Y&R Transcript Wednesday 8/4/10 -- Canada; Thursday 8/5/10 -- U.S.A.
Episode # 9457 ~ Christmas in August
Provided By Boo
Proofread By Emma
Emily: What is your anxiety level right now?
Jack: That C.E.O. has two good quarters left at best. Believe me.
Emily: Well, I will be available to you if you need me.
Jack: Yeah.
Emily: Mm-hmm. All right.
Jack: Okay, let's have lunch, huh? Okay, that is enough work for one day. I'd say you and I deserve a little amusement. Why don't we go to Jeff and Gloria's big club opening?
Emily: Oh, I wish I could, Jack. I need to get to the, uh, my office and pick up some session notes. And I promised I'd stay available.
Jack: Well, that seems like a crummy evening...
Emily: (Chuckles)
Jack: Running to the office and staying near a telephone the rest of the night?
Emily: That's why you should have fun for both of us, hmm?
(Door opens)
Jack: Hey, it's Mr. Abbott. Uh, I need you to get something for me out of storage.
Ashley: Hello. Your assistant said we could find you here.
Victor: Whatever it is, make it quick.
Tucker: You recall our last conversation about Newman Cosmetics' unorthodox lock on the Japanese market, don't you?
Victor: You made an unfounded accusation of bribery.
Tucker: Well, now it's founded.
Victor: (Sighs)
Victor: A beautiful gun sold at auction. So what?
Tucker: For three-quarters of a million.
Ashley: And it went on the block shortly after Victoria returned from Japan.
Victor: So what does that have to do with anything? What are you saying?
Tucker: Well, we saw Victoria hand a box--a rosewood box exactly like the one in the photo there-- same dimensions and everything-- to the Japanese official.
Ashley: And gun laws in Japan are very strict. So for Victoria to break the law in such an unconscionable manner is--it's crazy, isn't it, Tucker?
Tucker: Oh, yeah. The Japanese word is shittai-- "A disgrace."
Victor: Oh, and yet you have no proof of anyone from Newman giving anything to a Japanese official, do you?
Ashley: Well, except for the fact that I just told you we actually saw Victoria hand the box over to a Japanese official.
Victor: You have no proof, and you know it.
Jill: (Sighs) You really have to work tonight? I'm covering the opening of Gloworm for "Restless Style."
Nina: Ah, well, I'm sure you'll give it two thumbs up.
Jill: (Laughs) You're really missing out, with Jeff and Gloria, and all sorts of delicious wrong.
Paul: Hey, how are you? Sorry I'm late.
Chris: Hi. That's all right. Let's go. Yeah.
Paul: Shall we go in? All right.
Gloria: Enjoy the evening.
Paul: Hey, Gloria, congratulations on the club.
Chris: Hi.
Gloria: Oh, Paul, thank you so much. Isn't it magnificent?
Paul: Yeah.
Gloria: Oh, and, Christine, so nice to see you again.
Chris: Nice to see you.
Gloria: Michael tells us you are a Washington big shot now.
Chris: (Laughs) No.
Paul: (Laughs)
Gloria: Congratulations. Now please let me show you to your table.
Gloria: And good evening. And how is the food? This way. This way.
Woman: Thank you.
Michael: Oh, there you are. What happened? Hi. Wow.
Michael: Oh, no, nothing's happened, except, you.
Lauren: What?
Michael: Gloria's playing the grande dame and preeminent tush-kisser, and...
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Michael: And various arrivals.
Lauren: Mm, but... oh. Sharon, yeah.
Michael: Mm. And...
Lauren: And? (Gasps) He is such a brazen S.O.B. any cross fire? (Laughs)
Michael: (Sighs)
Lauren: So to speak. Sorry. Attempt at humor.
Michael: Mm, no. No speaking. No speaking. I'm about to advise Sharon not to speak to anybody.
Lauren: Well, wait a minute. What--oh.
Michael: (Sighs)
Nick: Hey. (Sighs)
Sharon: Hello.
Nick: So this is what it's like to be single.
Jeff: Nicholas, glad you could make it.
Nick: Thanks, Jeff.
