Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/16/10 -- Canada; Friday 9/17/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9486 ~ Christine's Plea
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Phillip: I don't understand you.
Chris: If we could just --
Chloe: We-you--back off. Why he did just let me talk to you alone?
Nina: Get away! Don't come near him! Get out!
Chris: Please! I want to speak with-- I don't want to upset you any more than you already are.
Nina: Well, then why would you release his killer and then bring him to his funeral?
Chris: You know Ronan’s FBI. You know he's been working on this investigation for months. Look, it was Owen Pomerantz who ordered the hit. He forced Ronan’s hand.
Nina: I don't want to hear it!
Chris: You have to know why he did it. He was acting in self-defense. He couldn't blow his cover. Nina, he couldn’t. He couldn't ruin this investigation.
Nina: Would you just stop?! I am trying to say good-bye to my son!
Phillip: You need to leave us alone.
Paul: Y-you--back off. This is not right. Just back off.
Heather: God.
Jill: The D.A. heading a drug ring?
Kevin: I mean, I knew he was a bastard, just not a murderer.
Chloe: Well, it's still Ronan who pulled the trigger.
Brock: Surely, there's a better time and place for these arrests.
Chris: It couldn't wait.
Nina: Yeah. Yeah, once again, the case is more important than Chance. You couldn't protect him. You released his killer. Now we can't even mourn our son in private.
Chris: (Sighs)
Owen: You're gonna regret this. You're gonna wind up as dead as your brother.
Ronan: (Scoffs)
Owen: Heather, come on. You're not gonna fall for this. Y-you've been sorry every time you trusted this guy.
Kevin: I think it would be smart for you to leave with them.
Ronan: I know that you guys don't want to deal with me right now. But there's something I need you to know. Would you just--would you please just hear me out?
Nikki: Look. How are you, Katherine? Are you in any pain?
Murphy: Um, any dizziness at all?
Kay: Mm, mm, f-f--I'm fine.
Murphy: Oh, oh, oh. Here, just rest. Come on.
Nikki: Don't sit up. Here. Here.
Murphy: Don't push yourself.
Nikki: Have some water.
Kay: Stop fussing.
Murphy: Oh, that's a good sign-- already telling us what to do.
Nikki: (Chuckles) Yeah.
Murphy: I'll get the doc.
Kay: Mm.
Nikki: Thanks, Murphy.
Kay: What happened?
Nikki: Well, you fainted. The doctors don't know why yet. It might just be that you needed the rest.
Kay: Don't worry. No, don't worry. I've got a lot of living to do.
Nikki: And there are a lot of people who need you.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Murphy: Well, she's her usual self. But she doesn't have a lot of energy which is--is-- is not at all usual.
Doctor: Well, there's a wide range of possibilities for that. We're gonna narrow 'em down for you as soon as we can. I'll check in with your wife in just a moment.
Murphy: Okay.
Tucker: Murphy, how is she?
Murphy: We don't know yet. What were you talking about when she collapsed?
Tucker: Um, well, what a sad day it's been. Uh...
Murphy: Yeah?
Tucker: Are you thinking I did something to bring this on? Huh?
Jill: Tucker! Murphy! How is she? What's happening?
Murphy: Um, we don't have any answers yet. They're waiting on test results, but she doesn't look well.
Brock: Can we see her?
Murphy: The nurse will show you.
Brock: Okay, come on.
Murphy: Not you.
Tucker: What?
Murphy: In case you haven't noticed, I'm worried as hell, and I'm not taking any chances, so... you just stay put.
Ronan: I'm not here to upset anybody. I'm not here to insult Chance's memory. These arrests here today-- this is what he wanted.
Heather: He wanted to make them himself, but that's not possible because you killed him.
Ronan: And I can't undo that, Heather. All I can do is take the evidence that he got us and use it the way that he would have. And I'm gonna clear his name. Everyone's gonna know that Chance was the hero of this investigation.
Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, so he was a hero, and you were the survivor.
Ronan: There could have been no survivors, Chloe. If I wouldn't have defended myself, Meeks would have killed him and me.
Chloe: Is that supposed to make me feel better?
Ronan: I did the best I could. I tried to protect him.
Heather: And you failed.
Ronan: A-and I failed.
Heather: At least people will know that Chance died fighting the good fight.
Chloe: (Scoffs) Don't--don't do that.
Heather: What?
