Y&R Transcript Monday 9/6/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 9/6/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 9/7/10 -- USA


Episode # 9479 ~ Father Thinks He Knows Best

Provided By Eric and Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: Sis, you okay?

Ashley: I have a horrible headache, Jack.

Jack: You want me to turn the light back out?

Ashley: No, the dark wasn't really helping.

Jack: Can I get you anything?

Ashley: The truth would be nice. Abby is suing Victor again, this time for mismanaging her trust, although, I suspect you already knew that.

Jack: Now why do you say it that way?

Ashley: Because I was with Victor when he was served, and he's convinced that you're pulling the strings.

Jack: Since when are you buying what that man's selling?

Ashley: Jack, did you have anything to do with it?

Jack: I knew Abby was speaking to Vance Abrams, yes. But until this moment, I had no idea what she intended to do.

Abby: (Clears throat)

Vance: Heard from your father yet?

Abby: No. Why?

Vance: Lawsuit's a go. Handed him the papers myself earlier this evening.

Abby: How'd he react?

Vance: I think it's safe to say that Victor is not a happy man right now.

Abby: (Sighs)

Victor: You're pregnant?

Victoria: Yes, um... (Laughs) We literally found out just a few minutes ago, and, um, we weren't really planning on telling anyone yet.

Nikki: And obviously, you're happy about this.

Victoria: Yes, we are happy.

Billy: I'm very, very, very, very, happy.

Victoria: (Giggles) Uh, and see? Billy made it official. He proposed. Just a few minutes ago, he proposed.

Nikki: Well, Darling, if this is truly what you want, I'm happy, too.

Billy: Well... three out of four ain't bad, right, Grandpa?

Nina: I can't believe it. My son. I'm actually looking at my son.

Paul: Or how he might appear all grown-up.

Nina: Yeah, I know you told me not to expect too much since these computer-generated things aren't always very accurate, but somehow deep down, I was hoping, even though I've never seen him before, that I would recognize him, you know? I know it sounds silly, but...

Paul: Oh, not to me it doesn't.

Nina: I keep on looking for a-a resemblance to Chance or to me, and I don't... I don't see one.

Chance: Ronan is my what?

Chloe: You two are brothers.

Chance: Did Ronan tell you to tell me this? You guys trying to mess with my head?

Chloe: (Sighs) If you would just listen to what I'm trying to tell you, I can explain everything.

Chance: No, Chloe, this is not possible, all right? These are more of his lies, okay? These are lies.

Chloe: I found out on my own, okay? And he wasn't too happy about it.

Chance: This doesn't make any sense, Chloe.

Chloe: Look, I saw Ronan's driver's license, and he had the same exact birth date as Nina's lost son. So I did a little research online. And it turns out that he lied where he went to high school.

Chance: How do you know?

Chloe: Well, the people who would have gone to school with him had never heard of Ronan Malloy. So I started to put the pieces together. And then I confronted him about it, and he denied it. And then I threatened to go to "Restless Style" with the information that I knew. He admitted that you guys were brothers, and then he swore me to secrecy.

Owen: No serial number. Completely untraceable. I don't care how you do it. I don't care where. But you have until midnight tomorrow night to shut Chancellor up for good. And if you don't go through with it...

Ronan: Don't worry. I'll go through with it. Guy doesn't mean anything to me. One thing, though-- this deadline.

Owen: Yeah, what about it?

Ronan: Killing a cop, it's gonna be complicated. And I need time to set it up so no one's suspicious.

Sid: No, it has to be done within 24 hours. We got a big score comin' in. We can't have anybody around who'll mess that up.

Owen: Look, you don't want to do it, other arrangements can be made.

Ronan: I didn't say that I didn't want to do it. I'm just trying to tell you it has to be done right.

Owen: Look, you said I can trust you. This is your chance to prove it.

Ronan: I understand. And by tomorrow night, my ex-partner will be dead.

Victor: Is the pregnancy the reason you're wearing this ring?

