Y&R Transcript Thursday 9/2/10 -- Canada; Friday 9/3/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9478 ~ Victor's Tough Love
Provided By Eric
and Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victor: Listen, Michael, if the press is trying to-- well, contact you in order to get to me. Right. Tell them Abby's lawsuit is a family matter. I'll deal with it as quickly as I can, all right? Anything else? Okay, see you soon. (Sighs heavily)
Nikki: Hi. I couldn't help but overhear that.
Victor: Yeah. (Sighs) My daughter has become quite adept at making a nuisance of herself.
Nikki: Victor, I-I really feel like I have to say this. After all the struggles you've had with Adam and Abby, can you really afford to alienate a third child?
Victor: You're talking about Victoria?
Nikki: Yes, I am talking about Victoria. I hate that the two of you aren't speaking just because she chose Billy.
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: And, Victor, you're taking such a strong edge to it. It hurts her so much. Couldn't you just meet her halfway? Consider it.
Victor: (Sighs) Listen to me. I know this means a lot to you, but I will explain to you why this cannot happen.
Billy: Uh, you're killing me here.
Victoria: I'm sorry. It's just that it-- it's so unexpected and surprising, and it's just-- it's not us at all and--
Billy: Yeah, that's true.
Victoria: No, get back down.
Billy: Okay, I'll--yeah.
Victoria: Ask me again.
Billy: (Sighs) Vic will you marry me?
Victoria: Yes!
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: Yes, I will! I will. Oh. (Sighs) Wow.
Billy: Is this okay?
Victoria: It's beautiful. It's, uh, just-- I mean, how did you-- when did you--it's--
Billy: Magic.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: I'm gonna like calling you Mrs. Abbott again.
Victoria: I'm gonna love calling you Mr. Newman again.
Billy: This time, it's permanent.
Billy: (Grunts)
Victoria: (Grunts)
Victoria: (Grunts)
Chloe: Wow, well, that's an expression that every woman longs to see after she's just had sex with a guy.
Ronan: We shouldn't have done that.
Chloe: Wow. It was that good, huh?
Ronan: (Scoffs) I can't do this, Chloe.
Chloe: Do what?
Ronan: Get involved with anyone, not in my line of work. I-I know better. This is reckless. I... what just happened there right now, that was a huge mistake, and it's not gonna happen again.
Chance: Heather, after all the crap that guy has pulled, all the lousy stunts he's been trying to throw our way, and yet you still turn and run to him. Why?
Heather: I only told him what you were up to tonight--
Chance: Because you wanted to protect me, right? Is that it?
Heather: Yes.
Chance: God, I am so sick and tired of people telling me that.
Heather: The thought of something happening to you... I just want you to be safe, okay? That's all I care about. Not the case, not Ronan, nothing-- just you, Chance.
Chance: If you gave a damn about what I wanted, you would have backed me up instead of selling me out to that jerk.
(Door slams)
Victor: You know that I love our daughter more than anything, but how often have I warned her not to get involved with the likes of Billy Abbott? That S.O.B. has humiliated our family, humiliated her by that exposé in his magazine, and me.
Nikki: I know. I-I know. I-I understand what you're saying, but just humor me for just a second. I-I wanted to show you...
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: What I found the other day. Look. You remember that little girl? She was the apple of your eye. And, yes, she may be very willful, and, yes, she may be making the worst mistake of her life...
Victor: (Scoffs)
Nikki: But, darling, is that really a reason for you to turn your back on her forever?
Victoria: Can you imagine us actually... actually planning a wedding?
Billy: It's a hell of a concept, all right.
Victoria: (Chuckles) But you know what? If that's too unspontaneous for you, then we can just... we can just go and do what we did last time.
Billy: Crash somebody else's wedding?
Victoria: No. No, we can just go to the airport and jump on a plane and pick someplace fabulous and just go there. And we can get married there, and this time, maybe we won't be so sloshed to the gills. We'll actually remember it this time.
Billy: Yeah, or maybe we could go to the arcade, and people can play pinball as we exchange our vows.
