Y&R Transcript Friday 9/24/10 -- Canada; Monday 9/27/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9492 ~ Victoria & Billy Fear for Their Child
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Deacon: 30 days of sobriety-- I got that, uh, a while ago, but I carry this with me wherever I go so that I'll never forget how hard those first 30 days are... (Scoffs) Especially when you're a bartender. Hell, they're hard for anybody, but I'm able to pour drinks now instead of take one because of this program. This works. It really does. But you've got to follow it. This, um, isn't my first 30-day chip. But every morning when I wake up, I hit my knees and I pray to God that it'll be my last. Thank you. (Applause)
Woman: Thanks, Deacon. Who would like to speak next?
Nikki: This is Nikki. I'm not available right now.
Victor: Sweetheart, I thought you'd be home. I'm sorry that I missed our luncheon, but I had to go to the office of--of--of "Restless Style" to prevent that Billy Abbott from publishing an unconscionably... appalling cover. Um, I'll tell you all about it when you get back here, okay? Uh, it didn't go too well, so, um, but let's discuss it when you come home.
Billy: The cover is covered, thanks to yours truly...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: And Skye is in the middle of her photo shoot as we speak and--
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Hey, what's wrong with you?
Victoria: (Sighs) I'm not sure, okay? I got this pain in my side, and I thought it would go away, but it hasn't gone away.
Billy: Okay, is that the baby?
Victoria: I don't know. I mean, it's definitely in the vicinity. That doesn't mean that there's a problem. It could be nothing.
Billy: It could be something. It could be something.
Victoria: It could be nothing. It could be nothing. (Sighs) But we should be sure, so could you just get my phone?
Billy: Yeah, where--is it--
Victoria: It's in my purse.
Billy: Okay. Here it is, actually.
Victoria: (Sighs) Thank you.
Billy: Um...
Victoria: (Sighs) Hi. Yes, this is Victoria Newman. Um... is Dr. Okamura available? I need to speak to him right away.
Abby: (Laughs) Okay, you couldn't have come up with a way to gain access to my trust fund that fast.
Jack: You don't know your Uncle Jack very well.
Abby: I told you, I am not--repeat, not-- reinstating this lawsuit against Dad unless it is a slam dunk that I will beat him in court.
Jack: This is as close as you're gonna get to a guarantee. You remember your last suit? Vance went after Victor for, uh, mismanagement of your trust fund?
Abby: Yeah. Yeah. You said it was a good strategy.
Jack: Well, thanks to dear old dad, it just got a whole lot better. What I need from you is your most recent statements from Newman Enterprises.
Abby: Ugh! (Whines) We already went over all of those.
Jack: No, the most recent financial statement.
Abby: (Sighs)
Jack: Get it to me now. Go home.
Abby: Okay.
Adam: I don't know how you could even consider doing this. Billy Abbott is an opportunistic ass. Yeah, it runs in the family.
Abby: Unlike a homicidal sociopath, which is actually just a freak of nature, emphasis on the "Freak." Later, Uncle Jack.
Adam: O.M.G., L.O.L.
Jack: So what is it you're considering doing with Billy?
Skye: Not what you're thinking.
Adam: Uh, your little brother wants to put her on the cover of "Restless Style." That's what's going on.
Jack: Well, I would stand in line for a copy of that.
Skye: You Abbott men are so... supportive.
Jack: You're a hard lady to say "No" to.
Adam: Mm, I'm gonna head up to the room.
Skye: Meet you up there.
Jack: You think maybe we ought to be, uh, a little more careful?
Skye: Oh, careful's boring.
Jack: Well, not careful is dangerous.
Skye: I'm pretty sure we crossed that line.
Jack: Um, um, when I left your room, I overheard Adam saying he wished you'd stayed dead in the stables.
Skye: (Sighs)
Jack: We both know what he's capable of. I don't want to be responsible for pushing him too far.
Skye: Don't worry about Adam. I can handle him.
Heather: You're sure? That--that information has been verified? Interesting. All right, um, I will call you back if I need anything else. Thank you.
