Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/11/10

Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/11/10 -- Canada; Thursday 8/12/10 -- U.S.A.


Episode # 9462 ~ Victor Outwits Tucker

Provided By Janis
Proofread By Emma

Paul: I wanted to see how you're doing and maybe get your mind off things. Maybe you want to catch a movie or grab a bite to eat, or... oh. (Sighs) Any news on Chance?

Nina: No, he's still in jail with cop haters.

Paul: Look, you have done everything you possibly can...

Nina: (Sighs)

Paul: To get him to drop the case, all right?

Nina: He just won't budge. Paul, I'm scared.

Paul: Chris and Heather are doing everything they possibly can to keep him safe.

Nina: If someone in jail wants him dead, there's not a lot they can do from out here.

Paul: I know. And Chance isn't the only son you're thinking about right now, is he?

Nina: You remember.

Paul: Yeah, it's his birthday.

Nina: Things would be so different if Chance's brother hadn't been kidnapped. (Sighs)

Chris: I just realized it's your birthday. For obvious reasons, it's hardly a date I'll forget.

Ronan: Just do me a favor, okay? Keep it to yourself. We don't need anybody connecting the dots, figuring this out, further compromising what's already been a tenuous investigation, okay? Besides, I hate birthdays.

Chris: (Scoffs) Well, you know, actually, I was thinking about Nina. This can't be an easy day for her.

(Door opens)

Chris: Heather.

Heather: Have you heard back from the department of justice about Chance's release?

Chris: Uh, no. I'm hoping to any moment.

Heather: (Sighs) And you explained to them the dangers?

Chris: Yeah, I did everything but get on my knees and beg.

Heather: Who would have guessed it would be this difficult to force someone out of jail?

Ronan: Well, if Chancellor wasn't such a know-it-all pain in the a--

Heather: All right, don’t. Don't say that about him, all right? He is trying to expose corruption on the force.

Ronan: Oh, well, he's chosen a piss-poor way of doing that, hasn't he?

Heather: Well, we haven't given him much of a choice, have we? So get off his case.

Ronan: That's a very ardent defense, Counselor.

Heather: (Scoffs) Oh, you--

Chris: Guys, please. Could we not argue?

Heather: I'm sorry. It's just this... (Sighs) It's-- this is really getting to me.

Chris: No, I-I know how worried you are about Chance.

Ronan: She should be. The bad guys that he's dealing with will eat him for breakfast.

Chris: So let's hope they'll make a decision soon.

Ronan: (Sighs) Well, if they don't, the chances of him coming out in one piece are very slim.

Chance: I'm surprised you came.

Chloe: Look, I may still be angry about what happened with you and Heather, but I do not want you being taken out by some goon, okay?

Chance: I broke the law. I've gotta do the time.

Chloe: Okay, you may not be the Boy Scout I thought you were, but I know that you don't do or sell drugs.

Chance: Well, I told you, I, uh--

Chloe: I don't care what you told me. (Sighs) Delia misses you.

Chance: Really?

Chloe: So why don't you go to the authorities and tell them the truth and get yourself out of here?

Chance: I can’t. I can’t.

Chloe: Then at least take them up on their offer of solitary confinement. (Sighs)

Chance: Chloe, I need to be in general population.

Chloe: Why? Why? Do you have some sort of death wish or something?

Chance: No, because I have a drug problem.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: And you can't score when you're in the hole.

Chloe: Oh, my God. Okay. I lived in New York, okay? I'm not stupid. I think that I would know if you had a drug problem or something, so stop saying this to me. I know you're not telling the truth.

Chance: (Sighs)

Chloe: (Whispers) What the hell is that?

Sofia: Baby, maybe we should look at other places.

Malcolm: We've already seen dozens.

Sofia: Malcolm, this is gonna be our first home together. I mean, other than this hotel suite. I want it to be perfect.

Malcolm: Yeah, well, your idea of perfect and my idea of perfect are night and day.

Sofia: Well, what is so terrible about a luxury condo with a doorman?

Malcolm: Well, in a house, you're not living on top of your neighbors. And, I mean, a yard would be nice.

Sofia: Well, you say that now, until you have to rake the leaves.

Malcolm: Baby, if we had a garage, I could-- I could have a photo studio.

Sofia: Well, I would die of boredom living out in the suburbs.

Malcolm: (Sighs) Okay. What about that town house we saw in Oak Creek? It's spacious. I'd have room for a darkroom, and it's only ten minutes from town.

