Y&R Transcript Wednesday 9/1/10 -- Canada; Thursday 9/2/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9477 ~ Abby Goes to War With Victor
Provided By Eric
and Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Victor: Have you made any progress?
Jack: Define "Progress."
Victor: Have you gotten a look inside their fund?
Jack: You can't rush a perfect plan.
Victor: But you know we cannot short their fund until we know what stocks they're buying.
Jack: I'm workin' on it.
Victor: Do you think Adam Wilson and Skye have grown suspicious of what you and I are up to?
Jack: Oh, I think they're a little too impressed with themselves right now, a bit too greedy. I think they think they're takin' me for a ride.
Victor: What beautiful irony. Huh. We're gonna sink them by the very scheme that they have devised to ruin us.
Jack: Yeah, it is ironic, isn't it? Always a pleasure doing business with you.
Abby: Okay, getting back to me. (Sighs) What's next? How are we gonna get this trust from my dear, old dad?
Jack: You ready for phase two?
Abby: I've been ready. You said you had some legal thingy you had to take care of.
Jack: Actually, I had to find counsel to help us with that little "Thingy." It's someone you already know. I think he just got here.
Ashley: So I spoke to Abby. She said she wants to enroll in school and get a job and prove that she can be responsible. We'll just see if she actually follows through.
Tucker: Hey, Victor.
Victor: Hey, McCall.
Ashley: Hi. I ordered you a drink.
Tucker: Thanks.
Ashley: You're welcome.
Victor: I understand you're bidding on Maricela Cosmetics.
Tucker: You're interested?
Victor: Not a good fit for Beauty of Nature. But just know that I'll protect that division at all costs. Good night.
Ashley: Bye.
Tucker: See you.
Ashley: Here you go.
Tucker: I think it's time. It's time we ramp up our attack on Newman Enterprises.
Chance: (Sighs)
Chloe: Hello. I just heard you on the phone. So who was that that you just blabbed to about Chance meeting with the reporter?
Heather: Don't worry about it.
Chloe: Oh, I am very worried, because you are putting his life in danger. So was that Ronan you were just talking to?
Heather: (Sighs)
Ronan: Chance?
Ronan: Chance, are you here? It's Ronan. (Crash)
Sid: Are you friggin' nuts? Put that down.
Ronan: What are you doing here, Meeks?
Sid: I thought you might be up to something, so I followed you. Where's Chancellor?
Ronan: I haven't seen him. I got a tip he's here meeting a reporter.
Sid: That's not gonna happen.
Ronan: I'm on it. I've got this covered.
Sid: No. There's no more backin' off this guy. I'm gonna take care of the Boy Scout myself.
Victoria: That was a really smooth move, Billy, disappearing before we had the pregnancy test results-- really, really classy. Please tell me that something insanely important came up, and you're not just bailing.
(Knock on door)
Victoria: Billy?
Victoria: Hi.
J.T.: Did you forget I was droppin' Reed off?
Victoria: No, of course I didn't forget. Come here. Come here. How was your first day of school?
Reed: Great.
Victoria: Great? What do you got? Did you draw this for me? Oh, I love it. I love it. Look at all of the colors. Look at those little people. (Chuckles) Do you know what? This is the first official piece of art for the refrigerator in our new home. Mm.
J.T.: So this is where you and Billy are playin' house now, huh?
Victoria: I'm not playing.
J.T.: Where's Billy?
Billy: It's her dream house, Man, and it's--it's my nightmare. I mean, it's got one of those pick wick... (Coughs) Those, uh, the pi-- the wooden things that go up and down. They look like prison bars, Man, and I'm in 'em. Two kids--two kids.
Mac: He's had enough.
Billy: Oh, hey. Hey, what are you drinkin'? Hmm?
Mac: Did you just say you're having another baby?
Mac: Coffee--black. Now answer my question. Is Victoria pregnant?
Billy: I don't know. You can call her. You know, this could use some-- some of the brown stuff, just--just a little-- a little bit, please?
Mac: Did she take a pregnancy test?
Billy: Yeah, I... (Sighs) Yeah, I don't know. I-I... I bailed out of there before we got the results. I don't know. I'm...
Mac: (Sighs)
Billy: I don't know. I'm...
Mac: Okay.
Billy: Ooh. Hey, hey, hey, hey. Hey, hey.
