Y&R Transcript Friday 8/20/10

Y&R Transcript Friday 8/20/10 -- Canada; Monday 8/23/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9469 ~ Victor & Jack's Unusual Alliance

Provided By Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Jack: That was some wallop you gave Deacon. What did he do to deserve that?

Phyllis: You don't have to defend my honor. Don't worry about it. You don't have to-- I just--he overstepped, and I just put him back in his place. That's it. End of story.

Jack: End of story-- I don't think so. First, you tell me you're making out with this guy in your car during a rainstorm. Now you haul off and smack him? Pretty impulsive behavior. What I worry about is what or who caused that behavior.

Phyllis: Don't worry about me. I'm fine.

Jack: Listen to me. I know the warning signs. You are spinning out of control. And you better get a hold of your emotions fast, or you're gonna do something you're gonna regret later.

Sharon: (Quietly) Nick, you really have a way with Faith. I didn't think she would ever calm down.

Nick: Hey, uh, would you mind if Summer stayed the night here? I don't want to drag her back to the club when she's got a comfy bed upstairs.

Sharon: You don't have to ask that. I mean, of course its okay if she spends the night.

Summer: Are we gonna live here with Mommy and Sharon?

Nick: I thought you were asleep.

Summer: We can have one house, but not three.

Sharon: Hey, why don't you come upstairs with me, and you can help me tuck Faith in? And then your dad and I are gonna read you a really good story, okay?

Nick: (Quietly) Thank you.

Victor: (Breathing heavily)

Abby: Hey. Large anything with lots of caffeine to go, please.

Man: Sure.

Abby: Stare much?

Daniel: (Clears throat) Uh, yeah. What's with the caffeine fix?

Abby: I have a big night tonight. (Clears throat) After my burlesque show at Gloworm, my star is shining a little brighter, and I intend to keep it that way. Want to come?

Daniel: Oh, no, I'm not going to Gloworm with you.

Abby: I knew you were gonna say that.

Daniel: Did you now?

Abby: Yes, but you'll go, so let's shorthand this conversation. Me--"Please come to Gloworm." You--"No." Me--"Please?" Batting my eyelashes, pouty smile. You... (sighs) "Well, okay."

Daniel: (Laughs)

Abby: "I can't resist your face."

Daniel: (Laughs)

Abby: Come on, let's roll. (Sighs) You're gonna make this difficult, aren't you?

Daniel: Oh, no, no, no, no, no. See, difficult is having to tip the man who ruined your life because he, uh, serves the drinks there now.

Abby: Even better-- built-in drama.

Daniel: Not going.

Abby: Fine. But hanging out in this coffeehouse is not going to get me noticed, so I guess I'm gonna go alone. You know, I might be tempted to do a little dance, and some clothes might come off unless you were there to stop me.

Daniel: See, guys don't like hearing girls say, "You’re the reason I keep my clothes on."

Abby: (Scoffs) (Laughs) (Sighs)

Daniel: You know, I like the shorthand version of this conversation a lot better.

Abby: (Laughs) Me, too.

Billy: Uh-oh. Is that your "Second thoughts" face?

Victoria: Huh? No, no. (Laughs) This is my... (Sighs) "Realizing how free I am" face. I mean... (Sighs) I can actually, like... I can breathe, you know?

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: I feel like I could go--I could jump out of a plane, or I could go cliff diving, or I could--I could swim with some sharks or...

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Gutsy, um, daring.

Billy: Yep.

Victoria: This is like the new me.

Billy: Uh-huh. You okay? Huh?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: B-because I've only seen you like this when you're beating me at video games or beer pong or getting married on a beach in Jamaica, because you're scaring me.

Victoria: Well, you should be scared.

Billy: Okay, why?

Victoria: Because I need you to come up with something that's gonna make this feeling last, that's why. (Giggles)

Billy: Oh. Hmm.

(Knock on door)

Ashley: (Sighs) Hey.

Tucker: You wouldn't be avoiding me, would you, Darling? I've left messages. I've texted. I haven't heard anything from your camp.

Ashley: Yeah, I apologize. I haven't handled this well.

Tucker: Well, you want to let me in so we can talk about it?

Ashley: Mm. That's not a good idea, no.

Tucker: What's going on?

