Y&R Transcript Friday 8/6/10 -- Canada; Monday 8/9/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9459 ~ Adam Protects Sharon
Provided By
Proofread By Emma
Nick: DVDs for Mom, beach ball, beach toys... (Sighs) Suitcase--
(Knock on door)
Nick: Hi.
Phyllis: Hi. Come on in.
Nick: Thank you. Looks like you're ready to travel.
Phyllis: Yep.
Summer: Daddy!
Nick: Supergirl! Oh, come here. Look how cute you look. Oh. You know what? Daddy got you something. Check this out.
Summer: (Laughs)
Nick: You can take it to the beach. You want to give it a ride?
Summer: (Giggles)
Nick: Let's try it out. Ready? Go! Look out! Look out! We're out of this! Cowabunga! There's a big wave comin'! Aah! Wipeout! (Imitates splash)
Summer: (Giggles)
Nick: Oh, that was a good ride.
Summer: I wish you could come with us, Daddy.
Nick: Yeah. Yeah, I do, too, but, uh, you know, daddy has to work, so... yeah. You know what? Don't forget, we're gonna take that trip together this summer just the two of us.
Phyllis: Hey, big girl. You need to finish packing, and remember, you cannot forget... Mr. Ears. Mr. Ears. Where is he?
Summer: (Giggles)
Phyllis: (Chuckles) All right, go pack, Baby. Oh! Oh!
Summer: (Giggles) I love you, Daddy.
Nick: I love you, too. Have a good time on your trip. I'll see you when you get back.
Phyllis: All right. Go, go, go.
Nick: (Sighs) Thanks for lettin' me say good-bye to her. After last night, I, uh--
Phyllis: I would never keep you from your daughter.
Nick: You know, I'm really sorry. I said some things that I shouldn't have.
Phyllis: It's all right. We were explosive when we got together. Why should it be any different now that we're breaking up?
Nick: It wasn't all bad.
Phyllis: No.
Nick: Well, I guess I, uh, I should take off.
Phyllis: Yeah. My lawyer will call you.
Nick: You're not gonna use Michael?
Phyllis: No, he didn't want to take sides.
Nick: I'll call someone, too. I never imagined that it would end... like this.
Phyllis: (Whispers) I never imagined it at all.
Nick: Bye. (Sighs) Bye, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Bye, Nick.
Vance: Do you understand what's happening today?
Adam: I have been through a preliminary hearing before, yes.
Skye: Vance is a pro.
Adam: Well, that's what it's gonna take to discredit all these, uh, witnesses the D.A. has lined up to testify against me.
Paul: I, uh, I'm sorry. I was gonna call you last night, but, um, I heard from Patty.
Chris: You did? What did she say?
Paul: Well, not much, really. She's fine. I tried to convince her to come home, but she wouldn't.
Chris: Any idea where she is?
Paul: She's somewhere in South America, but I couldn't get her exact location from the trace.
Chris: (Sighs) So what are you gonna do?
Paul: She's a fugitive, so I contacted the authorities and, um, I told them what I knew.
Chris: You did the right thing.
Paul: It just feels lousy.
Chris: Well, you know what? You're a good guy in a bad situation. That always feels lousy.
Paul: I hope you don't mind.
Chris: Thank you. Um...
Paul: I-I took the liberty of ordering for you.
Chris: Is that, um...
Paul: (French accent) A chocolate-filled croissant...
Chris: You...
Paul: And a café au lait.
Chris: Remembered. (Chuckles)
Paul: (Normal voice) I remember a lot of things.
Chris: Like our anniversary.
Paul: Yeah, we both remembered that last night, didn't we?
Chris: Those, uh, trips down memory lane are a little too real sometimes.
Paul: (Chuckles) Definitely.
Chris: Not that it wasn't nice, the kiss, but...
Paul: No, it was very nice. But you're right.
Chris: Uh, I know. We--we can't. I have to get back to D.C. (Sighs) You have your life here with Nina, and...
Paul: I know. Hi.
Heather: Hi. Sorry to interrupt.
Paul: No problem.
Heather: Um, we just came from Chance's arraignment.
Ronan: Mm, yeah, short and not so sweet.
