Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/23/10 -- Canada; Friday 9/24/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9491 ~ Victoria's Distress
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Billy: I need you to provoke me. I need you to startle me. I need you to piss me off. We need a cover story. We need it now. We need it fast. So grab one, all right? Are--are you payin' attention? Great. All right. We'll reconvene in an hour. Go bring me gold. Bring me ideas. Go. Especially you--move. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on.
Skye: How about one from me? Skye Newman.
Billy: Yeah, I know who you are.
Skye: We met once briefly.
Billy: Yeah.
Skye: Then you must also know I'm, uh, a member of Victor's family.
Billy: Yes, I do. Okay.
Skye: I also run the fastest-growing hedge fund in the U.S.
Billy: Check. Check. Check. So what can I do for you? Can you make it fast? 'Cause I've got a lot goin' on.
Skye: I'm here to help you sell magazines.
Billy: Okay, I'll bite. How can you do that?
Skye: By letting you put me on the cover.
Billy: Hmm.
Adam: Sister, Dear. How are you? I hear congrats are in order.
Victoria: Buzz off.
Adam: Buzz off. Nice. So you've got a surprise bun in the oven, a shotgun wedding, and all that pales in comparison to Daddy having you arrested-- at the ceremony, no less.
Victoria: Did anyone ask you?
Adam: Welcome, Dear sister. Welcome to the wonderful world of being screwed over by Daddy. You're on the outs with him. Now we have something in common.
Victoria: Huh.
[Nikki remembering]
Nikki: Rule number one-- Victor is off-limits.
Nikki: Um, I was thinking about getting Victor some new bar crystal as a wedding gift. Um, do you think you could help me with that?
Meggie: Oh, I'd be happy to.
Nikki: All right.
Victor: Well, you ready?
Nikki: Um, Victor, I-I really need to talk to you.
Victor: Sweetheart, this is not the time.
Nikki: It's im-- it's important. Could you please get to that, um, what we were talking about?
Meggie: No problem.
Nikki: Victor, please.
Victor: Okay, let's talk about it. Sit down, Sweetheart.
Nikki: (Sighs) (Sighs) Um, you know, there has been so much turmoil in our lives lately.
Victor: Are you talking about Victoria?
Nikki: Well, yeah, that-- that's some of it. Um, and peop-- and people just get so stressed like this, things are gonna happen--
Abby: I got your text. What did you want?
Victor: Well, Sweetheart, I have something for you, and I think it'll make you very happy.
Heather: And just remember, the word of the day is "Delegate." If you need help, ask for it. Thank you.
Man: Delegate to whom?
Heather: Uh, the junior A.D.A.s for starters. They can handle a lot more than you think.
Man: Well, that'll be a trick since we're down to two.
Heather: What are you talking about?
Man: The rest were just suspended, along with Dabrowski's whole group.
Heather: Suspended? On whose authority?
Man: FBI this morning. Figured you would have heard by now.
Heather: (Sighs) Thank you. That will be all.
(Cell phone rings)
Chris: Christine Blair.
Heather: I want to know how the FBI thinks that it can suspend my staff without informing me, especially considering that our caseload has more than doubled since we're reviewing everything Owen did!
Chris: I'll come by shortly, and we can discuss this in person. Does that work for you?
Heather: Well, I guess it'll have to, won't it?
(Slams down phone)
Jack: I'm glad you called this meeting, Tucker. I'm very excited about a number of things. This acquisition of Beauty of Nature is gonna help us move forward on a number of initiatives that--
Tucker: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, Jack. Slow down. Now I gave you this job as co-C.E.O. of Jabot in return for getting me Beauty of Nature.
Jack: Which I fully intend to do.
Tucker: Really? Well, it's been weeks. I've been waiting. Where is it?
Jack: Tucker, I told you this was gonna take some time.
Tucker: Well, time's up, my friend.
Jack: Wh-what does that mean?
Tucker: I'm declaring your contract null and void. You're fired, Jack.
Victoria: Listen. You want to be in the "I hate Victor Newman club," you can be there by yourself. Don't lump me in there with you.
