Y&R Transcript Tuesday 8/10/10 -- Canada; Wednesday 8/11/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9461 ~ Sharon Has Two Words for Adam
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Adam: Get it through your head, Boss. You're not cross-examining Sharon, all right? I'm not lettin' you rip her apart.
Vance: (Quietly) It's your ass on the line, Kid.
Skye: (Quietly) Don't be stupid. Let your lawyer do his job.
Judge Anderson: Counsel, proceed with your cross.
Vance: (Normal voice) Another minute, your honor, please.
Judge Anderson: One minute.
Vance: (Quietly) You want to go to trial?
Adam: Of course, I do not want to go to trial.
Vance: Sharon's testimony about you almost guarantees you will.
Adam: You're the genius, Vance. You figure it out.
Skye: What is it about prison you miss so much? The company? The food?
Vance: (Chuckles) I won't eviscerate Sharon. I'll raise doubt. Look, she's mentally unstable. She's a klepto. She spent time in a psych hospital. We got it made.
Skye: At least let him bring up her history.
Vance: Yeah.
Adam: No. You do that, you're fired.
Judge Anderson: (Bangs gavel) Mr. Abrams.
Vance: (Normal voice) Your honor, Ms. Newman's testimony against her ex-husband should be regarded as prejudicial. At this time, I have no questions.
Judge Anderson: Ms. Newman, you may step down.
Victor: I had thought that Abrams would lean into Sharon much more heavily.
Nick: Adam promised he wouldn’t.
Victor: Why?
Nick: To ingratiate himself, make his feelings for her seem genuine.
Victor: If he thinks Sharon will forgive him, he's being delusional. That's good for us.
Nick: Well, it's Sharon I'm worried about.
Victor: Well, I think she did very well. Why--why are you worried about that? The question now is what Abrams has up his sleeve for us.
Abby: I-I don't understand. Why didn't the lawyer question Sharon?
Billy: You didn't see that? Adam wouldn't let his lawyer.
Traci: But she's our star witness. Why wouldn't he want to do damage control?
Billy: I think it's classic "Beauty and the Beast."
Jack: Only this time, the beast doesn't turn into a prince and get the girl. I have a feeling Sharon’s the only one that's gonna get off easy today.
Traci: Do you know who the next witness is?
Tucker: Have you testified yet?
Ashley: No, not yet.
Tucker: Well, I didn't mean to throw you before you take the stand. I just wanted to show my support.
Ashley: And you already have. I mean, you flew my sister here to be with me. My whole family's here. There's really no need for you to stay. Go on. Go take that conference call with Athens.
Tucker: No, Sofia is perfectly capable of handling it. I want to be here for you.
Ashley: I-it's not necessary, really.
Tucker: What's wrong?
Man: Ashley Abbott.
Ashley: Yeah? Okay, um, I'm being called to the stand.
Tucker: All right. Go on.
Victoria: Okay, that sounds great.
Jill: Hello, Victoria.
Victoria: Oh. (Sighs) Jill. Hello.
Jill: You know, I really didn't expect to find you here. I thought you'd be at Adam’s hearing.
Victoria: Yes, well, I'm handling some business for my father and Nicholas while they're at court. I wasn't called as a witness, so... I'm surprised that you're not there supporting Billy.
Jill: Yeah, well... (Chuckles) Jack's there.
Victoria: Oh. Well, I hope you're not planning on helping Adam with any more interviews.
Jill: Oh, my interview days are over. Billy fired me.
Victoria: He fired you? Why?
Jill: Because I am the one who sent Tucker the photo of the antique gun you used to bribe the Japanese official.
Victoria: I have no idea what you're talking about.
Jill: Oh, well, if that's the way you want to play it, that's fine, but... (Clears throat) Just so you know, when I tried to get the skinny, Billy totally shut me down. He didn't mention your name. He absolutely protected you. And then when the opportunity presented itself, there was Billy’s laptop, and I couldn't say no, so I went online, and there was this antique gun... (Sighs) Worth three-quarters of a million dollars? Victoria, that's a very large gift for a civil servant.
Victoria: So what did Mr. McCall offer you, anyway? Your old job back at Jabot?
