Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/17/10

Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/17/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 8/18/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9466 ~ Daddy's Little Girl

Provided By Eric and Suzanne
Proofread By Emma

Reed: (Gasps)

J.T.: All right, man. You scored!

Mac: How was your meeting?

J.T.: Long. Yeah. Well, thanks for picking Reed up from camp.

Mac: Oh, any time. I loved having an assistant barista.

J.T.: (Chuckles) You seem like you're having a pretty good day.

Mac: I am.

J.T.: All right. Well, then I am going to risk getting my head bit off and remind you that you still haven't answered my question.

Mac: The one about what movie I wanted to see this weekend?

J.T.: Uh, yeah, you know exactly what I'm talkin' about.

Mac: Oh, that question.

J.T.: That question.

Mac: I... am still weighing my options.

J.T.: Well, look, if you're having doubts, or you think that I'm not committed...

Mac: Shh. (Quietly) Shh. This... this is a stress-free zone. Didn't you see the sign?

J.T.: (Chuckles)

(Cell phone rings)

J.T.: Who is it?

Mac: Lily.


Lily: Voice mail.

Cane: Shh, shh, shh.

Lily: (Sighs) Oh, Man. (Sighs) I am exhausted.

Cane: (Whispering) How about we get some sleep while we have the chance?

Lily: (Whispering) Okay.

Cane: All right?

(Cell phone rings)

Cane: (Sighs)

(Baby cries)

Lily: (Sighs) Good job, dad. Ever hear of vibrate?

Cane: Sorry.

Lily: Gosh.

Cane: Katherine? How's the hearing going?

Kay: I need you, uh, to come to the courthouse right away. I need someone to talk some sense into Jill. Good. Thank you, Darling. Thank you. I'll see you soon then, okay? All right, bye.

Lauren: Mother?

Jill: What took you so long?

Morgan: (Sighs)

Michael: Your honor, uh, we'd like to request a-a-a brief recess.

Judge: There's a full docket today. I'd like to keep moving.

Morgan: Ms. Manning is prepared to testify on the plaintiff's behalf, your honor, if you're so inclined.

Judge: Very well. Bailiff?

Man: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?

Joanna: I certainly do. I've waited years to tell the truth about Neil Fenmore.

Daniel: (Sighs)

Abby: (Chuckles)

Daniel: Damn, Girl!

Abby: Mm, what? Did I wear you out?

Daniel: (Sighs) No, you didn't wear me out. Does this look worn-out to you, huh?

Abby: (Squeals) (Giggles)

Daniel: (Laughs) You know what? I did kind of work up an appetite, though.

Abby: Oh.

Daniel: How about, uh, how about some lunch?

Abby: (Laughs) I, uh, hate to break it to you, but I don't do lunch.

Daniel: Wait a minute. You--you don't, or you can't do lunch, huh?

Abby: Excuse me?

Daniel: I'd be willing to bet that you are incapable of throwing together a decent meal. Yeah, you probably are-- al--always had your servants do it, right?

Abby: (Scoffs) Oh, I will-- I will take that bet.

Daniel: Are you sure? I-I don't want you to embarrass yourself here.

Abby: Oh, yeah, you're gonna be eating those words.

Daniel: Mm. (Laughs) (Sighs)

Gloria: And we'll have that lovely booth for you right over there in the corner. So see you at 9:00. Thank you.

Jeff: Have you got the--oh.

Gloria: Isn't this wonderful? (Laughs)

Jeff: I know. I know. The phones are ringing off the hook.

Gloria: And now that we're on the right side of the law, the young society crowd, they're just dying to get into our reopening. (Laughs)

Jeff: (Chuckles) One little bit of bad publicity, and we're the hottest spot in Genoa City.

(Telephone rings)

Jeff: Oh. Gloworm. (Laughs) Yes, Ma'am.

Gloria: (Laughs) (Sighs) Angel, try not to dwell on it.

Kevin: Oh, gee, Mom, why didn't I think of that?

Gloria: Come on. Focus on all the exciting things that are happening to me instead. Hmm?

Chloe: Ooh. Ow. Oh, God, you don't even know about the bombshell that was dropped on me today, but you know what? I'm gonna shove it back to the back, back, back, back part of my brain, and I'm gonna focus, because I need to pick up where Jill left off. (Sighs)

Kevin: Trying to steal half my sister-in-law's fortune?

Chloe: No, I'm talking about the "Restless Style" piece that Jill was writing before she got canned, and now I'm in charge of the shoot. What is wrong with you?