Chloe: Glorify it. Glorify it, like it was some noble death. This was not some beautiful sacrifice for the greater good. It was just a waste!
Nina: (Scoffs) What is it gonna take?!
Phillip: I don't understand you.
Chris: If we could just go someplace private--
Nina: Yeah, I'm supposed to leave my son to listen to you.
Chris: I promise you, you're gonna want to hear what I have to say.
Nina: You think I care about your big arrests?
Chris: Look, you have to know in your heart how much I love you, and how it hurts me to see you go through this. I would never be here and do this unless I had good reasons. Please, please let me explain to you.
Nina: No, my son is dead. Explain that to me! You can’t.
Paul: Look, this is just gonna have to wait, you know?
Chris: No. Wait.
Paul: It's not fair at all.
Chris: I am asking you, please, please get her to listen to me.
Paul: Yeah, why should I do that?
Chris: Because you trust me.
Paul: You know something? Before, I would have.
Chris: There are things she has to hear. It will help her. I swear.
Nikki: Murphy said you had a dizzy spell yesterday.
Kay: After Jill’s toast. (Clears throat) Well, it was lovely-- about cherishing the family because none of us know how much time that we have left.
Nikki: Katherine?
Kay: Just resting my eyes. How's that guest list coming for the wedding?
Nikki: Well, it's, um, it's coming along. It's not done yet, but it should be soon. We're keeping it smaller-- smaller than I expected, because Victoria won't be coming. I-I almost feel like...
Kay: Mm.
Nikki: Putting the whole thing off until...
Kay: Mm.
Nikki: Victoria and her father make up.
Kay: Mnh-mnh.
Nikki: What do you think about that?
Kay: Mnh-mnh. Mnh-mnh.
Nikki: Do you still want me to keep talking?
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: Oh, my darling Katherine. What would I do without you? (Sighs) To talk to and laugh with and... confide in? You've helped me so much over the years. And I need you. I need your strength. I'm gonna tell you something now. The real reason that I left early yesterday... I couldn't wait to get home and pour myself a drink. And I did. But I didn't drink it. I came so close... so close to losing my sobriety. And I don't know why. Why after all this time... (Sighs) It is so intense, the urge to drink. And, Katherine, you know. You have fought this same disease and won. And I need you. I-I need your advice. I need your strength. I need my sponsor. (Sighs) I need my best friend.
Nikki: Oh, Doctor. She--she's just sleeping.
Doctor: Did, uh, did she seem confused or disoriented?
Nikki: No, not at all. She was very alert.
Brock: How long before we discover just what caused this?
Doctor: Well, the blood test results should be back any minute. That'll determine the next step-- whether we do a cat scan, possibly an M.R.I.
Murphy: Um, from the questions you've been asking, you're worried that she may have had a stroke, aren't you?
Doctor: Well, her history of mini strokes does put her at high risk, but it's too soon to make that assessment. I'll see what I can do to hurry those results along.
Nikki: Thank you.
Jill: No. No, this can't be happening.
Brock: Okay, look, there's no reason to assume the worst, okay? (Sighs)
Jill: Oh, God, if you dare try to tell me to have faith on the day we laid my grandson to rest, I sw--
Nikki: Jill, please. Brock is simply saying that we shouldn't panic.
Murphy: Yeah, Jill, I know you were in the hospital with your mother a while ago, but this is not the same thing at all.
Jill: Murphy, I want to believe that, but--
Kay: Uh...
Jill: Oh, Lord! (Sighs)
Kay: All this jabbering. How can anyone sleep with all this jabbering?
Nikki: There. You see? She is as clearheaded and sharp-tongued as ever.
Jill: You pull these stunts just to irritate me.
Kay: (Sighs)
Brock: Oh, Duchess, what ever happened to you taking better care of yourself?
Kay: (Chuckles)
Brock: (Chuckles)
Kay: I guess I just don't have a choice now, do I?
Brock: (Chuckles)
Murphy: Well, you got that right.
Kay: Oh, why-- why aren't you at the house taking care of Nina and Phillip?
Jill: Oh, they aren't there yet.
Kay: Well, why wouldn't they be?
Jill: It's nothing you need to worry about right now.
Kay: Oh, now did something happen at the funeral?
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: Don't treat me like an invalid, damn it. Now what is going on?
Owen: (Sighs)
Heather: You ordered the hit on Chance. You had the bomb placed in my car.
