Y&R Transcript Monday 8/16/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 8/17/10 -- USA
Episode # 9465 ~ Fenmore vs. Fenmore
Provided By
Eric and
Proofread By Emma
Paul: Heather, hi. Look, I need to talk to you. Can we meet up? Okay, I'm on my way. Thanks.
Chloe: Hi.
Chance: Hi. I, uh, wasn't expecting to see you here.
Chloe: I just came to pick up a couple things. Is your mom here?
Chance: (Sighs) Yeah, she's upstairs. I don't think she's gonna give you a hard time, though. She's, uh, she's got a lot on her mind.
Chloe: Yeah, I heard. She must be pretty shaken up-- almost losing one son on the anniversary of losing another.
Chance: Yeah. Yeah. Look, that's why I, uh, I couldn't get together the other night. I, uh, I thought it best that I stay and spend some time with her.
Chloe: It's not a big deal.
Chance: Well, you know, maybe we can, um, maybe we can get together later.
Chloe: Uh, yeah, I've got a pretty crazy day. And, um, you know, what is there to say anyway?
Chance: Perhaps why you're still wearing my ring?
Chloe: I should give that back sometime. Um... can we just talk about it, I don't know, later? I-I know you're on your way out. It's just awkward right now.
Chance: Yeah. Yeah, that's fine. I'll see you.
Chloe: Okay. (Sighs)
Chloe: (Exhales rhythmically)
Nina: Looking for Chance?
Chloe: Um, no, my mom. Looking for her.
Nina: She's in the kitchen.
Chloe: So how are you?
Nina: Fine.
Chloe: Chance told me you were pretty shaken up... the explosion at the jail on the same day that your other son was born?
Nina: What are you doing? (Sighs)
Chloe: I'm trying to be nice.
Nina: Yeah, well, then you must want something, and whatever it is, forget it.
Paul: Hey, Baby Cakes.
Heather: Hey.
Paul: How you doing?
Heather: No, uh, trying to get Adam’s suit dismissed.
Paul: Oh.
Heather: Sit. I'll buy you a coffee.
Paul: Thanks. So I'm actually glad I ran into you. I need your help with something.
Heather: Sure, with what?
Paul: Well, just when I thought I was up against a brick wall, I, um, I caught a break. I got a clue from someone that might lead me to Nina’s kidnapped son.
Heather: From whom?
Paul: From the last person in the world you'd ever expect.
Chris: What did you learn about the attempt on Chance's life?
Ronan: Gasoline in a light bulb. Very crude, but very effective. Luckily, he wasn't in the cell when it blew.
Chris: Well, as long as he keeps trying to ferret out dirty cops, he is in danger.
Ronan: What he's doing is he's still screwing up our investigation. I just... I just want to pluck him out of here and maroon him on a deserted island.
Chris: You know, just worry about wrapping up this case.
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chris: Once Chance is safe, you can go ahead and head out--
Ronan: And get the hell out of dodge and out of all of these good people's lives.
Chris: You know, Nina was devastated on your birthday, like she is every year...
Ronan: (Sighs)
Chris: But this year, the fact that I knew you were so close--
Ronan: Stop it. Just stop it. Don't do this. Don't get some crazy idea in your head about going and spilling secrets to your girlfriend right now, okay?
Chris: I know what's at stake here, okay? But once this case is wrapped up, there is no reason to keep the truth from Nina.
(Knock on door)
Daniel: (Clears throat)
(Knock on door)
Abby: (Sighs)
Daniel: Look at you. I thought you would still be wasted away in mojito-ville.
Abby: I had my favorite lipstick tucked inside my bra at the opening of Gloworm, and I can't find it anywhere. "Pucker-up pink"-- have you seen it?
Daniel: Yeah, it's not really my color.
Abby: (Sighs) Let me know if you see it.
Daniel: You want some coffee?
Abby: Oh, I'd like some tomato juice and vodka--
Daniel: Hang on. Hang on.
Abby: Whoa.