Kevin: It's Jana’s and my anniversary.

Chloe: Oh, is that why you look all mopey, "Mr. Mopey Pants"? I can help.

Kevin: I don't think we're thinking the same thing.

Chloe: Daniel is on his way over here, and he's gonna be photographing the shoot, and you can help us. Oh, my God. Will you please get up? Stop looking mopey. Let's forget about "The Runaway Bride," and help me pick out props. (Sighs)

Kevin: (Chuckles)

Chloe: Ooh, look.

Kevin: What's with the dog?

Chloe: Oh, well, we're going for the whole Nick and Nora Charles feel, and this is Asta. (Snorts) (Barks) (Silly voice) Hey, Mr. Mopey Pants.

Kevin: He's adorable.

Chloe: Oh, he's-- he's so mopey.

Kevin: Cute dog. What else you got?

(Plastic crinkles)

Chloe: (Normal voice) Cigars. I'm gonna see what's keeping the models. (Clears throat)

Jana: (Sniffs) (Sighs) Thanks for these.

Kevin: Um... Jana, I had a, uh, a standing order with the florist for special occasions, and, uh, I didn’t... it was from months ago when... when I thought that we still had a chance.

Jana: So you... so you didn’t... (Sighs)

Kevin: I'm sorry... but it's over, and there's no going back.

Jeff: Somebody, uh...

Gloria: Ahh.

Jeff: Answered our "Help wanted" ad for a bartender.

Gloria: Uh-huh.

Jeff: This is Candy.

Gloria: Hello. (Chuckles)

Jeff: She has loads of experience.

Chloe: (Clears throat) I believe that.

Gloria: (Chuckles) Well, I think, um, Candy's assets will work out very nicely with the trust fund set.

Jeff: Well, I'm glad you approve.

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Jeff: Let me, uh, show you around. (Laughs)

Gloria: What was I thinking? The old man's practically drooling.

Chloe: I say you give him a taste of his own medicine.

Gloria: How?

Chloe: You hire your own bartender.

Gloria: Meow.

Chloe: Mm-hmm.

Gloria: (Laughs)

Chloe: And where is Daniel? (Sighs)

Daniel: (Rubs hands together) Aw, yeah.

Abby: Ta-da

Daniel: Wait a minute. Wait. This is dry cereal...

Abby: Mmm.

Daniel: And what-- what is this? This is toast with p-- this is not cooking.

Abby: You didn't say anything about cooking. You said that I was incapable of putting a meal together, and this, my friend, is a meal.

Daniel: So you're telling me I'm losing on a technicality?

Abby: You better pay up, Romalotti.

Daniel: Fine. What do you want?

Abby: (Chuckles)

Daniel: You know what? I wanted to kind of...

Abby: Actually, all kidding aside, I wanted to tell you that I need...

Daniel: Tell you that I'm going through a divorce...

Abby: To focus on my career.

Daniel: And--

Abby: (Laughs)

Daniel: (Laughs)

Abby: Okay.

Daniel: Did that just happen? (Laughs) Hey, well, hey, you know, at least we're on the same page.

Abby: Haven't even started reading the book. (Chuckles)

Daniel: In that case, how about I make good on that bet?

Abby: You better get busy.

Daniel: Oh, I better get busy, huh?

Abby: Mm-hmm.

Daniel: Huh? Huh? Mm.

(Cell phone rings)

J.T.: Is that Lily again?

Mac: Yes.

J.T.: Well, maybe you should answer it.

Mac: (Sighs) Hi, Lily.

Lily: Well, it's about time you answered your phone.

Mac: Yeah, I'm sorry. I've been really extra busy.

Lily: I was hoping that you could stop by and check out the nursery and see the babies.

Mac: Now is not a rea-- a really, uh... (Sighs)

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Mac: You know what? Could I bring J.T. and Reed?

Lily: Absolutely.

Mac: Okay, then we will be right over.

Morgan: How long were you and Neil Fenmore married?

Joanna: We divorced when Lauren was just a little girl.

Morgan: Would you say you had a good marriage?

Joanna: Hardly. It was strained, at best. There were moments when I could scarcely stand being in the same room with the man.

Lauren: (Whispers) I will never forgive her for this.

Michael: Shh.

Morgan: Did you know your husband had an illegitimate daughter?

Joanna: Uh, from the day we met to the day we divorced, Neil brooded about it constantly, but never in front of anyone else, mind you. Unfortunately, that illegitimate daughter was responsible in the end for turning my own daughter into a spoiled brat.

