Y&R Transcript Friday 8/27/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 8/27/10 -- Canada; Monday 8/30/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9474 ~ Kevin & Jana's Goodbye

Provided By Eric and Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jana: Becky, is Kevin coming in today?

Becky: Yeah, he just had something to do for his mom first.

Jana: So you'll be expecting him soon then?

Becky: Any minute.

Gloria: Please tell me we didn't buy the wrong software.

Kevin: Nah, you're good. You just needed a patch, which I got, and... voil.

Gloria: Oh, what would I do without you, Angel?

Kevin: Probably something stupid, like hire a cretin ex-con as your bartender.

Gloria: Find me a boy scout who can bring the ladies in like Deacon, I'll be glad to hire him. Oh, Michael left this for you.

Chloe: Hey, Roomie. Look at what hit the stands. (Laughs) What? What? We are adorable.

Kevin: (Sighs) I just got this from Michael.

Chloe: Divorce papers.

Billy: Mm. Mm... okay, don't tempt me. No, no, no, no, no.

Victoria: What? Why not?

Billy: What? Why? Because if I keep this up, you're gonna lure me here. I'm not gonna make it to the gym, and then I'm not gonna try to get those muscles that you seem to like so much.

Victoria: Oh, these muscles? Okay, go. Definitely go.

Billy: Mm, where's my water? (Grunts) Here's my water.

Victoria: Hey, um, are you gonna, like, uh, I don't know, put on a shirt or something? A different one? 'Cause, uh, you might want to cover that tattoo.

Billy: The fabric chafes. It chafes.

Victoria: Oh, the fabric chafes.

Billy: I-it--it chafes.

Victoria: Seriously? Seriously, you're gonna go out with that sticking out like that?

Billy: Hey, nobody knows it's that Victor. Besides, they're just gonna think that I'm gay.

Victoria: Yeah, well, you're not buff enough to be gay.

Billy: I'm not buff enough to be gay? Okay, well, if I just didn't have to stay here so long with you in bed, then maybe I could be buff enough to be gay.

Victoria: Okay, whatever. I'm not stopping you. Go. Go ahead.

Billy: Fine. Fine.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Fine. Fine.

(Cell phone rings)

Billy: Ooh, Gloria.

Victoria: (Gasps) (Squeals)

Billy: Hello?

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Billy: Oh, yeah? All right, that's great news. Thank you. Um, the house is ready.

Victoria: (Gasps)

Billy: We can pick up the keys whenever we want. Hmm.

Victoria: Wow.

Billy: Do you want to go now? Hmm?

Victoria: Oh, uh... (Sighs)

Billy: Hmm?

Victoria: My mom's expecting me.

Billy: Okay, are you gonna tell her about the house?

Victoria: Uh... (Sighs) Yeah, I guess so.

Billy: You guess so?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Okay, I guess that's smart. You can tell mommy so mommy can tell daddy, and then you don't have to do it. That's brilliant.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Yeah.

Victoria: But you know what? I don't really care about my father's reaction anyway. He's probably just gonna try to bite my head off, and I've dealt with that before, so no big deal.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: Would you like some backup with your mom?

Victoria: Mm... I better go on my own. I'm not really sure how she's gonna take the news.

Victor: Meggie. You didn't sleep very well last night, Sweetheart. What happened?

Nikki: Victor, I'm sorry. Did I keep you up?

Victor: No. Is something bothering you? What?

Nikki: Well, yeah, there is. It's, uh, God, it's something I haven't had to deal with in so long.

Victor: What are you talking about, Baby?

Nikki: (Sighs) I had the urge to drink. I...

Victor: How did that happen?

Nikki: I don't know. I-I don't know. Maybe it's this Adam thing, everything we've been through, or--or--or maybe the lawsuit.

Victor: Yeah, but don't you worry about that anymore. Adam dropped the lawsuit.

Nikki: Yeah, well, thanks to Skye intervening. Are you gonna tell Jack about that?

Victor: No, I won't talk to Jack Abbott about that. He's the last person I want to talk to about that.

Nikki: Um, I just wanted to tell you. You know, I think I'm gonna call Katherine. I will. I will call her today, and we'll talk about this whole thing, and, um, I'll be okay.