Daniel: You know, sorry about that, but I'm fresh out.
Abby: I guess you heard that the charges were dropped against Adam.
Daniel: Yeah, it's all over the news.
Abby: You know what? Adam should be behind bars right now, but no. No, no. No, he's walking around, free as you and me.
Daniel: That's 'cause Vance Abrams is the man in court.
Abby: You know, that guy is as bad as my slimy brother. You should have seen what he did to my mom on the stand. I could smack him.
Daniel: Look at that. It's like you actually care about your mother.
Abby: (Scoffs) It's not just her. He came after me, too. He called me an exhibitionist.
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Lauren: It's a ridiculous case. I mean, I've got a business to run. You've got real clients.
Michael: You, my love, are the most real client...
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Michael: I have.
Lauren: Don't say that to Victor.
Michael: I told Victor that I would get back to Adam’s civil suit once this case was settled.
Lauren: You mean once we win?
Michael: Yeah, that.
Lauren: Why do you say it like that?
Michael: Like what?
Lauren: Like we're not gonna win.
Michael: (Sighs) Jill is gonna have a difficult time trying to prove that it was your father's intention to include her in the will. She has no corroborating evidence. Without that, her task is nearly impossible.
Lauren: Nearly impossible?
Michael: Let me get you some coffee--some decaf.
Lauren: Oh, my God, you think I'm overreacting, don't you?
Michael: (Whispers) A touch.
Lauren: (Quietly) All right, look, I will feel a lot better if you can just definitely tell me that there is no way Jill can win today.
Jill: You know, there's really no way I can lose in court today.
Kay: Even if you win in court, you could end up losing, Jill. How many times have I told you money is not the most important thing in life?
Jill: And how many times have I told you this is not about getting my half of the Fenmore fortune? It's about claiming my rightful place in the Fenmore family.
Kay: It could have been about gaining a sister.
Jill: Oh, my Gd.
Kay: Y-yes, being part of a family, Jill, not staking a claim to it.
Jill: If you had been an outsider all of your life, maybe you would just wish me well and support me.
Kay: Good luck.
Heather: Who’s your surprising source?
Paul: My dad.
Heather: You're kidding.
Paul: No.
Heather: Didn't he...
Paul: Disappear? Yeah, but he left a lot of stuff behind. And on a hunch, I decided to go through some of it, and I hit pay dirt.
Heather: He worked on the case involving Nina’s son?
Paul: Yeah. He was the lead investigator. These are his notes on Rose Deville. She ran the baby-selling ring.
Heather: Well, she's dead, right?
Paul: Yeah, everyone in the official report is. But my dad mentioned someone who isn't in the official report-- Pete Bender.
Heather: Who is he?
Paul: Well, he was driving the van that Nina and Chris were in when they were kidnapped. Now the state police had multiple outstanding warrants for him for more serious offenses, so the G.C.P.D. just turned him over to them and--and never booked him.
Heather: Which is why he's not in the report.
Paul: Exactly.
Heather: Okay. Um, all right. What do you need me to do?
Paul: Well, I need access to the court and police records of Bender.
Heather: Sure. I'll make some calls. What?
Paul: (Chuckles) Oh, nothing. It's just, um, my dad was always my-- my go-to guy on the force. And now you are.
Heather: Full circle.
Paul: Yeah.
Ronan: All right, listen to me. I knew when I took this assignment that I was going to run into Chance and Nina.
Chris: That doesn't mean you don't have feelings about them.
Ronan: What do you want me to say right now? Hmm? That I hate my mom because she gave me up? Or that I hate Chance because she kept him and not me?
Chris: Yeah, if that's how you feel.
Ronan: Well, it's not. You know, the FBI is a very resourceful bunch of people. They have these computer geeks on staff that can find out anything about anybody at any time, like, say, that you were stolen from your mom and sold to a couple.
Chris: You know she wanted to keep you.
Ronan: By the time I found that out, it didn't matter. I was grown. I was raised by two lovely parents who sacrificed everything for me. Do you know what it would have done to them if I would have ditched them for my biological mother?