Adam: Next, you're gonna tell me that Dad siccing the law on you was just a little disagreement and that, uh, him freezing you out because of who you decided to fall in love with, that was just a little parental concern, right? 'Cause if you recall, Victoria, he did both of those things to me.
Victoria: Oh, really? Well, our situations couldn't be more different, because you look at being an outcast as some sort of bizarre status symbol-- pretty much defines who you are. I'm not an outsider.
Adam: (Sighs)
Victoria: I never have been, and I never will be.
Adam: So you think that eventually, he'll accept Billy as a son-in-law.
Victoria: Yeah, I do. Eventually, mm-hmm.
Adam: Mm, just like he did with me?
Victoria: (Chuckles) Adam, you can say whatever you want. At least I'm married to a man who I love and I trust, and we're building a family together, whereas you are in some sort of sham marriage with a woman who's using you for your name, and you're just sponging off of her. So, yes, Brother dear, yes, we are in different places.
Adam: Time will tell.
Billy: No, no, no. I need it yesterday. I need it yesterday. Okay, fine. You do that. I appreciate it. Thank you. Sorry. Like I said, I'm swamped.
Skye: Putting me on the cover of "Restless Style" guarantees a sold-out issue. There's enough buzz around my hedge fund--
Billy: Wait, your hedge fund with Adam.
Skye: Sure. Sure, you can mention Adam if you think that's important. You can do a story about how I'm the female Warren Buffett, a new force to be reckoned with in the world of high finance.
Billy: You certainly have a healthy self-image. I'll give you that.
Skye: Well, the Newman name sells magazines. Also can't hurt to have a, uh, hot woman front and center.
Billy: True. What's hubby think about that?
Skye: He'll play along. But I want to be on the cover alone.
Billy: Oh, I take it he's not on board.
Skye: Adam won't be a problem.
Billy: Is it gonna piss him off?
Skye: Might.
Billy: Bonus for me.
Skye: So do we have a deal?
Billy: Look, if I run with this, then I have full control over all the images and all the content.
Skye: Naturally. It's your magazine.
Billy: And if my research digs up any skeletons in your closet, or, say, underneath the Newman stables, its fair game. I own it.
Skye: Wouldn't have it any other way.
Billy: Okay, we're gonna have to do this fast, so...
Skye: Then let's do it.
Abby: Well, you're making this sound really intriguing. (Chuckles)
Victor: Have a seat, Sweetheart. My darling, this won't take long. Um, why don't we have lunch afterwards? We'll talk, okay?
Nikki: (Sighs) Yeah, o-o-okay.
Victor: Okay.
Nikki: I'll, uh, I'll have Meggie drive me. We--we have some shopping to do.
Victor: All right.
Abby: So... (Sighs) What's this about?
Victor: Well, your mother and I have been talking about you. We're very happy about the restraint that you've been showing.
Abby: You mean my dropping the lawsuit.
Victor: Yes, and no naked shenanigans.
Abby: That you know of. Kidding.
Victor: I hope so. Anyway, I've decided to reward your exemplary behavior.
Abby: What's this? (Clears throat)
Victor: Well, open and see.
Abby: Whoa.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Abby: (Chuckles) Dad, uh...
Victor: It's part of your trust fund, Sweetheart. You approve?
Abby: Um, yeah. Yeah.
Victor: Good.
Abby: (Laughs) I-I don't--I don't understand. When you offered me a check before, it was nowhere near this number.
Victor: Mm-hmm. It's a lot of money.
Abby: Yeah. (Chuckles)
Victor: And I hope you can deal with it responsibly.
Abby: What's the other paper?
Victor: Just a little document. Once you sign it, um, you can put that check into your account.
Abby: Oh, right. Of course. There's a catch. (Clears throat)
Heather: This is the worst possible time for me to be losing head count, Christine.
Chris: I never would have recommended you as Owen's replacement if I didn't think you could handle it.
Heather: Believe me, I appreciate the vote of confidence, and I am more than grateful for the honor of nailing Owen to the wall, but I don't see how I'll be able to do that when my staff is being decimated.
Chris: I-I understand your frustration, and I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but the suspended employees were involved in cases that Owen may have thrown, and until the bureau can finish the investigation, you're gonna have to work without 'em.
