Y&R Transcript Tuesday 9/7/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 9/8/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9480 ~ Billy & Victoria's Wedding Day
Provided By Eric
Proofread By Emma
Phyllis' voice: "Remember when we were kids? When life and television shows were so much simpler? Every catastrophe imaginable could be solved in 30 minutes, and ended with Mom and Dad laughing about 'Those crazy kids.' Unfortunately, Genoa City's rich and reckless aren't guaranteed such happy endings. Here, Tuesday, Wednesday aren't always happy days. The Beaver packs up and literally leaves his wife behind. That wacky redhead tells her husband she ain't 'splainin' nothin' to him anymore. And that 'One day when the lady met the fellow' didn't exactly lead to a lovely bunch. But even when all odds are against them, this resilient group somehow manages to filter out the bad stuff..."
Billy: (Humming) Oof. (Chuckles) Ooh, hoo.
Phyllis' voice: "Salvage what has potential..."
Billy: (Sighs)
Phyllis' voice: "And move forward."
Victoria: (Sighs) I cannot believe that we're getting married today! There are, like, a million and a half things to do. I don't know when we're gonna find the time to do all this, to tell you the truth.
Billy: Oh, yeah? Let me see this. Huh? Watch this. Uh-oh.
Victoria: Wait a minute. Hold on. What are you doing? What are you doing?
Billy: Ooh. Aah. Aah! (Gasps) Ooh. You take this and you handle all of these, and I'm gonna take care of all this, and then I'm gonna come see you...
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: And you--hello-- when we're done, okay?
Victoria: (Chuckles) Okay.
Billy: Okay. Have fun. Good-bye.
Victoria: Good-bye.
Phyllis' voice: "While some things can be easily fixed..."
Victoria: (Sighs)
Phyllis' voice: "Others can never be repaired."
Nick: Supergirl! Come here.
Summer: Daddy!
Nick: Ohh! Hey, guess what? I went to the Cubs game yesterday, and I got you a little something. It's up in your room. Go get it. Hello.
Phyllis: Hi. I'll pick her up after school on Monday. We have a parent/teacher conference next week.
Nick: Really? Just telling me about that now?
Phyllis: Yeah, I guess it just slipped my mind, just like it slipped your mind that you weren't living with Sharon.
Nick: My relationship with Sharon’s gonna be a lot easier for her to understand than you running around town with some sleazy ex-con. Now I didn't read about that in your blog, did I?
Phyllis: "Going to be"-- interesting. Give me a break.
Nick: How do you think your daughter's going to feel when she finds out that you ripped into everybody she cares about? Oh, wait, that would mean that you put your daughter's feelings before your own.
Phyllis' voice: "Wouldn't it be nice if father really did know best, and we could go to our dad whenever we had a problem? We could count on him to be patient and wise, and to love us... no matter what."
Victor: (Sighs) I hate to do this to my own daughter, but, um, it's for her own good.
Nikki: I really think we should start getting ready for the wedding.
Victor: Um, I have a meeting with Michael Baldwin.
Meggie: Schedule's cleared for the day. This wedding got you worried?
Nikki: If my daughter is happy, I'm happy. But Victor, on the other hand, just doesn't really care.
Meggie: I made myself one of these-- lots of proteins and vitamins. I could make you one. It might help you face the day better.
Nikki: Yeah, I could use anything I can take. Thanks.
Phyllis' voice: "But life in Genoa City isn't like the squeaky-clean life the Cleavers or the Bradys led. Imagine if Mrs. Brady had to worry about Alice stealing her man."
Phyllis' voice: "The good citizens of Genoa City were about to discover that their local Romeo and Juliet were going to attempt to pull off the 'Happily ever after' they'd seen so many times on TV."
J.T.: Hey. You left early this morning.
Mac: Yeah. I have a job to do, just like you.
J.T.: Well, gathering information about Newman business for Tucker is my job.
Mac: And working here is mine. Excuse me.
J.T.: (Sighs)
Daniel: Hey.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Daniel: Hey. You know what? Just because you and Kevin are getting a divorce, I don't think that that means that we can't still be friends.
