Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/18/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/18/10 -- Canada; Thursday 8/19/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9467 ~ Christine & Nick Cross Paths

Provided By Eric and Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Ashley: I just still can't believe that Adam has the nerve to file a civil suit against the people that he victimized.

Billy: Yeah, well, I'd like to put the kid's head on a stick for what he did to you.

Abby: I-I still can't believe that it's not illegal to bug someone's bedroom.

Ashley: (Scoffs) I know.

Jack: Not when it's in your own home.

Traci: Okay, everybody, look, the more energy we put into this, the more power Adam has over our lives.

Billy: Trace, that's easy for you to say. You weren't subpoenaed.

Traci: Billy, what happens to my family affects me, too.

Jack: You know, the silver lining in all of this is Victor is finally going to get a taste of what he deserves, at his own son's hand, no less.

Michael: I'm fairly confident it won't hold up in court.

Nick: If by some twist of fate it does, and Adam wins...

Nikki: The damages would be in the millions.

Michael: Well, I advise you to stop the case before it gets to trial.

Victor: You're not suggesting we settle?

Victoria: Well, this case was already thrown out once for lack of evidence.

Michael: Well, unfortunately, the burden of proof is lower, much lower in a civil trial.

Nikki: What about that "Restless Style" article?

Michael: Oh... (Sighs) I'll try to suppress it. Jill didn't substantiate Adam's claims, so it's basically your word against his.

Victor: But Adam's motives are crystal clear. He wants to go after everyone who was at the cabin that night.

Nick: All except one.

Sharon: Hey, we're here early if you want to come by now. I'm here with Faith. You can see her. Bye.

Adam: Hey, Sharon.

Sharon: (Gasps)

Adam: I didn't mean to startle you. I just wanted to say hi.

Sharon: Did you follow me here?

Adam: Best coffee in town.

Sharon: How come I'm the only one from the cabin that you didn't include in the lawsuit?

Adam: 'Cause you didn't turn against me.

Sharon: Well, that's because I didn't know the truth, and I do now. I'm not on your side, Adam. If this goes to court, I'm gonna testify against you, and I'm gonna help all those people win their case.

Paul: Hey there.

Nina: Hey.

Paul: Where are you off to?

Nina: I'm just going to Crimson Lights for a little while, clear my head.

Paul: What, with your computer?

Nina: Well, in case the news hits, yeah.

Paul: Oh.

Nina: Listen, I never did thank you properly for finding my son's name.

Paul: Well, it makes me happy to see you smile.

Nina: (Chuckles)

Paul: Maybe you can thank me later.

Nina: (Gasps) Maybe I can. Is that an invitation to sleep over?

Paul: Yeah, maybe. I don't know how much sleep we're gonna get.

Nina: (Laughs)

Paul: (Chuckles)

Nina: Okay.

Paul: Wait a minute.

Nina: Hmm?

Paul: You can let yourself back in.

Nina: Well, well... (Chuckles)

Paul: Have fun.

Nina: Bye.

(Knock on door)

Paul: I gave you the key so you could use it. So what's the dea--

Chris: Hi.

Michael: All right, the first step is to file a motion to dismiss.

Victoria: Well, I'm sure that Mr. Abrams will argue against it with some speech that will rival the Gettysburg address.

Nikki: Adam must be paying that guy a fortune.

Nick: I heard that it's Skye who is paying the bill.

Victor: Yeah, but we don't yet have definitive proof of her complicity in all this.

Nikki: And whose body was it in the stables that we thought was Skye's? I mean, if we could figure that out, wouldn't that lead us somewhere?

Victor: Why did it take the authorities so damn long to I.D. that body?

Michael: I'll call to check.

Victoria: What about Skye Lockhart’s journal? The one that she wrote about Dr. Taylor? If we could just prove that that was an elaborate hoax...

Nick: Skye was probably bilking Dr. Taylor.

Victor: (Sighs)

Nikki: Or helping Adam manipulate him.

Michael: I'll follow up on all of this, and with any luck, we'll have enough here to countersue.

Meggie: I made some iced tea if anyone's thirsty.

Michael: Oh.

Nikki: Ohh, Meggie, you didn't need to do that.

Meggie: Oh, it's no trouble. The cook had to make a run to the store. I'm happy to help.

Victor: Meggie, this is my son Nicholas, my daughter Victoria...

Nick: Hello.

Victor: And my lawyer Michael Baldwin.