[Meggie remembering]

Meggie: Three ginger ales, and make one of them a vodka and ginger ale, and put a straw in that one.

Jack: Well, they cut some kind of deal.

Ashley: Well, Victor would never negotiate with Adam.

Jack: He obviously talked Adam into dropping the lawsuit.

Ashley: I'm just gonna ask Adam.

Jack: Oh, yeah, good luck with that. I'm sure Victor just loves the fact that the Abbotts are still out there swinging in the wind.

Ashley: Michael can't tell us anything because of attorney-client privilege.

Jack: Skye would know something about this.

Ashley: Like she's gonna tell us anything. Are you kidding?

Jack: Oh, I'm not so sure about that.

Ashley: What?

Jack: Adam left Sharon out of the lawsuit-- obviously an effort to curry her favor. I wonder how the wife feels about that. Skye and I have had a few interesting conversations since I invested in her little hedge fund.

Ashley: Well, Jackie, maybe it's time for another conversation.

Jack: Well, the trick is getting her away from Adam.

Ashley: I could occupy him.

Jack: No, you stay away from Adam.

Skye: Have you reviewed the new brochure yet?

Adam: No.

Skye: The longer it takes to get the word out about the fund, the less money we have to play with.

Adam: No, we could have had tons of money, millions to play with, Skye, but you had to interfere in a lawsuit.

Skye: It makes no sense to be suing Jack Abbott, one of our investors.

Adam: Jack is not gonna get off the hook that easily, not after what he did to me.

Skye: (Sighs)

Chloe: Do you see any other way out of this other than divorce?

Kevin: No.

Chloe: Okay. Well, then take it from me and don't hold off on signing, because I thought, I'm not ready. Maybe I'll get stronger. I'm telling you, you're never gonna get stronger when you're in a situation that's not good for you.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Gloria: So who died?

Kevin: My marriage.

Gloria: (Sighs) Official then, huh?

Kevin: As soon as we both sign that.

Gloria: Good. The sooner, the better. Honey, I know it hurts, and we all miss Jana, but that zombie walkin' around in her body, that was not Jana. And she is no wife to you in any way that matters, so just shut the door and open your mind up to all the beautiful new things waiting for you right around the corner.

Kevin: You know, Mom, I don't need a pep talk. I need... I don't know what I need.

Ashley: Jackie, I know you mean well, but you gotta give me more credit than that, okay? I'm not gonna fall apart if I see Adam.

Jack: It's just not worth the risk.

Ashley: Risk of what? What do you think is gonna happen to me?

Jack: Okay, I-I'm sorry. Maybe I am overreacting. I left you alone once before against my better judgment, the night you miscarried, the night Faith was kidnapped.

Ashley: We did not know what he was capable of then. We do now, so I don't need somebody standing guard over me all the time.

Jack: Look, just do it as a favor to me. Just stay away--

Ashley: No, I am not gonna play victim for anyone anymore. Now let me know what happens with Skye.

Jack: (Sighs) (Exhales)

Victoria: (Laughs)

Nikki: Oh! Oh, look at this. Look at this one here. Look. (Clicks tongue)

Victoria: What? Ohh.

Nikki: Short stirrup division...

Victoria: Mm.

Nikki: With your father there.

Victoria: Oh, that is so cute. That was my first blue ribbon.

Nikki: Oh...

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Nikki: Of many. You were jumping fences this high. It was so adorable.

Victoria: I was. I was.

Nikki: (Laughs)

Victoria: Do you remember how proud Dad was of me?

Nikki: I will never forget the look on your face when you realized he was there.

Victoria: Yeah, well, he said that he would try to make it, which usually meant he wasn't coming.

Nikki: Yeah, I know, but this time it meant that he chartered a jet to be there. No, you can keep it.

Victoria: Oh, I can?

Nikki: Sure.

Victoria: Oh, thank you. So, um... I have news. Uh, I found a house.

Nikki: Really?

Victoria: Yeah. And, Mom, I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it. It's the first house that we looked at, but it's just-- it just felt like home.

Nikki: Did you say, "We"?

Victoria: Billy and I-- we're moving in together.