Sofia: Yeah, but the master bedroom only has one sink.

Malcolm: So we'll take turns.

Sofia: (Chuckles) No. The carpets need replacing. Those light fixtures were hideous.

Malcolm: Well, I liked 'em.

Sofia: The whole place needs new paint. But the condo, Baby, on Wilholt, oh, its move-in ready. The closets are to die for. It's sleek and modern. (Sighs)

Malcolm: Yeah, and about as cozy as a museum.

Sofia: You are being unreasonable.

Malcolm: No, I'm trying to compromise.

Sofia: You are trying to get your own way.

Malcolm: Are we sure we even want to do this?

Sofia: Oh, I cannot have this conversation right now. Look, Tucker keeps texting me every three seconds. Listen, we'll finish this later, all right?

Neil: Does she make a habit of being late?

Tucker: She's the best at what she does, Neil. I'm not gonna dock her for running a few minutes late.

Neil: Well, I've worked for people who were far less understanding. Speaking of which, have you seen the latest cosmetics trades?

Tucker: You mean the one with Newman on the cover? Good picture.

Neil: They predict an incredible fourth quarter for Beauty of Nature.

Tucker: Yeah, well, they might want to take another look into that crystal ball of theirs.

Neil: Care to enlighten me?

Tucker: Ashley and I found out that Newman bribed a Japanese official to keep his hold on the market over there.

Neil: Your proof of this?

Tucker: Smoking gun, so to speak.

Neil: I guess it doesn't surprise me that Victor would go to those extremes.

Tucker: Well, it's exactly the kind of thing I expect from that arrogant S.O.B.

Sofia: Gentlemen.

Tucker: Mm.

Sofia: So sorry I'm late. Um, what'd I miss?

Neil: A bribe is huge leverage. It doesn't make sense to use it unless you're playing for high stakes.

Tucker: Maybe I am.

Sofia: Tucker.

Neil: So then the rumors are true?

Tucker: Rumors?

Neil: You're trying to take Beauty of Nature away from Victor.

Victor: Any idea when the judge might make his ruling?

Michael: About whether or not Adam will be bound over for trial? Soon, I imagine.

Victor: Meanwhile, set up the meeting with the department of justice, all right?

Michael: Victor, I am all for using the direct approach in dealing with Tucker's accusation, but, um, let's discuss what you're going to say.

Victor: Just set it up as soon as possible.

Michael: All right. Okay.

Victor: Today if you can, all right?

Michael: Excuse me.

Meggie: You were awesome.

Nikki: I was, wasn't I? I ought to apply for a job at the Genoa City P.D.

Meggie: (Chuckles)

Victor: What happened between the two of you? Why are you so chummy all of a sudden?

Meggie: I was attacked. Nikki saved my life.

Nikki: I'm a beast. Who knew?

Meggie: (Laughs)

Chloe: (Quietly) Show me that again. Okay, the idea of you putting that up your nose or in your arm--

Chance: (Quietly) Chloe, I would never do drugs.

Chloe: Okay, then why do you have it?

Chance: I am in here to find answers since no one else seems to care.

Chloe: So that's just a show.

Chance: Yes, because they need to know that I'm no threat.

Chloe: I saw the way that they looked at you. Nothing is worth getting your throat slit.

Chance: Chloe, just take these with you, okay? Put them someplace safe for me.

Chloe: Are you crazy?

Chance: Look, just-- this is the evidence that I've been looking for and that I need to blow this case wide-open. Then this whole thing will be over. I promise you.

Chloe: No. No. No. I'm not doing it. I may want you to rot in jail for what you did to me, but I am not gonna help you get yourself killed.

Heather: We have to tell Chance you're undercover.

Ronan: Really? How many times do we have to talk about this, huh?

Heather: How about as many times as it takes for it to make any sense to me? If Chance knew you that were part of a federal investigation, he wouldn't feel he had to go it alone.

Ronan: Do you know how much money that the city has dumped into this investigation? I mean, we are this close to our payoff. You want to jeopardize that right now? Really?

Chris: If the feds won't release him, we may have no choice.

Ronan: No. Look. Look. Look. We have--we have enough to make some major arrests around Genoa City and around the state, but we are so close to finding out who's running the show right now that we could--

Heather: We're talking about telling Chance, right? Not the whole world.