Heather: Mm. Hi, I-I need to speak with you. I just, uh, just got some interesting information about Skye.
Victor: Then I suggest you come out to the ranch, all right?
Adam: That was fast.
Skye: Just long enough to make you jealous.
Adam: If that's what you're getting out of this, okay. But what about Jack? What do you think he wants? 'Cause it ain't sex.
Skye: I use people, not the other way around. I'd think you know that.
Adam: You like to play games, take risks.
Skye: I thought you did, too.
Adam: I do... when the odds are in my favor. They aren't this time. Jack investing in our hedge fund, getting you into bed, Billy wanting to put you on the cover of "Restless Style," Heather trying to reopen the case against me...
Skye: (Sighs)
Adam: This all sounds like a big plan, and I'll bet you anything that my father is the one behind this.
Skye: What do you think, he's got aliens from outer space watching us?
Adam: They want to bring us down, all of them.
Skye: Okay, you might be right... with one minor exception. They want to bring you down.
Adam: Okay, then, Skye, then, for me, can you just stop sleeping with Jack?
Skye: (Laughs)
Adam: Can you? Can--can you not pose for "Restless Style"? Can you just fly under the radar for a little while? I'm asking you, please.
Skye: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Adam: (Sighs)
Malcolm: Hi, I'm Malcolm Winters. Billy sent me to do the shoot.
Skye: Come in. I'm Skye.
Malcolm: All right.
Skye: You probably know my infamous husband Adam Newman.
Malcolm: Hey, Man.
Adam: Hi.
Malcolm: All right.
(Door closes)
Malcolm: So you ready to do this?
Skye: (Sighs) Yeah, I'm ready.
Victor: I appreciate you coming by. I think it is best that we discuss these things in private from now on.
Heather: Uh, contributing to my campaign to, uh, stay on as D.A. is perfectly aboveboard.
Victor: So you said you had some news about Skye Lockhart.
Heather: Mm-hmm. Uh, since Adam came here from Brazil, I decided to check with the authorities there. Now they couldn't tell me very much about Adam, but what they told me about Skye could prove very useful to us.
Woman: Thanks, Nolan.
Woman: Join hands for the closing prayer. God...
All: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: You know, it's unbelievable. Doctors are the only people on this planet who have absolutely no qualms about making you wait. Like, an appointment time doesn't mean anything to these people. I can't--
Victoria: I--actually, I didn't really--I didn't have an--an appointment, really.
Billy: That's actually a good point. Um, yeah, sorry.
Victoria: It's okay. It's okay. I'm--I'm--I'm actually-- I'm starting to feel better, I think.
Billy: Yeah? Really?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: I mean, you're okay?
Victoria: I think so. I mean, the pain in my side is gone now, so...
Billy: You're just--you're not just saying that.
Victoria: No.
Billy: You--you--okay. So that's good. Okay.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. That's good.
Dr. Okamura: Hello. So you're seven weeks along, and, uh, you said on the phone there was no complications until today. Cramps, right?
Victoria: Yes, Dr. Okamura, and I know that, from before, that might mean, um, it might mean miscarriage.
Dr. Okamura: Well, we won't know that until we take a look. Let's get an ultrasound machine and do that.
Billy: Okay, this is gonna be okay. We're gonna be good. This is gonna be good.
Victoria: Okay. Okay.
Billy: It's gonna be okay.
Skye: So... (Sighs) Where do we start?
Malcolm: Um, how about here on the bed?
Skye: Oh, my favorite place. You'll tell me what to do, right, make sure I'm not, uh, showing you my bad side?
Malcolm: (Laughs) I don't think that's gonna be a problem.
Skye: (Laughs)
Adam: You know what? You guys look like you got everything under control. I'm gonna take off.
Skye: Oh, come on, Baby. Don't you want to watch?
Adam: You know, I was never really much into just watching.
Skye: You don't want to disappoint me, do you?
Adam: (Sighs)
Heather: Skye had... (Sighs) An arrangement in Sao Paolo.
