Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/15/10 -- Canada; Thursday 9/16/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9485 ~ Ronan and Chris Crash Chance's Funeral
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Chloe: You want some coffee?
Kevin: Wow, you look...
Chloe: I look, what?
Kevin: A lot more together than I would be... maybe too together.
Chloe: All right, well, I'm fine. I just... (Sighs) I just want to get through this, okay? I just want to get to Chance's funeral and just have it be over with.
Kay: So, my darling, how was the flight?
Brock: Um, long.
Kay: (Chuckles)
Phillip: I know about long flights.
Brock: Hey, Phillip. I'm very sorry about your son.
Phillip: Thanks.
Brock: Hello, Jill. (Chuckles)
Jill: I was so glad when Katherine said that you were coming.
Brock: Shh. You know, I don't care what your last name is. In my heart, you'll always be my sister.
Jill: Thank you.
Esther: I thought I heard your voice.
Brock: Esther, how are you? Nice to see you.
Esther: Oh, I'm grateful for plenty to do so I don't have to think. I made you some coffee just the way you like.
Brock: Aw, thank you so much.
Murphy: I'm glad you're home, too. Now maybe you can convince your mom...
Kay: Oh, stop it.
Murphy: To take better care of herself.
Esther: Yeah, she almost fainted last night.
Kay: Oh, if you would just stop fussing over me! We have enough to deal with today.
Brock: You certainly seem like yourself, but for all our sakes, Duchess, would you promise me you'll just take it easy, please?
Kay: Oh, I-I--
Paul: Hello.
Kay: Oh, Paul, Heather, come in, Darlings. Come in. Hi, Darling, how are you?
Paul: Good morning, everyone.
Esther: I'll get you some coffee.
Paul: Brock! Thank you, Esther. Good to see you.
Brock: Hey, Paul. Good to see you.
Cane: So do we have any news about Chance's killer?
Heather: Owen is taking the lead on this one himself. He's determined to see Ronan put away.
Phillip: I still can't believe that they're both Nina's kids.
Paul: How is Nina?
Jill: We don't know. She hasn't come down yet this morning.
Kay: Ronan's case will take care of itself, but right now, Nina is the one that we should be worrying about, everyone-- Nina.
Nina: Phillip.
[Nina remembering]
Chance: (Grunts)
Nina: Hi. (Laughs) It's your mommy. Oh, look at you. You're beautiful.
(Knock on door)
Nina: Come in.
Paul: Hi.
Nina: Hi. (Sighs shakily)
Paul: You weren't in your room, so I figured you'd be here.
Nina: I just thought if I could be around his things, it might... I just feel a little closer to him. (Sobs)
Paul: I know.
Nina: I don't think I can do this.
Paul: Yes, you can.
Nina: (Sobs)
Billy: Decaf.
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: Yes, Ma'am.
Victoria: It was fun last night, wasn't it? Your daughter's first night in our new home.
Billy: Yeah, I had a blast.
Victoria: Mm-hmm. Yeah, I did, too. It was kind of nice having a little girl around. Who knows? Maybe that's what we're expecting.
J.T.: You're pregnant? Well, I was wondering how you could top getting arrested at your own wedding. But, hey, having a baby in jail, that's-- that's pure genius.
Victoria: I'm not going to jail. The charges were dropped.
Billy: Yeah, Victor came around and he, uh, got her off the hook.
J.T.: Oh, you're kidding yourselves if you believe that. You're gonna be on Victor's hook till the day you die.
Michael: You're lucky justice was willing to settle. Given your prior bribery conviction, I'd say we got off light.
Victor: Considering the amount of the fine, "Lucky" is not the word that I would choose. On top of that, Victoria has shown absolutely no gratitude, although I am paying for her mistakes.
Nikki: You know, on a day like today, you should be cherishing your children, not criticizing them. Oh, I'm sorry. I guess I'm a little on edge because of the funeral.
