Y&R Transcript Monday 8/9/10

Y&R Transcript Monday 8/9/10 -- Canada; Tuesday 8/10/10 -- USA


Episode # 9460 ~ Sharon Testifies

Provided By Janis
Proofread By Emma

Cane: What did the doctor say?

Lily: Did the babies pass their final checkup? Can they come home soon?

Woman: How about today? Is that soon enough?

Cane: Like today, like today today? Like today?

Lily: What, you mean, like, right now?

Devon: (Laughs)

Malcolm: That sounds like a yes.

Cane: (Laughs)

Devon: Nice.

Lily: Oh, my gosh. (Laughs)

Cane: Wow, um, I-I-I-it's just so soon. I did--I didn't expect-- 'cause I-I got so much more I have to do, uh...

Devon: Relax, Daddy-O. You're as ready as you're ever gonna be.

Lily: Yes.

Woman: I'll give you a packet of written instructions...

Cane: Okay.

Woman: And you can call anytime if you have any questions.

Cane: All right, thanks.

Malcolm: Whatever help you need, we’re right there.

Devon: That's right.

Lily: Right.

Malcolm: You- and I'll go with the nurse, and I'll get the lowdown on what we have to do.

Lily: Okay.

Cane: I can't believe it.

Lily: (Laughs)

Cane: I love you.

Cane: I (Sighs) Yay! All right, let's go.

Lily: Oh, my gosh, this is it, you guys...

Devon: Yeah.

Lily: The day that we've dreamed about. Our family is finally gonna be coming home.

Malcolm: Ohh.

Lily: (Laughs)

Devon: (Laughs)

Ashley: I'm so glad you called. If it hadn't been for your support, I don't know if I could actually face this.

Neil: Ashley, you're stronger than you think.

Ashley: Thank you so much, Neil. When you say it, I actually believe it.

Neil: I wish I could talk, but I gotta go. Uh, you take care, and I'll talk to you soon. All right? Bye-bye.

Sofia: Right on time, huh? I like that.

Neil: You will be, too.

Sofia: (Scoffs) Its half past on the button.

Neil: Well, I believe the meeting was set for a quarter past.

Sofia: Oh, well, maybe we got our signals crossed, huh?

Neil: The biodiesel initiative-- you said in your e-mail that you're leaning towards an Australian company.

Sofia: Well, yeah. Tucker gave it the go-ahead.

Neil: Without my input.

Sofia: Well, that's why we're here, Neil.

Neil: Sofia, why did you fold on Reykjavik? The business environment in Iceland right now is--

Sofia: Well, Tucker and I had our reasons. Look, for example, if we go to Australia, it's a better idea for--

Neil: I will not be able to give you any answers until I speak to Katherine personally.

(Cell phone rings)

Sofia: Understood.

Neil: Oh. Excuse me one moment, would you? (Scoffs)

Neil: Neil Winters.

Malcolm: You sittin' down? Good, 'cause Charlie and Matilda are comin' home today.

Neil: Now that's terrific news.

Malcolm: Yeah, Man. All right, well, we're all headin' home now.

Neil: I'll meet you there. I'm gonna have to cut this meeting short.

Sofia: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wait. Wait.

Neil: I'll get back to you as soon as I have something to get back to you with as soon as I talk to Katherine. Have a nice day.

Sofia: (Scoffs)

Meggie: Yeah, I'll be waiting out front.

Nikki: Are you going somewhere?

Meggie: Oh, the driver's taking me to Fenmore’s.

Nikki: Again?

Meggie: Well, you and Victor have your hands full with court, so I-I just wanted to get out of your hair.

Nikki: Meggie--

Meggie: Have a good one.

Victor: Did Meggie just leave? What has she done now?

Nikki: I have tried my best to be patient with that woman. But for somebody who claims to be in danger, needs protection, she is livin' the high life right out in the open. She is spending your money like water. She knows you're distracted, so I think she's taking advantage, and if you don't say anything to her, Victor, I will.

Victor: Well, Sweetheart, I don't blame you for sticking up for me. That's very nice of you.

Ashley: I really like Emily. I'm so sorry it didn't work out.

Jack: Yeah, it was no one's fault. We got off to a rotten start, and there was no setting things right again.