Owen: You--you believe Ronan Malloy of all people? He--he gunned down Chance in cold blood.
Heather: Yeah, and you were there... not to do the bust-- to make sure Ronan followed your orders. And then you came to Chance's funeral and saluted him.
Owen: Ronan is lying, just like he did when--when-- when he--when he-- he--he tricked me into firing you, huh? Remember that?
Heather: I don't trust Ronan. But I don't have to. I saw your face when you realized he was FBI. You were petrified. That's all the proof I need to know that you are guilty as sin.
Owen: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: Was it just two hours ago that we were here and I so thought I had it together?
Kevin: Well, it shouldn't be such a shock...
Chloe: (Sighs)
Kevin: Finding out that Pomerantz is such a lowlife. I mean, the way he went after me last year after all the hell I'd been through... it's like he didn't care about the truth or justice. He just cared about winning. And he's got a mean streak, like, a mile wide to boot.
Chloe: Well, Chance had no idea. But he definitely had his doubts about Meeks.
Kevin: And Ronan.
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: And this whole time, you've been beating yourself up for trusting the guy, but the more the truth comes out, it seems like maybe your instincts were right. Chance's were wrong.
Ronan: Jansen was picked up at the gym, and we got Butler at his kid's spelling bee.
Chris: Everyone's accounted for.
Ronan: Yeah, and Pomerantz has already been booked. You know, typically, I-- this is when I'd be heading out to, uh, get hammered to celebrate.
Chris: Not tonight, huh?
Ronan: No. No. I'm--I'm still gonna get hammered.
Chris: Is this as close as you come to admitting emotion?
Ronan: Don't do that. I feel as bad as you do.
Chris: Yeah, I don't know about that. My best friend lost her son because of the decisions we made.
Ronan: (Quietly) I told you. I told you, there was no other way.
Chris: Okay, and I don't know if I believe that. Nina definitely won't, even if I get the chance to explain it to her, which I don't know if she'll let me have the chance.
Ronan: She has to.
Nina: (Sniffles)
Paul: Listen, um, nobody would blame you if you didn't want to talk to Chris. Whatever you decide, you know you have my support.
Nina: You want me to reconsider? I...
Paul: She says what she has to tell you will help you through this. So who knows? I mean, you know, maybe Chance said or... or did something that she could pass on.
Nina: (Scoffs)
Paul: I mean it. It might--it might bring you some... small measure of peace.
Nina: She can write me a letter. How's that?
Phillip: I-I got some questions, you know? I got... there's some things I'd like to know.
Nina: Oh, God. Okay. Fine. (Sighs) (Sighs) I don't have a lot of time, all right? We're expected back at the house.
Chris: Well, we can't talk here. The reporters are on their way.
Nina: (Scoffs)
Chris: No, listen, there is an agent outside who will bring you to a private place, and then he'll bring you to Katherine’s after we have a chance to talk.
Nina: They're already wondering where we are.
Paul: It--it's okay. I'll tell them you're on your way.
Nina: (Sighs)
Chris: It won't take long.
Nina: Fine.
Chris: Thank you.
Nina: (Sobs)
Heather: There’s never been a bigger hard-ass about doing things by the book. And all the while, you're running a drug ring?
Owen: These are false charges.
Heather: You're on tape ordering Chance's murder.
Owen: It's a scam set up by the FBI to protect one of their own.
Heather: When I think of you suspending me, firing me... for bending the rules... mm, well, who's gonna rein me in now? I guess there'll be nobody to stop me from pulling strings, making sure that you serve your time in the middle of the most violent, hard-core criminals you have ever convicted.
Owen: Oh, good luck with that.
Heather: I won't need luck. I'll have Chance looking out for me.
Heather: (Sighs) (Inhales deeply) (Exhales) (Sighs) (Breathing raggedly)
Paul: Hey, Heather, are you doing okay?
Heather: I... mm... (Sobs)
Chloe: First, we think that Ronan is a cop. And then he's a bad cop. And then he is the FBI. And then he's just a murdering son of a bitch.
Kevin: But maybe not. I mean, if Nina’s best friend, the federal agent, is vouching for him, a-and the FBI is willing to let him go...
Chloe: So then he killed Chance because of self-defense?
Kevin: He was sincerely trying to get him to back off the case.
Chloe: He was scared for himself, you know? He thought that Chance was after him.
