Y&R Transcript Monday 8/23/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 8/24/10 -- USA
Episode # 9470 ~ Nina Gets a Clue
Provided By Eric
and Suzanne
Proofread By Emma
Cane: (Sighs) Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing? You said you would lay down while the babies were taking a nap.
Lily: Well, I couldn't sleep. There's too much to get done before the christening.
Cane: Okay. Well, the backyard is set. I have mowed the lawn.
Lily: Uh-huh.
Cane: And now you can take a rest, and I do this.
Lily: Okay, but I'm almost done.
Cane: And you were up all night taking care of the twins.
Lily: Well, so were you. It's fine.
Cane: Yes, but see, I'm not recovering from cancer, okay?
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: And I don't want you collapsing in the middle of the church.
Lily: Okay.
Cane: Okay.
Lily: But it's a huge sacrifice to let you finish cleaning. Um, but, hey, listen, when Devon and Roxy get here...
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: We have to go and get the cake, okay? And then we have to go to the salon, because my hair is finally long enough to get extensions!
Cane: Come here.
Lily: Yay! Oh, and then we have to go to Fenmore's boutique and get Charlie's christening gown.
Cane: Oh, and I'm absolutely stoked that your dad kept your gown so that Mattie can wear it.
Lily: I know. Isn't that cute? It's too bad we don't have yours for Charlie.
Cane: Yeah, well, you know, who knows if I was even christened, so...
Lily: So on days like this, does it make you sad that you don't have any connection to your family?
Cane: No, 'cause we've started our own family.
Lily: And you're a part of mine.
Cane: Yes.
Lily: And Jill still treats you like a son.
Cane: Yeah, amazingly enough. So it goes to show, it's not blood that makes a family. It's love, hmm?
Lily: (Laughs) Okay.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: It's hard to understand what they were thinking when they turned Jill's mother away.
Lauren: I just wish I could have talked to him about it.
Michael: I wish your father had resolved the situation while he was still alive and not leave it in the hands of a judge.
Lauren: Do you have the papers?
Michael: I sent Jill and her lawyers their copies. Once you both sign, half of Fenmore's will be Jill's.
Lauren: (Clicks tongue) And what if I don't sign?
Michael: Then Fenmore and I will miss you very much. The judge would put you in jail for contempt of court.
Lauren: Ah, but not if I filed an appeal.
Michael: You still considering that?
Lauren: Well, yeah. I could tie this thing up in court for years.
Michael: Hmm. You could. You could. But as your lawyer, and more importantly, as your stunningly gorgeous husband...
Lauren: (Laughs)
Michael: I have to advise you, again, that dragging this out will not change the result, unless you can get your mother to recant her testimony.
Lauren: Oh, yeah. That'll be easy, won't it? She so enjoyed lashing out at me in public. (Sighs) Jeez.
Michael: I'll support you whatever you want to do.
Lauren: I know. And I hear you. I really do. I-I know that--that logically and financially... (Sighs) I should just bite the bullet.
Michael: Easier said than done.
Lauren: Three generations-- three generations we have put our life's blood into this company, and--and I'm just supposed to cut that in half and hand that legacy to Jill? I-I don't think I could do it.
(Camera shutter clicks)
Malcolm: Oh, yeah, Jill. Oh, this is gonna be nice. You are really gonna love this one.
Jill: Good, 'cause it's about time I had a new executive photograph.
Malcolm: I've got a couple more frames.
Jill: Oh, I'm sorry. Okay.
Malcolm: Here we go. You the boss.
(Camera shutter clicks)
Malcolm: That's it. Give that C.E.O. smile, Girl. There it is right there.
Paul: Okay, so I spent the night in Lakeside, and first thing this morning, I hit the neighborhood where your son grew up.
Nina: Yeah? And?
Paul: Well, I wasn't able to find out that much, but his parents, the--the--the people--
Nina: You mean the people who bought him?
Paul: Right. They're both dead. His father died right after Aidan graduated high school, and Mrs. Lansing, uh, died a couple of years ago. Now most of the people I talked to had never met them. But the ones who--who did know them said that they were quiet and pretty much kept to themselves.
Nina: (Scoffs) Isn't that what they say about serial killers? I mean...
Paul: Well, they had good reason not to draw attention to themselves. They purchased their son on the black market.
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: So they had this deep, dark secret that if anyone were to find out about it, well, I'm sure they were terrified their son would be taken.