Mac: You've gotta go home and deal with Victoria... (Sighs) Now.
Victoria: I have a really, really, really good idea. Why don't you go upstairs and check out your new room? All of your stuff from the old house is in it.
Reed: Cool.
Victoria: Yep, it's cool. (Grunts)
Reed: Mm.
J.T.: So... (Sighs) Are things not workin' out with Billy like you expected? Is that why he's not here?
Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs) He'll be back.
J.T.: You know, it was very irresponsible of the two of you to come out and buy this house together just so you could show the court that you got a-a perfect little family. You don't even know where you're headed with Billy.
Victoria: You know what, J.T.? Why don't you just live your life, and let me live mine? Maybe I don't know where I'm heading right now, but I know what's behind me. I'm not at Newman anymore. I'm not living on the ranch, and I'm not under my father's thumb. You of all people should be happy for me about that. I'm moving on with my life. Can't you move on with yours?
J.T.: That's exactly why I asked Mac to move in with us.
Victoria: Then why are you still judging me?
Heather: I called Ronan to keep an eye on Chance. Happy?
Chloe: Chance is in this mess because of you. And if anything happens to him because you told Ronan about his meeting, I am coming after you.
Heather: Is that a threat?
Chloe: You better damn well hope that he's okay. (Sighs)
(Door slams)
Ronan: Put your gun away, Meeks. We're not even sure Chancellor's here.
Sid: Ah, this might be a trap.
Chance: I'm not talking about a few bad eggs. The G.C.P.D. is riddled with corruption. It goes straight to the top.
(Safety clicks)
Chance: Absolutely. I'll get you all the proof you need. You'll have corroboration. Let me worry about that. You write the story.
Sid: (Whispers) Shh.
(Safety clicks)
Chance: You want names? I'll give you the names of every dirty cop I've uncovered.
Sid: What the-- what the hell?
Chance: Names, addresses, their badge numbers...
(Camera shutter clicks)
Chance: (Chuckles) Gotcha.
Chance: I'll keep digging till I find--
Sid: That son of a bitch is watching us. Here's my answer for you, Chancellor!
Ronan: Are you nuts? You're gonna bring the whole neighborhood down on us.
Sid: I'm sick and tired of this cat-and-mouse crap.
Ronan: Oh, yeah? Yeah, well, we have a bigger problem right now. He can identify us.
Sid: I'm gonna call a meeting. It's time to take care of this Chancellor problem once and for all.
Ashley: We want the same thing for Beauty of Nature.
Tucker: Yeah, we want it to be ours.
Ashley: Exactly, and I think we're overlooking a valuable resource.
Tucker: What's that?
Ashley: J.T.
Tucker: I already tried that.
Ashley: I know, but he was still married to Victoria then.
Tucker: Separated.
Ashley: And hoping for a reconciliation. I asked him to meet us here. I think I can present it in a way that he might more readily accept. Oh.
Tucker: All right, go for it.
Ashley: Hey. We were just talking about you. Thanks for coming.
Abby: Uh, uh, you want me to work with this jerk?
Vance: You don't like me? Take a number.
Abby: You humiliated my mother on the witness stand.
Vance: I did my job.
Abby: Pass. No, you have to find another lawyer.
Jack: This is the guy to get you your trust. And he's right-- you don't have to like him. But it's your choice. You're doing the hiring. I can't have a paper trail that leads back to me. As far as anyone else is concerned, you're working on your own.
Abby: Uh, you're not gonna leave me with him?
Jack: I'll call.
Abby: (Scoffs) I would like to make this crystal clear. This does not let you off the hook for what you did to my mother, and I will not let you go after her again if we do this.
Vance: Jack clued me in. She won't be named in the lawsuit.
Abby: Good.
Vance: Now I'd like to ask you a question. Are you prepared for the publicity?
Abby: What publicity?
Vance: "Heiress retains country's top attorney Vance Abrams to sue her tycoon father Victor Newman for millions." The press will be all over it.
Abby: (Sighs) They will, won't they?
Vance: Does this mean you'd like me to take your case?
Abby: I-I don't know. I don't know.
Vance: I've taken the liberty of drawing up some documents. Have you seen your portfolio lately?
Abby: No, why?
Vance: It's had a considerable loss in value. There's been a flagrant mismanagement of funds. I'm sure the court will agree it's time for you to take over your own investments.