Lauren: How dare you?!

Michael: (Whispers) All right, you have to sit down.

Daniel: I have gotta get to this photo shoot before Chloe throws a little temper tantrum.

Abby: What's the photo shoot about?

Daniel: Uh, you know, it's a "Restless Style" piece for Gloworm. Uh, they're talkin' about how it's, like, one of the fabulous nightclubs that used to exist. I don't know.

Abby: (Clears throat) Can I come?

Daniel: Yeah, I guess. You like to live dangerously?

Abby: What does that mean?

Daniel: Well, it means that last time you were there, you almost got Jeff and Gloria’s place shut down.

Abby: (Scoffs) You know something? I will bet you that Gloria would practically pay me to come back to Gloworm, hmm?

Daniel: Double or nothin'?

Abby: Bring it on, suck-ah. (Sighs)

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Candy: How's this?

Jeff: (Chuckles) Honey, you're gonna rake in the tips. Would you like to see the stockroom?

Gloria: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Deacon: I'm here about the bartending job.

Gloria: (Inhales deeply) (Chuckles) You have got to be joking. (Whispers) Follow me. (Normal voice) And make it fast, before Kevin sees you.

Jana: We're both struggling, Kevin.

Kevin: (Sighs) So what do you want to do, Jana? Take a stroll down memory lane?

Jana: (Sighs) I don't expect you to just suddenly want to reconcile. I just thought maybe we could just help each other through a really difficult day. (Sighs)

Chloe: Excuse me for interrupting. The models have the stomach flu. (Sighs)

Kevin: Well...

Chloe: Get up.

Kevin: I guess you're gonna have to postpone.

Chloe: Turn around.

Kevin: Wha--

Chloe: Yeah, you got a cute butt. Okay.

Kevin: What are you doing looking at my butt?

Chloe: I think the suits will fit.

Kevin: You want me to be a model?

Chloe: Brains and a cute butt-- what more could you ask for? Come on. You're a model.

Kevin: Oh, Man.

Lily: So it's so good to see you guys.

J.T.: (Chuckles)

Lily: Reed, you're getting so big!

Reed: I know.

Lily: (Laughs)

J.T.: (Laughs)

Mac: How are you?

Lily: You know, gone are the days when I've had time to do my makeup or read a book. (Laughs) Now it's just bottles and diapers and burping and rocking and singing 24/7.

J.T.: Yeah, but you're loving every minute of it, I bet.

Lily: I do. I do. (Laughs) So do you want to see the nursery?

Mac: Yeah.

Lily: Okay.

Mac: So, Reed, I have some markers in the kitchen. You want to draw me a picture?

Reed: Sure.

Lily: All right, come on. Let's go. I'll show you where they are, okay? Let's go.

J.T.: Oh, I remember when Victoria and I felt like that. Runnin' on fumes, but every second seemed like a life-changing event.

Mac: I don't know what that feels like.

J.T.: You will. Your turn will come.

Lily: So you ready?

Mac: Yeah.

Lily: Okay.

Mac: Okay.

Lily: Let's go.

Judge: Sit down, Ms. Fenmore.

Michael: (Quietly) Come on. It's gonna be okay. Sit.

Judge: You may proceed, Counselor.

Morgan: What did you mean when you said it was my client who caused your ex-husband to spoil the defendant?

Joanna: When I met Neil, he was recovering from learning that Jill’s mother had died, apparently alone, apparently afraid.

Morgan: Did he try to track down the child that they'd conceived?

Joanna: Oh, yes. He was told it was impossible, and so he spent years berating himself.

Morgan: Go on.

Joanna: Then I conceived Lauren.

Morgan: How did your husband react?

Joanna: He channeled all of his energy... (Sighs) Into giving the girl everything she could possibly want. And he turned her into a willful, obnoxious girl with a nasty sense of her own entitlement.

Lauren: (Whispering) I don't believe her!

Morgan: So when Mr. Fenmore wrote his will, he knew he had another daughter out there.

Joanna: Oh, yes.

Morgan: Thank you for your time. That's all I have, your honor.

Judge: Mr. Baldwin?

Michael: If Neil Fenmore had another daughter, why didn't he acknowledge her in his will?

Joanna: I don't know. We didn't exactly communicate after the divorce.

Michael: And you have no idea about Neil’s state of mind at the time that will was drawn up, do you?

Joanna: I know that he cared more about a dead woman than his own wife, and when he chose to love Lauren more than he loved me, it hurt. And what he turned Lauren into was pathetic.