Jill: I had my reasons, okay? But just so you know, Billy is furious with me.
Victoria: Was it worth it, alienating your son like that?
Jill: Well, we're family. You know, this'll blow over eventually. It always does, just like with you and Victor.
Victoria: Why would you tell me?
Jill: Because my son seems to care about you. Please don't blame Billy for my sin.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: It's over.
Sharon: Yeah, until the trial.
Victor: But you should be proud. It is your testimony that will make certain that justice will be served.
Sharon: Don't you wonder why Adam’s lawyer didn't question me?
Victor: I don't care to know why. I want him to go behind bars for a long time. Then I'll have something to celebrate.
Sharon: Well, I don't really feel like celebrating. Testifying just brought up a lot of old feelings for me-- my love for Adam and all the horrible things he did to everyone, almost losing Faith, and I thought... it doesn't really matter what I thought. What I had with Adam wasn't real, and that was right in front of me. I just chose not to see it.
Victor: Mm. (Sighs) You have to know that when Adam came to Genoa City, I had all the hope in the world for him. I'm his father. But he has been nothing but a destructive force.
Sharon: Classic denial then-- both of us.
Victor: I do not relish testifying against my own flesh and blood. But you better remember he has been vicious to everyone around him.
Sharon: Especially everyone who cared about him, everyone who befriended him. I--like Ashley.
Victor: Ashley will gain strength from your testimony. Trust me. Adam thought he would get away with it. You threw down the gauntlet. Don't you ever forget how bad of a man this is.
Ashley: Adam pretended to be my friend while, uh, terrorizing me.
Owen: How did he do that?
Ashley: By making me believe that the house I was living in was haunted, by making other people think that I was obsessed with victor's late wife Sabrina. He even made up a scrapbook about Sabrina and made it look like I'd done it.
Owen: Why didn't you tell anyone?
Ashley: I did, and Adam told me that if I kept talking about it, Victor, my then husband, would have me committed.
Owen: Tell me about the night you miscarried.
Ashley: Okay. (Sighs) Victor was out of town, and Adam had let the staff go, so it was just the two of us alone in the house. Uh, there was a storm raging outside, and all the electricity went out. I went upstairs. I fell asleep in my room, and I thought I heard somebody calling out my name, and I woke up, and I went to investigate.
Owen: What did you see?
Ashley: I saw Sabrina, but it was actually Adam. He was wearing the same dress that Sabrina was wearing the night she died. Uh, he had a veil covering his face. And then I heard Sabrina’s voice saying, "Death is coming. There is no escape." It was a-a tape recording.
Owen: How did you know it was Adam?
Ashley: Because I pulled off the veil, and I saw that it was Adam there. And I, uh, I was-- I was incredibly shocked. So I-I took a step back. And that's when I fell down the stairs. And I lost my baby. And I have to live with that for the rest of my life.
Owen: Thank you, Ms. Abbott. I'm finished with this witness.
Judge Anderson: Counselor.
Vance: Ms. Abbott, isn't it true you have a history of mental and emotional problems, mostly related to pregnancy and children?
Ashley: It was quite a long time ago.
Vance: And are you also prone to delusions and hallucinations? And weren't you institutionalized after an abortion?
Ashley: Yes.
Vance: And then once again after your child died? What was his name?
Ashley: Robert.
Vance: Robert. You were institutionalized after his death, yes?
Ashley: Not for very long.
Vance: Please explain to the court what happened.
Owen: Objection-- relevance.
Vance: It goes towards Ms. Abbott's credibility as a witness, your honor.
Judge Anderson: Overruled.
Vance: Why were you institutionalized after Robert’s death, Ms. Abbott?
Ashley: Because I couldn't accept that he was dead.
Vance: Isn't it true you insisted an empty baby blanket was your son? Answer the question, please, Ms. Abbott.
Ashley: Yes.
Vance: How many times have you been committed to psychiatric care? Three? Four? Five times?
Ashley: Maybe three.
Vance: But you're not sure?
Ashley: Technically four.
Vance: The last time after the miscarriage?
Ashley: I went voluntarily.