Heather: (Sighs) And your cleanup man couldn't have at least informed me in advance? I have to find out from a subordinate? I mean, at the very least, I should have been consulted. Better yet, make me a part of the process.
Chris: And while I don't disagree with you, you know--
Heather: You know what? Yes, please, set up a meeting with the agent in charge, and I will make sure that he understands what I'm up against. Who is it, by the way? Is it somebody from your D.C. office?
Chris: I-I thought you knew.
Heather: Knew what?
Chris: It's Ronan.
Jack: And I am telling you, we have a contract. You can't just fire me.
Tucker: I sure as hell can, if you can't fulfill your side of the bargain.
Jack: Who says I can't?
Tucker: In this lifetime, Jack. Now why should I keep you on the payroll when I have Ashley, who's doing a brilliant job for me? I'm also thinking about hiring Victoria. Don't you think the two of them would make a bang-up team?
Jack: Are you just doing this to light a fire under my butt?
Tucker: No, I don't operate that way. I believe in plain English.
Jack: Okay, here's some plain English from me. You can't rush this, Tucker. Getting Beauty of Nature away from Newman takes several steps. Right now, I'm focusing on Abby's trust, on her getting her shares of Newman.
Tucker: She dropped her suit. It's dead in the water. So what's your next move, Jack? Or haven't you thought that far ahead?
Jack: Abby got cold feet. It's that simple. This is a temporary setback.
Tucker: Temporary.
Jack: Yes, and I am going to do everything I can to change her mind.
Tucker: Mm. Well, you have till end of day. If Abby's lawsuit isn't reinstated by then, our deal is off.
Abby: When something seems too good to be true, it is.
Victor: There's nothing unreasonable about that document.
Abby: Are you j-joking? If I cash this check, I can't ask for any more money until I'm 30, which is, like, a million years away. Plus, I'm gonna be forced into slavery at Newman. (Scoffs)
Victor: That's your company you're talking about. One day, you and Nicholas will run it, and Victoria. Is that slavery?
Abby: Do I have to paint you a picture?
Victor: (Sighs) I'm even willing to forgo the normal requirement that you work your way up from the bottom. You can start with opening an entertainment division, which you have talked about.
Abby: I thought by giving me this money, it meant that you were finally coming around. But you're not. You don't trust me at all.
Victor: This is very generous, you know. If I were you, I would take it.
Abby: Yeah, except that it comes with strings attached.
Victor: I've already explained that.
Abby: I know, Dad. I know. The problem is is that you're doing all the explaining, and you're not listening. How many times have I told you I've got my own plans? I don't want to be at Newman. If you were really sincere about rewarding me, you would just give me my inheritance.
Victor: Do you know how much money we're talking about when it comes to your inheritance? You're nowhere near ready to have that kind of money.
Abby: Then I'm nowhere near ready to sign this paper. You can have your check back.
Victor: Okay. Just know that next time, your father will not be as generous. Do you understand that?
Billy: Okay, so we're gonna do the photo shoot right away, and then I will schedule an interview for later.
Skye: Sounds great.
Billy: Okay. Thank you. Bye. Hey, "Pookums." How did you know I needed to see your gorgeous face?
Victoria: Don't you always need to see my gorgeous face?
Billy: I do.
Victoria: All right, well, I brought you your favorite.
Billy: (Sighs) Triple espresso...
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: And you had some. Mm.
Victoria: Yeah, I did. (Chuckles) Who loves you?
Billy: (Chuckles) You do, Baby.
Victoria: That's right. Mm-hmm. Mwah.
Billy: Mwah. Thank you very much.
Victoria: You're welcome. So what was that woman doing here?
Billy: Oh, great news-- no more sweating a cover story.
Victoria: Oh?
Billy: Yeah, she's my new cover girl. We're gonna do a story on her new up-and-coming hedge fund.
Victoria: Seriously?
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Because I thought that now that we're married that you might start cutting the crap.
Billy: What "Crap" would that be, "Snookums"?
Victoria: Why don't you just rename this magazine "Newman Style" and stop pretending to report on anything else?
Billy: "Newman Style"? Will you give me a break, please?
Victoria: (Sighs) Right after you give me one.
Billy: I don't focus exclusively on your family, Sweetheart. No. No.