Michael: You are a piece of work.

Judge: (Bangs gavel) I've heard enough. In view of this new information, I need to rethink my decision. Court is in recess.

Kay: Oh, how could you?

Lauren: Stop right there! You don't get to walk away, not this time.

Gloria: Keep it coming, love finish the application, and keep your mouth shut, hmm?

Kevin: (Sighs) Mom?

Gloria: Hey, what do you need, Sweetie?

Chloe: The models flaked.

Gloria: Great. So what do we do?

Chloe: Me and Kevin are filling in.

Gloria: (Laughs)

Kevin: Besides, you know how much I've always wanted to model.

Gloria: Chloe, I'm so glad you're keeping Kevin distracted from his problems.

Chloe: Well, actually, it's more like he's help--

Gloria: Unh, unh, unh. We'll talk later. Shh.

Kevin: I'm right here. (Sighs) This is gonna really embarrass me, isn't it?

Chloe: Look, I don't want you to be nervous.

Kevin: Well, I'm not exactly the model type.

Chloe: Well, you're gonna look great. You're gonna have a suit. We're gonna slick your hair back, put on a top hat. You'll be in like Flynn.

Gloria: Must be torture seeing Kevin like that. So why don't you leave?

Lauren: You have turned your back on me time and time again. But saying all those horrible things about my father when he can't even be here to defend himself--

Joanna: Such a little drama queen, even when you were a child.

Lauren: H-how-- how do you pick a woman you hardly know over your own flesh and blood? Do you really hate me that much?

Michael: How long have you had Joanna up your sleeve?

Kay: You disgust me hurting Lauren that way.

Jill: (Sighs)

Cane: All right, all right. That was not her intention. She was just defending her claim, okay?

Jill: Listen, all of this could have been avoided if Lauren had just tried to work out a settlement.

Michael: We did. We came to you!

Jill: Oh, my God, that was a last-ditch attempt to buy me off, 'cause Lauren knew she was gonna lose.

Kay: You delight in handing out misery, don't you?

Jill: I do not delight in it at all, but if I can't know my own father, at least I can have a piece of the legacy he wanted me to have.

Morgan: I strongly recommend you get away from my client.

Michael: Nothing would give me more pleasure.

Kay: I've had it. I've had it. I am sick and tired of trying to get through to you.

Jill: Thank you for defending me.

Cane: Are you sure this is how you wanted to win?

Jill: (Sighs)

Mac: (Quietly) Um, could I have a moment alone with them?

Lily: (Quietly) Um, yeah, sure.

Mac: Thanks.

Lily: Okay.

Mac: Okay.

J.T.: Oh, that looks nice.

J.T.: (Quietly) How's she doing?

Lily: So it isn't my imagination. Something is going on with Mac?

J.T.: Yeah, I'd talk to her, Lily. She could use a friend right now.

Mac: (Quietly) You look so precious in your onesie. (Sighs) Are you sucking your thumb? You did that in the-- you did that in the womb. I saw it on the ultrasound. (Sighs) I want you guys to know how much I enjoyed the seven months that we spent together... and... (Sighs) If I... if I go away, it's only temporary. And when I'm stronger, I will be back. I just... I hope that you don’t...forget me, okay? (Voice cracks) 'cause I'll never forget you. (Sighs)

Lily: (Quietly) Hey.

Mac: (Normal voice) Hi.

Lily: Um, can I ask you something?

Mac: Sure.

Lily: So Cane and I talked, and we would like for you to be the twins' godmother.

Mac: (Quietly) I'm already the surrogate. Don't you want a family member or friend?

Lily: (Quietly) Well, why are you so reluctant?

Mac: (Sighs) When I agreed to carry the babies, I knew what I was getting into, and--and I did it willingly.

Lily: I-I know. You know, you sacrificed so much.

Mac: (Sighs)

Lily: You put your own life on hold.

Mac: And I was happy to do it. But somewhere in the last trimester, between the kicking and the cravings, I developed this attachment to them, and I knew that I would have to say good-bye, and even though I knew that, it just... it spiraled out of control.

Lily: Mac, that's-- it's okay.

Mac: It's not, though. It's not okay. (Sighs) When Cane was suing me for the amniotic fluid, I actually referred to myself as "One of their mothers."

Lily: Well, you know, I mean, in a way, you-- you are.

Mac: But I'm not, Lily. They can only have one mother, and you're it.

Lily: Well, are you having regrets that you did this?