Victoria: No.

Billy: If you, uh, noticed, she was wearing the ring before we got the results.

Victor: You know why he's doing this, don't you? He's getting back at me.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Nikki: I think that we all just need to take a moment and let it sink in and not make any rash decisions.

Victor: Look, he has already conned you into one phony marriage which wasn't legal, thank God.

Nikki: Victor.

Victor: Are you falling for it again?

Billy: No, she's marrying me because we love each other.

Victor: Really?

Nikki: I think we should all just take one big collective breath. (Inhales deeply)

Billy: You know what, Sir? Um, you have inspired me. Why wait? You know? I-I want to get married right away, like tomorrow. Tomorrow sounds good. Is that okay with you? Is that okay?

Victoria: (Laughs) Yes.

Billy: Yeah?

Victoria: Yes, that sounds fabulous. I can't wait to become Mrs. Billy Abbott, actually.

Billy: Ooh.

Paul: Here you go. (Sighs)

Nina: I know this is supposed to be a step forward, you know, having some idea of what my son might look like, but I have no idea what to do next. How is this gonna help us?

Paul: Well, you can look at it this way--

Nina: You have warned me so many times that we might never find him, and I-I just keep doing this to myself. I keep allowing myself to hope. Why?

Paul: It's more than we had before. And I know you've been wanting this a very, very long time, but you--you-- you still have to be patient. Look, this is, uh... (Sighs) It's a marathon, okay? It's not a sprint. And I promise you, we will do everything we possibly can until somewhere someday we find your son.

Chloe: (Sighs) All right, well, Kevin is gonna take Delia over to my mom's now, so if you want to talk more about this, we can.

Chance: How do you know this isn't some sort of ruse? Maybe he read my mom's book. He knew exactly what to say when you confronted him. Maybe that's why Heather trusts him, too, because he threw the same line of bull towards her.

Chloe: Stop. He didn't want anyone to know, okay? He did not tell a soul.

Chance: Is that why he's back in Genoa City? Because he wants to get even with Mom and me?

Chloe: He said that he didn't even have anything to do with it. He had no idea that you guys were gonna be on the force when he got into town.

Chance: Yeah, right. My long-lost brother just happens to come back into town out of nowhere and it's all just a giant coincidence. You expect me to believe that? Chloe, the guy targeted me. But no more. Whatever the hell his game is, whatever he's up to, it all ends now.

(Knock on door)

Heather: Owen, are you in there?

(Knock on door)

Heather: Owen?

Ronan: (Quietly) Shh!

Heather: (Grunts)

Ronan: It's Ronan. It's Ronan. Shh. Don't make any loud noises, okay? Stop. Shh!

Heather: (Quietly) What the hell are you doing here?

Ronan: You first.

Heather: (Sighs) I've had it-- all the secrets and lies and frame-ups. (Stammers) I won't be a part of it anymore. I lost my job because I withheld information from my boss.

Ronan: That is still no explanation about what you are doing here right now.

Heather: I called Owen. I asked him to meet me here. I'm gonna tell him everything.

Ronan: Everything? What do you... not that I'm undercover.

Heather: Once Owen knows, it'll change everything. It feels like he's the only one I can trust. (Sighs)

Ronan: We don't know who we can trust. If you go and spill your guts to Owen right now, he could go tell someone. What--Heather, what if it's the wrong someone? What if there's another bomb in your car?

Heather: What I want is for this to be over. I can't live like this anymore.

Ronan: I know, and we're close. We're this close to blowing this case wide open.

Heather: Has there been a break?

Ronan: Listen to me. For your own safety, I cannot share that information with you right now.

Heather: Oh, my God, really? Really? You expect me to just take your word for it? I'm sorry. No, not good enough.

Ronan: Look at me. Look at me. You have to trust me. I need you to go home and not say a word about this case. My life depends on it, Heather.

Heather: (Sighs)

Ronan: Give me 24 hours, and this will all be over.