Vance: Why didn't you tell anyone that Adam dressed up as your husband's dead wife to scare you and that you miscarried?
Ashley: Because Adam had convinced me that it was a dream.
Vance: Mm-hmm. So you're telling the court you weren't able to discern reality, yes?
Ashley: I was confused.
Vance: Mm-hmm. Did you not, in fact, create an hysterical pregnancy after the fall?
Ashley: Yes, I did.
Vance: And once you realized what you'd done, you made Adam your convenient scapegoat.
Owen: Objection!
Judge Anderson: Sustained.
Vance: Adam was already persona non grata in the family, and you only started to point the finger at him after you had a so-called retrieved memory.
Ashley: I know what he did!
Vance: Am I right?
Ashley: I know the truth!
Vance: Mm-hmm. Did you know the truth when you thought you were being stalked by a dead woman? Or did you know the truth when you came screaming out of G.C. Memorial after having seen Nikki Newman, insisting you'd killed her? Did you know the truth when you begged Adam’s father not to send Adam away because, to quote you, "Adam is my only ally and friend. I find comfort in his kindness and devotion to me"? Did you say that? Answer the question, Ms. Abbott.
Owen: Objection. Mr. Abrams is badgering the witness, your honor.
Judge Anderson: Dial it back, Counselor. Do you need a few minutes?
Ashley: I'm okay. (Sniffles)
Vance: I'll make it easy for you. Ms. Abbott, do you have one scintilla of corroborating evidence that Adam said all the terrible things you described? The answer is no. I'm finished with this witness.
Judge Anderson: You may step down, Ms. Abbott. We'll take a 1-hour recess. (Bangs gavel)
Billy: (Clears throat) Hey, you did good. You did good.
Jack: Yeah. That jerk really went after you. You did fine.
Ashley: I knew that Adam’s lawyer was gonna dig up every single ugly moment from my past.
Traci: But the way he went after you...
Billy: Yeah, the jackass enjoyed every minute of it.
Ashley: I just wish I hadn't cried. I wanted to keep it together.
Jack: Hey, who wouldn't have fallen apart with an attack like that?
Ashley: (Sighs)
Abby: I want to kill Vance Abrams. I'm sorry, Mom.
Ashley: Thanks, Honey.
Victor: I'm sorry you had to endure this.
Jack: You know, I don't care who his lawyer is. Adam is not getting away with it this time.
Ashley: You know, I-I have to get some air, uh, before I go back in there.
Abby: Yeah, you seem like you're powering down.
Ashley: I am. I'm just--I'm pooped.
Billy: Go ahead. Go. We'll hold down the fort.
Jack: Yeah.
Ashley: I can’t. Abby's testifying.
Abby: No, um, it's not a big deal. I mean, I don't know anything, really, except Adam’s a perv.
Ashley: Oh, Honey, I'm not gonna feel right leaving you here.
Victor: I will be with her. Don't you worry, all right? Let's go inside.
Abby: Go.
Ashley: You're gonna be okay?
Abby: I promise.
Ashley: Okay, all right.
Traci: Come on. I'll drive you home.
Ashley: Uh, I'm gonna catch a cab. Do you want to walk me out, though?
Traci: Yeah, sure. (Clears throat)
Ashley: Traci, did you see Tucker leave?
Traci: No, was he here?
Ashley: In the back of the courtroom. I really didn't want him to hear that.
Traci: Oh, Ashley, I'm so sorry.
Ashley: I know.
Billy: Abrams certainly laid into Ashley.
Sharon: Yeah, that was pretty awful. I wanted to tell her how sorry I am, but I didn't think she'd want to hear that from me.
Billy: Probably a good idea. She got skewered. You... (Chuckles) Got away unscratched. I guess that's, uh, the upside of having a psychopath in love with you.
Nick: Just exactly how damaging was Ashley’s testimony?
Owen: (Sighs) Well, her history doesn't inspire confidence. If we had some solid evidence... uh, excuse me. I got a call my office.
Nick: Yeah.
Nick: How's Ashley?
Jack: That was tough. (Sighs)
Nick: Those were tough times for her and Dad. Can you believe the way Adam is still pursuing Sharon? I mean, showing up at the cabin, then calling off his attack dog over there.