Michael: Meggie, good to see you again.

Meggie: Hi. (Chuckles)

Victor: Meggie's the one who pointed my way to Adam in Brazil.

Nick: Oh, well, then I owe you a huge thank-you. I wouldn't be a free man without you.

Meggie: Oh, no, thank your father. He's a very resourceful fellow. (Chuckles) Uh, listen, if you need anything, just give a holler, okay?

Victor: All right, thank you.

Victoria: Thanks. So, um, is she a guest, or is she working here, or what?

Nikki: She's, um, staying here. Um, she's my personal assistant.

Nick: For how long?

Nikki: I'm not sure.

(Cell phone beeps)

Victoria: Uh, okay, so is that it? Are we finished up here, or...?

Michael: Unless anyone has something else to add...

Victor: Nope.

Victoria: Okay, then, I gotta run. (Sighs)

Victor: All right.

Nick: I'll walk you out.

Victoria: All right.

Nick: Bye, Mom.

Victor: Bye, Sweetheart.

Victoria: Bye, Mom.

Nick: Dad.

Victor: Son.

Michael: Uh, Victor.

Victor: Mm-hmm?

Michael: Lending someone a few bucks is one thing, but inviting her into your home?

Victor: I'm helping her on her feet until she's ready to move on, all right? Nothing to worry about.

Billy: Look, as much as I'd like to see Victor go down, doesn't that mean we all fall with him?

Jack: First order of business is to separate the Abbotts from all the other codefendants.

Ashley: But wait. If we don't join the Newmans against Adam, then we could find ourselves pitted against them.

Jack: Do you honestly think Victor isn't going to favor his own family? He would sell us out in a heartbeat.

Ashley: (Sighs)

Abby: My dad wants the same things that we do.

Jack: Of course he does, Sweetheart. I just don't want to be the fall guy here.

(Cell phone beeps)

Billy: Excuse me.

Ashley: I know. I still don't know what to think about it.

Billy: (Sighs) You know what, Guys? I am outta here. You, however...

Traci: (Chuckles)

Billy: Don't you even think about leaving town without saying good-bye to me first.

Traci: I'm gonna be here for a few days.

Billy: Oh, that's awesome. Great. Well, then I'll see you tomorrow, and you. Bye. Bye. Bye.

Abby and Jack: Bye.

Ashley: I need to ask you something, Billy. Hold on.

Billy: Oh, great.

Abby: You haven't said a word about "Operation: Save thy trust."

Jack: I will keep my end of the deal. If you want to get your hands on your inheritance, you better cool it, and fast.

Abby: What? I've been good.

Jack: Yeah, you've been good. Gloworm--opening night...

Abby: (Laughs)

Jack: Diving into an oversized glass of champagne in your underwear?

Abby: Okay, that is my cover. As far as the rest of the world is concerned, I'm still the ditzy naked heiress.

Jack: I think maybe you overdid it on the "Ditzy."

Abby: (Sighs)

Jack: You lose your credibility, no one is gonna take you seriously as a businesswoman when we need them to, okay?

Abby: Okay.

Jack: Back off.

Abby: Okay! Okay. (Clears throat)

Jack: I gotta get out of here, too. Hey, you.

Traci: Yeah?

Jack: I am so glad you are stickin' around for a while.

Traci: (Laughs)

Jack: Mm-hmm.

Traci: Hey, do you want, um, blueberry muffins for breakfast?

Jack: Ooh, does that sound good.

Traci: Okay.

Ashley: Jack, come here. Could you please try to watch what you say about Victor in front of Abby? I mean, she is a Newman, too.

Jack: Yeah... (Sighs) Don't remind me. So wish me luck with this lawyer today, huh?

Ashley: It would be nice if you could find a way to get the case dismissed for all the codefendants. (Sighs)

Skye: Just found a copy of the summons.

Vance: Buy you a drink.

Skye: Tell me it's a mistake. Is Adam suing everyone from that stupid kangaroo court except Sharon?

Vance: (Sighs)

Adam: Whatever you decide to do, I know it's without malice, so if you feel compelled to testify against me...

Sharon: End this lawsuit, please.

(Cell phone rings)

Sharon: Why don't you answer it? I bet you I know who it is. Why don't you stop coming after me?

Adam: What?

Skye: We have a meeting. You're late. Where are you?

Michael: How much do you know about this Meggie?