Nikki: Well, okay, I guess I shouldn't be too surprised, 'cause, uh, you do spend a lot of time together, and that trailer is pretty damn small. And he certainly couldn't come stay with you here at the ranch now, could he? So that really is very logical to rent a place together.

Victoria: Actually, we're not renting. We bought it.

Billy: Yo. What are you doing?

Victor: What is that on your shoulder?

Billy: (Clears throat) (Chuckles)

Nikki: I just don't understand what you're trying to prove.

Victoria: What? (Sighs) Mom, nothing. We just--we need more space.

Nikki: Space? Have you thought about the impact this will have on Reed?

Victoria: (Scoffs) What? Yes, of course I have thought about Reed.

Nikki: Well, what are you doing?! E-e-e-everything is backwards! I don't understand this. You--you had sex with him before you even liked him. You married him...

Victoria: (Sighs)

Nikki: Before you loved him. And now you're buying a house, and everything is la-di-da before you even have a commitment.

Victoria: Oh, okay, well, whatever. If it all goes to hell, and we-- we have to sell the house, then we'll sell the house.

Nikki: No, it's not, "Whatever, we'll just sell the house." It's not that easy when you have children involved.

Victoria: (Sighs) Mom, I'm taking a huge leap of faith.

Nikki: I know that. I see that, and that's what surprises me so much after everything you've been through.

Victoria: Yes, exactly. After everything I've been through-- an ugly divorce, a custody battle. You'd think that I'd be hiding somewhere, and I'd be completely shut down, or I'd be losing myself in work, but thanks to Billy, that's not what I'm doing. I'm... I'm moving on with my life, and I'm taking these chances, and I'm having fun. I'm having so much fun! And I happen to think that's a good thing.

Nikki: Well, what you just said there last is a good thing.

Nikki: I suppose you want me to tell your father for you. (Sighs)

Victoria: I don't care. You can tell him or not tell him. I don't care if he approves or disapproves. He can yell his head off if he wants to, because I've made my decision.

Victor: What? Did you lose a bet, or what?

Billy: This has nothing to do with you. Believe me, nothing to do with you.

Victor: What do you mean, "It has nothing to do with me"? That's my name on there.

Billy: Hey, come on.

Victor: Is that thing for real, or what?

Billy: For real. Just don't touch me, okay? Just...

Victor: Wait a minute. You have a damn tattoo with my name on it? What's--what's--

Billy: Yeah. Why?

Victor: Yeah.

Billy: Because I love you, big guy, that's why.

Victor: (Scoffs)

Billy: It's all part of my master plan to drive you up the wall, like fallin' in love with your daughter, yeah.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Billy: It has nothing to do with the fact that the tattoo artist had a heart attack and dropped down right after he put the "R" on, but before the "I" and the "A," and now I'm stuck with your name on my back. It makes me real happy. Are you happy? This isn't funny.

Victor: What are you talking about?

Billy: I'm telling you what happened.

Victor: He had a heart attack while you he gave you a tattoo?

Billy: Yeah, he did.

Victor: And you did what?

Billy: (Scoffs) Come on. I tried--it's not funny. I tried to revive him.

Victor: Uh-huh. You tried to revive him.

Billy: I did. The mouth-to-mouth was--I did--

Victor: Uh-huh. Uh-huh. So he didn't finish writing my name, is that it?

Billy: No, it was your daughter's name, not your name. He finished your name.

Victor: Uh-huh. (Laughs)

Billy: I'm glad you find this funny. Look, I--

Victor: Are you finished, or what? Huh?

Billy: Yeah, I'm--I-it-- it's good to see you.

Victor: I certainly hope so.

Billy: Yeah, I-I'm so done.

Jana: Chloe. Chloe, wait. Wait.

Chloe: I really don't want to get in... involved or into anything with you, okay?

Jana: I'm sorry. I made you very uncomfortable. I know that. (Sighs) It's just that everyone who loves Kevin right now is very upset with me, and I don't blame them. But you see, that just means I have absolutely no one to talk to at the moment.

Chloe: Oh, well, I don't think that you should talk to me about anything.