Chloe: For what it's worth, I'm glad that you finally know the truth. I hated keeping a secret from you.

Chance: Don't tell anyone else about this, especially not my mom.

Chloe: What, are you kidding me? It's Nina's son. She's gonna freak out if she finds out that you kept the truth from her.

Chance: Until I can find out who Ronan really is and what he's up to and the game that he's playing, I don't want him talkin' to her.

Chloe: Fine. I won't say a word.

Chance: Good.

Chloe: Where are you going?

Chance: A family reunion.

(Door slams shut)

Abby: What happens now that my dad's been served?

Vance: Well, by hiring me, you sent Victor a message. You're not playing around this time. We're accusing him of gross mismanagement, an accusation I feel confident we can prove.

Abby: (Sighs) Well, um, I-I'm not trying to get my dad in trouble. I just want him to acknowledge that I'm an adult and treat me like one.

Vance: The thing is, Abby, I don't see how you can have one without the other.

Ashley: I can't believe that you would actually encourage her to talk to Vance Abrams about this. Go to him for this, Jack?!

Jack: Wha--hold on. Hold on. Time out, okay? In case you haven't noticed it, your daughter has a brain of her own, and she isn't in the habit of asking you or me for permission before she acts.

Ashley: You know what's ironic about this? Abby came to me and said that she was thinking about behaving more responsibly in exchange for some of her trust, so I actually talked to Victor, and he was gonna consider it. And then she pulls this, and now she's in danger of losing her trust entirely.

Jack: Losing her trust? That is not going to happen.

Ashley: He's threatening to dismantle her holdings, Jack.

Jack: Dismantle her holdings?

Ashley: Yes.

Jack: Would he actually do that?

Ashley: You think he wouldn't? That's why you should have stopped her, at least had me stop her.

Jack: Has it ever occurred to you that your daughter is onto something? That Victor may have mismanaged her trust?

Ashley: The fact that you're saying that tells me a lot.

Jack: W-well, you said it yourself. Vance Abrams is a shark. He has built a hell of a reputation by taking on cases he knows he can win.

Ashley: Oh, God, I can't take it!

Jack: No, wait, wait. Now listen. If he thinks Abby has a legitimate complaint, maybe she does.

Ashley: This family is in such a mess all the time. I just can't stand it. My daughter should not be at war with her father, Jack.

Victoria: If you want someone to blame for this, you should just-- you should blame yourself.

Victor: The only reason you're going ahead with this is to rebel against your father, isn't it?

Victoria: (Scoffs) You know, we wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you. If you weren't so pigheaded and so stubborn. Why can't you be open-minded like Mom? She's open-minded.

Billy: Honey, uh, tomorrow's not gonna work.

Victoria: What? Why not?

Billy: Well, because according to the county clerk's web site, we have to have a marriage certificate for, like, five days in advance before-- that puts us right in the middle of next--yeah.

Victoria: The middle of next week.

Victor: Well, that's good news. Gives you another week to come to your senses.

Nikki: Well, now, Victor, let's try to remember the reason we came here to begin with was to try to make peace. This is our daughter. We're going to have another grandchild.

Victor: I am not a hypocrite.

Nikki: We need to bring the family together.

Victor: I will not stand by here and watch this farce unfold! You got it?

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Wow, well, thanks for stopping by, Dad. It's always a pleasure to see you.

Nikki: Look, um... (Sighs) You have to understand that you've just hit him with a very big shock, not to mention me, too.

Victor: Come on! Let's go!

Nikki: I'll be right there. Uh, and no disrespect, but Billy has given us plenty of reason for concern. So I think we all just need to chill out for tonight, okay?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: You take it easy.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: These are your examples of... (Clears throat) You okay?

Victoria: (Sighs) Yeah, I'm okay. What do you think?

Billy: I think that I want to remember this day forever. Not only did we find out that we are gonna have a baby, you also agreed to put up with me for the rest... of... our... lives. (Growls)

Victoria: (Laughs) Yeah.

