Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/31/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/31/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 9/1/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9476 ~ Billy & Victoria Move Into Their New Home

Provided By Eric and  Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Billy: Everybody, get out of the way. New homeowners are comin' through!

Victoria: (sighs) Home, sweet home.

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: I can't believe this! This is great.

Man: This one's not marked. Where do you want it?

Victoria: Oh, that one? Uh, oh, our room.

Together: Our room.

Billy: Our room, our room.

Victoria: Our room.

Billy: Our fun room.

Victoria: Our fun room.

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: (Giggles)

Billy: I can't believe we're doing this.

Victoria: Yeah, I know.

Billy: We got the house, the movers, the white picket fence, the whole nine yards.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: You--

Victoria: Now that we're here, I don't know, this house seems kind of big, and it seems kind of quiet.

Billy: Yeah, well, we'll fix that as soon as Delia and Reed get here, right? Right?

Victoria: Right. You know what this house needs? It needs... it needs kids.

Billy: It needs kids? Well, Reed's gonna come over after school today.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. I can't believe summer's already over. It's the first day of school.

Billy: Yeah. Yeah.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: (Sighs) Reed is growing up so fast. I feel like I've missed it all.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey, hey. You're gonna take care of this little custody problem. It's gonna be fine.

Victoria: Yeah, I know. I know. Just meanwhile, I wasn't able to get my son ready for school today.

Mac: Okay, I got snacks, cap, favorite stuffed animal. Am I forgetting anything?

Reed: Um, my first day of school special breakfast.

J.T.: Oh, that's right-- French toast with sliced bananas on top.

Mac: Oh, yum. You know what would be awesome? If you helped me make it. So go get the milk and eggs out of the fridge, okay?

J.T.: (Chuckles) Oh, wow. Thanks.

Mac: You haven't tasted my French toast.

J.T.: (Chuckles) That's true.

Mac: Yeah.

Esther: Kevin, why don't you get in, and I'll take a picture of the three of you, okay?

Kevin: (Chuckles) Okay.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Esther: (Chuckles) Great. Okay, here we go.

Chloe: It's okay. This one's gonna be fun.

Esther: Okay, say "Cheese."

Kevin: Limburger.

Chloe: Cheese. (Laughs)

Esther: (Laughs) Limburger. There we go. Ooh, that's good. (Chuckles)

Chloe: Yeah.

Esther: (Whispering) Should we look at the picture of us?

Kevin: Hey, Jana.

Jana: Special occasion?

Kevin: Um, well, it's, uh, Delia’s first day at Tiny Tots.

Jana: Oh. I'm surprised Billy’s not here.

Kevin: I think he's, uh, gonna meet them there. I'm just fillin' in for now.

Jana: Oh. That, uh, lovely little day care and preschool, the one on, uh, Hawthorne Street, yeah?

Kevin: Yeah, yeah. (Chuckles) I can't tell who's more nervous-- Delia or Chloe. (Chuckles)

Jana: Well, I won't keep you.

Kevin: Okay.

Jana: I just came to pick up my last paycheck.

Kevin: Have, uh, have you found a new job yet?

Jana: Not yet.

Kevin: I mean, you can keep working here, uh, un-until you do.

Jana: Thanks. That's really generous of you, but I think this is for the best.

Kevin: Um, hey, so have you had a chance to, uh, to sign those divorce papers yet?

Jana: (Sighs) Uh... well, you see, my hand just refuses to cooperate. (Sighs) It's really hard letting go.

Kevin: I understand. You know what Chloe always says?

Jana: (Sighs) That your skirt can never be too short or too tight? (Chuckles)

Kevin: Uh, no, no. She says, um, she says life is like a closet. You know, there are some things that you can keep forever, and other things that you have to get rid of when they don't fit anymore. Let me grab your check.

Chloe: Where's his nose?

Esther: Where's his nose? (Gasps)

Chloe: Yeah.

Esther: You're smart.

Chloe: (Chuckles)

Phillip: Uh, I'm not sure.

Chance: So, Phillip, how long you back for?

Phillip: Uh, I'm not sure. I've gotta work some things out with Cane, and I want to make sure that the problems you're having at work are cleared up before I take off.

Nina: Hey, you know, you should go back to Australia with your dad. You could get to know one another.

Chance: Mom... (Sighs)

Nina: You can't blame me for trying. I'm worried about you.