Chris: Nina hasn't stopped thinking about you since the day you were stolen. Don't you care about her pain?
Ronan: She was the victim of a crime, and that sucks.
Chris: (Scoffs) She's your mother, not a statistic.
Ronan: Listen, we're not--
(Footsteps approach)
Nina: Cricket?
Chris: Nina. Uh, you remember Detective Malloy.
Ronan: Hi. It's, uh, it's nice to see you again.
Nina: My son's life is in danger because of you. Why would I want to shake your hand?
Ronan: I'm sorry that you f-- had to worry so much about your son.
Jill: This is lovely.
Kay: Elizabeth made it for me.
Jill: Mom made this?
Kay: Mm-hmm, yeah. Years ago, she gave it to me as a Christmas present, and the card read, um...
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: "When you use this, remember, the best gifts always seem to make a house a home."
Jill: Sounds like her, doesn't it?
Kay: Uh, she, uh, said to me, "Now don't forget to put this on that fancy sideboard table when your family comes over."
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: "You have to be very careful with it," she said, "Because it's delicate and very easily damaged."
Jill: (Chuckles) Why are you giving this to me now?
Kay: Because Elizabeth wanted you to have it, share it with your family.
Jill: Why can't Lauren believe that I... (Chuckles) I don't want her money, and I don't want her name? I just want to be part of her family.
Kay: Oh, Jill, I agree. She reacted very badly when she found out that Neil was your father also.
Jill: (Sighs)
Kay: But she's tried to make up for that, even forgetting about going to court.
Jill: Damage control, okay? She didn't want to embrace me. She wanted to defend her territory, and then when I called her on it, she humiliated me on live TV.
Kay: Jill, for heaven's sakes. You were holding a press conference at her father's grave.
Jill: Our father's grave. God! See? Things would be so different if just once, one time, she had reached out to me.
Lauren: Do you know how many times I've reached out to Jill?
Together: A lot.
Lauren: And do you know what she does? She throws it right back in my face.
Michael: She throws it right back in your face. You told me.
Lauren: And you know what? This case is really about greed.
Michael: It's all about greed, yeah. You sure that's decaf?
Lauren: (Sighs) I know you're not gonna believe this, but I do wish things had turned out differently.
Michael: Never too late to settle.
Lauren: Our differences?
Michael: Well, let's tackle the suit first. I think all Jill really wants is for you to acknowledge that she's part of your family.
Lauren: Hmm. I'll put her on my Christmas card list.
Michael: Or... you could, uh, give her a small percentage of the estate.
Lauren: No.
Michael: I think it would go a long way to help Jill settle this suit. She could drop the case.
Lauren: Honey, Jill Foster isn't getting one penny of my father's money.
Kay: Yes, well, uh, you just catch another big one. No, don't bring it home. (Chuckles) All right, talk to you later. Bye-bye. Well, you, uh, moving back in?
Chloe: No. I came to say hi to my mom.
Kay: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: And I ran into Chance and Nina, and they seem pretty upset.
Kay: Well, I can't really blame them.
Chloe: And at times like these, I'm sure, you know, you just wish that her other son was around... someone to lean on.
Kay: Mm.
Chloe: Big brother, older son.
Kay: I suppose.
Chloe: It's really weird that he was stolen.
Kay: It was tragic.
Chloe: And they never tried to find him?
Kay: Well, uh, Chloe, there was a... a complete police investigation. Uh, tell me, why are you so suddenly interested in all of this?
Chloe: Oh, no-- no reason. Okay, well, the reason is I, um, I know that Chance is going through a really rough time right now, and I just thought that if I could find his brother, then maybe he would be able to help him out.
Kay: (Clicks tongue) Well, tell me, why, um, why would you go to so much trouble for someone who has hurt you so badly?
Chloe: I guess it's just a lot harder to let go than I thought.
Kay: Especially if you're not sure that that is what you want to do.
Chloe: Yeah.