Victoria: Oh, you don't? No? Oh, what do you call that right there?
Billy: I call that Chloe and Kevin, neither of whom are related to you last time I checked.
Victoria: No, Billy, I am talking about the giant teaser. "Victor Newman: World-class honcho, world-class creep!" You do know that now that we're married, you're attacking your own relatives, right?
Billy: Can I help it if they're interesting?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Okay. (Clears throat) Look, this is my business.
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: I find riveting, beautiful people. I put 'em on my magazine. And you knew that before we got married...
Victoria: No...
Billy: So why are you so shocked that I want to put Skye on my cover? I don't get it.
Victoria: I am not shocked. I am just questioning your judgment. She's exploiting our name for her own gain, and you are giving her and Adam free publicity, and how do you think that's gonna play with my dad?
Billy: I haven't even thought of the article yet. And I don't care what Victor thinks. I can't think about that. Who cares? He's gonna think what he thinks. I don't care.
Victoria: Well, you should care. You know my dad. You know how he feels about Adam, and if he thinks that you're helping him, he's just gonna come down that much harder on us.
Billy: Wow.
Victoria: Wow?
Billy: Do you know who you sound like?
Victoria: Who?
Billy: The old Victoria. It's all about Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy. What's Daddy gonna think? Dad-- I thought you left that behind. I thought you were gonna take control of your whole new world, your whole new life. Come on.
Victoria: Wow. You are so...
Billy: What, cute?
Victoria: (Sighs) So right about me, about... God, it's just the same thing. It's the same knee-jerk reaction that I always have, the one that... (Sighs)
Billy: Oh, it's okay.
Victoria: That makes me lose everything. I mean... (Groans) You're right.
Billy: It's okay. It's okay. Old habits, they die hard.
Victoria: Why is it so easy for him to slip back into controlling my every thought? I'm so sorry, Baby. I'm so sorry.
Billy: It's--its fine. Come on.
Victoria: I'm so sorry. Come here. (Sighs)
Billy: I mean, it takes a lifetime of practice to become a real rebel. (Chuckles)
Victoria: God. Oh. (Sighs) I just have one question, though.
Billy: Shoot.
Victoria: Did you just say that you thought that Skye was beautiful?
Billy: No.
Victoria: I think you did.
Billy: I...
Adam: What a rare and oh, so special treat-- running into my sister, both of them, on the very same day.
Abby: Can you please cancel my order? I'll be back later after... (Sighs) "It" is gone.
Adam: (Chuckles) So I hear you're suing Victor. Good luck with that.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Adam: I hope you have better luck than me, at least. You know, it does tend to put you on the outs with him, though, when that happens, so at least finally, you and I will share something in common.
Abby: Actually, I dropped the lawsuit. So, uh, Dad and I are fine, and you and I, we have nothing-- and please, let me repeat-- nothing in common. You are a creepy baby-stealing freak who spied on my entire family. I can't even believe... (Scoffs) That you saw me in my bedroom changing. Ew.
Adam: (Chuckles) Well, Abby, it is nothing that you didn't display to the whole rest of the world.
Abby: You know, you are disgusting.
Adam: Thank you.
Skye: Hello, Adam. Abby, how are you?
Abby: Ready to barf, thanks to him.
Skye: Then maybe this will perk you up. I'm about to follow in your footsteps.
Abby: Hmm.
Adam: Meaning what?
Skye: I'll be on the next cover of "Restless Style."
Abby: (Laughs) Yeah? Good luck with that.
Abby: (Clears throat) Uncle Jack? Hey, it's me. I need to-- yeah, okay. Good. Then we can talk to each other. Where do you want to meet? All right, I am on my way, and after the day I've had, please order me a drink.
Heather: So Ronan murders a fellow officer, and then as a reward, gets to throw my office into complete chaos. If you think for one--
(Knock on door)
Victor: Oh, excuse me. I need to talk to Heather.
Chris: Uh, okay. I have to return some calls, so that's--
Heather: Do it in the office next door. We're not through talking.
Chris: Okay. Hi.
Victor: Christine, how nice to see you.
Chris: Oh, my gosh, it's so good to see you. We'll have to catch up.
Victor: I know. My goodness, we do, all right?