Ronan: It's bad enough that Christine already told you. We can't confide in that guy, especially with his penchant to fly off the handle the way he does. He's liable to get us all killed.

Chris: (Sighs) So we'll wait... for now, anyway.

Heather: (Sighs) Well, then I will go and plead with him again to let us bond him out of jail.

Ronan: You promise to keep your mouth shut.

Heather: (Scoffs) Yeah, I will, but I sure as hell won't enjoy it.

Ronan: (Sighs) I've gotta go, too. I've gotta go sit in with Meeks on a stakeout.

Chris: I'll call you if I hear Chance's release has been approved.

Ronan: Do you think we can trust her? Do you think that she can keep this secret?

Chris: I can understand why she's so torn. And I'll tell you, it is killing me not to tell Nina the truth about you. (Scoffs) And yet, you don't seem to have a problem with it.

Ronan: Why should I have a problem with it? She's never been a mother to me.

Chris: I almost believe you're as heartless as you sound.

Nina: Maybe if I had tried harder to find my baby back then--

Paul: No, no, no, no. That's not true. I-I'm telling you. My dad was lead investigator on that case, and I know for a fact that he and his men did everything they possibly could to find Rose and that couple that left the clinic with your baby. And they couldn't come up with... (Stammers) A trace of anything.

Nina: I hate Rose Deville. Telling me my baby was dead? I mean, luckily, Cricket didn't believe her. When I finally did track the bitch down, she demanded $20,000 to see my son.

Paul: And then you went to that house, and... it was like you were holding your baby for the very first time.

Nina: Oh, I was so ecstatic. I was gonna finally bring him home.

Paul: I can't imagine how painful it must have been when you discovered that the child was a girl.

Nina: I should have known Rose would trick me. It would--

Paul: You know what? I am trying to track down the mother of the girl. It's possible that she might remember something. I know it's been a long time.

Nina: (Sighs)

Paul: But it... there's still hope, okay?

Nina: What if he had an awful life, you know? What if he was abused or something?

Paul: Nina, stop it. He could have had wonderful parents, too.

Nina: Wonderful people don't just buy a baby on the black market.

Paul: You know what? I had very little to do with my--my daughter's upbringing, and look how terrific she turned out.

Nina: I just have so many questions, you know? What are his hopes and his dreams? And does he look like me? Does he even know I exist?

Paul: Well, I know one thing for sure-- he's smart, he's opinionated, and he's resilient. With you as his mother...

Nina: (Chuckles)

Paul: He'd have to be.

Nina: You're just what I needed today. Thanks.

Nikki: So when I saw what was going on, I hit this Shaw Roberts guy over the head with a water pitcher.

Victor: What?

Meggie: Oh, I don't know what I would have done if--if Nikki hadn't have intervened. I mean, once he got me alone... (Sighs)

Nikki: Yeah, they hauled him off in handcuffs.

Victor: This is an unbelievable story.

Nikki: Mm-hmm.

Victor: Thank God none of you were hurt.

Meggie: I'm sorry.

Victor: For what?

Meggie: For putting Nikki in that position and being so much trouble.

Victor: Well, you couldn't help that this man came after you. Not your fault.

Meggie: Still, you've been so generous, and all I've done is take advantage-- this house, the--the charge account at Fenmore’s. It was just so seductive.

Victor: Well, I can imagine it was, yes. I understand.

Meggie: I'm gonna get a job, pay back every penny.

Victor: You know, what I'm concerned about? If Shaw Roberts' friends in Ottawa hear about what happened, they'll come after you.

Nikki: I agree. Victor is right. I don't think it's safe for you to get a job out there. We'll find something for you here.

Meggie: I'll do anything-- housework, clean up after the--the horses.

Nikki: Well, we'll talk about it.

Meggie: Okay. (Chuckles)

Victor: All right. (Quietly) This is an unbelievable story. That's very brave of you to have done that.

Nikki: It happened so fast, I didn't even have time to be afraid.

Victor: Wow. Baby. What if something had happened, if I'd lost you?

Nikki: Oh, well, don't worry. I've hung up my tights and cape.

Victor: Are you sure you want her to work under he-- I mean, here at the ranch?

Nikki: Yeah, I'm okay with it. I think I'll give her a shot at being my assistant.

Victor: Well, that is more than generous of you to take her under your wing. I mean, that is really very nice.

Michael: I'm so sorry to interrupt. Hi, Nikki.

Nikki: Hi.

