Y&R Transcript Thursday 8/5/10 -- Canada; Friday 8/6/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9458 ~ Trust Me
Provided By Boo
Proofread By Emma
Emily: (Sighs) It's a really lovely gesture, Jack.
Jack: If a little misguided. It never works trying to re-create the past.
Emily: Well, a lot has changed since last Christmas. Our whirlwind romance-- you swept me off my feet.
Jack: And you rejuvenated me. You gave me new hope. Back then, all we thought about was the future. Why can't we do that now?
Emily: Do we have a future?
(Doorbell rings)
Nick: Hi.
Phyllis: You should have called.
Nick: I wasn't sure you would answer. You have made such a point of avoiding me. I'd like to read Summer a bedtime story, if that's possible.
Phyllis: She's not here. That's why you should have called.
Nick: Sleepover?
Phyllis: Yep, with Reed.
Nick: That's good. She's really missed him ever since they both had to leave the ranch.
Phyllis: Um, it gives me time to pack. We're taking off for a while.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: Sweetheart, I know this is hard for you to deal with, but Billy Abbott has been using you.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: He's been spying on you for his sister and for Tucker McCall.
Victoria: You don't know for sure that they got their information from Billy. You don't know that, Dad.
Victor: Sweetheart, they know that you gave a gun to Yonioshi. How would they have known if Billy hadn't told them?
Victoria: Billy would have no reason to do that to me.
Victor: Listen, you're blinded right now. Of course, he has a reason. He was probably offered money or a job at Tucker McCall's or at Jabot's, whatever.
Victoria: (Sighs)
Victor: I know this is very difficult for you, but let me ask you. Has he been talking about this lately? Has he been asking a lot of questions?
(Loading dock door opens)
Billy: Hey! There you are. What are you doin' out here?
Victor: She wants you to get out of here.
Adam: I didn't expect you to be here.
Ashley: Believe me, I wouldn't be here if I knew that you were coming.
Adam: So it's not coincidence that I haven't seen you since I've been back? You know, I don't want to upset you, so I'll just get out of your way, okay?
Tucker: That's a real good idea.
Ashley: Wait a second, Adam. There's something I want to say to you.
Victor: You bet it is, son. You used her.
Billy: I'll tell you what, why don't you come with, and we can discuss it, okay?
Victoria: You stay away from me.
Billy: (Clears throat) What the hell did you say to her?
Victor: Are you getting the message?
Billy: I'm not sure. What'd you say to her?
Victor: She is aware that you used her. You spied on her. You got it?
Billy: (Chuckles) Wow.
Jana: I wanted to tell you all of this at the hospital, but you -- you cannot imagine how overwhelmed I was.
Kevin: Come on, Jana.
Jana: (Sighs)
Kevin: The aneurysm made you uncaring, not stupid. You wanted me out of your life, so fine, I'm out.
Jana: No, no, no, no. That is the last thing that I want. I want my life back with you. I think that we can still love each other again. We're the same people at heart.
Kevin: We are not the same people, okay. My Jana would not have slept with my brother. She wouldn't have gambled away my coffeehouse on his bail, and she sure as hell wouldn't ask me to forget about this like it didn't matter. How insensitive can you get? You know what? Don't answer that. I already know.
Adam: Ashley, I'm half expecting this, and I deserve it, so you can go ahead and lash out to me for crimes real or imagined. I don't mind.
Ashley: Did you just say, "Imagined"?
Adam: My point, Ashley, is that I’m okay with it. I'm not gonna get in your face about it. You were a wonderful friend to me.
Ashley: I was a good friend to you, Adam, a much better friend than you ever deserved.
Adam: Ashley, I was a friend to you, too. When you couldn't trust your own family, your husband, you needed somebody, and I was there for you. You relied on me
Tucker: This is unbelievable.