Chris: Okay.
Victor: Nice to see you. Bye.
Chris: Nice to see you.
Heather: Hello. Please have a seat.
Victor: Thank you.
Heather: All right, I have reviewed Adam's case file, and reread the transcript from his hearing, and unfortunately, there is no indication that the case was tainted by Owen's drug-related activities.
Victor: Really? Well, that's disappointing, isn't it?
Heather: Believe me, no one wants to see Adam hang more than I do. But unless, um, compelling new evidence comes to light...
Victor: Well, I know it is out there, and you know something, I may just have the perfect source.
Heather: Who?
Victor: It just occurs to me--Skye Lockhart.
Heather: Hmm. You mean Skye Newman, don't you?
Victor: Right. She knows everything about Adam. And she has a criminal record herself. So if you can find something on her...
Heather: Then we can use it as leverage.
Victor: You bet.
Heather: Ahh. (Chuckles) That is one hell of an idea, Victor.
Victor: We'll get to the bottom of this, I promise you. One way or the other, we'll do it.
Abby: So Dad tried to bribe me with this gigantic check, but first, I would have to sign a paper saying that I wouldn't pester him for any more money and-- wait for it-- I'd have to go work at Newman. Obviously, you know how I feel about that, so...
Jack: I take it you said no.
Abby: You take it right.
Jack: Well, look, I'm sorry. Clearly, it had to be upsetting learning how much your father didn't respect you.
Abby: (Scoffs) It's just like everything I've said and done this year... it's like none of it even penetrated his skull. All he cares about is what he wants all the time.
Jack: Yeah, your father can be a pretty self-absorbed human being.
Abby: Yeah, you think?
Jack: Abby, he still does control your life, though, as long as he holds the purse strings.
Abby: I know. Tell me about it.
Jack: Look, I know why you decided not to follow through with the suit, and I understand it. What he did to Victoria was just plain mean. But, Honey, if he insists on treating you like an infant, even after you agree to meet him halfway--
Abby: (Scoffs) I know. I know. (Sighs) I don't know. I--maybe I should call Vance. Maybe I should tell him I'm suing my father after all.
Adam: Terrible idea.
Skye: Shows how much you know.
Adam: Billy's a snake. You can't trust anything that that guy says.
Skye: Oh, hello, Victor.
Victor: Hello, Skye.
Adam: Hey, Pop, what's shakin'?
Skye: In case you haven't heard, I'm gonna be on the cover of "Restless Style."
Victor: Really?
Skye: Yeah, Billy's doing a piece about the Newman fund and what it's like being part of your family.
Victor: I'll be damned.
Skye: If I realized how amazing it would be as your daughter-in-law, I would have married Adam years ago.
Victor: (Chuckles) Yes, I can imagine. The two of you deserve each other.
Adam: Mm, that is so sweet of you. I'll take that as a compliment.
Victor: You should. Excuse me.
Skye: Take care, "Dad Newman." Enjoy your lunch.
Meggie: Love the bar crystal idea. What kind of presents have you gotten Victor in the past?
Nikki: I'd prefer to focus on this wedding, if you don't mind.
Meggie: Oh. (Chuckles) Bad luck to look back, eh?
Nikki: I didn't say that.
Meggie: Oh, it'll be lovely, I'm sure.
Victor: Hello, Ladies.
Nikki: Victor, you made it in record time.
Meggie: Back to work. Let me know when you want me to pick you up.
Victor: Uh, no, no. You--you--you stay. Um, something has come up that I have got to deal with, okay? So we can't have lunch now.
Nikki: That's all right. I-I understand.
Victor: Okay, Sweetheart, I'm sorry. We'll talk later, okay?
Nikki: Yes.
Victor: Okay.
Meggie: I know I'm a poor substitute for your fiancé, but if you'd still like to grab a bite, I'd be happy to keep you company.
Heather: Thank you very much. I'll wait to hear back from you. Okay, before you say anything, now that I know it's Ronan we're dealing with, I really want nothing to do with him.
Chris: Well, actually, I--
Heather: Every time I see him, I would just think of Chance and that horrible night and what he did to him.
(Knock on door)
Ronan: Hey, Chris. You wanted to see me?