Kevin: (Sighs) You know, but that-- that's what it was supposed to look like, right? I mean, if you're undercover, the whole point is that you want people to think that you're, like, a bad dude.
Chloe: (Sighs) I know you're just trying to help. You have been helping. You have been. It's just been one of the worst days of my life. And I don't know what I would have done if you weren't here. But... (Sighs) Whatever. I mean, Ronan pretending to be a bad guy when he's a good guy which-- pretending to be a bad guy... (Sighs) He killed Chance. And every time I look at him, that's all I'm going to see.
Kay: I cannot believe it.
Jill: I know. I didn't want to tell you, but it's gonna be all over the news soon.
Nikki: When I think of all the self-righteous speeches Pomerantz has given about, "Nobody is above the law," and--
Murphy: Yeah, well, he's gonna find out how true that really is.
Nikki: Yes, he is.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Kay: All the more reason that you should be at home watching or whatever, but just take care of Nina and Phillip. My God, they must be in a state.
Nikki: Jill, go right ahead if you want. I-I'll--I'll take care of things here. It's no problem.
Jill: Nikki, Nina and Phillip will want to know how you are, and I'm not gonna leave here until I have something to tell 'em.
Kay: A-all right, then make yourself useful. Go and find the doctor and find out what is taking so long.
Jill: Okay, all right.
Kay: Um, do me a favor, Nikki?
Nikki: Sure.
Kay: Uh, Murph's not gonna believe I'm my old self again until I beat his pants off at gin rummy, so...
Murphy: (Chuckles)
Nikki: You need a deck of cards?
Kay: Would you please?
Nikki: I'll be right back.
Kay: Thank you.
Brock: Hey, Duchess, you gonna send me on an errand, too? (Chuckles)
Kay: (Chuckles) Oh, I'd just like some time alone with-- with the husband here. You understand.
Brock: I'll check back later.
Kay: All right, thank you.
Brock: Should I tell him, uh, it's not a good time?
Murphy: There's not gonna be a good time. He was arguing with her when she collapsed, and I'm not gonna have any more of that.
Brock: (Sighs) Okay, I'll talk to him.
Murphy: Hey. Sweetie, you want to close your eyes? I'll be very happy to stay here with you.
Kay: Uh, Murphy, we really have to talk. There's some things that we should be clear on just in case, um, in case the news is not so good.
Murphy: Why don't we just wait and see what the doctor has to say?
Kay: Why? Because this is probably the only time we're gonna have to be alone for quite a while.
Murphy: You are gonna be fine. You're gonna be home before you know it.
Kay: Murphy. Murphy.
Murphy: There's no need to talk about--
Kay: Murphy. Murphy. Murphy. Murphy. We have to have this conversation.
Murphy: (Sighs) It doesn’t mean I have to agree with you. Probably, it is nothing serious. But it doesn't hurt to be prepared.
Katherine: As you know, I have a living will that specifies I do not want to be kept alive by artificial means.
Murphy: Well, you-- you told me before.
Kay: Yes, I-I-I-I know I did. But I got the feeling you're not entirely comfortable with that.
Murphy: (Sighs) It's, uh, it's a tough one, Katherine, because if the situations were reversed...
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Murphy: Um, I'd want them to do everything possible to keep me going.
Kay: Even if it means being hooked up to a machine? Living in a vegetative state?
Murphy: Things change. There's a new doctor, a-a new procedure. It could turn-- turn it all around.
Kay: Yeah, but what I am talking about-- a decision where there's no hope...
Murphy: (Sighs) There's always hope. That's my point.
Kay: No. Oh, the idea of being confined to a hospital bed, unable to move or communicate... it just seems like... uh, uh, a living hell... a living hell. I want to live until I die, just like I said in my book.
Murphy: (Sighs)
Kay: And if I die... I want to die like I lived-- dignity. And just in case it's impossible for me to make that decision, I've got to know that you will respect my wishes. Murph, prolonging life is one thing. Prolonging death... please. Oh, please don't subject me to that. Please.
Murphy: I-I-I don't want to ever see you suffer. But I've seen someone pull the plug, and--and to this day, I feel that it was the wrong decision. If I-- if I have to picture myself letting you go, I don't--I don't know if I could do that.
Kay: Oh, Dear.
