Y&R Transcript Friday 9/10/10 -- Canada; Monday 9/13/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9482 ~ Billy and Victor Face-Off
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Nina: No! No! No! Oh, my God, no!
Paul: Nina. Nina.
Nina: No! Oh, my God, no!
Paul: Nina.
Nina: My baby!
Paul: Come on, Nina.
Nina: (Sobs) No!
Paul: Nina. Nina.
Nina: You son of a bitch! You son of a bitch!
Paul: Nina! Nina! Stop! Nina! Nina!
Nina: (Screaming)
Owen: Get the gun.
Paul: No, stop, please! Baby. Baby.
Nina: (Screams) No! (Sobbing)
Paul: I know. I know. I know. I know. I know.
Nina: (Sobs)
Sid: Ronan Malloy, you're under arrest for the murder of Phillip Chancellor.
Paul: Calm down. Nina.
Nina: (Sobs) No!
Sid: You have the right to remain silent.
Nina: (Sobbing) No. No. No.
Sid: Anything you say can be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed to you.
Owen: I'm very sorry for your loss.
Sid: You have the right to talk to a lawyer...
Nina: (Sobbing)
Sid: If you cannot afford to hire a lawyer, you will be appointed one to represent you before any questioning. Do you wish one?
Billy: Just say the words.
Judge Anderson: "To honor and cherish, as long as you both shall live."
Victoria: This can't be happening!
Billy: Say the words--health, as long as you both shall live.
Victoria: In sickness and in health, and as long as we both shall live. I totally do.
Billy: I do, too. I do, too. Call it. Call it. Call it!
Judge Anderson: I now pronounce you husband and wife!
Victoria: Billy! Aah!
Judge Anderson: (Sighs) Oh.
Billy: Hey, come on! Come on!
Victoria: Billy!
Nikki: Oh, Victoria!
Billy: Hey, Vicki! Vicki! Vicki! Vicki! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Michael: Billy! Billy! Billy.
Billy: You're Mrs. Abbott. You're Mrs. Abbott!
All: Billy!
Billy: Damn you, Victor.
Billy: Come on. You and I, we're gonna go to the station. We're gonna get my wife.
Michael: Until I speak to Victor, I'm afraid I can’t.
Billy: That's right. That's right. Because you know and I know he set this up, because you're his little boy, aren't you? Aren't you? You're his little boy. You're his little boy.
Vance: I'd be happy to take a look at that case against your wife.
Rafe: Billy, go with the big guns. I'll second if you need me.
Billy: Fine. You're hired. Let's go. Come on.
Ashley: Billy, we'll take care of things here.
Billy: Yeah.
Ashley: Jana and Mac have the kids.
Jill: If you need anything at all...
Kay: Call us!
Nick: You think Dad set this in motion?
Phyllis: Oh, screw around with his family for kicks? No, Victor wouldn't do that. No way.
Nikki: You go down to the station and see what we can do for your sister. In the meantime, I'm gonna deal with your father.
Jill: Let's go. Come on.
Kay: All right.
Victor: And they were respectful to my daughter? Mm-hmm. No. I wasn't pleased about it, but it had to be done. It had to be done now. Okay.
Murphy: Okay, so, uh, what do we do? Are, uh, Victoria and Billy gonna come back?
Rafe: Yeah, I wouldn't count on it.
Kay: (Chuckles) The only thing you can count on at one of Billy's weddings is high drama.
Phillip: But this wasn't his fault.
Kay: Well, it never is. I mean, first with Mac... I mean... well, that was your doing, Jill. Yeah. And with Chloe, that... that was you again. Are you sure you don't have something to do with this?
Jill: Yes, Katherine, I am sure I did not put my pregnant daughter-in-law in jail.
Rafe: All right, I'm gonna head down to the station, uh, see what I can do to help.
Kay: Ah, thank you, Darling.
Rafe: Okay.