Billy: Yeah. And you know what? I want to do this. I want to do this right now. I want to make it permanent. That's why tomorrow, we are going to head out.

Victoria: What?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Where are we going?

Billy: (Whispers) We are gonna go to... (Makes kissing sound) (Singsong voice) Vegas.

Victoria: Yes!

Billy: Yes, you like that?

Victoria: Yes.

Billy: Mm.

Nikki: I know where you stand, and I know why, but this isn't about us. It's about Victoria and Billy and the child they're expecting.

Victor: Sweetheart, there's no need to compound one mistake with another. She doesn't have to marry Billy Abbott for the child to be okay. The child will be all right.

Nikki: Victor, can't you look at this with a little more empathy? I mean, this is our daughter. Please.

Victor: Right now-- right now I have to deal with the mess that my other daughter has created, okay?

Nikki: All right, well, in the meantime, will you please just think about what it would take for you to accept this marriage, for me?

Victor: I will never--

Nikki: Can you do it for me?

Victor: I will never accept it. End of story. You and I are living proof that the Newmans and the Abbotts should never marry each other. Now you help our daughter see the light before she jumps headlong into another disaster.

Billy: We have two early tickets to Sin City.

Victoria: Yay, us!

Billy: (Chuckles) Yes! Yay, us.

Victoria: Yay, us.

Billy: Yay, us.

(Telephone rings)

Victoria: Oh, I'll get it. Hello?

Nikki: Hi, Honey. It's--it's me.

Victoria: Oh, hey, Mom. What's up?

Nikki: Nothing. I-I just wanted to see how you were doing. I hope you're not too upset.

Victoria: You know, Mom, nothing could upset me now, not even Dad. You know, Billy's online. He's booking us some plane tickets.

Nikki: Plane tickets?

Victoria: Yep. I'm following in your footsteps. We're gonna go and we're gonna elope in Vegas, just like you and Jack did.

Billy: You tell your mama we're gettin' married tomorrow come hell or high water.

Victoria: (Laughs) Did you hear that, Mom?

Nikki: Yeah. Yeah. I-I heard that. I... I can tell how excited you both are.

Victoria: Well, you know, I wanted to have another baby more than anything, and... (Sighs) I know we're not doing this the most conventional way, but it just feels right. Do you know what I mean, Mom?

Nikki: If anyone does, I do.

Victoria: And I gotta tell you, Billy is so sweet. He wants to be there for all of it. He wants to be there to hear the first heartbeat and see the sonogram and everything that he didn't get to do with Delia.

Nikki: Yeah, you tell your fiancé he's got a good attitude.

Victoria: (Whispers) My mother approves.

Nikki: I know your father won't approve of this, but I'm quite willing to help you get everything arranged so that we could have you married in a week or two.

Victoria: (Normal voice) S... so my mom wants, uh, to help us plan something here if maybe we would consider sticking around?

Billy: Tell her thanks, but I-I mean, I-I-I don't-- I don't think we want to wait. I mean, I-I don't want to wait.

Victoria: No, no, no, n-neither do I. No.

Nikki: I-I-I understand. I just... wish that I could be a part of your big day, that's all.

Victoria: I know, Mom. I'm sorry. I do, too. But, uh, wish me luck, and, oh, please, do me a favor and don't tell Dad, because he's just gonna freak out, and no one needs that right now, all right? And I'll call you when I get back, and I love you.

Nikki: I love you, too, Baby.

Nikki: Marie, hi. It's Nikki Newman. I'm so sorry to be calling so late, but I really need a favor mother to mother.

Owen: Oh, Heather. Good. I was afraid I missed you. What did you want to tell me?

Heather: Sir, I'm, uh... I'm ashamed to admit this, but when I called you, I had had a few drinks. I was feeling sorry for myself about losing my job, and I thought perhaps if we talked, I could explain things, but it... it was a mistake. Uh, I-I shouldn't have bothered you.