Victor: I guess you are. Uh, before we leave, Abby came to tell me something last night.
Ashley: Here you go, Sweetie.
Abby: Oh, thanks. So I'm dropping the lawsuit against dad.
Ashley: Oh, my God. (Sighs) You couldn't have given me a better gift.
Abby: (Sighs) Well, you know, I just figured it wasn't worth the hassle.
Ashley: (Sighs) You're very quiet. Why?
Jack: If Abby wants to give the guy who mismanaged her trust a pass, that's her business.
Ashley: You know, it was painful for me to have Abby and her father so at odds. And life's too short, isn't it, Honey? I mean, all the money in the world can't replace someone you love.
Abby: That's true.
Neil: Hey, Guys.
Jack: Hey, Neil.
Ashley: Hi.
Neil: Well, looks like we're all headed to the same place.
Abby: Yeah, you know, I knew that Chance was in the army. I knew he was a cop, and he led a dangerous life. You just... you never think that...
Jack: Yeah, I know. You never do. That's why you gotta grab what you can while you can.
Neil: So, Jack, how are things going now that you're headin' up Jabot again? I imagine you have some very big things in the works.
Tucker: How's Katherine doing today?
Brock: Oh, she talks a good game, but, uh, Chance was very special to her. It's taken its toll.
Tucker: I'm afraid you're right.
Kay: Oh, Tucker. Oh, I'm so glad you're here, Darling. Oh. (Sighs)
Brock: Hi, Duchess.
Kay: You have no idea what it means having both my sons here with me.
Brock: (Chuckles)
Nina: Oh, I can't get this clasp.
Paul: Here, let me.
Nina: I'll do it.
Paul: Okay?
Nina: Chance gave me this before he shipped out. Why didn't you tell me about Ronan?
Paul: I swear, Sweetheart. I had no idea he was your son.
Nina: Yeah, but you knew he was FBI. If I had known, too, maybe things would be different, you know? Maybe... maybe he wouldn't have ended up in that warehouse lying there.
Nina: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
Paul: Look, um, why don't I get you some water?
Nina: I just wish I could have stopped him.
Paul: I know.
Nina: How could Ronan do it? How could he pull the trigger knowing Chance was his brother? Is it just the way he is? Or... or did he get that way because he thinks I abandoned him?
Ronan: Don't start in with me again. I hate what happened, too. I had no choice.
Chris: (Sighs) I agreed to let you handle things your way. And because of that, your brother's funeral is today. And now we both have to live with that.
Jack: Well, we'd better head to the church.
Neil: You know, after almost losing Lily, I can only imagine what Nina's going through.
Jack: And to lose one son at the hands of another... (Sighs)
Neil: Yeah.
Abby: Um, uh, can I ride with you guys?
Ashley: Of course.
Neil: Okay. Ladies.
Sid: Poor Detective Chancellor.
Owen: Yeah.
Man: What a shame.
Owen: Burying one of our problems in the ground and the other in jail-- good work, Gentlemen.
Sid: And ladies.
Owen: Yeah.
(Mugs clink)
Ronan: (Sighs) Chris, I need to make this right.
Chris: (Sighs) I don't see how that's possible.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chris: Nina always trusted me with her son... (Sighs) Even when she believed she might die.
[Chris remembering]
Nina: Please promise me that if anything does happen to me, that you'll take my baby and take care of him for me.
Chris: You want me to--
Nina: I know. (Sniffles) I know it's a lot to ask, but I've already lost one baby to people I don't even know. Somewhere I have a child, and--and I don't know anything about him. I don't know how-- how he lives. And it would just give me so much peace to know that if anything happens to me that my baby is-- is with the one true friend that I've ever had, the one person that I've ever really trusted. (Sighs) Please, Cricket, promise me.
Chris: (Sighs) I made promises to Nina and to Chance.