Jack: Yeah, Adam is a fool. He just hurt his own case.
Nick: Yeah, well, Adam’s a bigger fool if he thinks that she is ever gonna change her mind about him.
Jack: Adam can have all the fantasies he wants about Sharon. It doesn't mean there's anything going on between them. Let it go.
Skye: You played Ashley brilliantly.
Vance: I wish I could have done the same with Sharon. If you do go to trial...
Adam: Even then, she will still be off-limits. Everyone else is expendable. You can take 'em all down.
Victoria: Uh, excuse me. Is Billy Abbott here?
Woman: I'm sorry. He's out of the office.
Victoria: Oh, well, do you expect him back anytime soon?
Woman: After the Adam Newman hearing. Would you like to leave a note?
Victoria: (Pops lips) Uh, no. I-I think I'll just wait. Thank you.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Tucker: Jill, what is it?
Jill: We had a deal. We had a deal, and I kept my end of the bargain. Now where is this hotshot investigator you were supposed to hook me up with? Okay, I don't want to ask you again.
Tucker: I haven't forgotten. It's on my list of things to do.
Jill: Oh, my God, it is one phone call. I got you that bribe info on the Newmans within hours. Plus, my son hates me now, and I don't blame him. (Sighs) I did it because I was desperate. You know why I did it.
Tucker: Right.
Jill: I'm desperate to find out about my family. My whole future depends on it.
Tucker: Settle down, Jill. I always keep my word.
Jill: (Sighs) No, you don’t. You better not screw me over, Tucker.
Tucker: I got in late last night and was out the door early this morning, you know? I'll make the call right now.
Jill: Can you blame me? Among other things, you are the man who booted his mother out of her own company.
Tucker: (Sighs) Broken record. Everybody plays it. Yeah, Dennis. Tucker. Yeah, hi. Uh, a woman by the name of Jill Abbott--
Jill: Fen--Fenmore.
Tucker: Jill Fenmore will be contacting you. Help her out with whatever she needs. No, on my dime. All right, yeah. Thanks.
(Knock on door)
Ashley: Tucker, you home?
Tucker: Hey. Hey.
Ashley: You left, uh, before I could talk to you.
Tucker: I'll explain. Come on in. Come on in.
Ashley: Oh, am I disturbing you?
Tucker: No.
Jill: No, I was just leaving. By the way, how did the hearing go?
Ashley: I left right after I testified.
Jill: Wow, and you lived to tell the tale. I've seen Vance Abrams in action, Ashley.
Tucker: Okay, name and number.
Jill: Good. Thank you. Thank you. And just for the record, I hope that Adam rots in prison for what he did to you.
Ashley: Thanks. (Sniffles)
Tucker: Well... (Sighs) I didn't expect to see you.
Ashley: (Sniffles) (Sighs) Look, I know why you left the courtroom, and I don't blame you. It's why I-I didn't want you there to begin with, Tucker.
Tucker: Abram's cross-examination was rough.
Ashley: Well, I know he made me look like I'm-- I'm a complete wacko.
Tucker: Well, that's not the way you came across at all.
Ashley: Look, I-I know that you're aware of my history because you wouldn't have hired me unless you had done a background check, but hearing all the gory details in person is a completely different story.
Tucker: Everyone has something in their past.
Ashley: Yeah. Um, I just want you to know that I'm concerned about how this is gonna reflect on Jabot, because people are gonna think that I'm not fit to run the company, and if Adam goes to trial, it's--it's only gonna get worse. So I'm willing to step down as C.E.O. before any damage can be done.
Vance: Miss Newman, you're a young woman who craves publicity. Isn't your appearance here just another form of self-promotion?
Abby: (Scoffs) Um, that's not true.
Vance: Another instance in which your exhibitionism has gotten the best of you. Isn't that right, "Miss Naked Heiress"?
Jack: What Adam did to my sister was criminal.
Vance: Mm. You condemn my client, but didn't you once conspire with him to forge a fake diary to undermine Victor Newman?
Jack: I helped him find a publisher.