Victoria: Mm... then maybe not. But--but then maybe we could just go the traditional route, and we could have our wedding in a church, yes?
Billy: Mm...
Together: Boring.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Too boring.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Victoria: I still can't get over how sweet it was of you asking me to marry you without even knowing if I was pregnant or not.
Billy: I forgot to ask. Are you pregnant?
Victoria: I forgot to check. (Laughs)
Billy: What?
Victoria: Yes. I mean, I-I've been so tense about it all day, and then you came home, and you hit the deck on one knee, and I-it just made me forget everything, so...
Billy: Great. Great. What are we waiting for?
Victoria: I don't know.
Billy: All right, you want to go? Want to go? Want to go? Want to go? Want to go?
Victoria: Let's go. Yes. Go.
Nina: Hi.
Paul: Hi.
Nina: (Chuckles)
Paul: Wow. (Chuckles) That's quite a haul.
Nina: Well, I did okay. So have you heard from your friend the photographer who's aging the picture of my son?
Paul: Oh, Doug. I just got off the phone with him, as a matter of fact.
Nina: Yes?
Paul: And he is hoping that he might have something for us this evening.
Nina: (Sighs) Oh, my God! All these years of assuming it was hopeless to even try looking for him... I know his name. I know where he grew up. I'm gonna have a picture of him.
Paul: You know, aging a child, um, with a computer program is anything but an exact science.
Nina: I really don't care. It's more than I had going into this, which was nothing.
Paul: Okay, well, I-I just-- I don't want to be negative, but I think you should understand that, uh...
Nina: I know. Okay. I will--I will keep a lid on my expectations. I promise.
Paul: Okay. But what I was going to say is that it could all be academic. We may get nothing but a picture from all of this. There is still a better-than-even chance that we may never find Aidan.
Chloe: So, what? You're a "Scratch the itch and move on" kind of guy? Is that it?
Ronan: Don't take it personally.
Chloe: No, how could I not take it personally? I mean, you and I just... (Sighs) I don't know, I... it wasn't terrible or anything, was it? And, what? Are you never gonna get involved with a girl because you're afraid it's gonna interfere with your job?
Ronan: I'm not gonna be in this town long enough to get romantically involved with anyone, Chloe.
Chloe: Why? Where are you going?
Ronan: I was brought here to investigate this case, and when it's over, I'm outta here.
Chloe: What? No. Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Come on. You can't just leave. You've got family here. You've got your mom, and you've got Chance, and even though you don't want to tell them who you are, you really don't want to stick around and protect them?
(Front door opens)
Chloe: You really--
Kevin: Hi. Is this a bad time?
Ronan: No, I was... I was just leaving, actually.
Kevin: What was he doing here? Or do I want to know?
(Sets keys down)
Chloe: (Voice cracks) I don't know what's wrong with me. What's wrong with me?
Kevin: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Chloe: I'm such a...
Paul: Chocolate croissant-- good for what ails you. Look, I know it's been rough, uh, ever since Owen fired you, but at least you didn't have to move.
Heather: (Sighs)
Paul: You know, that would have been an upheaval that you didn’t... have you been crying?
Heather: Yeah, it's-- it's--it's only partly about work. I just got into it with Chance.
Paul: Oh, I'm sorry. Uh... you want to talk about it?
Heather: Well, um, Chance can't understand why I would ever trust Ronan, which, of course, I can't explain without blowing the guy's cover.
Paul: Yeah, I know. It's--it's frustrating.
Heather: It's horrible. I swear, I wish I'd never been told that Ronan's FBI. It cost me my job. I certainly don't feel any safer, and now I've... (Sighs) Lost basically the only friend I have around here. I-I am so tempted to just expose this entire stupid investigation and be done with it.
Paul: No, Heather, f-forget it. You can't do that. Don't even think that way.
Kevin: Here.
Chloe: Thanks. I'm such an idiot. You know, I jump into bed right after a breakup with the first player that gives me the eye. (Scoffs)
Kevin: Wait, wait, wait. You and Ronan...