Ashley: Well, I have been avoiding you, because I don't want to see you anymore.

Abby: That's brilliant. Oh, my adoring public-- told you coming here was brill. I'll catch up.

Daniel: Mm-hmm. (Clears throat)

Deacon: Romalotti. How's the art thing going? Still starving?

Daniel: Still an ass? Give me a beer.

Deacon: You know, Danny, I think you and I got off on the wrong foot.

Daniel: Hmm.

Deacon: What do you say we call a truce?

Daniel: (Clears throat)

Deacon: I buy you a beer. I mean, after all, I'm a patron of the arts. You're an artist. And I was just thinking, I know somebody who I think would be a great subject for you.

Daniel: I'll pass.

Deacon: No, really. I mean it. She's gorgeous. She's, uh, she's feisty.

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Deacon: Packs a great punch. And the best part of all, you know her. I think you call her, um... Mom.

Daniel: (Laughs) You're a funny guy.

Deacon: I'd take it as a compliment. You got a hot mom. You suppose you can put in a good word for me?

Daniel: Will you listen to him?

Abby: Is that Deacon? Hey.

Daniel: What, a little comedian over here.

Deacon: Well, now this is a pleasant surprise. Welcome to Gloworm.

Abby: You can't charm me. I know all about you, Deacon Sharpe.

Deacon: Ooh. And I've seen all there is to see of you, Abby Newman.

Abby: Yeah, you know what? I heard I was a hit with the ex-con demographic.

Deacon: (Laughs)

Abby: (Mocks laughing)

Deacon: It's funny, Danny. You know, you and I have the same taste in women. We both like beautiful blondes that like to post naughty little videos on the internet. I don't know. You suppose I got a shot with her?

Daniel: Oh, I don't know. You probably got a shot with me, you know.

Abby: Hey, we got another show coming. Yes. (Laughs)

Daniel: Hey, you know what? We talked about no shows tonight, right? Come on.

Abby: Huh? Oh. Okay.

Daniel: You're a funny guy. (Laughs) You.

Jack: So degrading a memory of your time with Nick every time you get a chance with this bozo...

Phyllis: What are you--?

Jack: That's how you're gonna stick it to Nick?

Phyllis: Jack, Jack, what are you talking about? I thought you would be happy about another Newman getting screwed over.

Jack: I hate Victor Newman. You know that. But somehow I've been able to work with him from time to time because I can put things in perspective, because I can compartmentalize, something you might want to do with Nick.

Phyllis: Hey, right, how's this for perspective? I saw Nick at Jimmy's making out with another blonde. How about that?

Jack: Sharon.

Phyllis: No, not Sharon. You'd think so, but not this time.

Jack: Who was he kissing?

Phyllis: Some other woman, some damsel in distress, because that's what he likes. He likes rescuing women. He really enjoys that. He likes that and sex. So don't sit there and talk to me about controlling my emotions when probably right now he's with his very favorite damsel Sharon.

Nick: I sure hate dragging Summer all over the place.

Sharon: Well, kids have a way of adapting.

Nick: Yeah, but this is her home. It's where she feels the most safe.

Sharon: Yeah, I feel the same way. The ranch has that effect on me. And I'm not always looking over my shoulder and thinking about, um... things.

Nick: So does this mean you will reconsider my offer, move back into your place on the ranch?

Sharon: I always loved that place.

Nick: A lot of memories there, a lot of good ones.

Sharon: So you don't think that it would be strange, us all living here on the ranch together?

Nick: (Sighs) Having Faith practically next door would make me rest a lot easier.

Sharon: Well, then we'll do it. Faith and I would love to be your neighbors.

Nick: Well, great. I'll let Vick know. So, uh... here's your favorite soda. You can check out some TV. I can make up some popcorn.

Sharon: (Gasps) Oh. With your secret ingredient?

Nick: Would it be mine without it?

Sharon: You know, one of these days, I am finally going to get that recipe out of you.

Nick: Yeah... (Opens soda) I wouldn't count on that.

Adam: Judging by the way you're punching that bag leads me to believe you got a visit from the process server. I bet you and all those little kangaroo court jesters of yours never saw that one coming. See, I'm always one step ahead, and this time, it's going to be oh, so satisfying, because I'll get the last laugh. And I'm ready for court. "No amount of restitution or retribution is gonna erase the memories of the cabin that night."