Chance: Yes, this drug mess'll be cleared up soon.

Nina: Why? What are you gonna do?

Chance: Well, all you need to know is that I have found a way to end it.

Ronan: You talk to your people?

Sid: Got a big score comin' up. I could use an extra pair of hands. The other guys want to meet you first.

Ronan: Mm-hmm. You just give me a time and a place, and I'll be there.

Heather: My two favorite cops.

Sid: I'll get back to you about the Cubs game. You know, the Mets are in town this weekend.

Ronan: I'll be waiting to hear from you.

Sid: Ms. Stevens.

Heather: You expect me to believe you were talking about baseball?

Ronan: You want some coffee?

Heather: I want to know why you called me here.

Ronan: I need your help.

Heather: And you figured since you helped me out so much, that I would jump at the chance to return the favor.

Ronan: And I understand that you're upset right now, but this is bigger--

Heather: You forced me to lie to Chance. You tricked me into trusting you, and you cost me my job, all in the name of protecting Chance and solving your case, neither of which you've done.

Ronan: But I'm close now. That's why I need you to do this for me.

Heather: What is it you want me to do? Lie? Cheat? Steal?

Ronan: Spy... on Chance.

Liza: You've certainly led an interesting life.

Jana: Mm. I love new experiences.

Liza: You've got plenty in the field of art, more than enough to qualify you for the position.

Jana: So you'll hire me?

Liza: This job requires a very special kind of person.

Jana: Okay, I-I'll tell you what, how about I volunteer for a week, uh, or two? And if everything works out, you hire me.

Liza: Deal.

Jana: Great.

Billy: Hey, hey, hey! Where's my little girl? There she is. Look at you. Look at you.

Esther: Hey, daddy.

Billy: First day of toddler school and all grown up. Look who's growin' up so fast.

Chloe: Why don't you tell daddy that's what most people do?

Esther: (Chuckles)

Billy: (Chuckles) Why don't you tell mommy she's a--

Esther: Come on, Delia. Let's go show you the fishies.

Billy: (Chuckles) Hello.

Esther: Show me the fishies.

Chloe: I thought you were, uh, were gonna get here early. We were gonna do pictures together.

Billy: Yeah, I'm sorry. I tried, but we've been moving into our new house.

Victoria: Yes. (Sighs)

Chloe: Oh, well, that's okay. Kevin filled in for you.

Victoria: Delia looks really cute. Her dress is really adorable.

Chloe: (Chuckles) I know. It's very cute. Thankfully, she has my fashion sense, and unfortunately, she has her father's attention span. You know, one minute, she wants one thing, and the next minute, she just wants a whole another thing. Kids... (Chuckles)

Billy: It's good to see you.

Reed: Mommy!

Victoria: (Gasps) Hi, Baby! Hello. Ooh. Are you ready for your first day of school?

Reed: Me and Mac made special French toast.

Victoria: Oh. Well, I am so glad that you didn't have to miss your first day of school special breakfast.

Billy: Hey, little buddy, um, seeing that its Delia’s first day of school, do you mind keeping an eye on her for me? Hmm? Hmm? Thank you.

Victoria: And after school, you're gonna come over to our new house, and you're gonna run around, and you're gonna play in the backyard, and you are going to be spending a lot of time there. What do you think about that?

Nina: Promise me you won't do anything dangerous.

Chance: (Sighs)

Phillip: Oh, we gotta trust him, Nina.

Nina: I can't stand to lose you.

Chance: Mom, and I wouldn't be able to face you or myself if I didn't do this. Do you understand?

Nina: Yeah, I understand. I just--I don't like it, but I understand.

Phillip: When things settle, maybe you can get back with Chloe?

Chance: Yeah, I don't, uh, see that happening. She gave my ring back.

Nina: (Sighs)

Chance: (Sniffles)

Nina: I'm sorry.

Chance: (Chuckles)

Nina: No, I am. I mean, I don't like Chloe, but I love you, and I hate to see you hurt.

Jill: Well, I have to run. I promised Billy that I'd be there for Delia’s first day at Tiny Tots.

Chance: Give her a kiss for me?

Jill: Yeah, I will, Sweetie.

Chance: Thank you.

(Doorbell rings)

Nina: I'll get that.