Heather: (Sighs)

Sid: (Scoffs) Think she was on the level?

Owen: Well, I hope so... for her sake.

Chance: Hello... Brother. Are you my brother? Ronan, answer me. Are you my brother?

Ronan: According to a D.N.A. test, yeah, I am. Listen to me. That has nothing to do with why I'm here or what I'm doing.

Chance: You son of a...

Ronan: Chance!

Chance: You set me up!

Ronan: Chance, listen to me.

Chance: (Grunting)

Ronan: (Grunts) No!

Chance: I am gonna get the truth out of you if I have to beat it out of you!

Ronan: All right! All right. All right. All right. I'll tell you everything.

Paul: I don't want you giving up hope, Nina. Look, these days, there are so many more tools to find people.

Nina: You mean, like the internet and stuff like that?

Paul: Exactly, and now that we have a picture of him, it's a very good place to start.

Nina: What about TV? Is that going too far?

(Door opens)

Paul: No, in fact, I was gonna suggest--

Nina: Heather?

Heather: Oh, hi. I'm so glad that you're here. I... I just saw Ronan.

Paul: What happened?

Heather: (Sighs) I-I had a plan. I was carrying it out. Then I saw Ronan. He made me question everything that I thought was right. Now I-I don't know who to trust anymore.

Paul: Okay s-slow down. What was your plan, and--and what did Ronan do to confuse you?

Heather: I don't-- just--sometimes he's so intense, you know? I... (Sighs) I know Chance thinks he's one of the bad guys.

Nina: Well, I would trust my son. If you're gonna believe anyone, believe him.

Paul: Uh, listen, why don't you, uh, help Heather get some tea?

Nina: Yeah, sure. Chamomile works wonders.

Heather: Mm.

Nina: And if Ronan shows up, we can pour it over his head.

Heather: (Chuckles)

Paul: Yeah, Chris, it's me. I'm fine. Listen, um, do you have a minute? Okay. Things are getting pretty messed up here. How much do you really know about Ronan Malloy?

Vance: I wouldn't expect any response from Victor until his lawyer's had a chance to go over everything.

Abby: How long will that take?

Vance: A couple of days, couple of weeks. Couldn't tell you.

Abby: And then we'll go to court?

Vance: Not necessarily. There's a few ways this could go. The could countersue.

Abby: My dad could sue me? For what?

Vance: Defamation, harassment. My guess? They'll offer to settle.

Abby: A settlement. I could live with that. (Chuckles)

Ashley: Jack and I were just talking about Abby's lawsuit.

Victor: I'm not gonna discuss that in front of him, all right?

Jack: Why, because you think I'm behind it?

Victor: I know you're behind it.

Jack: You believe what you want. It doesn't really make any difference.

Victor: Hmm, just for your information, her lawsuit is not gonna amount to much. Michael Baldwin and I will see to that. But she will suffer the consequences for a long time.

Ashley: Victor, we need to sit down and talk to her. Please.

Victor: I think this is beyond the talking stage.

Ashley: (Sighs)

Chance: (Sighs)

Ronan: That's it. That's everything. Whole story. Now you know as much as I do.

(Knock on door)

Chloe: (Sighs)

Ronan: You just couldn't keep your big mouth shut, could you?

Chance: Hey, at least she's telling the truth.

Victor: Both of my daughters will have to suffer the consequences of their actions, which is the reason why I came here.

Victor: (Sighs) Nikki and I came back from visiting both your brother Billy and Victoria. They're engaged, and she's pregnant.

Ashley: What?

Jack: You're joking.

Victor: I wish I were joking.

Jack: Oh, my...

Ashley: Aw, a baby and another wedding.

Victor: Are you kidding me? Not if I can help it.

Jack: As sick as it makes me to say these words, I agree with you. Our brother has no business marrying his daughter.

Victor: Well, Jack, you and I agree for once.