Chloe: Yeah, did you see how he just ran out of the room so quickly? Did you see that? He bolted.
Kevin: I'm sorry.
Chloe: I just thought I finally got a clue. You know, or I don't know, maybe a molecule of self-esteem. But no, no. I can't do that.
Kevin: Wait, was, um, was this partially to get back at Chance?
Chloe: Honestly, I really... I have no idea. I have no idea, and I know that getting cheated on sucks, but...
Kevin: Yeah, tell me about it.
Chloe: (Sighs) I don't know. Revenge or rebound or, I don't know, maybe I'm really going for the pain trifecta here, and I actually kinda like this guy. I don't know. I just--I know that I finally... I finally gave my heart to Chance, and--and I think that I'm done being that girl, you know? And then there I am. I'm just the same girl. 500 times getting dumped, and look. I'm--I'm still the same person. (Sniffles)
Kevin: Look. All right, look. Look at me. I didn't know the old Chloe, and I'm still getting to know the new Chloe, so I will tell you this. I think you're kind of amazing.
Chloe: (Scoffs)
Kevin: I think you're kind of funny.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Kevin: And I think you are kind of really, really, really beautiful. So if being with Ronan makes you feel anything less than that, then... then you shouldn't waste your time.
Chloe: Wow. Okay, you can keep on going. I obviously need to hear this.
Kevin: (Chuckles)
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Kevin: All right, um, well, with regard to what happened today, I say you just chalk it up, you know? Find somebody else to give your heart to, somebody better, somebody who is worthy of you.
Chloe: (Sighs)
Ronan: (Clears throat) Listen, Chance needs to get out of town now for his own protection. You have to convince him--
Nina: I don't have to do anything.
Ronan: (Sighs) Listen... I know you hate me, and that’s... that's okay. But you need to listen when I say you have to convince him to leave.
Nina: (Scoffs) I know why you want him gone. It's not because you're looking out for him. It's because you know my son is this close to proving what a scumbag you really are. For your information, I already tried to talk him into leaving.
Ronan: And what did he say?
Nina: He's adamant. He's not going anywhere. So you'd better get used to having him around. And know that your own days are numbered.
Chance: Malloy. What do you think you're doing, huh? Don't talk to my mother.
Billy: Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
Victoria: I know! I-I know. I can't wait. (Laughs)
Billy: Come on. I know you're nervous. I know you're nervous. I know you're nervous. I know you're nervous, but we gotta find out one way or the other, okay?
Victoria: All right.
Billy: We're gonna have to find out one way or the other.
Victoria: I know. It's just that either way, it's just, you know, either way, it's just--it's huge.
Billy: Yeah, I know. It's huge. It's huge. But if you are pregnant, then, you know...
Victoria: Then there goes the honeymoon, right?
Billy: Well, okay, fine. But if you're not pregnant...
Victoria: Then I guess that we dodged a bullet.
Billy: I don't know. Either way, we've made a commitment. It doesn't matter. If you're pregnant, if we're havin' a kid, that's not why I proposed, okay?
Victoria: That's good to know.
Billy: Okay, you ready?
Victoria: I'm ready.
Billy: All right.
Victoria: Okay.
Billy: Here we go. (Humming fanfare) (Laughs)
Victoria: Hurry up!
Billy: (Humming fanfare) No peeking.
Victoria: What's it say? What does it say? What does it say?
Billy: (Singsong voice) We're havin' a baby. We're havin' a baby.
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: We're gonna have a baby. (Laughs)
Nikki: Here she is with Callisto. (Sighs)
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: That was right before she went to boarding school. She hated leaving that horse behind.
Victor: (Sighs) She won a lot of trophies with that horse, didn't she?
Nikki: Yes, she did, indeed. Oh, look. Look, her Easter dress.
Victor: Mm.
Nikki: (Clicks tongue) Precious.
Victor: How old was she here?
Nikki: Mm, let's see... "Victoria, age 4."