Kay: Well, thank you, Nina. (Sighs) Well, I bet you thought, uh, life was going to be nice and peaceful when you got back from Iraq, didn't you?

Phillip: (Chuckles)

Murphy: You know, I fought some of my toughest battles after I got back from Korea.

(Front door closes)

Murphy: Every one of them made me stronger.

Paul: So I really don't have much to, uh, to-- oh, I can come back.

Nina: No, no. Um, come on in. Katherine already knows, and it's about time everyone else did, too. Uh, Paul has been looking for my son, your brother, and we may have a lead that will help us find him.

Heather: You expect me to spy on Chance? You've lost it completely.

Ronan: I'm about to bust this case wide-open.

Heather: Are you listening? We're not on the same team anymore. You got me fired.

Ronan: You were screwing things up.

Heather: I would tell you to go to hell, but I think you're already a shoo-in for that.

Ronan: I'm about to get on the inside of this drug ring. And, Heather, these people are smart and dangerous. One wrong move from here, one stupid jerk sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong, and this investigation will be dead, and me along with it.

Heather: What makes you think I give a damn?

Ronan: Because I'm good at reading people.

Heather: Well, you missed by a mile on Chance. He's not stupid or a jerk.

Ronan: No, you're right. He's just a pain in the ass. Um, he's been suspended, you've been fired, and he still won't let this go.

Heather: Would you if someone framed you? As much as you bitch and moan, you and Chance are actually a lot alike.

Ronan: Let's stick to you helping me, okay?

Heather: That's a short conversation--no.

Kevin: Here you go.

Gloria: Keep the change.

Kevin: Mom, in all the years I've owned this place, you've never once paid for a cup of coffee.

Gloria: Yeah, well, I only take advantage of my children when they can afford it. (Chuckles)

Kevin: It freaks me out when your maternal instincts kick in. Nonetheless, thanks. Every little bit helps.

Gloria: Mm-hmm. How bad are things around here, Angel? (Sighs)

Kevin: (Sighs) Scale of 1 to 10? I'd say 20. But they were 30 before Mac stepped in and agreed to be my partner.

Gloria: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Jana's the one who should be helping you. She made this mess-- taking a loan out on this place, plus runnin' up your credit cards. (Scoffs)

Kevin: And--and she feels really bad about that.

Gloria: Oh, yeah, "Feels bad" doesn't pay down the debts.

Kevin: Well, she doesn't have a job right now. She doesn't have any money.

Gloria: Maybe she should think about getting a job, unless she's crazy enough to think you're gonna support her. Huh?

Kevin: Honestly, I don't know what to expect from that girl these days.

Liza: Look who's back! Reed, did you have a nice summer?

J.T.: Yeah, we had a fantastic summer.

Liza: That's great. Delia! Are you ready for your first day?

Esther: Yeah.

Chloe: Uh, DeeDee and I coming together, and--and the play dates are gonna make the separation a lot easier for the both of us. (Chuckles)

Liza: Reed, why don't you and Delia come with me and meet the new teacher?

Victoria: Oh, that's a good idea.

Chloe: Oh, I don't-- I don't know about that.

Esther: I-I-I'll go with them. I'll go. Yeah.

Cordelia: (Babbles)

Billy: Thanks, Ess. Appreciate it.

Esther: Okay, let's go with Reed.

Chloe: (Exhales deeply)

Billy: Hey. (Clears throat) Are you okay?

Chloe: Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. Yes, I'm fine.

Billy: Yeah?

Chloe: How are you?

Billy: I'm fine. I mean, it's a little weird. I mean, she's not a baby anymore, but...

Liza: Everyone, meet our new art teacher, Miss Jana.

Jana: Oh, there's your mom.

Paul: Okay, so once I was able to find out that Nina’s son's name was Aidan Lansing and that he was raised in Lakeside, I was able to track down people who actually knew him, and, uh, well, the people who bought him on the black market and raised him.

Kay: Mm-hmm.

Nina: And one of them gave us a photo of Aidan's grade school football team.

Paul: I have a friend who's a forensic photographer. I have a call into him. Hopefully, he'll be able to enhance the photo and age-progress Aidan's image for us.

Chance: You've been talking about my brother a lot lately. I just figured it was because it was his birthday. I didn't actually think you were looking for him.