Heather: (Sighs)
Sid: His union rep pled not guilty for him.
Chris: Well, Chance knew that if he did that, they'd make a deal and he'd be out of jail.
Ronan: Which is exactly what the stubborn jerk wants.
Paul: So it's a heck of a time for a military, by-the-book guy to go rogue.
Heather: Well, Chance is gonna do whatever it takes to find out who's dealing to the inmates.
Ronan: You know that the more information "Rambo" digs up on the inside, the more he's exposing himself to retaliation.
Heather: (Sighs) It scares me how much danger he's putting himself in.
Paul: And I don't suppose there's anything we can do to protect him.
Man: New roommate. Play nice.
Chance: (Sighs) I didn't get y'all's names.
Man: I'm "Batman." He's "Robin."
Chance: I didn't recognize you guys without your capes.
Man: (Chuckles) We recognize you-- with or without your badge.
Chance: Yeah, well, you know what? The funny thing is, suddenly, when you don't have a shield, you're just a regular guy. You can't do what you want, get what you need. I'm talking about really gettin' what you need. (Whispers) Come on, guys. You gotta know someone. I am-- I'm hurtin' here. Can you guys hook me up with something?
Heather: Knowing Chance is in danger is bad enough. But seeing what it did to Nina today...
Paul: Nina was at the arraignment?
Heather: Yeah, and she tried to post Chance's bail. He refused.
Paul: She's gotta be devastated. I wonder why she didn't try and get a hold of me.
Heather: (Sighs) Can't he see what this is doing to her?
Ronan: Mm, yeah. He's not gonna let anybody stop him.
(Cell phone rings)
Sid: I gotta get this. Give me a minute.
Ronan: Chancellor thinks he knows what he's doing. He's gonna look at somebody the wrong way, and he's gonna end up getting shanked.
Heather: If we just told him the truth-- that this is a federal sting, that you're after the dirty cops--
Chris: That information will make him more of a target than he already is.
Heather: He's not an idiot. He can keep his mouth shut.
Ronan: He's a rookie. He makes a lot of mistakes. He uses bad judgment.
Heather: Okay, all right. This isn't getting us anywhere. (Sighs) There may be another way to get Chance out of jail.
Chris: What is it?
Heather: Well, I need to talk to somebody first. I'll let you know how it goes. Come on. I'll fill you and Meeks in on the way.
Chris: Oh.
Chris: (Sighs)
Paul: I'm gonna check in on Nina and see how she's doing. (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Nina: (Sighs) Hi, Paul.
Paul: Hey. Hi. I was just having breakfast with Chris and, uh, we ran into Heather. She told me about the arraignment. How are you doing? Nina?
Nina: I'm fine. Look, I-I gotta go. Talk to you later.
Paul: Well, if you need my help or--
Nina: I don't. Thanks. (Sighs)
Sharon: Nick.
Nick: That's not exactly what we want the judge to see on the day of Adam's preliminary hearing.
Skye: The Abbotts and the Newmans are gonna come at you with guns blazing.
Vance: I'll make them all look like bitter, vindictive liars.
Adam: I am quite looking forward to that.
Vance: Oh, by the way, you sure know how to help your own cause. This was brilliant. Making it look like you and your ex-wife are still close? Mm!
Adam: I wasn't using Sharon. I was just trying to, uh, talk to her.
Vance: Oh, well... hmm. It doesn't matter. It's still the perfect ammunition to damage your ex-wife's credibility. We've covered everything, unless there's something you haven't told me. Any evidence out there I don't know about? Any witness who could hurt you? If there is, let me know now.
[Adam remembering]
Adam: It's true, all of it. I was trying to scare Ashley, and she lost her baby. It was an accident, but I covered it up. I knew that if Victor found out... I blackmailed Dr. Taylor into coming here and convincing Ashley that she was still pregnant. Everything was going okay until she went into hysterical labor. It was too soon. We didn't have a plan.
Sharon: So then when I went into labor down the hall that same night, how convenient for you. You used me.
Adam: Yes. Charles delivered your baby... and I took Faith. I took her, and I gave her to Ashley.
