Y&R Transcript Friday 9/17/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 9/17/10 -- Canada; Monday 9/20/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9487 ~ Nina's Desperation

Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma

Nina: I don't understand. Of course, I'm gonna see you again.

Chance: Mom, I have to go into witness protection, okay?

Nina: Well, I know, but it doesn't--

Chris: It means a new identity, a new town.

Ronan: And it means no communication with anybody that he knows-- not until this corruption case goes to trial.

Chris: A-a trial that we're hoping will lead to a string of convictions.

Ronan: The D.A. had major ties to organized crime. This is gonna lead to a lot more arrests.

Nina: Well, h-how long will it take?

Chris: Years.

Nina: (Scoffs)

Phillip: What if all the guys are not caught or convicted? What if they slip through the cracks? What happens?

Nina: No. No. This is not fair.

Chance: I have to go, and you are the only four that can know that I'm alive, okay?

Nina: But I just got you back. I--

Chance: I know.

Nina: You can't leave me again. What about your friends a-and--and your family? They just left your funeral. They're devastated. We have to tell them.

Chris: Look, Nina, we weren't even supposed to tell you, but I couldn't let you go on believing that Chance was dead.

Nina: So I have to lose my baby all over again?

Ronan: Look, there's no other way.

Nina: No, I cannot believe that.

Phillip: There's gotta be another option, something--

Chris: No, I wish--Guys, I wish to God there were, bu--

Nina: No. No, you gotta do something.

Chris: Look, Nina, Honey, I know this is tearing you apart. But if anyone in the drug ring finds out about Chance, we will be going to his funeral for real next time.

Nina: (Sighs)

Chance: It's okay.

Kay: Uh, thank you. No. No. No.

Murphy: Oh, Sweetheart, would you like a foot rub or a--or a shoulder massage?

Kay: No, no, no. Thank you.

Esther: Mackenzie called a while ago. She's worried about you, Mrs. C.

Murphy: Here.

Kay: I hope you told her there's no need to rush over.

Esther: Well, I assured her that you are in good hands.

Kay: The last thing I want is for any of you to make a big production out of all--

Chloe: Oh, Katherine, I had no idea that you were back. My mom told me what happened. I was just checking on Delia. Are you okay?

Kay: Well, Honey, I had a bit of a scare, but I'm fine. I'm fine.

Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, my Go--I mean, like Chance's funeral wasn't torturous enough. And then you end up getting rushed to the E.R. because you fainted, and--and I just... it's all my fault.

Kay: No. Uh, your fault?

Chloe: Yeah, I-I went off on Heather like that at the service, and you obviously didn't need more stress.

Kay: (Stammers) It's nothing you did, Darling, nothing you did. Dehydration, exhaustion is what did it.

Chloe: Okay. I'm sorry. I--when I saw her, I just--I lost it.

Kay: I understand. We're all coping with Chance's loss the best we can. (Chuckles) Good. Good.

Paul: Well, it's quite an honor. The state attorney general appointing you district attorney.

Heather: Just until they can hold an election.

Paul: Yeah.

Heather: (Sighs) (Sighs) (Laughs) All right. (Clears throat)

Paul: Looks good on you.

Heather: (Sighs)

Paul: You nervous?

Heather: Um... oh, this has all just happened so fast. I mean, Owen just reinstated me as assistant district attorney a couple of days ago.

Paul: Yeah, only because he wanted to, uh, have your help prosecuting Ronan for Chance's murder when he was the one who ordered the hit in the first place.

Heather: Smug son of a bitch. God. Thinking that he could get rid of Chance and then just resume his double life.

Paul: At least he's behind bars. So there is some justice in all this.

Heather: It won't bring Chance back.

Paul: No, it won't. Listen, you know, it is pretty late. Why don't you go home, get some rest, and start here first thing in the morning?

Heather: No, no. This is exactly where I need to be.

Skye: Well... (Sighs) We've got an interview with "Financial Views."

Adam: How'd you swing that?

Skye: My incredible wit and charm. We're meeting with a journalist and a photographer downstairs in half an hour.

Adam: Thanks for the notice, Skye.

Skye: You should be doing back flips. With that kind of publicity, we'll have, uh, investors lined up around the block. We're the perfect power couple.

Adam: I don't want to be the perfect power couple.

Skye: Tough. Now change into something more businesslike.

Adam: No.