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: Just darling.
Victor: Mm-hmm.
Nikki: She has always been so caring for you, such a dear to you, Victor. I just don't understand how you can shut her out this way.
Victor: Well... (Sighs heavily) I'd love to be close to her again. But, damn it, every time I think of her playing house with that cretin... somehow, he managed to make her believe that he cares about her.
Nikki: Maybe he does.
Victor: Oh, hell, no. He doesn't know what it means to make a commitment to a woman, just like his brother Jack. They're players. He'll make her life miserable, I assure you.
Nikki: Victor, let me ask you something.
Victor: Yeah?
Nikki: Are your feelings about this strictly based on Billy and your worry for Victoria, or simply that Billy is an Abbott?
Victor: Both. I think the only way I'm gonna win her back is by... using tough love.
Nikki: Well, I hate to tell you this, but I think Victoria has been happier than she's ever been, and if Billy is the same...
Victor: (Sighs)
Nikki: I don't know that we're ever gonna get her back.
Victor: (Sighs)
Victoria: (Sighs) We're pregnant.
Billy: Mm-hmm. Yep, we're goin' halves on a rug rat, havin' a kid.
Victoria: (Sighs) Yep.
Billy: (Purses lips) You would have been disappointed if it came back negative, I could tell.
Victoria: I'm happy about it.
Billy: I know that.
Victoria: I am. I'm happy about it. I'm thrilled! Are you?
Billy: Oh, well, you know, I'm excited about it. (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs)
Billy: I'm very excited about it. This is good.
Victoria: Good. Okay. I can't believe how scared I was to find out. I mean, I must have taken that test, like, hours ago.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: I just left it upstairs on the bathroom sink, and I... oh, no.
Billy: Okay, what? What? What? What? What? What?
Victoria: Oh, no!
Billy: What? What?
Victoria: (Gasps) "Test results must be read within 15 minutes to avoid an invalid result."
Billy: Invalid, what? What?
Victoria: Meaning that you can get a false positive reading.
Billy: (Taps fingers)
Chloe: I know that you're right. I can't go back to the way that I was. But I also can't erase Ronan Malloy from my brain.
Kevin: Ronan who? See? It's easy.
Chloe: No, it's not easy, because I know things about him that no one else knows, which makes it a lot tougher.
Kevin: (Sighs)
Chloe: And I also went to bed with him knowing what I know.
Kevin: Okay, well, that is over and done with, so why beat yourself up about it? You know, it's kind of like my marriage-- over. Divorce papers signed, ring is off-- kaput.
Chloe: (Sighs) No, I don't know. I kind of feel bad for the guy, you know? I mean, he's not this... I don't know, bad guy that he makes himself out to be. I-I kind of feel bad for him. I think he's lonely, and I guess a part of me wants to fix that.
Kevin: (Scoffs)
Chloe: I mean, make him not feel so empty inside.
Kevin: Isn't that every girl's fantasy? Reforming the bad guy?
Chloe: Yeah. Didn't you used to be one?
Kevin: Yeah. Maybe I should go back to that. It seems to be a selling point with the ladies.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Kevin: Anyway, look. You know what? I... I don't really care about Ronan or Chance or that guy on the fashion channel that you are in lust with. I care about you. I just want to make sure that you are okay.
Chloe: Thank you. I appreciate it. You're really sweet.
Kevin: I try.
Chloe: Oh, my goodness. My--my daughter. I have to go get Delia.
Kevin: Um, why don't I, uh, come with you? I could get out for a little bit.
Chloe: Yeah?
Kevin: Yeah.
Chloe: Okay, um, let me change really quickly.
Kevin: You got it. (Chuckles)
Chloe: Okay. Okay, thank you. You're a really great friend.
Paul: Look, this case is much bigger than you and Chance. If you expose the FBI's operation, you're gonna put dozens of lives at risk, a-and the--the--the drug dealers are gonna retaliate, and I'm not just talking about Ronan, but you and Chance, maybe even Christine.