Murphy: Losing you... it scares the heck outta me.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Murphy: (Sobs)
Kay: Oh, Murph, Murph, Murph, Murph... I will always be with you one way or another, won't I? (Chuckles)
(Door opens)
Doctor: Sorry to interrupt.
Murphy: Um, you--you got the test results?
Jill: You, um, need a cat scan. They're gonna take you now.
Kay: Oh, okay.
Murphy: So, um, are you ready to roll?
Nikki: Now don't you worry. Your cards will be here waiting for you.
Kay: Oh, thank you. But now I want the two of you to go home. Please go home.
Nikki: Yes, Ma'am.
Murphy: Ah, okay.
Doctor: Excuse us.
Jill: You know, there's really no reason for you to stay.
Nikki: Oh, no, it's fine, Jill. Actually I have some things I want to discuss with her.
Jill: Really, Nikki? Really? With everything she has to deal with, you want to dump your personal problems in her lap?
Nikki: Are you worried that I am gonna add to her stress?
Jill: You're damn right I am.
Nikki: Well, then I assume you'll be the one who's leaving, since you're the one who stresses her out the most.
Tucker: If Murphy thinks I had anything to do with puttin' her in that hospital bed, he's wrong.
Brock: I'm sure you can understand as to why he would be so concerned.
Tucker: I'm concerned. I'm concerned. And as her son, I have as much right as you do to be in there.
Brock: (Chuckles) No, no, not if you're gonna get her upset.
Tucker: I have no intention of doing that. (Sighs) Listen, I admit we got off on the wrong foot.
Brock: The wrong foot? (Chuckles) Man, you deceived her. You stripped her of her life's work in the most hurtful, demeaning way possible.
Tucker: We've come a long way since then. You ask her.
Brock: If you and Mother-- if you can heal those wounds, hey, I'm more than happy for you. But the family's not willing to gamble with her health.
Tucker: I'm a part of that family, too, whether you like it or not. You hear me?
Brock: (Sighs) Hey, Murph, anything?
Murphy: She's, uh, in radiology for a cat scan.
Brock: Okay.
Murphy: Uh, you can stick around for the results, or I can call you. I want to be there when she gets back.
Brock: I'm goin' with you.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Nina: Well, this is just creepy. Why would they bring us out to the middle of nowhere? And why is he leaving?
Phillip: I don't think he's leaving. I think he's giving us privacy.
Nina: Oh, now they think of that after crashing our son's funeral?
Phillip: What happened to Christine?
Nina: This is just ridiculous. We're not gonna wait here. Will you take us back, please?
Phillip: Ni-Nina.
Nina: What?
Phillip: Christine.
(Car pulls up)
Jill: Katherine enjoys sparring with me. It adds zest to her life.
Nikki: (Laughs sarcastically) Oh, yeah, right.
Jill: What really raises her blood pressure is the sheer boredom of listening to your little family dramas year in and year out. Making up with Victor, breaking up with Victor, ad nauseam, wondering which one of your children or stepchildren is in jail. Do you have one of those little erase boards in your kitchen so you can keep track of who's in the orange jumpsuit this week?
Nikki: You know what? It wasn't my family who caused this crisis. It was your grandson who died.
Jill: (Gasps) Oh, my God. Well, you know what? You got me there.
Nikki: I'm so sorry. I-I-I didn't mean that. I'm sorry.
Jill: Chance was the light of our lives. Everybody loved him. Everybody.
Nikki: Jill, I'm so sorry for your loss. I-I don't-- I-I shouldn't have said that.
Jill: My mother died earlier this year. Would you like to take a shot at her, too?
Nikki: Please just, uh, tell Katherine I'll be back later.
Jill: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Heather: (Sighs) Once again, I put my trust into somebody that I shouldn't have.
Paul: (Sighs)
Heather: Do I have no judgment whatsoever?
Paul: That's not true. You believed in Chance, and you were right. And I think that it... it really meant a lot to him because he knew how much faith you had in him.
Heather: Yeah. I think it did. But... (Sighs) Now I have to live with knowing that I put him at risk keeping Owen appraised of every step of our investigation.
Paul: You were doing your job. No one could have known that. I mean, come on, Heather. The truth was so well hidden, it took the FBI years to uncover it. Chance was just... (Sighs) Caught up in something much bigger and more complex than any of us knew.
Nina: What is he doing here? We didn't agree to this.
Phillip: Why do you keep pushing her into this?
Chris: Look, I promise you, it's all gonna make sense soon.