Skye: No?

Adam: I'm not gonna go put on some stupid show for some idiot reporter.

Skye: What is your problem? Our hedge fund is making boatloads of money. You're a free man.

Adam: (Sighs)

Skye: You've got all the sex you want. Now I may not be your precious Sharon, but your life could be a whole lot worse.

Adam: Meaning, uh, shut up and dance?

Skye: Smart boy.

Adam: What if I don't, Skye?

Skye: Then there will be consequences.

Victor: I'm home, Baby.

Nikki: Oh, um, a-are you--are you finished with your, um, business meeting?

Victor: Yes, I am finished. By the way, on the way home, I heard something on the radio about the arrests at the funeral.

Nikki: Yes, can you believe that? Uh, that Owen Pomerantz was behind that drug ring? Well, of course you can believe it. I mean, you've been saying for months that he's so corrupt.

Victor: I know.

Nikki: (Sighs)

Victor: Why are you so... what's the matter with you? You're all nervous.

Nikki: After you left the reception, Katherine collapsed. They had to take her to the hospital.

Victor: Is she all right?

Nikki: Well, she was awake and alert when I left to go home, but I haven't heard what the doctors have to say. (Sighs) This waiting is making me crazy.

Victor: You're just not yourself right now.

Nikki: I'm sorry.

Victor: Wh-why didn't you stay at the hospital?

Nikki: Oh, Jill and I got into it, and I didn't want things to escalate.

Victor: Oh.

(Cell phone rings)

Nikki: Oh. Hello?

Kay: Guess who's home?

Nikki: Oh, Katherine. Oh, what--what happened? Did they find out what's wrong?

Kay: Uh, well, I just, uh, overdid it.

Nikki: Oh, you have no idea how happy I am to hear you. I'll check in on you in the next day or two.

Kay: Well, I never doubted it.

Nikki: Okay, good night.

Kay: Good night, Sweetheart.

Murphy: Well, I bet Nikki was relieved. She was really shaken up at the hospital.

Jill: Oh, poor Nikki. Yeah, let's make it all about her.

Kay: (Sighs heavily)

Murphy: All right. All right. It's been a rough day for everyone.

Kay: You know, it still doesn't make sense.

Esther: What, Mrs. C.?

Kay: Well, here I am, 81 years old, but I came home from the hospital today. And Chance, who had his whole life before him, didn't.

Chloe: Excuse me. Sorry. I'm just gonna go upstairs.

Nina: Will you please explain to me how your father and I are standing here in the middle of nowhere when I saw you get shot and pronounced dead?

Phillip: When did you know Ronan was FBI?

Chance: That night that he begged Mom to talk me into leaving town.

Nina: (Gasps) I thought you wanted him gone because he--

Ronan: Because I was a dirty cop, right?

Nina: What about that fight that I broke up?

Ronan: No.

Nina: Was that an act?

Ronan: No, it wasn't. Uh, the fight was real.

Chance: It was later that night when I talked to Chloe that she dropped the bomb that Ronan was my brother. So I went and I confronted him.

[Chance remembering]

Chance: Ronan, answer me. Are you my brother?

Ronan: According to a D.N.A. test, yeah, I am. Listen to me. That has nothing to do with why I'm here or what I'm doing.

Chance: You son of a...

Ronan: Chance!

Chance: You set me up!

Ronan: Chance, listen to me.

Chance: (Grunting)

Ronan: (Grunts) No!

Chance: I am gonna get the truth out of you if I have to beat it out of you!

Ronan: All right! All right, all right, all right. I'll tell you everything. I'm gonna get up. I'm gonna get something under the bed. It's not a gun, all right? Just go easy. Easy. I think we should talk, Brother.

Ronan: That was the night that I told Chance about the investigation, that I had been working undercover.

Chance: I was so close to exposing that the cops were the ones that had Brent Riggs murdered.

Chris: And that the police were working with the mob to sell drugs.

Phillip: You knew too much.

Ronan: Exactly. The D.A. couldn’t afford to let Chance live anymore, so we had to take action immediately.

Chance: We came up with a plan that would get the information that we needed, and at the same time, it would keep us out of their reach.

Chris: But our main concern was his safety.

Nina: Yeah, so he could testify.

Chris: No, so he'd be alive because he wanted to testify.

Chance: Mom, we faked my death, all right? I wasn't hurt.