Murphy: (Sighs) Uh...
Kay: Our guests over here...
Ashley: Well, I certainly don't want to believe that Victor's behind this.
Jack: I'm sure in his warped mind, he thinks he's protecting his daughter from a fate worse than death-- marriage to an Abbott.
Ashley: But to have Victoria arrested in front of her son? Reed's never gonna get that image out of his mind.
Jack: Well, you know what he says-- "Family comes first." First to feel his wrath when Victor doesn't get his way.
Phyllis: (Chuckles) Victor doesn't care about collateral damage. When he needs something, he just goes for it. I mean, look at Summer... right?
Nick: Excuse us. Come here.
Phyllis: Let go of me.
Nick: Okay, you listen to me. I told you, I do not want Summer anywhere near Deacon, do you hear me?
Phyllis: Oh, Deacon has way less influence on Summer than your lover Sharon who-- who is always in her face, and, uh, got pregnant while we were still married.
Nick: If I have to take her from you to keep her safe, I will do that.
Phyllis: Oh, you go ahead and try. You want to try that? Go ahead.
Deacon: Is he leaving? 'Cause that's a shame. I always seem to get luckier when he's around. Date's over, isn't it?
Phyllis: Yeah.
Deacon: Yeah.
Phyllis: Yeah, it's over.
Deacon: Until next time.
Michael: Okay, are you ready to get out of here?
Phyllis: Does that mean you're gonna lecture me?
Michael: Oh, that's exactly what that means.
Phyllis: Are you buying? (Chuckles)
Michael: Yeah, whatever. Come on.
Phyllis: Hey, I'm leaving. (Sighs)
Daniel: Okay.
Phyllis: Okay.
Daniel: Mm-hmm.
(Indistinct conversation)
Abby: If my dad could do this to Victoria, what is he going to do to me? She was just trying to get married. I'm suing him.
Daniel: You think you're next on his little list?
Abby: I think I'm toast.
Gloria: Hey, good idea. How about a toast to the happy couple? Aw, come on. They did manage to get married.
Jack: Do you really think that's something to celebrate? Come on.
Gloria: Come on, everybody. You don't have to leave. I mean, there's still plenty of food and...
Jill: The happy couple.
Gloria: Drinks.
Phillip: (Clears throat)
Gloria: And don't forget the drinks. (Sighs)
Ronan: (Quietly) So what's the plan?
Owen: (Quietly) The plan is, you pay for your crime.
Ronan: We had a deal.
Owen: And you had a secret. Chance was your brother?
Ronan: We never even met before this case. And so what? You wanted him gone. He's gone.
Sid: It took you long enough. You nearly got me killed.
Owen: And now there are witnesses.
Ronan: Oh, what? Who saw me shoot a rogue cop in self-defense-- that's what they saw.
Owen: No one's gonna buy Chance as the kingpin of a drug ring. But you, on the other hand...
Ronan: If I go down, you're going down with me.
Owen: It's your word against mine, and you're a cop killer.
Chloe: You told Ronan every single move that he made.
Heather: (Whispers) He's FBI.
Chloe: You should have trusted Chance over him. You should have done that.
Nina: He was saying good-bye. I think he knew this might happen. He was so sweet to me today. (Voice cracks) He was saying good-bye.
Nina: Wait.
Nina: You're not really my son, are you?
Ronan: I am.
Nina: (Sobs)
Ronan: I'm sorry.
Nina: What, are you angry? This was revenge? What?
Ronan: No. No, I-- I had no choice.
Nina: No choice? You lured him here. You ambushed him. Why? Your own brother. Why? Why did you do this?
Owen: We'll get to the bottom of this. I promise you.
Chris: I'm so sorry.
Nina: You knew... that he was my son? You knew?
Chris: There were lives at stake.
Nina: You didn't say anything? What lives?
Chris: If we could just--
Nina: Other than Chance's?
Chris: No, wait!