Jeff: What'll you have?
Nick: Uh, beer, please, and the place looks awesome.
Jeff: Well, say it loud and say it often, uh, to the press, if possible.
Nick: Done.
Nick: You sure you want to stay?
Sharon: Oh, I'm not leaving. I'll just avoid him.
Nick: But will Adam avoid you?
Chloe: Oh, wow.
Kevin: Am I crazy, or is this place actually kind of...
Chloe: Chic, while Gloria is so...
Kevin: Not chic.
Chloe: Well, I was gonna say "Quirky" but... Gloria, look, look, look.
Lauren: Okay.
Gloria: (Laughs) Super. Thank you. (Laughs)
Lauren: (Chuckles)
Kevin: (Clears throat)
Gloria: Oh!
Kevin: Mom, this is amazing.
Gloria: Angel, it is very impolite to act surprised. Everyone knows I have exquisite taste.
Michael: Ha!
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Lauren: Right.
Michael: Oh. Hear, hear.
Kevin: Hi.
Michael: Sorry.
Lauren: Yes.
Michael: Uh, onto other news.
Lauren: Which is it's so great that you're in town. How long are you gonna stay?
Chris: Uh, it depends on how long work can spare me.
Daniel: Congratulations, Gloria.
Gloria: Why, Daniel. Daniel. Welcome. Thank you.
Daniel: Yeah.
Chloe: Uh, where is the, uh, little flasher?
Gloria: Who?
Daniel: Abby Newman.
Gloria: (Gasps) "The Naked Heiress" in my club? Oh, my. It will be a paparazzi frenzy. (Laughs)
Daniel: I don't know if Abby's gonna be able to make it tonight, but I do know that she's gonna lay off the whole heiress thing.
Gloria: Oh, what a shame.
Michael: Smart move.
Lauren: (Chuckles) Mm-hmm.
Victoria: Wow.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: It's not exactly what I imagined.
Billy: I know. I thought it was gonna be leopard print from floor to ceiling. This is--
Victoria: No, I mean actually you and me together in public with no hiding. (Chuckles) It's kind of... I don't know, I thought it would be boring, but it's not boring. I'm actually feeling a little tingly right now.
Billy: Oh, yeah? You want tingly? I'll tell you what. We'll turn around. We'll get every--
Gloria: Victoria Newman and Billy Abbott, Gloworm is honored to have you here.
Billy: Oh.
Gloria: And I'm assuming that "Restless Style" will feature the opening not that it matters. We have our own press coverage here.
Billy: Well, yeah.
Man: Are you two an item?
Billy: Well...
Victoria: Well, we're, um...
Billy: More of a...
Victoria: You-- yes, well, actually, we're here together.
Billy: And it's tingly.
Gloria: Tingly. (Laughs) Best sound bite ever. You two have fun. (Laughs)
Victoria: You know, they're going to print that.
Billy: My blush. Oh, no.
Victoria: (Giggles)
Billy: What's gonna happen?
Adam: Well, well, look at this. This is a regular old Newman family reunion. We should all get together and pose for a big family portrait.
Victoria: And then we should, uh, do a shot to toast your hearing tomorrow.
Adam: See, Skye? So much love.
Billy: Well, you know, she could just kick you instead. That'd be fun for me.
Skye: Oh, that'd be more in character.
Billy: Oh, excuse me.
Victoria: Wow.
Billy: Thank you. Here you go.
Adam: Thank you.
Victoria: Dear God, please let the judge have the good sense to send you to trial tomorrow and then put you in jail for the rest of your life, you disgusting murderer.
(Glasses clink)
Victoria: Cheers.
Adam: Can you feel the love?
Skye: (Chuckles)
Gloria: (Sighs) Okay, that's enough.
Jill: (Sighs)
Gloria: And who let you in?
Jill: Not a good idea to insult the press.
Gloria: This is a high-class operation with a legitimate high-class clientele. You do a slam piece on me, I will gladly rip your face off.
Jill: You just relax, "Wormy," okay? I came here tonight expecting an early American bordello, and I must say, I'm pleasantly surprised.
Gloria: Hmm.
