Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/22/10 -- Canada; Thursday 9/23/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9490 ~ Adam Threatens Skye's Life
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Meggie: She wanted to know if you were still going to be attending casino night. I told her you'd already sent the check. Now Agnes Sorenson called again, and she said she needs an answer by the end of the week. And did you call Victoria? Nikki? Nikki?
Nikki: What?
Meggie: Did you call Victoria and talk to her about the mother/daughter fashion show?
Nikki: I said that I would. I-I've had a lot on my mind.
Meggie: You know, you've been really out of sorts the last few days. You know, if there's anything I can do, I'd really like to help.
Heather: I know everyone has a full caseload, but Owen's arrest set us back. Tell Harper no excuses. I want him here when he gets out of court. The feds are questioning us tomorrow, and I need every case Owen worked on, every personnel file ready at a moment's notice.
Man: Sure thing. Oh, and this was dropped off earlier for you.
Heather: Is this...
Man: The wire recording from the night Detective Chancellor was shot.
Heather: Get working on those files.
Man: Absolutely.
Paul: (Knocks on door) Hey, you got a minute?
Heather: Uh, yeah, barely.
Paul: What's up?
Heather: The recording from Chance's wire... the last words he ever spoke. I don't want to listen to it.
Paul: Well, you have to listen to it. You're prosecuting Owen.
Heather: Chance's death is on this tape.
Paul: I can stick around if you want me to stay with you.
Heather: I can't do it now. There's too much to deal with around here.
Paul: I know how much this job means to you, but, um, somehow, somewhere, you've gotta find a balance. You can't work seven days a week. You should take a day off.
Heather: (Sighs) Well, maybe next year. The feds are coming bright and early tomorrow. Every case Owen worked on is up for investigation.
Paul: Including Adam's?
Heather: The one bright ray of sunlight in all of this. Imagine... I might get to send Adam to prison where he belongs. I've already spoken to Victor about it.
Paul: You're working with him on this?
Heather: If he can help me get Adam convicted, then why not?
Paul: (Sighs)
Adam: (Sighs)
Skye: Did you see? Relf is up again this morning. Aren't you glad we didn't sell?
Adam: Yep, Skye, you called it.
Skye: (Purses lips) So, uh, what should we do for lunch?
Adam: You can do whatever you want. I've already got plans.
Skye: Ah, jealous much?
Adam: Of you and Jack when I walked in on you? Why would I care? Skye, we're married. We're not friends.
Skye: We used to be friends.
Adam: Yep, that was before you started controlling my life.
Skye: Well, someone needs to save you from yourself. Adam!
Adam: Bye.
Skye: (Sighs)
Nick: So Summer ambushed me with that water pistol you and Billy gave her. Yeah, keep laughing. Keep laughing. Wait till I send her back over to your house with a water blaster. (Laughs) Hey, I gotta go. I'll, uh, I'll talk to you later. Bye.
Victor: You don't need to hide the fact that you're talking to your sister.
Nick: I'm not hiding anything. I just don't want to be in the middle of your fight.
Victor: Everything I did was to protect Victoria. You know that, as you would protect Sharon from Adam.
Nick: Dad, you know I'm no fan of Billy's, but he is no Adam.
Victor: No, he is in a class all by himself.
Jack: You shouldn't leave the wifey alone too long. No telling what kind of trouble she'll get into.
Adam: You think I don't know what you're doing with Skye, Jack? It's pathetic, really, and it ain't gonna work.
Sofia: I spoke with O’Keefe. They're on their way.
Cane: You know, I can't tell you how much I appreciate this.
Sofia: Well, the next time we have a meeting, it will not be on the tarmac.
Cane: (Chuckles) Well, hopefully by then, we'll have all this sorted out, so...
Sofia: Good.
Cane: You know, to be honest with you, if, uh, Neil couldn't have stayed with Lily, I wouldn't have come.
Sofia: Well, then you would have lost your visa.
Cane: Well, it's better to lose your visa than risk your wife and your kids.
Sofia: True. Well, we'll skip the schmooze for today. We'll get right to business and be back in the air before you know it.