Nina: More important than Chance's?
Chris: If we can just go somewhere else, I can explain. Please.
Nina: No, you can't explain.
Vance: The charge is violation of the foreign corrupt practices act.
Nick: That we know, Vance.
Vance: You're the only one named in the complaint-- not your father, not Newman Enterprises.
Billy: Well, that's interesting.
Victoria: That doesn't prove that Dad was responsible, because there was already an ongoing investigation.
Billy: Yeah, I know. I know. But it concluded on our wedding day.
Vance: Regardless of who's responsible, you're looking at serious prison time, Victoria, up to 20 years.
Victoria: (Sighs) Oh, my God.
Nick: I will do everything I can to help you.
Billy: Well, you better be careful, because Daddy's gonna undermine your every move.
Victoria: You don't think Dad turned me in, do you, Nick?
Nick: It's possible. Vick, I know he loves you a lot, but...
Billy: Just not as much as he hates me.
Jack: He may have done us a fav--
Gloria: On the house. Actually, on your little brother. Leftovers from the wedding reception... although he never actually paid me before running down the street after his bride. Why don't you two do a nice gesture and put your-- unh, unh, unh, unh, unh.
Jack: Gloria, we were in the middle of something. Excuse us, please.
Ashley: (Clears throat)
Gloria: Enjoy.
Jack: As I was saying, I think maybe Billy did us a favor.
Ashley: What, by forcing Victor's hand?
Jack: Victor was desperate to stop that wedding, desperate enough to have his daughter arrested, which means that Newman’s dealings with Mitsukoshi-- Victor had to openly admit-- involved illegal activity.
Ashley: So if the situation becomes enough of a headache...
Jack: He might want to wash his hands of Beauty of Nature.
Ashley: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
Phyllis: Hey.
Michael: Hi.
Ashley: Hi.
Phyllis: (Sighs)
Michael: Some wedding, huh?
Ashley: (Groans)
Jack: Yeah, it had to bring up some memories for you, huh?
Phyllis: For me? Yes. Who knew that I would be starting a Newman tradition by getting arrested on my wedding day?
Abby: Well, you know what? When I get married, I will skip that one. (Sighs)
Phyllis: Yeah, you have a long, long, long time to plan for that.
Abby: (Sighs) I just can't believe that Dad went that far.
Ashley: I know. We're all shocked.
Jack: Oh, I don't know about that. It seems to me Victor's attorney wasn't quite as shocked as the rest of us.
Michael: Oh, look, there's a table over there. Let's go.
Victor: Well, as soon as the financing from the European bank come through, we can start the groundbreaking, all right? Good. Get back to me.
(Front door opens)
(Front door closes)
Nikki: You selfish, pigheaded bastard! How could you do this to our daughter?
Victor: Do you think we should wait until we can discuss this rationally and calmly?
Nikki: Oh, I think you're the one being irrational. How dare you have our daughter arrested on her wedding day? And she's pregnant!
Victor: It's for her own good. That's why I prevented this disaster of a marriage from happening. She needs some time alone to think, reevaluate things.
Nikki: Time alone?
Victor: Yeah.
Nikki: You make it sound like she's off to a little retreat. She is facing criminal charges, Victor. She could go to prison.
Victor: Don't worry about that. It's not gonna happen, okay? Trust me, it's not gonna happen. She will thank me one day for preventing this disaster from unfolding, all right?
Nikki: (Gasps) But--but that didn't happen. It didn't work. They got married anyway. You failed.
Vance: You guys wait here. When they're done getting her booked, we'll be back. (Sighs)
Billy: (Clears throat) Hey, you... you make sure they put "Victoria Abbott" on your mug shot.
Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah. My bridal portrait. (Sighs)
Billy: Well, you wanted a nonconventional wedding.
Victoria: I know. Is it too late to change my mind? (Sighs)
Billy: I'm sorry. Will you do me a favor and get her out of here? We have a honeymoon to go on.