Vance: You let him rot in prison while you lived in a mansion and drank champagne. Is there any reason we should doubt you will not sell Adam Newman down the river again? You watched your wife slip into mental incompetence and did absolutely nothing about it.
Victor: For your information, her best friend Olivia Winters is a doctor. She and I both prevailed upon Ashley to see a therapist.
Vance: Ashley's family begged you to get her help, and you denied getting her help.
Victor: That is--
Vance: You denied the care she so desperately needed.
Victor: That is not true.
Vance: As for your relationship with your son, it only became amiable once he was shackled to an ankle monitor and held hostage at your ranch. Am I right?
Victor: That is because he was under court-ordered house arrest.
Vance: When Adam exercised his independence, you severed ties because you are a control freak who insists on lording over the lives of your children.
Owen: Objection, you honor.
Nick: Adam was never interested in being a part of my family.
Vance: Well, you hated him from the start. I mean, he was the interloper, the gifted half brother with a degree from Harvard. You were worried he might steal your place at your father's side, that you'd have to share your trust fund. You were rivals for the same woman. Isn't it true that you never got over the fact that Adam married your ex-wife? The mother of your two children.
Owen: Objection-- irrelevant to the charges.
Vance: I'm proving a consistent and ongoing prejudice against my client, your honor. What we have here is a family feud. Everyone who's taken the stand against Adam has ulterior motives. These are not objective witnesses. For the D.A. to suggest they are not only demeans the court, but the very idea of justice.
Abby: How can he say these horrible things about us?
Victor: Adam found a lawyer as contemptible as he is. Ever seen anything like it? Me neither.
Owen: Conspiracy, fraud, kidnapping. We've heard a preponderance of evidence today from reliable witnesses, pillars of the community, victims of Adam Newman’s cruel machinations. Now despite Mr. Abram's attempts to divert justice, the case against Adam Newman is solid. At the very least, the death of Richard Hightower necessitates this case be heard. Don't be fooled by the defense counsel's tactics. Justice demands that Adam Newman be held over for trial.
Vance: Your honor, rarely do I see eye to eye with the district attorney, but in this case, I agree. Richard Hightower and his family deserve justice, but justice won't be served by putting Adam Newman on trial. This case is a travesty-- accusations with no foundation, charges with no physical evidence and a roster of so-called witnesses who, without exception, hold a deep-seated hatred for my client. They claim to be victims of some duplicitous plot, but I say the victim here is Adam Newman, and they are the perpetrators. Thank you, your honor.
Judge Anderson: I'll take this case under advisement and issue my decision within the next few days. Court is adjourned. (Bangs gavel)
Billy: "Perpetrators."
Jack: Wow.
Billy: Yeah, "Perpetrators."
Jack: I'm glad Traci and Abby didn't stick around for that.
Billy: Yeah, what a circus. Look, Man, I'm gonna go home. I'm gonna type these up while they're still fresh in my mind.
Jack: Uh, you gonna stop by the house later?
Billy: Yeah, sure.
Jack: I think we need to band around Ashley right now, okay?
Billy: Okay.
Victor: I hope the judge has the good sense to see Adam for who he really is.
Nick: Yeah. Excuse me, Dad.
Victor: Yep.
Skye: Where did you find all that history on Ashley?
Vance: It's public record.
Adam: I don't know about you, but, uh, I'm pretty happy with how it went today, huh?
Victor: All the smoke screens in the world ain't gonna hide what you have done, Son.
Nick: You said that Adam told you his lawyer wasn't gonna come after you.
Sharon: Yeah, and he didn't, despite what you thought.
Nick: I want to know why. Is there something else to this? Did you promise him anything?
Sharon: You mean, did I come on to him, or give him hope that something would happen between us? Nick, I can't believe that you think that little of me. I told the truth on that stand. I did what I said I would do. What's your problem?
Abby: Mom's not upstairs. Maybe she went to the office?
Traci: Oh. (Sighs) You know, I bet she had a few things to work through before she could face us.
Abby: I have never heard her talk about Robert before.
Traci: Honey, your mother has been through a lot, and I really admire her for how she's worked through all this.
Abby: I just wish there was something I could do to make her feel better.
