Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/21/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/21/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 9/22/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9489 ~ Nina Battles With the Truth

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Kevin: Look at you-- all dressed and showered and everything. I bet you even brushed your teeth.

Chloe: Mm. Well... don't get used to it. I'm gonna slip back into the covers as soon as I can.

Kevin: No, no, no. That is a bad idea. You know why? I'll tell you why-- because under the covers, there are no soy lattes.

Chloe: At least when I'm sleeping, it doesn't hurt so much. I just can't believe that Chance is gone.

Nina: (Sighs) This is so wrong, packing up Chance's stuff. I mean, what if there's something he wants? Maybe Cricket could give us an address. We could send him whatever things he might want.

Phillip: No, that's--that's-- that's way too risky. No. A-and as difficult as this is for you and me, Chance, he's the one that gave up everything.

Nina: I know. And I'm glad he's safe in witness protection. It's just... watching everyone grieve over his death. Katherine is so broken. We could take that pain away.

Phillip: No. No. No, we can’t. We can’t. We--we--we gotta play the grieving parents. That's it.

Nina: This isn't an act. I miss him so much.

Phillip: Come here. I know. I know. I know.

(Knock on door)

Paul: Hi. Sorry if I'm interrupting. I just wanted to know if you needed anything.

Nina: (Sighs)

Phillip: No. We're just dealing with details here.

Paul: The last time I saw you, you were going to meet with Chris. Whatever she had to say, I-I hope it helped.

Chris: I know you've been looking after her.

Murphy: Well, when she lets me.

Kay: I am fine. (Scoffs)

Murphy: Look, why don't I go check on the soup Esther has on the stove? You need to eat.

Kay: (Stammers) Murphy--

Murphy: Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh, unh.

Chris: (Chuckles)

Kay: Oh, God.

Chris: He loves you.

Kay: (Chuckles) Well, Nina loves you. So you get up those stairs right now, and you make her see that pushing you away will not bring Chance back, that nothing will bring him back. All right?

Tucker: Yes, Neil. Today. Yeah, keep me posted.

Ashley: Hi.

Tucker: Hey. Mm. Tell me something.

Ashley: Hmm?

Tucker: How do you get more beautiful every time I see you?

Ashley: Oh, I don't know. I want to know what's going on with Katherine. Huh? What happened after she collapsed?

Tucker: That's a good question. I don't have the answer.

Cane: This little hellion's going through onesies like a wild man.

Lily: Yeah, and they're out of their preemie clothes. (Chuckles) They'd be newborns if Mac had gone to term.

Cane: Have you ever seen two more perfect babies?

Lily: Well, hey, you may want to wipe off that perfect spit-up before you go and meet Phillip. (Chuckles)

Cane: Oh. You know--

Lily: I'm so glad that he has you, you know? Especially now.

Cane: You know, I keep thinking about the amount of time those two didn't have together, you know? Son loses his father. He gets him back. And the father loses his son. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you two.

Lily: (Chuckles) Will Phillip be back in Australia for the Biofuel project?

Cane: Uh, probably, but until Tucker figures out how he wants to proceed, I think that you three are stuck with me.

Lily: Well, we love being stuck with you. But, I mean, what about immigration? I mean, that project is your ticket to your visa.

Cane: Yeah, but, uh, Sofia said she spoke to immigration, and things are all right, so right now, it's all good.

Charlie: (Fusses)

Cane: (Gasps) Would you like a bottle? Are you ready now? Huh? Bottle? There we go.

Malcolm: So this is what my lady mogul's been workin' on? Huh?

Sofia: Hey, give that back.

Malcolm: Mm-hmm.

Sofia: Look, you see this? This is called a sweetheart neckline. You--

Malcolm: Mm, this is what I call a sweetheart neckline.

Sofia: (Laughs) You like that?

Malcolm: Mm-hmm. That's cool.

(Knock on door)

Sofia: (Sighs)

Malcolm: I knew I should have put that "Do not disturb" on. (Sighs)

Neil: Hey.

Malcolm: Hey.

Neil: There he is.

Malcolm: What's happening?

