Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/12/10 -- Canada; Friday 8/13/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9463 ~ Judgement Day
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Nikki: You're thinking about the judge's ruling today, aren't you?
Victor: Standing here hoping that my son will be compelled to stand trial... what father wants that for his child?
Nikki: (Sighs) Victor, was there ever a time in your relationship with him that wasn't challenging? I mean, you and Hope were concerned even before he was born.
Victor: We were worried he would be blind from birth, as his mother was.
[Victor remembering]
Hope: I'm thinking about bringing a child into this world at such a great disadvantage.
Victor: We don't know that yet.
Hope: Yeah, but the odds, Victor.
Victor: And don't forget, I mean, the obstacles that you have overcome.
Hope: There's been suffering, too.
Victor: Yeah, but look at the woman that you have become.
Hope: I am very satisfied and content with my life. I accept who and what I am. But--but we are talking about my children, my babies.
Victor: And then he was born, and all our fears were laid to rest. He was a perfect baby.
[Victor remembering]
Victor: You forget how tiny they are.
Hope: (Chuckles) You can pick him up. He's tiny, but he won't break. He is your son. I'm sure he'd like nothing more than to feel his daddy's arms.
Victor: What do you want me to do, my boy?
Adam: (Fusses)
Victor: Just pick you up? Huh? Yes. Yes.
Adam: (Fusses)
Victor: Yes. Yes.
Adam: (Cries)
Victor: Yes. Yes. Yes.
Adam: (Fusses)
Victor: It's been so long since I've held a newborn in my arms, huh? It's a long time. Yeah. You're my little boy. You're my little boy.
Victor: (Sighs) Who could have imagined then what he would turn out to be?
Nikki: Maybe if you and Hope had raised him together...
Victor: By the time Adam was born, Hope and I were divorced, you know? She and I got along very well out on that farm, isolated away from the world. And then she came to Genoa City.
[Victor remembering]
Hope: I want to go back to the farm where I feel safe. My life isn't complicated, and there's a rhythm to my days. This is what I want for our son.
Victor: You made that decision without discussing it with me.
Hope: (Sobs) I know you have lawyers. And the thing that terrifies me the most is that... (Voice breaking) You will use all of your money and all of your power to take my baby away from me.
Victor: Who gave you those ideas? I would never do that. What are you talking about?
Hope: I'm so frightened.
Victor: What are you frightened of? What?
Hope: (Sobs) I'm hurting you. I'm hurting you, and I don't want to. I'm confused and... (Sobs) And I don't fit into your world. (Sobs) I just don’t. I tried. I can’t. I don't want that for our son. I want him to be comfortable. I want him to be happy.
Nikki: Not wanting her son to know his father I always thought was so extreme.
Victor: Yeah, but, you know, as hard as it was, I never resented Hope for it. (Sighs) And the few times that I saw the boy when he was growing up, I just have wonderful memories of that.
[Victor remembering]
Adam: I think I remember meeting you.
Victor: Yeah, a long time ago.
Adam: You gave me boxing gloves.
Victor: You remember that?
Adam: And your name-- it's Victor, just like mine.
Victor: Yeah, just like yours.
Adam: How do you know my mom?
Victor: Well, I met her on the farm. I used to work for her.
Victor: Sometimes I wondered if I'd made a mistake. I wondered if the day would come that he and I would meet each other as father and son, and that the truth would come out. I never thought that would happen because Hope was dying of cancer.
[Victor remembering]
Hope: I regret that I never told our son all these years that you were his father. I'm so sorry. I just wanted something different for him. I wanted him to be a normal person, to grow up in a simple home with the right values.
Victor: You gave him more than that. You gave him love.
Hope: But I deprived you of him in your life, all those years of watching him grow up and his childhood... I'm so sorry. Tell me that you agree with me, Victor, that we should tell our son the truth.
Victor: (Sighs) I did agree, and that decision changed our lives.
Nikki: You've never really talked about that day when Hope passed away.
Victor: To have to sit there and watch her suffer... all I could think about is how I'd be able to save her-- nothing I could do. And then I thought about our boy, how he would take the news of his mother dying.