Victoria: Great.
Billy: You tell your daddy... (Cracks knuckles) You know, never mind. I'm gonna go tell him myself.
Nick: No, no. You stay put. Victoria needs you. You want some coffee?
Billy: Yeah, I'll take some coffee.
Chloe: (Sobs)
Billy: Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa. Why are you crying? Are you okay? I-I--are you o... sorry you missed the wedding, or that it all went to hell? What's going on? Hey, what's wrong? Is Delia okay? Why--why are you crying? What's wrong?
Chloe: (Sobs) Chance... (Sniffles)
Billy: Oh, Honey, you're here to see Chance. Okay, I'm--you scared me.
Chloe: (Sniffles) (Sobs) He’s... (Sobs) (Voice breaking) He's dead. He's dead. (Sobs)
Billy: He's dead? What are you--are you--what?
Chloe: (Sobs)
Billy: I...
Chloe: (Sobs)
Heather: Tell me what happened.
Ronan: It was self-defense.
Heather: Self-defense? He was only there because of you.
Ronan: He was only there because he was a stubborn jackass who wouldn't let it go. I had him thrown off this case. Now if he would have just shut up, and he would have let me handle this the way I--
Heather: Oh, so you're blaming him, huh?
Ronan: He had a gun in my face. My instincts took over, you know? What would you have me do?
Heather: Anything else.
Ronan: Get myself killed? Because that was the only option. Heather, is that what you would have done? Hmm? Would you have died for Chance?
Heather: Yes.
Jill: I really was taken aback at Billy's apparent devotion to Victoria.
Murphy: Well, Jill, sometimes the most unexpected romance turns out to be the most successful. I mean, case in point.
Kay: (Chuckles) Well, listen, I have had my share of the unexpected for one day, so, Darling, I really am tired. I think...
Phillip: You okay? Nina?
(Front door closes)
Kay: Nina?
Phillip: Nina? What's the matter?
Paul: Um...
Kay: What?
Paul: I really don't know how to say this. It's Chance.
Jill: (Gasps) No!
Paul: He was shot...
Jill: (Gasps)
Paul: Trying to break up a drug deal, and he died on the scene.
Jill: Oh!
(Liquid spills)
Paul: I'm so sorry.
Jill: (Gasps) I really am truly sorry.
Murphy: Chance's partner shot him?
Paul: Ronan was working undercover for the FBI pretending to be a part of the drug ring, and Chance didn't know. He tried to arrest him, and shots were fired. Ronan claims it was self-defense.
Kay: You believe it?
Paul: Ronan had another secret.
Kay: What?
Paul: He was Nina's missing son.
Jill: What?!
Kay: Oh, dear God in heaven.
Paul: And Nina is afraid that he is harboring some kind of a grudge, and that Chance's death was intentional.
Kay: Are you telling us that Nina witnessed one son killing another?
Jill: Oh.
Paul: Yeah.
Jill: (Sighs)
Paul: I better go check on her.
Phillip: Paul. Paul. Wait. Wait. Uh, he was our son. Let me.
Jill: Oh, my poor, poor boy. I can't believe he's gone.
Kay: All right, uh, listen. We don't have time for this. We--we have to buck up. No, we have to be strong for Nina.
Jill: What, that's what you think we should do? Just buck up and shut up and pretend we're okay?
Murphy: Oh, come on, Jill. We're all upset, but Chance was Nina's whole world.
(Door opens)
Nina: I can't do this.
Phillip: I'm gonna help you. I'm gonna be here.
Nina: I don't want to be here if he's not here.
Phillip: Don't say that.
Nina: The whole time he was in Iraq, I imagined what the knock on the door would be like. And I-I thought I knew what this would feel like, and I didn’t. How could Cricket not tell me?
Phillip: Cricket?
Nina: She knew about Ronan the whole time, and she didn't say anything. She didn't protect Chance.