Neil: Uh, excuse me. May I talk to your lovely for a moment?

Malcolm: Come on. Come on. Come on in, Man.

Neil: I appreciate that.

Sofia: Hey, uh, what's up?

Neil: I just spoke to Tucker. The Biofuel project in Australia is a go.

Sofia: What happened? Last I heard, he was on the fence about how to proceed thanks to you ripping into my proposal.

Neil: Well, you addressed my concerns. I recommended Tucker move forward. That means you and Cane are leaving for Australia today.

Sofia: Look at you... (Chuckles) Honoring our agreement, making this deal a go.

Neil: Do I think that Biofuel is anywhere close to being profitable? No, I really don’t. But your new proposal to pursue cellulosic ethanol rather than corn ethanol was spot-on.

Sofia: (Chuckles)

Neil: And you're right-- it is socially and ecologically the right thing to do.

Sofia: I'm right? Oh, wow. I do like the sound of that, especially coming from you. Well, thank you, Neil, for-- for backing me up.

Neil: Thank you. My office will e-mail you your itinerary. I'm gonna go tell Cane the good news, and the McCall jet will be waiting for you later.

Sofia: (Sighs) Wow.

Neil: Sorry to interrupt.

Sofia: I'm right! (Laughs) I'm right. What? Say it with me.

Malcolm: You're right, Baby. You're always right.

Sofia: (Chuckles)

Malcolm: But, um, what-- what--what is this--this deal that you, uh, you made with Neil?

Sofia: Well, just that all this infighting isn't gonna fly anymore.

Malcolm: So you--you and him have this-- some type of special agreement?

Sofia: A little more respect, a little less arguing.

Malcolm: Mm-hmm. Yeah, well, that's gonna come back to bite you in your backside.

Cane: Hey, where are you guys headed?

Lily: Um, I thought I would go to the Chancellors' and tell them that I'm sorry about Chance.

Cane: Oh, well...

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: Charlie and Mattie can make anyone smile, and I think that's what Nina needs right now. Mm-hmm.

Lily: Yeah.

Cane: Yeah.

Nina: Cricket just wanted to explain why things happened the way they happened... as if an explanation would change anything.

Paul: You have every right to be angry. But, truly, no one could have anticipated this.

Phillip: A-and if Chris could have changed it, she would. We know that.

Nina: If she had the power to take over this case and to bring Ronan on board, then why couldn't she make sure that...

Paul: We all did what we thought was right at the time.

Nina: All these right things, and I'm still packing up my son's belongings.

Kay: At my age, uh, the word "Death" is not quite as shocking as one may think. Chance... gone like... my God, he was just so handsome and strong, brave. He survived Iraq, even went for a second tour of duty. Maybe, um... (Clears throat) He thought he was invincible. Maybe I think I am, too. (Sniffles) You know, when I ended up in that hospital, um, uh, they said it was dehydration and exhaustion, so... I-I... I sleep. I drink water. And that's supposed to make me well. It's supposed to. But this... now that Chance is gone, this... right here aches. (Chuckles) They didn't tell me what to do for that... (Scoffs) You know?

Chris: (Sniffles) Yeah. You're right. Chance was all those things-- brave, strong. He fought for what he believed in.

Kay: I wish... I wish he hadn’t. I honest to God wish he hadn’t.

Chris: (Sniffles) It's--it's beautiful out. Um... maybe we could talk outside. Please, Katherine, for me. Th-- there's so much more to say.

Kay: Oh, fine. Let's go.

Chris: (Sniffles)

Kay: (Sighs)

Ashley: I don't understand. Why don't you know what's going on with Katherine?

Tucker: (Sighs)

Ashley: Tucker, your family's going through a lot right now. I mean, they're in a lot of pain. This is usually a good time for you guys to reach out to each other and put your issues behind you.

Tucker: You would think so, wouldn't you?

Ashley: Do you remember when we were at the airport, we ran into each other, and I was thinking about taking Faith away? You said a lot of things to me, and I went home that day feeling stronger because of those things you said to me. Why don't you give me a chance? Maybe I could find the right words to say to you.