Nina: Yeah, well, my heart bleeds for them.
Paul: Look, if it's any consolation...
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: Everyone said that they--they doted on the boy.
Nina: Yeah, that helps. I've always wanted to believe there was someone tucking him in, you know? And kissing his scraped knees and...
Paul: I know. And from what I could find out, it looked like he came from a very good home with loving parents.
Nina: Did anyone you talk to know where he is now, what he did after college?
Paul: No. I wanted to go by his high school and see if they had some sort of an alumni association or even a-a favorite teacher that he kept in touch with.
Nina: Yeah?
Paul: But they're closed, uh, for the summer now.
Nina: (Sighs) So we're no closer to finding him?
Ronan: Here you go. Thank you.
Chloe: Ahh. Hmm.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chloe: Cool and refreshing, just like me.
Ronan: May I have another one? Thank you.
Chloe: Hey, I was, uh, just thinking about you. Hey, come on. Don't you want your drink?
Ronan: Listen to me. You told me that you could be discreet.
Chloe: I am.
Ronan: Yeah?
Chloe: Yeah. No one's listening. Does anybody care about the conversation that we're having right now?
Ronan: There it is. Okay.
Chloe: See? So I just want to know... why won't you tell Nina the truth, that you are her long-lost son? (Clicks tongue)
Chance: Meeks, what are you doing here?
Sid: Lady wanted some privacy.
Chance: No, I... (Sighs) I meant where's Ronan?
Sid: Got the day off. The bigger question is, why are you here?
Chance: Just visiting a friend.
Sid: Better be in an unofficial capacity.
Heather: Chance.
Chance: Hey. I wanted to try to see you before you met up with Owen.
Heather: Oh, well, come on in.
Chance: They can suspend me right into old age. But I will find out who's corrupt on the force. That, I promise you.
Sid: Hmm.
Heather: (Sighs) I only have a minute.
Chance: Did you get any leads on who took the drugs from your office?
Heather: Yeah. It was Ronan.
Chance: (Scoffs) I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. Damn it, I knew that.
Heather: I--look, this--this might not be a total disaster.
Chance: I went through a lot to get those drugs. I risked my life for those drugs.
Heather: I know. I know.
Chance: Those drugs were the proof that we needed to show that drugs were being smuggled into the jail cell, and now Ronan is just gonna make them disappear.
Heather: He says he's holding onto them to protect me.
Chance: To protect himself, to cover his involvement, Heather.
Heather: Can we just wait and see how this pans out before we jump to any crazy conclusions?
Chance: You just want to wait and see? Heather, he spied on us. All right, he had me arrested. He had me suspended. And now the guy is stealing evidence. No, I am going with you down to Owen's. And we are gonna make him see the truth.
Heather: (Sighs) You can't come with me to talk to Owen.
Chance: Why not?
Heather: (Sighs)
[Heather remembering]
Ronan: Relax, okay? I've got this covered.
Heather: Oh, I feel so much better. You care to fill me in?
Ronan: No. I'm gonna be there tomorrow when you meet with Owen. I'm gonna make sure that everything gets cleared up tomorrow.
Heather: You're not exactly Owen's favorite person right now.
Chance: Yeah, because Ronan and his buddies have been working their tails off to discredit me. Look, it's time for a little payback, Heather.
Heather: Well, what are you gonna say, huh? You have no proof, just suspicion.
Chance: (Sighs) Because Ronan stole the proof, that's why.
Heather: Do you--do you see how emotional you are right now?
Chance: Oh, come on.
Heather: You can't talk to Owen like this. You're just gonna make things worse.
Chance: Worse? Worse? How could they possibly get any worse, Heather?
Heather: Uh, well, I could get fired.
Chance: (Sighs)
Heather: I have to defend my decision to help you smuggle narcotics.
Chance: It was part of an ongoing investigation.
Heather: You have no authority to be investigating anything.
Chance: This was my case. Look, I don't care if they suspend me. They can fire me, for all I care.
Heather: Well, I do care. I want this job, and you go in there and tear Owen's head off, I'm the one that gets punished.
Chance: (Sighs) Fine. You know what? I'm just gonna go in there, and I'm gonna talk about the facts. I'm gonna state all of the facts calmly and rationally, how about that?
Heather: Oh, because I'm not capable of doing that myself?
Chance: (Sighs)
Heather: Will you just wait here? I'll talk to Owen. I'll let you know how it goes.