Ashley: Hold off on this. I mean, they're not teenagers. It's their business. Let it be.

Jack: Oh, they're doing this to rile you.

Victor: From what they told us, they plan to have the ceremony tomorrow.

Jack: Oh, great. They're doin' this to stick it to you.

Victor: But the law is against them. Apparently, they can't get married until a week from now, which gives us time to stop them.

(Telephone rings)

Nikki: Hello? Yes, Marie. (Sighs) Thank you so much. Thank you so much. I will never forget this. Okay. Thank you. Bye-bye. (Sighs)

Nikki: Hi, it's me again.

Victoria: Oh, hey, what's up?

Nikki: I wanted you to know that I got a hold of Judge Anderson. You remember her? We've been on charity boards together.

Victoria: Yeah? You got a hold of her? Why?

Nikki: Well, she called in a few favors, and got the waiting period waived for you and Billy.

Victoria: Oh, that means that...

Nikki: I mean that you don't have to fly all the way to Las Vegas. You can go to the clerk's office in the morning and get your marriage certificate and get married tomorrow right here at home. And that way, I can be there. I can be at the ceremony, and anybody else that you want to invite.

Victoria: (Sighs) Mom. Thank you. (Sighs) You have no idea what this means to me.

Nikki: Just the sound of your voice is thanks enough. Now you call me first thing, okay?

Victoria: Okay, Mom. I totally will. I love you. I can't wait to tell Billy. Thank you.

Billy: Tell Billy what?

Victoria: (Sighs) My mom just gave me the best news.

Vance: I'll be in touch as soon as I hear from Michael.

Abby: Sounds good. (Sighs)

Vance: There's something you need to think about in the meantime. If Victor refuses to settle, which he may, you need to allow me to go for the jugular or drop the suit.

Abby: All or nothing?

Vance: That's right.

Abby: What exactly does "Go for the jugular" mean to you?

Vance: You need to give me carte blanche to handle this case any way I see fit. Otherwise, we're just spinning our wheels. (Taps on table)

Abby: Didn't exactly answer my question.

Vance: Bottom line, Abby. You either trust me, or you don't. I've told you what I need in order to win this case. Now you need to decide how far you're willing to go if they don't make an offer.

Jack: Well, the mustache just left, and your headache is worse. What is wrong with this story?

Ashley: Oh, if only you were funny, Jack.

Jack: Can I get you an aspirin or a cold compress?

Ashley: I am so sick to death of all this fighting. Why can't we ever have any peace in our family?

Jack: What fun would that be?

Ashley: Have you seen what this stupid feud has done to Abby? Is it really how you want Billy's kids to grow up? With all this tension constantly surrounding them?

Jack: (Sighs)

Billy: Thank you.

Victoria: Okay. What did the airline say?

Billy: They said that our tickets are canceled. No problem at all. They even waived the, uh, cancellation fee...

Victoria: That's...

Billy: After they heard the reason why.

Victoria: Great. Good. This is our lucky night, I think.

Billy: Yeah, I think we owe your mom big-time.

Victoria: Mm, yeah, it's nice to have someone supporting us.

Billy: Yeah. I keep waiting for it to sink in, you know? (Singsong voice) I mean, we're getting married in the morning. You're gonna be my wife.

Victoria: (Laughs) Oh, my God. There's so much to do. Look at this list.

Billy: (Normal voice) All right, all right, all right, all right, all right, all right. Stop, stop, stop, stop. Don't make yourself crazy. You know, we could just-- we could just grab Reed and Delia, go to city hall. It's the marriage that counts, not the wedding.

Victoria: I know. But...

Billy: But? But what? (Impersonates Elvis Presley) You have your heart set on Elvis? Uh-huh? Uh-huh?

Victoria: No, it's not-- not Elvis. Maybe not Elvis. But definitely not... not city hall.

Billy: (Normal voice) Okay, well, what do you want? I'll make it happen. Tell me what you want.

Victoria: I want to get married here in our new home, and I want our family and our kids and I want our friends to be around us.