Tucker: I tried. I went to Katherine. The family shut me out.

Murphy: Oh, look at those cheeks. (Chuckles)

Lily: (Laughs)

Murphy: Boy, you did good, uh, you and Cane both.

Lily: Thank you. Thanks.

Nina: Oh.

Lily: Hi. Nina, I am... I'm so sorry about Chance.

Nina: Thank you. Oh, it's so nice seeing everybody here like this.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Nina: Hi.

Lily: (Chuckles) This is Charlie. Would you like to hold him?

Nina: (Gasps)

Lily: I mean, he's already a flirt.

Nina: May I?

Lily: Yeah, of course.

Nina: Okay, thank you.

Lily: Come here.

Murphy: Here he comes.

Nina: Hello, Precious.

Murphy: (Chuckles)

Nina: Hello, little baby. Hi. Oh. (Laughs) Oh, they feel so good, don't they?

Lily: Yeah.

Nina: I remember Chance being this size, and I was rubbing my cheek up against his head as we rocked. (Chuckles) I was so tired. You know how that is, when you miss your own bed. (Chuckles)

Lily: Yeah, I do. Definitely.

Nina: But you're there in the dark with this little precious thing. Suddenly, you've only got one thought-- I love you more than life itself. (Chuckles) Because without that special little person, what's the point?

Lily: Yeah.

Nina: Because when it comes down to it, if you have to choose between yourself and them...

Lily: You choose them.

Nina: Mm-hmm, every time. That'll never change. Oh, he's so sweet.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Kevin: I keep trying to think of something... helpful or meaningful to say, but I just can't get past that, uh, it sucks, and I'm sorry. I know that's not profound, but I'm really sorry about Chance.

Phillip: Thanks. And you're right-- it sucks. How are you doing?

Chloe: Um, me? Well, um, why would you... I mean, we broke up right before, so...

Phillip: Chance loved you. He'd hate to see you like this. There was one time that he said he was wondering if there was some kind of female magic that made your smile so special.

Chloe: It's hard, you know? It's really hard.

Phillip: Yeah, I know. I know it's hard. You can call me sometime. Chance would like that.

Chloe: Thank you.

Phillip: (Chuckles) Yeah.

Chloe: Thanks.

Phillip: Okay. Good to see you.

Kevin: (Exhales deeply) Yeah. So is that true?

Chloe: (Sighs) What?

Kevin: The "Magic" part. You got some sort of voodoo?

Chloe: (Scoffs) Stop.

Kevin: No, no, no. I'm--I'm being serious, because Chance was right. Your nose does this little crinkly thing when you smile, which I suppose does make it more powerful than a regular smile. Hey, do me a favor-- don't smile at me, because who knows what your powers could do to a mere mortal like myself.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Kevin: Oh!

Chloe: You know, you are such a goof. What are you do--

Kevin: Please... stop... smiling... at me. (Coughing)

Chloe: (Laughs) Oh, my God. Oh, my God. First of all, please get up. You're embarrassing yourself. You're in a public place. Get up.

Kevin: Sorry. Sorry, Guys. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

Chloe: (Sighs) Shut up. Thanks. Thanks.

Cane: Are you okay? You know, if there's anything I can do for you...

Phillip: What is the status on your project with McCall? Because I don't know how soon I'm gonna be able to get to Canberra to smooth things over for you.

Cane: All right, well, uh, Sofia's bought me some more time, so...

Phillip: I can take care of things when I get there, but until then, you gotta watch your back, Man. These guys that you tangled with, they don't forget. They could just show up on your doorstep.

Cane: (Sighs)

Phillip: Hey.

Neil: Phillip.

Phillip: Hey.

Neil: My sincere condolences.

Phillip: Yeah, thanks, Man.

Neil: And, you, your Biofuel project is a go. You leave for down under today.

Cane: Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Y-you mean today? Go to Australia today? What, are you joking?

Neil: Tucker gave the project his go-ahead, and for McCall, that means now.

Cane: I-I can't go now, Neil. You'll have to tell him I said no.