Victor: Whatever you learned in the background check. She had some trouble earlier, but has been clean ever since. That bar is her life.

Nikki: Believe me, I was suspicious of her, too, but, uh, I met this Shaw Roberts guy, and he is crazy. He would have killed her in--in the coffeehouse. He's no joke.

Victor: You know she risked her life for me. I mean, she lost the bar over it.

Nikki: Just because she’s... a little rough around the edges doesn't mean she's up to something.

Victor: Exactly.

Michael: Listen, I don't think-- (Clears throat)

Victor: Meggie.

Meggie: Excuse me. This came in the mail for you. It looks important.

Nikki: Oh, thank you.

Meggie: Any iced tea, anyone?

Michael: Oh, I'm good. Thank you.

Victor: No, thank you.

Meggie: Okay. Listen, I couldn't help but hear earlier, you were talking about that, um, that woman... Skye? Is that her name?

Victor: Mm-hmm.

Meggie: Well, she's the same one that was up in my bar up on the wall there, right?

Victor: Mm-hmm. Do you remember anything else about her?

Meggie: N-nothing comes to mind. If I do, I'll let you know.

Victor: All right.

Meggie: (Chuckles)

Michael: I think I'll do a second background check on Ms. McClaine.

Abby: You know, at court, your testimony and everything, I thought you were very courageous.

Ashley: Abby, thank you.

Abby: (Chuckles) Mm.

Traci: (Sighs) Well, there's so much food still, we'll have to have leftovers tomorrow.

Ashley: Okay.

Abby: So what do you want to do while you're here? 'Cause the Fenmore’s boutique has the new line by Jeremy Scott! I've been dying to see it.

Ashley: Oh, no.

Traci: (Laughs) Actually, I-I wanted to tell you both. Lily came over to see me yesterday, and she has asked me to be the twins' Godmother.

Ashley: Oh, what a great way to honor Colleen. I love that.

Abby: Yeah. You know, there's something I want to do.

Ashley: Hmm.

Skye: Adam said he'll be here any minute.

Man: I can't wait. I've got another meeting.

Skye: I'm sorry he was delayed. Shall we reschedule for another time?

Man: You're running a hedge fund from a hotel room.

Skye: (Sighs) Where the hell are you?

(Door opens)

Skye: (Sighs)

Skye: We just lost a big investor.

Adam: Chill. There'll be other ones.

Skye: You know how this works. You do the meet and greet.

Adam: I'm not your puppet, Skye.

Skye: Everyone wants to eyeball the infamous Adam Newman before they hand us their cash.

Adam: "Jump up, roll over, bark like a doggy. Good boy."

Skye: This hedge fund wouldn't have happened without yours truly.

Adam: You have nothing without my name. Look, if this isn't working for you, then just say the word, and we can part company.

Sharon: Here you go, strawberry, extra thick, just like you like it.

Nick: Mmm. All right. Mmm... mmm. Do you want to try some?

Sharon: (Giggles)

Nick: Not yet.

Sharon: Look, Babe, daddy has whipped cream on his lip.

Nick: Mmm.

Sharon: (Laughs)

Nick: Oh, yes. Thank you. Thank you.

Sharon: So, um, thanks. Thanks for letting us stay at the tack house.

Nick: So you're comfortable then?

Sharon: It's a little strange, but I do feel safe on the ranch.

Nick: Well, I'm glad, 'cause I do not want you running into Adam. What?

Sharon: Mm, Adam was just here, actually.

Faith: (Babbles)

(Computer keys clicking)

Nina: (Sighs)

Nina: (Sighs) All right, just stop it, Nina. You're gonna drive yourself crazy. Everything's fine.

(Computer keys clicking)

Chris: You know, if this is a bad time, I...

Paul: No, it's not a bad time. Can I, um, can I get you something?

Chris: No, uh, I-I really can't stay long. I was just wondering if you found out anything more about Nina's son.

Paul: No, not yet. I, um, uh, I've got some people on it, and I'm not giving up.

Chris: She's really lucky to have you.

Paul: (Sighs) Uh, I hope you're still in town when I do find him.

Chris: I don't think I will be. I put a lot on hold in D.C., and I have another case that's heating up, so I have to get back.

Paul: I see. Another case, huh?

Chris: Yeah, several, actually.

Paul: Are you, um, are you seeing anyone?

Chris: I'm sorry? What?

Paul: Well, I was just... wondering what the big hurry is.