Victor: That crazy act ain't gonna work.

Adam: Oh, but it has. It has. I'm not rotting behind bars, am I?

Victor: You're crazy, you know that? I hate to say that about my son, but you are bona-fide crazy. You're psychotic. You scared the hell out of Sharon, didn't you? And then you gas lighted Ashley to the point where she lost her baby, her and my baby. Why don't you be a man? Don't hide behind a high-priced lawyer, behind the skirt of a woman.

Adam: Ooh. Them fighting words, Dad? No. I didn't think so. I was hoping not. You know, I would hate-- I would just hate to add another assault to your litany of charges. I mean, you don't want to be the crazy old man around town punching everyone, do you? Listen there are two things that I'm gonna get that you hate to relinquish-- power and money. You think Abrams was tough at the hearing? You ain't seen nothing yet.

Victor: Really?

Adam: Oh! Oh!

Victor: Why don't you add that to your charges?

Ashley: Look, I-I just realized with this civil case and everything else, that my life is complicated. It's too complicated. I don't want to involve anybody else in it, okay?

Tucker: I already told you, nothing in your past makes you a liability to me.

Ashley: (Sighs) Tucker, we didn't get that involved, okay? Let's just act like adults and move on with our lives.

Tucker: Whoa, what? What? We didn't get involved? Are you kidding?

Ashley: Not really. Not really.

Tucker: Yes, we did. From that very first day I saw you at the airport when you were ready to run away with Faith, we were involved, and you know it. What about that-- you remember that day we made the video of you and Faith? What about all the business dinners that weren't about business? Making love... making love that first time in Japan-- you don't think those are moments we could build a relationship on? I'm not some hit-and-run guy trying to get his kicks by sleeping with you. I don't think you believe that. Now what are you afraid of?

Ashley: I didn't base my decision on fear. I based it on a total lack of interest in you.

Billy: Okay, Honey, we can stop if this isn't what you had in mind.

Victoria: (Laughs) No, I'm good. I want it. (Sniffles)

Billy: Okay, well, you're a little-- you're a little tense, okay? It helps if you breathe. It won't hurt as bad.

Victoria: Right. Right. Okay, right, but you're next. That's part of the deal.

Billy: Yeah, I promise. I-I just want to make sure this works, okay?

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: So relax. It's getting closer.

Victoria: Okay.

Billy: Here it comes.

(Needle buzzes)

Victoria: Ooh!

Billy: (Laughs) Snake's gonna take real good care of you.

Snake: (Belches) (Sighs)

Victoria: Oh!

Snake: Freakin' convenience store burritos.

Victoria: Oh, gross. Are you sure about this place?

Billy: Oh, yeah. I mean, how can you go wrong with a tattoo artist named Snake? And what's your first name? Is it Rattle? Garter? Mexican hognose?

Victoria: Oh, no, no! Ow!

Snake: (Laughs)

Victoria: (Whines)

Snake: Sorry about that.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: I'm glad you lost the coin toss.

Victoria: Wait a minute. Hold on a second. You are not backing out on me, are you?

Billy: I--no.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: And miss the opportunity to experience firsthand the joys of bodily harm? (Laughs nervously)

Victoria: Willy...

Billy: I promise I will go. I promise.

Victoria: Okay, 'cause this is gonna last a lot longer than a marriage after 8:00 in Jamaica.

Billy: Yeah, that's true. Um, you know, not to change your mind or anything, but you could get something a little less threatening, like maybe I-I-I don't know...

Victoria: Oh.

Billy: Maybe a heart with a dagger in it or a--or a skull with maggots coming out of its eyes. That could...

Victoria: Mm, that's tempting, but no. I'm--I'm happy with the tattoo that I picked.

Billy: You're sure?

Victoria: Mm-hmm. Very sure.

Billy: Okay. (Clears throat) Well, hold my hand...    

(Needle buzzes)

Billy: And squeeze it if it hurts. Get 'em, Snake.

Victoria: Oh, gosh.

(Needle buzzing)

Victoria: (Laughs) (Whines)

Daniel: You know, Deacon was, uh, giving me a bit of a hard time earlier. I think that he's got a little thing for you.