Jana: (Chuckles) Why is that? 'Cause you're with Kevin now? Is it?

Chloe: No, n-no, no. No, I'm not with him at all. Uh, yeah, I occasionally pick up his dirty socks, and if I'm lucky, I get the remote...

Jana: But you--

Chloe: But, yeah, definitely not romantically involved.

Jana: You are-- you are close enough with him to know how very special he is, right? God, what a mistake I've made leaving him. I just--I-I'm never gonna be able to explain it.

Chloe: Well, you really don't need to explain it to me.

Jana: No, y-you don't understand. I couldn't live up to his expectations. I was constantly disappointing him, and every time he looked at me, I could just see it in his face, and I couldn't take it anymore. Can you understand that? (Sighs)

Chloe: Yeah. Yeah, I-I guess I can.

Jana: All he wanted to do... (Sighs) Was to help me. If I would have just let him do that, if I wouldn't have run away... (Voice cracks) (Sighs) I would have my life back. I just want my life back.

Chloe: All right. Shh, shh. All right.

Jana: (Voice breaking) I just want my life back, you know? (Sighs) (Sniffles) (Sobs)

Gloria: Come on. Finish that up, and let's go shopping, my treat. Well, actually, it's Victoria Newman’s and Billy Abbott’s treat.

Kevin: Mom, what are you talking about?

Gloria: They're my very first real estate clients, and they just closed escrow on their new home. (Laughs)

Jack: Billy and Victoria bought a house together?

Gloria: Yeah, and this is my big, fat commission.

Jack: No, my big, fat commission. Remember? You still owe me a small fortune from our settlement.

Gloria: Oh, yeah? You want it? Fight me for it.

Jack: My lawyer will be in touch. Mrs. Newman, you are looking well.

Skye: Thank you. I was pleasantly surprised to get your call.

Jack: And I was pleasantly surprised by my return on the investment thus far.

Skye: But that's not why you called.

Jack: No. I'm curious. Somehow, Victor got Adam to drop the lawsuit against him and his family.

Skye: I am not prepared to discuss that with you, Jack... unless, of course, there's something in it for me.

Ashley: A civil suit? Seriously?

Adam: Ashley.

Ashley: You took two daughters from me, and nearly my sanity, but that wasn't enough for you, was it? Now you want my money.

Adam: That’s not true, Ashley.

Ashley: Really?

Adam: No, this is about salvaging what's left of my reputation. I want to have a future. Maybe you don't think I deserve that, but--

Ashley: We both know what you deserve, Adam. You killed my daughter.

Adam: I know you're devastated with your loss, and I understand that you'll try and blame anybody that you can for this.

Ashley: Oh, right, this is the part where you tell me that it's all in my head, and that you remind me of what great friends we used to be.

Adam: We were friends, Ashley.

Ashley: I'm not the same pathetic woman I was, Adam, when you used to tuck me in at night. I can see right through you.

Adam: I think that perhaps we should talk through our lawyers about this--

Ashley: You're not gonna sue me, Adam, because I'm gonna find out what Victor has on you, and then I'm gonna use it to nail your ass to the wall.

Skye: You're willing to trade for the information?

Jack: Name your price.

Skye: Investors-- your country club friends, tennis buddies, executives at Jabot-- I want them all to invest in the Newman fund.

Jack: You can't solicit any of them without running afoul of the S.E.C.

Skye: Oh, but you can talk your head off.

Jack: Oh, I can do better than that. Watch.

Jack: Jim, Jack Abbott. How's the market look? Great. Listen, I got a tip for you-- the Newman fund. Yeah, I know it's that Newman, but the wife is running things, and she's as sharp as they come. This is a good time to get involved. No, I'm suggesting you recommend this to all of your clients. Yeah, have 'em call me if they have any questions at all. A pleasure passin' it on. Talk to you soon. Now... (Drops cell phone on table) How did Victor get Adam to drop the lawsuit?

Skye: He didn’t. I did.

Billy: Wow. Cute. Did your mom give you this?

Victoria: Yes, thank you. It was a combination housewarming/please-make-up- with-your-father gift.

Billy: Ah, so I take it it went well telling her about the house?

Victoria: Yeah, yeah, she was supportive... kind of. And my father wasn't there.