[Victor remembering]
Hope: I asked Victor to be here today, Honey, because you--you need to... (Sighs) You deserve to know the truth. Victor and I-- we were married a long time ago. He's your father.
Adam: (Sighs) Mom, you're not making any sense. My father's dead.
Hope: No. Cliff Wilson is dead, and he loved you like a son. But he was not your biological father, Honey. Victor is.
Adam: (Breathing rapidly) Wha... okay. Okay, I know-- I know what you're doing, Mom. (Sighs) You're afraid of leaving me alone. But it's okay. You don't have to do this.
Hope: I don't have much time, Sweetheart, and there are only two things I can leave you with that really matter-- my love for you, which will go on and on... and the truth... the truth.
Nikki: Adam couldn't accept it.
Victor: I didn't expect him to. He was in shock.
Nikki: And then all of a sudden, there's the father he never knew existed.
Victor: Yeah.
[Victor remembering]
Hope: It was my decision to keep Victor away from you. I forced him out of your life.
Adam: You've already told me that.
Hope: Don't you see how easily he could have taken you away from me legally with... me being blind and his money and power?
Adam: He probably didn't want me.
Victor: That is not true.
Hope: It's not true, and I was wrong to think you would be all right without him in your life. Your father...
Adam: Mom. (Stammers)
Hope: No. This is my... my final... my only wish-- the two of you together. I have loved you both... with everything that I am. (Sighs) Take care of each other... for me... for me. (Sighs)
Victor: "Take care of each other"-- it's the last words she ever spoke, and I promised her that I'd do it.
Nikki: Yeah, well, Adam didn’t.
Victor: He had a hard time with his mother's death. He was overwhelmed. But I told him that I'd be there for him if he needed me.
[Victor remembering]
Adam: How could you leave me like this, mom? (Sighs) what am I supposed to do now? I hardly know who I am without you. (Breathing rapidly)
Adam: (Gasps)
Adam: That was my mother. You... you are nothing to me.
Victor: I haven't been your father, but I would like to be.
Victor: Adam was utterly lost that day. I was praying that he would come around eventually. If I'd only known then what I know now.
Nikki: Well, don't forget, after Hope's funeral, you did offer Adam a job.
[Victor remembering]
Adam: I didn't come here to bond with you or make up for lost time.
Victor: So you're not looking for a father.
Adam: Just a career move.
Victor: Then tomorrow morning, I'll gather the staff and you can meet senior management.
Adam: Okay. Uh, before you do that, you should know that I will be changing my name.
Victor: Oh. To what?
Adam: I'm gonna be using my middle name Adam and my father's last name Wilson...
Victor: Ah.
Adam: The only father I ever knew.
Victor: I do understand. (Purses lips) I hope, though, that in... months or years to come, you will take on the name Newman with pride.
Adam: (Sighs)
Victor: In that moment, I believed that he would come around. But I should have listened to him. He told me in blunt terms what he wanted, and it wasn't his family.
Nikki: Nicholas and Victoria knew right from the beginning that Adam wasn't interested in them as siblings. I think he viewed them more as obstacles, people he would have to compete with.
Victor: And I think he always felt cheated once he realized how they had grown up, although he denied it.
Nikki: The first of a long string of lies. I tell you, when we thought you were dead in Mexico, that's when Adam started showing his true colors.
Victor: And when I came back, I dealt with it.
[Nikki remembering]
Heather: Victor... Adam...
Adam: Mm.
Heather: Newman. Mm.
Adam: Victor.
Nikki: Adam stirred up so much trouble.
Victor: He ran roughshod over my business, not just at home. While I was gone, did Neil Winters keep the company on track?
Michael: Until your will was read.
Victor: What do you mean by that?
Michael: As you know, you gave Newman to Adam. His first orders of business were to fire Victoria and Neil.
Victor: I was so angry with Nicholas and Victoria, I handed the keys to the kingdom to Adam.
Nikki: Yes, but when you realized your mistake, you did take action.
[Victor remembering]
Victor: (Sighs) You can tell a great deal about a man by what he does when he thinks no one is watching. The way you treated not only Neil, but Nicholas and Victoria and even Zapato speaks volumes about your character, Son. I'm very disappointed in you, and you ought to be ashamed of yourself. I'm very glad your mother isn't around to see what has become of you.