Sharon: Then you told Dr. Taylor to tell me that there'd been a terrible tragedy and that my baby had died? And what about the ashes that Nick and I scattered, Adam? What, did you steal those, too?
Adam: Yes. It was the final piece of the cover-up.
Vance: So there's nothing you need to tell me?
Adam: (Sighs)
Woman: Are you concerned about facing Vance Abrams in court today?
Owen: (Chuckles) It's Mr. Abrams who should be worried.
Woman: Oh, well, do you see this case as an opportunity for you to gain statewide recognition?
Owen: I see this as a way to prove that we really are a country with justice for all.
Woman: Hmm. Then you don't have your sights set on the governor's mansion?
Owen: No, my sights are set on serving the people. Today, that means making sure that Adam Newman pays for his crimes. Excuse me. I'm due in court.
Heather: Owen, do you have a minute?
Owen: One. Judge Anderson doesn't like it when counsel's late to court.
Heather: All right, it's about Chance. He pled not guilty at the arraignment today.
Owen: He's workin' the system.
Ronan: He's blowing the department's investigation is what he's doing.
Sid: We can't let all our work go to waste, especially when we're this close to finding out who's corrupt on the force.
Heather: Drop the charges against Chance. It's in everybody's best interest.
Owen: Well, not mine. Do you know how it would look if I let a cop who confessed to dealing drugs go free?
Ronan: So what? You're serving the people, hmm?
Owen: Well, I can't do that if I don't get elected again, can I? Sorry. Chancellor remains a guest of the state.
Heather: Well, it was a long shot.
Ronan: Yeah, but when they pay off, they pay off big, right? Come on. Let's see if mine does.
Chance: You don't trust me, do you?
Man: The cop who tossed our cell looking for drugs? No, I don't trust you.
Chance: Buddies who I thought had my back turned on me. I had to make it look like I was clean.
Man: Well, you did a good job.
Chance: You're army? I did three tours in Iraq, saw some pretty nasty stuff. I bet you did, too. See, that's when I started using. You lose enough buddies, you need something to help wipe the memory clean.
Man: Yeah, drugs help.
Chance: (Chuckles) Yeah, they do. I couldn't have made it through that last rotation without it. (Sighs) Look, Guys, I can't go at it alone in here, so I'm askin'-- hook me up, one soldier to another.
Man: I'll see what I can do.
Chance: (Sighs)
(Knock on door)
Paul: Hi.
Nina: What are you doing here?
Paul: Well, we thought you could use a friend or two.
Chris: We know how worried you are about Chance.
Nina: (Scoffs) He's a cop in jail for something he didn't do. Yeah, I'm worried.
Chris: Well, he's trying to do the right thing, not that I approve of his methods, but...
Nina: I wouldn't talk, if I were you.
Paul: Nina, I don't get it. W-we're on Chance's side.
Chris: We're working together to try and help him.
Nina: Right. Is that what you were doing last night? Working together outside the Gloworm?
Paul: What?
Nina: I came to surprise you. The surprise was all mine. I saw you.
Chris: Oh.
Paul: You saw us?
Nina: Yeah.
Vance: One day. That's it. Yeah. I'll be back tomorrow. Okay, see you then. Mm-hmm.
Skye: Vance, Adam and I have told you everything.
Adam: Actually, there is, uh, there is something I neglected to mention.
Vance: What is it?
Adam: The night of the ball before I took off, I confessed everything to Sharon.
Skye: Are you kidding me? Why would you confess to Sharon?
Adam: I had my reasons.
Skye: (Sighs)
Vance: Why did you wait till now to tell me this?
Skye: Because he was hoping that nauseating wimp would forgive him for stealing her brat and take him back.
Adam: Skye, you know what you can do? You can shut up, all right? You'll never understand the feelings that Sharon and I have for one another.
Skye: (Scoffs) Oh, my God. Please don't tell me you are still holding out hope that she's gonna come back to you.
Sharon: I had no idea this picture was being taken.
Nick: (Sighs) Well, I guarantee you Adam did.
Sharon: It's a snapshot. Nothing happened.
Nick: We know that, but the judge doesn't, and every potential juror who picks that up is gonna wonder what the hell is going on with you two.