Phyllis: Really?

Woman: Phyllis Newman?

Phyllis: Yeah.

Woman: You've been served.

Phyllis: Oh, lovely.

Abby: I just hate what this civil suit is doing to Mom. Can't any of you G.C.V.I.P.s do something to get rid of that weasel of a brother?

Jack: We're working on it.

Skye: Zissman and Stewart wired their money? That's great. Anyone with any sense would buy into the fund. Thanks for letting me know. You shouldn't wait too long to take me up on that offer, Jack. Your portfolio could be earning major bank as we speak.

Abby: We weren't speaking.

Adam: We were, so step off.

Skye: (Laughs) Give me a call if you change your mind.

Adam: (Sighs) (Groans)

Skye: We'll talk about who popped you later. Right now, I am in the mood to party. Two major players invested in the fund today.

Adam: (Sighs) That's great. I'll wait to celebrate with my own money that I get from people who made my life miserable.

Jack: Wow, nice shiner. Who should I congratulate?

Adam: Well, just let's say its a little accident that happened at the gym. Now, Jack, why don't you, uh, grab a pail, climb a hill and go tumbling--

Phyllis: You screwed with the wrong person. I will take you and your mousy wife down! Do you hear me? I will take you down.

Jack: Easy. Easy. Come here. Come here.

Phyllis: Come on! Let go of me, Jack.

Jack: You listen to me. Get yourself together...

Phyllis: I'm fine. I am together. (Sighs)

Jack: With this, with Nick, with life in general. Let's get some fresh air. Come on.

Daniel: Again, hmm? I mean, Jack and my mom, they had the right idea taking off. Between Adam and between Deacon, they should probably rename this place "Bloworm." I'm sorry. Am--am I boring you?

Abby: Uh, no. No. I'm--I'm probably the boring one.

Daniel: No, that's impossible. "Abby" and "Boring" are two words that should never be spoken in the same sentence.

Abby: (Scoffs) Oh, it was true tonight. All the drama came from your mom, none from me.

Daniel: Well, have no fear. There were no reporters and no photographers to capture you on your off night, so your secret is safe. No one will ever know.

Abby: If you keep saying these things to try to make me feel better, I'm going to be forced to repay you in lunches...

Daniel: Mm.

Abby: Just like yesterday. (Clears throat)

Daniel: Ah.

Abby: The after-lunch activity was your bonus.

Daniel: (Laughs)

Abby: (Laughs)

Adam: I don't know. He just mumbled a few "You got that's?" And then, uh, popped me.

Skye: Don't you think it's time to put the Daddy issues to bed? I'm trying to clean up your image. Really doesn't help when redheads throw drinks in your face. We could have been meeting with clients.

Adam: I'm sick of hearing about this fund.

Skye: Too bad. It's a moneymaker, which means you should drop the suit.

Adam: Drop the suit. Yeah. So here's the thing-- it's not just about money, Skye. These people, they kidnapped me, they tortured me, mentally and physically, and I am going to make them suffer just like I did. So I'm not dropping the suit.

Skye: Ungrateful S.O.B. as the keeper of your secrets, I expect a little more gratitude.

Adam: (Pops lips) Thanks.

Skye: Gonna need a little more than that, especially when I know all about you jabbing needles in your eyes in and out of prison, milking your blindness for all its worth when it's not even that bad, how you had me write Dr. Taylor's diary so you could blackmail him.

Adam: You and I could talk about--I could talk about the fact that I planted your class ring on some body in a stable so you could jet off to Brazil. You and I could go back and forth all day, Sister.

Skye: Your total lack of ethics is your best quality.

Adam: (Laughs)

Skye: See, you think the civil suit's your ticket out of this marriage, but it's not. We're gonna be pulling cons in the nursing home. Cheers.

Adam: Congrats.

(Glass and bottle clink)

Adam: (Sighs)

Skye: (Sighs)

Victor: (Sighs)

Jack: Saw Adam a little earlier. Had quite a bruise. Claimed it was a gym accident.

Victor: And?

Jack: And I couldn't help but wonder, the accident, uh, the gym, your fist?

Victor: He got what he deserved.

Jack: I wouldn't argue with that.

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Jack: That dirtball just served Phyllis papers on the civil suit.