Nina: You have been going through so much, you know, with Chloe and the investigation. I didn't--

Chance: Mom, you know that if you needed me, I would be there.

Kay: Well, that speaks for Murphy and me, also.

Murphy: Yeah, absolutely.

Nina: I'm so glad you don't think I'm crazy for doing this after all these years.

Kay: Nonsense. You're a mother looking for a lost child.

Nina: I just can't stop thinking about it.

Kay: And you never will. One word of advice-- you, uh, may not find him the way you expect.

Nina: I-I just want to know he's all right, you know? And to tell him that I wanted to keep him.

Phillip: Yeah, well, a-all he's gotta see is how good you did with this guy here, and he's gonna know that.

Kay: Of course.

Nina: If I could go back, I would fight so much harder to keep him, you know?

Paul: Come on. Don't do that to yourself.

Kay: No, no, I agree with Paul. Nina, look at me. Sweetheart, you can't go back. No, all you can do is look forward.

Nina: Hopefully to a-- a f--future with my son, with both my sons. (Chuckles)

Kay: There you go.

Chance: Come here.

Ronan: Hey, this isn't me versus Chance.

Heather: No contest there. You're not half the man Chance is.

Ronan: (Laughs) Well, that's good. That's great. Chance is a hero, and we can pin a purple heart on him after he gets himself killed.

Heather: You need new material. This "Gloom and doom" stuff? It's getting old.

Ronan: You know that you prosecutors are all alike? You sit in your offices behind your desks while the real law enforcement officers do the dirty work out here where crimes get solved. Bad things happen. People get killed, and trust me, it never gets old.

Heather: Why don't you take your FBI badge and your gritty experience and go back to Washington? Or anyplace where I never have to see you again.

Ronan: Come here. You're gonna help me, whether you want to or not.

Heather: Don’t push me around just because you have an FBI badge and a gigantic ego to go along with it.

Ronan: Listen to me right now, okay? I have a case to solve, and if you don't step up...

Heather: (Sighs)

Ronan: A 2-year federal investigation's gonna go down the tubes here.

Heather: All you care about is your precious case, rounding up the bad guys. "Oh, oops, sorry, lost a few of the good ones in my wake. Eh, collateral damage."

Ronan: That's right. It happens.

Heather: I don't want anything to do with it.

Ronan: (Sighs)

Heather: If I'm on anybody's side, it's Chance’s. Oh, maybe I should go, uh, fill him in on what you're up to.

Ronan: I can imagine how he's gonna thank you for that. That only happens once.

Chance: An envelope under the door? That's how we're gonna go ahead and call off our engagement?

Chloe: Well, when I dropped that off, you were really busy.

Chance: You heard me and Heather.

Chloe: I didn't want to spoil the fun. You know, sex is just so much more exciting when you're doing it behind your fiancée's back.

Chance: Right. Chloe, you have every right to be upset.

Chloe: Oh, I'm not.

Chance: Okay, hurt.

Chloe: No. Nope.

Chance: You-- Chloe, listen to me. I know that you're not gonna believe this, but... (Sighs) I love you.

Chloe: Call me a sucker, but I... I know.

Chance: Then will you take this back?

Chloe: (Scoffs)

Chance: Please.

Chloe: No. God, no. I'm not that much of a sucker. No. No, if I were to accept anyone's apology, it would--it would be yours. You know, I-I know that you really mean it, but, no.

Chance: Yeah, I'll never forgive myself for hurting you.

Chloe: Please, please, please. I cannot handle self-flagellation on my behalf, okay?

Chance: Chloe, listen to me. You changed my life, everything about it.

Chloe: I know. It was fun. But you don't owe me for that.

Chance: I thought this... this right here, I thought this meant forever.

Chloe: (Sighs) Look, I know I'm... I'm not gonna be your last. But I'm really glad to know that I was your first.

Chance: Me, too.

J.T.: Quite a shock, huh? Jana working at Reed's school.

Mac: Yeah, I didn't see that coming.

J.T.: (Sighs) It makes you wonder where her life is heading.

Mac: Well, sometimes you don't know, and you just keep moving forward and hope that you're gonna end up where you're supposed to, which sometimes is right where you started.

J.T.: Come here. (Sighs) I screwed up before. But that's not gonna happen again, all right? I promise.

Mac: As long as we are 100% open and honest with each other, everything's gonna be fine.