Kay: Oh, I've been there, done that, felt that way. Well, I really must run to, uh, Jill’s hearing, and, uh...
Chloe: Okay.
Kay: Young lady, I wish you luck. (Chuckles)
Chloe: (Chuckles) Good to see you.
Chloe: (Sighs) Okay. Ronan Malloy, let's find out who you are. (Whispers) "Ronan Malloy." Ah, here. "Find your classmates." Perfect. Ooh. Ronan Malloy-- Lakeside High School, football all-star, national honor society, senior class vice president, class reunion coming up. Okay. I bet your classmates can tell me something about you. Hmm.
Nina: Why were you meeting with Detective Malloy?
Chris: He just wanted some advice on a case.
Nina: So you're helping someone who destroyed my son's life to cover up his own illegal activities?
Chris: Well, you know, in law enforcement, it's not always easy to tell the good guys from the bad. You--you think someone's on your side, and then they turn around and stab you in the back.
Nina: Yeah, not just in law enforcement. I'm sorry.
Chris: You know what? I-I want to get this out on the table. It’s...
Nina: Okay. Ever since you showed up at Paul’s apartment, I feel like you guys want to be together, and I'm just in the way.
Chris: Unh-unh, that's not true.
Nina: I keep tellin' myself I'm just being my old, neurotic self, but then I see you guys kissing.
Chris: Look, we just-- we got caught up in the past, and that's it.
Nina: Well, the kissing was in the present. All that history and those memories and those feelings, they were right there for you, weren't they?
Chris: (Sighs)
Nina: I don't know how to compete with that.
Ronan: We need to talk.
Heather: What's up?
Ronan: So Chance scores heroin in jail.
Paul: What?
Ronan: Mm-hmm.
Paul: How did he do that?
Ronan: You're not surprised.
Heather: I--
Ronan: You knew. Didn't you go see him yesterday before he was released?
Heather: So?
Ronan: So... so he gave you the drugs. (Sighs) (Chuckles)
Heather: We're on the same side, Ronan.
Ronan: Yeah? We're on the same side?
Heather: Mm-hmm.
Ronan: Yeah, are we? Are we? Then give me the drugs. If those narcotics came out of our evidence room, we are a heartbeat away from closing this case, Heather. If you cared about Chance at all, you will tell me where they are.
Heather: (Sighs) My office.
Ronan: Where?
Heather: I'll get them.
Ronan: Today?
Heather: Yes.
Chance: Paul, how you doin'?
Paul: Hey, Chance. Good to see you.
Chance: Good. Heather, can I talk to you outside?
Heather: Um--
Ronan: As long as it's, uh, to talk about the weather, just a simple latte or something, because everything else is off-limits, Heather.
Chance: Piss off, Malloy.
Ronan: (Laughs)
Chance: Heather?
Heather: (Sighs)
Ronan: (Sighs)
Paul: So that's gotta be hard, isn't it? Not telling him, uh, you're on his side?
Ronan: You know what's hard is not puttin' my fist through his face.
Chance: I am so sorry for getting you involved in this.
Heather: I can handle it.
Chance: No, I know you can handle it, but he was right. You know, you shouldn't even be in the middle of all this.
Heather: Look, what-- what are you gonna do?
Chance: (Sighs) I'm gonna get the drugs out of your office first, and then I'm gonna find someplace I can hide them.
Heather: N-no. Tha-- it's too dangerous.
Chance: No, it's okay. Heather, its fine. It's gonna be over soon enough, okay? I'm gonna set up surveillance in the evidence room, all right? Whoever it is in--in--in charge of this drug ring comes back, they've gotta restock their stash. I'm gonna catch them on film, and then we'll know exactly who's been doing this.
Heather: Will you just let me go to Owen, okay? He's involved in the police sting...
Chance: (Sighs)
Heather: And--and I-if we do that, then nobody can accuse you of doing anything illegal, including Ronan.
Chance: Okay. Fine. All right, set up the meeting with Pomerantz, but don't tell him that I'm coming there, all right? And ditch your bodyguard. I don't trust anybody... except for you.