Heather: Yes, I-- look, I'm not talking about going public. But I don't think it would hurt to tell Owen.
Paul: If the feds wanted Owen to know, they would have told him by now.
Heather: (Sighs)
Paul: You need to stay out of this completely.
Heather: I know Owen. I trust his judgment. I... I'm hoping once he knows what's going on that he'll reinstate me and then maybe try to help keep Chance safe, maybe put some guys on him, so... maybe then, I wouldn't have to have my stomach all tied in knots every day, worrying.
Paul: You've fallen for him, haven't you? You're in love with Nina's son.
Heather: Yeah, I am.
Ronan: Thank you.
Chance: (Quietly) I don't want you talking to that guy, Mom.
Nina: (Scoffs)
Chance: Hey, I mean it.
Nina: If you have tangible proof that he's crooked, you should steer clear of him, as well.
Chance: There are a few things I need to say to him first.
Nina: Chance, don’t. It--it--
Chance: Excuse me. Excuse me. (Normal voice) You walked right into my trap earlier, just like I knew you would.
Ronan: Your what?
Chance: Yeah, I saw you with Meeks, walking down the alley...
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Chance: Frantic to keep me from talking to the press.
Ronan: Aha.
Chance: Your guns were drawn, Ronan.
Ronan: Yeah. Yeah.
Chance: You both were after me.
Ronan: Uh-huh.
Chance: And now I have the proof that shows you're both dirty as hell.
Ronan: (Scoffs) Proof. (Chuckles) Proof, yeah? Proof my ass. I'm a cop. I got a call that there was something going on behind Jimmy’s. Yeah, I was there. I brought backup. So what you got? Huh, Chance? You got nothing.
Chance: Okay, whatever you say. Whatever you say, Ronan.
Ronan: You got nothing. Listen to me. You gotta stop playing these games. I'm not gonna be responsible for what happens to you, okay? You should get out of town for a while.
Chance: I'm staying, and there's nothing you can do that's gonna make me leave.
Ronan: Come here.
Chance: Don't you--
Ronan: Not even the fact that I just slept with your ex?
Chance: What did you just say to me?
Ronan: Yeah, I said I just came back from being with Chloe. Let me tell you something, Man, she's over you big-time, and it was really worth the wait.
Chance: You know what? You stay away from her. You stay away from anyone that means something to me.
Ronan: Come on. Come on! Come on! Come on! Do it! Do it!
Nina: Hey, stop! Stop it!
Chance: You hear me?
Nina: Chance! Chance! Chance! Listen to me. Stop it! Stop it. Don't do this.
Ronan: Enjoy your evening.
Chance: (Breathing heavily)
Nina: Look, whatever he said, you can't let him get to you.
Chance: I've gotta go.
Nina: Chance.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Sid: I saw you in there with Chancellor.
Ronan: Yeah.
Sid: I can't wait till that fool gets taken out.
Ronan: No, that's-- listen, Man, I think that's a mistake, okay? That's sloppy, because everybody knows he has a target on his back, and that's gonna come back around to bite us.
Sid: This is the way it has to go down. I got word from the top.
Ronan: Yeah? Well, then I think it's time I meet the guy at the top.
Paul: (Sighs)
Heather: You don't seem surprised.
Paul: I've seen it coming for a while. I mean, you and Chance spent day in and day out together when he was your bodyguard, and, well, not to mention the guy is--he's great. He's a great guy.
Heather: Yeah, he is.
Paul: So as long as you know going into it that, uh...
Heather: (Sighs) Okay, yes, there's no point in you telling me all the reasons it's not gonna work out, since when he left here, he basically said that we're through... because of Ronan. That's why I'm so eager to just come clean about everything I know.
Paul: (Sighs)
Heather: I'm sick of all these sacrifices that I have to make.
Paul: You can't--
Heather: And I-I-I just... if going to Owen is gonna help me get my life back, then-
(Cell phone rings)
Paul: Look, you can't do that. Hold on a second.
Heather: Okay.