Ashley: But you see, he does believe it. Somehow in his mind, he's able just to wipe all the memories away. I wish I could do that, Adam. Then my baby wouldn't be dead, and Sharon wouldn't have grieved hers, and Richard Hightower’s son--
Adam: I am not responsible for that.
Ashley: You shut up, Adam! You make me sick, listening to you rationalize making that little boy an orphan.
Skye: Sweetheart, there's some investors wanting to talk to you.
Ashley: Could I ask you something? Does he have you fooled, or are you just like him?
Adam: (Sniffles)
Skye: It's very sad, but I guess some people are just born victims.
Ashley: And some people are just born predators.
Tucker: Come on.
Adam: (Sniffles)
Phyllis: We're not gonna be gone that long-- maybe a week.
Nick: And you were gonna tell me about this, when?
Phyllis: I was gonna call you. Give me credit.
Nick: Well, Phyllis, I'd like to, but the way you've been acting lately, it makes it difficult.
Phyllis: Listen to you-- so "Victor Newman" of you. You know, uh, what I do on my own it is really none of your business, so you don't need to comment on it.
Nick: So this crap you pulled the other night wasn't for my benefit? You making out with that punk in the car when you knew I would come back to see you.
Phyllis: Oh, sorry. Were you there?
Nick: Well, I guess you did say you were gonna get back to your old ways. You didn't waste any time, did you?
Phyllis: No, I didn't waste any time, although I wasted a lot of time being married to you.
Nick: That's nice. (Sighs) Well, since you're gonna be finding yourself on this trip, maybe I should watch Summer.
Phyllis: No, you don't need to watch Summer. Summer is fine with me.
Nick: I do not want her associating with people like Deacon Sharpe. I mean, it was kind of hard to tell. You were all over him.
Phyllis: You know, your superior attitude makes want to puke.
Nick: The dude's a loser, and you know that better than anyone. You're the one who sent him to prison. What the hell were you thinking?
Phyllis: I don't know what I was thinking. I don't know. That he looked good? That's what I was thinking. That he was hot... and I was hot, and he was there. Isn’t that what you were thinking when you slept with Sharon?
Nick: Oh, not this again, please.
Phyllis: Yeah, and then we were together, and who cares who gets hurt? Who cares? Who cares? If it's good enough for you, Baby, it's good enough for me.
Billy: Hey, uh, have you guys seen Victoria?
Ashley: I haven't, no.
Tucker: No.
Billy: Great.
Tucker: I'm sorry. I know how you were dreading running into Adam. (Sighs) I'm surprised you didn't run into him sooner, the creep. It's a small town.
Ashley: I know. Hopefully, after tomorrow's hearing, I can go right back to never having to see him again.
Tucker: Let's hope.
Ashley: Uh, by the way, did you notice that Victor is here?
Tucker: Oh, yeah. Yeah, I tried to make eye contact. He wasn't havin' it. I think we definitely rattled his cage by mentioning that, uh, antique gun.
Ashley: It's gonna be interesting to see how he responds.
Tucker: I think maybe this is his response-- stonewalling.
Ashley: No, I don't think so. It's not really like him. I think it's more like he's trying to figure out a way to neutralize the threat.
Tucker: So let's make good on it before he has the chance.
Ashley: You want to go back to the feds?
Tucker: Yeah. Give them the hard evidence of Victor's bribe. That's the only surefire way to open up the Japanese market.
Ashley: I can't do it. I've gone along with everything se you wanted to do, and I can't go along with that.
Sharon: So are you covering Gloworm for "Restless Style"?
Chloe: Oh, no, Jill is. I'm off tonight.
Jill: Oh, did I hear my name?
Kevin: (Scoffs) It's like saying "Beetlejuice." You summoned her.
Chloe: (Chuckles)
Jill: Excuse me?
Sharon: So what's the verdict, Jill?
Jill: Verdict?
Sharon: Um, on Gloworm?
Jill: Oh, right, 'cause when you said "Verdict," my mind went immediately to the hearing tomorrow with Adam. I'm sure your mind went there, too, huh?