[Chris remembering]
Chris: So you listen to me. You grow up, and you be big and strong, you hear? You let all of us do all the worrying. You don't have to worry about anything. You see, um, I made your mommy a promise. She wanted to make sure that her beautiful baby boy was gonna be looked after, and--and loved. So she asked me. She asked me to be the one to take care of you. So whatever happens to your mommy-- and I am praying. I am praying nothing will happen to her-- you're gonna be okay. Do you understand me? I... I'm gonna be here for you.
Chris: And now my best friend hates me. She is about to say good-bye to her son today, and... and I can't even be there to help her.
Brock: I'm so sorry, Nina.
Nina: Thank you for coming all this way.
Brock: Okay.
Esther: Um, Sergeant Goldman is here.
Kay: Um, uh, please come in.
Murphy: Sergeant Goldman and Chance were in the service together. Hello, Sergeant.
Esther: May I get you some coffee?
Sergeant Goldman: No, thank you, Ma'am. I'm here to escort the family to the church.
Phillip: Are you ready?
Nina: I'll never be ready for this. This isn't supposed to be. Parents aren't supposed to bury their children. It's just...
Phillip: (Sniffles)
Nina: (Sobs)
Neil: It's always good to see you.
Kay: Thank you, Sweetheart. Ah, Victor, I'm so glad you-- you could be here.
Victor: I am very sorry. Men of his caliber are few and far between.
Nikki: Katherine.
Kay: Hi, Sweetheart.
Nikki: I've been thinking about you all morning.
Kay: (Sighs)
Nikki: I want to make sure you're okay.
Kay: Oh, I'm hanging in there. You know, hanging, but I'm there.
Mac: It's so great to see you. I missed you.
Brock: Oh, Honey, you look wonderful. It just feels great to be home, just to see your face. J.T.
J.T.: Hey.
Brock: How are you, Young man?
J.T.: Doing better all the time.
Brock: Okay, can I ask you something? This beautiful smile on her face--is this any of your doing, by any chance? Am I out of line?
J.T.: Yeah, you know, you might just have to ask her that.
Mac: The short answer would be yes.
Phillip: Traci sent the most beautiful flowers.
Nina: Oh, and wrote a lovely note.
Ashley: If you ever need to talk, please feel free to call me any time.
Nina: Oh, thank you. I'll remember that.
Brock: (Sighs) Everyone, excuse me. Maybe we could all start heading inside and, uh, get things under way. Thank you.
Nina: Okay.
Michael: Hey.
Cane: Hey, Man. Good to see you.
Michael: Lauren sends her condolences.
Jill: (Laughs) It was so nice of her to show up in person.
Michael: Jill, she's out of the country visiting Scotty.
Jill: Michael, Chance was only my grandson. I can see why that wouldn't rate even a call from my own sister.
Cane: All right, Mom, that's--that's--
Jill: (Scoffs)
Cane: Mom, hey. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
Heather: (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sighs)
Chloe: What are you doing here?
Kevin: Hey. Hey. Chloe.
Heather: Chance was a colleague and a friend. I have every right to attend his service.
Chloe: Oh, just like you have every right to seduce my fiancé.
Kevin: Cool it, okay?
Phillip: Um--
Chloe: No, I'm sorry. I had a wonderful relationship with a wonderful man who loved my daughter, and you wanted him all for yourself. So you put him in a dangerous situation.
Esther: Honey, its okay.
Paul: You're grieving. We understand that. Right? But to take it out on Heather is--is not right, either.
Heather: Its okay, Paul.
Paul: It's not okay. This is not the time.
Chloe: Oh, really? Oh, look. Daddy to the rescue. Oh, Chance to the rescue.
Esther: Okay, that's enough.
Chloe: You know what? You make me want to throw up all over myself.
Paul: Let's go inside.
Heather: I cared about Chance. He cared about me, and I am not about to leave just because you can't handle it!
Chloe: You're such a little bitch.