Jill: So tonight might not be this nightmare after all. Oh. Then again...
Gloria: (Chuckles)
Victor: Victoria met a zoning official because we are considering new construction in Japan.
Ashley: Hmm.
Victor: And to give that zoning official a gift? That's part of Japanese custom. You know that.
Ashley: (Clears throat)
Tucker: Victor, come on. Japan is big enough for Beauty of Nature and Jabot.
Victor: Tucker, you want to own both companies. Ain't gonna happen. Let me warn you. If you make a public accusation, you're gonna pay.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Victor: And, Ashley, I'm stunned that you're using this to get back at me for personal reasons.
Ashley: You're gonna lose your monopoly on the Japanese market. The real question is how much damage it's gonna do to your company in the process.
Victor: Good to know.
Ashley: Have a nice day.
Tucker: (Sighs)
Paul: So, Lauren, explain to me this-- this new sibling thing, if you will. Now I understand that sometimes, um, sisters steal each other's dolls, but you've kind of... you've kind of taken this to a new level, haven't you? I mean, dumping Jill into an open grave?
Lauren: Okay, good time to change the subject.
Paul: I like--
Lauren: Um, have you seen the light fixtures here?
Chris: (Chuckles)
Lauren: They are--
Jill: Hello, all.
Chris: Oh, hi, Jill.
Paul: Hi, Jill. How are you?
Jill: How's Patty?
Paul: Oh, um, well, unfortunately, she's still missing.
Jill: I'm sorry, Paul. Look, I know that your plate is very full with--with her and Heather, but... (Sighs) If you could do anything at all for Chance, I would so appreciate it.
Paul: Well, Chance's situation should be a lot more clear after the hearing.
Chris: Yeah, Nina's been totally blindsided by all this.
Lauren: Yes, it's really brutal being slammed out of nowhere, just wishing the hell would end.
Jill: (Chuckles) Yeah, sometimes instead of ending, it just gets worse and worse.
Michael: Thank you, Sir. (Sighs) Um, you hereby have permission to smack me.
Sharon: (Chuckles)
Michael: I am the one who encouraged you to come here tonight. (Sighs)
Sharon: Oh, you couldn't have possibly had any idea that Adam would have the gall to show up.
Michael: Yeah, well, as your attorney, I advise you to give him a wide berth. You know, his evidentiary hearing is tomorrow. Any conflict between you two would give Abrams ammunition to undermine your testimony.
Sharon: Trust me. I have no intention of wasting my breath on Adam ever again.
Michael: Well, I'm sure the rest of Genoa City shares that sentiment.
Skye: She pumps a bullet into an innocent man, and then it's party time. There's way more to the story of when you shot my husband.
Gloria: (Gasps) Goodness, Abby Newman.
Abby: Hello.
Gloria: How nice...
Abby: Mwah. Mwah.
Gloria: Of you to come you and your friend.
Abby: We wouldn't miss it for the world.
Gloria: (Whispers) Enjoy yourself.
Chloe: Yeah, it really looks like she's giving up the whole heiress thing.
Daniel: Yeah, this could be very bad.
Kevin: In a very entertaining way. Yo, "Your majesty!" Lookin' good.
Chloe: Mm-hmm. (Clears throat)
Emily: (Sighs) Jack? (Sighs) What is this?
Jack: Well, I hated the idea of you being stuck at home tonight, and I got to thinking.
Emily: About Christmas trees?
Jack: And ice skating and hot chocolate.
Emily: When we fell in love.
Jack: Yeah. I know the tree just came out of a box. And I know we’ve just been a heat wave, but... who says we can’t have Christmas in August?
Ashley: I still believe that after the trouble that Newman's had with the S.E.C., the last thing Victor wants is a bribery scandal.
Tucker: Yeah, well, he knows that as well as we do.
Ashley: Yeah.
Tucker: The question is, what do we do next? Hey.
Ashley: (Sighs)
Tucker: Why don't we ponder that over a drink at the, uh, what do you call it, Gloworm opening?
Ashley: Oh, gosh, really?
Tucker: Yeah.
Ashley: (Shudders) Gloria and I aren't necessarily big fans of one another, you know?
