Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/8/10 -- Canada; Thursday 9/9/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9481 ~ Wedding Interuptus
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Victor: ...Regarding Abby's trust. Good. I'll see you then. (Sighs)
[Victor remembering]
Victoria: I guess you haven't changed your mind. I guess that you're not coming to my wedding then.
Victor: No.
Victoria: You know, Dad, nothing that Billy ever does will hurt me as much as you're hurting me right now.
Billy: Hey! (Claps hands) Hey. Look who's here. Hi. Okay, okay, so none of you are just dying to throw rice at us. That's fine. I get it. It's cool. But you showed up. You're here. And I thank you. I know Victoria's gonna appreciate it. I appreciate it. And that's it. That's about as schmaltzy as I get, so sit tight. Have a drink. You should probably have two. My bride is busy doing bride-ish things, and, uh, when she's ready, we're gonna do this thing. (Claps hands)
Victoria: Gosh, Reed's boutonniere was right-- it was right here. It--it's not like a mouse wandered off with it. Oh, my God. Do we have mice?
Nikki: Honey, Honey, I-I-- I don't know if you have mice, but I know that you have a beautiful garden, and Reed can get a flower out there if need be, okay?
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: And as gorgeous as you are, you cannot get married in your robe.
Victoria: Right. Okay. Mama, it's all gonna be all right, right?
Nikki: Its all-- it's gonna be wonderful. Everything is great. Jana's got the kids upstairs.
Victoria: Yes.
Nikki: And Gloria actually seems to have this catering under control, so...
Gloria: Indeed I do-- a stunning event befitting the Newmans and the Abbotts, and, of course, Gloworm. (Chuckles) Well, there is one tiny little glitch.
Victoria: What?
Gloria: (Sighs) My bartender-- a family emergency.
Victoria: Okay, so we'll just get another one, right? We'll just get another one?
Nikki: Yeah.
Gloria: I did call someone. Mm-hmm.
Victoria: All right, great. Perfect. Perfect. Problem solved.
Deacon: Well, uh... (Sighs) Victoria, you look beautiful.
Victoria: Oh, my God. Get him out of here.
Nikki: Don't worry. Don't worry. Don't worry.
Victoria: What?
Chance: Do you mind if I sit?
Heather: You wanted to meet, so sit.
Chance: (Clears throat) (Sighs)
Chance: I understand if you're angry.
Heather: Why? Because you jumped to conclusions and then ripped my head off? Well, thank you. I appreciate you understanding that I would be angry. The only reason that I went to Ronan was so you wouldn't get hurt.
Chance: I wasn't thinking straight. Heather, even back in Iraq, I never got this crazy. This case is just... the dirty cops, the feeling that I don't know who I can trust, it all just kind of... it got to me, and I'm sorry, because I know that I could always trust you. You know, I mean, if you want to... if you want to get rid of me, I don't blame you. But before you do, I would be very appreciative and very grateful if you would just forgive me.
Chance: Please forgive me.
Heather: This is so not like you. What's going on? Why is this sounding so final?
(Door opens)
Ronan: (Whistles) That the real thing?
Owen: Yeah, like I'd waste the real stuff on Chancellor. And it's not as if he's gonna have time to check anyway, 'cause you're gonna take care of him as agreed.
Ronan: That's why I'm here.
Owen: Still got that piece I gave you?
Ronan: It's untraceable, right?
Owen: Once you ditch it, your hands are clean.
Ronan: You guys should be getting out of here. Chancellor's gonna be here any minute.
Owen: Thought we'd stay. See "Golden boy's" face when he realizes he's not as smart as he thinks he is. Besides, I need to see that you can do what you're told.
Ronan: And if I don't do things to your satisfaction?
Owen: Then we take care of you both.
Man: (Rattles nightstick) (Chuckles)
Ronan: (Chuckles) Lucky for me, I know how to point and shoot.
Owen: You know, you haven't seemed all that eager to take Chancellor out. Considering the kid hates your guts, it makes me wonder.
Ronan: Adding to the body count draws attention, right? It doesn't make any sense to me. I could wing the kid, put him out of commission, get the same result.
Owen: Then what? Chancellor gets right back to digging and finds some real answers.
Sid: If you're in with us, you want him out, too.
Ronan: I'm just covering all the angles.