Billy: Yeah, well, there must be something in the water. Victoria dumped me.

Jack: What, you two broke up?

Ashley: What happened?

Billy: (Sighs) Her father fed her a bunch of lies.

Ashley: (Clears throat)

Billy: Next thing you know, she won't return my calls.

Ashley: Yeah?

Billy: Mm-hmm. Don't-- okay just do it.

Ashley: I told you so. There it is.

Tucker: Hello? Anyone home?

Ashley: Oh.

Jack: Oh, please tell me you did not give that man a key.

Ashley: Oh, shut up, hi. We're just finishing lunch.

Tucker: Hey, uh, the door was unlocked. I'm sorry to barge in like this. But listen I need to talk to you.

Ashley: It's okay. What's going on?

Tucker: I have a surprise for you.

Billy: Oh!

Traci: (Laughs)

Jack: Traci.

Traci: Hello.

Ashley: Traci, hi!

Traci: Hi.

Jack: How did you get here? All the flights from New York were booked.

Traci: Oh, they were booked. But Tucker came and got me. He brought me in his jet.

Billy: Well.

Tucker: I didn't want you to have to face Adam's hearing without your whole family here.

Ashley: Thank you.

Traci: (Chuckles)

Jack: Wow.

Billy: How are you?

Traci: I'm good thank you. Thank you so much.

Ashley: What a guy.

Abby: Aunt Traci.

Tucker: I need you...

All: (Laugh)

Adam: If my lawyer goes after you on the stand, he knows I will fire him on the spot.

Nick: What the hell are you doing here?

Adam: I didn't come to fight. I said what I had to say.

Sharon: (Sighs)

Nick: Whatever it was, I hope you know you can’t do that.

Sharon: (Sighs) Actually, you know what? This time, I do.

Skye: I don't care what Adam wants. I'm paying your fee, and we're gonna go after Sharon.

Vance: And Sharon won’t know what hit her.

Skye: So do what it takes to get him out of this mess.

Adam: I told the two of you we're not attacking Sharon. Now the both of you are going behind my back anyway? Listen to me. We're going to leave Sharon alone, all right? This is my last warning to the two of you.

Skye: Nothing says "Love" like a 9-millimeter bullet--

Adam: You know what, Skye? You're gonna want to drop it.

Skye: I need some air. Meet you downstairs? Talk some sense into your client, will you?

Vance: Yeah.

Adam: You know, if you have a problem with this, then I--

Vance: I do--a big one. If I'm not allowed to cross-examine the witnesses, you're looking at an almost certain trial. And in front of a jury, if Sharon goes on about your "Confession” You're going to prison, Pal.

Adam: Message received. We're gonna do this my way, though, okay? We're gonna back off of Sharon. It's not a request. It's not a suggestion. It is an order, Vance.

Vance: Got it.

Nick: Adam has never told you the truth a day in his life. He is desperate, Sharon. Can you not see that?

Sharon: He just came by to tell me that I don't to worry about being crucified on the stand today.

Nick: Oh, sure, and if he can con you into believing that, maybe you'll forget all the horrible things he's done.

Sharon: Oh, there you go again, treating me like I'm too stupid to think for myself.

Nick: Sharon, I'm just trying to protect you.

Sharon: Well, I think I need protection from Adam and you. Go. Yeah, I have things I to do today before court. Assured, the judge will hear every detail of how I was victimized.

Nick: Hmm.

Sharon: Okay, actually I’m mad at both of you-- at you, for thinking that I'm some idiot and Adam, for not taking no for an answer when I've repeatedly told him that I don't want to see him. And I'm mad at myself, too, for letting my guard down with both of you, which is a mistake I will never make again. (Sighs)

Victor: If Meggie gives you any trouble, then let's discuss it, okay?

Nikki: (Sighs) Victor, you have so much going on. I'm just saying, we don't know that she is in danger. Yes, we owe her for saving your life. But really, she could be playing us.

Victor: Oh, come on. She's not playing us. She's having fun for a while in the department store. Look, once Adam gets his punishment, then let me deal with it then, all right?

Nikki: All right, well, now that we've discussed it, I feel a little better about that. I will handle Meggie. You handle Adam.