Billy: Oh, I know. He was at the gym.

Victoria: (Gasps)

Billy: Yeah, yeah. No, but it--it was okay. It was cool. It was, um, weird. He likes my tattoo. He laughed a little bit. Yeah.

Victoria: Hold on a second. Wait a minute. My father was laughing with you?

Billy: Well, more actually, mm, at me than with me, but, yeah, it was a very interesting experience. I thought I was being punk'd or something.

Victoria: Well, you know, he has been known sometimes to try to kind of soften people up before he goes in for the kill.

Billy: And by "Goes in for the kill," you're--you're speaking figuratively, right? I mean, you're not really talking about...

Victoria: No.

(Knock on door)

Billy: Really? That's nice. Eh, hold up.

Victoria: (Chuckles)

Billy: He-- whoa.

Man: Billy Abbott?

Billy: Maybe.

Man: I'm here to finish your tattoo.

Billy: Oh, hey, did you, uh, get this--

Victoria: Uh, no.

Man: Mr. Newman sent me.

Billy: Uh... oh. Great. Excellent. Good. This way. This way. Come on in, Sir.

Victoria: Uh, Billy?

Jana: You see, Kevin doesn't want to send me mixed messages, but I am sure that he feels more than he's admitting. What does he tell you?

Chloe: Me?

Jana: You confide in each other, don't you?

Chloe: Um... you know, I really do most of the talking. I'm very chatty, very self-absorbed. (Chuckles)

Jana: So he... he doesn't talk about me then, does he?

Chloe: I-- Kevin, hi!

Kevin: Hi. Chloe, can we have a minute?

Chloe: Oh, yeah. Yeah, go ahead. Uh, thanks for the coffee.

Jana: Hi.

Kevin: (Sighs)

Jana: (Sighs) I was just telling Chloe how great you both look on the cover of "Restless Style."

Kevin: Thanks. Um, uh... okay, look. There--I-- here.

Jana: What's that?

Kevin: The divorce papers, Jana.

Jana: (Sobs)

Kevin: Look, Jana. Jana, we...

Jack: You threatened to testify that Adam helped fake your death?

Skye: Among other things.

Jack: What other things?

Skye: Let's just say, Adam understood it was in his best interest to do what I asked and drop the suit against his family.

Jack: Gee, it's somehow poetic that junior is actually being blackmailed himself.

Skye: Well, my perspective's pragmatic. I need Adam’s full attention to get this hedge fund off the ground, especially if we were to get a sudden influx of investors.

Jack: They'll be there.

Skye: I'll need firm commitments from your friends by the end of the day.

Jack: You'll have them.

Skye: Lovely doing business with you, Jack.

Jack: (Sighs)

Adam: I don't know where you got the idea that Victor has something on me.

Ashley: Oh, you disgust me.

(Cell phone rings)

Ashley: Yeah?

Jack: Hey, still with Adam?

Ashley: Yes.

Jack: You can leave. We got what we need.

Ashley: Tell me.

Jack: Meet me at Gloworm.

Ashley: I don't need to waste any more of your time. You certainly won't be wasting mine.

(Door slams)

Victor: (Breathing heavily)

[Victor remembering]

Victor: Ashley, please go on. What happened then?

Ashley: Even before that night, you were gas lighting me for months.

Adam: You had false memories, hallucinations.

Ashley: The only person that has any answers is Adam, so I thought maybe I could go to him, and I would beg him, and maybe somehow, I could get through to him and he would tell me. I was hoping.

Victor: And he gave you nothing, did he?

Victor: Ashley, this is victor. Please call me as soon as you can, okay? I have something to talk to you about in regard to Adam.

Victoria: (Gasps) Ohh, it's all done!

Billy: (Chuckles) Good. Good. Man, I am glad you came by. Thanks a lot.

Victoria: What do we owe you?

Man: Mr. Newman's taking care of this.

Billy: (Chuckles) No, thank you.

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: Appreciate it, but I'm gonna insist.

Victoria: That is... wow.

Billy: Uh, this work?

Man: Yep, thanks.

Billy: (Chuckles) Thank you.