Michael: Um, Victor, the D.O.J. representative will meet with us at the club if we go right away.

Victor: Good work. I'll be right there, all right?

Michael: All right.

Nikki: You better go. Okay.

Victor: You know what I'm gonna do?

Nikki: Hmm?

Victor: I have a new job for you. You're gonna become my bodyguard.

Nikki: Ooh. I'm very expensive.

Victor: Are you?

Nikki: (Chuckles)

Victor: I'll be back as soon as I can, okay?

Nikki: Okay. Be careful. I won't be there to protect you.

Victor: Okay, Baby.

Nikki: (Laughs)

Victor: But you're hired.

Nikki: Thank you.

Victor: Yep.

Neil: If you did find a way to get Beauty of Nature away from Victor and combine it with Jabot, you would have...

Tucker: The biggest cosmetics company on the planet.

Sofia: Mm.

Neil: I think you're underestimating Victor if you think that exposing a bribe is all it'll take.

Sofia: I think you're underestimating Tucker.

Neil: You do understand that B. of N. is one of Victor's most successful subsidiaries? But more importantly, it is his daughter's pet project.

Tucker: Is that supposed to scare me?

Neil: If Victor ever decides to dismantle Newman Enterprises, it'll be the last company he'll give up out of pure sentimentality.

Tucker: Mm. (Sighs) Somehow I can't imagine Victor Newman with a sentimental bone in his body.

Neil: You don't know Victor like I know Victor. Family is everything to him. And if you're serious, really serious, about this undertaking, be prepared for all-out war.

Sid: Stakeouts-- I hate 'em.

Ronan: Mm.

Sid: Almost as much as I hate shadow detail.

Ronan: (Chuckles) Well, at least you're not watching Heather Stevens anymore, right?

Sid: The A.D.A. is a pain, the way she took off on me like that. That kid almost paid for it with a bullet, too.

Ronan: How'd that happen anyway, hmm?

Sid: (Chuckles)

Ronan: Her ditching you-- how'd that happen?

Sid: I had my nose in a book. Next thing I knew, she was gone.

Ronan: Well, she must be good if she evaded a pro like you.

Sid: Well, I didn't think she'd be stupid enough to bolt.

Ronan: Yeah, well, Chancellor was there to save her ass, right?

Sid: Yeah. I wonder how he knew to be just at the right place at just the right time.

Ronan: What are you getting at?

Sid: Speculating, that's all.

Ronan: What, that Chancellor's dirty?

Sid: Maybe his "Clean up the department" crusade is a front. Just like I told you, right?

[Sid remembering]

Man: It wasn't even five minutes before he hit me up for a score.

Sid: So when he's accidentally killed with all those drugs on him, he'll just look like another dirty cop. Better keep a close eye on him.

(Cell phone beeps)

Ronan: Mm.

Sid: Who is that from?

Ronan: Um, personal. I'm gonna get us some coffee. You want some?

(Cell phone rings)

Sid: Meeks. Don't worry, Sir. That problem's been taken care of.

Ronan: What was that about?

Sid: It's personal.

Man: Chancellor, you've got a visitor.

Chance: (Sighs)

Man: Don't screw this one in too tight.

Man: I know the plan, Man. Come on.

Man: All right, Chancellor comes in. He notices the light's out.

Man: He tries to tighten it.

Man: An electrical current hits gasoline.

Man: Bye-bye, Cop.

Man: Right.

Man: Come on. Let's go.

Chloe: (Sighs) You got my text.

Ronan: Yeah. So tell me-- any luck with Chance? (Sighs) Oh, Man, this roo-- this rookie's way out of his league on this one.

Chloe: Why do you care so much if he gets hurt? I mean, I'm engaged to him, but you hardly know him.

Ronan: Because cops protect their own. And besides, it's not like he's gonna find anything on the inside anyway.

Chloe: He already has.

Ronan: What?

Chloe: Drugs. (Sighs) And he wanted me to sneak them out.

Ronan: Did you?

Chloe: Yeah, right after I held up the liquor store at gunpoint.

Ronan: If Chance already has his hands on narcotics, then he's in... way deeper than I thought.

Chloe: Well, what can we do?

Ronan: Not we-- you. You're gonna go back in there, and this time, you're gonna bring me the stuff.

Chloe: (Laughs) You can forget about that. No.

Ronan: I know he cheated on you, Chloe. But if you care about him at all, you'll do this.