(Knock on door)
Paul: Excuse me.
Paul: Nina... (Sighs) Chris is here. She wants to see you.
Heather: You're hiring me back.
Owen: Oh, am I?
Heather: So that I can prosecute Malloy.
Owen: Look, Heather, I appreciate how upset you must be. I know you and Detective Chancellor were close.
Heather: You fired me based on Malloy’s negative opinion, and it turns out that none of us should have trusted his judgment.
Owen: All right, look, I'm gonna prosecute this case myself. But I will consider bringing you on to assist.
Heather: Thank you.
Sid: (Quietly) I'm goin' to his motel room, make sure there's nothing that links him back to us.
Owen: Okay.
Chloe: (Sighs) There's the D.A.
Nick: She's in shock. It's terrible.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: What's terrible?
Nick: I'll let Billy fill you in. Look, I gotta go. Vick, keep the faith, all right?
Billy: (Sighs) Okay, are you gonna be able to post bail, or what?
Vance: Hearing's not till tomorrow.
Billy: So, what? You're saying that she has to stay here in jail? It's our wedding night, Man.
Vance: No way around it. Time to say your good-byes.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victoria: Okay, what-- what's the terrible news? What was Nick talking about?
Billy: Chance got killed.
Victoria: Oh, my God.
Billy: Yeah, I know. Chloe's a mess. I don't even know what Mom or Nina are going through, but... yeah.
Victoria: Oh. I think I'm gonna stop feeling sorry for myself now.
Billy: Well, Honey, you... (Clears throat) You are entitled, but, yeah, I mean, we're fine. We've got our kids. We're together, and we're married-- on purpose this time.
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: And it's legal.
Billy: Is it?
Victoria: Mm-hmm.
Billy: It is?
Victoria: Yes.
Billy: I didn't kiss the bride.
Victoria: Well, I wish you would.
Billy: Yes, Ma'am.
Nikki: You're wrong about Billy. He does love Victoria. Anybody who saw him chasing her down the aisle at the wedding could see that.
Victor: (Scoffs) Give me a break. It doesn't prove a damn thing, does it?
Nikki: And what have you proven? That you're vindictive and domineering. Victoria took a great risk in Japan for you to prove her loyalty to you, and what did you do? You hung her out to dry. You betrayed her, Victor.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: And now none of us will ever make the mistake of trusting you again.
Kay: I thought you were going to talk to Nina.
Chris: She's, uh, a little upset with me right now.
Jill: Why?
Paul: Chris knew that Ronan was Nina's son.
Chris: He asked me not to tell her.
Jill: What about Ronan's resentment toward Chance? Did you keep that a secret, too?
Chris: I knew they didn't get along.
Jill: Didn't get along? Ronan murdered Chance in cold blood.
Chris: I never thought it would come to this, Jill. Look, my heart is breaking for her right now.
Jill: Well, that's coming a little late, isn't it?
Kay: Jill, please.
Jill: No. Maybe if you had told Nina what she had every right to know, none of this would have happened, and Chance would still be with us.
Chris: I-I'm sorry for what you're going through. I am.
Jill: I don't want you here right now. Go. Now. Go.
Kay: Uh, Darling, if she won't talk to you, perhaps it would be best.
Chris: That's okay. Fine.
Kay: (Sighs) My God.
Murphy: (Sighs)
Kay: Chance was one of the most beautiful things to come out of all of this ugliness, this--all this fighting. And...
Murphy: (Clears throat) I'm gonna call your doctor.
Kay: Hmm? What? No. No.
Murphy: D-d-d-d-don't-- don't argue. Your face is flushed, and your pulse is racing, okay?
Kay: (Stammers) Murphy--
Murphy: It's okay.
Chris: Ronan was the best person to protect Heather. I am convinced of that. And he had to make it look like he and Chance were opposites. Who would have believed that if it came out that they were brothers?