Chance: Fine. Fine. But if Owen doesn't believe you, and it doesn't work out, we're gonna start doing things my way.
Nina: So my son basically vanished after he left for college? There's no formal record? That's bizarre, isn't it?
Paul: Well, it is a little unusual.
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: But there could be a logical reason. He could have taken a job overseas or, as I mentioned before, changed his name. It's--it could be that simple.
Nina: He might have died.
Paul: Nina, there is no reason to think that.
Nina: Well, it--it would explain the disappearance, wouldn't it?
Paul: Not really. If he died, there would be a record, unless he's a John Doe, and that would be unusual. Look, listen to me.
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: Don't let your mind go there, okay?
Chloe: So I just don't get it...
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chloe: Because you obviously put some effort into this, right? You went under an assumed name, and you moved to Genoa City, all for the sole purpose of getting to know your family.
Ronan: Mm, Mnh-mnh. Not my family. More strangers that I happen to be related to.
Chloe: But it was so important for you to meet them.
Ronan: I met them.
Chloe: Okay. So you're never gonna tell your brother or your mother who you really are?
Ronan: I came here to get facts that I needed to be able to make a decision, and I've made it.
Chloe: So it was just a test? You were just auditioning them to be your family, but they had no idea that it was going on, and then they just failed.
Ronan: It's gonna be really hard for you to understand, but not all of us are in love with Chance. Not all of us really like Chance. Actually, some of us think he's a first-class jerk.
Chloe: Okay, well, you didn't base your decision because of what he did to me, right?
Ronan: No, not solely. He's given me plenty to base my decision on.
Chloe: Well, what about Nina? You like her. I know you do, because every time I make a snark comment about her, you defend her. I mean, she'd be hell as a mother-in-law, but as a mom, I hear she's pretty great.
Ronan: Well, I'm all grown up. I don't need a mom.
Chloe: (Sighs) Well, she needs you. And I'm assuming that you read this book. It must have broken your heart, because I don't even like the woman, and it broke my heart.
Ronan: I'm not gonna sit here and justify all my decisions to you, okay?
Chloe: Okay. Well, I'm just trying to understand.
Ronan: Well, you know what? It's my business. It's my life, my decisions. And I think you should stay out of them.
Chloe: (Scoffs)
Michael: You know, you don't have to make this decision immediately. You could think about it, take a few days. I'll just put it right--
Lauren: No... I don't need to think about it. You're right.
Michael: Hmm.
Lauren: I don't need to drag this out. I don't want the negativity. (Sighs) Besides... I have you. I have Scotty and Fen and a lot of employees and customers who are counting on me. I just, you know... (Clicks tongue) Need to focus on that. (Inhales deeply) So... (Sighs) Call Jill. Let's get it over with.
Jill: I like that one the best.
Malcolm: Well, all right, beautiful. I'll call the printer, e-mail it over, and, uh, have 'em put a rush on the order.
Cane: Look at this-- two for the price of one. Hey.
Malcolm: That's what I'm sayin'. Hey, Lily.
Lily: Hi.
Jill: Ohh! I thought you two would be getting ready for the christening.
Lily: Uh, we are, but Malcolm took a picture of the babies, and we want to have them up when everyone comes over, so...
Jill: Aw.
Malcolm: I mean, I would have brought them over.
Cane: That's cool. It's on our way. Uh, we're going to Fenmore's boutique to get Charlie's christening gown so...
Jill: Ooh.
Lily: Yeah, and besides, I couldn't wait to see them.
Jill: (Laughs)
Cane: So, uh, what about you? What are you up to?
Jill: I just had my picture taken.
Cane: Oh.
Jill: Of course, they won't be as adorable as my grandchildren's. You don't mind that I consider them my grandchildren, do you?
Lily: No. We're not...
Cane: No, no. We're honored by it.
Jill: Good.
Lily: Yeah. Our children are gonna be so blessed to be surrounded by family.
Cane: Uh-huh.
(Cell phone rings)
Jill: Well, there's nothing more important than that. Speaking of family... Jill Fenmore.
Michael: Jill, Michael. Uh... Lauren is here in her office, and she has some time, so if you want to come over and sign these papers...
Jill: Now?
Michael: Is there a problem?
Jill: No, no. I'll be right over.
(Keys jingling)
Chloe: Are you--aah. (Sighs)
Chance: Hey. Here. Let me help--
Chloe: No, don't--don't bother. I'm okay.