Jana: (Sighs)
Chloe: Okay, okay. I think she's getting tired. Do you mind if I, uh, bring her upstairs?
Murphy: Go on.
Kay: Oh, for heaven's sakes. You don't even have to ask.
Chloe: Okay, I'm just gonna go to the kitchen and get her a bottle first. Oh, yeah.
Jill: Aw, what a sweetie.
Murphy: Oh, hey, Chance, Chance? Are you ready to clean those fish we caught this morning? (Chuckles)
Chance: (Chuckles)
Kay: That's where you were this morning?
Murphy: Yeah, yeah. It was his idea. Yeah, we had a chance to catch up. We have to do that more often, Kiddo.
Chance: You are on. (Chuckles)
Jill: (Chuckles)
Chance: Murphy told me you were digging around in the attic. Said you found some of Grandma Liz’s things.
Kay: Yeah. Yeah.
Chance: I'd like to see those.
Kay: Fine. I'll get them.
Murphy: I will help you with the box.
Jill: Why don't you get that lace table runner that--?
Kay: Uh-huh.
Jill: Honey, are you okay?
Chance: Yeah, yeah, yeah. I, um, just feel bad I wasn't there for Grandma Liz when she died.
Phillip: Yeah, that sucks, Man, not being able to say good-bye.
Chance: Yeah.
Jill: Are you sure that that's what it is?
Phillip: Mom, uh, you got an appointment? Let me walk you out.
Jill: (Chuckles) Okay, Phillip. Bye, Darlin'. I love you. Mwah.
Chance: Bye.
Jill: Bye.
Chance: (Sniffles)
Chance: I love you, too, Grandma.
Phyllis' voice: "It started out like any other day-- kids playing, families laughing, like something right out of a TV show... only this wasn't a sitcom. No matter how hard our newlyweds wanted this day to end happily before it was over..."
Chance: (Sighs)
Phyllis' voice: "It would end in tragedy."
Chance: You know, I wish I was gonna be around when Delia was old enough to actually ride this.
Phillip: Just because you and Chloe aren't together doesn't mean that you're not gonna be in Delia’s life, you know?
Chance: Yeah, I-I know. I know. I just... I'm never gonna stop loving that little girl.
Phillip: Man, if I was half the father that you want to be, things would have turned out so differently for our family.
Chance: Yeah, well, we still have the video chatting...
Phillip: (Chuckles)
Chance: Seeing you and seeing all your friends... (Chuckles) Meeting all your friends. Seeing the bar. You know, I know that place inside and out, top to bottom. I even know where you put that picture. Remember the one we took last year?
Phillip: I hung it up like I promised. And I'm gonna try to keep all my promises from now on.
Chance: You know, I wish we had more time together.
Phillip: Yeah, we missed out on a lot. But we got years to catch up.
Victoria: Oh, good, Phyllis, uh, you're both here. That's great, because I wanted to-- to talk to you, both of you guys. Um... (Sighs) Billy and I... (Giggles) We're getting married today.
Phyllis: (Gasps)
Nick: Vick, you guys just got together. Give it a year or six months. See what happens.
Victoria: I'm pregnant.
Phyllis: (Gasps)
Nick: Oh, man.
Victoria: Yeah.
Phyllis: Great.
Victoria: Thanks.
Nick: Well, that's-- that's no reason to rush into anything.
Victoria: Uh, listen, I... I was really hoping that you would both come to the wedding. And I'd like for Summer to be the flower girl.
Phyllis: Oh, Summer would love that.
Victoria: Yeah?
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh! Congratulations.
Victoria: Oh, thank you, Phyllis. Thank you.
Phyllis: Oh, my gosh, I'm so excited. Sure.
Victoria: Thank you.
Phyllis: I'm gonna go tell Summer the good news. So great. Oh!
Victoria: I, um, I'm just kind of guessing this means you're not gonna be my man of honor then.
Nick: If Billy doesn't make you miserable, Dad will.
Victoria: That's why I need you.
Nick: (Sighs) I love you too much to let you throw your life away. I'm really happy about the baby. But I can't get behind the rest.