Sharon: So you're blaming me.
Nick: Sharon, you gotta be more careful. It's no coincidence that came out today.
Sharon: I-I'm tired of being careful with my every word, my every move.
Nick: I know how hard this is for you.
Sharon: No, you don't. You know, I've tried to get away from it all-- from Adam, from the memories. I-I just can't. It just won't go away. Victor asks me to go to Brazil to help find Adam, and then Adam's back in town, and then he follows me to church, to the cabin. He freaks me out so much, I almost kill him. And now I have to testify against him? I can't do it.
Nick: If you don't, he wins.
Sharon: You know what? I-I don't care anymore. I--
Nick: Really? Think about all the people that he's hurt, Sharon-- you and Ashley and my dad and me... Faith. Faith-- he let you think that your daughter was dead. Are you gonna let him get away with that?
Sharon: He let me get away with shooting him.
Nick: It was an accident. What he has done is cruel and intentional.
Sharon: I just don't think I can get up on the stand and crucify him.
Nick: Wow, he is still doing it. He's working you. Now you feel guilty, and you don't want to testify against him.
Paul: Nina, I am so sorry.
Nina: Oh, please. Don't even--I--
Paul: (Stammers) We never intended to hurt you.
Nina: Oh, well, that's thoughtful.
Paul: Well, you could have told us you were there. We would have explained.
Nina: I didn't want to spoil your evening.
Chris: What? You don't think that we spent the night--
Nina: It's not rocket science, really.
Paul: Nina, Chris and I did not spend the night together last night.
Chris: When we realized it was the date of our anniversary, we started talking about our wedding and our marriage. It--it just stirred up a lot of old feelings.
Paul: W-we went to hug each other good night, and the kiss just happened.
Chris: As soon as we did it, we realized it was a mistake.
Paul: (Sighs) We said good night, and we went home.
Chris: Separately.
Paul: Look... (Sighs) Chris and I care about each other, but what we had is over.
Chris: The kiss was a good-bye.
Paul: That's all.
Chance: I got nothin' to say to you.
Ronan: That's good. So that means you're gonna shut up and listen for once?
Heather: We spoke to the warden about separating you from the general population, and he agreed it would be safer for you.
Ronan: So that means you're gonna get moved soon.
Chance: That's generous of the warden... (Shuffles cards) But no, thanks. I think I'll stay put. Oh, and by the way, don't do me any more favors, okay? (Thumps deck of cards)
Phyllis: We cannot forget these, Mr. Ears. We're all ready. All right, Leah is downstairs waiting to put you in the car. I will be right there. Quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick, quick. (Chuckles) Run! Okay.
Sharon: Of course I feel guilty, Nick. I shot a man.
Nick: No, you shot Adam, and that bastard deserved it. (Sighs) You know, someday, Faith is gonna find out that Adam almost kept her from ever finding out that we were her real parents. Wouldn't you like to be able to tell her that you did everything you could to put him away?
Sharon: You know I-- you know I do. I...
Nick: Then you've got to get up on that stand and tell the judge and everyone else what he has done. You're strong, Sharon.
Sharon: I want to be. I want to be a good role model to Faith.
Nick: Then make Adam pay for what he did.
Sharon: (Sighs) I... (Sighs)
Nick: What is stopping you?
Sharon: I don't know.
Nick: You know, I know. It's your feelings for me.
Vance: Well, this isn't a disaster. It's not good, but it's fixable.
Skye: How?
Vance: All I have to do is impeach Sharon's credibility, which should be a snap.
Adam: Wait a second. What are you gonna do?
Vance: Well, your ex-wife's been arrested for shoplifting, spent time in a sanitarium, even tried to cover up evidence in a murder investigation. So she lies, steals, is emotionally unstable. We got it made.
Skye: Not a very reliable witness.
Vance: Not a very reliable witness. By the time I'm finished with her, the judge will question if she should even have custody of her own kid.
Skye: (Chuckles) This is gonna be good.
Adam: No. No, no, no. Absolutely not. I don't care what Sharon says on the stand. We don't attack her.
Vance: Adam, this is a counterattack. She's gonna come at you with everything she's got, Buddy.