Chris: Oh, you mean is there someone special in D.C.?

Paul: Well, yes.

Chris: (Laughs)

Paul: Is there?

Chris: Uh, no, actually. I have been dating a lot, met some nice guys, but nothing's really clicked, so... yeah, I-I should go. I...

Paul: So listen, um... (Sighs) About what happened the other night, um...

Chris: Yeah, the kiss, I've forgotten about it, yeah.

Paul: I haven’t. I haven’t. You know, we can play this avoidance dance if you'd like, or, um...

Chris: Paul, wait. Stop. Stop it. Stop. Oh, my gosh. I am so sorry. (Sighs) Oh, my God. Wait, I cannot do this to Nina or to you. I'm so sorry.

Paul: Look, I-I don't want to hurt you, either, but there's not a day that goes by that I-- that I don't think about you.

Chris: A-and you know what? There will always be something between us. But it's over. Your future is with Nina. I'm sorry. Oh, my God, what have I done?

Paul: Look, um--

Chris: No, no, wait. Wait. I shouldn't have come here to confuse things. I-I never should have come. (Sighs) (Sighs)

Paul: (Groans) Chris. Chris! (Sighs) (Sighs)

(Door closes)

Billy: Oh.

Victoria: Hi.

Billy: Hi. You're--you're here.

Victoria: Yeah, I used my key. I hope that's okay.

Billy: Yeah, that’s... that's okay. That's more than okay.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: Hi.

Victoria: Mm.

Billy: Mm.

Victoria: Mm.

Billy: (Growls)

Victoria: So how did your family meeting go?

Billy: Oh, well, first, we just shouted, "Death to Adam"...

Victoria: Mm-hmm.

Billy: And then we lit him in effigy. How about yours?

Victoria: Really?

Billy: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm.

Victoria: Same. You know, I was thinking...

Billy: Mm-hmm.

Victoria: If Jack hadn't manipulated Adam into writing that diary, my dad's diary...

Billy: Uh-huh.

Victoria: He might have slithered back to Kansas, and he'd be milking cows right now or something.

Billy: Yeah, that's true. You're cute. You know what else?

Victoria: Hmm?

Billy: If your father would have used a condom the night that Adam was conceived, then he wouldn't be here at all. That'd be great.

Victoria: Excuse me?

Billy: Oh, you heard me. You heard me. Come on, admit it. Adam is the evil spawn of that ass-hat of a father of yours.

Victoria: Oh, wait. (Stammers) I am also the spawn of that ass-hat, by the way.

Billy: Yeah, but you're a cute little ass-hat. Come here. Give me a kiss.

Victoria: Oh, get away from me!

Billy: Hey, not until you admit that we're all here because of Victor. This is all his fault.

Victoria: No! Just--oh!

Billy: What do you mean, oh?

Victoria: Like Jack? He made Adam take the fall.

Billy: Oh, Man, don't start. Your father treats all his kids the same way like pooh on the bottom of his shoe. You know it. You know it for a fact!

Victoria: "Pooh on the bottom of his shoe"?!

Billy: Oh, man. Really?

Victoria: Please tell me you fixed the doorknob.

Billy: No, I told you, I was saving it for posterity. Remember?

(Doorknob rattling)

Billy: Oh, try harder. Give it a real good pull.

Victoria: (Sighs) Right.

Skye: You want to end this partnership? Who will pay Vance to handle your lawsuit? Or will he work on commission?

Adam: (Sighs) You're not my only resource, Skye.

Skye: Oh, yeah? You're getting job offers now? Or did some rich babe who gets turned on by killers throw herself at you?

Adam: I'm not a murderer, and you know that.

Skye: They'll bring up Hightower’s death in the civil suit you filed. It sure as hell won't help the hedge fund.

Adam: That's what this is about? The suit?

Skye: I found a copy of the summons. Sharon isn't on it.

Adam: Sharon doesn't deserve to be.

Skye: I know what you're up to. You're hoping to win this suit and bankroll yourself so you can leave me. You still think you and Sharon are gonna get back together.

Adam: Since when did you get so jealous and insecure? It's very unattractive.

Skye: You're saying it's not true?

Adam: Imagine what it will do for our hedge fund if I beat Victor at his own game.

Skye: You mess with me, I'll make your life a living hell.

Adam: Attagirl.

(Door opens)

Skye: Oh, look who just walked in.

Adam: Is that Jack?

Skye: Let's go have some real fun.