Sharon: Not really.
Jill: Oh, right, 'cause you probably want to take a break from that whole business, get away from it all.
Sharon: Thank you for understanding.
Jill: Yeah. Except when you walked in here tonight, there's Adam. Your heart must have stopped
Kevin: Okay, "Beetle-Jill." She came here to relax and have a good time, not to be interviewed.
Jill: It is human to be curious. We all wonder what you were talking about. Trust me, I understand that whole love/hate dynamic. I really do, but that has me stumped, because two nights ago, you were so terrified of him, you tried to kill him. And tomorrow, you're testifying against him, and yet... (Chuckles) Tonight, you're chatting it up, I mean, seemingly perfectly comfortable with it. What's that about?
Chloe: (Whispering) Beetle-Jill. Beetle-Jill. Beetle-Jill. Damn.
Adam: So who's overseeing your investments right now?
Jeff: Well, I've always done it myself. Uh, I'm not gonna have time for it now, though, which is a shame, really, because... (Sighs) I've definitely got the touch.
Skye: Our style of investing isn't for everyone. It's definitely no-holds-barred.
Jeff: Yeah.
Adam: You write us a check, we could have your money working for you by midday.
Gloria: Ha! Write you a check (laughs) Well, for the moment, our money's tied up in this place.
Jeff: Yeah, but, um, once the cash starts rollin' in--
Skye: (Quietly) Um, I'm going to use the restroom. Excuse me.
Victor: Hello, Gloria and Jeffery.
Gloria: Victor.
Victor: Looks like you have a success on your hands.
Gloria: (Laughs) May I quote you?
Victor: No.
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Victor: If you don't mind, I'd like a word with my son.
Adam: (Clears throat) You gonna buy me a drink, Dad?
Victor: Maybe I should. These are your last days of freedom, Son. Enjoy them while you can.
Adam: You know, it's interesting. You're all so convinced I'm gonna have my head handed to me in court tomorrow, but my attorney, who, might I add, is damn good at what he does, he ain't concerned in the slightest.
Victor: You know, Son, it breaks my heart to say this to you. No one, nothing will save you from what you have coming to you. I will see to that.
Nick: Yeah, I-- I just--I don't get this. Really don’t. You are angry with me as if this were my idea.
Phyllis: Well, wait a second. You--you really don't understand why I'm angry with you?
Nick: You're upset about what you lost, yet you are the one who is throwing this away.
Phyllis: W-w-wait. "I threw it away"? I didn't throw it away. What I lost, what I never had. I--you were never there for me.
Nick: That's not true, and you know it.
Phyllis: Oh, I--that's right. Oh, gosh, you know, I should be happy. I should be happy because you left your wife for me. That should be enough. That should make me happy. Mistresses don't even get that much.
Nick: You're so hung up on this "Mistress" thing. I never saw you like that, Phyllis, not ever. Now maybe you do--
Phyllis: No, I actually don't see myself like that! I don't, and at my lowest point, my very lowest point, I never, ever thought I deserved what you gave me, but I stayed in this. I stayed here because of our daughter.
Nick: You fought for the marriage. You wanted it as much as I did.
Phyllis: I wanted this marriage more than you did. I wanted it more than you did. But a real marriage, not this half-assed version that you gave me. But I should be happy, because I got sex. That's what I got, right? I got sex, but Sharon got everything else. And sometimes, you'd just, you know, you'd change it up to keep us on our toes, didn't you? It's this Newman arrogance that you think you’re man enough for two women, but you know what, Baby? (Whispering) I got news for you you're not.
Nick: I am not. (Sighs)
Phyllis: (Normal voice) You're not.
Nick: I wasn't trying to keep Sharon happy. I was trying to protect her. And trust me when I say this, she's as pissed off about it as you are. But she is the mother of my children, Phyllis.