Billy: Hey, hey! Hey, everybody. I have some big news. Gather 'round. Gather 'round.
Jack: If this is about Victoria being pregnant, we already know.
Abby and Billy: What?
Ashley: We found out last night.
Abby: Does Dad know?
Billy: Victor told you.
Jack: Yes, and yes.
Billy: Okay. Okay. That's good. That's good, because in a few hours, Victoria and I are getting married in our new house. I would like you all to be there, and, Jack, my brother, I would like you to be my best man.
Jack: Wow. Best man at your wedding to Victor Newman’s daughter. Kind of like being invited to a shark feeding with you as the bait.
Billy: Is that a yes?
Jack: You knew exactly how Victor Newman felt about you, and you still had to push it to the very limit, didn't you?
Billy: Victor is a bully.
Jack: That's right. He's a bully. Only now you have him protecting his daughter and his grandchild.
Billy: Family means just as much to the Abbotts as it does to the Newmans. Isn't that right? I thought you knew that, Jack.
Jack: Sorry. I have a business meeting in Chicago today.
Billy: Okay, well, you know, I wouldn't want to keep you from business, Jack.
Ashley: Jack, are you kidding me?
Jack: No, this is just like Billy to expect us to drop everything at a moment's notice to attend his wedding.
Billy: Yeah, you're right. I know. I know. I'm such a selfish jerk. I just--I don't know. I wanted my entire family to be there on the biggest day of my life. Jerk.
Michael: You're being awfully calm about this wedding.
Victor: Nikki is the one who's upset. If you agree to attend this ridiculous affair with her, maybe it'll calm her down.
Michael: Victor...
Victor: Mm?
Michael: I know you don't like, uh, I know you can't stand Billy Abbott. But this is your daughter's wedding.
Victor: Don't even try, all right? This is a travesty. I will not attend. Period.
Nikki: Are you still saying you're not going?
Michael: All right, uh, Victor, Nikki, I'll see you at the wedding.
Nikki: Okay.
Nikki: How can you do this to your own family?
Victor: Just watch me.
Phillip: Hey.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Jill: Hey, everybody. Look who I found on my way in.
Billy: Hey.
Kay: Ah, Billy.
Murphy: Hey, there, Billy.
Chloe: Hi.
Billy: I, uh, don't want to interrupt the party here. Nice... (Chuckles) But I've got some important news.
Phillip: Ah.
Chloe: Really? Something even more important than your daughter's first tricycle?
(Bell rings)
Kay: (Chuckles) Yeah, right.
Billy: Victoria and I are getting married.
Kay: Aha.
Chloe: Really married, or, like, drunk fake married?
Jill: You have a death wish, 'cause that's the only explanation you could have for marrying Vict-- oh, my God! Billy, she's pregnant!
Billy: How does everybody figure that out? I-it--
Jill: (Sighs) Because that's the only reason you could have for doing something so insane.
Billy: Oh, M-mom, maybe I'm marrying her because I love her. Did you think of that?
Kay: I think that is wonderful! Yes, I do.
Billy: See?
Murphy: Yes, ditto.
Billy: See, this is the response I'm looking' for, right?
Kay: Oh, I love it. I love it.
Phillip: I do, too. Hey. (Chuckles)
Jill: Oh, my God, you've all lost your minds.
Billy: (Groans)
Cordelia: (Cries)
Chance: Uh, I'll get her.
Billy: Hmm.
Jill: Billy, he's gonna make your life miserable, Honey.
Kay: (Sighs)
Billy: Well, Mom, then I will get a pitchfork, and I will poke him with it.
Kay: (Laughs)
Jill: Well, don't put me on the seating chart, 'cause I won't stand by and watch you make the biggest mistake of your life.
Billy: Good to see you, Mom.
Kay: I'll talk to her. Don't worry.
Murphy: I'll walk you out.
Kay: Jill. Jill, come back here.
Phillip: Wow, I know what it's like going against family.
Billy: (Chuckles) Yeah.
Phillip: Uh, how can I help you?
Billy: Well, you know, I've got a list of, um... well, Gloria Bardwell, she--she's doing the catering. Could--could you, like, make sure the food and the booze is okay?