Chloe: Where's Heather?
Chance: She's at work.
Chloe: What are you doing here?
Chance: Come in for a second. Here.
Chloe: Thanks.
Chance: (Sighs) Heather's meeting with Owen right now. If she can convince him that Ronan is part of this drug ring, it might be the break that we need. We could put some pressure on him, and then we could get him to talk.
Chloe: (Scoffs) You're never gonna get him to talk. Besides, you really think he's dirty?
Chance: He obviously knows something.
Chloe: I know that he doesn't like you. He's not hiding that. But I highly doubt that he ordered a hit.
Chance: Look, all I know is, that he happens to be in the wrong place at the right times.
Chloe: Yeah, I guess you guys have that in common.
Chance: How's Delia?
Chloe: She's really good. She's a social butterfly.
Chance: (Laughs) I wonder where she gets that from.
Chloe: We've been going to these "Mommy and me" classes, and she doesn't want to hang out with me at all. She just wants to spend all of her time with her friends, which I guess is normal for an only child. You know, you--you get that. You're an only child. Well, but you're not really, because you have a brother.
Chance: Somewhere.
Nina: Finding out his name and where he grew up-- it's the closest I have ever been, and every year on his birthday, I go through this all over again. I lose him again. And I was just hoping that this would be the last year I had to do that. I don't want to do it again. I don't.
Paul: I know.
Nina: (Sobs)
Owen: Heather.
Heather: Owen.
Owen: Sid, uh, take a break.
(Door closes)
Owen: So about this... supposed evidence that you had and then lost...
Heather: I-I didn't lose it. Ronan Malloy took it.
Owen: Ronan. You know this for a fact?
Heather: He's tracking it right now. He's, uh, checking to see if the heroin came from the police evidence room. If it did, it will be our first solid proof that Frank Ellis' claims are true, that police are involved in the drug ring.
Owen: I see.
(Knock on door)
Heather: That must be him.
Owen: Detective.
Ronan: Sir.
(Door closes)
Owen: So, uh, Heather tells me that you took it upon yourself to trace the origin of the drugs she smuggled out of jail.
Ronan: Yes, Sir.
Owen: What did you find out?
Ronan: We now have proof beyond a doubt that Ms. Stevens has no idea what she's doing.
Michael: You're doing the right thing.
Lauren: Hmm. I don't know about that. And, um, it's not just about the money, you know?
Michael: I know. I know. Fenmore's is more than just a business. It's about the bond you had with your father.
Lauren: Hmm. Do you know that there's not a day that goes by, not even an hour...
Michael: (Chuckles)
Lauren: That I don't hear some sort of advice that he gave me in my ear? It's like we have this running conversation going on.
Michael: No lawsuit's gonna change that. I mean, Jill might be half-owner of Fenmore's, but you are Fenmore's, and your father's legacy will live on through you.
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Jill: I can't believe that I am one signature away from claiming my inheritance.
Malcolm: Well, I guess it's a good thing we put a rush on that picture.
Jill: (Gasps) You don't suppose we could get it today, do you?
Malcolm: Tell you what, as soon as it's ready, I'll bring it you myself.
Jill: Oh, thank you! Thank you.
Malcolm: All right, no worries.
Jill: Sweetheart, I know that you're gonna be at Fenmore's, okay, so I was wondering, could you wait there for me till I get out of my meeting with Michael and Lauren? Because I have something I want to give you for the christening, and I don't have it on me right now.
Cane: Yeah, we have-- we have time, right?
Lily: Yeah, sure. Yeah.
Cane: Sure.
Jill: Good. Good, good, good.
Lily: I'm gonna check with Devon. I'll be right back.
Cane: Okay.
Jill: Okay.
Cane: Um... let me walk you out.
Jill: Is everything okay?
Cane: I know how much it means to you to, uh, you know, get your half of the company, all right, but I just want you to know it's gonna be a tough day for Lauren.
Jill: So you're afraid that I'm gonna rub it in.
Cane: Yeah.
Jill: (Chuckles)
Cane: All right, so I don't want you starting on the wrong foot, 'cause I know this means more to you than just the money, all right? You're looking for a sense of family. I understand that more than anybody else, okay?
Jill: (Chuckles) Yeah.
Cane: I hope it works out for you.
Jill: Thank you. Mm.
Chance: What makes you bring up my brother?