Phyllis: Oh, God, if I ever hear that phrase again...
Nick: It is a reality. She is gonna be part of my life. You knew that going in. It's part of the deal.
Phyllis: Part of the deal? But there are her things that weren't part of the deal, Nick. Like humiliation... so much humiliation. That wasn't in our wedding vows. That wasn't there. And ever since I went to Paris to surprise my husband-- I was standing, looking at you two on the bridge lip-locked--
Nick: Okay, I made huge mistakes. I admitted it. I tried to fix it, but nothing was ever enough. Your jealousy and paranoia--
Phyllis: Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa. Do you really want to go there? You really want to go there? Okay let's go there. Let's go there. Was my paranoia that slept with Sharon twice and got her pregnant?
Nick: You kept pushing me away.
Phyllis: Oh, my God. You are unbelievable. You're unbelievable. You're really gonna try to convince me that it was my fault that you cheated on me.
Nick: I made my own decisions.
Phyllis: Yeah, you did. And I'm sitting here talking to you, and I don't think you're the least bit sorry.
Nick: Right or wrong, being with Sharon brought me Faith. So in that sense, I can't regret it.
Billy: Hey. Oh, finally.
Victoria: Oh, no, no. I don't want to hear it, Billy. No.
Billy: No, no, no. I want to hear it. What did your dad say? Would you just tell me what he said?
Victoria: Mr. McCall found out about the gun, and you are the only one that knew about the gun.
Billy: Hey, no. I-I didn't do that. I didn't say any--
Victoria: Oh, really? Oh, really? Well, how did he find out then?
Billy: I don't know, but I didn't say it. I promise you. You have to believe me. I didn't say anything.
Victoria: Yeah, I have to believe you? I believed you when you told me that I could trust you. (Sighs) And now I'm in some serious trouble. No. Never again. Never again. No.
Billy: Hey, I wouldn't-- listen to me. I wouldn't get you in trouble. I love you. I wouldn't do this.
Victoria: Wow. Love, huh?
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: Now we see how far that's gotten us.
Billy: You--
(Car door closes)
(Tires squeal)
Emily: I thought you were gonna let the staff take down the tree.
Jack: Yeah, I thought it was a kind of therapy.
Emily: (Sighs) Jack, there's nothing more you could have done. You can't blame yourself. It's not like we haven't tried.
Jack: I guess we just wanted different things.
Emily: I wouldn't say that. I wanted this life with you. I've never been happier. I felt so cared for. I've never had that kind of closeness with my family that you do. And to imagine that I could be part of that...
Jack: You still can.
Emily: Jack, I am in love with a man that I cannot fully trust, and it's not your fault. It's not. (Sighs) As much as I want to, I can't let go of all that's happened. And I am trying... (Sobs) (Sighs) I'm trying so hard to get my life back together. And to stay here, I... (Sighs) Just pretending that it's going to be okay... you would end up resenting me. You would, Jack, and I would resent you, too. I've seen it happen to too many marriages and to many relationships, and don't want it to happen to us. Which means... (Sniffles) There won't be an "Us." And I don't want to leave, but I-I feel like I have to. It's not easy for me, not at all, Jack.
Jack: (Sighs)
Emily: (Sniffles) (Sighs)
(Cell phone rings)
Paul: Hello, Paul Williams.
Patty: Hey, Pauly. It's so good to hear your voice.
Paul: Patty? Thank God! Where are you?
Patty: I know you've been worried. I'm so sorry.
Paul: Patty, you need to tell me where you are.
Patty: Oh, I'm far away, I'm--I'm doing fine. I've changed, Pauly. I'm gonna be a better person now.
Paul: Honey, y-y-you need to tell me where I can find you.
Patty: No. We're never gonna see each other, Pauly. Would you tell Mom that I'm gonna make up for all the bad things I've done? You make sure you tell her, okay?
Paul: I want you to come home, okay? I-I-I miss you like crazy.