Victor: Are you serious?

Jack: Yeah.

Victor: That S.O.B. that's too bad. I'm sorry.

Jack: Would it really have killed you to give your son a couple dozen hugs when he needed them? I'm sure it would have saved us all a lot of trouble.

Victor: I don't think it behooves you to discuss parenting skills with anyone, not with me, okay?

Jack: It must be killing you that they're trading on the Newman name to find customers for this hedge fund. Skye actually approached me.

Victor: Hmm.

Jack: Well, they certainly seem to have people lined up-- boxcars and an eventual train wreck if you ask me.

Victor: Huh. Interesting theory.

Jack: Interesting, how?

(Cell phone alert chimes)

Victor: Excuse me for a moment.

Jack: This about the civil suit?

Victor: Wrong again. Something I'll take care of, all right? (Sets down bottle) You have a nice workout.

Tucker: You're really standing there telling me you don't want me in your life anymore.

Ashley: That's right. I mean, we can work together. But if that's not acceptable to you, then we're just gonna have to say our final good-byes tonight.

Tucker: So cold. That's not real, is it? It's just a cover, because I called you out for being afraid. Answer me.

Ashley: I'm done talking.

Tucker: No. I laid out my feelings for you. Now it's your turn.

Ashley: I told you this is not a game for me. It's not a game for me.

Tucker: You feel that? I know you do. Admit to yourself you're lying.

Ashley: (Inhales quickly)

Tucker: You want me... as much as I want you.

Ashley: Go home, Tucker. Go home.

(Door closes)

Ashley: (Sighs)

Tucker: (Breathing heavily)

Ashley: (Sighs)

Nick: (Sighs) Summer's fine. I was just coming to pick up some of her favorite pastries.

Phyllis: I know. I--its okay. You're a good dad.

Nick: We should, uh--

Phyllis: I was just gonna... (Sighs)

Nick: (Laughs) Go ahead.

Phyllis: I was just gonna tell you that I'm gonna change my behavior for Summer's sake.

Nick: That's what I was gonna say.

Phyllis: So, um, I guess I should tell you that I'm officially a card-carrying member of the Newman versus everyone civil suit case. Not everyone, right? Not Sharon. I showed my appreciation to Adam earlier by throwing a drink in his face. I was hoping that it would add to the sting, the black eye that somebody gave him.

Nick: (Laughs) I wish I could have been there for that.

Phyllis: You would have liked it. (Sighs) So, um, is Summer with... with Nikki? Because I'm gonna call her to say--say good night.

Nick: Uh... she's not with--with Ni-- my mom. She's, uh... she's with Sharon and Faith at the tack house.

Phyllis: Sharon's at the tack house?

Nick: Yeah, she's just gonna stay there for a little while.

Phyllis: Oh, my God. Are you kidding me? How you can be so insensitive, so clueless? You moved that whore into our home?

Nick: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Do you have so little respect for me?

Nick: (Sighs) Phyllis, it's not like that.

Phyllis: My God, you moved another woman into our home...

Nick: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Not just some woman, a woman you know I despise, a woman that you slept with while we were married-- she is sleeping in our bed. Are you twisted?

Nick: Just let me explain.

Phyllis: My God, are you playing house with her now? It's pathetic. This is pathetic how you are just able to plug one of us into the wife slot so easily.

Nick: (Sighs)

Phyllis: No need to redecorate, right? Because we're all interchangeable!

Nick: That is enough! That is enough.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Nick: Look, I don't care what you think about me anymore. All that matters is that I protect my children. Now you obviously don't approve of the way I'm doing it, but after this little tantrum today, you don't get a say.

Phyllis: (Throws object) (Sighs) (Sighs)

Billy: I cannot believe what a wimp you are. "Hold my hand, Billy."

(Needle buzzes)

Victoria: What?

Billy: "Billy, I'm scared. What a stud you are, Billy."

Victoria: Oh, yeah.

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: That last one, not so much.

Snake: (Sighs)

Victoria: Oh.

Snake: Man, I gotta take a break. Oh, I'm getting too old for these hours.

Billy: All right, well, hurry up.

Victoria: It looks good.

Billy: It looks good?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Yeah? Let me see yours. Come on, let me see it.