Tucker: Oh, now you're not gonna make me show up stag, are you? Bloggers will be all over that.
Ashley: (Gasps) Oh, God, no. Not that. Okay, one drink.
Tucker: Let's go have some fun.
Ashley: Okay.
Abby: A mojito please.
Jeff: Mojito. Right.
Abby: (Chuckles) Gloria...
Gloria: (Gasps)
Abby: You are a genius.
Gloria: And back at ya, my friend.
Abby: (Chuckles)
Gloria: When's your show debut?
Abby: Mm, I'll tweet when I have a firm day and time.
Gloria: Good, and, of course, you'll need a premiere party.
Abby: Ooh.
Gloria: So, um, give me a jingle.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: Hmm. You know, this is real cozy, the, uh, three of us. You want to-- you mind, just a second?
Abby: (Laughs) Okay, I promise that I won't do anything interesting while you're gone. Shoo.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Abby: Mmm. Thank you.
Daniel: So I thought you were out of the whole showbiz thing and onto the next big thing.
Abby: (Sighs) It is big. It's huge.
Daniel: Ah, yes. That explains it.
Abby: Mmm. You can’t tell a soul.
Abby: (Quietly) Uncle Jack is going to help me get my inheritance, which is, um, also huge, by the way, like, forget produce a TV show. More like buy a network.
Daniel: That is huge.
Abby: Um, maybe a cable network, but no one can know that Uncle Jack is involved, just like no one can know that I am being savvy and strategic. They have to think that I am reckless and irresponsible.
Daniel: Right.
Abby: Mm-hmm.
Daniel: So you're gonna make them think that by actually being...
Abby: Being reckless and irresponsible, of course, on camera. This is a good mojito. Mmm.
Jill: You keep telling me that it's not serious with you and Victoria, and yet here you are.
Billy: Mom?
Jill: Mm-hmm?
Billy: This is a club opening, and we're having fun...
Jill: (Chuckles)
Billy: So leave that out of your story, okay? And you try to have some fun.
Jill: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Uh-huh.
Jill: What, you want to shove me over the table?
Lauren: You know, maybe... maybe we could use tonight to show people that we're adults capable of resolving our issues in private. What do you think?
Jill: Lauren, you just world that are a whack job. And yet now you want me to help you with damage control? Well, tough luck, Sis. You blew it. Suffer.
Kevin: Here you go.
Chloe: Eat it.
Kevin: No.
Chloe: Eat it.
Kevin: I don't want it.
Chloe: You have to eat your greens. It’s good for your skin. Eat it. Eat it.
Jana: Hello.
Kevin: Uh, um, listen. "Sparkles" thinks it's weird that you're here.
Chloe: Mm. Yeah, I do.
Jana: Well, I'm here to support Gloria.
Kevin: See? I told you there was a logical explanation.
Chloe: Oh, right, yeah, because she loves you bunches since you ruined his life.
Jana: You know, can I just have a word with you, Kevin?
Kevin: Uh... (Groans)
Chloe: Yeah?
Kevin: Look, Jana, I came here to have fun. And I'm having less fun now than I was before, so...
Chloe: Yeah, and we gotta bring the fun-o-meter back up where it used to be.
Kevin: (Whistles)
Chloe: You know, we gotta bring it back up here, 'cause it went down here.
Kevin: So, um, I'm-- so no. I'm sorry.
Chloe: Sorry.
Jana: Okay. I understand.
Chloe: Come on. We're gonna have fun. Don't let her get to you. That's an ugly hat, by the way.
Paul: You know, this whole thing with Chance is snowballing-- him deciding to stay in lockup and, uh, having to lie to Jill, and, well, everyone else.
Chris: You mean Nina.
Paul: Yeah. But right here right now, I don't have to lie with you, and that's a relief.
Chris: I'm glad. I feel the same way.
Paul: So... how about a toast? To tomorrow.
(Glasses clink)
Chris: Oh. (Scoffs)
Paul: What? You really think I'd forget our anniversary?
Chris: (Chuckles)
Sharon: You already know what happened, and I really don't owe you an explanation.