Heather: Oh, really?
Chloe: Yeah.
Kevin: Let's go outside. We'll go outside.
Kay: All right, now this is not the time nor the place. Now both of you, I'm telling you right now, shut your mouths!
Kevin: Come with me.
Paul: Let's go inside.
Brock: Please, can we all be seated so that we can begin?
Nina: I can't believe Pomerantz had the nerve to be here after what he tried to pin on Chance.
Murphy: Nina, Owen's just doing his job. Now Heather says he's going after Ronan with everything he's got.
Brock: Welcome. My name is Brock Reynolds. And, uh, I just want to thank you all for being here, uh, for this celebration of life, of Phillip Robert Chancellor IV, better known as Chance to many of you. I had the privilege of knowing Chance when he was a boy, along with his mother and father Nina and Phillip, his grandmother Jill, his Uncle William, and, of course, there's his extended family, one of which was my beloved mother Katherine Chancellor, my Duchess. (Sighs) So I think we'll start with a few words from them. Phillip, would you be so kind?
Phillip: When my son was first born, the last thing I wanted to do was be a father.
[Phillip remembering]
Chance: (Babbles)
Nina: Look at him, Phillip. He wants to look at you. He wants to know you. And he has every right to know his father.
Phillip: So there I was, holding my little baby, and I couldn't handle it. I ran. And when I came back, Chance forgave me. I think it's such an appropriate nickname that he has. Phillip Chancellor IV-- "Chance." He always gave people chances. I don't know if I deserve to be called his father. But I, you know, I was very proud of my son.
Jill: Life was really chaotic when Chance was born. Do you remember? And his family, aside from Nina and myself, was cobbled together by whoever happened to be living on the estate at the time. And you may think that it would be confusing for a little child to be surrounded by this cast of characters. Believe me, they were characters. But the truth is, he got the best of all of us. You know, he got his mother's devotion and her strength, and he got his father's warmth and his good looks. (Sighs) And he got Katherine’s zest for life. And, Esther, he got your loyalty. And from Brock, he got your generosity and your forthrightness. And from me... he got my determination. Okay, fine, my stubbornness. (Sighs) The point is, in his case, the whole was definitely, definitely larger than the sum of its parts.
Kay: You know, Gentlemen, the world is a better place for Chance having been in it, also. And all of our lives have been enriched just for the knowing of him... just for the knowing of him. And grief is the price that we do pay for love... all of us. And I think it's worth it.
Brock: Hold Chance in the palm of your hand, oh, Lord, along with all the brave souls who've defended our freedom. Send angels to comfort and protect the servicemen and women still at war. Bring them home safely, or if not, hold them close and offer them everlasting life. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Sergeant Goldman: On behalf of the president of the United States and the people of this great nation, I present this flag as a token of appreciation of the honorable and faithful service your loved one rendered this nation.
Nina: Thank you.
(Gunshots) (Gunshots) (Gunshots) ("Taps" playing)
Jill: (Gasps)
Chloe: (Sighs)
Nina: No. No. Not today.
Phillip: Just ignore her.
Nina: How dare...
Heather: He murdered Chance.
(Voices overlapping)
Chloe: Why isn't he in jail?
Owen: Yeah, that's what I'd like to know.
Ronan: I was released.
Owen: On whose authority?
Chris: Mine.
Ronan: I'm FBI. You're all under arrest.
Owen: Look, I don't know what you think you're doing.
Ronan: See, I wasn't wearing the wire, but Chance was, and we have you dead to rights, you son of a bitch. Get your hands up.
Phillip: This is...
(Handcuffs clicking)
Nikki: It was a beautiful service, Katherine.
J.T.: Yeah, and what you said at the end of your speech about grief being the price we pay for love, that was, uh, that was nice.
Kay: Do you know, I still cannot understand how a person can... can be here for one second and the next second, gone.