Adam: What are you up to?

Skye: You'll see. Mr. Abbott. I'm sure you're aware the Newman fund is taking off. I'd like to offer you an equity stake.

Jack: Wow, you got stones, Lady.

Nick: You know, Sharon, I really wish you would stop encouraging Adam.

Sharon: Encouraging him? Do you know how insulting that is? We live in a small town, Nick. We're bound to run into each other.

Nick: I think he still has a hold over you.

Sharon: You heard me testify against him. (Scoffs) Why are we even having this discussion? You know, why don't you look at yourself for a change? Phyllis has been gone for what, maybe a week now? And you already have me living in the tack house, trying to dictate to me who I can see. You know what, Nick? You bounced between Phyllis and me for so long, trying to control both of us, I-I don't blame her for leaving town. You ch-chased her out of town!

Nick: You're right. Maybe I'll wash my hands of both of you.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Paul: (Gasps) Oh, uh, I didn't hear you come in. I didn't--I didn't expect you back so soon.

Nina: What was Cricket doing here?

Paul: Um...

Nina: I saw her leave.

Paul: Well, she-- she was just wondering, um, if I was making any progress finding your son.

Nina: You seemed pretty upset when she was leaving.

Paul: Nothing happened.

Nina: You know, I knew something was going on when I saw you guys kissing, but you said it was just nostalgia.

Paul: You know, Nina, she said it's over between her and me, and you and I belong together.

Nina: She said? She said. What about you? What do you say?

Chris: Come on, Michael, please have a drink with me.

Michael: I wish I could, but I'm swamped.

Chris: (Sighs) I could really use a friend.

Michael: (Sighs) I'm in the middle of about eight cases.

Chris: (Sighs) Okay.

Michael: Listen, next time. You're gonna be here for a while, right?

Chris: I-I don't know.

Michael: You going back to D.C.?

Chris: (Sighs) I think it's time. Look, you know, I-I'll let you know, though, okay? Bye. A martini with a twist, please. (Sighs) (Sighs heavily)

Nick: Can I get a beer?

Chris: Nicholas.

Nick: Hey, Christine. How are you?

Chris: Good. It's been a long time.

Nick: Yeah, it has. I thought I saw you at the Gloworm opening the other night.

Chris: Oh, it was such a zoo, huh?

Nick: Yeah. How long you been back?

Chris: A few weeks. I'm about to leave again, though.

Nick: Are you meeting some friends for a good-bye drink?

Chris: Not exactly.

Nick: Ooh. You want to talk about it?

Chris: Uh, no. You want to change the subject? (Laughs)

Nick: Cool. Just pick something, we'll talk about it.

Chris: What's Nick Newman doing alone in a place like this?

Nick: Uh, well, he is... (Sighs) Single for the first time in a long time. It's just weird saying that out loud.

Chris: Hmm. Well--thank you-- I don't see anything wrong with that, so how about here's to being single?

(Glass and bottle clink)

Nick: Indeed. This is kind of bizarre, us being in a bar together.

Chris: Hmm. Yeah, I wasn't always your favorite person, huh?

Nick: (Sighs) You know, I never did get a chance to tell you, but you did the right thing sticking up for Daniel after Cassíe died. It took me a long time to realize that.

Chris: Daniel's a great kid.

Nick: Yeah, he really is. I got to know him. I sure like him. I guess we all deserve a break once in a while.

Chris: (Chuckles)

(Sounds of baseball game being played on TV)

Chris: Like them.

Nick: Oh, yeah. Go, Cubs.

Chris: (Sighs) Oh, gosh. You know, you root for them every year, and they always break your heart. The Nationals, though, on the other hand...

Nick: Are truly a bad team. Yeah, I mean, look at the score we're up to. It's pretty much game over.

Chris: Oh, come-- they'll come back. (Laughs)

Nick: Are you kidding me? They can't pitch. They can't field. Seriously.

Chris: Really? Care to put your money where your mouth is?

Meggie: How are you coming with that?

Nikki: I cannot tell you what a help you were going through all of that mail-- fantastic.

Meggie: (Giggles) Time for a break.

Nikki: What is that?

Meggie: My specialty, a Caesar.

Nikki: Well, Meggie, thank you very much, but, um, I don't drink. I'm an alcoholic.

Meggie: Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know. Uh, let me just get rid of that.

Nikki: It's okay.