Billy: The boxes have been recycled. They're all just folded up in nice little tight bundles in our brand-new recycling bin. And now there's just one little thing we need to do before we're officially moved in.

Victoria: It's not so little, though. It's not so little.

Billy: Oh, thank you, Baby, I appreciate that.

Victoria: (Giggles)

Billy: But no, we can do that after we do this.

Victoria: Okay. Does it involve the stuffed pig?

Billy: No.

Victoria: No?

Billy: The camera. I want to take pictures.

Victoria: You want to take pictures?

Billy: (Chuckles)

Victoria: You want to take pictures?

Billy: Not those type of pictures, you little freak. I want to take pictures of you and me in our house...

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: On the very first day, okay?

Victoria: Oh, okay.

Billy: Good. Do you have your camera? Is it still in your purse?

Victoria: Oh, wait, I have-- I'll get it, because, uh--

Billy: Uh... (Clears throat)

Billy: (Drops pregnancy test)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Gloria: I got a proposition for you. Jeffrey is looking for someone to run the accounting and the computer support department...

Kevin: (Sighs)

Gloria: At Gloworm.

Kevin: Mom, that's very nice, but you don't have to create a position for me.

Gloria: I'm not. It's real-- full-time, part-time.

Kevin: (Scoffs) What does that even mean, "Full-time, part-time"?

Gloria: It means you can take care of this place and still work for us. And if you don't take it...

Kevin: (Sighs)

Gloria: Well, actually, I think you better take it. Otherwise...

Kevin: Otherwise, what, Mom? You're gonna send me to my room?

Gloria: Angel, I want this. Jeffrey wants this. So will you take the job?

Kevin: (Sighs)

Phillip: I'm sorry I missed Christine. It must have been great to have her back here, huh?

Nina: Yeah, it was.

(Cell phone rings)

Paul: Oh, excuse me. Yeah, Doug, thanks for calling me back.

Nina: (Sighs)

Phillip: So, uh, is he treatin' you okay?

Nina: (Laughs) Yeah, what are you gonna do? Take him out back and beat him up if he's not?

Phillip: Yeah.

Nina: (Laughs)

Phillip: I will... for you.

Nina: Put away your gloves, "Sugar Ray." He's treating me just fine, thank you.

Phillip: Good. Good. You deserve that.

Nina: Thank you.

Jill: And here's one in front of the school, and--

Kay: Yeah, move on.

Nina: Pictures.

Jill: Oh, here she is in the playroom.

Kay: Uh-huh, she's sweet. Yeah.

Jill: Oh, and look. Here's one of the whole family.

Nina: Oh, my God.

Phillip: (Laughs)

Jill: So cute. I know.

Phillip: Look at Billy. He looks like such a proud dad there.

Jill: He does, doesn't he? It's just like yesterday that I was walking each of you to preschool. Of course, that's before we knew that we were all Fenmore’s.

Kay: Oh, give it up!

Phillip: (Chuckles)

Murphy: You know, that Fenmore trumpet you keep blowin' is makin' me deaf.

Jill: (Sighs)

Kay: Yeah, well, just think how, uh, Lauren must feel.

Murphy: Yeah, it's akin to being run over by a truck.

Jill: My children and grandchildren have a right to know who they are and everything they're entitled to.

Kay: Did you ever think just having you in the family is quite enough for them?

Nina: More than enough.

Paul: That was the forensic photographer I told you about.

Kay: Oh. What?

Nina: Can he help us?

Paul: He thinks so. I e-mailed the photo of him.

Nina: (Chuckles) I'm gonna get to see what my son looks like?

Ronan: Listen to me. This little triangle that you guys have going on between you, Chloe and Chance-- it doesn't mean jack to me.

Heather: Well, why would it? It's just people's feelings at stake.

Ronan: (Loudly) I'm-- (Normal voice) I'm dealing with people's lives.

Heather: This isn't a police state. You can't force me to help you.

Ronan: (Laughs) All right. All right. Yeah. You want to take this attitude? That's fine. When Chance goes down, it's on you.

Heather: (Sighs)

Ronan: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings, ring)

(Knock on door)

Chance: Sorry. I, uh, left my phone.

Chloe: Why is Teague Harding calling you?

Chance: Well, Teague’s a buddy of mine.