Phillip: Yeah. Okay, I'm on it. All right.
Billy: Okay, thanks.
Phillip: Sure.
Billy: Wow. A little early for breakfast of champions, isn't it?
Chloe: (Chuckles) Yeah, that--that's good coming from you, but, uh, you're just full of irony today, aren't you? (Scoffs)
Billy: You're not thrilled with the idea of me marrying Victoria, I gather.
Chloe: (Laughs) Are you kidding me? I-I think it's actually really funny, because it's just watching history repeat itself. You know, it's the annual Billy Abbott wedding debacle. And, uh, here is to Victoria. Welcome to the club. Mac and I will save you seat at the founders' table. Hear, hear.
Victoria: Okay, I will see you at the house later, and thank you again for doing this on such short notice, Judge Anderson. We really appreciate it. Hey, have you guys seen J.T.?
Daniel: (Chuckles) Yeah, he's in there.
Victoria: (Scoffs) Darn it.
Daniel: Are you okay?
Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, I... great... for someone that's getting married in a couple of hours. I'm--I'm great.
Jana: You're getting married? Today?
Victoria: Yeah. Yeah, I am. It's kind of crazy, I know.
Jana: Well, I think that's fabulous.
Victoria: Well, maybe you could help me.
Daniel: Uh... (Chuckles) What do you need?
Victoria: Um, well, I need, uh, I need a dress.
Jana: Done. Done.
Victoria: (Chuckles) Oh, great.
Jana: What else?
Victoria: That's great. (Laughs) Wow, um, I need, uh...
Jana: What else?
Victoria: A photographer. I need a photographer.
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Victoria: That's great.
Daniel: Yeah.
Victoria: Really?
Daniel: Well, yeah. If it's a paying job, absolutely.
Victoria: This is so nice. My--my own family wouldn't help me, and I... you guys are just... Nick wouldn't even stand up for me, so I'm kind of...
Jana: Oh, God. I'm--I'm so sorry.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Jana: Well, well, what are you gonna do?
Victoria: I don't know. I-I just--I... oh, Jana, um, would you... would you do it?
Jana: Me?
Victoria: Yeah.
Jana: You really want me to--
Victoria: I mean, I-I--
Jana: (Sighs)
Victoria: You'd be doing me, like, really, a huge favor, and I...
Jana: Yes.
Victoria: Oh, thank you!
Jana: Yes. Yes. I would-- I would just--I'd love to.
Victoria: Thank you! That's so sweet of you! Oh, thank you.
Jana: I'm gonna go get our dresses.
Victoria: Okay.
Jana: Okay. Okay.
Victoria: Okay, great. Okay.
Daniel: Wow.
Victoria: That's good.
Daniel: Billy has smeared every single Newman that's ever lived in his magazine, and now he's getting married to one?
J.T.: So you and Billy are getting married?
Chloe: I feel bad for Victoria. She has no idea what she's getting herself into, and I don't know why you keep on doing this, but you keep on running off to the altar like you've got something to prove, you know, woman after woman. You're never gonna be like your dad.
Chance: (Whispering) So tired. Shh. So tired.
Billy: There she is. Sleepyhead, hey. You gonna be able to be...
Chance: Oh, yes.
Billy: Daddy's little flower girl today, huh? Can you do it?
Chloe: I'll, uh, I'll go get her things.
Chance: She's gonna make one beautiful flower girl. I'm just sorry I'm gonna miss it.
Billy: Oh, come on, Man. I know you're busy, but you can stop by for a little while, right?
Chance: I've got this thing I-I really can't get out of. Otherwise, I-I would be there.
Billy: Okay.
Chance: You know, Billy, I, um, I'm sorry. I, uh, I didn't really give you a fair shot when I first got back into town. Kind of pegged you as being a screw-up.
Billy: Hmm.
Chance: (Chuckles) Yeah, I know. I've screwed up a few things myself, though.
Billy: Yeah, well, it's tough being perfect.
Chance: Happy is much better than being perfect. So just be happy, Billy.
Billy: I plan on it.