Victor: Yes, she had an arrangement with a government official.
Heather: Mm-hmm. But it turns out, that was just a side job. The judge is actually a mob boss.
Victor: I'll be damned.
Heather: As long as Skye continued to pay the man, nobody bothered her or Adam.
Victor: Yeah, I would imagine.
Heather: Not long after you left Brazil with Adam...
Victor: Hmm.
Heather: The judge disappeared, along with a considerable amount of cash.
Victor: Which then allowed Adam to hire Vance Abrams and open a hedge fund.
Heather: Skye claims that, uh, she won that money playing poker.
Victor: But if she didn't, we'll have leverage.
Abby: No offense, Uncle Jack, but watching you go through my financial statement is only slightly less boring than that awful concert thing you made me sit through last week. Ugh.
Jack: That "Concert thing" was the Chicago symphony...
Abby: (Sighs)
Jack: Playing Rav--oh. Bingo. Trust fund.
Abby: Did you really find something to stick it to Dad with?
Jack: Oh, I think this time, your dad stuck it to himself.
Nikki: Thank you.
Deacon: You know, when you said you were in recovery, I didn't realize you were a "Friend of Bill’s."
Nikki: They call it alcoholics anonymous for a reason.
Deacon: Here, look, I just thought that we could help each other, that's all.
Nikki: Look, I may be "Bill's friend," but I will never be yours, not after what you did to my daughter. Excuse me.
Victoria: This isn't exactly how I pictured our first ultrasound would be.
Billy: What?
Victoria: Well, I pictured a lot less angst and that I would have more... circulation in my hand.
Billy: Oh, sorry.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Dr. Okamura: Okay, all warmed up. Now lie back and relax.
Victoria: Relax. (Sighs) (Exhales deeply)
Dr. Okamura: (Clears throat)
Dr. Okamura: Yeah, they like to play hide-and-seek at this stage.
Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, I remember. Yeah.
Dr. Okamura: They're good at the hiding part, huh?
Victoria: Right. Well, I remember, at this point in my pregnancy last time, you found Reed. (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs)
Dr. Okamura: (Sighs)
Billy: What's the word, Doc?
Dr. Okamura: I found the fetus. There's no heartbeat.
Billy: Um...
Dr. Okamura: I'm so sorry.
Billy: Is there, uh, something that, uh, you need to do, or do we...
Victoria: Uh, yeah. Um... yeah. Uh, we're gonna do a, uh, a d & c, right? It's okay. It's--it's--it's, uh, it's just routine, so it's okay.
Dr. Okamura: I'll schedule one for tomorrow.
Billy: Uh...
(Door closes)
Billy: Uh, do you need me to do anything?
Victoria: (Whispers) Would you just take me home?
Billy: Yeah, okay. I'll take you home. Now pick up some cards and... yeah, there we go.
(Camera shutter clicking)
Malcolm: Right. Now, uh, give me your... "Just try to read my face" look. Ah, that's it. Perfect. Oh, yeah. That's what I'm talking about.
(Camera shutter clicking)
Malcolm: There you go. Rake all your chips in. Get all your winnings.
(Chips clinking)
Malcolm: All right. My goodness. You are a natural.
Skye: (Chuckles)
Adam: With just about everything.
Skye: You know, I believe you should do something as if your life depends on it. You never know. It might.
Victor: Skye Lockhart’s major occupation is self-preservation.
Heather: So where does that leave Adam?
Victor: In a very precarious situation. She will not hesitate to push him over the cliff.
Heather: Works for me, personally and professionally.
Victor: I got her to sell out Adam in Brazil for a few million dollars. I'm sure you'd have no difficulty getting her to make a deal with you.
Heather: If I can prove that she committed a crime in Brazil...
Victor: Or make her think that you can...
Heather: Mm-hmm. Then she'll turn state's evidence against Adam in order to keep from going to prison.
Victor: Let me not prevent you from starting to work on it.