Adam: Victor... Dad, please--
Victor: I not only want you out of my business, I want you out of this house.
Victor: I didn't know what he would do in retaliation, nor did I care.
Nikki: Wasn't that the same time when he joined forces with Jack to get back at you?
Victor: Yeah, when they concocted that diary. Mm-hmm. He was so full of bitterness and so arrogant, he turned out to be the perfect patsy.
[Victor remembering]
Adam: From the minute I got here, your family has treated me like dirt. Now I'm fine with that, okay? I can take it. But you... you playing the loving father and then turning on me... you ruined my life. You didn't just take Newman. You laid waste to everything-- my whole life I had scraped together to build, no thanks to you. Who the hell are you to do that?
Victor: And he was smug as hell. I remember him enjoying watching me suffer.
Nikki: Until the tables were turned. Wasn't it ironic that you were released and he was put in prison for framing you?
Victor: And I told him that he would have to do his penance not realizing that that would include inheriting the disease that blinded his mother.
[Victor remembering]
Victor: I've been afraid of this since before you were born.
Adam: I grew up knowing this could happen, but that’s... that's a lot different than actually believing it.
Victor: I really am sorry, Son.
Adam: What am I gonna do in here, Dad? How am I gonna survive?
Victor: He was terrified, utterly helpless, and he's my son. How could I turn my back on him?
Nikki: I suppose you couldn't have, but I was shocked when you brought him home.
Victor: And I thought he would appreciate what I had done. I really thought that... and that was a fatal error.
Nikki: You cannot blame yourself. Adam had a lot of people fooled.
Victor: He certainly did. I thought things would turn around. Instead, they were going straight to hell.
[Victor remembering]
Nick: (Grunts) I've been waiting for this.
Adam: (Grunts)
Nick: (Grunts)
(Office door slams shut)
Victor: What the hell is going on here?
Adam: (Breathing heavily)
Victor: They couldn't be in the same room without Nicholas wanting to beat the crap out of him.
Nikki: Well, being in love with the same woman didn't help.
Victor: Yeah, I was trying to get through to Adam in spite of all of that, but he wouldn't hear any of it.
Nikki: I'm just grateful that we were able to put the pieces together and figure out all of the deceitful things that Adam did, starting with Ashley. What he did to her, it was sick.
Victor: Even then, Adam could have redeemed himself in my eyes if he had just been honest when I questioned him.
[Victor remembering]
Victor: My mind is open, Adam. If the accusations against you are true, and you admit to your guilt, there's always room for forgiveness.
Adam: I don't know why we have to be going into this.
Victor: I'm giving you a chance to come forth with some honest answers.
Adam: I've been giving honest answers to Nick and Phyllis and Ashley over and over, and I've told them to come to me with some kind of proof that I'm lying, and they haven't been able to substantiate anything.
Victor: (Sighs) Then either you're innocent, or you're very, very devious.
Victor: He was lying, of course, and hiding so much more. So we had to confront him, get the truth out of him one way or the other.
[Victor remembering]
Adam: What's going on? Did you set me up?
Victor: You're in that chair because of your duplicity and lies. That's about to end.
Victor: He, of course, denied doing anything wrong, denied it over and over again.
Nikki: Even after Phyllis showed up with the final piece of the puzzle.
Victor: (Sighs) I don't think any of us were prepared to learn what we learned.
[Victor remembering]
Phyllis: "Mrs. Newman, I may not have much time left. I need you to know the truth. You had a miscarriage. You were not pregnant. After you lost the baby, your mind couldn't accept it. You suffered an hysterical pregnancy. You never gave birth. I'm so sorry I couldn't tell you before. Adam blackmailed me even to the end to convince you that you'd had the baby. So much more to tell, but no time. Eternal regret." (Sighs) "May God forgive me. Charles Taylor."
Victor: I could have killed that boy right then and there.
Victor: Now you tell me the truth.
Adam: (Grunts)
Victor: Tell me the truth. You tell me the truth!
Jack: Victor. Victor. Not yet. Not yet.
Adam: He lied! Dr. Taylor-- how can I confront him? He's not even here.
Nikki: Enough! Stop!