Victor: I’ll make sure that monster goes to trial. (Sighs heavily) You bet. It's weighing-- weighing on me.

Traci: Abby!

Abby: Hey.

Traci: Honey, great surprise!

Abby: (Laughs) Hi.

Traci: Hi, little girl. What are you doing out here all by yourself?

Abby: Oh, I wasn't sure if I should go in. I'm not exactly everyone's favorite person these days.

Traci: Well, suing your parents and getting arrested will do that.

Abby: You know.

Traci: (Laughs)

Abby: And you don't hate me?

Traci: Oh, my goodness. God knows that Colleen pulled a few things while she was growing up that made me cringe. I'll tell you what we'll do. I will go get my bag, and then you can come inside with me, okay? And when your mother sees that you're here with great intentions, I think she'll be really moved.

Abby: (Sighs)

Ashley: Thank you so much for bringing Traci out here.

Tucker: (Sighs) I really wish I could be in court myself. If it wasn't for this conference call with Athens, I'd be there.

Ashley: It's okay. Like you said, my whole family's gonna be here.

Billy: Yeah, we can take care of our sister, Buddy.

Ashley: Yeah.

Tucker: (Chuckles) I know you will.

Ashley: Go take your meeting, okay?

Tucker: I'll fill you in.

Ashley: Oh.

Tucker: I'll be thinking of you...

Ashley: Oh, thank you.

Tucker: Okay?

Ashley: Yeah.

Traci: (Clears throat) Thanks again.

Tucker: Sure.

Traci: Well, look who I found outside. Was she coming with us?

Abby: (Sighs)

Ashley: I assumed we would meet at the courthouse.

Abby: Look everybody-- see no mikes. (Chuckles)

Jack: Are we supposed to be impressed by that?

Abby: (Sighs) I was practicing my testimony about Adam, and it just brought back a lot of horrible creepy memories-- the way he used to lurk around and spy on us when we thought we were alone. I couldn't stand being by myself, so I came to be with you guys. Was that a mistake?

Owen: Sharon, you're up first.

Sharon: Okay, thanks for the warning.

Owen: Any second thoughts?

Sharon: Nope. I am going to tell the judge everything that Adam did.

Ashley: You've been so hostile towards your father and me. I'm just kind of wondering, is that the ongoing plan to assert your independence?

Abby: I didn't mean to hurt you or Dad.

Ashley: Really? Okay, well, you have...

Abby: (Sighs)

Ashley: Repeatedly. I don't condone anything you've done. You know that. Abby, you're my daughter. I love you so much. You were with me when I was going through that horrible time with Adam, and I... I really don't know how I ever could have gotten through it without you. Come here.

Abby: (Sighs) I, um, I left my sunglasses in the car, so I'm just gonna go grab 'em.

Ashley: Oh.

Traci: Under all that attitude, Abby is still the scared little girl that I found at Colleen's grave on Christmas Eve. She just doesn't want anybody else to see that side of her.

Ashley: I know. It's kind of weird. It's sort of like Tucker and me. (Sighs) I'm so relieved he's not gonna be in court, Traci. I mean, I don't think he's given what he's heard much credence. He's told me how strong he thinks I am, and how he could never imagine me having a breakdown. But the reality...

Traci: And you don't want him to hear the gory details.

Ashley: No.

Jack: You keep dodging my questions about Victoria obviously, you're upset.

Billy: Hmm.

Jack: You look like I felt this morning when I realized Emily was never coming back. I just want to say, I know it hurts like hell.

Billy: Yeah, well, the only way out is through it, right?

Victor: Billy Abbott is a real jackass, and I'm glad your sister is finally realizing it.

Nikki: Well, it doesn't mean she's not in a lot of pain.

Nick: Vick just needs some time to regroup. I mean, she was still pretty torn up when I talked to her this morning.

Victor: Will she join us?

Nick: I doubt it. She has Reed for half a day, and then she was gonna head into the office.

Victor: Uh-huh.

Nikki: Well, she's probably trying to keep her mind off things.

Victor: (Sighs)

Nick: You know, it might be a good idea if we dragged her to the courthouse. Watching Adam get his beat-down might make everyone feel a lot better. I think I'll head over there.