Chance: (Chuckles) All right. Bye, Baby. Bye, Delia. Here's daddy.
Billy: Come on.
Chance: Here's daddy.
Billy: (Groans) Oh, yeah. You. You. Oh, who's tired? Look who's tired. Look who's tired. (Growls) Anyway...
J.T.: Well, Daniel couldn't get out of here fast enough.
Victoria: (Sighs) Listen, this is not how I wanted you to find out...
J.T.: (Exhales)
Victoria: About Billy and I getting married.
J.T.: So what-- what, are you gonna do this, like, every two or three months maybe? Until you get it right? Is it always gonna be Billy? Or is there gonna be, like, a-a different guy playing the part of the groom?
Victoria: I know you don't approve of me or Billy. But we're starting a life together, and Reed is gonna be a part of that. So he should be there today when it all begins.
Mac: She's right.
Victoria: Mm. Taking my side?
Mac: I'm taking Reed's side. You both act like your actions and your reactions have no effect on your little boy. But trust me, every single thing that you do affects him.
J.T.: Fine. Take him to the wedding.
Victoria: Thank you.
Ashley: You're really not going?
Jack: I told you, I have a business meeting in Chicago this afternoon.
Ashley: This is our little brother, Jack, the one that stormed into the Newman ranch last year, picked me up in his arms and carried me out of there. I'm gonna be there for him today, and you should be, too. Because if the situation was reversed, Billy wouldn't stop at anything to be there for you.
Nikki: So... this is what you do to your sweet little girl? The one who idolized you and looked up to you. How can you treat her this way?
Victor: Because I'm trying to save her from a lifetime of heartache.
Nikki: No, Victor. You are controlling her like you always do with everybody. You control everybody in your life, every... (Scoffs) I'm not gonna stand for it anymore. I cannot stand by and watch you play with people's lives anymore. I'm not gonna do it.
Victor: Because I control everything, I'm a rich man. You get it?
Nikki: I don't care.
Victor: You don't? Really? Are you saying you're not gonna marry me, or what? In other words, if I refuse to go to this farce of a wedding, you won't marry me? Is that it?
Nikki: How many times do you have to go down this same road before you finally realize that it always ends with somebody being hurt?
Victor: Victoria isn't thinking clearly. Neither are you. Because if you were, you'd realize that I'm trying to save her from suffering a lot of heartache.
Nikki: No, you know what you're doing? You are alienating her.
(Front door closes)
Nikki: You are pushing her away.
Victor: Bull.
Nikki: And if you keep it up, you're gonna push both of us out of your life.
Victor: Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. All right.
Victoria: Hi.
Nikki: Hi.
Victoria: Hi. Hi. Hi, Dad. Um, I guess you haven't changed your mind. I guess that you're not coming to my wedding then.
Victor: No.
Nikki: (Sighs)
Victoria: You know, Dad, nothing that Billy ever does will hurt me as much as you're hurting me right now.
Nikki: I'll go with you and help you get ready. I hope you have a good time here alone all by yourself.
Victor: Thank you.
(Front door slams)
Victor: (Slams down folder)
Kay: Quite a simple legacy. Of course, nothing compared to what your father left you.
Jill: Neil left money. Mama left memories.
Kay: Well, your father was simply not there for you. But Elizabeth was. Billy's going to remember who was there... and who wasn’t.
Billy: Crying's not gonna help. Last time I let you drive, you went too fast. You just went too fast. Nope. Not driving anymore. Hey, Man.
Rafe: Hey, Buddy.
Billy: Thanks for meeting us.
Rafe: Hey, Tyler’s off visiting his parents. I've just sort of been hangin' around. What's up?
Billy: (Clears throat) Well, um, Victoria and I are getting married today, and I need a best man.
Rafe: You got one.
Billy: Wait. That's it? No "What are you doing? Are you nuts?" (Silly voice) "Are you crazy?"
Rafe: Look, Billy, I stopped trying to figure you out somewhere between sophomore and junior year. It's just more fun goin' along for the ride.
Billy: (Normal voice) Yeah? Well, get ready... (Whispers) 'Cause it's about to get really wild.