Owen: Hey, there's only one angle, and it's mine. Now finish this today.
Ronan: You're the boss. But take a load off until the kid gets here.
Sid: Not so fast.
Ronan: What? What now?
Owen: Pull up your shirt. See if you're wired.
Chance: Something big is going down tonight-- a drug deal, and I plan on being there. I'm gonna get every single dirty cop in Genoa City.
Heather: Who's doing this drug bust with you?
Chance: (Sighs) I'm not on the force anymore, so I don't get back-up.
Heather: So this is good-bye, isn't it? You're walking in to some kind of suicide mission. No, I'm--I'm calling Paul.
Chance: What? No. No. No.
Heather: I'm calling Paul.
Chance: No. No, stop. Look, I don't want him to get involved. It is too dangerous, Heather.
Heather: Well, then it's too dangerous for you to be doing it alone.
Chance: I faced worse guys in Iraq. If I go alone, it's cleaner. It's faster, and nothing can go wrong.
Heather: Everything could go wrong, Chance.
Chance: (Sighs)
Heather: Please. Please don't do this. Look, maybe for you, what happened between us was just some kind of rebound thing, but for me--
Chance: Heather, listen--
Heather: But for me, it was real.
Heather: I love you. Do you know how hard that is for me... to love someone?
Heather: I-I-I don't expect you to say it back, but... I-I just can't let you walk into a drug bust where everybody there already wants you dead.
Chance: Stop. Nobody's gonna kill me, okay? I was your bodyguard, all right? You trusted me to keep you safe. Now trust me again that I will do the same for myself. I will, okay? I'll be safe. I'll be fine. As soon as this is over, I'll come right back here, straight to you, okay? Trust me. Trust me, and I swear, I will be back. Come here. Come here.
Heather: (Sighs) The second you get out...
Chance: I'll come straight to you, okay? I'll see you soon. I'll see you soon.
Nikki: Sweetheart.
Victoria: Yes.
Nikki: (Sniffles) (Whispers) Yes.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victoria: Okay, on my wedding day, in my house, do you have any idea what kind of bad luck that is right there? (Sighs)
Gloria: If I'd had another bartender, I would--
Nikki: You're doing it, Gloria. Get your apron.
Victoria: Okay. (Sighs)
Gloria: Ladies, if you'll excuse me... you, get lost.
Nick: What the hell is he doing here?
Deacon: Take it easy, Nick. I'm--I'm just leaving.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: So, um, can we think about getting you into your gown soon? Please.
Victoria: Okay. Yes. Yes.
Nick: Mom, is Summer upstairs? I'd like to check on her.
Nikki: Yes. Yes. Will both of you just go quickly, okay? Please?
Victoria: Okay.
Nikki: Both go. Scoot. Scoot.
Nick: Thank you.
Nikki: No. No, thank you.
Deacon: It's, uh, not always so easy to say no, is it?
Nikki: Excuse me?
Deacon: I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable. I just, um, I've been to enough A.A. meetings to recognize a fellow alkie when I see one.
Nikki: I'm in recovery. Every day is a test.
Deacon: Yeah, well... (Scoffs) You want to try a test? Try working as a bartender.
Phyllis: What are you doing here? Oh, wow. Gloria's an idiot.
Deacon: Oh, no, Gloria's a genius. She signs my paychecks. I was just leaving.
Phyllis: Do you want to be my "Plus one"?
Deacon: (Scoffs) Wow, the bride wants me dead, and you want me to be your date to the wedding? You must really hate your sister-in-law.
Phyllis: I like my ex-sister-in-law just fine.
Deacon: But you'd invite the guy that tanked her last marriage as your date to her wedding, all just to piss off your ex-husband? I like where your head's at.
Phyllis: Is that a yes?
Deacon: Oh, yeah.
Mac: (Sighs) So I take it the pregnancy test...
Billy: Yeah, it's positive. We're havin' a baby, me and my baby. But, uh, that's not why all this.
Mac: Then why "All this"?
Billy: Because I realized, uh, she’s... she's exactly what I want.
Mac: With Victoria?
Billy: I know. I know. I didn't see it coming, either.
Mac: (Chuckles) Um, well, I'm happy for you.
Billy: You know I'll always love you, right?
Mac: Me, too.
Billy: Yeah?