Patty: I miss you like crazy, too. But I'm never coming back to Genoa City.
(Phone hangs up)
Paul: Patty? Patty? Are you there?!
Emily: (Sighs) I am not finished packing yet, but, uh, I just wanted to give you these before you went to sleep.
Jack: Well, you're not leaving tonight?
Emily: Well, the longer I stay, Jack, the harder it will be.
(Knock on door)
Jack: D-don't go anywhere yet. (Sighs) Paul.
Paul: Hi. Uh, I got a call from Patty.
Emily: (Sighs) And how is she?
Paul: (Stammers) She says she's fine.
Emily: I honestly thought that, uh Adam murdered her.
Jack: Did she tell you where she was?
Paul: Um, I-I-I-- I tried to trace the call, but, all I could find out is that she is somewhere in South America.
Jack: Well, that's more than you knew before.
Paul: Yeah, so maybe we'll be able to track her down.
Emily: Wh-wh-what did-- what did she say?
Paul: Um, just that she was never coming back.
Jack: I'm not sure I believe that.
Paul: I don't know. She sounded pretty sure. (Sniffles) But you're right, you know? She's very unpredictable. Maybe I should check out the security system in the guest--uh, pool house.
Emily: Um, I'm not gonna be staying here anymore... (Sniffles) Not because of Patty. (Sighs) It's just, given the circumstances, I won't be staying in Genoa City.
Chloe: Oh, you're still here. 'Cause Kevin blowing you off a gazillion times just isn't enough, huh?
Jana: Are you two seeing each other?
Chloe: (Chuckles) No, no, not that it's any your business.
Jana: Because I am still his wife.
Kevin: What's going on here?
Coe: Oh, nothing. Your ex is just marking her territory.
Jana: I think I'm entitled to know what is going on here.
Chloe: Hmm.
Kevin: Jealousy? That's the emotion you're starting to feel?
Jana: Well, if I am, that's a good sign, right?
Chloe: Still can't get a hint, huh?
Tucker: You didn't flinch when we confronted Victor with the evidence of the bribe.
Ashley: Of course not.
Tucker: The implication was clear. Either he loosens his grip on the Japanese market and we go to the feds--
Ashley: Then I thought about it, and I'm convinced that it's a mistake to do that.
Tucker: I don't understand this from you. You know how the game is played. You know, it just happened to me, remember?
Ashley: I do, but I-- I agree with competition. I love competition. When you're talking about a criminal prosecution, Tucker, you're bringing it to a whole another level. I mean, it's as if you're declaring war. And believe me, Victor will make sure that there is casualties on both sides.
Tucker: So you're protecting Jabot?
Ashley: Yeah.
Tucker: And your daughter.
Ashley: Of course. Look...
Tucker: (Sighs)
Ashley: I can't tell you what to do. But if you decide to go ahead and report Victor, then that's where we part company.
Victor: Do not let yourself forget what Adam is capable of.
Sharon: I don’t. How could I?
Victor: There's a tendency in all of us to see what we want to see, even now. You're not the first one who's desperately looking for a shred of decency in that man.
Sharon: (Sighs) I know how sick he is... depraved. I constantly remind myself of the things he's done, but there are times when I'm listening to him, and he is the man I fell in love with.
Victor: I'm warning you, stop listening. I'm his father. I've spent many a night praying there's a glimmer of something decent in that man. There's nothing decent in him. Do not get sucked back into this, I'm telling you.
Jill: Jeffrey.
Jeff: Ah.
Jill: I'm sure I'll regret saying this out loud, much less putting into print, but I have to hand it to you, you done good.
Jeff: (Laughs)
Jill: (Giggles)
Jeff: Jill, Jill, Jill, if this is another one of your feeble attempts to get into my pants... (Chuckles)
Jill: Oh, my God.
Jeff: (Laughs)
Gloria: (Laughs)
Jill: Well... (Laughs sarcastically)
Gloria: And what is so funny?