Nina: But all the blood and--

Chance: I know. It was special effects, all right? It's the same stuff they use in movies.

Nina: But the EMTs--

Ronan: FBI agents.

Chris: That's why they pronounced him dead so quickly.

Nina: (Sighs) I didn't think I would ever get over it, watching one son gun down another.

Ronan: Well, you, uh, you weren't supposed to be there for that.

Nina: (Sighs)

Chance: Mom, when I heard you scream, I just wanted to get up, tell you that it wasn't real, that it was fake, that I was fine. I... I couldn't, and I am sorry.

Nina: You're sorry? After what you put me through? No, sorry's not gonna cut it, Mister.

Skye: You can't go to the interview dressed like that.

Adam: I told you, Skye, I'm not going.

Skye: Is that any way to show your gratitude?

Adam: Gratitude?

Skye: Didn't I stand by you when no one else would? Get you that high-priced lawyer?

Adam: Nobody twisted your arm, Skye.

Skye: In case you've forgotten, we have a long history. I know all your dirty little secrets.

Adam: Could you be more predictable, Skye? Whenever I don't jump through your little hoops, you pull this crap.

Skye: I'll bet people would be fascinated to hear how you injected your eyes with Botox so daddy would get you out of jail.

Adam: That again? I was diagnosed with the same condition that blinded my mother.

Skye: (Chuckles)

Adam: That is a documented... (Strikes computer key) Fact.

Skye: Your eyesight is not as bad as you pretend.

Adam: So what are people gonna say? "Adam actually lied about something else? What a shocker."

Skye: Wait till they find out you helped Patty Williams escape. I held on to that little gem. A good player never shows her whole hand. Oh, what's the matter, Baby? Mr. Kitty got your tongue? Now I expect you downstairs, and wear your blue suit. It brings out your not-so-imperfect eyes.

Nikki: I was at the hospital with Katherine when they raided the funeral.

Victor: Uh-huh. I'll tell you one thing, I never trusted that Pomerantz guy. I knew something was off with him from the very beginning.

Nikki: Oh, well, the D.A.'s office must be scrambling.

Victor: Well, whoever's inheriting that office has a mess to deal with.

Nikki: Well, let's hope they get somebody honest. You know, that would be a refreshing change.

Victor: Did you know that Heather Stevens is now appointed as interim D.A.?

Nikki: No.

Victor: Yeah.

Nikki: Oh, I'm sure you're thrilled.

Victor: Sweetheart, if you don't need me right now, I need to attend to something, okay?

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Okay. Bye, Sweetheart. I'll talk to you a little later.

Nikki: Okay.

(Door closes)

Heather: "Due to the sudden departure of Owen Pomerantz, I will be assuming the duties of Genoa City's district attorney until such times a special election can be held." What do you think? (Sighs)

Paul: I think it's perfect.

Heather: (Sighs)

Paul: Feeling a little overwhelmed?

Heather: Uh, yeah. I'm awfully glad you're gonna be working with me.

Paul: Yeah, me, too.

Heather: I have never been more determined to do a job right.

Paul: To make sure that Owen is convicted?

Heather: Oh, yeah. I'm gonna nail him for every illegal thing he's ever done. Chance... sacrificed his life for this. And I have to make sure that that was not in vain.

Nina: It didn't have to play out like this. I mean... (Scoffs) First, Phillip fakes his death, and now you. I... (Sighs)

Phillip: It's not the same thing at all.

Nina: No, it's the same thing. Each time, I was lied to about someone I love, and forced to endure unimaginable pain.

Ronan: There was too much at stake here. We couldn't have you slipping up at Chance's funeral.

Nina: No, you were just too busy chasing the bad guys to consider how I'd feel.

Phillip: That's kind-- that's the son that you've raised-- someone that stands up for what he believes in. He doesn't back down.

Nina: But if you had just come to me, you know, we could have figured out a better way.

Phillip: Like what?

Nina: I don't know. We could have--we could have gone to Katherine. She's got the money and connections to do just about anything. We could have gotten you a new name and a--and a passport and sent you to some country where Owen and Meeks and the mob could never find you.

Chance: Mom. Mom. Mom. I don't run. And I wasn't about to start running, all right? I wanted to see this through.

Nina: Look... (Sighs) Finding out you're alive is like a miracle. But the agony that you three have put me through--

Chance: Stop.