Abby: (Sighs) Where do I sign?
Vance: Right... right here. I'll file this immediately. You're gonna get everything you deserve.
Abby: Mm.
Victor: What's a shark like you doing with my daughter?
Vance: Know I know where she gets her charm. Ms. Newman.
Victor: (Sighs) (Sighs) What are you doing with that shyster?
Abby: Oh, ew, he was hitting on me. It was gross.
Victor: Are you serious?
Abby: Yeah, I-I mean, don't worry about it. I handled it.
Victor: Your mother tells me you're going back to school.
Abby: Yeah, I thought that I should take some business classes.
Victor: I know the semester has already started.
Abby: Oh, well, I mean, there's still a window of time that I--that I have to sign up. (Clears throat)
Victor: And you want me to believe that, hmm? Just know whatever you are planning with Vance Abrams, he does not have your best interests at heart.
Abby: But you do?
Victor: Just remember one thing-- whatever you plan to do with this Vance Abrams shyster, do not cross me again.
J.T.: Thanks.
Ashley: So, J.T., we want you to be the head of our intelligence operation. We need to find out where Newman, and more specifically, Beauty of Nature, are most vulnerable.
J.T.: Are you asking me to hack into their system?
Tucker: Shh. No, no, no. Nothing like that, nothing illegal.
Ashley: No, your son is a Newman. So is my daughter. I would never do anything that would harm them. We're just looking for honest and fair competition. Do you know what's happening in Japan right now? We're completely shut out of the market there.
Tucker: And since we know that Victor was once convicted of commercial bribery...
Ashley: We want you in there from the start. You'll be a key player when we do acquire Beauty of Nature.
Tucker: J.T., I know you refused us once...
J.T.: (Sighs)
Tucker: Out of allegiance to your wife, and not to get too personal, but you and Victoria have moved on. Now I'd hate to see past loyalties hold you back.
J.T.: I-I need a guarantee that I'm protected.
Tucker: You have my word.
J.T.: No memos, nothing in writing.
Tucker: No. You report to me or Ashley verbally.
Ashley: So will you take the job?
J.T.: If I can do things my way, I'm in.
Ashley: Definitely.
Victoria: Green light! A red light! Oh! Green light. Red light. I saw you! I saw you!
Reed: (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs)
Reed: (Giggles)
Victoria: You were trying to sneak! You were trying to sneak!
Reed: (Laughs)
Victoria: (Laughs) You're a sneaker. I'm gonna twirl you around. And you're gonna go up and down. And you're like a plane. You got so big. Whoo! (Imitates plane engine roaring) (Laughs)
Reed: (Laughs)
Victoria: I'm gonna tickle you.
Reed: (Giggles)
Victoria: And I'm gonna tickle you and tickle you and then I'm gonna put you way up in the air. Oh, my goodness, you're heavy. So now... spin!
Reed: (Giggles)
John: You aren't going to run away, are you?
Victoria: You want to go on the swings?
Reed: Yeah.
Victoria: You do? For sure.
Jack: Well, if it isn't corporate America’s new super-couple. Hi, Guys.
Tucker: Mm.
Ashley: You look happy.
Jack: Well, I'm thrilled to be back at Jabot.
Tucker: Good to see you're enjoying yourself. Any word on Beauty of Nature?
Jack: Uh, nothing just yet, but I expect things to be popping quite soon.
Ashley: Hmm. J.T.'s on board.
Jack: Great. He's a good guy.
Ashley: Yeah. I'm gonna go get my briefcase, and I'll be right back. Excuse me.
Tucker: All right. So did I read that right? Is Abby moving forward with the lawsuit?
Jack: Abby will be represented by none other than Vance Abrams.
Tucker: (Exhales) Okay. So how do you think Victor's gonna react to all this?
Jack: Oh, I guarantee "The Mustache" is gonna come down hard on this.
Tucker: Can Abby handle it?
Jack: She's a tough girl, just like her old man.
Chloe: Ronan, will you please call me back? I've called you, like, a hundred times. Right away.
(Knock on door)
Chloe: Who is it?
Chance: It's Chance.
Chloe: (Sighs) Oh, I'm so glad you're okay. I was so worried. (Sighs)
Chance: Yeah, well, you should be... considering you tipped Ronan off.