Skye: You almost made me a widow.
Sharon: Okay, Adam showed up at the cabin. He wouldn't answer when I called out "Who's there?" And I panicked. That’s really all there is to know.
Skye: Well, I know what time you called 9-1-1. And I also know that Adam took off way before then. It's the in-between time I'm curious about.
Sharon: Then why don't you ask your husband?
Adam: Everything okay here?
Skye: Just fine, Baby.
Adam: Will you give me a minute with Sharon, please?
Sharon: No, don't bother. Adam and I really have nothing to say to each other.
Skye: I think I see a potential investor.
Adam: You look beautiful.
Sharon: What is the matter with you?
Emily: You gave me such a hard time about not having a real tree when I was a kid, and you had this one in storage.
Jack: Oh, I'm all about a fresh pine scent. It’s just years ago my sister Traci was a teenage tree hugger, so Dad bought her this.
Emily: Ahh.
Jack: Remember this?
Emily: Hold on just a second. Okay, hold on. I’m almost done. Okay, what were you saying?
Jack: Oh, I just need some help over on this side. I think we're a little bald--
Emily: Oh.
(Cell phone rings)
Jack: Oh, hold on...
Emily: All right.
Jack: Oh, Sweetheart, I gotta take this. I'm sorry.
Emily: No, take it. Take it. It's okay.
Jack: Yeah, you got some numbers for me?
(Cell phone rings)
Emily: Oh, hold on.
Jack: Really?
Emily: Hello. Dr. Peterson.
Jack: We--okay, get to 17, we sell. Done.
Emily: Okay, yes. Yes. Let me, um... (Sighs)
Jack: Merry Christmas.
Sharon: You have no business commenting on how I look.
Adam: Sorry. I'll back off.
Sharon: (Sighs)
Adam: Ow.
Sharon: Oh, are you okay? Are you sure you're all right to be out?
Adam: Yeah, I'm fine. It's nothing I don't deserve, Sharon.
Man: Mr. and Mrs. Newman.
(Camera shutter clicks)
Adam: Hey, you know what? Just take a walk, please. I can get this guy to--to delete that if you want. I-I'm sorry.
Nick: Booth is ready.
Sharon: Oh, thank God.
Skye: I'm Mrs. Adam Newman. Everyone better remember that.
Gloria: (Laughs)
Abby: (Slurring) You guys are the best.
Jeff: Oh, no, no, no, no. You are.
Abby: (Laughs) You are.
Jeff: (Laughs) You are.
Gloria: Easy, Tiger.
Abby: Hey. I've decided that Gloworm is "The Naked Heiress" approved.
Jeff: Ooh.
Gloria: Whoo!
(Swing music playing)
Abby: Oh, I love this song. Come on, Daddy-O.
Jeff: Aha, yes, the customer is always right.
Gloria: Oh, no, no, no. Come on, Daddy-O time to greet the guests.
Abby: Oh! Ow! (Laughs)
Daniel: Oh.
Abby: You got taller.
Daniel: Yes.
Abby: (Giggling)
Daniel: Somebody is gonna have a nasty hangover in the morning.
Billy: Hey, uh, you gonna need help pouring her into a cab?
Daniel: Uh...
Abby: Oh, that's funny. That’s funny, 'cause that's like--like I'm a liquid. That's funny. (Laughs)
Victoria: Yes, he's funny. He's hilarious. Time for bed.
Abby: Oh. Oh, it's so sweet how protective and--and helpful you are when--when we're on camera, because when they're not around, you won't help me get what's mine from Mom and Victor.
Billy: You sure you want to do this here?
Abby: You remember when you got married? Remember when they got married? I laugh just thinking it made you my brother-in-law and you my aunt. So that's like... that's four relatives that left me hangin'. It’s... (Giggles)
Billy: Wow.
Victoria: Okay. I’m done.
Billy: Good luck with all of this.
Abby: Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Daniel: Mm.
Abby: You know what? I want another drink.
Daniel: Okay. Oh! One more.
Paul: You know, I think I remember my hands shaking so much when I saw Victor walking down the aisle.