Paul: You know, Nina and Chance could have kept a secret.
Chris: Ronan didn't want to take that risk. He insisted.
Paul: He didn't want to take the risk? Or was it because he hated Chance?
Chris: (Sighs) I wasn't gonna keep this from Nina forever, just until it was resolved.
Paul: So the case came first?
Chris: I trusted Ronan.
Paul: So because of your mistake in judgment, Nina loses her son-- both sons.
Chris: I would give anything to help her through this.
Paul: You know what she needed from you? The truth. That's all. Now it's too late.
Chris: (Sighs)
Ronan: I'm sorry.
Chloe: Doesn't help.
Ronan: I know.
Chloe: You know, I came here to rip... (Sighs) Rip your head off, and I don't think that's really gonna help, either. And now I have to go home to my daughter, and I have to explain to her that the man who loved her like a father is never coming back.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chloe: (Sighs) I don't understand you.
Ronan: You've come closer than anybody has in a really long time. But I hate that I've done this to you.
Chloe: Makes two of us.
Ronan: I know that you're never gonna want to see me again, and I know that you're probably never gonna forgive me, but... one day, if... if you realize that you don't completely hate me, find some way to let me know, okay? Because it--it would really mean a lot to me.
Chloe: Okay, yeah. Yes, I will do that, Ronan, okay? And you let me know when you are burning... (Hits table) In hell, okay? Because I really, really, really cannot wait to see that.
Ronan: (Sighs) (Exhales)
(Door slams)
Michael: Hmm.
Phyllis: So, um, how much did you know about Victor's plans?
Michael: Uh, we're not here to discuss that. (Sighs)
Phyllis: Really? It's so fascinating.
Michael: Well, I find you fascinating.
Phyllis: Mm.
Michael: Self-destructive, Deacon-dating, rumor-blogging you.
Phyllis: Oh, no, no, no, no. I am not dating Deacon.
Michael: He was your date at the wedding.
Phyllis: It fell into my lap.
Michael: So to speak.
Phyllis: So to speak. (Chuckles)
Michael: I'm worried about you.
Phyllis: Don't do that to me. Don't be worried about me. I'm fine. I'm blowing off steam. I'm blogging. (Chuckles) Big deal. Big deal. Unlike you, who's so angst-ridden about this weird... gray moral... code you have going on. (Clears throat) You can't even talk to your best friend. That's very sad.
Michael: Hmm.
Michael: (Scoffs)
Phyllis: He's so hot.
Michael: (Chokes)
Phyllis: (Laughs) I'm just kidding. It's just a joke.
Abby: Well, Vance, what happened? Is my sister out on bail?
Vance: Afraid not. I couldn't get them to move up her hearing.
Jack: Of course not. The whole point of the arrest was to keep the bride and groom apart.
Daniel: I hope that Billy and Victoria make it just to spite him.
Jack: Well, that's as good a wedding toast as I've heard. Nick, we were just about to toast to your sister and your new brother-in-law. Join us?
Nick: I can't stay. I just thought you should know what happened.
Ashley: What? Not more bad news.
Nick: Jill's grandson Chance has been murdered.
Billy: Hey, Victor!
(Front door closes)
Billy: Victor! Are you home? Victor? Ahh.
Victor: Who let you on this property?
Nikki: Uh, that would be me. I think you should listen to what our son-in-law has to say.
Victor: You say what you have to say, and then get out.
Billy: You know... (Clears throat) I should really thank you. The more obnoxious you are, the more your daughter sees through you, and if I were half the ass that you say that I am...
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Billy: I would just sit back and I'd watch you throw away your relationship, but I can’t. You know why? Because I love her, and she loves you. So I'm in your house with a raised voice because you're hurting her. She is crushed by how little you care.
Victor: Is that what you're telling her? That I don't care?