Victor: What I'm saying is that Adam and Skye are both very ambitious, all right? And their Newman fund is flying far too close to the flame.

Nikki: Victor, have you seen my calendar book?

Victor: Sure, I think it was up in the bedroom.

Nikki: Oh, really? (Sighs)

Victor: I want one of your people to watch every move they make-- every stock purchase, every wire transaction, every credit default swap they make. Do you understand that?

Michael: And you think sooner or later, Adam and Skye will slip up?

Victor: You bet they will, and then we'll go to the S.E.C. but I want to make sure that every step that boy makes is observed and watched. Clear?

Michael: Yes.

Victoria: It was Jack's idea to drag Adam up to the cabin to force a confession out of him if you remember correctly.

Billy: Wrong again, Princess. That was dear old daddy.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: That was his idea.

Victoria: Jack is the one who wanted to make Adam pay for what he had done to Ashley.

Billy: Only becau-- yes. Yes, you're right, because we agreed with your father. That's why I agreed.

Victoria: (Panting) Oh. Oh! It's roasting in here! (Sighs)

Billy: Yeah. Well, I-I called the, uh, fire department.

Victoria: (Sighs)

Billy: They're gonna come any minute, okay? Now why do you always defend your dad even though-- when you know he's wrong? You know he's wrong.

Victoria: What? Well, why do you always have to blame him? Is he responsible for the volcanoes in Iceland or the--the hurricanes in the south, too?

Billy: Hey, you know what? It's really, really, really hot in here, actually.

Victoria: Mm.

Billy: Mm. I got an idea. Trust me?

Victoria: (Giggles)

Billy: Come here. Mm. (Laughs)

Victoria: Mm. (Laughs)

Billy: (Laughing)

Victoria: (Laughing)

Man: Hello?

Abby: Wow, Colleen, I can't believe it's been almost a year. So much has happened. Good news-- you were right-- Lily's cancer is in remission.

Traci: And she's a mother. She has two beautiful babies, Charlie and Matilda.

Abby: (Laughs) Yeah, and you probably already know this, but, uh, Lily asked Aunt Traci to be their Godmother. (Laughs)

Traci: Because they don't have a-a maternal grandmother, and because I won't have grandchildren of my own.

Ashley: This way... (Sniffles) You can watch Lily's little ones grow up...

Traci: (Sighs)

Ashley: And always be a part of their lives.

Traci: (Sniffles) Right.

Ashley: Right.

Traci: (Sighs)

Abby: (Crying) I miss you so much. I miss having somebody to talk about boys with and... (Sniffles) And clothes and our parents. (Cries) (Sniffles) It's just not fair that you're gone. I really need my sister.

Traci: Oh. Sweetie.

Abby: (Sniffles)

Traci: Listen to me.

Abby: (Sniffles)

Traci: She will always be with us, okay?

Abby: (Sniffles)

Traci: (Laughs)

Ashley: And we'll always have each other.

Abby: (Sighs)

Ashley: Okay.

Abby: (Cries) (Sniffles)

Adam: You want this jackass investing in our hedge fund?

Jack: Well, of course she does. What better way to lure prospective investors? Jack Abbott’s already in.

Skye: You read that article on us in "The Journal"? We're number four on the list of top new funds to watch. Excuse me.

Jack: Well, your new wife is very impressive.

Adam: (Sighs)

Jack: Smooth move-- found somebody else to carry you. You know, if I didn't know what you'd done to Sharon and my sister, I'd actually say I admire you.

Adam: Why, thank you, Jack.

Jack: I noticed you left Sharon's name off that long list of codefendants. Was this some pathetic attempt to reconcile? You know, she's never gonna forgive you.

Adam: You don't understand what we have.

Jack: No, you don't understand something, Junior. There is one sure, solid, immutable fact-- Sharon will always go back to Nick. You're never gonna change that.

Adam: Never say never.

Michael: (Clears throat)

Vance: Mr. Baldwin.

Michael: Mr. Abrams.

Vance: We meet at last. Vance, please. I have followed your career. Victor Newman's trust in you is well-founded. (Laughs)

Michael: Uh, can we dispense with the niceties? Adam Newman's lawsuit is frivolous. Nobody wants a protracted legal battle.

Vance: I agree. I'm certain my client would settle... if the price is right.

Michael: And what price would that be?

Vance: I'd say eight digits, beginning with the number 2.

Chris: Mm. Mm! Come on, Zimmerman. Knock it out of the park.