Chris: (Chuckles) My whole body was shaking. I'm lucky I made it.
Paul: You know, one thing I remember like it was yesterday was your face. It was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen.
Chris: You know, everyone says that about a bride. You put a girl in a fancy dress--
Paul: No, no. Trust me. It wasn't the dress. It was you.
Chris: Yeah, we had so much hope. If anyone could make a marriage work...
Paul: You'd think it would have been us.
Kevin: Sparkles.
Chloe: Thanks.
Billy: Hey, Buddy. You look a little different without this rag in your hand.
Kevin: Billy, I know that people say that I don't like you.
Billy: No.
Chloe: (Laughs)
Billy: This is your new buddy?
Chloe: Yeah. You know what? He's been really great through this whole Chance thing, so stop being a jerk.
Billy: Come on. Come on. When are you and my nephew gonna get back together and work everything out? I mean, after he gets out of... (Clears throat) Jail.
Chloe: Yeah, it's not gonna happen. Turns out its true-- all guys are liars and cheats.
Billy: Oh, what, you mean Chance actually, uh...
Chloe: Anyhow, I saw you make your grand entrance with Victoria. I bet you if you give Gloria a 20, she may even let you play "Beer pong."
Billy: We're just out, nothing serious.
Chloe: Really?
Billy: Really. It’s true.
Chloe: Mm-hmm.
Billy: Mm-hmm.
Chloe: Mm.
Billy: Go get a drink.
Chloe: Look at that. I need a drink.
Billy: All right.
Victoria: You know, you can call me crazy, but I'm actually having fun tonight minus, uh, my sister's drama and my pathological brother. (Chuckles)
Billy: Yeah, oh, and your disapproving father.
Victoria: Yeah, I know, but I always say, "Out of sight, out of mind."
Billy: (Clears throat)
Victoria: Oh, really? He's here. (Chuckles)
Billy: Yeah. Your dad at a place called Gloworm. Wow.
Victoria: Well, I bet he's not having as fun a night as I'm having right now.
Billy: Well, I bet he's not all tingly, if that's what you mean.
Victoria: (Laughs) Yeah. Yeah.
Billy: Hey, um, do I, um, drool on you?
Victoria: Um, sometimes, yes.
Billy: (Laughs) Okay, fair enough. No, I mean, am... am I like, uh, always staring at you with bated breath thinking rantical thoughts?
Victoria: Huh, I don't know. Do you?
Billy: Mm... see, my mom...
Victoria: Uh-huh.
Billy: And Chloe...
Victoria: Yes.
Billy: They seem to think so. They--they think that I'm just, uh, nuts for you, like, obviously and publically nuts.
Victoria: Wow.
Billy: Yeah.
Victoria: You know, that is just rude...
Billy: I know.
Victoria: Because there is absolutely nothing between us at all.
Billy: Don't even like you.
Victoria: Mnh-mnh.
Billy: H-mnh. I don't like --mnh-mnh. Mm, uh-oh.
(Camera shutter clicks)
Billy: Mm.
(Camera shutters clicking)
Victoria: Wow, did I just do that?
Victor: Get out. Both of you, out!
Victoria: Uh-oh. Hi.
Victor: You're making a spectacle of yourself.
Victoria: (Inhales sharply) Dad, listen. It was just a kiss, all right?
Victor: I said you're making a spectacle of yourself.
Victoria: No one's fainting around here from shock.
Victor: I'm trying to keep you from further harm. Trust me on this.
Victoria: No, I'm sorry. No, I don’t. Come on.
Billy: (Chuckles) (Sighs)
Michael: (Quietly) Everything okay?
Victor: No, it's not. Um... let the three of us talk. Let's go.
Michael: All right. Loading dock. This way.
Skye: That was your cue, Hubby. You should have corrected that reporter, defended your real wife's honor.
Adam: Skye, are you serious?
Skye: Especially since we need to come off as respectable and stable, trying to push this hedge fund, not to mention get you out of your legal trouble.
Adam: Skye, I'm about as respectable as I can be, being that I'm going to be in a hearing tomorrow which will decide whether or not I face trial.
