, do you still have secrets?

Chris: Oh, yeah. Yeah. I have loads of secrets...

Michael: Yeah.

Chris: Which is why I'm trying to break away, get out while I still can.

Michael: You're leaving?

Chris: Today. I know. I'm sorry. I'm--I'm a terrible friend.

Michael: No. I mean, you're one of the best friends I've had or will ever have. Um, and, you know, blowing me off every now and then, though it must be extremely painful for you, is not gonna change that.

Chris: Thank you.

Michael: Now I have to run. (Chuckles)

Chris: (Laughs)

Michael: Uh, so the next time you're in town...

Chris: Or if you're in D.C...

Michael: Come back soon.

Chris: Bye.

Michael: Bye.

Chris: (Sighs)

Chris: Paul, it's me. We didn't have a chance to talk before, and I'm leaving town today. I just wanted to maybe say good-bye in person. Could you meet me? I'm still at the coffeehouse. Okay, great. (Sighs) Thanks.

Cane: What's this? I-I come back with the food, and you're taking off?

Lily: (Laughs) Well, I'm just trying to stretch the time between feedings.

Cane: All right, let me stow this, and I will come with you.

Lily: Okay, we would love that, right? Oh, there's a package that came for you. It's right there.

Cane: Hey, you know what? I, um, I forgot to make a quick call, all right? Let me, um, I'll catch up with you.

Lily: Okay. Can you get the door for me? Thank you.

Cane: Bye, Sweetie.

Cane: Son of a bitch!

Lily: Help!

Charlie and Mattie: (Crying)

Lily: Okay, I know. I know. Mommy is so sorry, okay?

Cane: Hey, hey, Guys. Settle down.

Lily: I was just trying to wait till your next feeding.

Cane: All right.

Lily: Oh, gosh, that went well. Well, just distract them. I'm just gonna go get some bottles, okay?

Cane: All right. Hey, you guys. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Daddy's here. Daddy's here. You're okay. You're okay. Mommy's all right. Hey. Hey. Hey. (Making silly noises)

Lily: (Sighs) Well, Daddy to the rescue. I'm so sorry I scared you, Babe. I bet you wish you were back on that plane again, huh?

Cane: Never. Never. This is just where I want to be. It's okay. Come on.

Lily: Okay, well, do you want to help me feed them in the nursery?

Cane: Uh, yeah, um, I'm right behind you.

Lily: Okay.

Cane: Okay.

Lily: Okay. It's okay. It's okay.

J.T.: (Laughs)

Mac: Hi.

J.T.: Wow. You and your, uh, pizza want a little privacy?

Mac: Stop it. I'm hungry, and I'm officially pregnant, and I know how lucky I am, so I'm gonna enjoy every minute of it.

J.T.: I hear you. I hear you. There is no reason we shouldn't do what makes us happy. And I've been thinking, you were never really happy with me working for Tucker, and I happen to know a place that's actually hiring right now.

Mac: Really?

J.T.: Yeah.

Mac: Where?

J.T.: G.C.P.D.

Mac: Join the force?

J.T.: It could be a new beginning all around.

Paul: Hi.

Nina: Hi.

Paul: Uh...

Nina: Cricket asked me to meet her here.

Paul: Um, me, too. I'm sensing a setup.

Nina: (Scoffs) She never stops trying to get what she wants, does she? I went off on her earlier. So when she called saying that she wanted a proper good-bye, I was very torn between ripping into her again and making up.

Paul: Well, I'm sure you could have managed both in one sitting.

Nina: (Chuckles)

Paul: (Chuckles)

Nina: Well, I guess this whole setup is to make sure that I'm taken care of or something. I don't know.

Paul: Maybe it's for my benefit.

Nina: I'm out of control lately. I'm sorry. I hate half the things I do and say, and a second later, I want to take it back.

Paul: So I guess, uh, Chris left without saying good-bye.

Nina: Well, I think she said it in her way.

Paul: I don't suppose you'd want to join me for coffee.

Nina: Yeah, I'd like that.

Victor: What brings you by?

Michael: Oh, well, I was just curious about when you were gonna let me know that Abby is on the offensive again.

Victor: Oh, that. Well... it all went away once. It'll go away again. I have a suspicion that she is subject to outside influences. Once she realizes that family is all she has and all she can rely on, she'll be back.

Abby: Okay, so you are sure?

Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, totally sure. (Rubs hands together)

Abby: (Sighs)

Billy: Hey, Ladies.

Victoria: Hi.

Abby: Hi.

Billy: You okay?

Victoria: Yeah, I'm okay.

Billy: Yeah? You sure?

Victoria: Yeah, I'm sure.

Billy: Okay. Hi.

Victoria: Hi. (Sighs) So... (Clears throat) What if I told you that things were about to get a lot worse for my dad?

Billy: Oh, goody, we're poking the tiger with the stick. What are we doing?

Abby: I'm suing him again.

Billy: That's a twig, not a stick.

Victoria: It's a new case, Billy, and it's stronger, and she won't lose. We agreed. I'm suing Dad with her.

Billy: Oh. Holy moly. We're going to war.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Adam: I am married to a woman that I don't care about, and I am in love with a woman that I cannot have.

Nina: I dreamed of the day I would find my son.

Ronan: Maybe you shouldn't get your hopes up.

Kevin: I know what you've been up to-- laundering money out of Gloworm.

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