Chloe: Your mom's been talking about him. And, oh, I just-- I just read her book.
Chance: You did?
Chloe: Yeah. Yeah. It's actually kind of hard to get through as a mom... you know, just experiencing that kind of loss. And it must be really hard for you, because you know that you have a brother out there somewhere.
Chance: I, uh... I don't think about it much.
Chloe: Well, I-I would obsess over something like that. I mean, that's what you do for a living. I mean, you're a detective. You find missing people.
Chance: It's been a seriously cold case for years now.
Chloe: What if-- what if he just showed up at your door, and he said, "Hi, I'm your brother"? That would be pretty cool, don't you think? I mean, wouldn't you at least be interested and maybe take him out for a beer and get to know him or something?
Paul: You can't give up.
Nina: It's just so hard to get my hopes up and then be disappointed.
Paul: You know what? It may not happen as fast as you want it to, but I guarantee that we will find out what happened to your son.
Nina: (Sighs)
Paul: Since when have you ever taken "No" for an answer?
Nina: (Scoffs)
Paul: Miracles happen.
Nina: At this point, I'm afraid that's what it's gonna take.
Ronan: There's chance's evidence. I checked it out, Sir. There's no link to the police evidence room.
Heather: I find that very hard to believe.
Ronan: Well, that's probably because your association with Detective Chancellor has compromised your objectivity.
Heather: That's not true.
Ronan: Even if it is from the evidence room, it doesn't matter. We can't use it in court.
Owen: Well, he's right. You had no warrant, no court order to confiscate the narcotics, no legal authority whatsoever.
Heather: Uh, yes, obviously, but it was the proof we needed to further our investigation.
Ronan: (Laughs) Yeah, you and your, uh, boyfriend stumbling around in the dark making wild guesses is hardly what I would call an investigation. As a matter of fact, your bungling efforts have put us all at risk.
Heather: We didn't bungle anything. You've sabotaged us.
Ronan: Sir, they're out of control. I'm sure that you can see that. If they're not reined in, I'm afraid they're gonna bring down this entire investigation.
Heather: Owen...
Owen: (Sighs) You're fired.
Heather: You can't be serious.
Owen: I warned you after your last suspension I would not tolerate any further insubordination. Thanks for your input.
Ronan: Sir.
(Door opens)
Heather: (Sighs)
(Door closes)
Heather: You know in your gut that Chance is right. There are cops that are dealing.
Owen: All the more reason not to interfere with the legitimate investigation.
Heather: Chance and I are the only ones getting anywhere near the truth. Ronan, for all his tough talk, what has he accomplished?
Owen: Following up on leads that go nowhere. Look, Heather... (Sighs) It may be that you just... (Inhales sharply) (Sighs) You're not cut out for this line of work.
Heather: I am damn good at my job, and you know it.
Owen: When you do it correctly. You know, find something where it doesn't matter so much if you go by the book. Well, let's face it-- that's not exactly your strong suit. I'm gonna need your I.D. and your badge.
Heather: (Sighs)
Owen: All right, now clean out your desk and leave the building within the hour. (Sighs) Sid, you're off duty. Ms. Stevens is leaving the D.A.'s office and will no longer require protection.
Sid: Hmm.
Heather: (Sighs)
Ronan: Hey.
Heather: You son of a bitch. You totally threw me under the bus!
Ronan: Stop it, okay? I may have just saved your life.
Heather: Oh, really? This is--this is how you save my life, by getting me fired?
Ronan: Heather, you were getting too close, and you were being too obvious.
Heather: So those drugs did come from the evidence room, didn't they?
Ronan: You're done with this investigation.
Heather: The drugs you showed Owen were not the ones you took from me. Where are they? God, you are so arrogant. You think that you can just handle everything on your own, don't you?
Ronan: Go home, Heather. Stay out of trouble. Tell Chance to do the same thing. Do you hear me? Trust me on this one.
Heather: Go to hell.
Ronan: Hey...
Heather: (Scoffs)
Ronan: Whether you can see it right now or not, I just did you a huge favor. No one's gonna come looking for you anymore. You're off the hook. No more Meeks around. No more me around. You should be thanking me.
Heather: (Sighs)
(Door opens)
(Door slams shut)
Lily: Mac had cravings for these while she was pregnant.
Cane: (Laughs)
Malcolm: (Laughs) I bet you Charlie and Matilda are missing those right about now.