Victoria: Thank you. Bye.

Billy: Eh, Man, I am so glad you were here. Who knows if he was gonna write "Kick me" on my back?

Victoria: You know what? This is really cool of my dad. Sometimes, he can be surprising.

Billy: Hmm. Maybe he's coming around to the idea of us. Nah.

Victoria: No.

Billy: Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah.

Victoria: Probably not, no. Yeah.

Billy: Yeah.

Nikki: Do you have any children?

Meggie: No. My only kids were the lushes at my bar. (Chuckles) They kept my hands full. They're not bad folks, most of 'em. They just didn't have anywhere else to go.

Nikki: Yeah, I knew a few bartenders like that in my wilder days-- a lot of them with maternal instincts, thank goodness-- got me out of a lot of trouble.

Meggie: I'll bet you could use a nap.

Nikki: (Sighs) Yeah, I think you're right about that.

Meggie: Go on up. I'll finish up here.

Nikki: I think I will. Thank you.

Meggie: And I know just what you'll want when you wake up.

Kevin: (Clears throat) It's all pretty basic, Jana. There isn't much left to split.

Jana: The night you brought me home from the hospital, you were so sweet... showing me pictures of our wedding. You were trying so hard. (Sighs) Why couldn't I feel anything then... instead of now? And it's just killing me. Please. (Sighs) Can you just give me another chance? Can't we just try?

Kevin: Jana, I think that would be more painful for both of us in the long run. I think we just have to get through with this.

Jana: (Sobs)

Jana: (Sighs)

Jana: (Sniffles) Oh, Kev.

Jana: (Sighs)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Kevin: (Sighs)

Kevin: Good-bye.

Skye: Ready for lunch?

Adam: Let's hear about your meeting.

Skye: It was very productive.

Adam: Mm-hmm. It was with a potential investor. Isn't that what you said?

Skye: That's what I said, but it was really with Jack. Turns out, filing this lawsuit was a brilliant move on your part. Jack would have done almost anything to make it go away.

Adam: How much did you tell him?

Skye: Hardly anything. But if you don't call Vance, drop the suit against the Abbotts, I am gonna spill my guts.

Ashley: How do we know that Skye’s gonna come through for us, though?

Jack: Oh, she isn't doing it for us. She's doing it to keep Adam in line.

Ashley: We might not ever find out what she has over him, you know?

Jack: You know what? It doesn't really matter anymore.

Ashley: Of course it matters. Are you kidding me? I don't want to be at her mercy any more than his.

Jack: Oh, Boy, don't look now.

Ashley: (Sighs) I invited him.

Jack: Why?

Ashley: Hi. Have a seat, please.

Victor: Thank you. And thank you for returning my call.

Jack: We know that you got Adam to drop the charges. We know why. I had a little meeting with Skye myself a little earlier.

Victor: Did it surprise you to find out how Adam blackmailed Dr. Taylor?

Ashley: What are you talking about? I hadn't heard anything about this.

Victor: Turns out, Skye wrote a phony diary at the urging of Adam. In that diary, she accused Dr. Taylor of harassment.

Ashley: So that's why he convinced me that I was pregnant even after I miscarried.

Victor: That's right.

Jack: And who convinced you to tell us this? Nikki?

Victor: I was about to keep this under wraps, but I think your sister has gone through enough. She needs closure.

Ashley: I don't have it yet, but I will. Excuse me.

Victor: (Sighs)

Jack: Well, hell must be pretty chilly today. Your conscience got the best of you. Hope you're not waiting on a thank-you from me.

Victor: I didn't do this for your sake, Jack. I did it for Ashley.

Gloria: I know. Congratulations.

Victor: What's that all about?

Jack: Oh, that? I thought you knew. Billy and Victoria bought a house.

Victor: Are you serious?

Gloria: Aha! Congratulations, you two. And there is a bottle of bubbly waiting in the fridge. Enjoy.

Billy: Thank you, very generous.

Victoria: Thank you.

Billy: Okay, house keys. Those are ours.

Victoria: Yeah, I know.

Billy: Want to hit it?

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: Let's go. Mm... Mwah! (Growls)

Victoria: (Squeals) Oh.