Heather: What are you still doing in Genoa City? Haven't you caused enough pain?
Ronan: If it were up to me, I would be long gone, as far as I could, from this place.
Chris: Ronan knows more about the workings of this drug ring than anyone. Therefore, he--
Ronan: Therefore, I'm stuck...
Heather: (Scoffs)
Ronan: Until further notice.
Heather: So you figured since you're already here, why not see how big a pain in my backside you can be, huh?
Ronan: That--that's it. That's right. How'd you know?
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Ronan: I'm here to make you miserable--nothing better to do.
Heather: (Scoffs)
Chris: Okay, you know what? This isn't going to be fun for any of us. We're all gonna be putting in killer hours. But you have an office to run, and Ronan isn't going anywhere, so you're gonna have to figure out a way to work together.
Heather: How, Chris? How am I supposed to do that? Huh? Chance is dead. He is never coming back to us.
Ronan: Heather, I've apologized for that all I could. I've done all I can do.
Heather: (Sighs)
Ronan: Listen, the only way I know how to make amends from here is to turn all of those arrests we made and flip 'em into convictions. Every dirty cop that we end up putting behind bars is a step toward honoring Chance's sacrifice. Okay, you know what? I don't care if you like me or not. But I know--I hope-- that you're gonna work with me toward that goal.
Victoria: Okay, great. Thanks a lot. Bye-bye. Yep. Bye.
Victor: Where's your husband? I want to talk to him about this appalling cover he's about to come out with.
Victoria: Billy's not here. Dad, I don't know when he's gonna be back, so you might as well just go home.
Victor: You don't seem to give a damn. You know that he's openly promoting the scam that Adam is involved with?
Victoria: Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, he might be trying to expose him? And why do you always assume the worst about Billy? My husband would never hurt me.
Victor: Really? He would never hurt you? He has published issue after issue lambasting anyone with the name of Newman attached to it, and he is not gonna hurt you?
Victoria: He doesn't tell you how to run your business, Dad. Why should he listen to you?
Victor: How dare you use that tone with me?
Victoria: How dare I?
Victor: Yes.
Victoria: (Scoffs) Why, that's almost funny, Dad, after the way that you have treated me. And now you're coming in here after my husband's business. Do you remember? I'm carrying your grandchild. There's nothing more that you can do to me that I can't take.
Victor: The way I've treated you? I've never done anything to you. I've only done things for you. I've given you--
Victoria: Oh, yeah, yeah. You've given me a lot-- an incredible life, and I am an ungrateful and spoiled child. I've heard this before, Dad. I've heard this speech. I have it memorized.
Victor: You should hear it again!
Victoria: Save it.
Victor: How is it that both of my daughters have this sense of entitlement?
Victoria: The only thing that I am entitled to from you is a little respect, which you have never given me.
Victor: I didn't grow up with a trust fund. I didn't have a father to smooth things over. If you don't watch it very carefully, you and I will no longer have a relationship.
Adam: If you think you can trust that guy, forget it. Billy will take whatever you tell him and twist it into the most sensational thing possible, Skye.
Skye: There's no need to twist it. It's sensational already. I mean, how could it not be?
Adam: Your über-ego might just get us in trouble.
Skye: You could be happy for me, you know.
Adam: Heather is just waiting for an excuse to reopen my investigation. This is too dangerous.
Billy: (Claps hands) Danger? Ooh, I love danger. It gets the juices flowing.
Skye: Hey, there. What's the word?
Billy: Word is we could do the photo shoot in your suite this afternoon if you're available.
Skye: I will make myself available.
Billy: Nice. (Taps rhythmically on table)
Adam: Or, Billy, what we could do as a possibility-- a little feature between the two of us, maybe a he said/she said of Genoa City's power couple. What do you say?
Billy: (Clears throat) (Chuckles)
Nikki: You know, Meggie, you can just go on home. I have some personal errands I need to take care of.
Meggie: Oh, I hate to leave you stranded in town.
Nikki: Oh, no, no. Don't worry. I-I'll just jump in a taxi. It's fine. Go ahead.
Meggie: Okay, see you later then.
Nikki: Okay.