Mac: No, never, not for even one second. But since they were born, I just have felt this... this pull towards them that I'm not allowed to feel, and it's eating me up inside. And it'll-- it'll go away eventually. It's not gonna last forever. And--and one day, I'll be able to spend time with them and not feel this way. (Sighs) But right now, I need to... I need to put my needs first, so, no, I-I can't be their godmother.

Lily: Okay, I understand. But, um, just know that when you're ready to be a part of their lives, they'll be here waiting, okay? (Sighs)

Gloria: I'm not trying to be mean, Jana, but standing in the shadows staring at Kevin like some stalker-- you're gonna upset my customers.

Daniel: Hey, Guys, um, I know we're in a recession, but, uh, since when is "Restless Style" too cheap to hire models?

Chloe: Listen, I will explain later, okay?

Gloria: (Chuckles)

Daniel: Mm-hmm.

Gloria: And I can't thank you enough for all the publicity you gave Gloworm opening night.

Abby: Mm.

Gloria: Mwah.

Abby: Mwah. (Clears throat) Abby--2, Daniel--0.

Daniel: Yeah, I got that.

Abby: Yeah, mm-hmm.

Daniel: Thanks.

Joanna: I don't hate you, Lauren. I gave birth to you, didn't I?

Lauren: And you think that makes you a mother?

Joanna: Oh, what do you want from me?

Lauren: It would have been nice if you had warned me what Jill was up to instead of plotting with that bitch.

Joanna: You're hardly going to be poverty-stricken.

Lauren: You were always jealous of my relationship with daddy.

Joanna: Your daddy was a miserable man, Lauren. You were welcome to him.

Lauren: You let me down time and time again. And still... still, I believed that maybe this one time, you would show a hint of maternal instinct.

Joanna: I am who I am!

Lauren: Do you even know that I was kidnapped this year? And the whole time, all I was thinking about was my family and seeing Michael and Scotty and Fen and you. I somehow believed that we could make things right. But, you know, to you, severing all ties was right.

Joanna: I'm sorry. I'm sorry you're so... (Sighs) Bitter.

Lauren: "Bitter" isn't really the right word. "Relieved" is more accurate, because this time, I'm done with you. So you get on your plane, and you go back to your villa and your younger men, and you stay the hell out of my life!

Michael: Oh.

Cane: I know what it's like to fight to be part of a family that was never yours to begin with.

Jill: Sweetie, the difference is, you weren't really Phillip, and I really am a Fenmore.

Cane: I know. It looks like you might get what you want today. I hope it's worth what you're giving up.

Man: Court is back in session. Please take your seats.

Judge: (Clears throat) I've reached a decision.

Cane: Hey.

Lily: Hey. How'd it go in court?

Cane: Uh, I left before the judge ruled. Oh, did you get in touch with Mac?

Lily: Uh, yeah. She, J.T. and Reed came over.

Cane: Okay, did you ask her about being godmother?

Lily: I did. And, uh, she turned us down.

Cane: (Sighs) She's probably still upset with me about the lawsuit.

Lily: No, I-I don't think that's it. I think she just, um, you know, needs some distance from the babies, you know? Just to focus on her own life.

Cane: Okay. So, um, who else can we ask?

Lily: Uh, well, there's Aunt Liv. There's Roxy.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: Wait. I think I know who we can ask.

Judge: My job isn't to rule on a father's love. It's to decide what the deceased meant by "Any and all of my living heirs." And now that Ms. Manning has clarified Neil Fenmore’s feelings about his daughter Jill and his desire to find her, my judgment is for the plaintiff.

Jill: Yes! Yes!

Judge: Ms. Lauren Fenmore will turn 50% of all Fenmore assets over to Ms. Jill Fenmore immediately.

Lauren: You can't do that!

Judge: My decision is final. (Bangs gavel) Court is adjourned.

Jill: (Laughs) Oh, thank you so much. Thank you. Um, no hard feelings? Well, okay. I'll be in touch, and we'll hammer out the details.

Kay: Um, by the way, um, I've had experience being forced to work with Jill, so, uh, should you need pointers--

Lauren: I don’t.

Kay: Oh?

Lauren: I have no intention of working with Jill, and I have no intention of giving her one dime of my money.

Jeff: Oh. (Chuckles)

Gloria: (Clears throat)

Jeff: Aha. Uh, Candy was just, um, showing me her tattoo.

Gloria: Nice.

Jeff: You're not mad?