Neil: Tell him you said-- this have something to do with the men in Australia? Because Lily told me that wasn't an issue anymore.

Cane: Look, I-I-I can't leave now. Lily's outnumbered, all right? I-I don't want to leave-- be a burden like that, all right? She needs my help. That's it.

Neil: I still remember how to hold a bottle and change a diaper. Okay, then. Sofia's gonna meet you at the airport for takeoff...

Cane: (Clears throat)

Neil: In two hours.

Sofia: I love my job, Malcolm, and if I have to go along to get along, that's exactly what I'm gonna do. Besides, Tucker is all excited about this big project in Miami that Neil and I are both on. And if your brother and I are on the same side, it makes a life so much easier. And he really came through for me with that Biofuel project.

Malcolm: Oh, you think that was for free? No, you're gonna pay somewhere down the line for that. Believe me.

Sofia: You know, I think it is so damn sexy how you worry about me.

Malcolm: Really?

Sofia: Yes.

Malcolm: You like that, huh?

Sofia: Yes, I do.

Malcolm: How much time do you have before you leave, huh?

Sofia: Unh, unh, unh. Not enough. (Laughs)

Malcolm: No, huh?

Sofia: No, I have to pack and get a car to the airport, and my hair is just wrong. Just...

Malcolm: Well, buy what you need when you get there. Come here. And, uh, I'll drive you. And don't bother with your hair, because I'm really about to mess it up.

Sofia: Ooh. (Laughs) Baby.

Cane: I don't know what, to say, Baby. I'm sorry. But if I could have stalled it, I would have.

Lily: Well, no, I mean, if it helps your visa, then that's all that matters. But, I mean, do we even get to say good-bye to you in person?

Cane: (Chuckles) Of course we get to say good-bye in person.

Lily: Okay, well, then, uh, I'm gonna leave right now.

Cane: Listen, you take your time, all right? I have an errand I have to run. I love you.

Lily: Okay. Love you, too. Bye. All right, sorry to break this party up, but I gotta get these two home to say bye to their daddy.

Nina: Oh, okay.

Paul: Hey, let me help you out here.

Nina: Bye.

Lily: Oh, thank you.

Nina: Bye. (Laughs)

Lily: Come on, Munchkin.

Paul: Come on, Little one.

Lily: Okay. (Grunts) And listen, if you have some time, let me know, because I know the babies would love to see you again.

Nina: Oh, I would like that a lot. Thank you.

Lily: Okay.

Paul: Here we go.

Lily: All right, see ya.

Paul: You're okay. Here we go.

Nina: Bye-bye.

Paul: Into the real world.

Nina: (Sighs) What are you doing here?

Chris: I came to see Katherine.

Nina: Oh. How warm and generous of you.

Kay: Nina, don’t. Now don't do this. Christine hates what happened to Chance. And Chance, wherever he is, certainly would not want his absence to tear the two of you apart. Remember what matters-- be grateful for what we still have left. Well, now that the old lady's had her say, I'll leave the two of you alone, all right? Be nice.

Nina: You told her, didn't you?

(Front door opens)

Chris: (Sighs)

Paul: Boy, those were the cutest things in-- hi.

Chris: Hi.

Paul: Uh, Heather told me you recommended her as acting district attorney. I know that she's grateful. So am I.

Chris: It was my pleasure. She's the right person for the job. Take care, you guys.

Tucker: Since I was the last one talking to Katherine before she collapsed...

Ashley: Oh, they can't blame you for that.

Tucker: Murphy did.

Ashley: He wouldn't let you see her?

Tucker: He loves his wife. He thinks I undermine her health.

Ashley: (Sighs) Okay, so she's grieving, and he's being protective of her. You know, I really don't blame him. I... I blame you.

Tucker: Me.

Ashley: Come on. You're Tucker McCall. Since when do you back down from anything? It must have gone against every instinct you have to walk away when Murphy wouldn't let you see your own mother.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Ashley: Trust your instincts, Tucker. I do.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Kevin: So I've got some fresh scones.

Chloe: I ate at home.

Kevin: Really?