Tucker: So how were things left with Cosima? Oh, yeah? You charmed 'em, didn't you, Sof? Oh, I knew you would. Good job. Listen, thanks for doing that for me. All right, I'll see you.
Tucker: Now... (Sighs) Back to our conversation. I don't want to hear another word about you stepping down.
Ashley: I really think I should.
Tucker: I know. I heard what you think. Now it's my turn. You were right.
Ashley: (Sighs)
Tucker: Your past wasn't a secret. And, yeah, the press can bring it up again. But that doesn't take away from the fact that you've done an excellent job as C.E.O. of Jabot. Now that's your boss talkin'.
Ashley: (Sighs) Thanks, Boss. (Sighs)
Tucker: Now, as your friend, nothing I witnessed in that courtroom changes my opinion of you. You know what? That's not true. I respect you more. I'm more impressed with you now because you're able to overcome such tremendous obstacles.
Ashley: Why did you leave without talking to me?
Tucker: (Sighs) Do you remember that first real conversation we had in the airport the day you intended to leave with Faith? Remember you told me that sometimes your family's concern for you makes you feel claustrophobic?
Ashley: Yeah.
Tucker: When you got off the stand, they were all around you, and I just wanted to give you space. That's why I left. I planned to call you later. I can't tell you how glad I am you showed up here now.
Ashley: Me, too.
Billy: (Vibrates lips) Hey, how you doin'? Do you mind gettin' me a sandwich or a soda? Anything? I really don't care.
Woman: There is someone here to see you.
Billy: Okay, thanks. Um, oh. What are you doing here?
Victoria: (Sighs) We have some... (Sighs) Unfinished business.
Billy: Okay. (Drops notepad on desk) Look, if you're here to chew me out again, then--
Victoria: No, that's not why I'm here. How did it go in court today?
Billy: Well, the judge won't make a decision for another couple of days. I tell you what, you can log online. You can read all about it as soon as I'm done posting it.
Victoria: You just can't resist, can you?
Billy: Oh, what? Do you think I'm exploiting it now?
Victoria: What, you're not?
Billy: (Cracks knuckles) You weren't there to see my sister get shredded by Adam’s blowhard lawyer, were you? No, you weren’t. So let me tell you what happened. He said that the Abbotts and the Newmans, they joined forces to gut poor, defenseless Adam, and now I'm gonna tell the truth, because it deserves to be told.
Victoria: Well, I don't understand. I mean, why shed any light on it at all? I mean, more publicity is just going to make things worse. Oh, but, of course, you have to sell your little magazine, don't you?
Billy: If you're done disapproving, then you can go out the little door.
Victoria: (Sighs) That's not why I'm here. I wanted to talk to you about what happened with Mr. McCall.
Billy: (Sighs) Oh, you mean about the information about the bribe that I never gave him?
Victoria: I know now that you told the truth.
Billy: Yeah? How'd you find that out?
Victoria: Your mother. She cornered me at the club and... she found the link to the gun on your computer, and she told me that she was the one that gave Mr. McCall the information.
Billy: You're a little rusty at this, aren't you-- apologizing?
Victoria: I'm sorry that I doubted you.
Billy: Is that the best that you can do?
Victoria: Honestly, why would you leave a bookmark like that on your computer in the first place...?
Billy: (Chuckles)
Victoria: When you know that it could be potential dynamite?
Billy: Okay, so technically, this is still my fault.
Victoria: Didn't you learn your lesson when Abby posted our wedding video all over the internet?
Billy: Hey, look. Look.
Victoria: I guess not.
Billy: I had no idea that my mother was gonna break into my laptop, go snooping around figuring out my password. But you, on the other hand, at this point--never mind.
Victoria: What? No. No. Tell me, please.
Billy: At this point in your life, you should realize not to listen to your father when he says anything bad about me, but no. He told you I sold you out, and you just didn't hesitate. You said, "Fine. I believe you, Daddy."
Victoria: I--sorry, but I confided in you, all right? And the next thing I hear, Mr. McCall knows everything.
Billy: Yeah, I-I-- I know what it looks like. But that doesn't explain the fact that you didn't believe me when I told you that I loved you and that I would never hurt you.