Abby: See, that moron Abrams, he thinks that what he sees in the media is real. "The Naked Heiress" is an exhibitionist, not Abby Newman.
Daniel: So then I guess your little act to look reckless and irresponsible is working, right?
Abby: Yeah, well, my parents are sure buying it.
Daniel: Well, that's what you want, right? I mean, you don't want them to think that you're the little crafty one working with Uncle Jack to get control of your inheritance.
Abby: Yeah. Yeah. No, of course. That's what I want them to think.
Daniel: So then what's the problem?
Abby: Just--why do parents have to be so ridiculously stubborn?
Daniel: You know, if you were as good at getting them to think that you were conforming as you are at getting publicity, you could probably have it all.
Abby: Including a hot guy?
Daniel: Oh, you've already got one of those.
Abby: Oh, you have such a big...
Daniel: I know. I know.
Abby: Ego.
Daniel: Oh, ego. Ego.
Abby: Ego-- that's what I was gonna say.
Daniel: Oh, ego. Yeah. (Chuckles) Huge ego.
Abby: (Laughs)
Daniel: Huge.
Abby: Huge.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
(Knock on door)
Owen: Chancellor, what are you doing here?
Chance: I'm just meeting Heather.
Owen: Mind if I wait with you?
Chance: Please. Suit yourself.
Lauren: Mother, this is the fifth time I'm calling you. Could you just have the decency to return my phone call? It's important. Thank you.
Michael: You really didn't expect her to return your phone calls, did you?
Lauren: (Sighs) You know, I was hoping. She's honestly the only person that can give us insight as to what my dad's intent really was.
Lauren: Guess it doesn't matter now.
Morgan: Everything's set. Let's head in.
Kay: (Sighs) Oh, Dear, I thought I might be late.
Michael: Oh, Katherine, we're just getting ready to go in.
Kay: All right, now are you sure that you can set aside your pride and find a solution that you both-- and I do mean both-- can live with?
Lauren: No way.
Jill: No way.
Man: Fenmore versus Fenmore.
Michael: (Sighs) Katherine?
Kay: Oh, shut up.
Michael: Mm.
Paul: Hi.
Nina: Hi.
Paul: I got some fantastic news.
Nina: Oh, my favorite kind.
Paul: Do you remember the guy who drove that van the night you were kidnapped? I was able to track down his name.
Chris: What is it?
Paul: Pete Bender. He is the only surviving person that was involved in stealing and selling your son.
Nina: Where is he?
Paul: He's at the prison hospital in Waupun. Now I-I contacted a buddy of mine who is a P.I. over there.
Nina: What'd he find out?
Paul: The name of the people that adopted your son.
Nina: Wh-who are they? Where do they live?
Paul: Well, all I have right now is their last name. It's Lansing.
Nina: (Laughs) Are you gonna be able to find my son?
Paul: Yeah, we are very close. I'm telling you, we're very close.
Nina: Oh, my... (Sighs)
Chloe: Um, my boyfriend graduated from Lakeside High, and he wanted me to call to get information on the upcoming reunion. Ronan Malloy. M-a-l-l-o-y. Um... are--are you sure? Uh, no, 'cause it-- it says here that... no, he--he--he went there. He, uh, was on the football team, class vice president, honor society, very, uh, taken with the ladies, apparently. (Chuckles) He's not in your database at all? Uh, you don't remember him? Um, o-okay. I-I must just have the wrong Lakeside High then, or I'm just an absolute airhead. (Chuckles) Uh, okay, well, thank you. Thank you for your time. I appreciate it. Bye. Hmm.
Man: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
Jill: I do.
Lauren: Growing up... (Sighs) I was groomed to carry on the Fenmore legacy. From the day I was born, I was raised to run the family business, and Daddy knew I could do it. In fact, right before he died, he told me that I was the only one that he trusted to keep his dream alive.