Chloe: No, I didn’t.
Chance: Oh, that's right. He must have used his special E.S.P. power to find me, since you were the only one that knew where I even went.
Chloe: I swear, I didn't tell him.
Chance: No worries. That was all part of my plan all along.
Chloe: What was? For me to lie and betray you to Ronan?
Chance: (Chuckles) And you played your part so well. Thanks to you, I now have the proof to put Ronan and Meeks away.
Chloe: You know what? I didn't betray you, and I'm actually offended that you think that I did that.
Chance: Ronan. Ronan. Ronan. Wow. So what did Ronan promise you? Hmm? Was he gonna take care of all your parking tickets? Was he gonna give you a cut of the drug money? Or was it something else? Something a little bit more cozy?
Chloe: Oh, you know what? You're an ass. You're such an ass. You think that I'm such a vindictive bitch that I actually want you to get killed because you slept with Heather?
Chance: Who else would have told him, Chloe?
Chloe: I don't know. Why don't you ask the woman who broke up our engagement? You know what? Get the hell outta my face, and go yell at her instead of getting in my face.
Chance: (Chuckles)
Sid: Now that we're all here... the boss isn't too happy about our friend in the alley. Enough is enough. He wants us to take Chancellor out-- the sooner, the better.
Billy: Hey, Dad. Long time, no see. What are you doin' here?
John: You tell me.
Billy: You're here to kick me in the pants and tell me to man up?
John: Oh, now... (Sighs) I wouldn't want to commit you to something that would make you miserable.
Billy: I'm in a jam, Dad.
John: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Yep.
John: I know. You, uh, love Victoria?
Billy: We want different things.
John: And you're sure about that?
Billy: We got this house. Now she might be pregnant. Can you imagine me and Victoria in the burbs with a bunch of kids?
John: What's wrong with that?
Billy: Come on, Dad. This isn't "Father Knows Best" where princess finds out she's pregnant, then we all wrap it up in 30 minutes. It's not... (Sighs)
John: Nothing wrong with "Father Knows Best."
Billy: That's not real.
John: (Laughs) You didn't complain when I was raising you. Billy, how do you think I learned to be a father?
Billy: Robert Young?
John: (Chuckles) Oh, no, no, no. I put my own spin on it.
Billy: Dad, I'm not cut out for 2.5 kids and a round of golf on the weekends, okay? I'm gonna disappoint her. I can't give her what she wants.
John: Well, now maybe you'll disappoint yourself.
Billy: Oh, well, that is deep. Thank you.
John: You know, Billy, if all you want out of life is an adrenaline high, this isn't for you. But you will be missing out. When your mother told me she was pregnant with you, I was older, and it scared the pants off me. Just like when Chloe came to you and told you, you were Delia’s father. Now would you want to change that now?
Billy: No, never. I-I love my daughter. But this is... this is a little different. I like challenges, okay? This is settling down.
John: You know, Son, kids throw stuff at you, you never expect. But I got to cry with my kids, laugh with them, and worry about them when you didn't come home.
Billy: Sorry about that.
John: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Yeah.
John: You know, as much as I loved my work, and I sure did, at the end of the day, nothing compared to coming home and hearing my children say, "I love you, Daddy."
Billy: (Sighs) Well, what if I screw up?
John: Well, that's a guarantee.
Billy: Thanks, Dad. (Chuckles)
John: Look, Son, we all make mistakes. But you've turned things around since we last spoke. And life with Victoria is the next step. So you have to ask yourself this question-- are you ready to find happiness with someone you love?
Reed: When can I stay in my new room?
Victoria: Your new room? Oh... (Sighs) We're gonna have to make a plan with your dad, okay?
Mac: Reed, you ready to go?
Victoria: Uh... (Sighs) Where's J.T.?
Mac: He had a business meeting.
Victoria: Oh. (Sighs)
Mac: I hear the new house is terrific.
Victoria: Yeah, it is. But J.T.'s not really pleased about it.
Mac: Yeah, Billy told me. I ran into him. He said he was on his way home.
Victoria: Oh, thanks. Come here. Oh, I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah. Mm. We'll have you come to the house and stay in your room real soon, okay? Mwah.
Mac: Bye.
Victoria: (Sighs) (Sighs)
John: What, do you got tar in your shoes? Go on after her.