Cane: Hey, uh, listen, I'm sorry that, you know, Jill went off on you like that.
Michael: Yeah, well, she's going through a lot. I just let it roll off.
Cane: Yeah.
Esther: (Sighs) Help yourself to some appetizers.
Cane: Thank you, Esther. Thank you very much.
Michael: Hmm.
Esther: Okay. There you go.
Neil: Thank you.
Tucker: Oh.
Esther: You know, I'm going to be setting out lunch soon, and I hope you both will stay, 'cause I know it would mean a lot to Mrs. C.
Neil: Is it just me, or does she seem a little fragile?
Tucker: No, I think we've all noticed it.
Esther: She's been just doing way too much lately, trying to be strong for everyone. I know that Murphy's concerned, and so am I.
Tucker: Well, uh, I could try talking to her.
Esther: She might actually listen for a change.
Neil: The whole family must be in shock.
Tucker: Mm.
Neil: When someone's murdered like that in cold blood, let alone by his own brother. Wow. And Ronan knew?
Tucker: Apparently, he showed up here carrying the secret.
Neil: Well, I'll admit, Malcolm and I, we... we've come to some blows before, wanted to beat each other senseless, but this is...
Tucker: Yeah. So tell me, Neil, have you ironed things out with him and Sofia yet?
Neil: It's a family thing, okay? It won't interfere with any of their work.
Tucker: I think we both know that's easier said than done.
Victor: You don't know why Abby dropped the lawsuit?
Ashley: Mnh-mnh. I wasn't even aware that she was thinking along those lines until this morning.
Victor: She certainly hasn't given us much to be proud of since she started that "Heiress" nonsense.
Abby: (Clears throat) What are you guys talkin' about?
Ashley: Hi. How relieved we are that you're not pursuing the lawsuit.
Abby: Well, there are more important things than money, right?
Ashley: Mm-hmm.
Victor: I'm very proud of you.
Billy: (Sighs)
Nikki: I am worried about Katherine. She seems to be taking--
Victoria: Oh, she'll be fine. She's always--
Billy: Hi.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: But back to the other topic. I think that you could at least acknowledge your father's gesture.
Victoria: Oh, the "Thank you for ruining my wedding and having me arrested and thrown in jail"-- that gesture?
Nikki: All right, well, he did admit his culpability.
Victoria: Oh, well, that was very big of him, considering that Mitsukoshi was his deal, and I dropped everything I was doing and went to Japan to save his butt. And how did he acknowledge that? By turning me in to the federal authorities. So excuse me. I'm sorry if I am not as slick at breaking the law as my father is.
Nikki: All right, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. (Quietly) Keep your voice down.
Jack: Problems?
Nikki: No, Jack, no problems.
Victoria: No, no problems.
Jack: Bet I can guess.
Victoria: I'll bet you can, too.
Jack: Pretty good timing on Tucker's part, offering you the job at Jabot last night. I bet we both know how your father's gonna react.
Victoria: Mm, yeah. It would send my father into orbit.
Jack: You gonna take the job?
Victoria: I don't know. I haven't decided yet.
Cane: Bye. See you later, Mate. Take care. Bye-bye.
J.T.: Bye.
Victoria: Uh, we need to pick up Delia from Tiny Tots, and we'd be happy to pick up Reed if you want to stay.
Mac: I'd really like to wait until my dad gets here, catch up a little bit.
J.T.: All right, um, I'll call you later about picking him up.
Victoria: Perfect.
Billy: (Groans)
Victor: (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: I'd like to talk to you.
Victoria: Sorry. I can’t. I gotta go.
Tucker: How you handlin' all this?
Ashley: I don't know. It's a sad day.
Tucker: Mm-hmm.
Ashley: I can't help but think about Colleen.
(Front door opens)
Abby: Hey, I'm taking off. I have an appointment.
Ashley: Okay, Sweetie. Make sure you say good-bye to Katherine.