Cane: I can't get through.
Sofia: Well, here, use the satphone.
Cane: Thank you. (Sighs)
Cane: Hey, Baby, it's me. Um, we just landed, and we are about to go in our meeting, and I just wanted to call to see if you managed to survive your first night with the twins away from me. I love you, and I miss you. Uh, text me when you get this.
Lily: Cane? Cane? (Scoffs) Dang it. Gosh, we just missed daddy's call.
(Knock on door)
Lily: Okay, that should be Grandpa.
Neil: Hey, there she is.
Lily: Hi.
Neil: Hi, Honey. Mwah. Diapers and formula right here.
Lily: Thank you so much.
Neil: I'm gonna put this right here.
Lily: Okay.
Neil: So... the million-dollar question-- did you get any sleep last night?
Lily: Uh, I got some. Thank you for taking their 2:00 A.M. feeding. I appreciate that.
Neil: Absolutely. Any time.
Charlie: (Fusses)
Neil: Oh, you want me to go--
Lily: No, no, no. That won't be pretty. Uh, you take Mattie, okay?
Neil: Perfect. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. Yep, got 'em.
Lily: Mommy's coming. Hold on, Sweetie.
Neil: Hello. Hi. Your mommy looks a little frazzled, doesn't she? That's right. Smilin' at Grandpa like that.
(Knock on door)
Neil: Hey.
Malcolm: Hey. Have no fear, the calvary's here.
Neil: Yep, you're a little late, Soldier. Air force already made a diaper drop.
Malcolm: Oh, great minds, right?
Neil: Mm-hmm.
Lily: Oh, hey.
Malcolm: Hey, Baby.
Lily: How are you?
Malcolm: I'm here to help. Put me to work.
Lily: Oh, you will be very sorry that you said that.
Malcolm: Okay, well, what's first?
Lily: Um, a bath. (Chuckles)
Malcolm: All right. All right. Well, uh, how do you, uh, how do you soap 'em up without having 'em slip out of your hands?
Neil: What? Are you-- are you kidding? Oh, nice.
Lily: No, no, no. A bath for me. I haven't had a chance to soak in the tub since we brought the twins home, so I need one. Yeah.
Neil: Okay, well, why don't you go do that, and I'll start the grill for the steaks?
Lily: Okay.
Malcolm: Great. You brought steaks. Nice.
Neil: No, actually, I didn't buy steaks. Someone sent them.
Lily: Um, I'm pretty sure they're from Cane, though. The note says "A taste of down under." So Cane swears that rib eyes from Australia are to die for, so they should be good.
Malcolm: All right.
Paul: So don't underestimate Victor. He can help, but he can also ruin your career.
Heather: I'm not naive. I know what Victor is capable of.
Paul: Right, well, he's got more power and influence than all of my clients combined, and he doesn't play by the rules.
Heather: Well, I did. Look where it got me. Look where it got Chance.
Paul: Look, uh, I hate to see you hurting. That's not the point.
Heather: I know. That's--
(Knock on door)
Man: Uh, attorney general's on line three.
Heather: All right, tell him I'll be right with him. I will only reopen Adam's case if I know I can win it.
Paul: Remember what I said about Victor.
Heather: Good-bye, Paul.
Heather: Hello, Sir. What can I do for you?
Meggie: Well, if you feel like spilling, I'm a good listener. Comes from years of working behind a bar.
Nikki: You know, I'm just tired. Can't a person be tired?
Meggie: Why don't we take a break?
Nikki: I really need to go through the rest of those phone messages.
Meggie: Okay. If you need me, I'll be in my room.
Nikki: Meggie, wait.
Meggie: Yeah?
Nikki: (Sighs) Never mind. Never mind. Go.
Meggie: (Chuckles)
Jack: Oh, please, let me hear it-- your latest paranoid delusion.
Adam: Using Skye to get at me? That's laughable.
Jack: Gotta start feeling like déjà vu-- your wife turning to another man.
Adam: I'd be careful if I were you. Skye and I are partners. She needs me.
Jack: You keep telling yourself that, Junior.
(Taps bar top)
Victor: What was that all about?