Jeff: Just Jill throwing herself at me.
Gloria: Ah. (Laughs)
Jeff: (Laughs)
Jill: You wish!
Gloria: (Laughs) Well, hey, actually, it's not so surprising. I mean, after all, you are the co-owner of the hottest spot in Wisconsin, and that’s the sort of thing that desperate women go after.
Jeff: Hmm.
Jill: Desperate?
Gloria: (Laughs) Yeah.
Jill: You be careful, "Wormy." We wouldn't want Gloworm's thumbs-up in "Restless Style" to turn upside down, would we?
Gloria: Mm. Hmm.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Ashley: What are your thoughts?
Tucker: Well, I appreciate the position you're in. And for reasons I'm sure you'll understand, it moves me when a mother puts herself on the line for her child.
Ashley: So I moved you? Have I also convinced you not to call in the feds?
Tucker: Well, you make a good point, you know? I mean, Victor is already under the gun, so to speak. So maybe if we can wrangle some significant concessions from him...
Ashley: Oh, Tucker, I think we can. And then we don't have to involve any outside interference that we don't have any control over.
Tucker: I'm hoping it doesn't come to that.
Ashley: I'm so happy to hear you say that. I'd better go call and check on my daughter, and make sure she got dried off and home safely.
Tucker: Yeah. Good luck.
Ashley: I'll be right back.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Jill: Victor seemed particularly churlish this evening. I hope I had something too with do that.
Tucker: Well, I did put the information you gave me to good use.
Jill: Well, good. Excellent. So when can I expect to hear from your investigator?
Tucker: (Sighs)
Jill: I'm a little anxious to get on the track of my birth parents.
Tucker: I haven't called him yet, Jill. Don't you worry. I won't let you down, Darlin'.
Jill: Hmm.
Nick: (Sighs) So I, uh, I left Supergirl a note. I'll call you later, and we can, uh, set up a time when I can say good-bye to her.
Phyllis: Uh-huh.
Nick: You know, for Summer's sake--
Phyllis: For Summer's sake, let's keep our distance.
Nick: It will be better we can find a way to get along. I've been through this with my parents. It is truly awful.
Phyllis: And you went through this with Sharon, too, and she handled it beautifully.
Nick: Phyllis, come on.
Phyllis: She is so great. I wish I was more like Sharon.
Nick: We are not talking about Sharon right now.
Phyllis: So wonderful... I wish I was like her. Too bad that I speak up when something hurts me, and I actually mind when you cheat on me. Too bad. Sharon’s so lovely. She's so wonderful, isn't she?
Nick: Sharon is not the reason.
Phyllis: She--she's so--
Nick: We are breaking up.
Phyllis: Oh, I know. I know, because she is so wonderful and beautiful and pure and innocent. I love Sharon! I wish I were like Sharon! Ugh!
Nick: All right, uh, you're not insecure at all.
Phyllis: Yeah, I'm not insecure! You did this to me! You deceived me like this! You did this! (Breathing heavily)
Nick: We'll talk later when you've calmed down.
Phyllis: We're not gonna talk later! Get out of my house! Get out!
Nick: You're acting crazy right now. Just--
Phyllis: You're crazy, you son of a bitch.
(Glass shatters)
Phyllis: You're crazy!
Billy: Look, I'm gonna keep calling you till you answer your phone. I didn't tell Tucker anything about the gun, but I figured out who did, and I'm gonna tell-- just call me back.
Jill: Hi, Sweetheart. I thought I'd get this--
Billy: Shut up. You're fired.
Jill: Again? What for?
Billy: For leaking that information about the antique gun to Tucker. And don't--don't start your usual crap and try to deny it, because it's a waste of time. I know you did it. I can't even fathom what you got from it, but I hope it's enough to pay your bills, because as of now, you're fired. You're out. Don't come back.
Nick: Hey. You want some company? Or are you with Billy?