Nina: Good. We're alone. I want to talk to you about something.
Chance: I want to talk to you, too, Mom.
Nina: Paul talked to Cricket yesterday, and she refuses to believe that Ronan’s a dirty cop. I mean, the guy set you up. What's it gonna take for her to believe that he's scum? I just... I'm--I'm gonna call her right now and find out what the hell she's talking about.
Chance: Wait. Wait. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hold on. (Chuckles) Oh, no, you're not.
Nina: What? Why are you laughing at me?
Chance: Look... (Sighs) Mom, you are always trying to protect your little boy. Do you remember years ago when we were at the mall, and I wanted to see the puppies over in the pet store?
Nina: Yeah, without asking me?
Chance: Yeah, I was 5 feet away, too.
Nina: Well, just wait till you have kids of your own. You'll understand what it's like to worry.
Chance: Mm-hmm, worry. That's my point, Mom-- you do enough worrying. You need to enjoy life a little more.
Nina: (Scoffs)
Chance: Look, you need to go out. You need to check out the leaves, the changing colors. Go to the mall. Go on a date. Take Paul out if he won't ask you.
Nina: (Scoffs) God. All right!
Chance: You need to do something, please.
Nina: Fine, I will go. But I'm not gonna stop worrying about you.
Chance: You are so crazy. Do you know that?
Nina: Yes, but you love me anyway.
Chance: I... (Chuckles) I do love you, Mom. (Sighs)
Chloe: Well, now I know I'm right. You are going to this meeting or showdown or whatever it is with the drug dealers, aren't you?
Chance: Well, I told you that.
Chloe: Well, you didn't tell me everything, because you're afraid that you might not be coming back. That's what all these good-byes are about, right?
Chance: Where are you getting these ideas, Chloe?
Chloe: Here's another idea-- how about you not go?
Victoria: Where is Jana? She said that she'd bring dresses for me to see.
Nikki: She will be here.
Victoria: (Sighs) Okay, what about Reed's clothes?
Nikki: Laid out on his bed.
Victoria: (Exhales) Okay. Why hasn't Billy called? He should be here by now. He really should.
Nikki: Victoria? Honey. Honey.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Nikki: You've got to stop. Stop.
Victoria: What--what--
Nikki: Stop. Stop. Turn around. Look at me. Everything's gonna be okay.
Victoria: Okay. Do you think that Daddy's gonna show up at the last minute?
Nikki: Darling, I don't know.
Reed: Mommy! Mommy! Are you really getting married?
Victoria: (Gasps) Yes, I am, Baby. (Chuckles) I'm getting married today.
Billy: (Exhales quickly)
Billy: (Sighs) Oh, hey.
Phillip: Oh, look who I found.
Billy: Hi. You must be Judge Anderson. Um, have we met? You look really familiar to me.
Judge Anderson: I don't think so. Oh, the place looks beautiful, kind of like the house I grew up in. I have a few things to go over. I'll see you soon.
Billy: Okay, bye. Uh, you look good, Man.
(Cell phone alert chimes)
Gloria: Oh, great. That's just great.
Gloria: That's right. It's me. Listen, my bartender just canceled. Need your help.
Billy: Hey, Rafe, meet my brother. This is Phillip. Phillip, Rafe Torres.
Phillip: Hi.
Rafe: Hey. Pleased to meet you.
Phillip: You, too.
Billy: You know, it's funny, um, you barely know me, and you know me way too well. But you're both here. I appreciate it. Thank you.
Rafe: Well, hey, Man, we got your back. Anything you need, just say the word.
Billy: How about you just try to keep the Newmans and the Abbotts separated? Okay? I gotta go. See you all in a bit.
Phillip: All right. You bring a date? Or you gonna watch the fireworks alone?
Rafe: Solo today. Boyfriend's outta town. What about you?
Phillip: Haven't met my boyfriend yet, but it's a wedding, you know? You never know who you're gonna meet, right?
Chance: The people involved in the narcotics ring are meeting tonight. Chloe, this may be my last opportunity to bring the whole thing down and finally prove that I am innocent.