Nick: Sit down right now and shut your mouth, or I am not gonna stop him next time. I'll help him.
Victor: It just didn't seem real that Ashley had lost her baby, the baby I thought was hers and mine. Turned out, it belonged to... Nicholas and Sharon. Imagine that. Only a man without a soul could have done that.
[Victor remembering]
Victor: When your beautiful mother took you away from me and took you back to the farm in Kansas, I was saddened for a while. But I thought it would be a good idea to be raised on a farm, not here, not the spoiled son of a rich man. I honestly thought that Hope would do a hell of a job with you because she was just an essentially good woman. Now look what happened. The damage you have done to people-- what you have done to Ashley, what you have done to Sharon, what you tried to do to me.
Victor: I've heard people say that some--some kids are just born evil. I never wanted to believe it. I remember holding the little boy in my arms, those big, innocent eyes looking at me. I would have given the world to him. And now I want nothing to do with him.
(Telephone rings)
Victor: Yes? Oh, okay. Thank you. Yep. Thank you. (Sighs heavily) Court is reconvening. Judge Anderson is about to announce her ruling.
Judge Anderson: Let's begin.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Judge Anderson: My task was to decide whether there is sufficient evidence to hold Adam Newman over for trial on a litany of charges-- criminal conspiracy, fraud, kidnapping, an accessory to the murder of Richard Hightower. There were issues with both counsel and witnesses which taint the case against the defendant. Mr. Pomerantz had conflicts of interest to contend with both inside his own office as well as in the public defender's office. Because the law required that much of the state's evidence be excluded, this case hinged on witness testimony. It was claimed that Adam Newman waged a campaign of terror against Ashley Abbott as a means of revenge against her husband Victor Newman, the father he'd grown to resent. Ms. Abbott's psychological state at the time of the alleged assaults casts doubt on her story. The witness has a long history of mental instability. Her uncorroborated testimony and retrieved memories only served to underscore the court's questions about their veracity. Victor Newman testified about an ungrateful son who committed fraud and betrayed his family. However, many of his statements were unsubstantiated, and the court believes that Mr. Newman's testimony was shaded by his own bitter disappointment as a father. Certain other accusations appeared to be specious. For instance, Abby Newman told of finding hidden surveillance equipment that Adam Newman allegedly planted throughout the Newman residence, but Adam was living there at the time of the discovery, and therefore no crime was committed. Further, there is no forensic evidence that linked Adam to the bugs that were found, including one in his own private quarters. Jack Abbott claimed that he and his brother William were so concerned for their sister's safety that they were desperate to rescue her from the Newman ranch where they felt Ashley had fallen under Adam’s control. These allegations are unsupported. Furthermore, Jack Abbott’s concerns are tainted by strong and persistent rumors of his own complicity with Adam in the creation of a forged diary. Finally, Nicholas Newman testified that both he and his sister Victoria shared their father's harsh assessment of Adam, but the court again can't help wondering whether Adam wasn't more a threat to their shares of the Newman empire than to the family itself, and in Nicholas' case, a threat to his relationship with his ex-wife Sharon. Sharon Newman’s testimony about Adam’s alleged confession might have carried great weight in my decision, but without corroborating evidence, the court must consider the possibility that her decision to come forward and testify for the prosecution might suggest acrimony over a marriage that was ultimately annulled. The real victim in this case is in the courtroom today. An innocent man, Richard Hightower, is dead, and a young boy is without his father.
Billy: (Clears throat)
Judge Anderson: Unfortunately, the court can't offer them any justice, because it is my decision that the district attorney has not sustained his burden. Accordingly, the entire case against Adam Newman is dismissed without prejudice. (Bangs gavel)
People: (Gasp)
Vance: Congratulations, Pal. You're free.
Adam: Thank you.
Skye: Congratulations, Baby.
Owen: (Sighs)
Victor: What the hell just happened?
Jack: A kidnapper, a murderer, is going to walk because of your incompetence.
Owen: Look, I did the best that I could. Having a bunch of vengeful witnesses didn't help.
Victor: Even when he loses, he's pompous. Do me a favor-- tell everyone to come to the ranch as soon as possible, all right?
Jack: Okay.
Victor: Kindly spread the word.
Vance: How's it feel to be a free man again?