Victor: All right, so I'll see you there.

Nick: Okay.

Victor: Okay.

Nikki: Bye, Honey.

Meggie: Well, hello. I guess I get to wish you good luck in person.

Victor: Well, thank you, Meggie. That's very kind of you.

Nikki: Why don't you take care of it now, whatever's bothering you, okay?

Victor: This won't take long. All right I'll see you all later.

Nikki: Wow, that's quite the haul.

Meggie: (Chuckles) They were having a very big sale.

Nikki: Hmm.

Meggie: (Laughs) 

Nikki: You know, Meggie, when you first got here, all you had were the clothes on your back, and Victor very generously gave you access to his credit card. We assumed that you would stick to the essentials.

Meggie: Well, you know what they say about assumptions.

Nikki: I think you're taking advantage of my husband's generosity. In fact, I'm to the point where I don't know if anything that comes out of your mouth is true.

Meggie: (Chuckles) (Sighs)

Nikki: When I see you in the world, I just have to wonder how much danger you really are in.

Meggie: Shaw Roberts is vicious. When I helped Victor, I became his enemy.

Nikki: So you're sticking to that story then, that-- that he's a real threat against you?

Meggie: If you don't believe me, ask Victor.

Nikki: Oh, Victor and I have discussed your situation, and we are quite ready to help you. It's just that you can't walk all over us.

Meggie: Okay, if Victor is having all of these doubts, why hasn't he said anything to me?

Nikki: Because he actually has a lot more important things to attend to right now. As a matter of fact, so do I. I should be with my family right now, not arguing with you.

Meggie: Listen, if you had seen how my bar got shot up, you'd understand that I did have to go on the run.

Nikki: Okay. Okay. But if you are scamming us, God help you.

Meggie: (Scoffs)

Devon: Here.

Lily: Welcome to your new home.

Cane: Oh, what do you think, Charlie? Take a look.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Malcolm: They look pretty.

Cane: Yeah.

Devon: You think Matilda approves, huh?

Cane: Yeah, and you both have a wonderful new nursery waiting for you that was just set up, thanks to your Uncle Devon and your Grandpa Malcolm.

Devon: That's right, just in the nick of time, too.

Cane: Mm-hmm.

Lily: Yep, and you get presents that everyone got you because we're so thrilled that you're here.

Devon: Can I see him?

Malcolm: Wow.

Devon: I got you.

Malcolm: Wow.

Lily: Careful.

Malcolm: I got you, Baby. I got you. Hey, Little Mama. Hey, look at you.

Cane: Hey.

Malcolm: Hi, somebody.

Cane: Are you okay?

Malcolm: Oh, wow.

Lily: Yeah. It's just, you know, all the nights that I've lain awake wondering if we'd ever see this day, and it's real, isn't it? Everything that we've been through the past year is finally ending.

Cane: Damn right it is. Come here.

Lily: (Chuckles) Hey.

Cane: Hey.

Neil: I'm so, so sorry. I got held up.

Lily: No, it's fine. We just got here ourselves.

Neil: Oh, look at this. How special is this moment? Can I hold--you know what?

Devon: Yeah, of course. Sanitize your hands.

Neil: Um, let me put a little sanitizer on.

Lily: (Chuckles) Aw. There they are.

Devon: Want to go to Grandpa?

Neil: Oh, my goodness.

Malcolm: There she is.

Neil: Matilda.

Lily: Careful.

Malcolm: There she is.

Neil: Beautiful baby. Oh, you look like your mother.

Lily: (Laughs)

Neil: And this is Charlie. Hi, Charlie. I got him. I got him.

Devon: You got him? Okay. (Laughs)

Malcolm: Oh, wow.

Neil: Wow.

Devon: It's like riding a bike, huh? (Chuckles)

Neil: You know, when you were born, and your mother, she placed you in my arms...

Neil: You took my breath away. You were the most beautiful baby that I had ever seen in my life... till right now.

Lily: Dad. (Chucks) Aren't they incredible?

Devon: (Chuckles)

Neil: Thank you so much.

(Knock on door)

Sofia: Hey.

Malcolm: Hey, Baby. Glad you could make it.