Mac: Yeah.
Billy: Come here. (Growls)
Mac: Always.
Jill: All right, everybody, smile for the debacle.
Kay: If you can't be pleasant, then keep it shut, please.
Jill: Well, good Lord. With Victor as a father-in-law, God help poor Billy. Being in a family with someone you hate is a little slice of hell.
Michael: Oh, hello, all.
Jill: Hi. Where's Lauren?
Michael: Oh, she had already scheduled a trip to visit Scotty. I think she received the wedding invitation while they were taxiing down the runway.
Jill: Oh, Scotty should come to Genoa City. Then I could get to know my nephew.
Michael: What a lovely idea.
Murphy: Um, who else is in the wedding party? Jack and Nikki?
Daniel: Well, I don't know who Billy's best man is, but Jana’s gonna be standing up for Victoria.
All: Jana?
Daniel: Yeah, Jana. It was last-minute, and Victoria was kind of desperate.
Jill: Well, this wedding is already a disaster. Great omen for the marriage, huh?
Jack: You brought your lawyer to a family event.
Abby: I thought it would be lame to show up without a date.
Vance: I'm here as her attorney to keep Abby on the straight and narrow.
Abby: (Sighs) You know, for being an Abbott-Newman wedding, you'd think it'd be more eventful. Look at me. I'm half Abbott, half Newman, and I'm all sorts of exciting.
Jack: Well, the day is still young, and your old man hasn't said boo yet.
Ashley: You think Victor will show up?
Jack: I think it's gonna be a nice, quiet, peaceful day, or it could still blow all to hell.
Vance: (Chuckles)
Heather: Did Chance tell you that he's walking in on a drug deal tonight? That he single-handedly plans to take down every corrupt officer in town?
Chloe: Yes. Yes, I know.
Heather: Well, did you even try to talk him out of it?
Chloe: You once said that he would listen to me. I guess you were wrong.
Heather: I wanted him to use Paul as backup.
Chloe: Look, he would never put anyone else in danger.
Heather: He's being ridiculous.
Chloe: No, Chance is being Chance. He's seen way too much death, and nothing scares him. He's an idiot.
Nina: Who's not scared? Look, if this is about Chance, tell me. What's he walking into?
Ronan: Oh, is that where we are now, Guys? I gotta pull my shirt up for you? Prove I'm one of the boys?
Ronan: You touch me again, and you'll die.
Sid: Get your hands off me.
Owen: All right, calm down. We're all friends here. Now get in position. The kid'll be here soon.
Chance: Hands where I can see them. I said, hands where I can see them. Now!
Owen: Detective.
[Victor remembering]
Victoria: Daddy, did you know we were gonna have a baby?
Victor: Yes, my sweetheart, I did. I did.
Victoria: Can I touch it?
Nikki: Well, sure you can touch it. It's not very big yet, but you can touch it. Right there. See?
Victor: (Sighs)
Deacon: Havin' some drinks.
Phyllis: (Laughs) Oh, excuse me!
Michael: Sorry.
Phyllis: Please.
Michael: Are you out of your mind...
Phyllis: Oh, I--
Michael: Bringing him here?
Phyllis: No, I think your mother is out of her mind. Gloria hired him and then told him to leave.
Michael: Well, good.
Phyllis: No, not good. I asked him to stay.
Michael: No, that's bad. A-and the blog-- what is this all about? Are you trying to make Nick-- what, jealous? Angry? Territorial? What?
Phyllis: No, please, it's-- please, please, please. It's not about Nick. (Scoffs) It's about me having fun, so sit back and relax. Have a good time. I intend to.
Michael: Okay, hey, all right, see? Apparently my job today is to run interference.
Nick: Phyllis is crossing the line.
Michael: No argument, but your sister's walk down the lawn takes precedence, so let's keep the peace, shall we, for now? All right?
Billy: Good to see you guys.
Murphy: Oh, you--
Billy: Mwah. You liked it and you know it. Uh-oh. Hey, you okay?
Nikki: I--oh, yeah. Just a little headache. It'll pass.
Billy: Well...
Nikki: But, uh, right now, you're up.
Billy: Yeah, I know. We're gonna do the-- oh, you mean now now.
Nikki: Now.
Billy: We're doin' n-- all right.
Nikki: Right now.