Chloe: (Sighs)

Chance: (Whispering) Take this. Put it somewhere safe.

Heather: (Whispering) If I'm caught with contraband, my career could be over.

Chance: Heather, I wouldn't ask unless I was desperate.

Heather: There's another way out of this.

Ronan: You promise to keep your mouth shut.

Heather: (Sighs)

Chance: Go on.

Heather: Never mind. (Sighs) Just give me the packet.

Man: No physical contact.

Chance: Sorry.

Meggie: I'm going to return these to Fenmore’s.

Nikki: No, don’t. You're gonna need to look your best if you work for me.

Meggie: For you?

Nikki: Yes, unless you would like to muck stalls.

Meggie: No. (Laughs) It would be an honor to work for you.

Nikki: Good. I've made a list of things that I need help with. I'm involved with a lot of different charities and civic projects, all of which have events coming up this fall. (Sighs)

Meggie: What do you want me to do?

Nikki: Go over that list. Get in touch with all of the organizations and then coordinate my personal calendar the next few months.

Meggie: That sounds easy.

Nikki: Mm, well, it isn’t. These are fund-raising committees, executive committees. Committees that need to form committees.

Meggie: (Chuckles)

Nikki: And I have to attend all of the meetings. (Sighs)

Meggie: Thank you, Nikki.

Nikki: You're welcome. It's, uh, kind of a lot to get acquainted with, so this morning, why don't you just try to get your feet wet?

Meggie: I can handle it.

Nikki: And if you have any questions, please just ask me.

Meggie: Great. Will do.

Nikki: If this doesn't work out, I'll find something else for you.

Meggie: Thanks.

Neil: I've seen Victor go to war before. He's like a tank. He's gonna roll over anyone who gets in his way.

Sofia: Your knowledge of how Victor operates could be a huge advantage for us.

Neil: Well, you can count me out.

Tucker: What?

Neil: Who do I work for? Chancellor Industries.

Sofia: It's still your battle.

Neil: How is it my battle, Sofia?

Sofia: Tucker's company owns almost half of Chancellor. Now if we're gonna get into it with Victor Newman, there could be some collateral damage.

Neil: Okay, Sofia, let me warn you. If you endanger Chancellor Industries by taking on Victor Newman, you're gonna be fighting a battle on two fronts. Do you understand that? Are you aware of what--?

Tucker: Shh, shh, shh, shh.

Neil: Malcolm, how are you?

Malcolm: Hey, Neil. If you're done harassing my fiancée, I'd like to talk with her. Baby.

Sofia: It's just work, Malcolm.

Malcolm: Right.

Tucker: Huh.

Neil: See that man that's with, uh, Victor and Michael Baldwin?

Tucker: Oh, yeah.

Neil: He's the chief department of justice officer in Genoa City.

Tucker: What do you think Newman's up to, Neil?

Neil: My guess? He's trying to end the war before it even begins.

Tucker: Bingo.

Malcolm: Look at us. We're fighting like an old married couple already. It's not a good sign, Baby.

Sofia: Well, that could be easily fixed.

Malcolm: How?

Sofia: Give me what I want.

Malcolm: I guess once the decision is made, there'll be nothing to fight over, right?

Sofia: Right. So the luxury condo with the doorman?

Malcolm: You'd better get back to your boss.

Victor: I would like to address the perception of impropriety head-on.

Man: Because of the gift you mentioned?

Victor: Well, it might be misconstrued by the authorities as an attempt on the part of Newman Cosmetics to influence the Asian market.

Michael: Which was certainly not Mr. Newman's intention.

Victor: It was simply meant to be a gift for an old friend in Japan.

Michael: I've prepared a-a written explanation.

Victor: And I will assume responsibility however you see fit.

Sofia: Why don't you just get in on it? What's the problem?

Neil: The project is even bigger...

Man: You've been sprung.

Chance: Well, how is that possible? I refused bail.

Man: Don't know, don't care. Now move it.

Chance: No.

Man: I need backup on cell block "B." Got me a nutcase.

Chance: (Sniffs)

Chloe: You just can't stay away from him, huh?

Heather: Why don't you worry about something that's actually important, like whether or not Chance is gonna live through the day.

(Loud explosion)

Heather: Oh, my God!

Chloe: What was that? What was that?

Heather: Uh, it sounded like an explosion.

Chloe: Chance?

Heather: Oh, my God! Oh, my God!