Adam: Pretty surreal.
Skye: Thank you so much, Vance, for everything. You're worth every dime.
Vance: Remember that when you get my bill.
Justin: Why'd you kill my dad? What'd he ever do to you?
Sally: Come away from that man, Honey. He's not a person you want to be anywhere near.
Jack: I don't care what any judge says. We are not going to let this stand.
Abby: Yeah, that freak has to pay for what he's done.
Jack: Listen, Victor wants us all to meet out at the ranch.
Billy: And you're going?
Jack: I'm kinda curious what he has in mind.
Sharon: What, are you here to criticize me some more?
Nick: I know I've been pretty harsh with you about Adam. But I appreciate you testifying. Without you, we never would have even had a chance.
Sharon: I guess it wasn't enough.
Victor: I just want to tell you how sorry I am, okay? About you losing your dad. I, too, grew up without having a father-- very lonely sometimes. I just want you to know if you ever need someone to talk to, you call me, all right? Ma'am? Kindly call me. I want to make sure that your nephew grows up without any financial worries.
Sally: (Chuckles) I've never heard of anything so kind and generous in my life. What can I say but thank you? Both of you. We'll never forget this, will we, Justin?
Victor: I know that it's going to be very hard for you, but remember, you're not alone.
Justin: Thank you, Mr. Newman.
Victor: You take care of yourself.
Victor: How are you feeling?
Ashley: I had to relive the most gut-wrenching moments of my life, and for what?
Adam: I'm sure you all have plenty you'd like to say to me. Go ahead. I can take whatever you got.
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victor: Thank you all for coming. I know this has been an extremely difficult day, to say the least. And we all rightfully have feelings of vengeance and wanting to lash out at Adam. I ask you all to do the opposite. Let go of it. Put it behind you.
Ashley: So are you actually saying you want us just to forget everything he's done to us?
Victor: If we allow Adam to disrupt our lives any more than he already has, if we allow him to goad us into feelings of anger and retaliation, of hatred, he wins. He triumphs. He thrives on creating chaos. So ignore him as if he never existed. Put him out of your mind, and we will win.
Skye: I don't get it, Adam. You just said a big "Screw you" to every one of those jerks who tried to take you down, so what's up with the crappy mood?
Adam: You wouldn't understand, Skye.
Skye: Obviously not.
Adam: Maybe we should reconsider things.
Skye: If by "Things," you mean our marriage, no way. We have an arrangement, Adam-- your name, my money, and you're not backin' out of that. When I come back, I will have champagne, and we are damn well gonna drink it.
Adam: (Sighs)
Adam: (Sighs)
[Adam remembering]
Hope: Getting all ready?
Adam: Well, I don't want to be late, Ma.
Hope: (Sighs) I just wish you could have stayed longer, Honey.
Adam: I know. I know. I know. I just--I gotta get there and get settled into my new place before my job starts.
Hope: Oh, yes, that big job on Wall Street you've always wanted. (Sighs) You know, you've always had a talent for it.
Adam: (Chuckles) What, business?
Hope: Yep. And I hope you use it wisely. Never lose track of your priorities, Honey.
Adam: Nope, not gonna happen, not gonna even go there. And you know what? If--if I did, you'd be on a plane to come find me and kick me in the butt.
Hope: Come here, you.
Hope: Wow. College and grad school behind you. My little boy... (Sniffles) Is leaving to go out into the real world.
Adam: Hey, hey, hey, hey.
Hope: (Sobs) Just hug me quickly. (Sniffles) I know you're anxious to get going.
Adam: Mom...
Hope: (Sniffles)
Adam: Mom, I will call you the second that I land, okay?
Hope: Promise?
Adam: Of course.
Hope: Okay.
Adam: I love you.
Hope: I love you, too. Honey? You are a good man, and I know you will make me very, very proud.
Victor: Adam must pay for his crimes, and he will, but not in our hands-- at his own. The crimes he committed against all of us will weigh so heavily on his shoulders, he will carry those sins for the rest of his life. He will never be a free man.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nick: You know, you and Faith could move in with me.
Nikki: I absolutely cannot believe this. Adam is suing us?
Skye: You won, Adam. Why can't you just walk away?
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