Jill: I realize that it must be very difficult for a spoiled, overindulged only child like Lauren to suddenly realize that she has a sister. But the truth is, this is not about her privileged life. It's about the life that I was deprived of. It was a life in which I never knew my father. I was abandoned... although he clearly knew about me.
Lauren: Daddy never even hinted that he had an illegitimate child.
Jill: Being illegitimate doesn't make me any less of a Fenmore, nor any less entitled to my share of the Fenmore estate.
Lauren: Every bit of Fenmore’s belongs to me. In fact, its value has nearly doubled since I took over. I mean, why should Jill get one penny of that?
Jill: I've been very successful in business. I've been a top executive. In fact, I've been C.E.O. of both Jabot Cosmetics and Chancellor Industries. I mean, who's really to say that if I'd been running Fenmore’s... maybe it would have turned an even bigger profit.
Lauren: When people think of Fenmore’s, they think of me. It was once Granddaddy, and then my father, and now me. I am the only Fenmore left.
Jill: I'm the only Fenmore who was left out. I was the family's dirty little secret that they kept hidden away. Well, I'm not hiding anymore. I'm not gonna be shamed into believing that I don't deserve everything that my father intended me to have.
Lauren: Jill's name isn't in the will. It's not in a diary or in a letter of apology from my father. There's no pictures of her. There is no pictures of her mother. There is nothing that shows that she mattered one iota to my father. And quite frankly, I think that speaks volumes about his intent.
Jill: The thing is that I am Neil Fenmore’s daughter. I mean, that is a fact. I am his heir, and the will says that his heirs will share equally in his estate.
Michael: "Abandoned-- that's the word Jill Foster used to describe herself. Abandoned-- that, uh, that means "Forsaken, to be left alone." But Jill Foster was not alone. She was a member of a loving family. Until recently, she believed Elizabeth Foster to be her mother and Dr. William Foster Jr. and Greg to be her brothers. After that, she believed Katherine Chancellor was her mother. She even obtained a large portion of the Chancellor estate. Sadly, that turned out not to be true. Recently, Elizabeth Foster passed away. And now Jill truly is alone. She's not a Foster. She's not a Chancellor. And, your honor, she is not a Fenmore. A D.N.A. test proved that Jill was Neil Fenmore’s daughter. But the wording of Neil Fenmore’s will indicates that he never truly considered her his child. Only one child is mentioned in Neil Fenmore’s will, and that is Lauren, and that is because Lauren Fenmore is the one true heir to the Fenmore estate. That is what Neil Fenmore intended, and that is the way it should be.
Judge: We'll take a brief recess. Then I'll render my decision.
Morgan: (Quietly) The package arrived. I'm gonna go pick it up.
Jill: (Quietly) All right, but don't be long. The judge'll be back soon.
(Door opens)
Heather: Chance.
Chance: Hi.
Heather: Hi.
Chance: What did you tell him?
Heather: Um, everything.
Owen: She left out the part about you showing up here to steal back the drugs. But maybe because you never told her.
Heather: No, no, Chance wants to work with us. I-I have the drugs that he gave me right here. (Sighs)
Chance: What's wrong?
Heather: It's gone.
Chance: I didn't take those drugs.
Owen: Look, I don't know what game you two are playing, but if you don't find that dope and turn it over to me, you're going back to jail, and you'll be fired.
Paul: You just-- you let me know if you get anything else. All right, thanks. Bye. Your son's name is Aidan Lansing.
Nina: (Laughs) You're kidding me.
Paul: He grew up in South Lakeland. He went to high school there. He was a football star, honors student...
Nina: (Laughs)
Paul: Uh...
Nina: Oh, my God.
Paul: He later went to college in California.
Nina: Is that where he is now?
Paul: Well, I don't know. That's all I have so far.
Nina: (Sighs)
Chris: Do you have any more leads?
Paul: Yeah, I've got a few.
Nina: (Sighs) You're gonna do this, aren't you? After all these years, I'm gonna meet my son.
Paul: You're gonna meet your son.
Nina: (Laughs)
Chloe: So... who the hell are you?