Gloria: Mm, I think Candy will be a wonderful addition to the Gloworm family.

Jeff: But...

Gloria: Nothing. Oh, I did hire another bartender to help her with the workload, though.

Jeff: (Laughs)

Gloria: (Laughs)

Jeff: I know what you're up to, "Doll Face."

Gloria: Oh, what's that, "Lover Man"?

Jeff: Yeah, you got some hunk of man meat waitin' in the wings just tryin' to make me jealous.

Daniel: Okay. Who wants to be made famous?

J.T.: (Straining) Oh, no, don't do it!

Reed: (Laughs)

J.T.: (Grunts) (Groans) (Normal voice) Whoa. Wow, that was close.

Reed: (Giggles) Mac, I beat daddy.

Mac: I saw that.

Reed: (Laughs)

J.T.: Yeah, all right, Champ. Go wash your hands. (Laughs) Wow, what was that for?

Mac: I was just watching you guys, and was overcome with a whole lotta love.

J.T.: Well, I love you, too.

Mac: So... yes.

J.T.: Yes...

Mac: Yes, I will move in with you.

J.T.: Finally.

Mac: (Chuckles)

J.T.: (Laughs) Finally.

Cane: I'm sorry I had to run off, but I had to take care of your Grandma Jill. You know, she has a good heart, although a lot of people in court today wouldn't agree with that. You know, I think about what would have happened if my own lawsuit hadn't worked out. Hey. I want you to know that I did what I did 'cause I love your mom very much, and I was terrified I was gonna lose her. But now I've met you, I couldn't imagine life without you. And you are gonna have everything in life I never had growing up. You're gonna be the most-loved babies... ever. Oh, and just you wait until you meet your godmom. (Chuckles)

Lily: So Cane and I have been talking about who we want to be the baby's godmother. And, you know, the truth is, it should only be one person.

Traci: Colleen.

Lily: (Sighs) She would have loved the twins.

Traci: (Laughs)

Lily: (Chuckles) You know, I don't know if I told you this, but the night that she died, she came to me in a dream, and she told me that she had a vision that I would beat the cancer and that I would hold my baby in my arms.

Traci: (Sighs)

Lily: That is why... (Laughs) We want you to be Charlie and Matilda's godmother. It's what Colleen would have wanted.

Traci: Oh, Lily. (Sniffles)

Lily: (Chuckles)

Traci: (Laughs) It would be my honor.

Lily: Oh, good.

Traci: (Laughs)

Lily: (Laughs) Thank you. Thank you.

Abby: (Giggles) Mm-hmm.

Daniel: (Laughs)

Kevin: (Clears throat) Well, I'm glad to see you've gotten over Amber.

Daniel: Well, I didn't really have a choice, did I?

Kevin: But come on. The Naked Heiress? I don't get it.

Daniel: How are, uh, things with you and Jana?

Kevin: Uh, well, she stopped by earlier wanting to talk.

Daniel: You turned her down?

Kevin: Yeah, I basically said that, uh, all that stuff that happened between us, good and the bad, I gotta put it behind me.

Gloria: Jeffrey, no!

Daniel: What the hell is this?

Deacon: I work here now.

Jeff: (Scoffs)

Daniel: Really, you do?

Deacon: Yeah. I had to pick up some cash while I finish my community service, Danny.

Daniel: That's fantastic. That's crap, Gloria.

Gloria: Daniel, wait. I can explain.

Kevin: Save it. Let's change and get outta here.

Jeff: Smooth move.

Jill: Joanna, thank you so much. Your testimony won me that case.

Joanna: I didn't do it for you. I don't give a damn about you.

Jill: (Blows raspberry) Listen, I know that you think I went too far, okay? But it's all done now, so let's just have a civil evening at home.

Kay: Enjoy your millions, Jill. Unfortunately, the one thing you will never have is respect.

Jill: Good job, Morgan. (Chuckles) What do you say we go out and have a drink to celebrate?

Morgan: Nope, court in the morning. I'll send you my bill.

Lauren: I-I want to appeal immediately.

Michael: Well, legally, I think the judge was wrong, but if we pursue this, your bank account's gonna be tied up for years.

Lauren: What are you saying?

Michael: I'm saying you may have to deal with Jill as a partner.

Lauren: Oh, no. Jill's gonna have to deal with me.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Paul: We can play this avoidance dance.

Sharon: I'm gonna testify against you, and I'm gonna help all those people win their case.

Skye: You're aware the Newman fund is taking off? I'd like to offer you an equity stake.

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