Billy: Dad, what am I supposed to say?
John: Well... (Chuckles) She quit her job. She broke off with her family, and she moved in with you. And you told me that you were very proud of her. Did you mean it?
Billy: I love her.
John: Oh. There's your answer.
Billy: (Sighs)
Heather: I thought something happened.
Chance: Heather, wait. (Sighs) Did you tell Ronan where I was gonna be tonight? Did you find out from Chloe that I was gonna be meeting with a reporter and then tell him?
Heather: Yes.
Chance: That was a very stupid thing to do.
Heather: (Sighs)
Chance: Meeks was in the alley with Ronan.
Heather: You think Sergeant Meeks is in on the drug ring?
Chance: I have pictures of the two of them searching for me with their guns drawn. If they had found me, they would have shot me, and they would have killed me. Heather, you were the one person I thought I could trust with all this.
J.T.: Hey.
Mac: Hi.
J.T.: Where's Reed?
Mac: He pooped out. He fell asleep in his clothes.
J.T.: Oh. Well... mwah! Sorry it took me so long.
Mac: That's okay. How was your meeting?
J.T.: Tucker and Ashley want me to get information for them on Newman.
Mac: And you told them no. Are you interested?
J.T.: Could mean a pretty big promotion.
Mac: So you're thinking about it?
J.T.: I said yes.
Tucker: Hey, uh, I got an idea. How about after our meeting...
Ashley: Yeah?
Tucker: We go to my place and, uh, order in, hmm?
Ashley: Okay, yeah, we could catch up on some work.
Tucker: No. No, no. No work.
Ashley: No work? Then what?
Victor: Ashley.
Ashley: (Gasps)
Victor: May I talk to you for a moment?
Ashley: Excuse me.
Tucker: I'll get a table.
Ashley: Hey, what's up?
Victor: (Sighs) I think you should know that I ran into our daughter Abby.
Ashley: Yeah?
Victor: Sitting over there with Vance Abrams.
Ashley: What the hell is he doing in town?
Victor: Well, good question.
Ashley: And what does he want with Abby? You don't think that Adam is suing her, too, do you? Could that be?
Vance: I'm so glad to see you're still here.
Ashley: What the hell do you want with our daughter?
Vance: Victor Newman, you're being served with the mismanagement, irresponsibility, and malfeasance in the administration of Abby Newman’s trust.
Victor: She sued me once before, and she lost, you know.
Vance: I wasn't Abby's lawyer then.
Victor: (Chuckles)
Ashley: You're disgusting. Helping a misguided young woman sue her own father. You're the worst kind of attorney there is, you know that?
Vance: I do a great service.
Ashley: Oh, really?
Vance: I help the little people who are being taken advantage of to fight back.
Victor: I'm not that easy a target, Mr. Abrams.
Vance: You're not that easy a target. Makes victory all the more sweet.
Victor: Good luck to you. Would you give us a moment, please?
Tucker: Yeah. Litvinov is here, when you're done.
Ashley: Okay. What is Abby thinking?
Victor: Please don't call her right now. Let her wonder for a while, okay? This is far more of a complicated suit than her last one. But I assure you, if she insists on pursuing this, I will dismantle her trust. This has your brother Jack's name all over the place.
Abby: My parents are gonna go ballistic. Mom is gonna know that I was lying about school, and when Dad gets served... (Scoffs) You feel like sending me to Paris for a few weeks?
Jack: I would love to see the look on Victor's face when he realizes that Vance Abrams is going to be representing you.
Abby: What if he retaliates? You know he's very good at that.
Jack: What's he gonna do? Kick you out of a house you already own?
Abby: (Sighs)
Jack: You have every right to control your money.
Abby: What am I supposed to say to my mom and dad when I see them?
Jack: Say what your father always says to justify his actions, (Imitating Victor) "My darling, it's just business."
Abby: (Scoffs)
Man: (Sighs) Who's taking out Chancellor?
Sid: Boss didn't say.
Man: Hmm. Can Ronan be trusted?
Sid: We'll have to find out, won't we?
Man: Yeah.
Heather: I didn't betray you. Did you ever think that you might just be wrong about Ronan?
Chance: That's why he had his gun out, ready to shoot me, Heather.
Heather: Do you-- do you really believe that I would do anything to hurt you? (Sighs) Have faith in me.