Nina: (Sighs)

Chance: All right, don't be angry with Christine and Ronan.

Ronan: Please trust us that we did everything that we could to try to get him to back off.

Chance: Yeah, and no way was that happening. Mom, I understand that you're pissed, all right? But be pissed off at me, okay? But look, we don't have a lot of time, and this is not the way that I want to say good-bye.

Nina: (Sighs) I can't do this. I cannot say good-bye to you twice in one day. (Sighs) That you've been back in the states has been like a gift.

Chance: For me, too, Mom.

Nina: I don't think I could bear being away from you another year, much less 10 or 20.

Chance: It's just like when I was deployed. We knew I was gonna be gone for a while.

Nina: No, we had letters. We had video chat.

Chance: (Sighs) Do you remember what we used to do when I was a little kid and you had to go out of town? The moon... remember?

Nina: Yeah.

Chance: Okay.

Nina: Every night at 9:00, we'd both look at it and know that the other one was...

Chance: Safe. The other one was safe.

Nina: And you would know that I was missing you.

Chance: If I stay here, you're gonna be worrying about me all the time.

Nina: But what are you gonna do wherever you go? I mean...

Chance: Well, wherever I go, whatever I do, I'll, uh, I'll figure it out.

Nina: (Sighs)

Chance: I always do.

Nina: I wish I had your strength.

Chance: (Chuckles) Come on. I didn't say this-- this was gonna be easy. Its tough leaving all the people that I care about, knowing that everyone is hurting right now. That's--that's not easy, Mom.

Nina: (Sighs) If you had heard all the wonderful things people said to you and about you at your funeral, the outpouring of love...

Chance: Then maybe you can find a way to make them believe that you've accepted my death. Mom, I need you to do this for me, okay?

Nina: I'll try.

Chance: That's a start.

Nina: (Sighs, sniffles)

Chance: Hey, stop. No more tears.

Nina: (Scoffs) Well, no.

Chance: (Chuckles)

Nina: I'm not gonna promise that.

Chance: Come here.

Phillip: I realize... I realize that I had nothing to do with the man that you are today, but I'm so proud of you, Son.

Chance: Thanks. Go ahead.

Nina: I just... well, I've--I've just found my other son. I-I... I hope I'm not gonna lose you, too.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chloe: (Sighs)

Esther: Honey? Oh, if you'd rather I go...

Chloe: No, it's okay. Come--come on in.

Esther: All right.

Chloe: I'm really sorry that I yelled at you like that yesterday.

Esther: It's fine.

Chloe: No. No.

Esther: You were upset.

Chloe: I know. I, um, still, I didn't mean to embarrass you like that.

Esther: Have you given any thought to moving back home?

Chloe: It would kill me to have to walk past this door every day and know that he's not coming back.

Esther: Oh, Baby. I'm sorry, Honey.

(Door closes)

Nikki: Oh, Paul. (Sighs) I really appreciate you coming over.

Paul: Well, you said you needed a friend.

Nikki: (Sighs) I can't imagine confiding in anybody else.

Paul: What about Victor?

Nikki: No. No, Victor is the last person I could go to with this.

Victor: Hello, Ms. Stevens.

Heather: Mr. Newman. I assume you're not here to congratulate me.

Victor: You might be surprised.

Adam: (Sighs heavily)

Adam: You think you can threaten me and I'll just lie down and take it?

Victor: We have something in common, I think.

Heather: What's that?

Victor: A burning desire to see that Adam Wilson Newman pays dearly for the utter hell he has put everyone through.

Heather: And given what's gone down with Owen...

Victor: And if pompous Mr. Pomerantz was indeed involved with the mob, then I think its incumbent upon you, should you become district attorney, to reopen all the cases that he was involved in.

Heather: Oh, we will. Believe me.

Victor: So why don't you reopen Adam's case?

Heather: I would love nothing more. But we are in the midst of a scandal right now. So my priority has to be cases involving the mob and the cops suspected of working with them.

Victor: How about after that? If you do become district attorney, then obviously, you would be in a position to make sure that Adam's case does not get lost in the shuffle.

Paul: Is Victor the reason you're upset?

Nikki: No, no. Well, yeah. I-I-I don't know. I... I-I just seem to be struggling lately.

Paul: In what way?

Nikki: (Sighs) Well, I... was very satisfied and happy with my decision to remarry Victor. We had even started to make wedding plans.