Cane: (Laughs)
Lily: Aw. Well, they can have them for their 1st birthday. Oh, Honey, can you imagine? Their 1st birthday? Ohh.
Cane: That's why I love this girl. We're not finished with today's party, and she's already planning the next.
Lily: Well, we have so much to look forward to, that's why.
Cane: Oh.
Malcolm: And listen, I want to be there for it all-- baseball games, recitals, you know?
Cane: Yeah. You know, I'm gonna hold you to that.
Malcolm: Hey, you can--
Lily: Well, hey, when you're in town. I know that you and Sofia love to travel.
Malcolm: Eh, no, no. That's really not important to me these days. You know, Lily, we almost lost you. It was really scary. But it made me pay attention, now more than ever, to what really matters.
Lily: (Sighs)
Cane: What he said.
Malcolm: (Chuckles)
Lily: (Laughs)
Jill: Hello?
Michael: Hey.
Jill: Oh, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting. I just had to stop by the house for something.
Lauren: That's fine, Jill.
Jill: Okay.
Lauren: It's not like I'm eager to sign these documents.
Michael: Did Morgan have a chance to go over these?
Jill: Uh... yeah. He said that everything is in order.
Michael: Okay, then we can proceed.
Jill: Okay. Okay. There we go. It's official. I am now half-owner of the family company. (Sighs) Look... I want you to know that I appreciate how you're handling all this. In fact, I appreciate so many things about you, Lauren.
Lauren: (Scoffs)
Jill: No, I really do. And I hope in the years to come that the Fenmore sisters can relate to each other as something more than business partners.
Lauren: (Clicks tongue) We are sisters... (Clicks pen) In name only.
Michael: Okay, well, I think we're finished. I'll make sure these papers are filed.
Jill: That's all you have to say to me?
Lauren: That's it.
Jill: Great. Okay, then. Good-bye, you two. Have a lovely day. I certainly intend to.
Michael: Bye, Jill.
Jill: Bye, Michael.
Lauren: (Sighs)
Michael: Oh, all right. Stay calm. Count to ten. Breathe. (Inhales deeply) (Exhales slowly)
Lauren: (Exhales deeply)
Jill: Thank you for waiting.
Lily: Hey.
Cane: So, uh, how did it go in there?
Jill: It went fine in there. I behaved myself. You would have been proud of me.
Cane: Good.
Lily: Mm.
Jill: So is, um, is that Charlie's christening gown?
Cane: Mm-hmm.
Lily: Yes, it is. Arrived just in time. Matilda's wearing mine, but Charlie needed a new one, so...
Jill: This one is really, really lovely, Lily. But you know what? I wanted to give you an option, okay? I remembered I still have Phillip's christening gown, and...
Cane: (Sighs)
Lily: Oh, my gosh.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Lily: Jill, you didn't have to do that. Wow.
Cane: Wow.
Jill: Well, listen, no obligation, okay? If you want to use the new one, that's fine, too.
Cane: No, we--we would-- we'd love to use Phillip's.
Lily: Yeah.
Jill: Oh, I'm so glad.
Cane: Come here. Thank you so much. It means so much to me. Thank you.
Jill: Oh, good. Good.
Chance: Don't bring up the subject of my brother around my mom.
Chloe: (Scoffs) I wouldn't. I'm just surprised that you're not curious, that's all.
Chance: Well, I have other priorities to focus on right now like the case that's going to hell right now.
Chloe: Yeah, right, I know. The case, the case-- it's always the case.
Chance: It's--well, it is. Well, of--it has to be the-- hi. Uh, where's Meeks?
Heather: Gone.
Chance: Oh. Does that mean that Ronan's back on duty now?
Heather: Uh, no. No, no more police protection.
Chance: Wait, what?
Heather: Owen fired me.
Chance: (Sighs) Come here.
Heather: Oh. (Sighs)
Chance: What happened?
Heather: Oh, God. (Sighs) Ugh, it's just such a mess.
Chance: (Sighs)
Chloe: (Sighs)
Paul: It's a text from one of the researchers I've hired to find your son.
Nina: What's it say?
Paul: She's found a picture in an old newspaper.
Nina: Tell her to fax it to the house.
Paul: Okay.
Sid: Nice work. I was getting tired of babysitting.
Ronan: Me, too. Of course, I'm gonna feel bad if she gets offed.
Sid: No, nobody will threaten her now, 'cause she's no threat.
Ronan: I've got something for you.