Jack: Oh, the usual-- Adam huffing and puffing.
Nick: What about?
Jack: Oh, laying claim to his wife's hedge fund.
Victor: Excuse me.
Victor: The FBI is gonna reopen all of the district attorney's old cases.
Adam: That's a waste of time. (Sighs)
Victor: If there were any good to come of Pomerantz’s illegal shenanigans, it will be that you will finally face a jury of your own peers.
(Cell phone rings)
Man: Okay.
Sofia: So much for driving out like that last-minute.
Man: It was a pleasure to meet you both.
Sofia: It was.
Cane: Thank you so much.
Man: Thank you.
Cane: You got it. We'll be in touch. Thank you.
Sofia: Bye. All right.
Cane: Thanks very much.
Sofia: (Sighs) Good job. (Chuckles) Teamwork.
Cane: Teamwork.
Sofia: Uh, any word with Lily?
Cane: No. No, not yet. It's not working.
Sofia: Here. Try the satphone again.
Cane: Thank you.
Sofia: Mm-hmm. (Sighs)
Cane: No, that's not working, either.
Neil: Yes, Sir.
Malcolm: Man, the right business.
Lily: Ooh, that smells good.
Neil: Hey, what about you? I thought you were gonna take a nap after-- after your bath.
Lily: I was, but my mind just kept racing.
Neil: Now you do understand that you're not 100% since the chemo.
Lily: Yeah, Dad, I know. I know. I just--I miss Cane, okay?
Malcolm: Well, you've got us--even better.
Lily: Yes, I love you both very much, but... (Laughs) It's not the same.
Malcolm: Well, look, the babies are havin' a blast with their sitters, so you'd better rest while you can.
Neil: Okay, you heard him. Go. Let's go.
Lily: What?
Neil: Out of the kitchen.
Lily: Okay, I'm going. Bye-bye.
Neil: Love you.
Lily: Love you, too.
Malcolm: (Chuckles) Man, she's gettin' more like Dru every day.
Neil: Headstrong?
Malcolm: (Laughs)
Neil: Huh?
Malcolm: So, Man, I hear that you and Sofia are startin' a new project in Miami.
Neil: Yeah, its part of this, uh, Biofuel project that Cane's working on in Australia. Tucker's planning a, uh, charity event that-- around the--the launch.
Malcolm: That sounds hot, Man. I guess I'll be looking forward to spending some time with my fiancée in... (Spanish accent) Miami.
Neil: Oh. Oh. Wait a minute. Now that might not be a good idea.
Malcolm: (Normal voice) Why not?
Neil: Because this is the first big McCall/Chancellor joint project, okay? I need her to be on point. I need her to be focused. And if you're around, then it might all go out the window.
Malcolm: Oh, okay. So you think that I'm gonna distract her.
Neil: Don't you? I'm gonna go check on the coals, okay?
Malcolm: Yeah.
Nick: So Noah didn't tell us he was coming home. He just showed up at the door. Wait till you see him.
Jack: He called me yesterday. We're gonna have lunch next week.
Nick: Jack, you will not believe how grown-up he is now.
Jack: Yeah, well, I guess livin' in Paris will do that to you. What are his plans?
Nick: Short term, he's just gonna hang out with his buddies, get over some jet lag. Long term, he's not sure.
Jack: Gotta be good to have him home.
Nick: Oh, Man, I love havin' my kids around me.
Jack: I gotta tell you, Nick, I admire the way you've handled things. I mean, the way you've focused on your life and your family and not gotten on to the next thing right away.
Nick: Well, the split with Phyllis was not... (Sighs) Amicable. It hasn't been easy for anyone, especially Summer. I don't want to make things more confusing for her. You know, kids have to come first.
Jack: Well, I wish I had been that wise when my kids were young. But...
Victor: Where's Adam?
Nick: He, uh, he left right after you walked out to take your call. You know, I really wish you hadn't tipped him off about reopening the case.
Victor: He would have heard about that sooner or later. The news of Pomerantz’s arrest has been all over.
Nick: So you're pretty sure that Heather will reopen it?