Billy: I'm not telling her anything. You are. You're telling everybody that. Look, I have a little girl. And if she grows up and looks at me with half the admiration that Victoria has for you, well, then I would be a very lucky father.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Billy: But I don't understand you. I don't understand how you're treating your daughter this way. I couldn't do that to mine.
Victor: No one comes into my house like this, okay? Now you're my son-in-law. That's why I'm tolerating this. How would you like that daughter to grow up and come to you and say, "Daddy, I have fallen in love with a no-good son of a bitch, a gambling addict, who has slept with three-quarters of the women in this town, and who's making a living off the misery of other human beings"? How would you like that? Would you then not say, "Stay away from that guy. He's useless and nothing but trouble," hmm?
Chris: (Sighs)
Nina: When did you find out that Ronan was my son?
Chris: Before he came to town.
Nina: (Scoffs) So the whole time I was crying on your shoulder, not knowing where he was, not even knowing if he was alive...
Chris: Look, I wanted to tell you. I did, but Ronan was worried about his life and Heather's life, and--and that even your life would be in danger if the truth came out.
Nina: Oh, so Ronan wanted to keep us all safe? (Voice breaking) Ronan killed my son. My... (Sobs) My son murdered my son.
Chris: Please--
Nina: No!
Chris: I want so badly to help you. (Sighs) God, please say you'll let me. (Sighs)
Nina: (Sobs)
Nikki: Victor does have some valid points.
Victor: You got that right.
Nikki: You do have an addictive personality and a less-than-savory past. But then again, so do I.
Victor: What is that supposed to mean? Are you trying to come to his defense, or what?
Billy: Oh, I don't need anybody to defend me. I'm not hiding behind anybody. You attacked Victoria because you thought it would be safer. She loved you too much to fight back. But not me. Not me. You got a problem with me? That's fine. I'm a big boy. I can take it. But you do not go after my wife.
Victor: Listen, Billy boy. You think you're a tough guy? Is that what you think? As long as you are married to my daughter, I'll come after you any time I want to. You got that?
Victoria: (Sighs) (Sobs)
Ashley: I should call Katherine.
Daniel: Yeah, you know, she was pretty proud of Chance. She used to talk about him like he was the great hope of the Chancellor family.
Michael: In spite of all the trouble he'd gotten into lately, and the drug charges. His death wasn't related to that--do we know?
Jack: We don't know any of the details.
Abby: Well, a--here. Wait. Um, "Unconfirmed report of a drug bust." But it doesn't say whether he was dealing, or... what.
Phyllis: That's awful. Poor Chloe. They split up, but I know she still loves him.
Nick: Phyllis, I don't want to fight with you anymore, okay? I just want our daughter to know that her daddy loves her more than anything.
Phyllis: That works for me.
Sid: Thanks. Ha ha.
Man: Hey, all right, Sarge.
Sid: In honor of the dearly departed. Hey, it could have gone a lot worse.
Owen: Look, we're not in the clear yet. Ronan knows more than he should.
Sid: Yeah, it's like you said. Who's gonna believe a cop killer? Lighten up. (Chuckles)
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chloe: (Sighs)
Heather: (Sniffling)
Nina: If you had just told me the truth about Ronan, I-I could have reached out to him. He'd have known that he was loved and wanted.
Chris: I told him that.
Nina: Oh, you told him. (Scoffs) Well, it couldn't have sunk in if he was still so angry with Chance that he... it wasn't your place! He's my son. How long have I begged for God to give me a chance to hold him, to pour my heart out to him, to--to give him all the love that's been stored up for years? And now I can’t. I can't, because I hate him. I hate him.
Nina: You should go.
Chris: No, please, Nina--
Nina: You should go and never come back.
Chris: (Sighs)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Phillip: You cannot come to Australia. You can't put your family in danger like this.
Nina: My son was a man of high moral principle and integrity!
Man: They always make the best drug dealers.
Victoria: I'm facing 20 years. You want me behind bars while I'm pregnant?
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