Billy: Um, yo, Man, it's time. It's time. It's time. Guys, it’s... time to--
Rafe: Hey, it's okay. Relax.
Billy: Okay. Relax. Take a--you were talking to me. All right, I'm gonna-- it's hot out here, Man. Are you hot? Oh, uh, um... (Chuckles)
Billy: (Whispers) Hey.
Victoria: (Whispers) What are you doing here?
Nick: (Quietly) Did you really think I was gonna let you go through this alone? You look beautiful.
Billy: (Whispering) Hey. Hey, you. Give me a kiss. Mwah.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: No big deal, right? We've done this before.
Victoria: Right. Yep.
Billy: Yep.
Victoria: Yep, but this time, I'm sober, and I'm wearing shoes.
Billy: I know. Jamaican me crazy, Lady.
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: You look beautiful, by the way.
Victoria: Thank you.
Billy: You're welcome.
Victoria: You should stop flirting with me and marry me.
Billy: Okay. All right. Well, you heard the lady. Let's make her an Abbott.
Victoria: (Exhales)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Chloe: And... (Sighs) Chance got wind of some big drug deal where all the heavy hitters will be.
Heather: He refused to involve Paul. Chance is convinced that he can blow this wide-open without backup.
Nina: Where? Where is this?
Heather: We don't know.
Nina: (Sighs)
Chloe: Ronan does. Chance and Ronan got into a fight. I walked in afterward. Evidently, Ronan spilled where the location was.
Nina: Oh, how convenient. Ronan just happens to tip Chance off to an event that could get him killed.
(Touch-tones beeping)
Nina: Straight to voice mail.
Heather: (Sighs) We have no idea where to look for Chance.
(Touch-tones beeping)
Nina: I know who will.
Chance: This was you all along. Riggs, the attempts on me, on Heather. That's why you put me on her detail-- to keep us off your tracks.
Owen: You can still walk away, Chancellor, if you're as smart as you think you are.
Chance: Drop your weapons. Now!
Owen: Do it.
Chance: You, too. Back away from the briefcases. These are going to internal affairs, and so are you.
Owen: You done good, Kid. Just think of all the merit badges they're gonna hang on you for takin' down the bad guys.
Chance: I'll settle for testifying at your trial.
Owen: Hmm, yeah, I bet you'd be moving and heroic and oh, so convincing. Hmm. Too bad you'll never take the stand.
Ronan: It's over.
[Victor remembering]
Victoria: Mommy lets me hold him if I'm sitting on the couch. I'm learning to change his diapers.
Nick: (Fusses)
Victor: Oh, yeah?
Victor: You're mommy's little helper, aren't you? Well, you know, the baby's gonna need your help. There are a lot of things you can teach that little boy.
Victoria: You're his daddy. You could teach him a lot of stuff, too.
Victor: Well, look who's here.
Nikki: Oh. Hi, Sweetie.
Victor: You want to-- you want to say good night, my sweetheart?
Victoria: No, Daddy. I came to tell you something else.
Victor: What'd you come to tell me?
Victoria: Please don't leave us again. Please stay. Nicholas and I need you so much. Mommy needs you, too. Please stay with us.
Victor: (Sighs)
Judge Anderson: Welcome, everyone, to a glorious event at this truly lovely home. I don't know about you, but it reminds me of my youth.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Judge Anderson: Or maybe the idealized childhood we all wish we had. Today, Victoria and Billy aren't just wishing. They're actively creating the present they want, the future they desire. During the little time I've spent with them, their love for one another has been obvious. (Chuckles) You can tell they get a kick out of each other.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Judge Anderson: And that's a big deal. That little jolt of excitement at seeing your loved one's face, but also the quieter pleasure of knowing that loved one isn't going anywhere. Billy and Victoria are doing the right thing. They're not about to waste time when they could be living their dream. So let's begin. If there's anyone present...
Billy: (Clears throat)
Judge Anderson: Who--
Billy: We should just skip that stuff.
Judge Anderson: You got it. Let's get you two hitched.
Billy: All right. (Chuckles)
Judge Anderson: (Chuckles)
Billy: (Chuckles) (Exhales quickly) (Clears throat)
Paul: I have a buddy with the state police. He's trying to triangulate Chance's cell phone signal, but it takes a little time.