Chloe: You're really gonna stand there and tell me that you don't think that these guys are gonna try to kill you?
Chance: Well, I have every intention of coming home tonight.
Chloe: God, you know, you-- you really suck at lying. (Scoffs) You suck at it. I mean, you couldn't even-- couldn't even lie to me when you cheated on me. You had to tell me the truth.
Chance: Hey. Chloe.
Chloe: No, please don’t. Don’t.
Chance: Look, I am sorry. I am sorry. Can you let me grovel, please?
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: Can you give me that?
Chloe: Fine. A little.
Chance: (Sighs) I was a jerk. I was a huge jerk. But I also loved you, and I did wait my whole life to meet you. And the one regret that I do have is that I hurt you.
Chloe: Look, I can... (Sighs) I can forgive you for cheating on me, but I will not forgive you... (Voice breaking) If you get yourself hurt.
Chance: Please. Shh. (Sniffles)
Billy: Knock, knock.
Victoria: Oh, my gosh, Billy! Is that you? Is it time? 'Cause, um, I'm not ready. Oh, God. (Scoffs) The doorknob is stuck!
Billy: Vicki, it--
Victoria: I'm gonna be late for my own wedding.
Billy: Vicki?
Victoria: Call the fire department or something.
Billy: (Laughs) Vicki, uh, we don't need to call anybody. It's okay. Um, I'm holding the door.
Victoria: Is this a "I can't see the bride before the wedding because it's bad luck" kind of thing?
Billy: Uh, no. It's a "Look down and see what's in your hand" thing.
Victoria: A doorknob.
Billy: It's a-- it's a present, actually. It's a re-gifted present.
Victoria: What kind of moron would buy a doorknob as a present?
Billy: Oh, actually, this really pretty girl. See, we were stuck in this bathroom one time, and, well, mm, you know, I think she gave that to me to thank her for me giving her something else. (Clears throat)
Victoria: Mm. You know, this was all starting out so sweet.
Billy: Hey, a doorknob's not sweet?
Victoria: Yes, it's sweet. Billy, did anyone show up?
Billy: (Clears throat) Judge Anderson’s here. Rafe's here. Phillip's here.
Victoria: That's it?
Billy: Gloria's here.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Hey, look at it this way. Look at it this way. We've got a justice of the peace. We've got two witnesses, and we've got a full bar. So if nobody else shows up, that's gonna save us a lot of headaches, right? You ready to do this?
Victoria: Yeah, I'm ready.
Phyllis' voice: "How many weddings did our real-life bride and groom watch on television when they were growing up, imagining that one day they would have their own fairy-tale wedding? They dreamed of living normal lives with normal families... where they'd have sisters and brothers who stood by them... no matter what. And grandparents who were always wiser than their overbearing parents. There would be problems..."
Phyllis: Oh.
Phyllis' voice: "Betrayals..."
Phyllis' voice: "Nothing they couldn't overcome. They wouldn't need to file lawsuits or drag lawyers in to help them solve their problems. In this utopian world where our lovers resided, parents would approve of anyone their children fell in love with. And the people they trusted with all their hearts would never let them down..."
Chloe: (Inhales sharply) (Sighs)
Chloe: (Sobs) No.
Phyllis' voice: "And would never, ever say good-bye."
Chloe: (Sighs)
Phyllis' voice: "Today, our real-life lovers were hoping they could uncross their fate and attain their dream of life free from the bitter animosity that for so long had gripped their families. For a brief second, it looked as if they might actually pull it off. But like the citizens of Verona, the good people of Genoa City had other plans for the bride and groom.
Phyllis' voice: "Their hopes for a peaceful afternoon were about to be shattered."
Victor: (Sighs)
Phyllis' voice: "What our newlyweds just couldn't see was that no matter how much they wished it were so, the world they lived in could never be as simple as the ones they watched on TV. Because in their world..."
Victor: Everything set for the wedding? Good.
Phyllis' voice: "Father always knows best."
Next on "The Young and the Restless"..
Heather: Why is this sounding so final?
Judge Anderson: Welcome, everyone, to a glorious event at this truly lovely home.
Ronan: It's over.
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