Sofia: Oh, your timing was perfect. Neil got called away from our meeting unexpectedly, so...

Malcolm: You two were together?

Sofia: Oh, well, good thing you got a hold of me after you phoned your brother, or I would never have known about the twins coming home.

Neil: Here, will you take him?

Cane: Sure.

Sofia: Ohh.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Neil: (Sighs)

Malcolm: You two were together and you didn't tell her? Yo, what's up with that, Neil? Since when have you been that petty?

Victor: You seem nervous.

Sharon: Um, well, I am. I mean, I'm-- I'm a little nervous, but whatever the day brings, I'm ready for it.

Victor: I'm very proud of you.

Jack: That makes two of us.

Traci: I met Vance Abrams once at a party, and I'm sure he wouldn't remember me.

Ashley: So what was he like?

Traci: (Sighs) Intense.

Ashley: Great. I can hardly wait.

Traci: Do not let him intimidate you.

Ashley: I know. Okay. I mean, you're right. I know you're right.

Skye: Whose idea was it to bar the press?

Vance: Ours. I filed a motion. In the unlikely event this doesn’t go our way I don't want any potential jury pools tainted any more than they already are. And to my surprise, the judge went along with it.

Adam: It must be killing the D.A., though. He's the biggest publicity hound that ever lived.

Vance: The more I can knock him off his game, the better.

Ashley: Sharon, Traci tells me that Vance Abrams is a real force to be reckoned with.

Sharon: Um, I don't think we have to worry about Vance Abrams.

Ashley: What do you mean?

Sharon: Um, remember, we have the truth on our side. Just something tells me it's gonna be okay.

Abby: Hi.

Victor: I'm glad you showed up for your mother.

Abby: Well, I figured I'd put our issues aside until we're sure that Adam isn't going to get away with screwing everyone over.

Victor: That's a very good decision.

Man: Come to order, please. Now in session. Judge Delores Anderson presiding. 

Judge Anderson: All right, let's get started. Mr. Pomerantz.

Owen: Thank you, your honor. Today, we'll hear testimony from numerous people who were victimized by the accused, people who suffered terrible tragedies, people who were pushed to their absolute limit.

[Ashley remembering]

Ashley: Where’s my little girl... please tell me what happened to her. What happened to her? Please? I'm begging you, Adam.

Adam: Ashley, I don't know what happened.

Owen: The man responsible for all this human carnage sits before you. Adam Newman, the man who tore apart families and terrorized the innocent, causing irreparable mental, physical and emotional pain.

[Jack remembering]

Jack: That's when I knew if I backed away, to let you deceive and trust me, that's exactly what's happening, I couldn't live myself. Every time I see you, you're-- you're a little more gaunt, a little more pale. You haven't slept. You look much too thin for me. Sis, like you're living on tea and nightmares.

Ashley: Stop it. Just stop it.

Owen: This court will hear testimony that Adam committed fraud, conspiracy, kidnapping, and possibly was an accessory in the murder of Richard Hightower, going so far as to frame his own brother for the crime.

[Nick remembering]

Nick: You know, I met his little boy... His son. I heard you met him, too. I heard he hugged you. So you took this little boy in your arms, and you let him thank you for saving his father's life, and the whole time, you were setting the man up to die. Now your fancy lawyer may keep you out of prison, Adam. But you got another judgment coming, and that one's gonna reserve you a permanent place in hell.

Owen: As I'm sure your honor will see, there's more than enough evidence here to try this convicted felon for the horrific new crimes he's committed.

Vance: (Sighs) (Clears throat) Look out in the gallery, your honor. Everyone there has a personal vendetta against my client. They're out to destroy him, an ongoing effort led by none other than my client's father, Victor Newman,  a son he now wants to obliterate him from his existence.

[Victor remembering]

Victor: I told Michael Baldwin to update my will. You've been formally disowned. Any trace of your existence will be removed from the ranch and the Newman offices. In other words, you have been erased. I wish I'd done it before you could cause all this much damage and cause this much pain.

Vance: Adam's accusers can't keep their stories straight, so their entire case hinges on the testimony of one witness, Sharon Newman, Adam's ex-wife, who claims she heard Adam confess, yet there's no evidence to prove this. A woman who vowed to love, honor and cherish her husband has turned around and betrayed him.