Chloe: Yeah, because there's food everywhere-- the fridge and the cabinets. They're so packed that they might explode, thanks to you and my mom. I think she actually did my laundry.

Kevin: Or maybe the laundry elf did your laundry. Did I shrink that tiny white t-shirt of yours, or was it always that small?

Chloe: You did my laundry?

Kevin: Well, you know, I mean, I was-- I was doing my own. What's one extra load? Besides, all your stuff is, like, miniaturized.

Chloe: (Laughs) Oh, this is so wrong. You make sure that I'm fed and I'm clothed, and I'm just, like, the biggest Debbie Downer of all.

Kevin: Well, look. You just feel however you're feeling for as long as you need to feel that way. You don't have to pretend around me.

Neil: Babies asleep?

Lily: Yeah, they're worn out from their, uh, big outing. Went to go see Nina.

Neil: Oh, really?

Lily: Yeah.

Neil: How is she doing?

Lily: Well, you know, to hear her talk about Chance as a baby just really put everything into perspective. I mean, it's like, you know, 2:00 A.M. feedings aren't my favorite time, but I'm just so blessed to have Charlie and Mattie and their dad.

Neil: You know that Cane hates leaving 'em, right? And you. If there were any way around it--

Lily: No, I know. I know that he's worried that I'll be overwhelmed by it all. But, I mean, honestly, I really feel bad for him. I mean, I would hate to miss even a minute with the twins. But, you know, that's how business works. I mean, you had to leave me when I was a baby.

Neil: Yes, I did, and it drove me crazy.

Lily: So I'll let them gang up on me for a couple of days... (Chuckles)

Neil: (Chuckles)

Lily: And then, uh, you know, Sofia and Cane will be back before we know it.

Malcolm: Just say the word, and I'll tell Tucker that you can't make this trip because you're laid up in bed.

Sofia: (Giggles) Malcolm. (Sighs)

Malcolm: (Chuckles)

Sofia: My dress.

Malcolm: Mm, you shouldn't be puttin' it on anyway.

(Knock on door)

Sofia: (Laughs)

Malcolm: (Sighs) Again?

Sofia: Oh, and we can't pretend we're not here this time, either.

Cane: Hey.

Malcolm: Hey, come on in.

Cane: Sorry to interrupt like this, Man. Sorry.

Malcolm: No worries.

Cane: Hey, uh, your assistant said you be here. I need to talk to you.

Sofia: I am here.

Malcolm: (Sighs) I'll be in the shower.

Cane: Thanks.

Sofia: So, Cane, um, is this about the trip?

Cane: Yeah, um, you know I'm behind this project 100%, right?

Sofia: Mm-hmm.

Cane: Timing's not good. I can't go. I'm sorry.

Sofia: (Scoffs) What do you mean, you can't go? Look, Neil told me that you're worried about leaving Lily. But she just says the word, and half the town will be here to give her more help than she can handle.

Cane: Yeah, okay, but I just need a little more time. That's it.

Sofia: Look, Cane, I can handle this meeting on my own, all right? God knows I've done a hundred just like them. But if you don't put your butt on that jet and go to Australia, you're gonna be right back on that deportation list. So... why don't you look at me and tell me what's really goin' on?

Cane: The men I crossed in Australia have not gone away. And they are just as much of a threat now as they always were.

Sofia: So you lied to us?

Cane: Yes, I lied to you.

Sofia: (Sighs)

Cane: And I did it to protect Lily, all right? Listen, she just went through the cancer. Mackenzie just gave birth to the babies early. And after Chance, I don't want to worry her.

Sofia: She's doing so much better now.

Cane: And I want to keep it that way. I don't want to give her the burden of knowing there are people out there that want to hurt me and want to hurt our family.

Sofia: Is it really that bad?

Cane: Yes, it's that bad. And if I make it back, there's a chance they're gonna follow me home.

Sofia: Cane... (Sighs) Okay. I have an idea.

Cane: Okay.

Sofia: So the problem is, if these guys see you around, right?

Cane: Yes.

Sofia: Okay, we'll go. We'll land. We'll get your passport stamped-- proof that you're doing your job.