Victoria: No. No. I don't just go around flashing parts of my body to just anyone.

Billy: Oh, yeah?

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: Well, I got pictures on my phone that say different, Sweet Cheeks.

Victoria: All right.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: Ah. Oh.

Billy: Wow.

Victoria: I can't believe I did it!

(Squeals, laughs)

Billy: Me, either. I mean, come on. I--

Victoria: It's great.

Billy: I've got five letters in my name. You've got eight, so it's really--

Victoria: Oh, poor baby. He's almost done.

Billy: Okay, come on. Come on.

Victoria: It's looking really nice.

(Needle buzzes)

Billy: Hey, Man, watch out, Dude, that kind of--

Snake: (Groans)

Victoria: (Screams) God! Snake!

Billy: Oh! God! Oh! Call 9-1-1. Um, Snake, Buddy.

Victoria: All right.

Billy: Uh, C.P.R., C.P.R. A.B.C., A.B.C., A.B.C.-- um, um, um, airway...

Victoria: Uh, oh! Um...  

(Speaking indistinctly)

Billy: Breathing, circulation, what is that-- cute girl, I don't know. Oh, circulation--"C"! Hey, Man, look, I don't have time for this. You need to wake up. You gotta finish my tattoo, Man, I mean, you're not even done. I need the "I" and the "A."

Victoria: I think there's a man having a heart attack or something. Okay.

Billy: Wake up, home slice! Hey, Man! Live, Buddy!

(Knock on door)

Sharon: (Gasps) Oh. (Sighs) What happened to your eye?

Adam: Eh, it doesn't matter. I had it coming to me, much like the drink I just got poured in my face. Uh, it's all part of being an outcast.

Sharon: Well, come in. Come in.

Adam: I knew you wouldn't turn me away. Even after everything that I've done to you, I--Sharon, I can always count on you being the one not to attack me.

Sharon: How did you get past security?

Adam: I've lived here before. I know my way around.

Sharon: Who told you I would be here?

Adam: Listen, you're not staying at the club anymore. I figured you would probably want to move somewhere where you feel safe. You're not packing heat, are you?

Sharon: Maybe.

Adam: Listen, I'd take a hundred more bullets if it helped you forgive me.

Sharon: No, there you're talking about forgiving the unforgiveable, and that's not gonna happen.

Adam: I can't accept that, because you care. Do you know that Skye, my own wife, she didn't even ask me about my eye? But you just-- it just came natural to you. Sharon... every day, every painful day that I am without you, I die just a little bit at a time. (Sighs) When we're together, the other night at Gloworm when we kissed--

Sharon: I-I don't want to talk about the kiss, Adam, ever, okay?

Adam: Sharon, listen to me. It is moments like those that get me through all this hell that I go through. It must be hard having everyone tell you to hate me when you don’t.

Sharon: You have no idea how I feel.

Adam: You didn't call security. So what does that mean? Do you still care?

Victoria: The E.M.T. said that you saved his life. That's--that's pretty nice. You're a hero.

Billy: Yeah, that's great. Hey, Snake, Buddy, you got, like, an intern or a partner, somebody you can call to get up here and finish this tattoo? No, look, look. Wake up. Snake! Buddy! Come on, Man. You... okay, really, honestly, this can't be that hard at all. If he can do it, I can do it.

Victoria: No, would you just--

Billy: I mean, come on. You got steady hands. You can put the "I" and the "A" on.

Victoria: No, no, no.

Billy: Put this-- get this off my back!

Victoria: Put the gun down. Put it down. It's going to be okay.

Billy: It's gonna be okay?

Victoria: Yes, it's gonna be fine.

Billy: That's easy for you to say. Your father's name isn't in a heart--in a heart-- on your back.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: It's in a heart.

Victoria: It's not that bad.

Billy: It's horrible.

Jack: What's on your mind? (Sniffles)

Victor: Uh... I just... thought about... Adam's company.

Jack: The Newman fund.

Victor: Yeah. Why don't you invest?

Jack: Give that dirtball my money? Not a chance.

Victor: Listen to what I'm thinking. I supply the money, you work on the inside, and together, we take him down.

Jack: I think we've had our share of successful ventures lately, barring, of course, the, uh, cabin incident. What do you say we stay out of each other's orbit?