Nina: How much time? I mean, what if we're already too late?
Chloe: Chance made it back from Iraq.
Nina: Yeah, well, he was lucky.
Heather: Ronan wouldn't set Chance up.
Nina: No? Then who planted d-drugs on Chance? Ronan is a showboating son of a bitch who's either dirty or just trying to make Chance look bad so Ronan could look good. Either way, I don't trust him. Look--what? I seem bitter? I am. I'm bitter. Chance is out of a job, and trying to take on the world without backup, and you can bet Ronan is loving every second that he suffers. Chance himself doesn't trust Ronan. You're all staring at me. Why?! Look, if there's something that I should know, maybe you ought to tell me.
Paul: Okay, you're right. It's time you should know about Ronan.
Chloe: Wait, you-- you know, too?
Heather: Who told you?
Nina: Look, I don't care who told who what. Tell me!
Paul: Ronan is not about to let anything happen to Chance. He is FBI. He's working undercover on the case.
Nina: What? He's on our side? And this is the first time anyone's telling me?
Heather: It was a federal investigation. We were sworn to secrecy.
Paul: I'm sorry, but now that things are coming to a head, you should know that someone has Chance's back.
Nina: Does Chance know?
Paul: No. No, he doesn’t.
Heather: Who told you? Ronan?
Chloe: He never told me he was FBI. (Sighs)
Nina: So, what? There are more secrets?
Chloe: One. And it's kind of, uh, it's kind of huge. (Sighs)
Nina: (Scoffs)
Chance: You set me up.
Sid: Can we do this already?
Chance: We are going to I.A.
Ronan: That's not gonna happen, so just accept it. Chance, put your weapon down.
Chance: I knew you were part of this all along.
Ronan: You know squat. (Scoffs) This is your fault. If you die tonight, it's because you couldn't leave it alone.
Owen: Enough! End this! Kill him now!
Chloe: Look, I heard things, and I put two and two together. Okay, well, I-I did more than just add.
Heather: Just say it.
Chloe: (Sighs heavily) Ronan... is the son that woman stole from you. He's Chance's brother.
Nina: No. (Scoffs) No, we saw the picture. (Stammers)
Chloe: I don't care what you saw. Trust me. Ronan is your son. His entire background is fake.
Nina: He--he must want you to think that, or...
Chloe: No, no, Nina. In fact, he was furious when I asked him point-blank. This was never a part of his plan. You were never supposed to know, but Ronan is definitely your son.
Paul: Does Chance know?
Chloe: Yeah, he... (Sighs) He does now.
Nina: How... how could that man be... my baby? I...
(Computer dings)
Paul: We found Chance.
Nina: (Sighs)
Judge Anderson: All right, time for the jewelry. Do you have the, uh, rings?
Billy: Actually, no.
Victoria: Uh, well...
Billy: Do you want to tell her?
Victoria: Yeah, actually, um, we're gonna--we're gonna get them, uh, tattooed on.
Judge Anderson: Oh, I love it.
Victoria: Yeah.
Judge Anderson: Do either of you have anything you'd like to say before the formal vows?
Victoria: Yes. You... (Sighs) Called me an ice princess more than once. And you were right. But instead of giving me a hard time about it, which would have made me even more uptight and intense, you just treated it like a part of who I am. And I didn't have to be perfect. I could just be myself. And then all of a sudden, all of these different parts started coming out of me. Like, apparently, I'm funny. (Chuckles)
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Who knew?
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: And I am just as good at beer pong as I am at business.
Billy: Mm.
Victoria: And I like having fun. And I like to feel the sand between my toes. And... that's because of you. Our life together started on a plane to Jamaica...
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: And then Japan, and then a tattoo parlor. (Laughs) And now here we are. And I just can't wait to see what we're gonna do next, to tell you the truth.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: You and me and Reed and Delia and this new baby that we're gonna love... it's gonna be an amazing ride, and I wouldn't want to take it with anyone but you.
Billy: Is it my turn now?
Victoria: Yeah.
Billy: Can I just say, "Same here"? (Chuckles nervously)
Victoria: No.