Cane: Okay.

Sofia: We'll have the meeting right there in the jet on the tarmac. And once the contracts are signed, we'll fly away home. You won't even have to sniff Aussie air, and nobody will know that you were even there.

Cane: I think that I can live with that.

Sofia: All right.

Cane: Thank you.

Esther: This way!

Paul: You know what? Why don't we get out of here?

Nina: And go where?

Paul: I don't know. The park? The lake? It doesn't matter. The shopping mall would work. We could catch a movie. It's just that... everywhere you look around here, there's a reminder.

Nina: It doesn't matter where I am. I never stop thinking about him.

Paul: No, I know. I-I-I wasn’t... (Sighs) Look, I just want to help you. I thought that... I don't want to see you go through this alone. I guess that's--

Nina: And what are you gonna do? You're gonna help me cope? Help me heal?

Paul: I'll do whatever it takes to get you through one hour into the next.

Nina: You can't, because... you don't understand, and I can't explain it.

Paul: Look, you can talk. You don't have to talk.

Nina: No.

Paul: Just know that I'm here for you.

Nina: I think I need some time alone.

Paul: That's fine. I--why don't you let me call Phillip or--or Chris or someone?

Nina: No, Paul. I need more than just time. I think we should take a break.

Paul: A break? What does that mean? You mean, uh, tonight or a week or...

Nina: No. More than just tonight or a week.

Chris: I was hoping if you and Nina knew the truth about Chance that things would be a little bit better between us, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen, huh?

Phillip: Cricket, if Pomerantz had his way, the funeral for Chance would have been real. You're part of the reason that didn't happen.

Chris: Nina's never gonna forgive me.

Phillip: Eh, don't underestimate her. She forgave me, right?

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Phillip: Uh, excuse me. (Sighs)

Chris: Good news?

Phillip: A friend of mine was in trouble. It's okay. It's gonna work out.

Cane: Okay, now you listen. When your sister wakes up, you tell her no loud music, no partying, and you don't argue with your mother, okay?

Lily: (Chuckles)

Neil: (Chuckles)

Cane: Will you send me pictures?

Lily: Of course. Yes.

Cane: Yeah? Thank you. I really appreciate this.

Neil: I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cane: Okay. (Sniffs) Oh.

Lily: Yes. Ooh...

Neil: Yeah.

Lily: Which is why you get the next round of diapers.

Cane: Uh-huh. There you go.

Neil: Whoa. Whoa. And that is my cue to play hero.

Cane: Uh-huh, there you go, Hero.

Neil: Well, Baby, step aside.

Cane: (Chuckles)

Neil: What's up, My baby? How you doin', Baby?

Lily: (Sighs)

Cane: I wish I didn't have to go like this.

Lily: Listen. I am strong, and I am healthy, okay? I can do this. And you're doing this for the sake of our family.

Cane: Come here.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Cane: All right, listen. You're my life. You know that, right? You and the kids, you're my life.

Lily: Yeah.

Cane: I love you.

Lily: I love you. Listen. Go, so that you never have to go again, okay?

Cane: (Sighs) Okay.

Lily: I love you.

Cane: Don't forget the jacket.

Lily: (Laughs) Bye. Be safe. (Chuckles)

Cane: I love you.

Lily: Bye.

Murphy: We already did this.

Tucker: I'd like to think we had a misunderstanding.

Murphy: No. You're not going near Katherine. You're not welcome here.

Tucker: I want to hear that from Katherine.

Murphy: Why? So you can be the reason she ends up in the hospital again?

Kay: What is going on?

Tucker: Thanks.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Tucker: You're looking well, Katherine, much better than I expected.

Kay: Well, you could have seen for yourself yesterday had you come to the hospital and, um... I won't hold it against you.

Murphy: No, he was there. I, uh, I didn't let him.

Kay: Why not?

Murphy: Because the last time he was around, you ended up on your back hooked up to monitors.

Tucker: He has a point.

Kay: Well, as I recall, he was very pushy and annoying. He told me to take care of myself, and I told him to take a flying leap.