Ronan: It's been a long day, Chloe.
Chloe: Well, you're not Ronan Malloy.
Ronan: No? Who am I then?
Chloe: The other night, when I saw your license right over there, I noticed your birth date. And you just so happen to be born the same exact day that Nina’s first son was born.
Ronan: Wow.
Chloe: So then I looked you up online. The high school that you went to-- they have no idea who you are.
Ronan: Mm.
Chloe: Your Facebook page-- fake pictures, fake posts, fake everything. Ronan Malloy does not exist.
Ronan: (Sighs) Well, for a guy that doesn't exist, I've got a hell of a bar tab.
Chloe: You're messing with people's lives, people that I happen to care about. So either you tell me the truth, or I go back and I expose everything in "Restless Style." And then you won't be able to hide whoever you are or whatever you're up to.
Daniel: (Chuckles)
Daniel: (Sighs) (Laughs)
Abby: (Laughs) Did anyone ever tell you that you have a really nice technique?
Daniel: Well, it's all in the stroke.
Abby: (Giggles)
Daniel: (Laughs)
Abby: Mm, you know what I am thinking? I'm thinking a spin-off-- "The Naked Artist."
Daniel: Well, I think that we could probably shoot that right now.
Abby: Action. (Giggles)
Chance: No. No. No. No! (Sighs) Did you tell anyone else besides Owen that I gave you the drugs?
Heather: No.
Chance: No. (Slams drawer) This smells like Malloy.
Heather: Just let me handle this, okay?
Chance: Do you not trust me now? Is that why you want me to back away from this case? Did Malloy finally get to you? Is that what it is? Has he been talking to you?
Heather: No, this is not about Ronan.
Chance: Then what is it, all right? What other reason could there possibly be for you wanting me to back away from this case?
Heather: Because if you don't, you're gonna wind up dead, and I care about you, damn it! I care about you.
Ronan: Come here. I tell you who I am, you keep your mouth shut. Understood?
Chloe: I think you forget who's calling the shots here.
Ronan: Understood?
Chloe: Fine. You don't have to get all "Dirty Harry" on me.
Ronan: (Chuckles) Sit down. (Sighs) (Sighs) Yeah, I'm Chance's brother. I'm Nina’s son.
Chloe: And you just so happen to come back to Genoa City?
Ronan: Call me curious.
Chloe: More like deadly.
Ronan: It can be, yeah. (Sighs) I gotta make a phone call. Mouth shut.
(Cell phone rings)
Chris: That's work. Excuse me.
Nina: Sure.
Chris: What's up?
Ronan: Chloe figured out who I am. I had to tell her the truth.
Chris: She knows you're FBI?
Ronan: No. No, no, no. She just... she knows I'm Nina’s son.
Chris: We're running out of time.
Ronan: (Sighs) Chloe’s not gonna say anything.
Chris: It doesn't matter. Your mom's about to find you.
Man: All rise.
Judge: Be seated. Mr. Belford joining us today?
Jill: Um, you know, he'll be right back.
Judge: Well, you can tell him what he missed. Time's up.
Jill: No, no, no. Please, just a few more minutes?
Judge: Time's up. Ms. Fenmore, considering everything that was presented today, I find your arguments specious and wholly disingenuous. Your suit is baseless, not supported by facts or the law. Now I'm sorry you feel emotionally cheated, but that has no bearing on what was clearly Mr. Fenmore's intent when he drew up his will. To that end, in the matter of Fenmore versus Fenmore--
Morgan: Your honor, I have someone who can tell us exactly what Neil Fenmore’s intentions were.
Michael: Your honor, this is--
Judge: Mr. Belford, you're out of order.
Morgan: I apologize, but I'm sure what this person has to say will influence your decision.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Kevin: You want me to be a model?
Chloe: Brains and a cute butt? What more could you ask for?
Lily: We would like for you to be the twins' godmother.
Joanna: That illegitimate daughter was responsible for turning my own daughter into a spoiled brat.
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