Sid: Oh, yeah? What's that?
Ronan: I stole this from Heather's office. She got it from Chance in jail.
Sid: Pomerantz said you gave it back to him.
Ronan: What I gave him came off the street, not the evidence room, like this one.
Sid: Why did you make the switch?
Ronan: I figured I'd be doing you a favor.
Sid: Me?
Ronan: Well, you can turn it back in yourself if you want. But I'm sure that you don't want to do that, do you?
Sid: You want me to show my hand.
Ronan: I showed you mine. And you can make it known that I expect to be rewarded.
(Door opens)
Chloe: Hmm. Well, look who it is. We both seem to have a caffeine addiction, huh?
Ronan: Hmm.
Chloe: Hey, Sid.
Sid: Chloe. I'll be in touch.
Chloe: Don't mind if I do.
Ronan: Look, I'm not in the mood for this right now, okay?
Chloe: Come on. I'm not gonna ask about your "Non-family," all right?
Ronan: (Scoffs)
Chloe: I came... to ask you if you wanted to come over to my place for some lunch.
Ronan: That sounds great. So you can ambush me with my mother then next, right?
Chloe: Oh, come on. Give me a break. I'm not all Jerry Springer, all right? It's not my style. Plus, if I'm gonna ambush you, it's gonna be with a bottle of wine.
Ronan: (Scoffs)
Chloe: And who knows? You might even get lucky.
Cane: All right, the, uh, picnic tables are set, so what else do you have left on your list?
Lily: Um... (Sighs) Nothing. We're all set.
Cane: You happy?
Lily: (Laughs)
Cane: Yeah?
Lily: Um... yes. It's almost scary how good things are.
Cane: Yeah. Well, you have been worried too long. I think I need to break you of that habit.
Lily: Well, it shouldn't be hard. Just keep things this perfect always.
Cane: That works for me.
Lily: Okay. (Laughs)
Jill: A little down, a little down. Not too much. Good. There. What do you think?
Malcolm: That's it. Looks good.
Jill: Yeah, it is good there, isn't it? Looks like it's always been there. (Laughs)
Malcolm: (Laughs)
Jill: Oh.
Lauren: Jill, what the hell are you doing?
Jill: What? You don't begrudge me a little wall space, do you, now that we're equal partners? I'm having one put in every single Fenmore's boutique and department store.
Lauren: What?!
Malcolm: (Clears throat) Jill, um, uh, we--we don't want to be late to that christening now, right?
Jill: Oh, no. That's true. That's true. Okay, we'll be seeing you, and you'll be seeing me. Thanks.
Lauren: (Inhales sharply)
Nina: It's his entire grade school football team. You can barely see the faces.
Paul: It's all right. It's a copy. It's kind of grainy, but you know what? I have a guy that can enhance it for us.
Chloe: Yeah, so I think we're gonna have a blind taste test.
Ronan: Oh. (Laughs)
Chloe: Yeah. Your ridiculously overpriced pinot noir versus my less pretentious one.
Ronan: Hmm, well, I don't, uh, usually do blindfolds on the first date, but I'm gonna make an exception for you. (Laughs)
Chance: I bet you anything that Ronan convinced Owen to let you go.
Heather: (Sighs)
Chance: What? Am I right?
Heather: He said it was for my own good.
Chance: (Scoffs) Oh, my God.
Heather: (Sighs) He just wants to take over the investigation himself. He just-- he doesn't want us involved.
Chance: He doesn't want us busting him is what you mean. You know what? I could scatter that guy's teeth all over the wall outside there and be loving it.
Heather: Oh, just forget it, okay? It's over. They won. We lost.
Chance: Heather, I am not giving up on this.
Heather: (Sighs) We already trashed our careers and almost got ourselves killed. It's not worth it.
Chance: Nobody bullies me into backing down, Heather.
Heather: What is it that you're trying to prove?
Chance: That I'm innocent.
Heather: Everybody who loves you already knows that. So just let it go.
Chance: I am not scared of them, Heather. In fact, I want them to come after me. I want to face them down.
Heather: Oh, you know what? If something happens to you, I will... kill you.
Chance: (Sighs)
Heather: (Sighs)
Heather: Mm.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chloe: You think I'm using you?
Ronan: We're using each other.
Mac: What did Victoria say when you told her about our little arrangement?
J.T.: I didn't tell her.
Michael: I got a call from the immigration customs enforcement people. They want to see you right away.
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