Nick: No, no, no, no, no...

Chris: Yes, come on. Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on!

Nick: Oh, yeah! Strike three, two outs, bottom of the ninth!

Chris: (Sighs) You know what? Don't get so cocky. I've got two on base. And look who's up next. Yes! It's Dunn. Uh-huh. Uh-huh.

Nick: It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. Marmol is dealing tonight.

Chris: (Laughs)

Nick: Hey, you know, uh, yep, you lost an earring.

Chris: Oh, did I? Oh, well.

Nick: Yeah, you look better without it.

Chris: (Chuckles) (Gasps) Aah! He did it! Oh, my God. Walk-off home run. Pay up! Pay up.

Nick: You have got to be kidding me.

Chris: Oh, come on.

Nick: We... (Sighs) You know, we never, uh, we never actually discussed what we were wagering, so...

Chris: Mm. Mm-hmm. Let me think about that. Hmm...

Nick: Well... (Chuckles) That wasn't exactly what I had in mind, but... (Chuckles)

(Knock on door)

Victoria: (Coughs) Someone's outside.

Billy: Oh, crap.

Man: Fire department.

Victoria: (Gasps)

Billy: (Laughs)

Victoria: Where's the towel?

Billy: I-- it--it's in the washing machine. (Laughs)

Victoria: (Giggles)

Billy: Um, um, Buddy, the, uh, the doorknob's broken. Whoa. Whoa. Whoa!

Victoria: (Giggles)

Billy: You all right?

Man: Everyone all right in there?

Billy: Yeah, we're good. (Laughs) Thanks.

Man: You bet.

(Shower running)

Billy: (Sighs) (Groans)

Victoria: Now... (Sighs) Will you please use my doorknob?

Billy: (Making silly noises)

Victoria: (Laughs)

[Adam remembering]

Adam: My marriage to Skye is just a business arrangement.

Sharon: Adam--

Adam: I'll find a way to be free soon.

Sharon: After the way you-- you--you hurt people that I love and--and you took my baby, I could never be with you again anyway.

Adam: I don't believe that. There's too much going on here. You'll come to terms with it, and I will be willing to wait.

Jack: Yeah, I just wanted to make sure our wires weren't crossed. No, the judge held you in court. What could you do? Yeah, meet me at Crimson Lights in an hour. Perfect. I'll see you then.

Skye: Where's Adam?

Jack: He's gone. Oh, uh, a little piece of unasked-for advice-- when you're dealing with Victor Jr., he's very easily manipulated.

Skye: You're telling me this, why?

Jack: You're a smart cookie. You'll figure that out.

Michael: $20 million-- that is a little steep for someone with Adam's record.

Vance: Those charges never stuck.

Michael: All right, I'll tell you what my counteroffer is. Adam can drop his lawsuit, and I will advise my clients not to countersue.

Vance: (Inhales deeply) I look forward to this.

(Cell phone rings)

Michael: Oh, I am so sorry. Michael Baldwin.

Skye: It's Skye Newman.

Michael: How can I help you?

Skye: The question you want to ask is, how can I help you?

Nikki: See if the notary can come tomorrow, and then I'll sign this.

Meggie: Again, Nikki, I'm sorry about the mix-up.

Nikki: Oh, please. Don't worry about it. It's nothing.

Meggie: You're a-okay.

Victor: What mix-up?

Nikki: Meggie brought me a drink. She didn't know I was sober.

Victor: Huh. Should we reconsider having her here?

Nikki: No, no, no, no. I think its fine. Actually, I've become quite fond of her. She's very helpful.

Victor: Well, Sweetheart, as long as you're happy, that's all that matters.

Nina: Did you sleep with Cricket?

Paul: No.

Nina: But you wanted to. Who stopped it?

Paul: Nina--

Nina: Who? Who stopped it?

Paul: She did.

(Door slams)

Paul: (Sighs)

Phyllis: Yeah, thank you for babysitting. Thank you very much. I'm not gonna be long. I just... needed some time alone. I wanted to have a drink before I launch myself back into Genoa City, so, um, anyway, thanks.

Phyllis: Hi. I'll have whatever you have on tap. (Exhales deeply) Lovely, Sharon. Who's your latest guy?

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Ronan: See, I'm not the one that smuggled drugs out of jail for my boyfriend.

Billy: So for the good of the family, you want me to break it off with Victoria.

Victor: This time, I may not be able to protect you.

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