Victor: Yeah, I just talked to her.
Nick: I'm surprised she agreed to see you.
Victor: She and I don't always see eye to eye. You get along with her, don't you?
Nick: You know, we, uh, we don't not get along.
Victor: Then I want you to handle this. You came under a lot of pressure, a lot of fire during Hightower’s murder investigation.
Nick: Yeah. Pomerantz did have it out for me from the beginning.
Victor: I want you to go to her and tell her that you will support her in her attempt to prosecute Adam. You got that?
Nick: Sure.
Victor: Kindly do it now.
Nick: Now works. See you guys around.
Jack: See you later, Nick.
Victor: Ethlee just called.
Jack: Oh? Is she in?
Victor: Yeah. Adam will have a check from her in the morning. Meanwhile, there's another little check for the Newman fund.
Jack: Wow. So do Ethlee and, uh, van Alden know that, uh, you and I will be pulling our money and destabilizing the fund? Or that we'll be, uh, shorting the shares that Skye and Adam are forced to sell?
Victor: They don't know about that yet, but they will follow our lead. You've been keeping track of her fund-wise?
Jack: You do your job. I'll do mine.
Victor: Mm-hmm. Are you flirting with her?
Jack: I'm keeping her on a short leash.
Victor: Or is it the other way around? How far has this gone? You're sleeping with Adam's wife.
Jack: So what if I am? As long as you and I get exactly what we want, right?
Heather: I know this isn't how Owen did things. This is how I'm doing things. Got it? Thank you. Have it on my desk by the end of the day. (Sighs)
Man: I tried to stop him.
Adam: You reopening my case?
Heather: You can go. I really don't have time for your tantrums.
Adam: I don't know anything about Owen Pomerantz dealing drugs in prison. That has nothing to do with my case, Heather, and you know this is personal. Come on. You should admit this. You come after me, I will sue you and the entire city.
Heather: Whether or not I reopen Hightower’s murder remains to be seen.
Adam: You like this new job of yours? Is it fun for you? You know, elections are coming up.
Heather: This isn't personal. We have no idea what we're gonna find when we look into Owen's bank records.
Adam: And you think I paid Owen off.
Heather: Oh, I wouldn't put anything past you. People like you and Owen think that you can twist the rules and get away with it. Meanwhile, a good, decent man like Chance ends up with a bullet in his chest.
Heather: (Sighs)
Adam: You were more than friends with Chance. I didn't know. Heather, I'm sorry. Regardless of what you and I think about one another, no one should have to see someone they care about gunned down in cold blood.
Nick: Is there a problem?
Victor: You know, Jack, I don't give a damn about your personal life, but if our plans with the hedge fund falter because of your libido...
Jack: Relax. Everything's under control. A beautiful woman like you should not be left alone.
Skye: Would you like to pick up where we left off?
Jack: The thought did cross my mind.
Skye: (Chuckles) First things first. When did you and the great Victor Newman become drinking buddies? What are you up to?
Nikki: (Sighs)
(Doorbell rings)
Nikki: Damn. I'll get it!
Nikki: Oh, Paul. My God, is Katherine all right?
Paul: No, no, not to worry. I'm here to see Victor.
Nikki: Oh, he--he's gone out. What did you want to see him about?
Paul: Oh, I've got that background check on Meggie McClaine that, uh, he asked for, and you know Victor. He wanted it yesterday.
Nikki: Um, well, you can leave it with me, if you like.
Paul: No, I'd rather see to it that, uh, it gets into his hands myself.
Nikki: Oh, Paul, come on. What, you don't trust me?
Paul: (Chuckles) Nikki, come on.
Nikki: I'm sorry. I know. You're right to keep it away from prying eyes. Victor's at the club.
Paul: So are you still having a hard time? You know, I meant what I said. You can--you can call me any time if you need to.
Nikki: I'm feeling better, really.
Paul: Okay. Well, I'll go see if I can catch him at the club.
Nikki: Good luck with that.
Paul: Thanks.
(Footsteps retreating)
Nikki: Meggie?
Nikki: (Sighs) God. All these damn people.