Billy: No. Okay. You might have been just an itsy-bitsy, tiny bit wound up very, very tightly.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: (Chuckles) But, I mean, um, I wasn't exactly a whole lot of fun in the beginning, either. I'm pretty sure that everybody seated in our new front lawn is aware that I know how to have a really good time, but I wasn't happy... not until now. I mean, it wasn't supposed to work out. It's crazy. Something as impossible as the two of us-- it shouldn't be this easy. I mean, I'm reggae. You're classic rock. You're a neat freak. Me? Not so much. But it works. Hell, Baby, we are genius. And I have done a lot of stupid and impulsive things in my life, but marrying you... twice... two smartest things I've ever done. I love you.
Victoria: Wow. You just keep putting Brylcreem in your hair, and I will be putty in your hands.
Billy: Well, if you let me beat you at "Donkey Kong" every once in a while, you'll have me for life.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: Thank you for giving me so much joy.
Billy: Oh, Baby, you haven't seen anything yet.
Victoria: Really?
Billy: Mnh-mnh.
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Judge Anderson: Repeat after me.
Billy: Yes, Ma'am. (Clears throat)
Judge Anderson: "I, William, take you, Victoria, to be my lawfully wedded wife..."
Billy: I, William take you, Victoria...
Victoria: Mm.
Billy: To be my lawfully wedded wife.
Judge Anderson: "To honor and cherish, in sickness and in health, to live for you alone as long as we both shall live."
Billy: To honor and cherish in sickness and in health and to love you alone for as long as we both shall live.
Judge Anderson: Victoria.
Victoria: I, Victoria--
Man: Victoria Newman?
Billy: Hey.
Man: You're under arrest.
Billy: Hey! Hey! What the hell for? What are you doing?
Man: For violating the foreign practices corrupt act.
Billy: Are you serious? What? Hey, Man, look at this.
Victoria: Japan.
Owen: Shoot him already! (Sighs) Malloy, you're wastin' my time, and that pisses me off! Finish them both! (Gunshot) (Gunshot)
Chance: (Grunts)
Paul: Nina, no!
Nina: No! No! No! Oh, my God! No! (Sobs) Aah!
Paul: Nina.
Nina: (Sobs)
Billy: Are you really gonna do this?
Victoria: But we're getting married right now.
Billy: She's pregnant. Would you take it easy? (Voices overlapping)
Victoria: Just let me go, and I'll come back later. I swear. I'll come back.
Man: We have our orders. It's time to go. Go. Let's go. Let's go. Let's go.
Michael: Does this have to happen now?
Billy: Come with me. Come with me. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Wait. Wait. Wait. Just say the words.
Judge Anderson: To honor and cherish as long as you both shall live.
Victoria: I can't believe this is happening.
Billy: Say the words. Help.
Victoria: In sickness and in health and as long as we both shall live. I totally do.
Billy: I do, too. I do, too. Call it. Call it.
Judge Anderson: I now pronounce you husband and wife!
Victoria: Billy! Aah!
Billy: Hey, come on! Come on!
Victoria: Billy!
Nikki: Oh, Victoria!
Billy: Hey, Vicki! Vicki! Vicki! Vicki! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Michael: Billy!
Billy: You're Mrs. Abbott. You're Mrs. Abbott!
All: Billy!
Billy: Damn you, Victor.
Victor: And they were respectful to my daughter? Mm-hmm. No, I wasn't pleased about it, but it had to be done. It had to be done now. Okay. (Sighs)
Nina: Let me see my son. Please. Chance! Chance!
Man: Keep her back.
Nina: Can you hear me?
Paul: Nina, come on. Please, let them do their work.
Nina: Chance!
Paul: Let them do their work.
Nina: You did this! Your own brother! Why would you do this?! Do you hate us that much?!
Heather: Oh, my God! Oh, my God! No!
Chloe: No, Chance! I want to see him! Chance!
Man: I'm sorry, Ma'am. I'm sorry.
Nina: What do you mean, "You’re sorry"? What do you mean, "You’re sorry"? He's not gone. No! No!
Heather: (Gasps)
Nina: Oh, no! (Sobs) No!
Heather: (Sobs)
Nina: (Sobs) No! (Sobbing)
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Victoria: You don't think Dad turned me in, do you, Nick?
Nick: It's possible.
Victor: She will thank me one day.
Nikki: It didn't work. They got married anyway. You failed.
Ronan: If I go down, you're going down with me.
Owen: It's your word against mine.
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