Chloe: Mm. He's also a reporter at the "Examiner," and we trade tips all the time, so if I want to find out why he's calling, you know I can.

Chance: (Sighs) Chloe, please, just stay out of this, all right?

Chloe: Why? What are you up to?

Chance: (Sighs) Do you... (Sighs) Look, Harding and I are gonna meet in an alley behind Jimmy’s.

Chloe: Why?

Chance: Remember when I pretended to spill everything to Billy about the drug ring?

Chloe: I remember how it turned out.

Chance: Yeah, well, this time, it's gonna be very different.

Chloe: Different? Worse different?

Chance: No, different, as in I'm gonna tell Harding everything. I'm gonna tell him about the dirty cops. I'm gonna tell him about Ronan, how the D.A. refuses to make a solid case out of the solid evidence that I brought them.

Chloe: And what do you think's going to happen if you do that?

Chance: Pomerantz is gonna get off his butt, and he's gonna start indicting these guys.

Chloe: You're wrong. You're going to end up in a river, just like Riggs.

Chance: If Ronan finds out. But I don't have to worry about that, do I?

Chloe: (Sighs) Please don't do this, okay? At least think about your mother. She's already lost one son. Don't do this.

Chance: Chloe, I'm doing it.

Chloe: Ronan doesn't think that you should--

Chance: I don't care what Ronan thinks.

Chloe: Look, I know that you don't trust him.

Chance: And you do. But tonight, we're gonna find out who's right.

Chloe: (Sighs)

(Door closes)

Chloe: Oh, no. (Sighs) (Sighs) I need to see you right away.

Mac: What's this?

J.T.: That is a proper welcome.

Mac: I love presents.

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Mac: Oh, J.T., I love them.

J.T.: Yeah? Well... welcome.

Mac: Thank you.

J.T.: You know, uh, we don't have to pick up Reed for, like, another hour.

Mac: You could get a lot of work done in an hour.

J.T.: Yeah, that's right. I could. But I've already finished mine.

Mac: I have to check in with Kevin.

J.T.: (Clicks tongue) Okay, all right. Well, check in with Kevin, and meet me in the shower.

J.T.: (Clears throat) For--

Mac: Oh. (Laughs) Hi.

J.T.: Forget Kevin. Forget the shower.

Mac: Okay.

Billy: This--is this a-- are you... when and how?

Victoria: Uh, yes. Um... I'm not sure. The last few weeks, and, um, you know, the usual way. (Chuckles)

Billy: When were you gonna tell me?

Victoria: I was gonna tell you. I just... I didn't want... us to get our hopes up. That's all.

Billy: Right, yeah. Yeah, right. Up. Yeah, get our hopes up. Right. Yeah. Right.

Victoria: Right?

Billy: Right. I mean, there's no sense in waiting, right?

Victoria: Yeah.

Heather: (Sighs) Oh, my God! You scared me.

Chance: Sorry.

Heather: (Sighs) How did you get in here?

Chance: (Sighs) I still have my spare key. I hope you don't mind.

Heather: No.

Chance: Okay.

Heather: I-I don't mind. I thought it would cool down by now.

Chance: Yeah, it's been a very long, hot summer.

Chance: I saw Chloe.

Heather: How'd that go?

Chance: She, uh, well, we ended things... officially.

Heather: Are you okay?

Chance: Yeah. Yeah. I was honest with her. I-I told her everything.

Chance: I told her I wasn't gonna give up on-- on busting this drug ring, though, about clearing my name.

Heather: (Sighs) God, I wish you would.

Chance: Now tonight, I am finally gonna find out who I'm dealing with.

Heather: What are you talking about?

Chance: I told Chloe that I was gonna be meeting up with a friend who could bust this case wide-open.

Heather: What are you gonna do?

Chance: Look, the less you know, the better, okay?

Heather: No, no, no, Chance. Please don't do this. No.

Chance: Heather, I do have to go now. Heather.

Heather: I won't let you go.

Chance: Heather, listen to me. I can't walk away from this case, but I need you on my side. I do. Heather, you are the only person that I trust.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chance: Okay? Don't worry.

Heather: Chance... (Gasps)

Heather: Mm. (Moans) No. No.

Chance: Okay, I have to go.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chance: I have to go, all right? You can't trust Malloy.

[Chloe remembering]

Ronan: You gotta trust me, Chloe. It's the only way to save Chance.