Skye: Exactly. So stop mooning over your ex and focus on our future. It's make-or-break. Do I have your full attention?
Adam: You got it, Skye.
Skye: (Sighs)
Victor: They don't have a paper trail from the auction to Japan, but Tucker and Ashley saw Victoria with a box.
Michael: She was delivering a gift to a government official. There is nothing illegal about that.
Nick: Except for it being a firearm.
Victor: Yeah, but the firearm was an antique. It's inoperable.
Michael: No, but then or now-- look, given your prior conviction for commercial bribery, we're not in a very strong position.
Victor: I will not be extorted. If need be, I'll go to the department of justice myself, okay?
Nick: I like it. Preemptive strike. Take your hits from them directly.
Victor: Exactly. You got it.
Michael: Oh, then--then, what, Tucker has no leverage? You keep saying he doesn't have enough information to fully connect the dots. But if he gets that information, then Newman is in hot water.
Nick: And Victoria's had enough trouble with the S.E.C. She is the one who could be totally screwed.
Victoria: Why will I be screwed?
Man: Whoo!
Jeff: (Laughs) That girl is something else.
Daniel: Yeah, she is. A total lightweight.
Jeff: (Chuckles)
Daniel: Hey, excuse me, boys.
Abby: (Giggles)
Daniel: Um, you know, the sooner you go home and go to sleep...
Abby: Mm.
Daniel: The shorter your recovery time.
Abby: You go to sleep. I am having fun and getting famous.
Daniel: (Sighs)
Man: (Laughs)
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Crowd: (Wolf whistles)
Man: Yeah!
Man: Yeah!
Man: Whoo!
Abby: (Gasps)
(Cheers and applause)
Man: Yeah!
Daniel: (Sighs) (Clears throat)
(Cheers and applause)
Crowd: (Wolf whistle)
(Cheers and applause)
Abby: (Giggles)
Man: There you go.
Ashley: Abby!
Abby: (Laughs) Oh, hey, Mom. (Laughs)
Jack: If it drops that low, I want to buy the full stake. Done. Done. Thanks for gettin' back to me. Yeah.
Emily: Okay, I guess it's one of those nights. (Chuckles) But I am back and ready.
Jack: Well, now is the tough part.
Emily: Ooh, I feel like I should have had one of those remedial tinsel training.
Emily: (Chuckles)
Jack: Hey. Hey. Hey.
Emily: (Laughs)
Jack: Em. Em.
Emily: Hmm?
Jack: Uh, come here.
Emily: (Sighs) What, is it my technique? I mean... (Laughs)
Jack: I think maybe it's the fact it’s August.
Emily: That was a real...
Emily: (Sighs) It's a lovely gesture, Jack.
Jack: But I'm trying too hard.
Emily: I... I think we both are.
Jack: I guess there's no undoing the last eight months. It's just... I don't know. It was such a wonderful time-- so much promise, so much possibility.
Emily: Well, then where does that leave us now?
Jack: I honestly don't know.
Paul: (Laughs) Well, I didn't expect Abby to take a champagne bath, did you?
Chris: No. No. Anyway, it was...
Paul: (Laughs)
Chris: It was such a great idea getting out, away from work.
Paul: So, um, I'll see you tomorrow.
Chris: Okay. Good night.
Paul: Good night.
Paul: You know what?
Chris: I'm s--I'm sorry. I should-- I'm sorry. We can't do that. (Sighs)
Paul: Good night.
Chris: Good night.
Paul: (Sighs)
Abby: (Laughs)
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Gloria: Here.
Abby: Oh. Oh. (Giggles) Oh!
Ashley: Abby, would you please stop it? Cover yourself with this towel and stop embarrassing please.
Abby: Hey, you know what? I'm not embarrassed. So it's, uh, it's all good.
Daniel: (Clears throat)
Ashley: Abby, what is-- what is the matter with you?
Abby: Oh, why? Why? Why, because I don't want what you want? I don't act how you act?
Ashley: Shh!
Abby: I don't do what you do, Mom.
Tucker: Okay--
Abby: If you love me so much, how come you hate who I am, huh?