Victor: Now hear me out.

Nick: You just let a sociopath into my house when my children are upstairs sleeping.

Adam: Hey, listen, Sharon doesn't have to answer to you. I've told you that before.

Sharon: You should go, Adam.

Nick: You know, he doesn't get a choice. I'm gonna--

Adam: You know what, Nicholas, I'm leaving, okay? I'm gonna head out. So you can unclench, and why don't you just back off Sharon?

Sharon: Nick, he wasn't gonna hurt me or the girls. I--

Nick: Save it. Save it! I'm gonna go upstairs and check on the girls.

Sharon: Okay, I'll come with you.

Nick: Don't bother.

Ashley: (Sniffles) (Sighs) (Sniffles)

Tucker: Open the door, Ashley.

Ashley: No. (Sniffles)

Tucker: Open the door!

Ashley: I'm not letting you in, Tucker.

Tucker: (Breathing heavily)

Ashley: (Screams)

Tucker: (Panting) I'm not gonna let you hide from me. You can't shut me out. You can't hide behind these walls. (Breathing heavily)

Tucker: It's okay. It's okay.

Tucker: (Sighs)

Ashley: (Sighs)

Tucker: Mm. (Sighs)

Billy: I can't believe this.

Victoria: Ouch. (Laughs, snorts)

Billy: Are you laughing at me? Well, great. Um, just great.

Victoria: Mine's good.

Billy: I'm thrilled that my horrific circumstances can provide you with so much entertainment.

Victoria: Well, you know, the one that I feel really, really sorry for is Snake.

Billy: Why do you feel sorry for him? What's the difference between dying of humiliation and dying of a heart attack?

Victoria: Oh, come on. Neither one of you is gonna die.

Billy: That's it. That's it. I'm taking this thing off. It's coming off right now. Your dad is not gonna be on my back anymore. I can't take this. What is this? This will do it. I bet this will do it.

Victoria: That's, um, that's a lemon zester.

Billy: Good. Here.

Victoria: Why do you have a lemon zester?

Billy: I don't know. My mom gave it to me for a housewarming gift. Take it off. Take it off.

Victoria: No, look, come on.

Billy: Take it--come on!

Victoria: Okay, hold on a second. Hold on. Okay, listen.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: I know that you're upset.

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: But I think that it's really sweet that you got a tattoo.

Billy: Yeah. Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Yeah, so... I would like to thank you for that.

Billy: Okay.

Victoria: (Laughs)

Billy: That's kind of nice.

Victoria: Yeah.

Billy: I like that, too. Wait a minute. Let me try this. Oh, wait. Does that bring you bad luck? That's not good. Mm.

Victoria: Mm-hmm. (Dumpster clangs) (Bottle clinking) (Dumpster clangs)

Deacon: Look, uh, I figure we're even, right? You kissed me. I kissed you.

Phyllis: Shut up. I've had a really, really difficult evening, and I need someone to take my aggressions out on.

Deacon: Well, lucky me.

Phyllis: Oh. (Sighs) Oh. (Sighs)

Deacon: Oh.

Phyllis: (Sighs)

Sharon: You really think I would let something happen to those girls?

Nick: The man who kidnapped our daughter was just in this house. What kind of sick hold does he have over you?

Sharon: None. I detest Adam.

Nick: Oh, really? Are you always this hospitable with people you detest?

Sharon: You know what? I thought we talked about this, and you were gonna stop telling me what to do with my life.

Nick: When it comes to my daughter, I will, and I don't want that psycho within a hundred yards of her. You got that?

Skye: I'm thrilled you've come to your senses.

Jack: Well, the way I see it, I'm sticking it to two of my least favorite Newmans. While I'm using Adam to make money, I'm giving Victor agitation. A win-win in my book. I'll wire the money to you first thing in the morning.

Skye: I commend your pragmatic decision. Buck up, Hubby. The money's rolling in. We're gonna have that long prosperous future together after all.

Adam: (Sighs) (Inhales sharply)

Jack: You really think this is gonna work?

Victor: When we're finished with Adam, he'll have nothing.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Lauren: We are sisters... in name only.

Paul: It's a text from one of the researches I've hired to find your son.

Heather: You totally threw me under the bus.

Ronan: Stop it. I may have just saved your life.

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