Ronan: Chloe?

Chloe: Ronan. Hi.

Ronan: I was surprised to hear from you.

Chloe: I know that you're busy with work. I didn't mean to bother you.

Ronan: Is that what this is about?

Chloe: No. Yeah... sort of. I-I...

Ronan: Sort of, kind of.

Chloe: Come--come in--

Ronan: Okay.

Chloe: (Sighs) I, um, I wanted to apologize for the way that... I overreacted the other night at my apartment. Um... I was pissed that you were there to spy on Chance and not see me. I don't like being used.

Ronan: (Sighs) I was staking out Chance. I told you. But I had a really good time with you. And, um, it's been a really long time since I've done that.

Chloe: Oh. Well, maybe you should try it more often.

Ronan: Uh...

Chloe: It might lighten that heavy mood of yours. (Chuckles)

Ronan: (Chuckles) Uh, no, um, hmm... cops and, uh, relationships aren't, uh... it's a toxic mix.

Chloe: Is that why you're not in a relationship?

Ronan: There's enough broken hearts out there.

Chloe: (Chuckles) So it's all of those women that you've left in your wake that you're so concerned about?

Ronan: Oh, right. Right.

Chloe: That's very thoughtful of you. Wow.

Ronan: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Well, I'm sure there is a woman out there who can handle all of your crap and not get heartbroken.

Ronan: Um... (Clears throat) Why'd you, um, why'd you want to meet with me?

Chloe: I-I just told you. I just... I wanted to apologize.

Ronan: Mm-hmm. Could have done that on the phone. Why did you need to see me? Did you want to talk about something? Did you want to talk about Chance? I trusted you enough to tell you that he was my brother. You can trust me now. What's going on with Chance? What do you know?

Jana: See you tomorrow, okay?

J.T.: All right, bye, Jana.

Jana: Bye.

Mac: Bye.

Esther: Hey, how was school? Good? (Chuckles) (Gasps) Hi, Sweetie.

Jana: Oh. Well, we were expecting Chloe, weren't we?

Esther: Oh, she's busy.

Jana: Oh, busy with Uncle Kevin.

Esther: Oh, you know, I'm not sure.

Cordelia: Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

Esther: She just asked me to pick up Delia, so here I am.

Jana: Okay.

Esther: Ready, Honey? Oh, such a good girl.

Jana: There you go.

Esther: Yeah.

Jana: Bye, Poppet.

Esther: Oh, that is so sweet.

Jana: I'll see you tomorrow, all right?

Cordelia: Bye-bye.

Esther: She really likes you. Say bye-bye.

Jana: I adore her.

Esther: Bye-bye. Okay, we're going.

Jana: Bye.

Esther: We're gonna go home now.

Cordelia: (Babbles)

Esther: Did you like school? Was school good?

Cordelia: Bye-bye.

(Door closes)

(Cell phone rings)

Gloria: You gonna answer that thing?

Kevin: No. (Sighs) Tell Jeff that I'm in.

Gloria: You'll take the job?

Kevin: Yeah, I'll take the job. Meet the new head of... computer support and accounting, or whatever you called it, at Gloworm.

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Aw, jeez.

Heather: Chloe.

Chloe: Oh! (Sighs) You scared the crap out of me.

Heather: Look, I-I know Chance told you what he's up to tonight. I need to know where he is.

Chloe: You know, guys really don't like clingy women. You may want to give him his space.

Heather: I know you just came from seeing Ronan. Did you tell him what Chance has planned?

Chloe: Oh, so you're obsessed with me and Chance first, and now me and Ronan, and-- you know, I just think, really, you need to get a life.

Heather: Chloe, we don't like each other, but we both care about Chance.

Chloe: So?

Heather: So he's in trouble. I need you to tell me where he is.

Chloe: (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings)

Ronan: It's Malloy.

Heather: It's Heather. I know where Chance is.

Ronan: I got it.

Sid: He just left. I'm on it.

Victoria: Sorry that it took so long. I read the directions twice. We should know in... Billy? Where are you?

Billy: I'd like a shot of scotch, please. And you can leave the bottle right there. Thanks.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Heather: Is that a threat?

Chloe: Do you want to try and test it out?

John: Are you ready to find happiness with someone you love?

Chance: You want names? I'll give you the names of every dirty cop I've uncovered.

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