Nikki: (Sighs) Oh, my God. (Sighs)
Sofia: For takeoff, but the pilot wants you to turn off your cell phone.
Cane: Yeah, one sec. I got a message.
Sofia: Okay.
Lily: Hi, Baby, I got... (Garbled static) ...Nice. Dad's here... grilling steaks... twins... I love you.
Sofia: We're taking off now. Look, the pilot wants us to beat out a storm over the pacific, so... was that Lily?
Cane: Yes, uh, couldn't hear most of it, but she's grilling steaks with Neil, so...
Sofia: Great. That's good. That means everything's okay. (Sighs)
Lily: Well, it looks like you and Dad were actually getting along earlier.
Malcolm: Yeah, we're trying.
Lily: Well, thank you. It means a lot to me and to this family.
Malcolm: Mm-hmm. You know, when we were kids, I used to follow Neil everywhere. I wanted to be just like my big brother.
Lily: Wait, I thought Dad was a straight "A" student, and you were the troublemaker.
Malcolm: Well, I didn't say I pulled it off.
Lily: (Laughs) Right. Right.
Malcolm: (Laughs)
Neil: Hey. Steaks are coming through.
Lily: Hey. Oh, wow.
Neil: Heavy plate.
Malcolm: Oh, Man.
Neil: Can you move that glass right there? Thanks.
Malcolm: Yeah, yeah. I got you. I got you. I hope you left mine rare.
Neil: Yeah, yours-- I waved one coal under yours.
Malcolm: (Laughs) Perfect.
Neil: All right.
Lily: I'm gonna get the baby monitor. I'll be right back.
Neil: Uh-huh.
Malcolm: Hey, Bro, uh, about Miami... um, I'm gonna fall back.
Neil: I really didn't mean to be hard on you earlier. Um, it's just business.
Malcolm: I know. It's cool. Just don't work my fiancée too hard, all right?
Neil: Thanks for understanding.
Lily: Okay. (Sighs) Wow, what a treat. I get to sit down and eat without a baby in my arms.
Neil: Nice, right?
Malcolm: Yeah.
Lily: Oh, so nice.
Malcolm: All right. These steaks smell different.
Lily: Well, they are from down under.
Neil: Yeah, okay. So maybe the cattle, they eat different grass, and it affects the meat. You think?
Lily: Yeah.
Malcolm: Okay. I'll buy that. (Chuckles)
Lily: (Laughs) Okay, let's pray, you guys.
Malcolm: Okay.
Lily: Okay. Lord, we just thank you for this food and for our family and for the roof over our heads, and just pray that you bring my husband home safely and soon. Amen.
Malcolm and Neil: Amen.
Lily: All right, let's eat.
Neil: Dig in.
Lily: Can you pass me that iced tea?
Neil: Of course, Honey. Here, I'll fill it for you.
Lily: Thank you.
Malcolm: All right, anybody want some salad?
Adam: First, I see you with Dad and Jack, which doesn't make a whole lot of sense. And now you're here? Is this connected? You gonna try and gang up on me again?
Heather: All right, I have enough headaches without you starting something in my office. Adam, leave now, or I'll call security.
Adam: I'll go. You have my condolences.
Heather: (Sighs) Make it fast. I'm swamped.
Nick: Okay. I want you to know that I'm behind you if you decide to reopen the case against Adam.
Heather: Your father made me the same offer. Did he put you up to this?
Nick: No, this isn't another one of my dad's chess games, and I'm not his pawn. Heather, I want to help you. You will have the full support of the Newman family, and this time, we'll make the charges stick.
Heather: Thank you. I may take you up on that.
Nick: I hope you do. It'd be nice to put all this behind us.
Heather: Yeah, I couldn't agree more.
Paul: I have gone over everything, Meggie McClain’s family...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Paul: And her bank records. She is clean.
Victor: (Sighs) Well, that corroborates the results of the other investigation.
Paul: You can't be too careful.
Victor: No, you certainly can't, not after my experiences with Adam. I'll have my accountant send you a check, okay?
Paul: Victor, there is something else.
Victor: What's that?