Billy: Ooh. Hi.

Victoria: H-hi, Dad.

Victor: I understand congratulations are in order.

Chloe: So... is it a done deal?

Kevin: (Sighs) Well, if you're asking me whether or not I signed the papers, the answer is yes. But I would really rather be alone right now.

Chloe: Yeah, well, you can forget about that. That's the last thing that you need.

Kevin: Chloe, I--

Chloe: Eh, zip it. The first thing that you learn when you're a stylist... okay, well, the first thing you learn is no cleavage and a short skirt, but the second thing you learn is you don't feel bad for the supermodels, so you can forget about it, because now that we have reached that level of stardom... yeah.

Kevin: (Chuckles) One accidental cover does not a supermodel make.

Chloe: Um, excuse me. Look at us. Do you see this?

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Chloe: This is mad sexy, okay? And our love lives, well, yes, they are definitely in the toilet, but did you know that models have tragic pasts? Which is just a bonus, because you know what? It gives them depth.

Kevin: Okay. Well, then I guess I'm pretty deep.

Chloe: Yeah, you are deep. You are deep, and you are cool, and you are sexy.

Kevin: Hey, hey, hey.

Chloe: You are one sexy little man.

Both: (Laugh)

Kevin: Who you callin' little?

Chloe: You know what? You are Genoa City's answer to Marcus Schenkenberg. And you don't even know who that is, do you?

Kevin: I have no idea who that is.

Chloe: Well, see, you have a lot to learn. I'm gonna teach you everything.

Kevin: Oh, yeah? Everything?

Chloe: Yeah. Yes, my sexy little man. (Laughs)

Nikki: (Sighs) Okay, I'm back.

Meggie: Well, that was a quick nap.

Nikki: Well, sometimes that's all you need. I'm feeling a lot better now.

Meggie: Oh, well, I just made myself a smoothie. There's extra, if you want one.

Nikki: Oh, well, what flavor is that? Raspberry? Strawberry?

Meggie: Oh... (Chuckles) A little of this, a little of that, whatever I could find layin' around.

Nikki: Mmm. It's good.

Meggie: I'm glad you like it.

Nikki: It's very good.

Victoria: (Sighs) Don't do it, okay? Please?

Victor: Do what?

Victoria: Just don't cause a scene. I'm a grown woman. I can live where I want or with whomever I want, and--and I don't need your input at all.

Victor: (Sighs) Tattoo turn out all right?

Billy: It's, um, it-- it--it was a lovely gesture. Thank you.

Victor: Good. (Laughs) I inquire just for my own peace of mind.

Billy: I com-- I understand. Thank you.

Victor: Right.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Would you excuse me?

Victoria: What, that-- that's it?

Victor: I'm not in the habit of wasting my energy with lost causes, all right? We have discussed this enough. You do what you have to do.

Billy: Hmm.

Jack: Tattoo?

Billy: Yeah, um, never mind. It--it... (Clears throat)

Jack: Good luck with the new house. I hope you have better fortune with, uh, domestic bliss than you've had in the past.

Billy: Thank you, Jack. It--it--check it out. I mean, really-- no yelling, no fighting, no black eyes. (Snaps fingers, claps hands) We're gettin' off easy.

Adam: If I could talk her out of it, Vance, I would. No. Just send me your bill. Thank you.

(Knock on door)

Ashley: You're just as twisted as he is, aren't you?

Skye: Excuse me?

Ashley: I'm talking about the fake journal, the one that Adam used to blackmail Dr. Taylor.

Skye: I'm calling security.

Ashley: I just wanted to forget this whole thing. I wanted to put this whole nightmare behind me, but you had to just keep pushing me, didn't you, Adam?

Adam: Ash, would you--

Ashley: Shut up! You weren't satisfied. You couldn't just walk away. Well, guess what? Now it's too late, because you've lost your chance. I am not gonna rest until I take everything away from you just like you tried to do to me!

(Door slams)

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Phyllis: That good man Nicholas was sucking the face off of some blonde at Jimmy's the other night.

Heather: You have feelings for Ronan.

Lauren: What did you do?

Jill: As half-owner of Fenmore’s, I am entitled to an office.

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