Ashley: Okay, listen, I--
Tucker: Hey, you should take Abby home now.
Daniel: Yeah, Bubbles and I are on our way.
Abby: And you should try the mojitos!
Daniel: (Sighs) Come on.
Ashley: Would you put the towel on her?
Daniel: (Laughs)
Abby: (Laughs)
Kevin: So how come I've never seen you end up in a giant fake champagne glass?
Chloe: (Chuckles) Well, if my bra and panties matched, I'd hop right in.
Kevin: Really?
Jana: Kevin, can I just have one second with you, please?
Chloe: Mm, second's up.
Kevin: Chloe, will you give us a minute?
Jana: (Sighs)
Chloe: You want one of those Chloe getaways?
Kevin: Yeah.
Chloe: Fine. You get two.
Jana: Thank you.
Kevin: What is it, Jana?
Jana: (Sighs) I've made a mistake...
Kevin: (Sighs)
Jana: With Ryder. And whatever it was that I was trying to feel with him... (Stammers) I don't know what it was. I ran, because I didn't feel like her anymore-- your wife, the woman that you've known more than anybody else in this world. And I was-- I was empty, and I was confused. I just... I may not have my feelings back, but they are coming. I want my life back again, Kev. And I'm gonna start feeling things, and I want them to be with you. I want them to be for you, okay? Do you understand?
Jill: And, of course, I'll never stop until I'm recognized as a Fenmore.
Lauren: (Scoffs) Could you excuse us, please? This is about you and me. Why do you keep dragging the media into this?
Jill: Well, you kind of blew your chance at keeping this in the family when you started treating me like some jerk who wasn't worthy to have the Fenmore D.N.A.
Sharon: Hey, hey, Ladies. Not here, okay?
Jill: (Sighs)
Sharon: Last thing either of you need is more press.
Jill: I mean, you seem to think that your dad fathering a child was a personal betrayal of you, Lauren.
Lauren: Well, it wasn't about--
Jill: For your information, when it came to your father, it wasn't all about you.
Lauren: Well, it wasn't all about you at all. And that's really what this tantrum's all about, isn't it?
Jill: Oh, Lauren. Oh, oh, oh!
Lauren: You and your poor wounded ego.
(Voices overlapping)
Lauren, come on. We can yell at Jill tomorrow.
(Voices overlapping)
Michael: We'll yell at her. I know, Sweetie. I Know.
Lauren: We'll never make her stop.
Michael: Thank you.
Nick: Wow. Um, I think Michael's got the right idea. I'm gonna take off. Maybe I can read a bedtime story to Summer.
Sharon: Well, I think she'd-- she'd really like that.
Nick: I know you have your own car. I don't know how much you've had to drink tonight. But if you'd like a ride, I can give you one.
Sharon: Well, thank you for the offer, but, um, I think I'll stay.
Nick: Okay.
Victor: Since Ashley and McCall saw you in Japan with that gift, they think they have all the proof they need. Now I have to go to the department of justice and plead ignorance. Hopefully, they buy it.
Victoria: I can't believe that you're blaming me for this. That gun was our insurance with Mitsukoshi.
Victor: Victoria, please be honest.
Victoria: I had no choice, Dad.
Victor: Please be honest with me. How the hell would Tucker and Ashley know about this unless Billy Abbott told them?
Victoria: I don't know, but I know that Billy would never--
Victor: Sweetheart, listen to me. He's in your bedroom. He's in your office. He has access to your files and your computer. He conned you. Now we have to pay dearly for that.
Billy: You know, for a girl who loves to buy clothes, Abby certainly has a hard time keeping them on. (Chuckles)
Ashley: And how is that helpful?
Billy: You kind of laughed, and you almost got champagne out of your nose. (Laughs)
Ashley: I kind of did. You know, the good news is, this night can only get better, so I'm gonna go find my date.
Adam: Long time no see, Ash.
Next on "The Young and the Restless"...
Skye: That's very sad, but I guess some people are just born victims.
Ashley: And some people are just born predators.
Billy: Why don't you come with me, and we can discuss it?
Victoria: You stay away me.
Victor: Do not get sucked back into this.
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