Paul: Yeah, Doug, what's up? Oh, you did? How'd it turn out? Okay. Uh... (Chuckles) Hey, I owe you one. What can I say? All right. I'll talk to you. Right on. Bye-bye.
Heather: (Sighs)
Paul: Okay, I gotta run. But before you blow Ronan's cover to Owen Pomerantz, or anyone else, for that matter, I want you to think long and hard about the possible downside. Look, I understand. You are unhappy. And I'm not gonna belabor the point. But as far as I'm concerned, it's not worth the risk. It really isn’t.
Heather: (Sighs)
Paul: Okay.
Heather: (Groans)
Paul: Hang in there.
Heather: Thank you.
Paul: I'll call you later. Be strong. It doesn't go on forever.
Heather: Yes, yes, yes. Thank you. Thank you. (Inhales deeply) (Sighs)
Chloe: Kev, I'm ready.
Kevin: I'll be right out.
(Knock on door)
Chance: Are you nuts? Sleeping with Malloy? What are you trying to do, Chloe, put yourself in a casket?
Chloe: Wow, I thought I was the enemy, and now suddenly, you give a damn. You are one confused puppy.
Chance: Chloe, what the hell are you thinking?
Kevin: Hey, hey, hey, hey. Back off. She doesn't need to answer to you.
Chance: All right. All ri-- look, I'm just trying to get it through Chloe's head the amount of danger and trouble she's playing with right now.
Kevin: Chance, get outta here.
Chloe: Kevin, its okay. I should probably talk to him.
Kevin: All right, I'll pick up Delia.
Chloe: Thank you.
Chance: (Sighs)
Chloe: So who told you I slept with Ronan?
Chance: (Scoffs)
Chloe: Did he?
Chance: Who else knows? Chloe, I thought you understood how dangerous a guy he is.
Chloe: He's not--
Chance: I mean, a-are you-- are you thinking about Delia? I mean, taking this into consideration? The amount of trouble you're getting into messing around with a thug like Ronan Malloy?
Chloe: Look... (Sighs) I am not stupid or naive. There are things about him that you don't know.
Chance: What things, Chloe? Tell me.
Victoria: Okay, well, thank God I bought a 3-pack.
Billy: Oh, you did the test again?
Victoria: Yep. (Sighs) Now we wait. Ten minutes max this time.
Billy: Ten minutes. Ten minutes.
Victoria: Yep.
Billy: Ten minutes. That's nerve-racking.
Victoria: Yep. Yep. How about that?
Billy: Yep.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Only this time, I want it to be positive.
Victoria: You really do want to have a baby with me, don't you?
Billy: Well, yeah, well, now that I've had a taste of what it might be like to have it happen... (Chuckles) Yeah, I do. I've seen you with Reed. You're a good mom. And I think I'm a pretty good dad. And I can't wait to see what little hellion we create.
Victoria: And if I'm not...
Billy: If you're not--
Victoria: Pregnant.
Billy: If you're not... if you're not, then we have a wedding to plan, and we can always try it again... and again... and again...
Victoria: (Chuckles)
Billy: And again.
Victoria: (Giggles)
Billy: (Laughs)
Victoria: And again.
Billy: And again.
Nikki: My goodness. You haven't moved from that spot.
Victor: Yep.
Victor: (Sighs) Looking at these photos, I'm reminded of what I loved most about her.
Nikki: She hasn't changed. She's the same woman she always was. She just happened to fall in love with a man you don't like.
Victor: He's gonna ruin her life. Mark my word. (Sighs)
Nikki: Well, Victor, isn't that reason then to stay even closer so you're there when she needs you? Look... (Sighs) Regardless of what happens in this relationship, nobody can replace the love she has for her father. She adores her father, always will. Please be mindful of that. Don’t... don't give her a chance to let go. She's your baby. She's our baby. Please don't let her go, Victor. Please.
Kevin: (Humming) All right, so we are just makin' a pit stop to pick up some of mommy's favorite things, 'cause she's had a tough day. Thank you so much. But we're gonna make her feel better, aren't we? Aren't we? You up for helping me with that? Because she is a very cool lady, and she deserves some chocolate. Thank you. Let's go.