[Sharon remembering]

Adam: I almost did something so desperate tonight, Sharon, desperate and horrible. I just--I couldn't go. I don't want to be that person anymore. I need you to save me. Save me again, please, like you've done before. My life depends on it.

Sharon: Adam...

Adam: Yes?

Sharon: (Whispers) I'm sorry.

Vance: My client is an innocent man being railroaded by a mob of vigilantes. The only fair outcome is to drop all charges against my client and let the man go home. Thank you, your honor.

Judge Anderson: Call your first witness.

Owen: I call Sharon Newman.

Nikki: Meggie? I'm leaving now. Meggie? (Sighs) "Nikki, sorry I intruded on your lives. I never meant to upset anyone. Good-bye." (Sighs)

(Cell phone rings) (Ring) (Ring)

Meggie: Yes?

Nikki: I got your note. What the hell do you think you're doing?

Meggie: You know, I don't stick around where I'm not welcome. You want me gone, I'm gone.

Nikki: And where exactly are you going?

Meggie: No clue. I'm at Crimson Lights now trying to figure that out.

Nikki: If anything happened to you, God forbid, Victor would never forgive me.

Meggie: Well, you obviously think I'm making all of this up, so... why lose any sleep over it? Right?

Nikki: All right, look, just stay there. I'm gonna come by and pick you up on the way to court.

Nikki: Victor had better be right about this woman. That's all I have to say.

Lily: A bathwater thermometer. This is amazing. Thank you.

Sofia: A friend of mine had twins a year ago. Girl, she said she couldn't live without it.

Lily: Oh, wow.

Cane: Well, you know, it makes sense, considering how critical it is to keep them warm, so thank you very much. Thank you.

Lily: Yeah, thank you so much. I'm so glad that you're in town, finally.

Devon: Yeah, it's been great getting to know you.

Lily: Yeah, and you made Malcolm so happy, and that makes us happy.

Cane: Mm-hmm.

Sofia: Well, he makes me happy.

Malcolm: Hmm, now that's a whole lot of happiness.

Sofia: (Laughs)

Cane: (Laughs)

Lily: Yes, it is. (Laughs)

(Knock on door)

Lily: Hey.

Tucker: Hey. Hey, everybody.

Lily: Hi.

Sofia: Hey, Tuck--oh.

Neil: Tucker.

Tucker: Uh, yeah, Sofia wanted me to stop by and welcome your little ones home.

Lily: Oh, thank you so much.

Cane: Well, uh, that's especially nice of you, um, considering everything you've already done for us.

Lily: Yeah.

Cane: You know, you, uh, hooked me up with that job in Canberra, so I don't have to worry about being deported. Thank you.

Lily: Yeah, just for a few months, anyways, but at least it buys us some more time.

Cane: Yeah.

Lily: So thank you.

Neil: W-wait a minute. Is that why you chose Australia?

Tucker: Uh-huh.

Neil: Sofia, is there any reason why you didn't mention it to me before?

Sofia: Well, I would have, Neil, if you would have let me.

Malcolm: (Clears throat)

Cane: Well, it's, uh, getting warm in here, so how about we have some lemonade? Come on. Let's go.

Devon: Yeah.

Tucker: Yeah, that sounds good. With lots of sugar.

Cane: All right, lots of sugar for you.

Malcolm: All right, Man. Look, I've about had it with you, Neil. I don't know what your problem is with Sofia or why you have to make everything so damn difficult, but whatever you're trippin' off of, I want it to stop now. Sofia's gonna be my wife, Neil, and you've done everything you can to make her feel uncomfortable.

Neil: Maybe if she hadn't made it her life's mission to undermine my authority at Chancellor, then things would be different. But right--

Cane: Excuse me. Excuse me. All right? Can we put this on hold, please, all right? Today's supposed to be a happy day. Can we just stop this? Thank you.

Lily: Hey, is everything okay?

Neil: Everything is okay. Let's get back to my grandkids.

Tucker: I sure appreciate you takin' that call for me, Sofia. I know Ashley could use the support.

Sofia: Sure, Tucker. Consider it done.