Adam: I don't care. I have hurt her enough already. No more.
Vance: I can't help you, Adam, if you don't let me do my job.
Adam: You know what? Do your job to everybody else. Take 'em all down. I don't care. Jack, my father, Nicholas-- it doesn't matter. Take 'em to their knees. Destroy them. Do not touch Sharon.
Vance: Loud and clear, Pal.
Nina: Yeah, I'll have the pages for you by Friday. Okay. Give me a call when you read them, all right? Okay, thanks. Bye.
Paul: Nina, I am sorry. It was-- it was one impulsive kiss. It doesn't change how I feel about you.
Nina: You know, maybe nothing's changed for you.
Chris: Stop. Don't let a stupid mistake ruin what you and Paul have together. You'll regret it, trust me.
Nina: I know what a good guy he is, okay?
Chris: Yeah, and he feels the same way about you.
Paul: It's true.
Chris: I... (Sighs) I couldn't be happier for both of you.
Paul: I-I don't know what else to say. Look, can't we get past this?
Nina: You know, right now, I just want to concentrate on getting Chance out of jail, so...
(TV playing)
Ronan: Chance.
Chance: (Sighs)
Ronan: (Quietly) You know, the "Die Hard" routine is getting really old. We have real police work to do, and you're wasting our time by refusing isolation.
Chance: Oh, well, please, don't let me keep you from doing your job, Detective.
Heather: Chance, there isn't a guy in here who wouldn't like to see you dead.
Chance: I can take care of myself, but thank you.
Ronan: (Chuckles) You know, you're really startin' to piss me off.
Chance: Good. At least the whole day's not a loss.
Heather: Chance, please. If you won't do this, then post your bail and get out of here.
Chance: I can't.
Heather: Do you give a damn about anybody who cares about you?
Chance: If you'll excuse me, I have to get back to my friends now, okay?
Heather: Uh-huh. What am I supposed to tell Nina?
Chance: Tell her I'm good.
Heather: (Sighs)
Ronan: That idiot's gonna get himself killed. You know what? Serves him right.
Heather: Don't say that.
(Cell phone rings)
Sid: Meeks. He turned us down flat. (Sighs)
Man: Score 1 for the bad guys, all right?
Sid: Now Chancellor's on the inside, whether we like it or not.
Skye: I'll work on him.
Vance: Work fast.
Skye: You see this?
Adam: Aah! Hey!
Skye: Sharon did that, the same Sharon you don't want upset on the stand.
Adam: I'm not gonna argue with you about this, okay, Skye?
Skye: How could you? There's no way you could justify sabotaging your own defense.
Adam: I don't have to.
Skye: (Scoffs) You are scaring me, Adam. I think you actually believe if Vance lays off Sharon, she's gonna suddenly develop amnesia and come running back to you.
Adam: You're jealous.
Skye: (Scoffs) Of that pathetic waste of oxygen?
Adam: No. I think you think it's a game, and this is not one you're gonna win.
Skye: I went all-in with you, and there is no way I'm gonna watch this investment go down the drain because you're hanging on to some fantasy that's never gonna come true.
Adam: You bet big, you lose big, Sweetheart.
Skye: Hey, you remember that when Sharon testifies.
Sharon: My feelings about testifying against Adam have nothing to do with you.
Nick: Your feelings for Adam have always been about me. You thought that if you were involved with him, then you wouldn't have to think about what you really wanted, and that was for us to be together again.
Sharon: Well, there was no point in wanting what I can't have, is there?
Nick: Well, now Phyllis and I are getting a divorce.
Sharon: Well, that doesn't mean I'm coming running back to you.
Nick: You'd feel too guilty if you did, so you stay connected to Adam. But if you get up on that stand and testify against him, you will sever all ties with him. Then we'll both be free.
Sharon: Well, there are other people who would be really hurt, you know, if we did just jump back into a relationship together. I mean, what about Phyllis and Summer?
Nick: Phyllis made her choice. Summer will never lose me.
Sharon: Well, I can't let myself think about being with you again.
Nick: I can.
Sharon: Nick.
Nick: Adam is still messin' with your head. Don't let him.