Chance: What is it you think I don't know about Ronan?
Chloe: It has nothing to do with the case. It's personal.
Chance: Chloe, the more I know about the guy, the better off I'll be. Listen, I'm trying to save us both here.
Chloe: I can’t. I...
Chance: You can't?
Chloe: (Sighs)
Chance: Why?
Chloe: Because I swore that I wouldn't tell you.
Chance: You know the one thing I hate? Its funerals. I've buried too many soldiers, too many friends of mine. Look, I don't want anything bad to happen to--to you or to Delia. So, Chloe, please. I'm asking you. If there is something you know, if there is information you have about Ronan, I need to know about it. Now is the time to tell me. Lives could possibly depend upon it, Chloe.
Chloe: He's your brother.
Paul: The photo of your son should be in my e-mail box.
Nina: (Chuckles)
Paul: In the meantime, why don't you tell me what was going on with Chance?
Nina: (Sighs) He almost got in a fight with Ronan. Those two just...
Paul: What was it this time?
Nina: I'm not really sure. I didn't hear anything, and Chance wouldn't tell me. But if I had to guess...
Paul: The case.
Nina: No, Chloe. I think I heard her name. I'm sure it was just Ronan trying to push his buttons. You know, the more I'm around that arrogant jerk, the less I like him. I don't blame Chance for wantin' to pop him one.
Paul: Well, I'm glad you were able to break it up. The last thing Chance needs now is, uh, an assault charge on top of everything else.
Nina: (Scoffs) (Sighs)
Paul: Okay, here it is, the e-mail you've been waiting for. Are you ready?
Paul: Are you sure?
Nina: Yeah.
Heather: (Sighs) Owen, it's Heather. Um, I'm on my way to your office. Could you please meet me there? It's urgent. There's something that you need to know right away. (Sighs) (Sighs)
Ronan: We couldn't meet the guy somewhere a little less obvious?
Sid: You're lucky to even be meeting him at all.
Owen: Detective Malloy. You're shocked. Good.
Ronan: (Scoffs)
Owen: That's the idea. It means I'm doing my job convincing people I'm one of the good guys. I understand you have something you want to say to me.
Ronan: I do. I think that killing Chancellor is a big mistake. (Sighs)
Owen: Yeah, I was afraid you'd say that.
Ronan: You don't trust me.
Owen: No, you're right. I don’t. And this plea to spare his life proves I probably shouldn’t.
Ronan: No, no, no, no. Just hear me out. Killing Chancellor is messy. It's sloppy. Killing somebody who's been so vocal about this case? We don't need that.
Owen: And that's exactly why he needs to die. It's also the perfect opportunity for you to show me what side you're on-- no serial number, totally untraceable. I don't care how you do it. I don't care where. You have until tomorrow night to shut Chancellor up for good. And if you don't go through with it...
Ronan: Don't worry. I'll go through with it. That guy doesn't mean anything to me.
Sid: Mm.
Billy: Could you, like, hurry up or something? You're driving me crazy. (Silly voice) Crazy. (Normal voice) Crazy.
(Knock on door)
Nikki: Hi.
Billy: Hi, um, well, I-I was-- we--we--we weren't really expecting...
Nikki: Um, could we just come in?
Billy: Yeah, sure. Come on. Make yourself at home.
Nikki: Thanks. I don't know how long we'll be staying.
Billy: Well, yeah, okay. (Chuckles) Whatever.
Victor: We came to see our daughter. Is she here?
Billy: Yes, she is. She is.
Victoria: Oh, my God! (Laughs) I'm pregnant!
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Wow.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Sharon: This is your chance to prove it.
Ronan: By tomorrow night, my ex-partner will be dead.
Victoria: I can't wait to become Mrs. Billy Abbott.
Billy: Mm.
Jack: Your daughter is on to something that Victor may have mismanaged her trust.
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