Abby: Millions of dollars could be mine. I could do whatever I want. I could have my own TV show. I could have my own clothing line. Uh, you know what I'll do? I will buy you that whole boring orchestra, Uncle Jack.
Jack: Now let's not get ahead of ourselves here. I want to show you what I found.
Abby: Right. Right. Tell me everything. Actually, if you could just tell me the most important points-- actually, just maybe keep it as short as possible-- that'd probably be best.
Jack: Okay, focus on that line right there.
Abby: Wow. That's a lot of money. That's a lot of money being transferred out of my... account. Where did it go?
Jack: To the D.O.J. Victor used your trust fund money as well as Nick and Victoria's, as well as I can make out...
Abby: (Scoffs)
Jack: To pay a fine...
Abby: (Gasps)
Jack: For committing bribery in Japan.
Abby: He breached his fiduciary duty.
Jack: Oh, he sure as hell did.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Jack: He was not acting in your best interest, Abby.
Abby: Dad thinks he can do whatever he wants with my money and just get away with it. (Scoffs)
Jack: It's time to show him that that's no longer the case.
Victoria: (Sighs) This place is a mess.
Billy: I-I mean, I thought it looked okay. It didn't, you know--
Victoria: Yeah, it looks okay for a frat house.
Billy: Um, are, um, I'm sorry I... (Clears throat) Hey, yo. Yo, yo, yo. Are you having second thoughts, you know, about us and moving in together and the whole thing? Are you...
Victoria: No. Are you?
Billy: Oh, come on. I'm the slob.
Victoria: I just should have waited before I took the test.
Billy: Ah.
Victoria: I shouldn't have gotten your hopes up like that.
Billy: No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: No, no regrets.
Victoria: Right.
Billy: Right.
Victoria: Right.
Billy: Now is there anything that I can do for you, hmm? Would you like a hot bath? Would you like a massage? Would you like some ice cream?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Hmm?
Victoria: Yes.
Billy: Yes?
Victoria: Yes.
Billy: Which one?
Victoria: All of the above.
Billy: (Laughs) All of them? Okay. I can do that.
Victoria: Okay? But first I want to talk to you, so come here and sit down for a second.
Billy: Okay. Okay. (Clears throat) (Sighs)
Victoria: You've been really, really sweet to me, but we both lost a baby today.
Billy: Yeah. (Sighs)
Victoria: So... its okay for you to... you don't have to be so brave and strong...
Billy: Brave and s--
Victoria: For me.
Billy: Brave and strong?
Victoria: You don't have to do that.
Billy: Brave and strong, me? I'm the guy who gets in a bar fight, I hit the guy, and I run out. I'm like this... (Imitates trembling)
Victoria: Okay, I get that...
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: But it's okay if you want to be, um, if you want to be upset at all.
Billy: How about, uh, disappointed?
Victoria: That works.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: I couldn't really help but think about, uh, how our kid might look.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: I was really hoping he or she looked more like you than me. I mean, come on.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: It would have been a great kid. But, uh, we could try again if you want.
Victoria: Yeah, I do. (Sniffles)
Billy: Really?
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: You do?
Victoria: I do. As soon as the doctor says its okay, I want to try again. I do.
Billy: Okay, we could try again. We could try again, and we could try again and again...
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: In new ways. Mm.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs)
(Doorbell rings)
Billy: Oh.
Victoria: Oh. (Sighs) My mom.
Billy: Your mom.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Mom. Okay. Oh. (Sighs)
Victoria: (Clears throat)
Billy: (Clears throat)
Nikki: Billy.
Billy: Hi. Oh.
Nikki: I'm so sorry.
Billy: Uh, thanks.
Nikki: Oh, hey, Sweetheart.
Victoria: Hi, Mom.
Nikki: Hi.
Victoria: Hi. Thanks for coming, Mom.
Nikki: Honey, of course I would come.
Victoria: Okay.
Nikki: Are you all right?
Victoria: Uh-huh. Yeah. I'm fine. Mm-hmm.
Nikki: (Clicks tongue)
Billy: Okay, I'm--I'm gonna run some errands, okay?