Faith: (Cries)
Nick: All right, let me-- let me get her. Just think about what I said, all right?
Faith: (Cries)
Nick: Aw, come here. Oh, come here, little one. Oh, Daddy's got you. Yeah, come on. Daddy's got you. (Kissing Faith)
(Knock on door)
Sharon: (Whispering) Adam, what are you doing here?
Adam: (Quietly) I need to speak to you.
Sharon: You can't. Nick's here. He's in the bathroom with Faith. You have to go.
Adam: I have to talk to you before the hearing today.
Sharon: Okay.
Sharon: (Quietly) Look, Adam, I know what you're doing. The photo in the newspaper, the kiss last night, the reason you came here now-- you don't want me to testify against you.
Heather: Well, hmm... we did everything short of bang Chance over the head and drag him out of jail.
Ronan: Which was my first choice.
Paul: I think Nina went over to the jail to bust some heads herself.
Heather: Good. Nothing like a pissed-off mama lion to get things done.
Chris: Well, we certainly can't count on Nina to protect him. (Sighs) We have gotta come up with a way to get him out of there before he gets hurt.
Nina: (Sighs) You know, you could have picked a less dangerous job...
Chance: (Sighs)
Nina: Like racecar driving or lion taming.
Chance: I'm okay with you just biting my head off, mom.
Nina: Hey, look. You let me post your bail, I promise, not another cross word for the rest of your life.
Chance: Your head would explode.
Nina: (Sighs) It's going to anyway if you don't walk out of here with me today.
Chance: Mom, have a seat, okay? (Sighs) You understand why I can't do that.
Nina: Yeah, I do. I hate it, but I understand.
Chance: It's gonna be okay, I promise.
Sid: Just like I told you, right?
Man: It wasn't even five minutes before he hit me up for a score.
Sid: So when he's accidentally killed with all those drugs on him, he'll just look like another dirty cop.
Phyllis: Okay, guess what? Sleepy time. You have to take a nap... (Gasps) Because when you wake up, we're gonna get room service... (Whispers) And we're gonna watch a movie.
Summer: (Yawns) I'm not tired.
Phyllis: You're not tired. (Chuckles) You're a little tired. I can tell. We have a very big day, because after we watch a movie, um, we are gonna... what are we gonna do? We're gonna take a boat ride tomorrow, right? And we're gonna go tubing. We have a very, very, very big day planned. We're gonna have fun. (Chuckles) "Leaving heartbreak behind." (Mockingly) "Have you checked in to Heartbreak Hotel? You're not the first person who has. Don't worry. Eventually, everyone checks out. When you do, you'll be wiser, stronger and ready to love again." (Gags) (Normal voice) "Click to read on." "Your stay will give you insight and instill in you the beliefs that there really is life after what's-his-name. Even if you are in that state where you feel like you don't get past"... blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. "Redirect your anger and pain. Put your thoughts and feelings down in words. It'll be the first step in reclaiming your life." (Sighs) All right, I'll put my thoughts down in words. What are my thoughts? (Whispering) "Hate." Those are my thoughts. "Hate Sharon. Hate Nick. Hate Victor. Hate." (Pounding on keyboard) Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. Hate. (Sighs) (Normal voice) That's redundant. (Hitting backspace key) Delete. (Sighs) "A woman... scorned...
Adam: I'm not here to talk you out of testifying.
Sharon: Then why are you here?
Adam: I came here today to tell you that I know what you're gonna do on the stand.
Sharon: Adam, I have to tell the truth.
Adam: I know.
Sharon: And you're okay with that?
Adam: Yes.
Vance: We good to go?
Skye: Go after that bitch with everything you've got.
Vance: (Chuckles)
Sharon: Is this some kind of a setup?
Adam: No. You say what you have to say on the stand. No one-- no one is gonna come after you for it. You have my word.
Nick: Let's go see Mommy, huh? Want to see your mom? Sharon? Where's Mommy?
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Nikki: I think she's taking advantage, and if you don't say anything to her, Victor, I will.
Vance: If Sharon goes on about your confession, you're going to prison, Pal.
Nick: Sharon, I'm just trying to protect you.
Sharon: Well, I think I need protection from Adam and you.
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