Tucker: A real way with words.

Murphy: Katherine, I've got a marriage certificate that says it's my job to look after you.

Kay: All right. We've had enough of the misunderstandings, the mistrust. I assume that Tucker came here with good intentions. I assume.

Tucker: Yes, I did.

Kay: It's time we started to trust one another, because we're not gonna get anywhere if we don’t.

Cane: Whoa.

Sofia: (Chuckles)

Malcolm: (Laughs) Hey, Man. Safe flight, all right?

Cane: Thanks, Man. Appreciate it.

Malcolm: All right, Man.

Cane: All right, cool.

Malcolm: Take care, all right?

Cane: You got it. I will. I will. I will.

Malcolm: All right. See you guys.

Sofia: (Sighs)

Cane: Hey, uh, thank you, once again, for making this quick and painless.

Sofia: All right, like I said before, we're not getting off this plane, all right? And don't you worry about Lily or little Charlie or Matilda. Everything's gonna be just fine.

Lily: Was that the door?

Neil: Yeah. Honey, did you order something?

Lily: No, but how exciting. Well, let's see what's inside.

Neil: Here. You got it? You want to do it?

Lily: Yeah. No, I can do it. This looks interesting. Well, okay. "A taste of down under." (Chuckles)

Neil: Aussie pride prime.

Lily: Oh, Cane must have sent this. How sweet.

Neil: You know what, Baby? I'm seeing a big, fat t-bone in our future.

Lily: (Laughs)

Ashley: How's that beautiful deli? You know, every time she cracks a smile, Billy has to send out photos to everybody. It's so cute.

Chloe: (Chuckles) Mm, yeah. They've been spending a lot of time with each other or with my mom. You know, I'm--I've been kind of out of it lately, which I guess that means that I'm a-a crappy friend and a crappy mother.

Ashley: Oh, no.

Kevin: Stop. It's not true.

Ashley: Hi. How are you?

Nina: Hi. How are you? I'm good, thank you.

Ashley: Join us.

Nina: Thanks.

Kevin: Um, can I get either of you anything?

Ashley: No, thanks.

Nina: No, I'm good. Thank you. It's good to see you out and with friends. That's how Chance would have wanted it.

Chloe: Thank you. That's actually the same thing that Phillip said before.

Nina: Oh, well, it's true. Um, excuse me. Thanks.

Nina: Oh. Um...

Phillip: Oh, were you-- were you looking for me?

Nina: (Laughs)

Phillip: Or Cricket? Uh--

Nina: No actually, I was just--for a change of scenery, but, um, now that I'm here...

Phillip: Latte?

Nina: Yeah.

Phillip: Okay.

Nina: Thank you.

Phillip: Okay.

Nina: Lucky me finding you here. Now you can answer my question.

Phillip: You and Nina must have taken separate cars. She's on the patio.

Paul: Well, um, actually, we didn't come together.

Phillip: Something's up?

Paul: Um... (Sighs) Phillip, I think Nina, uh, dumped me.

Phillip: Wow. Nina's dealing with a lot more than you can imagine right now.

Paul: Uh, you're right. I understand that. Um, you know, I have never lost a child, thank God. And I just want to stay close and help, but, um... if she says, "Get lost," I have to respect that.

Phillip: She's not gonna admit it, okay? But--but she needs support right now.

Nina: So does Katherine know about Chance? Did you tell her?

Chris: That information is confidential.

Nina: (Scoffs)

Chris: You know I'm not supposed to tell anyone.

Nina: Good. A non-denial denial. Katherine was beside herself with grief, and now suddenly, she's herself again. The only way that could have happened is if she has the knowledge that Chance is still walking this earth.

Chris: Maybe she just came to terms with his death.

Nina: (Scoffs) Would you stop it, okay? Stop denying. You did for Katherine what I couldn't, so just shut up and let me say thank you.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Adam: You're reopening my case?

Victor: You're sleeping with Adam’s wife.

Jack: As long as you and I get exactly what we want, right?

Cane: If they find my family, Lily and the kids could be in real danger.

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