Nina: We never should have come here. I am so fed up with this. I've got a houseful of family waiting for me.
Ronan: You have family right here.
Nina: (Sighs) You may be my son, which is very hard for me to believe, but you will never be family.
(Car door closes)
Chance: Mom.
Nikki: Victor? Hello? Anybody here?
Nikki: (Sighs) (Sighs)
Doctor: Okay, you did not have a stroke or a seizure.
Kay: Oh.
Jill: Wow.
Brock: Well, then what-- what caused her to pass out?
Doctor: Dehydration and exhaustion.
Murphy: Oh.
Doctor: Now if you promise me you'll get some more rest, I can send you home in a few hours.
Murphy: Aw, thank you, Doctor.
Jill: Oh, that's fabulous. Oh, Doctor, thank you so much.
Brock: That's fantastic.
Murphy: (Sighs)
Kay: (Chuckles)
Murphy: Well, looks like, uh, we won't have to deal...
Brock: Thank you.
Murphy: With the big issues just yet.
Kay: You're gonna put up with me for a good, long time, Murph.
Murphy: Mwah.
Jill: (Laughs) (Sighs)
Heather: Owen's in for it now.
Paul: I guess so-- the state attorney general.
Heather: Sir, uh, I don't know if you remember me. I'm A.D.A. Heather Stevens.
Man: I do remember. In fact, I'm here looking for you.
Heather: Me?
Man: I need to appoint someone to replace Pomerantz. You're familiar with the cases. You've been highly recommended. Will you serve as D.A. till the next election?
Heather: I... uh, yes. Of course. Thank you very much.
Man: It'll be a challenge, but you're up to it.
Paul: My daughter the D.A.
Heather: Interim D.A. am I crazy for doing this? I mean, the--the entire department is a mess.
Paul: You're the perfect person to clean it up.
Heather: Help me? I-I'm gonna need a good investigator.
Paul: Is the first order of business to take down Pomerantz?
Heather: You better believe it.
Paul: Then you can count me in.
Heather: (Sighs)
Chloe: Okay, well, you be a good girl for Nana, okay? You want to-- you want to say good night to--to Uncle Kevin?
Kevin: Hey, Delia. You want to sing the "Gabba Gabba!" Song? Ready? And a-one, and-- no, Delia, no, no, it's okay. It's okay. We don't--we don't need to sing. Hold--hold on. Gosh, am I really that bad?
Chloe: (Sighs) Baby girl, are you okay? What's--what's wrong? Mom? Mom, what's--why-- why is she crying? (Sighs) Okay, um, okay, well, you just give her a kiss and tuck her in, and I'll be there as soon as I can, okay? Okay, good night.
Chloe: (Voice breaking) She wants Chance. I know she does, 'cause he reads her bedtime stories every night. She doesn't understand, Kevin.
Kevin: I know.
Chloe: (Sobs) She doesn't understand, Kevin.
Kevin: I know. I know. It's okay. It's okay.
Chloe: (Sniffles)
Nina: (Gasps) Oh!
Chance: (Sighs)
Phillip: Oh. (Chuckles)
Chance: I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry.
Phillip: Thank God.
Chance: Come here. Come here.
Phillip: Thank God! Look at you. (Laughs)
Chance: I know. I know. It's okay, okay? I'm fine.
Nina: (Laughs) I should be furious with you, but I'm too happy! Oh! (Sobs) Oh, can you imagine their faces when we bring him home?
Chance: Mom?
Nina: (Laughs)
Chance: Mom, hey. (Sighs) I can't come home.
Nina: Why?
Chance: I'm going into witness protection. You four are the only ones that can ever know that I'm alive.
Nina: I-I don't understand. You've made your arrests. They're all in jail. What's the problem?
Chris: The drug ring here has connections to organized crime all around the world.
Ronan: This is just one of their franchises.
Nina: Wha--
Ronan: There's still plenty of people out there to come gunning for Chance if they figure out his death was a hoax.
Chance: Yeah.
Nina: (Sighs) How long? How long do you have to be in hiding?
Chance: This may be the last time we ever see each other, Mom.
Nina: What?
Chance: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Skye: Wait till they find out you helped Patty Williams escape.
Nina: I just found my other son. I hope I'm not gonna lose you, too.
Victor: I'm making you an offer to bankroll your campaign for district attorney.
Heather: In exchange for what?
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