Chance: (Coughing, gagging)

Heather: Are you okay? Oh, my God. Thank God. Thank God you're all right. Oh.

Chance: (Breathing heavily) Wha--

Heather: (Sighs)

Paul: (Sighs) You know, I knew today would be rough. That's why I stopped by. You do know how much you mean to me, right?

Nina: Well, I thought I did.

Paul: I know you're upset because I-I kissed Chris. And I tried to explain that. (Sighs) It was the past. (Sighs) I was hoping you would understand.

Nina: So... you're telling me that what you had with Chris is over.

Paul: It is over. It's you and me right now. Here I am, both feet right in the present.

Nina: What about your lips? Where are they?

Paul: Lips, too. (Chuckles) What do you think?

(Doorbell rings)

Nina: Oh.

Paul: So much for you and me.

Nina: Yeah.

Chris: Is Paul here?

Nina: Yeah, come on in.

Paul: What's wrong?

Chris: The feds authorized Chance's release.

Paul: W-well, that's good news.

Chris: (Stammers) I just found there was an explosion at the jail.

Nina: Oh, my--

Paul: What happened?

Chris: All I know is that it was in Chance's cell block.

Nina: (Gasps)

Paul: D-d-don't get upset. You don't--he--he might have been released already.

Nina: What?

Chris: Oh, God, let's hope so.

Nina: (Sobs) Look, let's just go.

Paul: I-I'm on hold. I'm trying to get some information from the police department.

Nina: I can't wait. I want to see if my son's okay.

Paul: I understand.

Chance: Mom.

Nina: Oh, my God!

Chance: Hey, come here.

Nina: Oh, jeez. I thought you were--

Chance: It's okay. It's okay. Look. Stop. Stop. I'm here. I'm okay, all right? I'm good. Everything's fine. I understand you appealed to the department of justice to have me released.

Chris: It was for your own safety.

Heather: A couple more minutes, and it would have been too late.

Nina: Was the explosion definitely meant for you?

Chance: Yeah. Yeah, it was.

Nina: Oh, God.

Chance: It's okay. It's okay. Look, at least I know that I'm making people nervous, which means I'm on the right track.

Chris: Chance, you've gotta leave this alone.

Nina: My heart cannot stand another scare like this.

Chance: Okay. All right. Look, um, if you guys can excuse me for just a second, there's something I have to take care of.

Nina: Chance.

Heather: Chance.

Chance: It's not about the investigation. Calm down.

Heather: (Sighs)

Nina: I almost lost my son on the anniversary--

Chris: Oh, God. Look, you know, I will never forget that clinic where you gave birth.

Nina: (Sighs) Why did I ever trust Rose?

Chris: Look, we were kids.

Nina: Yeah, but you knew something was wrong. I was so stupid and naive.

Paul: You know, blaming yourself isn't gonna help us find your son.

Nina: (Sighs)

Heather: How is the search going?

Paul: Well, uh, I've had tougher cases, but not many.

Chris: That's never stopped you before.

Paul: I reread your book on the kidnapping.

Heather: What book?

Paul: It's called "A Cry in Thin Air," and I'm following up on the leads that came in after it was published. It's been a long time, but I'm trying.

Nina: So you're saying it's a long shot if not completely impossible.

Paul: Nothing's impossible.

Chris: You know, don't-- don't go away.

Nina: What's that about?

(Cell phone rings)

Chloe: (Sighs) What do you want, Chance?

Chance: Chloe, would you please come back to the house so that we can talk?

Chloe: No, but you can come to Jimmy's if you want.

Chance: (Sighs) Look, my mom's other son, the one that was kidnapped, well, today is his birthday. And the fact that I was almost killed-- I just can't leave her right now.

Chloe: Suit yourself then.

Chance: Chloe, I--    

(Phone hangs up)

Chance: (Sighs)

Heather: Everything all right?

Chance: No, it's not.

Heather: Chloe?

Chance: You know what? I don't really want to talk about it right now.

Heather: Then we won’t.

Ronan: Hey. Get me a beer. Whatever you have on tap's fine. So...

Chloe: I didn't get the drugs.

Ronan: And why didn't you?

Chloe: Because someone tried to blow up my fiancé in jail.

Ronan: Damn it.

Chloe: If he still is my fiancé. How could I have been so stupid? (Sighs)

Ronan: What are you talking about?