Phyllis: (Inhales deeply) (Exhales)
Kevin: (Laughs)
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: (Laughing) I heard you.
Chloe: (Speaking indistinctly)
Kevin: (Speaking indistinctly) It was the second time.
Chloe: (Laughing)
Kevin: (Laughs) (Speaking indistinctly) That he was gonna... and it was the funniest thing. (Laughs)
Chloe: (Laughs)
Kevin: What was that? It was--no, no. No, no, no, no.
Chloe: (Sighs) (Laughs)
Victor: I know it won't be easy for you tomorrow to relive what Adam has put you through.
Sharon: I have no choice.
Victor: No, you don’t. He confessed to you, and whatever he confessed, you must tell the judge. Otherwise, Adam will go free.
Sharon: I know.
Victor: Be strong. He is a dangerous man. I'll see you tomorrow at the courthouse.
Skye: I've had it with your fixation with Sharon. It nearly got you killed, and if you keep this up, it's gonna get you divorced, too, which you don't want, because if I go, the money goes with me. Oh, and so does Vance Abrams.
Adam: I hear you, Skye.
Skye: And you're gonna forget about Sharon?
Paul: Okay, so, um, I will take these two bags to your car.
Emily: Okay, thank you. (Sighs)
Paul: Um, listen, Emily. I will never forget what you did for Patty. And, um, if ever you need anything...
Emily: I'll keep your number handy. Yeah.
Paul: Thanks.
Emily: Thank you. (Exhales)
Paul: Good luck to you.
Emily: Thank you.
Paul: (Sighs)
Jack: I was gonna give this to you at Christmas, but...
Emily: (Sighs) (Sniffles) Thank you. (Laughs) (Sighs) Oh, Jack. Can it stay? (Sniffles) It's just, you said your tree was filled with memories, and... (Sniffles) Well, I'd like to think that I could be one of them. (Sighs)
Jack: I don't want to let you go.
Emily: I think I could stay if I-I loved you just a little bit less. (Sighs) Can I get a hug? (Sobs) Oh. (Sniffles) Good-bye, Jack. (Exhales) (Sighs)
Patty: (Sighs) Well, I'm all yours.
Man: Mm.
Patty: (Giggles) You remind me of someone.
Man: Oh, yeah?
Patty: And Alejandro is such a hard name to pronounce.
Alejandro: (Chuckles)
Patty: May I call you Jack?
Alejandro: What should I call you?
Patty: Mary Jane.
Alejandro: Mary Jane?
Patty: Mm-hmm. (Laughs)
Alejandro: (Whispering indistinctly)
Patty: Mm. (Sighs)
Alejandro: (Whispering indistinctly)
Patty: All right. (Laughs)
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Jeff: A positive review in Restless Style."
Gloria: And Victor Newman was impressed.
(Glasses clink)
Jeff: We did it.
Gloria: Yes. (Chuckles)
Chloe: Can we get a picture? Mnh, mnh, mnh.
Man: Where's the manager?
Kevin: Uh, she's right over there.
Chloe: There.
Gloria: Officers, what's going on?
Man: We're closing you down.
Gloria: Oh, you can't do that.
Jeff: What for?
Man: Obscene conduct and indent exposure.
Gloria: What are you talking about?
Man: You had a stripper in the champagne glass.
Gloria: That was no stripper. And she was swimming in her corset.
Jeff: (Laughing)
Gloria: Shut up. This could be a disaster.
Jeff: Are you kidding? It's fantastic. (Laughs) Getting shut down our first night? We got naked broads. We got cops. We'll be notorious. I'm buying you a drink.
Gloria: Yeah. (Laughs) Cheers.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Chance: I'm hurtin' here. Can you guys hook me up with something?
Skye: Please don't tell me you are still holding out hope that she's gonna come back to you.
Nick: He let you think that your daughter was dead. Are you gonna let him get away with that?
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