Chance: That's the problem. I don’t.
Heather: You know how much I care about you.
Chance: Without trust, Heather, we have nothing.
(Footsteps approaching)
Chloe: (Sighs) What do you want?
Ronan: Well, I could, uh, really use a-a drink.
Chloe: Yeah. Why don't you go to a bar?
Ronan: Thanks. I think I will. What's going on with the tears? You okay?
Chloe: Yeah, I'm great. I am just great. I had a wonderful guy in my life who loved me, and he was great with my kid, and then you showed up, and everything just went to hell.
Ronan: No, don't put that on me.
Chloe: Well, Chance would be fine if you would have just told him that you were his brother.
Ronan: You know... (Groans) Brother. Brother. Brother by blood, okay? Not in any way that matters.
Chloe: In every way that it matters, except that you're just too damn scared to admit it.
Ronan: Oh, I'm scared now.
Chloe: Yeah, you're scared.
Ronan: Okay. Mm-hmm.
Chloe: You're scared of opening up, of letting yourself go, of any kind of feeling. I mean, you let it-- you let it rule your life. It controls everything that you do.
Ronan: Stop it, okay? Stop it. Like you could ever get into my head.
Chloe: Well, yeah, because you won't let me. You won't let me get into your head.
Ronan: Don't--
Chloe: This is what you do, and you cut yourself off from everybody.
Ronan: This is crap, okay? I don't need this.
Chloe: You stop from connecting. You do it with your brother. You do it with your mom. You're doing it with me right now.
Ronan: Well, maybe you just don't matter enough then.
Chloe: What does matter to you? Aside from your job, what matters? A girlfriend? Don't have one of those. Friends? I don't see any of those, either. What about a dog? A cat, a canary, anything that breathes?
Ronan: Thanks. I'm outta here.
Chloe: Yeah, go, go, go. Be a coward, 'cause that's what cowards do. They run. They hide. You can't even face it. You can't even admit it. Come on, admit it. Figures. You can't even do it.
Ronan: I...
Chloe: Do it.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chloe: (Giggles)
Ronan: (Laughs)
Mac: You signed a document that said that you would never divulge information about Newman, so why would you do this?
J.T.: Tucker and Ashley offered me autonomy. I told them it was either my way or not at all. I think I can get the information they request and still keep my integrity.
Mac: (Sighs) Is this about getting back at Victoria?
J.T.: No, I've moved on.
Mac: I've always respected you for your honesty, and I just don't want to see you get caught up in something that's gonna compromise your principles.
J.T.: I won't let it, all right? Come on. Have a little faith in me, okay?
Mac: I do. But in this, you're on your own.
Victoria: Billy! Billy! (Sighs) Billy. I'm sorry that it took so long. I read the directions twice. We should know... in... Billy?
Billy: Hi.
Billy: Will you say something to me, please?
Victoria: You smell like a brewery. And now I'm the kind of woman who says, "You smell like a brewery."
Billy: I'm sorry.
Victoria: You walked out on me. Where did you go?
Billy: I had to do some thinking.
Victoria: Oh. You mean drinking. Did you come back to get your stuff?
Billy: Just-- just let me say something. The--
Victoria: No, do you even want to know if I'm pregnant or not because--
Billy: No, I just want to say something to you. This whole time... I just thought we were, you know, having fun-- jumping on planes, getting tattoos, just seeing where the moment takes us. And I never thought that the moment would take us here. I mean, there's nothing fun about accidentally maybe getting your girl pregnant.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Billy: Except for you are my girl, and any child of yours would be amazing. And fun for fun's sake, well, that's overrated. And that's when it hit me. Maybe I'm just an adult enough to know this, but, uh... this is what I want. It always has been. I want this whole thing with you. I want the kid. I want the house. I want this whole life. Now I... I'm a bit arrogant, and I'm kinda lazy. And I'm way over-the-top sarcastic, and I gossip for a living. And I don't know why a woman like you would want a man like me. But if there's any chance at all that you would, then I would have to ask... I love you. Will you be my wife?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chance: There's nothing you can do that's gonna make me leave. Don't you--
Ronan: Not even the fact that I just slept with your ex?
Chloe: You're a really great friend.
Paul: You've fallen for him, haven't you? You're in love with Nina's son.
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