Paul: Heather tells me that she might be working with you to reopen Adam's case. I don't want to see my daughter's life decimated by you, not the way you did with Patty.
Victor: That's not gonna happen.
Paul: I'm telling you, don't cross that line.
Victor: I'm your friend. That's not gonna happen.
Paul: And just because Meggie McClain’s background check was clean, it doesn't mean everything is all right at home.
Victor: What the hell is the matter with you? Since when will I have a private investigator telling me how to keep my house in order?
Jack: Another investor for the fund-- a tennis partner.
Skye: Oh, we should play sometime.
Jack: I thought we were already doing that.
Skye: You still didn't answer my question. What were you and Victor talking about?
Jack: You're being paranoid.
Skye: Doesn't mean I'm not right. You two are sworn enemies, and yet, you worked together in Brazil to get Adam.
Jack: Victor was asking me for help with his daughter Abby, who also happens to be my niece, and we are very close. The two of them are fighting over her trust fund. I just finished telling him I would not help him. You don't trust me?
Skye: As much as you trust me. Another? Or would you care to take this upstairs?
Skye: (Chuckles)
Jack: Here. I'll do the honors.
Skye: Well, thank you. Maybe we won't be interrupted this time. Mm.
Adam: Surprise.
Skye: Oh, you caught me.
Jack: I-is this a setup? Is this some kind of sick, twisted game you two are playing?
Skye: Why would I set up the man bringing investors into the fund?
Jack: I don't know. Maybe you're as sick as he is.
Skye: You're the one kissing another man's wife.
Adam: Jack, you mind if I speak to my wife alone?
Skye: (Sighs) Rain check?
Jack: You know where to find me.
Skye: (Sighs) What's the matter, Hubby? Don't like me kissing Jack?
Adam: Whatever floats your boat.
Skye: Oh, that's awfully generous of you.
Adam: I'm a generous kind of guy.
Skye: Since when?
Adam: Since I've been thinking that our marriage is a good one.
Skye: A good marriage? (Laughs)
Adam: Yeah, well, not in a conventional sense, of course, but I think as far as partners go, if we put our minds to it, we could do pretty much anything. We can accomplish anything we want. But, see, we'd have to stop fighting. We'd have to work together. So I've decided that's what we're gonna do.
Skye: Who do you think you're conning?
Nick: Are you leaving, Dad?
Victor: Yeah, something has come up. How did it go with Heather Stevens?
Nick: She seems frazzled. I don't know if she's gonna be able to do the D.A.'s job.
Victor: Well... all I'm concerned with, is she interested in opening Adam's case?
Nick: Definitely interested. And Adam did not help his case by showing up to confront her.
Victor: Oh, he did? How did she react to that?
Nick: She kicked him out of her office.
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Nick: You did that, right? I mean, you... you provoked him so he would go and challenge her. Look, Dad, we all want Hightower’s murder solved...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nick: But my concern is that if we back Adam into a corner too far, he's gonna do what he always does, and that's run to Sharon.
Victor: We'll deal with that when that happens. Meanwhile, you concentrate on Heather Stevens. You give her all the help she needs, all right? See you later.
Nick: (Sighs) See ya.
Heather: Hold my calls. (Sighs)
Chance: I knew you were part of this all along.
Ronan: You know squat. This is your fault. If you die tonight, it's because you couldn't leave it alone.
Owen: Enough! End this! Kill him now!
Heather: (Turns recorder off) (Grunts)
Heather: (Groans)
(Car approaches)
Nikki: Oh.
Meggie: Nikki.
Nikki: I'm--I'm going upstairs to lie down. I-I don't want to be disturbed.
Meggie: What about when Victor comes?
Nikki: Just tell him I'm resting, please.
Meggie: (Sighs) Alcohol makes me sleepy, too. Go ahead, Nikki. Lie down. I'll take care of everything.
(Telephone rings) (Ring)
Lily: Hello?
Cane: (Sighs) Thank God. I've been trying to get you for hours. How are you, Baby? You and the babies okay?