Paul: Mm-hmm. What happened?

Nikki: (Sighs) Just the way he is treating Victoria over her relationship with Billy. It's--it's abominable.

Paul: (Chuckles) You mean hauling her off to jail during the wedding ceremony?

Nikki: I don't know what to do with him. I-I thought maybe, you know, he had mellowed. Maybe he had changed, but I guess that was just wishful thinking.

Paul: (Sighs) This is about more than just Victor. Something else is weighing on you.

Nikki: I am just, um... I haven't--I'm just shaky, or just kind of off-kilter.

Paul: Wh-what do you mean, "Off-kilter"?

Nikki: I don't know. Just kind of antsy.

Paul: You haven't been tempted to have a drink, have you?

Nikki: No, no, no, but I-I know I-I'm-- I have to be very vigilant. A-an alcoholic is always one drink away from a relapse. I know that.

Paul: Right. Well, you-- you've had a lot to deal with-- Nick's divorce from Phyllis and her lashing out at him on her blog, not to mention Abby's behavior, all on top of the rift between Victor and Victoria. I mean...

Nikki: Yeah, but, Paul, I have certainly gone through many family crises without falling apart.

Paul: Okay. So how is this different?

Nikki: I don't know. I just... woke up one morning, and... everything was different.

Ronan: I'm leaving town with Chance.

Nina: Why?

Ronan: My assignment's over.

Nina: Well, when you know where the next one is, can you tell me?

Ronan: Uh, no, I can't. The FBI's not too hip on that when you do undercover work.

Nina: (Voice breaking) I've imagined for years what it would be like to see you.

Ronan: Didn't picture it like this, did you?

Nina: (Sighs) I'm really sorry for the hateful things I said to you.

Ronan: Oh, no. That's... I would have hated me, too. (Chuckles) I've been known below the belt when I get riled up.

Nina: (Laughs) (Normal voice) Not one of my better traits you've inherited.

Ronan: (Chuckles)

Nina: (Chuckles)

Ronan: I, um, I gotta tell you that I, um, I admire your loyalty to Chance and the way that you fought for him.

Nina: I would have done the same for you if I had known who you were. You know I didn't give you up willingly, right? I was always hoping that one day...

Ronan: I know. I know. I read your book.

Nina: The people that raised you, were they kind? Did they love you?

Ronan: Yes, they did. They--

Nina: (Sobs)

Ronan: Hey, they were wonderful.

Nina: Good.

Ronan: Yeah.

Nina: How long have you known that I was your mother?

Ronan: I have, uh, I've known a while. (Sniffles)

Nina: Why didn't you try to contact me?

Jill: Chloe? Could I talk to you for a second? I'm concerned about you.

Chloe: Your grandson is dead. Why are you concerned about my feelings?

Jill: Because I know you loved him, too.

Chloe: I am angry, and I am pissed off, and I want to hurt someone, and I just want to punch something.

Jill: I know. That's exactly how I felt when Chance's grandfather was killed.

Chloe: You mean the accident when Katherine was driving?

Jill: (Scoffs) Except I never thought it was an accident. I just knew that the man I loved was gone. Do you know that I blamed Katherine for decades for that? And the whole time, I was consumed with anger.

Chloe: So you're saying you understand.

Jill: I understand that you've gotta get this out. And then eventually, you gotta get rid of it. Because if you don't...

Chloe: (Voice breaking) I know we broke off our engagement, but I really cared about him. And I just... I just wish I could be sure that he knew that. That's all.

Murphy: You're very quiet.

Kay: Did you know that Christine and Nina met when they were just teenagers?

Murphy: Yeah. I think you mentioned it.

Kay: (Sighs) "Cricket," as she was called back then, was the first friend that Nina ever made in Genoa City.

Murphy: Mm.

Kay: And she was pregnant.

Murphy: With the baby that was taken from her...

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Murphy: Uh, Ronan.

Kay: Mm.

Murphy: Oh.

Kay: Christine was so protective of her, and certainly, Nina was not a very trusting person. But she, um, she came to trust Christine. Oh, heaven knows, they had their ups and downs, especially when Nina took off after Phillip, but... their friendship survived.

Murphy: Mm. And you're worried that they may not get through what happened to chance?

Kay: Well, she is mourning the loss of a son.

Murphy: And despising the other for killing him.