Victoria: Okay, Honey. Thank you.
Billy: Yep.
Victoria: Thank you.
Nikki: Now, Sweetheart, just sit down. Tell me about it. What happened? Were you here?
Victoria: I was at Billy's office. He was worried about his next issue, and I brought him some coffee, and...
Nikki: I got a message from your father. He was at "Restless Style" this afternoon. He was upset about some story Billy was doing.
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, he was upset about it, and he let me know it. Mm-hmm.
Billy: Baby, why didn't you tell me about that?
Victoria: Because by the time you got there, I was too worried about the baby, and it's always the same thing between Dad and me. I mean, what was I gonna say?
Nikki: I thought you argued about the magazine.
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, it started that way. And... (Sighs) You know what? Dad is so predictable. Anyway, I don't know why I bother getting upset. (Sniffles)
Nikki: Well, but you did.
Victoria: Yeah. But he left finally, after telling me that I was ruining my life by staying with Billy. (Sighs)
Nikki: Is that when you...
Victoria: I don't know.
Nikki: Realized that something was wrong with the baby?
Victoria: Look, I got a pain in my side... (Sniffles) All right? And then Billy came, and we went to the doctor, and that’s... I'm just tired. I just want to lay down.
Nikki: I know you are. Of course--here. Put your legs up here.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: Put your legs up here. You lie down.
Victoria: Thanks, Mom. (Sniffles)
Nikki: Close your eyes.
Victoria: Okay.
Nikki: And I will stay here with you, all right, Sweetheart?
Victoria: Thank you. (Sighs)
Abby: (Sighs)
Jack: So you ready to send a message to dear old dad?
Abby: Yeah, every time I do, it comes back "Return to sender."
Jack: Abby, listen to me.
Abby: (Sighs)
Jack: Your father used your trust fund money to pay a fine for his illegal behavior. Any judge in the state is gonna side with you.
Abby: You know, Uncle Jack, I'm--I'm actually pretty good at spotting someone who doesn't have my best interest at heart.
Jack: Meaning me?
Abby: Do you deny that there's something in this for you?
Jack: Pursuing this lawsuit is the right thing to do for you.
Abby: What if I lose?
Jack: You won't lose. There's precedent-- a Chicago case. A 19-year-old girl sues her billionaire family for mismanagement of her trust, and she won hundreds of millions.
Abby: (Sighs) Well, I bet that made her popular at family reunions.
Jack: Honey, your family is not gonna turn their back on you, certainly not the Abbotts or Nick or Victoria. No, the only one you have to worry about is your dad, and he's already done that, as far as I can see. What do you have to lose?
Abby: (Sighs)
Skye: Thank you so much.
Malcolm: My pleasure.
Skye: Adam, could you show Malcolm out?
Adam: Of course, Dear.
Malcolm: I'll, uh, I'll e-mail you the pics later on tonight.
Skye: Fabulous.
Malcolm: All right.
Adam: Thank you. Appreciate it.
Malcolm: Hey, cool, Man.
Skye: Champagne, Lover?
Adam: Talk to my lawyer.
Heather: I'm here to see Skye.
Adam: Talk to her lawyer.
Heather: Oh, does he speak for you now?
Skye: Hardly. Come in.
Heather: Hmm.
Skye: Champagne?
Heather: Oh, no, thank you. Um, I need to talk to you about a friend of yours, a judge from Brazil.
Skye: The judge?
Heather: Medeiros-- government official, takes bribes on the side. Oh, in his spare time, he heads up the local mafia.
Adam: Corrupt cops, corrupt politicians-- what is this world coming to?
Skye: Can't trust anyone.
Adam: What's your problem with Skye? What do you-- what do you have to ask her?
Heather: (Sighs) Well, your friend disappeared, along with a nice chunk of change.
Skye: You think I had something to do with it?
Heather: Hmm. Did you?
Skye: (Sighs)
Nikki: Your father's gone too far this time.