Lily: Yeah, yeah, we're fine. Um, did you get my message? I-I called you and told you that, uh, that Dad and Malcolm were here for lunch, and I just ate so much. I'm so full, I just passed out. But how was your meeting?
Cane: The meeting was great. I will tell you all about it when I get home. Okay.
(Knock on door)
Lily: Oh, wait. Hold on. Someone's at the door. (Sighs)
Neil: Hey, Honey.
Lily: Hey, what-- what's wrong?
Neil: Cane called. He--he--he was worried about you.
Malcolm: Is everything all right?
Lily: What? Why did you call my dad and Malcolm?
Cane: Well, I couldn't reach you. I was worried about you. I asked 'em to go and check on you.
Lily: Yeah, everything's fine. Listen, I just fell asleep, okay? Listen, you've gotta relax.
Cane: I know. I know. I know. I just hate leaving you and the twins. That's it.
Lily: Well, are you on your way?
Cane: Yeah. Yeah, we're in the air. I'll see you soon. I love you.
Lily: Okay. Love you, too. Bye.
Cane: (Sighs)
Sofia: Is everything okay?
Cane: Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine. My imagination just got the better of me. You know, I'm just worried still, though. If they find my family, Lily and the kids could be in real danger.
(Camera shutter clicking)
Heather: (Sighs)
Heather: (Sighs)
Owen: Shoot him already! Malloy, you're wastin' my time, and that pisses me off!
Heather: (Sniffles)
Owen: Finish them both!
Chance: (Grunts)
Paul: Nina, no!
Nina: No! No! No! Oh, my God! No! (Sobs)
Heather: (Sobs) Oh, God.
(Door opens)
Heather: (Sobs) (Sniffles) (Sobs)
Paul: Oh, it's okay.
Heather: (Sobs)
Paul: It's okay. It's all right.
Heather: (Sobs)
Paul: Just let it out. That's right.
Heather: (Sobs) Oh, God.
Paul: I know. I know. I know.
Heather: (Sobs)
Skye: See, I know all about your ex-fiancée becoming the acting district attorney. Between the FBI looking into Pomerantz’s cases and Heather, who'd like to see you fry, you're gonna need a good attorney. It's really too bad you can't afford one. Oh, oh, but wait. I can. That's what all this ass-kissing is about.
Nick: Hey. Is Adam in there?
Jack: Shh.
Adam: You need me as much as I need you. Skye, I go to jail, the fund takes a hit. We both lose.
Skye: Oh, but it will bounce back, 'cause everyone loves a winner. And the Newman fund is making our investors very happy right now. So get it through your head once and for all. I am the one making the decisions. I am the one calling the shots, and I am the one in control.
Adam: Wish you'd stayed dead under those floorboards.
Victor: Meggie, what's that all about? Are you leaving, or what?
Meggie: I'm going to a hotel.
Victor: Did you have a run-in with Nikki?
Meggie: No, she's wonderful. She's very generous. I've really enjoyed working with her.
Victor: So then why are you leaving?
Meggie: Well, Paul Williams came by, and I-I wasn't trying to eavesdrop, but I heard him tell her that y-you'd hired him to investigate me.
Victor: Oh. (Sighs) Uh, listen, I'm going to be very honest with you. A man in my position, you know, has a lot of people coming after him, okay? A lot of opportunists. And I do background checks on anyone who stays in my home. But obviously, you didn't hear anything about the outcome, did you?
Meggie: Well, I didn't stick around to listen, 'cause frankly, I've done some things I'm not proud of.
Victor: We all have done things we aren't proud of, I assure you. Now Paul Williams assures me that there's nothing wrong with your background-- nothing. He didn't find anything. So why don't you stay? I mean, just-- you know, you have become an invaluable part around here, especially for Nikki.
Meggie: You mean that?
Victor: You bet I do. Come here. My goodness, of course I do.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Skye: I'm here to help you sell magazines.
Billy: How can you do that?
Skye: By letting you put me on the cover.
Tucker: I'm declaring your contract null and void. You're fired, Jack.
Victoria: I've heard this before, Dad. I've heard this speech. I have it memorized.
Victor: You should hear it again!
Victoria: Save it.
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