Kay: Oh, listen. She blames Christine more than anybody else.

Murphy: (Sighs)

Kay: I just hope the talk they're having diffuses things, because, my God, if not, Nina loses her best friend.

Ronan: When I joined the FBI, they did a background check.

Nina: Is that when you found out that your parents were...

Ronan: Had bought me from someone who snatched me when I was a baby? Yeah.

Nina: It must have been a shock for you.

Ronan: Then I read your book. And, um, got the whole ugly truth of it.

Nina: Why didn't you call me?

Ronan: I thought about it.

Nina: But what held you back?

Ronan: You had a successful career going on. You did.

Nina: No.

Ronan: Yeah. You had another son. I mean... and, um, and I was about to start a job that makes, uh, makes personal relationships nearly impossible, so... (Sighs)

Nina: (Sighs) How long have you known?

Chris: When Ronan realized this case would bring us to Genoa City.

Ronan: By that time, Chris and I were in... we were in way too deep to tell you.

Nina: What about that picture that we found, and that Paul had enhanced? I mean, it was--

Chris: I-I-I felt terrible about that, but I couldn't let it blow his cover. I...

Nina: (Sighs)

Ronan: I need you to know everything I've done to hide my identity wasn't just about this case, okay? It was about our family.

Nina: Our family.

Ronan: (Sighs) (Clears throat) (Sniffles)

Chris: I, um, I hate to do this, but it's time.

Nina: Oh, God.

Chris: We have to.

Ronan: It is.

Nina: So soon? I just...

Chris: I know.

Phillip: You take care of yourself, okay? Okay.

Nina: I'll be praying for the day that you can come back. (Sobs)

Chance: The moon, Mom. Remember the moon.

Nina: (Sobs)

Chance: Okay. Okay. Come on.

Nina: I love you, Phillip. I love you. (Sobs)

Chance: I love you, too, Mom.

Nina: Um, if you ever want to call me sometime or... (Sighs)

Ronan: I'd like that. I would.

Nina: Okay. No, no. I'm so sorry. (Sobs) Take care of yourself.

Ronan: Yeah, you, um, you, too.

Nina: Okay.

Ronan: Okay. (Clears throat)

Nina: (Sobs)

(Engine starts)

Nina: Bye. (Sighs)

Nina: (Sighs)

Skye: Thanks again for meeting with me.

Woman: Is your husband joining us?

Skye: Yes, uh, he must be running late. I'll just give him a call.

Adam: No need.

Skye: Here he is. I knew you wouldn't disappoint me.

Heather: I think any talk of my running for district attorney is, um, premature.

Victor: You strike me as an ambitious young lady.

Heather: I suppose.

Victor: So I imagine that after the experience of being in charge you'd find it difficult to just revert back to being the assistant district attorney.

Heather: I will take your suggestion under advisement.

Victor: It's more than that. I'm making you an offer.

Heather: What kind of an offer?

Victor: To bankroll your campaign for district attorney.

Heather: In exchange for what?

Victor: In return, you promise me, if elected, you will go after Adam Wilson Newman with everything you have got.

Paul: Well, look, I had no idea you were feeling this way.

Nikki: I didn't want anybody to know.

Paul: Have you been going to your A.A. meetings?

Nikki: Oh, I've been so busy. I-I know that's no excuse. I know.

Paul: Listen to me, okay? If you need to talk to somebody, call me. I mean it. Anytime, day or night. Promise?

Nikki: Okay. I feel better already. I do.

Paul: Okay.

Nikki: Thank you.

Esther: There are a mountain of leftovers from the reception.

Chloe: I-I can't eat.

Kay: Um, maybe later, Esther. Thank you.

(Front door closes)

Kay: You've been gone so long, we were beginning to worry.

Chris: I'm sorry. I wanted to talk to Nina and Phillip privately.

Phillip: The reception-- ev-everybody's gone now?

Jill: It's a long story. We'll fill you in later.

Kay: How are you?

Phillip: I'm managing.

Chloe: Nina?

Nina: Honestly, I can't put into words what I'm feeling right now.

Kay: Nina, your son was a wonderful man. And we're all so sorry he's gone.

Nina: (Sighs)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Mac: You want me to, um...

J.T.: Have our baby.

Jack: Should I get us a room now, or do we wait to finish these drinks?

Adam: If you push me any further, I might... just... snap.

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