Abby: (Scoffs) Jeez, Mom, you don't have to tell me that. I'm not 10.
Ashley: You're right. I'm sorry. I did not mean any disrespect.
Abby: Okay, then, um, bye.
Ashley: Bye. (Sighs) My little girl... she makes me crazy sometimes. But today, I just want to hold her in my arms and make sure she knows how much I love her.
Tucker: Yeah. Hey.
Ashley: Hmm?
Tucker: How about some dinner? And then I'll take you home and give you a nice massage.
Ashley: Ooh, sounds like heaven.
Tucker: (Chuckles)
Neil: I'll see you. Bye.
Cane: Bye.
Nikki: Bye-bye. Thank you.
Neil: Bye, Darling.
Cane: See you, Murphy.
Nikki: Bye, Neil.
Victor: All right. Thank you. Yep. That was Nicholas on the phone.
Kay: Oh.
Victor: Something has come up at the office. I need to be there, so I'm gonna have to leave, as well.
Murphy: Yeah, we'll make sure Nikki has a ride home.
Victor: Thank you, Murphy. My regards to Jill.
Kay: Yes.
Victor: Okay, and Nina.
Kay: All right.
Victor: Okay. Murphy, nice to see you.
Murphy: Bye.
Nikki: I'll see you later.
Victor: Okay, my darling.
Kay: (Sighs) Well, I assumed everybody would be here by now. I...
Murphy: Hmm.
Kay: Have to wonder what happened.
Heather: I can't believe this. Owen? I trusted him.
Paul: Yeah, I know. You're not the only one.
Nina: (Sighs) How could you do this? How could you turn my son's funeral into this freak show?
Phillip: How could you do this to Nina, huh? How can you to me today?
Chris: W-wait. I need-- I need to talk to you.
Nina: I'm not gonna listen.
Chris: No, this is what Chance wanted.
Nina: (Scoffs)
Ronan: It's true.
Nina: Shut up! You shut up!
Chris: He specifically said if anything happened--
Nina: Stop it! I don't want to hear it!
Paul: All right. All right.
Nina: Chance is dead, and Ronan killed him, and I don't know how you can do this at my son's funeral!
Chris: I need to talk to you. Please. I need to.
Paul: Go!
Nina: Get away! Get away! Get out! Get out! Now!
(Voices overlapping)
Ronan: Let's go.
Murphy: (Whispers) I love you.
Kay: I know.
Tucker: Katherine, how you holdin' up?
Kay: Do I have "Invalid" stamped on my forehead? Why does everyone keep asking me that?
Tucker: Well, we all know how close you were to Chance. This has to have hit you pretty hard.
Kay: I'm fine. I'm fine.
Tucker: Well, if you'll excuse my saying so, you don't look fine. You seem exhausted.
Kay: (Stammers) I-I-I'm telling you, I-I-I'm fine. If people would just stop hovering over me, and--and stop it, and just let me be...
Tucker: All right. (Sighs) I'm sorry if my concern offended you. I'm just...
Kay: Uh, Tucker, I'm-- I'm doing fine under the circumstances. I'm upset, and I'm sad. I'm... I'm... (Clears throat) Very sad about a lot of things, about a lot of things. Family is very precious to me.
Tucker: (Grunts)
Murphy: Katherine, hey!
Ashley: Oh, my gosh.
Nikki: Oh, my God.
Mac: Get her feet up.
Nikki: Katherine!
Tucker: Somebody call an ambulance! 9-1-1!
Mac: Give me your watch.
(Voices overlapping)
Michael: She looks completely out.
Mac: Grandma, can you hear me?
Jack: I knew something was wrong.
Esther: We need an ambulance. 12 Foothill Road. Please, please hurry.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nina: My son is dead. Explain that to me!
Tucker: I have as much right as you do to be in there.
Kay: Prolonging life is one thing. Prolonging death... don't subject me to that.
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