Chloe: When I saw he was still alive, I just stood there. I may as well have just pushed that tramp into his arms.

Ronan: Heather?

Chloe: I am really off my game.

Ronan: (Chuckles) Maybe because with Chance, it's not a game.

Chloe: I didn't come here for advice, okay, Buddy? If you can't see, I'm trying to have a pity party for myself.

Chloe: (Sighs) Ah, that's not a bad picture. It's pretty-- whoa.

Ronan: What?

Chloe: It's your birthday.

Meggie: I'm done.

Nikki: Whoa.

Meggie: (Chuckles)

Nikki: Calling all those people and tracking them down can be exhausting.

Meggie: I enjoyed it.

Nikki: Well, that's good. You can enjoy it again tomorrow.

Meggie: (Chuckles) Well, I've done everything. This is a printout of the notes on the calls I made. And this is a calendar I put together of your meetings.

Nikki: How on earth did you get this done so quickly?

Meggie: Well, I wasn't always a bartender. In fact, it's refreshing to use my brain instead of a baseball bat. (Chuckles)

Nikki: Well, you know what? I think you being my assistant is gonna work out just fine, just fine.

Malcolm: Yeah, hey, um, you have the condo downtown-- the modern condo with the massive closets? Uh, yeah, is that, uh-- yeah, the one my-- my fiancée fell in love with. That's it. Is--is that still available? Great. Cool, um, yeah, I-I'll--I'll be down, um, in a bit to sign the lease. All right. Thanks a lot. See you soon.

Sofia: Don't you want Chancellor to get in on the ground floor of this new cosmetics company?

Neil: There is no new company.

Tucker: There will be a new company when we combine Jabot with Beauty of Nature.

Neil: You're dreaming if you really think this is gonna happen.

Sofia: It would happen if you would help.

Neil: I can't help.

Sofia: (Scoffs) Why not?

Neil: Why? Because. Do you un--I worked for Victor Newman for a long, long time.

Sofia: So you feel indebted to him?

Neil: To some degree, yes, I do.

Tucker: It's just business, Neil.

Sofia and Neil: Nothing is just business.

Neil: Well, finally something that we agree on, huh?

Sofia: Call the Vatican. Hallelujah. It's a miracle.

Victor: Neil.

Neil: Victor.

Victor: Tucker.

Tucker: Victor.

Victor: Happy to inform you that the department of justice was very understanding about that little gun mix-up in Japan.

Tucker: I think what you're saying is they, uh, listened, but they haven't let you off the hook.

Victor: (Chuckles) Yet.

Tucker: Well, whether they do or they don't, it doesn't mean I won't take Beauty of Nature.

Michael: We have no doubt you'll try.

Heather: I hid the drugs you gave me in my office.

Chance: Those drugs came from the police evidence room, Heather.

Heather: How can you be sure?

Chance: There was remnants of police labeling tape on the packet that I saw.

Heather: So it's just like we thought.

Chance: Mm-hmm. I'm gonna break back in. I'm gonna put surveillance in there, and then I'm gonna find out once and for all who's behind all this.

Heather: No, that-- that's insane. You're obviously being watched.

Chance: Well, do you have a better idea?

Heather: Yes, we go to Owen. With his support, we can set up a sting operation the right way.

Owen: (Sighs)

Sid: Sir, we have a problem.

Owen: What is it?

Sid: Detective Chancellor was released just before the explosion.

Owen: Where is he now?

Sid: I'm not sure. Home, probably. What do you want us to do?

Owen: What I already ordered. Only this time, make sure your men get it right.

Paul: I want you to know that I will keep looking for your boy as long as you want me to.

Nina: Thank you.

Nina: (Chuckles)

Paul: What's this?

Chris: You can never give up, because you never know how things are gonna turn out.

Nina: You're a good friend.

Chris: Come over here and blow out this candle. (Chuckles) And make a wish for your missing son, because I promise you, wherever he is, whatever he's doing, he'll feel your love, and one day, you guys will find each other.

Nina: (Sighs) (Sighs)

Ronan: Forget about it, all right? I don't do birthdays.

Chloe: I just-- I think it's, uh, weird that your birthday...

Ronan: My birthday, what?

Chloe: Is very close to mine. Happy birthday. Let's celebrate.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Hope: You are a good man, and I know you will make me very, very proud.

Skye: We have an arrangement, Adam-- your name, my money, and you're not backin' out of that.

Judge Anderson: Let's begin.

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