Victoria: (Scoffs) No. He went too far when he had me arrested on my wedding day. (Sighs)
Nikki: Yeah. But until just now, I thought that you might be able to forgive him, that you would find your way back to each other like you always have. But that's not gonna happen now.
Victoria: What are you talking about, Mom?
Nikki: You could have called him when you were first worried about losing the baby. He had just been there. He was right there. You could have picked up the phone and asked somebody to catch him in the parking lot. But you didn’t. And that means more than any amount of screaming and yelling.
Victoria: (Exhales deeply)
Nikki: He did this. He took away the father that you always thought you could count on.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: I'm so sorry, Honey.
Victoria: Mom, it's really-- it's okay. It's--it's not your fault.
Nikki: No, it's--it-- but I don't like to see you hurt like this.
Victoria: I'm your daughter, too, okay? I'll survive.
Nikki: Of course, I know you'll survive. You have a lot people rooting for you. I know you'll be fine.
(Pounding on door)
Billy: Oh, there's the bastard.
Victor: I beg your pardon?
Billy: Oh, I'm not gonna pardon you, not after what you did to your daughter.
Victor: What do you mean, "After what I did to my"-- what are you talking about?
Billy: What am I talking about? You know, you think you can do whatever you want. You can push people, ruin their lives, it'll all be okay for you, but not this time. After you got through ripping into Victoria, I had to take her to the doctor.
Victor: What do you mean, you had to take her--for what?
Billy: For what? For what?! You think-- she lost the baby, Man.
Skye: I don't know anything about Judge Medeiros' alleged disappearance.
Heather: Hmm. Well, what about his money?
Skye: What about it?
Heather: Why don't you, uh, take a look at that figure right there. Is it familiar?
Skye: It's a very attractive number.
Heather: Mm-hmm. It is. Hey, you're a gambler. What are the odds of the judge closing an account with that total, and you opening one up with almost the exact same amount just a short while later?
Skye: I wouldn't bet my career on it.
Heather: Hmm. Well, I like a long shot. They pay off big. You're awfully quiet in all this, Adam. What's the matter, wife got your tongue?
Adam: (Inhales sharply) What would I possibly have to say about a man that Skye and I barely know?
Heather: Well... (Sighs) I'll let you know if I hear anything about your friend. Maybe some new information will help jog your memory.
Skye: Wouldn't count on it.
Adam: Thank you. Good-bye.
Adam: I told you, and you wouldn't listen. They are out to get us, and they will not stop until they do.
Billy: You know, I keep trying to wrap my head around you. I-I don't get you. What type of man starts a fight with his pregnant daughter? How--I know. I know. You--the same guy who has her arrested for what you did. You just keep pushing her and you keep pushing her, and this had to happen. You knew it was gonna happen!
Victor: Under no circumstances did I want her to lose her baby.
Billy: Well, it doesn't matter what you want, because that's what happened.
Victor: I am very sorry about that.
Billy: You're sorry about that. Well, a hell of a lot that does for my wife.
Victor: What do you want?
Billy: What do I want?! I want you to stop attacking my wife!
Victor: I didn't attack your wife, Billy boy. I just wanted her to open her eyes.
Billy: "Open her eyes." Victor, you are a world-class bully.
Victor: I'm her father, Punk! I want to warn her about the misery that will be inflicted upon her by you.
Billy: You know, I really don't care what you think about me. I really don’t. I have a healthy self-image.
Victor: And I don't give a damn what you think about me! You love half the women in this town. You're an alcoholic. You're a gambler. And if you had to make a choice between those three things and Victoria, there would be no contest, would there?
Billy: You're absolutely right! I'd pick her every time.
Victor: Then you'd better go home to her and console her instead of coming here and puffing out your chest and trying to play the big boy with your father-in-law. Now get out.
Billy: No, father-in-law, I came by for one thing. You told Victoria to make a choice, right? She made a choice. She chose me. So you stop punishing her.
Victor: You're playing with fire, Son.
Billy: All day long.
(Cell phone rings)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Deacon: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were stalking me.
Nikki: Oh, God. If I had known you were working, I wouldn't have come here.