Billy: Well, that's perfect. Why didn't I think of that? Hmm?

Victoria: Okay, so I'm gonna call my mom, and I'm gonna have her start making the arrangements because I...

Billy: Okay. That sounds great, but hold on. Ooh. Ooh. Oops. That goes over here, because I would like to, uh, practice for the honeymoon just--just a little bit. Just a little. Mm.

Victoria: That's a really good plan. Yeah.

Billy: You like that? Good.

Victor: Why in the world would you help Victoria ruin her own life by encouraging her to go through with this ridiculous marriage?

Nikki: Victor, they were going to do it anyway. By the time I got them on the phone, they had already booked airplane tickets.

Victor: Yeah, but--

Nikki: Look, before you light into me, I refuse to apologize for wanting to be present at my daughter's wedding.

Victor: This marriage is a farce! Even Jack Abbott thinks so.

Nikki: Oh, even Jack thinks-- okay, fine, then the two of you can commiserate together. I'm gonna go make some calls upstairs, because Victoria's gonna need a lot of help putting a wedding together overnight, and as her mother...

Victor: Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Nikki: I don't mind doing that.

Victor: All right, I get it. I get it. (Sighs)

Victor: (Sighs) This is Victor Newman. I hate to do this to my own daughter, but, um, it's for her own good.

Heather: Nina is waiting for her coffee.

Paul: Oh, good, that'll give us a chance to talk. Here, sit down. Are you feeling any better?

Heather: I will eventually.

Paul: Um... I noticed you didn't answer my question before. Wh-what was your plan, and how did it interfere with Ronan?

Heather: Uh, I-I went to see Owen. I was gonna tell him everything.

Paul: Heather!

Heather: I--

Paul: I thought I made it clear that was a bad idea.

Heather: Well, I didn't go through with it.

Paul: Well, what stopped you?

Heather: (Sighs) There I was, looking my mentor in the eye, and hearing Ronan's voice telling me that I better keep my mouth shut, or I would be endangering his life.

Paul: How'd you get out of it?

Heather: I made up some excuse. I got the hell out of there, and I've been second-guessing myself ever since.

Paul: (Sighs) Well, if it makes you feel any better, I called Christine, and she vouched for Ronan 110%.

Nina: What? Why would she do that?

Paul: Um, well, I called Christine to see if she hand any information on Ronan. And, uh... well, I also-- I also told her that, uh, we got a computer-enhanced photograph of, um, your son, and she said to shoot her a copy. So we'll do that, and, uh, she said she'll do whatever she can to help us find him.

Ronan: You had no right to out me to anyone.

Chloe: Yeah, well, some of us happen to think that the truth matters.

Chance: Chloe, don't even waste your breath. Let's just get out of here, okay?

Ronan: Yes, do.

Chloe: Well, now do you believe me?

Chance: Look, it's not important.

Chloe: How can you say that? He's your brother.

Chance: Great. The guy's my brother. He's also involved in a drug ring up to his neck, Chloe.

Chloe: That's just more speculation.

Chance: Ronan admitted to me that there's a big meeting going on tomorrow night, some sort of get-together. I'm planning on being there. That's when I'm gonna make my move.

Chloe: How do you know he's just not setting you up again?

Chance: I don't. But I don't exactly have a choice. Tomorrow night, all this ends-- good, bad, or otherwise.

Ronan: Yeah. I set it up. Yeah, Chance'll be at the warehouse tomorrow.

Owen: How much does he know?

Ronan: Nothing. He has no idea he's walkin' into a trap.

Owen: It's done.

Sid: Think he's being straight with you?

Owen: Well, we'll find out tomorrow night. If not, you'll kill them both.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

J.T.: So you and Billy are gettin' married now?

Nick: My relationship with Sharon's gonna be a lot easier for her to understand than you running around town with some sleazy ex-con.

Nikki: How can you do this to your own family?

Victor: Just watch me.

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