Tucker: Thanks.

Neil: So are you—going to the trial?

Tucker: Yeah, yeah. Court's probably under way by now.  Uh, where’s Devon?

Lily: Oh, um, he's walking Humphrey, so... but thank you for coming.

Tucker: You're welcome.

Lily: Yeah. I'll walk you out. Hey, Tucker.

Tucker: Mm-hmm.

Neil: You know, you may feel that this is none of my business, but Ashley is about to relive one of the worst years of her life. Please don't let her down.

Tucker: I don't plan on it, Neil.

Owen: When did your relationship with Adam turn romantic?

Sharon: October of last year.

Owen: You two eloped, correct?

Sharon: Yes. We went to Lake Tahoe just before New Year’s.

Owen: Sounds like a whirlwind courtship.

Sharon: It was.

Owen: What about the flight back from the wedding?

Sharon: Well, we ran into some bad weather, and our plane went down. And just before we crashed, Adam scribbled a note and showed it to me.

Owen: What did the note say?

Sharon: It said, "Your baby is alive"... the baby that I was told was dead, the baby that Adam watched me grieve over for months without saying a word.

Owen: You suffered a concussion, didn't you?

Sharon: Yes, I did. That's why I didn't remember about the note until a while later.

Owen: The night of the policemen's ball, correct?

Sharon: I was staying in a suite at the Athletic Club the night that the ball took place, and Adam had escaped from custody. He came to my room. And as I was confronting him, that was when he reminded me about the note, and all of my memories came back.

Owen: What else did Adam say?

Sharon: He was desperate to prove his love to me, and so he confessed to everything, all the things he did to people-- causing Ashley to lose her baby, kidnapping Faith to cover his tracks. Adam stole her seconds after she was born and faked her death. Your honor, Adam told me everything. Every crime that was committed against Ashley and me, Adam did it.

Shaw: Did you really think I wasn't gonna find you? You're comin' with me.

Meggie: No! No!

Nikki: Are you all right? Call 9-1-1! A woman was almost kidnapped!

Sofia: Is that your way of apologizing for automatically assuming the worst of me?

Neil: I appreciate any solution that you come up with.

Sofia: Well, I guess that'll have to do. Neil.

Lily: (Chuckles) I have so many dreams for our little babies.

Cane: You know, the future seems so much more real when you hold your babies in your arms.

Malcolm: You never really get what it means.

Cane: Mm.

Sofia: Well, with you two as parents, the twins are gonna have a fantastic life.

Lily: (Chuckles)

Nikki: Well, now that I've seen Shaw with my own eyes, clearly, your life was in danger. I'm so sorry I ever doubted you.

Meggie: I'm sorry, too, Nikki, for--for getting caught up in material things. It was just--it was more pleasant than worrying about that S.O.B. wanting me dead. (Glass crunches underfoot)

Nikki: Retail therapy can be very soothing.

Meggie: So what now?

Nikki: Now we go home, and we worry about everything else tomorrow. Grab your purse.

Owen: Thank you for being so candid, Ms. Newman. Counsel?

Vance: Uh, your honor, if I might consult with my client?

Judge Anderson: Very well.

Ashley: Traci, pretty soon, it's gonna be me up there talking about how Adam made me lose my marbles.

Traci: Oh, Honey.

Ashley: (Sighs)

Traci: You're gonna be just fine.

Ashley: I need some air.

Ashley: (Sighs) Tucker, what are you doing?

Tucker: Well, I got Sofia to take my meeting,  that's not a problem, is it? My being here?

Ashley: (Sighs)

Vance: (Quietly) You were just crucified up there. The only way to fight Sharon's testimony is to let me do my thing.

Adam: I'm not lettin' you wipe the floor with her, Vance.

Skye: (Quietly) Damn it, Adam. Let the man do his job.

Vance: If I can't discredit their star witness, you're going to trial. Next stop, prison. Your choice, Pal.

Adam: I've already made my mind up, Vance.

Next on "The Young and the Restless"...

Tucker: I always keep my word.

Jill: No, you don’t. You better not screw me over.

Sharon: I told the truth on that stand. I did what I said I would do.  

Vance: Isn't it true you insisted an empty baby blanket was your son?

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