Nikki: Hello. (Sighs) (Clears throat) I will have a ginger ale, please.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chris: Thank you, both of you, for being reasonable. It certainly makes my job easier.
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Heather: I will play ball on one condition-- as D.A., I need to be privy to all decisions that affect my ability to do my job. That includes staffing decisions.
Ronan: No. Most times, FBI's gonna make the call.
Heather: Listen, um, we need to respect each other's turf. And that means you do not hire, fire, or suspend anyone in this office without checking with me first. I can't afford to be blindsided the way I was today or have my authority undermined.
Ronan: Yeah, that's-- that's fair.
Chris: I'll make sure Ronan's superiors know the setup.
Heather: (Sighs) Chance was my colleague and my friend, and I am going to make damn sure that he didn't die in vain.
Billy: Well, that's an idea.
Adam: Two Newmans for the price of one?
Billy: Eh, actually it's more like one and a quarter Newmans. And frankly, Buddy, she is much more interesting than you, not to mention a lot better-looking, so sorry.
Skye: Well, win some, lose some.
Adam: Worth a shot.
Billy: So, um, I will see you in your suite later?
Skye: I'll be there.
Billy: Okay.
Adam: This might be the dumbest move I've ever seen you make.
Skye: Look, no one asked for your opinion, Adam. And be a good boy and play along, or you're gonna find yourself out in the street.
Jack: Well, I'm proud of you for taking a stand against your dad. Not many people stand up to Victor these days.
Abby: And live?
Jack: Eh, that's a myth he wants everyone to believe.
Abby: (Scoffs)
Jack: You're fine. I have every faith.
Abby: I just want to be clear. I will only reinstate this lawsuit if you can guarantee that I'll win.
Jack: I can’t. Honey, I can’t. No one can.
Abby: (Scoffs) Okay, well, I-I need something stronger than we have.
Jack: You already have a very compelling case.
Abby: Not good enough. I don't want to end up like Adam-- just some loser that Dad can't stand. I will not sic Vance on him unless you can find something. Find something that makes this foolproof.
Jack: I will do my damnedest.
Abby: Thanks for the drink.
Jack: You're welcome. Hang in there. I'll be in touch.
Abby: (Sighs) Thank you.
Jack: See ya.
Tucker: Hey, Jack.
Jack: Hey, Tucker.
Tucker: I didn't expect to see you here.
Jack: Yeah. How was your workout?
Tucker: Good. Was that Abby I just saw leavin'?
Jack: It was, indeed. I'm, uh, getting closer and closer to bringing her on board. I'm making real progress.
Tucker: Well, progress is good. But that doesn't change what I said before. If you don't make something happen by end of day, you're out of a job.
Jack: (Sighs)
Deacon: My name's Deacon, and I'm an alcoholic.
All: Hi, Deacon.
Victoria: I don't feel entitled at all. How could I when you're constantly reminding me of what I owe you? If anyone's entitled in this situation, it's you.
Victor: What the hell are you talking about?
Victoria: I have lived my life for years according to your standards.
Victor: And?
Victoria: And it's never been good enough. And because of that, I've lost my husband. I've lost my career. I've lost my son.
Victor: Are you serious?
Victoria: Yes, I'm serious, Dad. But that's okay. That's fine. That was a different era of my life. I have never felt such peace since I walked away from Newman, and since I walked away from you. And you know why? It's all because of Billy. That's why.
Victor: You think you'll get a sense of peace with him? Is that it?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: That's a myth.
Victoria: Yeah?
Victor: He's gonna ruin your life. He's a gambler. He's an alcoholic.
Victoria: Oh, okay.
Victor: He's a womanizer.
Victoria: Mm.
Victor: When everything turns south for you, you will regret having burned bridges with me, I assure you. Come with me now.
Victoria: No.
Victor: Come back to your family...
Victoria: No.
Victor: Before your heart will be broken again.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: All right. I guess that's your answer.
Victoria: (Winces) (Moans) (Exhales) (Sniffles)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Skye: You Abbott men are so supportive.
Jack: You're a hard lady to say no to.
Deacon: You know, when you said you were in recovery, I didn't realize you were a friend of Bill’s.
Victor: What do you want?
Billy: What do I want? I want you to stop attacking my wife!
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