Adam: Think this'll go to trial?
Vance: I wish I could tell you it's a slam dunk that it won’t.
Skye: What are the odds?
Vance: 50/50. Without being able to cross-examine their star witness--
Adam: No, no, no, no. Enough, okay? Enough. I have no regrets.
Vance: I'll let you know when I hear from the judge's clerk.
Victor: Could you get a reading on the judge?
Owen: It could go either way.
Jack: Abrams did what he was paid to do--
Owen: Listen, if we go to trial, this is just a taste of what we're gonna have. Excuse me, Gentlemen.
Nick: Adam doesn't do anything unless there's something in it for him.
Sharon: Well, not this time. And I'm offended that you would think that of me.
Victor: What is wrong?
Sharon: Uh, Nick has accused me of striking some underhanded deal with Adam in exchange for not being questioned by his lawyer.
Victor: Son, that is ludicrous.
Sharon: Uh, thank you.
Jack: Nick, you gotta stop this.
Nick: I am simply concerned that she might have promised him something, even if she didn't mean it.
Sharon: I didn’t.
Nick: You shot Adam. Next thing you know, you are pictured together at a nightclub opening. Then you leave this courtroom unscathed? What do you think the media's gonna say?
Sharon: You know, I can handle a lot more than you give me credit for.
Victor: Son, don't go looking for it. We have enough trouble the way it is.
Jill: Yes, Mr. Hale? Jill Fenmore here. I believe Tucker McCall spoke to you about me. Yeah, um, look, I want to investigate my birth parents, and I hear that you're exceptional at that. (Sighs) You have no idea what I've been through to get your help.
Victoria: I never know, okay? I never know when you're playing around. I never know when you're being serious. I... (Sighs) I just don't know. (Sighs)
Billy: I, um, I meant every word.
Victoria: This isn’t... (Sighs) How I intended for this to go at all.
Billy: Yeah, me, neither.
Victoria: So I should probably go.
Billy: Probably should.
Billy: (Sighs) Yeah. (Clears throat)
Traci: (Chuckles)
Abby: You are the only person in this family who can chill everyone out.
Traci: (Laughs) That wasn't always the case.
Abby: Really? You're so mellow.
Traci: (Laughs) Well, I'm glad you think so.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Traci: Um, Sweetie, could I offer you some advice?
Abby: Uh-oh.
Traci: Oh, no, if you don't want to hear it, just say the word.
Abby: No, I do. I respect your opinion.
Traci: You know how you were saying that you would like to help your mother?
Abby: You want me to give up on my inheritance and my TV show.
Traci: Absolutely not. But while you're out there fighting for your money and looking for your next photo op, maybe you could remember to remind your parents how much you still love them.
Ashley: It's amazing, isn't it?
Tucker: Hmm?
Ashley: What a difference a few minutes makes. I mean, when I first came here, I was so depressed and upset. Now...
Tucker: Not so much?
Ashley: No, not so much.
Tucker: (Chuckles) You know...
Ashley: Hmm?
Tucker: It took a lot of courage for you to come here tonight. I'm so glad you're feeling like yourself again.
Nick: You know, if-- if that was Owen's "A" game in there, we could be in trouble.
Jack: I refuse to even contemplate the possibility of failure.
Victor: We should consider every possibility.
Nick: What the hell are we gonna do if Adam walks?
Victor: (Sighs heavily)
Skye: I wasn't kidding around before. If you lose, say good-bye to me and the Newman fund. Your broke ass will be sitting in prison. Hope your cellmate makes you happy, 'cause that's all you'll have.
Adam: You don't get it. I didn't have a choice. Not one that I could live with.
Sharon: Of course you had a choice.
Skye: Have you been eavesdropping back there?
Sharon: You heard me on the stand. You know how damaging my testimony was against you. You could have easily changed your mind at any point, but you didn’t. You kept your word. Thank you.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nina: Things would be so different if Chance's brother hadn't been kidnapped.
Chris: You're so good at pretending to be a jerk, I almost believe you're as heartless as you sound.
Neil: If you're serious about this undertaking, be prepared for all-out war.
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