Deacon: Well, I'd probably be wounded if I didn't know that was a lie.
Deacon: On the house.
Nikki: I don't want it.
Deacon: Honey, I've earned enough of these and lost 'em...
(Chip clinks)
Deacon: To know that's exactly what you want.
Victor: Victoria, Billy was just here. He told me about--
Victoria: (Sighs)
(Door opens)
Billy: (Whistles) Okey-dokey! I got a whole bunch of stuff for you in these bags. Yes, I do. Are you ready? (Clears throat) First, we have Mr. Fizzy bubble bath-- Delia’s favorite. And then we have... oh, super sensual massage oils. These would be my favorite. (Clears throat) And, on top of that, we have dolce de leche ice cream. This is your favorite, and I went to three different places to get this. I hope that you like it.
Victoria: I was kind of wondering what took you so long. I thought that maybe it was because you went by the ranch.
Billy: (Sighs)
Victoria: My dad called. He left a message.
Billy: Makes sense. You mad?
Victoria: Well, am I mad at you... for being my hero? No.
Billy: Your hero? Well, it just so happens that I am wearing my superman boxers right now.
Victoria: I just have one request.
Billy: Oh, you want to see my boxers?
Victoria: (Sighs) Can we just not talk about my dad?
Billy: Oh, for sure. But if you want to see my boxers, all you have to do--just ask. Anytime, I will show you my boxers.
Victoria: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: Maybe later. (Sighs) Just right now, I was wondering if maybe, I don't know... you think you could just hold me for a little while?
Billy: Yeah. Come here. I can do this.
Victoria: That's kind of perfect.
(Cell phone rings)
Nikki: Yes?
Victor: I have some bad news about Victoria. She lost her baby.
Nikki: I know.
Deacon: Good alcohol going to waste.
Nikki: You know, only a sick, twisted S.O.B. would serve an alcoholic a drink.
Deacon: And only somebody tempted would get so pissed off about it.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Deacon: Listen to me. You want to have a drink. You don't have it here, you're gonna have it somewhere else, so why don't you just save yourself the gas?
Nikki: We both have issues with alcohol. You don't know me at all.
Deacon: Issues with alcohol? You can't even say it, can you?
Nikki: Say what?
Deacon: I'm an alcoholic.
Nikki: I am a person who wants to stay sober.
Deacon: Well, then why don't you push that away? 'Cause I'm not gonna do it for you.
(Cell phone rings)
Victor: Yeah?
Heather: It's Heather. I spoke to Skye and Adam. I told them what I know about the judge.
Victor: And?
Heather: Well, they kept their poker faces, but they were definitely feeling the pressure. I could practically hear the wheels turning in Skye's head.
Victor: Well, you know what she's doing. She's looking for an escape hatch, and all you have to do is provide it for her.
Adam: Victor's behind this. He's pushing Heather to come after me. She's come up with a whole new strategy now.
Skye: You give her way too much credit. She's fishing without bait.
Adam: You are the bait, Skye. She's trying to use you to catch me. Right now, as we speak, she's back in her office somewhere trying to dig up anything she can on you, something that she can use as leverage to get you to turn against me.
Skye: You better hope she doesn't find anything.
Victor: Didn't expect you.
Abby: Well, you probably didn't expect this, either. You've been served.
Victor: I thought we were through with this nonsense.
Abby: That was before I had solid proof you mismanaged my trust.
Victor: You've gone too far now. You will regret this.
Abby: Well, Victoria played by your rules, and look where that got her, so I'm doing this, Dad, and there's nothing you can do to change my mind.
Jack: Tucker, Jack Abbott. Mission accomplished. Abby is serving her father's papers as we speak, and Beauty of Nature should be ours in no time. I suggest you make my nameplate at Jabot permanent. Jack Abbot's back to stay.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nina: You have been telling me what to do since I was 17 years old. Most of your advice is pretty crappy.
J.T.: What? We did it?
Mac: Yes, we're pregnant!
Victor: I'm here to see Victoria.
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